Generate invoices in a flash with Excel VBA Invoice … invoices in a flash with Excel VBA Invoice...

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Generate invoices in a flash with Excel VBA Invoice Generator

This is a Microsoft Excel VBA Invoice project that develops an Invoice Generator that is free to use.

The data is stored in 2 sheets (databases) and filtered to your criteria. The purpose of this project is to

help with your VBA and general Excel skills in basic application development. The template is for

Excel 2010 however this application will run fine if created in Microsoft Excel 2003 /2007.

I will be adding the videos in stages. First look at the Overview video to see if this is something that you may be interested

in. Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions or problems through the comments at the end of this blog or

with the contact form in this website.

Part of the data filter system incorporated in the application.

Features of the Excel VBA Invoice Generator

Generates consecutive invoices

Stores all items purchases

Stores all invoice totals

Filters by date

Filters by Customer

Filters by Invoice number

Filters by product category

Shows outstanding amounts

The most important feature is the free template and instructions on how to create the


What you will learn

How to record macros

Using the VBA Editor

VBA variables

Clearing multiple ranges

Moving data without selecting the data

Running macros from buttons

Adding error handling to a procedure

Protecting your workbook with code

Hyperlinking between work sheets

Dynamic named ranges

Advanced filters with multiple variable criteria

Data validation

Cascading data validation

Vlookup formulas

Dealing with the N/A error in Vlookup formulas

Visual Basic for Applications and Excel Formulas

If you want to disable the splash screen temporarily then follow the instructions in this


Double click image to view in larger lightbox

Part 1: Here is the overview video

Watch this first to decide if you want to build the application

This application has been designed by Trevor Easton for training purposes. You are able to use this

for your personal use. The application as is or modified in not permitted for sale in any form. No

warranties are implied or given with this application.

Part 2: In this tutorial I discuss the template and how it is set up.

The invoice being created and sent with 2 verification messages

The steps for modifying the basic template are here. I will show you how the hyperlinks for the

navigation are arranged and why.

If you wish to change the spin button range on the invoice sheet then this is the video to watch.

You may want to watch this tutorial on named ranges. Static Named Ranges

You may want to watch this tutorial on dynamic named ranges. Dynamic Named Ranges

To create a named range simply highlight the range or cell and then click in the name box just above

column A. Type the name with no spaces and hit enter.

Here are the static named ranges that I have put into the template that you have downloaded

Accounts =Invoice!$G$9:$N$9

Clients =Customers!$A$1

Interface =Interface!$A$1

MakeInvoice =Invoice!$A$1

Products =Products!$A$1

Summary ='Invoice Summary'!$A$1

TotalSales =Accounts!$A$1

Generate invoices in a flash with Excel VBA Invoice Generator:

Part 3

Part 3: In this tutorial all the dynamic named ranges are added.

Now we have a bit of work with dynamic named ranges for our Invoice application.

What is a dynamic named range and how does it work?

Simply put we want to be able to change things on the fly and still have a program work just as we

want. So how are we going to do that?

Now you might be thinking that’s too complicated for me. Can I just reassure you that I have broken

this down into simple steps that should reduce the degree of difficulty? At any rate why not give it a


Dynamic named ranges are essentially built on the offset function. As you can see from the illustration

below the offset function has five arguments. Let’s discuss them one at a time.

1. The first is a cell reference that is the starting cell for the range

2. The second argument is the number of rows you wish to offset. By offset we mean just simply

move to. For example if we wanted to start our range at F16 then the row number would be 1 if

we wish to start a range at F14 then the road number would be -1.

3. The third argument is the same as the second except that it refers to columns, if we wish to

move one column to the right we would have the number 1 if we wish to move to the left we

would add the number -1.

4. The fourth and fifth are optional arguments that you probably don’t use regularly when using

the offset function but it is these two optional arguments that make add dynamic named range

possible because we will be replacing them with a formula that counts the number in a range. In

the offset function if we wanted to refer to 15 rows then we would add the number 15.

5. The fifth argument is the same as the fourth except that it refers to columns.

What will make this offset formula dynamic is for us to put it into the Name Manager and create a

named range with the offset formula. For our fourth argument where we see the row reference we will

replace it with a COUNT or COUNTA function.

If we are referring to text then we would use the COUNTA function.

When we are referring to numbers we would use the COUNT function.

Have a look at the illustration below and you will see that we have replaced the row height with a

COUNTA function. Simply put, instead of giving an absolute reference here we are allowing the

formula to count how many rows have data in that range and then adding that result to our formula.

Pretty cool, don’t you think.

Here are the dynamic named ranges that need to be added for this application.

Category =OFFSET(Products!$L$6,,,COUNTA(Products!$L:$L))

Category_Full =OFFSET(Products!$D$6,,,COUNTA(Products!$D:$D))

Costumers =OFFSET(Customers!$C$6,,,COUNTA(Customers!$C:$C),6)

Customer_Key =OFFSET(Customers!$C$6,,,COUNTA(Customers!$C:$C))

Invoice_range =OFFSET('Invoice Summary'!$F$7,,,COUNT('Invoice Summary'!$F:$F),11)

Items =OFFSET(Products!$E$6,,,COUNTA(Products!$E:$E),3)

Invoice =OFFSET(Invoice!$G$19,,-3,COUNTA(Invoice!$G$19:$G$49),11)

To get to the name manager go to the formula tab on the ribbon click name manager click new. After

you type in the name that you want as the reference for this new named range and then add the formula

in the box below.

I could have just told you the formula to put in the named range box but I thought it would be far more

valuable if you could see how dynamic named ranges are created and then when you’re working on the

fly in your office you will be able to create dynamic named ranges on the run. Take the time to

experiment with all the arguments and till you are proficient in using dynamic named ranges.

Remember the goal is to learn from this office tutorial.

I hope this is help you understand how a dynamic named range is formed so that you will be able to not

just copy them but create them at the coal face.

Cascading data validation

I would like to say that this is simple but it is not. This formula will take a bit of getting your head

around. I will try to explain it the best I can.

It is important that you sort the Items list before adding the validation. This step was

omitted in the video tutorial.

Here is the formula

Please note if you are using a version prior to 2010 you will need to change Products!$E$5 in the

following formulas to a named range.


Here is how it works. Look at the breakdown of the offset function.


Reference = is the first value in the dynamic named range which is E6 on the Products worksheet.


Row = Is the MATCH function matching the value in the from the dropdown box on the invoice sheet

to the dynamic named range Category_Full


Cols = 0. We are not referencing cols here.

[Height] = This is a row reference to COUNTIF the dynamic named range Catergory _Full has the

value has the value from the dropdown box on the invoice sheet.


[Width] = This is a column reference that moves 1 column to the right.


In a nutshell

Our dynamic range for the data validation starts on the Products sheet at E5. We find a ( MATCH)

matches for the Category value on the product sheet dynamic range Category_Full then we do a

count(COUNTIF) for the same range and move one column to the right to select the values.

This is how the cascading validation should look

Click the images to show larger view in a lightbox

Generate invoices in a flash with Excel VBA Invoice Generator:

Part 4

Part 4: In go the formulas.

Formulas for the invoice sheet

What is the Excel Vlookup function? The Vlookup function looks up data in a list based on a criteria or

value that you specify. And then give you an adjacent value to the lookup value. The Vlookup function

always references the column on the left. The lookup value that you use must always be located in this


1. The criteria or “ look up value” in this instance it is $I19.

2. The second argument is the data array. In this instance we are using the dynamic named range


3. The third is the column that you want the information to come from in this instance it is column


4. The fourth argument is whether you want an exact match or an approximate match. This

argument can be omitted or you can use False or 0 the exact match or True or 1 for an

approximate match.

Code =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($I19,Items,2,0)),"",VLOOKUP($I19,Items,2,0))

Unit Price =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($I19,Items,2,0)),"",VLOOKUP($I19,Items,2,0))

Use the IF function to remove “#Value” errors as shown below.

Here is how it works


Total =IF(L19="","",IF(M19="",L19,L19-(L19*M19)))

Amount =IF(K19="","",G19*K19)

Here is the breakdown of the formula

Total =IF(L19="","",IF(M19="",L19,L19-(L19*M19)))


Use the Subtotal function to total the values

This is a fantastic function that lets you choose from multiple functions as you can see from this


SubTotal =SUBTOTAL(9,Invoice!L$19:L$49)

Generate invoices in a flash with Excel VBA Invoice Generator:

Part 5

Part 5: Moving the data

In this tutorial the information from the 2 named ranges “Invoice” and “Accounts” is moved to the 2

destination sheets. The after invoice credits will also be added. So we will be adding 2 procedures

Here is the video tutorial

The breakdown of the macro is as follows. Please add this to the Copy_To module.

Before we begin we need to add a static named range called “ClearInvoice”

Here are the parameters for the static named range.



Moving the 2 ranges

Most of this code is just message boxes and error handling. Here the part that does the work.

[box style="note"]Set SrcRng1 = Sheet2.Range("Invoice")


DstRng.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

Set SrcRng2 = Sheet2.Range("Accounts")


DstRng2.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues[/box]

It will work with just this code if you wanted it to. I have added comment to explain what each piece of

code does. The comments have a apostrophe in front of them and should appear in different colour in

the Visual Basic editor.

Comments are in red

Sub CopyCells()

'written by Trevor Easton 21/2/2013

'This code will pick up a multiple ranges and add them to 2 separate sheets without

' selecting the data

'error handler- change Scooby_Doo to whatever you want

On Error GoTo Scooby_Doo:

'unprotect all sheets


'dim variables

Dim DstRng As Range 'destination range

Dim DstRng1 As Range 'destination range

Dim SrcRng1 As Range 'source range

Dim SrcRng2 As Range 'source range

'destination variable

Set DstRng = Sheet5.Range("e5")

Set DstRng2 = Sheet6.Range("e5")

'hold in memory

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'mandatory fields

If Range("N13") = "" Then

MsgBox "It appears that you have forgotten to add the date"

Exit Sub

ElseIf Range("N14") = "" Then

MsgBox "The invoice number is missing"

Exit Sub

ElseIf Range("G12") = "" Then

MsgBox "Please add the company"

Exit Sub


'give the user a chance to exit here

Select Case MsgBox _

("You are about to finalise this invoice." _

& vbCrLf & "Check everything before you proceed", _

vbYesNo Or vbExclamation, "Are you sure?")

Case vbYes

Case vbNo

Exit Sub

End Select

'copy and paste data without selecting

'first sheet

'source variable

Set SrcRng1 = Sheet2.Range("Invoice")


DstRng.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

'second sheet

'source variable

Set SrcRng2 = Sheet2.Range("Accounts")


DstRng2.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


'add invoice number

Range("N14").Value = Range("N14").Value + 1

'empty clipboard

Application.CutCopyMode = False

'confirmation message

MsgBox "Your invoice has been sent to Invoice Summary" _

& vbCrLf & "and the totals have been sent to Accounts"

'clear the invoice


' Protect_All

End If

'error handler

'exit sub on error

Exit Sub


'message on error

MsgBox " Opps a daisy, something has gone bottoms up"

'reprotect if error occurs


End Sub

Sub Clear_Invoice()

'clean up invoice

Dim Clr As Range

'set varable for range

Set Clr = Sheet2.Range("ClearInvoice")

'can not use ClearContents because of merged cells so I have set value to ""

Clr.Value = ""

End Sub

Adding the after invoice credits

Most of this code is just message boxes and error handling. Here the part that does the work.

[box style="note"]Set DstRng3 = Sheet6.Range("e5")


DstRng3.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


DstRng3.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 2).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


DstRng3.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 6).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues [/box]

It will work with just this code if you wanted it to. Here is the code to copy the after invoice credits.

Sub Copy_Credit()

On Error GoTo Scooby_Doo:

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Select Case MsgBox _

("You are about to finalise this credit." _

& vbCrLf & "Check everything before you proceed", _

vbYesNo Or vbExclamation, "Are you sure?")

Case vbYes

Case vbNo

Exit Sub

End Select

If Range("R4") = "" Then

MsgBox "It appear that you have forgotten to add the date"

Exit Sub

ElseIf Range("R5") = "" Then

MsgBox "The customer is missing"

Exit Sub

ElseIf Range("R6") = "" Then

MsgBox "Please add credit amount"

Exit Sub


Set DstRng3 = Sheet6.Range("e5")


DstRng3.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


DstRng3.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 2).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues


DstRng3.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 6).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

Sheet1.Range("R4:R6").Value = ""

MsgBox "Your credit has been added" & vbCrLf & "filter your data to check"

Application.CutCopyMode = False

End If

Exit Sub


MsgBox "An error occurred in running this code"

End Sub

Generate invoices in a flash with Excel VBA Invoice Generator:

Part 6

Part 6: Filtering Items and Account

Here is the video

Here is a brief breakdown of how the Advanced filter works.

Firstly, where do we locate the advanced filter tab? On the ribbon click the Data tab and then click

Advanced. See illustration below

Dialog box options for advanced filters

1) When you click the advanced button a dialogue box appears giving you the several options let’s

have a look at what those options are. Under the category Action you will notice 2 radio buttons. If you

wish to filter the data set itself or in place then click the top button.

2) If you wish to filter to another location whether that be on the same worksheet or and other

worksheet you would click Copy to another location. It is very important to remember that if you wish

to have the data filtered to another sheet then you must start this process from that sheet.

3) You now have three boxes

i) List range

ii) Criteria range

iii) Copy to

4) To set these three ranges you need to first click inside the box until you see your cursor inside the

box. That tells Microsoft Excel that that is the area you wish to now edit.

5) Enter the range manually or click the red arrow and scroll over the range for that particular


6) If you wish only to filter unique records and this can be a very valuable asset if you are looking

for specific data in large data sets then clicks the button unique records.

The List range.

The list range must include the heading along with all of the data. There should not be any blank rows

in your data. And it is best to surround the data set with blank columns and rows so that Microsoft

Excel can recognise this as a data list.

The Criteria range.

The criteria range should include both the header and that the criteria with no spaces. It is possible to

filter with multiple criteria and with operators such as greater than >/ less than parameters for your

criteria. You can also filter between two sets of criteria such as greater than> /and less than.

Go to the VBA editor ALT+F11 and double click on the filter module then paste in the code below.

Copy and paste all 3 procedures listed below. Advanced / Advanced_Total / Clearme

Here is the part of the code that does the work.

Set area = Sheet5.Range("E6:M1000000")

area.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy _

, CriteriaRange:=Sheet1.Range("G5:K6"), CopyToRange:=Sheet1.Range("G8:O1000000"), _


Then follow the instructions below

1. Assign the macros

Assign the macro Advanced to the Click Here to Filter button on the interface sheet

Assign the macro Clearme to the Clear Data button on the interface sheet

Right click the shape / Assign Macro / select the macro / OK

2. Add data validation

In cell I6 add add data validation list for Customer_Key

In cell J6 add add data validation list for Category

Go to Data / Data Validation/ List / put the curser in the source box and press the F3 key /select the

Named Range / OK

Understanding the filter criteria

You can use these filters singularly or combined

Filter by date The format must be mm/dd/yyyy

Filter by greater then or less then a date The format must be mm/dd/yyyy use the operators > or < eg > 3/13/2013 means dates greater

then13th march 2013

Filter by invoice Add the invoice number and if you wish use the operators > or <

Filter by Customer Select the customer from the dropdown list

Filter by category

Select the category from the dropdown list.

N.B When you add the category to the filters the accounts filters are excluded as there is not category

in the accounts database.

This is the code to copy and paste. Copy all three procedures together and paste into the filters


Sub Advanced()

'unprotect all sheets


'stop screen flicker

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'clean up the background

With Sheet1.Range("a9:y1000").Interior

.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent5

.TintAndShade = 0.799981688894314

End With

With Sheet1.Range("a9:y1000")

.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone

.Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlThin


End With

'set variable for advanced filter

Set area = Sheet5.Range("E6:M1000000")

'run the filter

area.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy _

, CriteriaRange:=Sheet1.Range("G5:K6"), CopyToRange:=Sheet1.Range("G8:O1000000"), _


'call the second advanced filter


'reprotect the sheet


End Sub

Sub Advanced_Totals()

'stop screen flicker

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'set adavanced filter range

Set area2 = Sheet6.Range("E6:L1000000")

'run the filter

area2.AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy _

, CriteriaRange:=Sheet1.Range("G5:K6"), CopyToRange:=Sheet1.Range("Q8:X1000000"), _


End Sub

Sub Clearme()


'stop screen flicker

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'clean the sheet

With Sheet1.Range("a9:y100").Interior

.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic

.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent5

.TintAndShade = 0.799981688894314

End With

With Sheet1.Range("a9:y100")

.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone

.Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlThin


End With


End Sub

Generate invoices in a flash with Excel VBA Invoice Generator:

Part 7

Part 7: Protecting the document

To finalise the project we have a little bit of tidying up to do and we need to protect the application.

Here is a list of things that need to be done.

Minimise the ribbon On the top right hand corner of the active window you will find an arrow that will minimize the ribbon.

Disable the sheet tabs Click on the file tab and choose Options / Advanced / Show Sheet Tabs / clear the box.

Disable the formula bar and the headings for all sheets. Go to each sheet and choose View and deselect the boxes for Headings and Formula bar.

Customize the Userform Hold down the Alt + F11 to open the VBA Editor. In the left panel double click the Userform. Select

the Userform by clicking in any blank part of it. Right click and choose Properties. From the properties

dialog box change the appropriate part to suit your needs. Click on the labels and do the same.

Change the display time of the Userform Select the Userform by clicking in any blank part of it. Right click and choose View code. You will

notice in the “for loop” this expression “100/5”. Change the 5 to the number of seconds that you want

the progress bar to run for. Go to This Workbook and follow the instructions below.

This workbook To set the Userform timer change the number of seconds to the same amount as you set the progress

bar in the Userform.

Remove the apostrophe from in front of “Protect_all” this will allow all sheets to be protected when

the workbook opens.

Protect Module Double click on the protect module to open it.

To change the password put the curser in the “Unprotect_all” procedure and press the F5 key to run the

procedure. This will unprotect all sheets. Before you proceed check that the sheets are unprotected.

Return to the 2 procedures and change “Online” to the password that you desire.

Protect shortcut key I have put in shortcuts to enable you to manually protect and unprotect all of the sheets. To protect all

ALT+SHIFT+P to unprotect all ALT+SHIFT+U.

Protect the advanced filters Double click on the filters module and in the “Advanced” procedure remove the apostrophe from in

front of “Protect_all” and “Unprotect_all” . Do not touch the other procedures.