Generating ideas (speakers notes)

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Transcript of Generating ideas (speakers notes)

GENERATING IDEASHristo Malinov 21, Mar 2013

Battle Of Solferino June, 1859

Henry Dunant

During a business trip in 1859, Henry Dunant was a witness to the aftermath of the Battle of

Solferino in modern day Italy.

Thirty-eight thousand wounded, dying and dead, remained on the battlefield, and there appeared

to be little attempt to provide care.

"No Army Can Stop An

Idea Whose Time Has


Victor Hugo

Resolutely he set up a makeshift hospital in the church in the village. He was joined by the

villagers - the women and the eldery who tried to help as best they could. They treated the French

and the Austrian alike.

When he finally arrived in Geneva, Dunant decided to write a book about his experiences, and A

Memory of Solferino was published 3 years later.


Dunant proposed the establishment in every country of a neutral independent body of helpers,

who could provide protection and care for the wounded in case of war regardless of side.

The idea was revolutionary. Shortly afterwards Dunant and four other men formed the

international committee of the red cross.

Where Do Ideas Come


Why did I tell you that story?

Because it is a perfect example about how an idea is created, considered, developed and how this

idea led to the one of the most important things on Earth - protecting human life and health.

So where do ideas come from?


"I find television very educating. Every time

somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room

and read a book." ~ Groucho Marx

The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind

grows in its ability.

Why is reading important? It is how we discover new things. Reading develops the imagination.


Listening to podcasts is sometimes easier than reading a book. You could do that while

travelling, driving, jogging etc.

There are a lot of free podcasts available on the Internet, for so many areas of interests to feed

your hunger for information and ideas.

Ideas come from who you are - your education, experience, job, skills, your past, interests,

hobbies, people around you.

So the more you do and learn the more knowledge you have, the more you experience the more

you promote the possibility of discovering something.


By working together we exchange information, thoughts, even ideas. We discuss problems and

solutions, past and future.

One thing can lead to the other, the same way as one idea can lead to the other.

Creativity is just connecting things.

Steve Jobs

"When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they

didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s

because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the

reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences or they have thought

more about their experiences than other people."



This is more or less valid for the psysics, but also for technology innovation. There are endless

examples about it - flight of the colibri, lizards can alter their skin colour dependent on light etc.

In 2011 scientists have built a robot that mimics the lizard's techniques to climb walls.

What can you do when

you are stuck?

You’ll probably discard the majority of your ideas. That’s no bad thing. The more ideas you

have, the more you should expect to pass by.


...or a walk

...or a shower

Change place, go for a coffee or a small walk. Take a shower. While your brain is in idle mode,

ideas will come.

Online Resources

By reading blogs, using google powerfull search engine, following interesting people you may

find a great information that may inspire you.


Share Your Ideas!

Don't be scared to share your ideas with other people that way you can get useful feedback.

While you have to avoid being discouraged by the inevitable negativity that you will get even

from friends you should be discerning enough to take on criticism which points out valid

problems with your idea. If you feel reluctant to share an idea it may be a sign that you inner

doubts yourself

There are six eggs in a basket.

Six men took each one eggHow is that there is still one egg in the basket?

Lateral thinking is solving problems through an indirect and creative approach, using reasoning

that is not immediately obvious and involving ideas that may not be obtainable by using only

traditional step-by-step logic. The term was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono.


10 000$



People often think that to have useful ideas they must think of something extraordinary or

revolutionary but in fact ideas can be small and simple, a quicker way to work , a way to organise

your paperwork, a way to get your work done more efficiently, an attention grabbing title for

your new essay or blog posting or presentation if you want, a simple gift that would provide

pleasure for a friend or relation, a surprise for a colleague, an exciting vacation.

Become Excited About your

Idea Creation Ability

Ideas in your head are useless!