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  • Generalized closed sets: asurvey of recent work


    Department of Mathematics, The University of Auckland

    ABSTRACT. We present an overview of our recent research in the field ofgeneralized closed sets of atopological space.

    AMS (2000) Subject Classification: $54\mathrm{A}05,54\mathrm{D}10,54\mathrm{F}65,54\mathrm{G}05$ .Keywords and Phrases: Closed set, Hewitt decomposition, $qr$-closed, extremally discon-nected submaximal.

    1IntroductionThe notion of closed set is fundamental in the study of topological spaces. In 1970, Levine[15] introduced the concept of generalized closed sets in atopological space by comparingthe closure of asubset with its open supersets. He defined asubset $A$ of atopologicalspace $X$ to be generalized closed (briefly, $g$ closed if $\mathrm{c}1A\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$

    is open. Note that this definition uses both the “closure operator” and “openness” ofthe superset. By considering other generalized closure operators or classes of generalizedopen sets, various notions analogous to Levine’s $g$-closed sets have been considered, referto [5] for more detail.

    The study of generalized closed sets has produced some new separation axioms whichlie between $T_{0}$ and $T_{1}$ , such as $T_{\frac{1}{2}}$ , $T_{gs}$ and $T_{\frac{3}{4}}$ . S $\mathrm{o}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{e}$ of these properties have been foundto be useful in computer science and digital topology [14]. Recent work by Cao, Gansterand Reilly has shown that generalized closed sets can also be used to characterize certainclasses of topological spaces and their variations, for example the class of extremallydisconnected spaces and the class of submaximal spaces, see [3] and [4]. For convenience,we provide definitions of eleven classes of generalized closed sets in Definitions 1.1 and1.4 below.

    Definition 1,1. Let $X$ be atopological space. Asubset $A$ of $X$ is called:(i) $\alpha$ closed if cl(int $(\mathrm{c}1A)$ ) $\subseteq A$ ;(ii) semi-closed if int $(\mathrm{c}1A)\subseteq A$ ;(Hi) preclosed if $\mathrm{c}\mathrm{l}(\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{t}A)\subseteq A,\cdot$$(i)$ $\beta$ closed if int(cl $(\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{L}4)$ ) $\subseteq A$ .

    oThis paper is an expanded version of alecture given at the Conference on General and GeometricTopology, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, October 2001. It representsjoint work with J. Cao, M. Ganster, S. Greenwood and Ch. Konstadilaki (see References)

    数理解析研究所講究録 1248巻 2002年 1-11


  • Definition 1.2. Let $X$ be atopological space. Asubset $A$ of $X$ is called:(i) $\alpha$ -open if $X\backslash A$ is $\alpha$-closed, or equivalently, if $A\subseteq \mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{t}(\mathrm{c}\mathrm{l}(\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{t}A))$ ;(ii) $a$-open if $X\backslash A$ is semi-closed, or equivalently, if $A\subseteq \mathrm{c}\mathrm{l}(\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{t}A)$ ;(iii) preopen if $X\backslash A$ is preclosed, or equivalently, if $A\subseteq \mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{t}(\mathrm{c}\mathrm{L}4)$ ;$(i)$ $\beta$ -open if $X\backslash A$ is $\beta$-closed, or equivalently, if $A\subseteq \mathrm{c}\mathrm{l}(\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{t}(\mathrm{c}\mathrm{L}4))$ .

    We note that the collection of all $\alpha$-open subsets of $X$ is atopology on $X$ , called the$\alpha$ -topology[19], which is finer than the original one. We denote $X$ with its a-topologyby $X_{\alpha}$ . Aset $A\subseteq X$ is $\alpha$-open if and only if $A$ is semi-0pen and preopen [20]. Someauthors use the term semi-preopen (semi-preclosed) for $\beta$-open($\beta$-closed).

    Definition 1.3. Let $X$ be atopological space, and suppose $A\subseteq X$ :(i) the $\alpha$ -closure of $A$ , denoted by claA, is the smallest $\alpha$-closed set containing $A$ ;(ii) the semi-closure of $A$ , denoted by $\mathrm{c}1_{s}A$ , is the smallest semi-closed set containing $\mathrm{A}$(iii) the preclosure of $A$ , denoted by $\mathrm{c}1_{p}A$ , is the smallest preclosed set containing $A$ ;(i)the $\beta$ -closure of $A$ , denoted by claA, is the smallest $\beta$-closed set containing $A$ .

    It is well-known that $\mathrm{c}1_{\alpha}A=A$ Ucl(int(clA)), $clpA=A$ Uint(clA), $clpA=A$ Ucl(intA)and clpA $=A\cup \mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{t}(\mathrm{c}\mathrm{l}(\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}\mathrm{t}A))$ .

    Definition 1.4. Let $X$ be atopological space. Asubset $A$ of $X$ is called:(i) generalized closed (briefly, $g$ -closed)[15] if $\mathrm{c}1A\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ is open;(ii) semi-generalized closed (briefly, $sg$ -closed[2] if $clpA\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ issemi-0pen;(iii) generalized semi-closed (briefly, $gs$ -closed[1] if $clpA\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ isopen;(i)generalized $\alpha$ closed (briefly, $g\alpha$-closed)[16] if $\mathrm{c}1_{\alpha}A\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ isa-0pen, or equivalently, if $A$ is $g$-closed with respect to the a-topology;(v) $\alpha$ generalized closed (briefly, $\alpha g$-closed)[17] if $\mathrm{c}1_{\alpha}A\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ isopen;(i) $gp$-closed[18] if $\mathrm{c}1_{p}A\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ is open;(vii) $gsp$-closed[8] if $\mathrm{c}1\mathrm{p}\mathrm{A}\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ is open.

    Asubset $A$ of $X$ is $g$ -open[15] ( $sg$ -open[2]) if $X\backslash A$ is $g$-closed($sg$-closed Otherclasses of generalized open sets are defined in asimilar manner.

    Recall that aspace $(X, \tau)$ is called resolvable if there exists apair of disjoint densesubsets in $X$ . Otherwise $X$ is called irresolvable. $(X, \tau)$ is said to be strongly irresolvableif every open subspace is irresolvable. Hewitt [12] has shown that every space $(X, \tau)$ has adecomposition $X=F\cup G$ , where $F$ is closed and resolvable and $G$ is open and hereditarilyirresolvable. We shall call this decomposition the Hewitt decomposition of $(X, \tau)$ . Thereis another important decomposition of aspace which we shall call the Jankovic-Reillydecomposition. Since every singleton $\{x\}$ of aspace $(X, \tau)$ is either nowhere dense orpreopen (see [13]), we clearly have $X=X_{1}\cup X_{2}$ , where $X_{1}=\{x\in X$ : $\{x\}$ is nowheredense}and $X_{2}=$ {$x\in X$ : $\{x\}$ is preopen }.

    Remark 1.5. Throughout this paper, F and G will always refer to the Hewitt decompO-sition, and $X_{1}$ and $X_{2}$ always refer to the Jankovic-Reilly decomposition.


  • In [9], Dontchev summarized the relationships between most of the notions of Defini-tions 1.1 and 1.4 in adiagram, Figure 1. He also pointed out that none of the implicationscan be reversed in general.

    Figure 1

    We will require the following classes of topological spaces.

    Definition 1.6. Let $X$ be atopological space. $X$ is:(i) $T_{gs}[17]$ if every $gs$-closed subset of $X$ is $sg$-closed;or equivalently, if for each $x\in X$ ,$\{x\}$ is either closed or preopen [3];(ii) $T_{\frac{1}{2}}[15]$ if every $g$-closed subset of $X$ is closed; or equivalently, if for each $x\in X$ , $\{x\}$is either closed or open [11];(ii) $semi- T_{\frac{1}{2}}[2]$ if every singleton is either semi-0pen or semi-closed in $X$ ;(i)nodec [10] if every nowhere dense set of $X$ is closed;(v) nodeg if every nowhere dense set of $X$ is g-closed;(vi) extremally disconnected [3] if the closure of each open set of $X$ is open;(vii) $g$ -submaximal[4] if every dense subset of $X$ is g-0pen;(viii) $sg$ -submcvximal[3] if every dense subset of $X$ is sg-0pen.

    2ResultsOur starting point in the investigation of generalized closed sets was two open questionsthat Dontchev posed in [9], namely :

    Characterize those spaces where(A) Every semi-preclosed set is $\mathrm{s}\mathrm{g}$-closed, and(B) Every preclosed set is ga-closed.

    These questions have been solved by Cao, Ganster and Reilly in [4]. To our surprise,both decompositions mentioned before, i.e. the Hewitt decomposition and the Jankovic-Reilly decomposition, played akey role in our solution to these questions. Further studieshave shown that these decompositons are important in many more questions concerninggeneralized closed sets.

    Recall that aspace $(X, \tau)$ is said to be locally indiscrete if every open subset is closed.

    Theorem 2.1. [4]


  • For aspace $(X, \tau)$ the following are equivalent:(1) $(X, \tau)$ satisfies (A),(2) $X_{1}\cap sclA\subseteq spclA$ for each $A\subseteq X$ ,(3) $X_{1}\subseteq int(clG)$ ,(4) $(X, \tau)$ is the topological sum of alocally indiscrete space and astrongly irresolvable

    space,(5) $(X, \tau)$ satisfies (B),(6) $(X, \tau^{\alpha})$ is g-submaximal.This result motivated us to look for other possible converses in Figure 1. Out of the

    many results we obtained we shall present just three here.Theorem 2.2. [3]

    For aspace $(X, \tau)$ the following are equivalent:(1) every semi-preclosed set is ga-closed,(2) $(X, \tau^{\alpha})$ is extremally disconnected and g-submaximal.

    Theorem 2.3. [3]For aspace $(X, \tau)$ the following are equivalent:(1) $X_{1}\subseteq clG$ ,(2) every preclosed subset is sg-closed,(3) $(X, \tau)$ is sg-submaximal,(4) $(X, \tau^{\alpha})$ is sg-submaximal.

    Corollary 2.4. If $(X, \tau^{\alpha})$ is $\mathrm{g}$-submaximal then $(X, \tau^{\alpha})$ is also $\mathrm{s}\mathrm{g}$-submaximal. Theconverse, however, is false (see [3]).

    3Lower Separation AxiomsThe closer investigation of generalized closed sets has had significant impact on the theoryof separation axioms. In Figure 1, the search for converses of other implications leads tothe consideration of certain lower separation axioms.

    For example Maki et al. [17] have called aspace $(X,\tau)$ a $T_{gs}$ space if every gs-closedsubset is $\mathrm{s}\mathrm{g}$-closed. We have been able to characterize $T_{gs}$ spaces in the following way.Theorem 3.1. [5]

    For aspace $(X, \tau)$ , the following are equivalent:(1) $(X, \tau)$ is a $T_{gs}$ space,(2) every nowhere dense subset of $(X, \tau)$ is aunion of closed subsets,(3) every $\mathrm{g}\mathrm{s}\mathrm{p}$-closed set is semi-preclosed, i.e. $(X, \tau)$ is $\mathrm{s}\mathrm{e}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}-\mathrm{p}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{e}-T_{1/2}[8]$ ,(4) every singleton of $(X, \tau)$ is either preopen or closed.

    Theorem 3.2. [5]For aspace $(X, \tau)$ the following are equivalent:(1) Every $\mathrm{g}\alpha$-closed set is g-closed,(2) every nowhere dense subset is locally indiscrete as asubspace,(3) every nowhere dense subset is g-closed,(4) every $\alpha$-closed set is g-closed.Observe, however, that there are spaces in which every nowhere dense subset is $\mathrm{g}-$

    closed but there exists anowhere dense set which is not closed (see [5])


  • 4Gp-closed SetsDefinition 4.1. A subset $A$ of a space $(X, \tau)$ is called generalized preclosed, briefly$gp$-closed, [18] if $pclA\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ is open.

    Our study of generalized preclosed sets has been carried out in [6]. As one mightexpect, here also the Hewitt decomposition, the Jankovic-Reilly decomposition, submax-imality and extremal disconnectedness play asignificant role. Out of the many resultsthat we obtained we mention here two important characterizations.

    Theorem 4.2. 767For aspace $(X, \tau)$ the following are equivalent :(1) $(X, \tau)$ is a $T_{gs}$ space(2) Every $\mathrm{g}\mathrm{p}$-closed subset of $(X, \tau)$ is preclosed,(3) Every $\mathrm{g}\mathrm{s}\mathrm{p}$-closed subset of $(X, \tau)$ is semi-preclosed,(4) Every $\mathrm{g}\mathrm{p}$-closed subset of $(X, \tau)$ is semi-preclosed.

    Theorem 4.3. 767For aspace $(X, \tau)$ the following are equivalent :(1) Every $\mathrm{g}\mathrm{s}\mathrm{p}$-closed subset of $(X, \tau)$ is gp-closed,(2) Every semi-preclosed subset of $(X, \tau)$ is gp-closed,(3) $(X, \tau)$ is extremally disconnected.

    5Aunified approach: qr closed setsAn enlarged and enhanced version of Figure 1was provided by Cao, Greenwood andReilly [7]. We label it Figure 2. The relationships between these classes of subsets ismuch clearer in Figure 2than in Figure 1.


    Figure 2

    We address two general questions. Each generalization in Definition 1.4 involve$\mathrm{s}$


  • aclosure operation and anotion of “openness”. Specifically, each definition involveseither $\mathrm{c}1$ , $\mathrm{c}1$ , $\mathrm{c}1$ , $\mathrm{c}1$ , or $\mathrm{c}1_{\beta}$ of $A$ together with $U$ being either open, a-0pen, or semi-open. The first question, which arises from these definitions, is: do any new classesof generalized closed sets exist if we consider every possible pairing of the five closureoperations mentioned above with the notions of openness in Definition 1.2? In order tostudy each possible pairing in aunified way, Cao, Greenwood and Reilly [7] introducedthe term $qr$-closed, where $q$ represents aclosure operation, and $r$ represents anotion ofgeneralized openness. Surprisingly, in most cases, they obtained new characterizations ofexisting classes. These cases provide new insights into the nature of generalized closedsets.

    As noted above, Figure 2summarises the known relationships between classes ofgeneralized closed sets. In general, none of the implications represented in the diagramis reversible. The second question we will consider is: are the implications represented inthe diagram the only implications which apply in general? As aconsequence of answeringthese two questions, we will derive new relationships between different types of qr-closedsets which characterize certain topological spaces.

    In the following we shall denote closed (resp. semi-closed, preclosed) by r-closed(resp. $s$ closed pclosed), and $\mathrm{c}1A$ by clTA for $A\subseteq X$ , whenever it is convenient to do so.Similarly we denote open (resp. semi-0pen, preopen) by $\tau$-open(resp. $s$ open, p-0pen).Let $P$ $=\{\tau, \alpha, s,p, \beta\}$ .

    Definition 5.1. Let $X$ be atopological space and $q$ , $r\in \mathrm{P}$ . Asubset $A\subseteq X$ is called$qr$ closed if $clA\subseteq U$ whenever $A\subseteq U$ and $U$ is r-0pen.

    We note that each type of generalized closed set in Definition 1.4 is defined to be$qr$-closed for some $q$ , $r\in \mathrm{P}$ . Aset $A$ is $g$-closed if it is $\tau\tau$-closed, $\alpha g$-closed if it is cxr-closed , $gs$-closed if it is $s\tau$ closed gpclosed if it is $p\tau$-closed, gspclosed if it is $\beta\tau$-closed,$g\alpha$-closed if it is $\alpha\alpha$-closed, and $sg$-closed if it is ss-closed.The proof of the following lemma is straightforward.

    Lemma 5.2. If $X$ is a topological space, $A\subseteq X$ , and $q\in P$ , then $x\in \mathrm{c}1_{q}A$ if and onlyif for each $q$ -open set $G$ , with $x\in G$ , $G\cap A\neq\emptyset$ .The following lemma gives two useful decompositions of atopological space.

    Lemma 5.3. Let X be a topological space.

    (i) [13] Every singleton of X is either preopen or nowhere dense.(ii) Every singleton of X is either open or preclosed.

    Theorem 5.4. Let X be a topological space. If q, r $\in \mathcal{P}$ , then every $qr$ -closed subset ofX is $q$ -closed if and only if each singleton of X is either $q$ -open or r-closed.Corollary 5.5. Let X be a topological space, and let A $\subseteq X$ be a subset If r $\in$ {p,$\beta\}$then A is:

    (i) $\tau r$ -closed if and only if it is closed


  • (ii) $ar$ -closed if and only if it is a-closed;

    (ii) $sr$ -closed if and only if it is semi-closed.

    Furthermore, if $r\in\{\alpha, s,p, \beta\}$ then $A$ is:

    $(i)$ $pr$ -closed if and only if it is preclosed;

    (v) $\beta r$ -closed if and only if it is f3-cl0sed.

    Theorem 5.6. Let $X$ be a topological space. Then a subset $A$ of $X$ is $q\alpha$ closed if andonly if $A$ is $qs$ -closed, for any $q\in P$ .

    Cao, Greenwood and Reilly [7] showed that for each $q$ , $r\in P$ , the property gr-closedis equivalent to aknown type of generalized closed set, except when $q=\tau$ and $r=\alpha$(or equivalently $r=s$). They established that the class of $\tau\alpha$-closed sets is in fact new.By definition, each closed set is $\tau\alpha$-closed and each $\tau\alpha$-closed set is both $g$ closed andga-closed.

    Theorem 5.7. Let $X$ be a topological space. Then the following statements are equiv\^alent:

    (i) every $\tau\alpha$ -closed subset of $X$ is closed;

    (ii) every $\tau\alpha$ -closed subset of $X$ is a-closed;

    (ii) every $\tau\alpha$ -closed subset of $X$ is semi-closed;

    (i)every $g\alpha$ -closed subset of $X$ is semi-closed;

    (v) $X$ is a $semi- T_{\frac{1}{2}}$ space.

    Theorem 5.8. Let $X$ be a topological space. Then every $g$ -closed subset of $X$ is ra-closedif and only if $X$ is a $T_{gs}$ space.

    Theorem 5.9. Let $X$ be a topological space. Then the follow $ing$ statements are equiv\^alent:

    (i) $X$ is nodec;

    (ii) each rot-closed subset of $X$ is closed;

    (ii) each $g\alpha$ -closed subset of $X$ is ra-closed;

    (i)each $\alpha$ -closed subset of $X$ is ra-closed.

    From Theorems 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9, we see that in ageneral topological space ra-closedsets are not equivalent to closed sets, $g$ closed sets, $\mathrm{g}\mathrm{a}$-closed sets, semi-closed or a-close


  • 6RelationshipsWe now consider the completeness of Figure 2. We will introduce anew relationship notpresent in Figure 2, and establish that no other relationships exist in the general case. Itfollows from Theorem 5.6 that every $g\alpha$-closed set is $sg$-closed. This implication cannotbe reversed in general by the following theorem.

    Theorem 6.1. Let X be a topological space. Each $sg$ -closed subset of X is ga -closed ifand only if X is extremally disconnected.Next we establish that no further relationships exist in general. First we confirm thatin general none of the implications in Figure 2can be reversed. With the exception oftwo cases, it has been shown that the reverse implications occur only if the space has aspecific property [3], [4], [5], [6], [9]. Theorem 6.2 below addresses one of the remainingcases. The other generates anew topological property defined in 6.3 below.

    Theorem 6.2. Let X be a topological space. Then X is nodeg if and only if every$\alpha g$-closed subset of X is g-closed.Cao, Greenwood and Reilly [7] defined anew class of topological spaces.

    Definition 6.3. Aspace $X$ is defined to be $\beta gs$ if every $gs$ -closed subset of $X$ is gs-$\mathrm{c}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{s}\mathrm{e}$ .

    It is shown in [6] that $X$ is a $\beta gs$-space if and only if every $\beta$-closed subset of $X$ is$gs$-closed. The following implications follow from definitions and characterizations of$g$-submaximality of $X_{\alpha}$ in [4].

    $X_{\alpha}$ is $g- \mathrm{s}\mathrm{u}\mathrm{b}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{l}arrow X$ is $\beta gsarrow X$ is sg-submaximal

    Note that if $X$ is a $T_{gs}$-space, the lefthand arrow is reversible; and if $X$ is extremallydisconnected, then the righthand arrow is reversible. Neither of these two arrows isreversible in general. In fact, the space $X$ defined in Example 3.5 of [3] is sg-submaximal,but not figs. The following two examples of finite spaces distinguish between these threeclasses of spaces.

    Example 6.4. Let X $=$ {a, b, c, d}, and let $\tau=\{\phi,$X, {a}, {c, d}, {a, c,$d\}\}$ . Then X is$sg$-submaximal, but it is not a $\beta gs$-space, since {a, c} is $\beta$-closed but not gs-c ose .Example 6.5. Let $X=\{a, b, c, d, e\}$ and let

    $B=\{\{b\}, \{d\}, \{a, b\}, \{d, e\}, \{b, c, d, e\}\}$

    be abase for atopology on $X$ . Then $X$ is a $\beta gs$-space, but $X_{\alpha}$ is not $g$-submaximal since$\{a, b, c, d\}$ is dense in $X_{\alpha}$ , but not $g$-open in $X_{\alpha}$ .

    No further relationships exist in general by [3], [4], [5], [6], Theorems 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 6.1,6.2, and the following two theorems from [7].

    Theorem 6.6. Let X be a topological space. Then the following statements are equiva


  • (i) $X$ is a $T_{gs}$ -space;

    (ii) every $g$ -closed subset of $X$ is gO-clos $ed_{f}$.

    (ii) every $\alpha g$ -closed subset of $X$ is sg-closed(i)every $g$ -closed subset of $X$ is $\beta$ -closed;(v) every $g$ -closed subset of $X$ is p-closed;(vi) every $g$ -closed subset of $X$ is sg-closedj

    (vii) every $\alpha g$ -closed subset of $X$ is $\beta$ -closedj

    (viii) every $gs$ -closed subset of $X$ is $\beta$ -closed.Theorem 6.7. Let $X$ be a topological space. Then:

    (i) $X$ is extremally disconnected if and only if every semi-closed subset of $X$ is $\alpha g-$closed

    (ii) $X$ is extremally disconnected if and only if every $sg$ -closed subset of $X$ is $\alpha g$ -closed;

    (ii) $X$ is nodeg and extremally disconnected if and only if every semi-closed subset of$X$ is g-closed;

    (iv) $X$ is $T_{\frac{1}{2}}$ if and only if every $g\alpha$ -closed subset of $X$ is semi-closed;

    Thus we have anew diagram, Figure 3below, showing all relationships between theclasses of generalized closed sets under discussion. None of the implications shown inFigure 3can be reversed in general topological spaces.


    Figure 3


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    Ivan ReillyDepartment of MathematicsThe University of AucklandPrivate Bag 92019AucklandNew Zealan
