General Quiz (Finals) | Elixir '12

Post on 19-Nov-2014

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General Quiz (Finals) | Elixir '12 was conducted at Thapar University, Patiala somewhere in October, 2012.

Transcript of General Quiz (Finals) | Elixir '12

General QuizFINALS

The movie X's plot has striking similarities with Harlan Ellison's short story trilogy, "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream", "Soldier" and "Demon With a Glass Hand".

Though Ellison was not acknowledged for any inspiration, the director Y did an interview with Starlog magazine, where he was asked where he got the idea for X. He was reported to have bragged that he ripped off a couple of Harlan Ellison stories.

Unfortunately for Y, Ellison was friends with some of the staff there, who leaked him the original draft of the interview containing the admission and took Y to court. They ended up settling, and to this very day, Harlan Ellison has an "Acknowledgement" credit on X.

ID X and Y.

X- Terminator

Y- James Cameron


n Timbuktu; Jhumri Talaiya

n Popular “Mythical” places which actually exist.

Various   terms   exists   for   this   pas0me.   In   the   UK,  people   indulging   in   this   hobby   may   be   called  grizzersreferred  to  as  refers   to   the  same  category  of  people   in   reference  to  the  no0on  that  the  hobbyist  foams  at  the  mouth  in   his/her   excitement.   A   more   scien0fic   term  ‘ferroequinologyrespectability  to  the  pas0me.  What?



Andreas Escobar of Colombia.

He was shot dead outside a night club in Colombia,allegedly for scoring an own goal in a match against host nation USA at the FIFA 1994 World Cup

He was 6'4" tall and weighed 250 pounds and was national heavyweight champion of his country for nine years, from 1951-1960. He excelled at swimming, basketball and rugby too. When he received complaints from his fellow boxers that white judges were cheating them he paved an immediate solution for this. He advised the boxers to knock out their opponents as a means of countering the controversial decisions. During his time, his national boxing team, the Bombers, was ranked 3rd in the world in amateur boxing. Not known for his tact, he once sent a sneering telegram to his neighbor: "I love you very much, and if you had been a woman, I would have considered marrying you, although your head is full of gray hairs. But as you are a man, that possibility does not arise." He later challenged the neighbor to a boxing match. Name this “gentleman”.

Idi Amin

     Apart  from  pioneering  work  in  two  transporta0on  devices,  I  have  also  invented  a  soda-­‐water  maker,  a  clothes  brushing  machine,  a  wall  bed,  an  ultrasound  emiGer,  motor-­‐roller-­‐skates,  Super  Calcacolor  TV,  a  new  breed  of  white  roses,  herbal  tablets  that  keep  alcoholics  away  from  the  boGle  and  a  machine  that  replicates  three  dimensional  objects.  Who?  

Professor Calculus

Talking  about  his  greatest  work  X  wrote  in  his  diary"I  was  walking  along  a  path  with  two  friends—the  sun  was  seOng—suddenly  the  sky  turned  blood  red—I  paused,  feeling  exhausted,  and  leaned  on  the  fence—there  was  blood  and  tongues  of  fire  above  the  blue-­‐black  Pord  and  the  city—my  friends  walked  on,  and  I  stood  there  trembling  with  anxiety—and  I  sensed  an  infinite  __Y__  passing  through  nature."X  promptly  0tled  his  greatest  work  as  Y

Edward Munch’s The


This  term  was  used  by  Allied  aircraS  pilots  in  World  War  II  to  describe  various  UFOs  or  mysterious  aerial  phenomena  seen  in  the  skies  over  Europe  and  the  Pacific  theatre,  thought  to  be  extra-­‐terrestrial  life.  It  was  also  supposedly  used  as  a  semi-­‐derogatory  reference  to  Japanese  fighter  pilots  known  for  erra0c  flying  and  extreme  maneuvering.  This  is  also  the  name  of  a  well-­‐known  rock  band.  What  term?    

Foo Fighters

       In  1948,  the  Nobel  Peace  Prize  was  not  awarded  to  anyone  even  though  the  Nobel  Prize  was  awarded  in  other  disciplines.  What  was  the  official  reason  stated  for  the  non-­‐awarding  of  this  prize?  

“No  suitable  living  candidate”,  which  was  a  very  obvious  reference  to  Mahatma  Gandhi,  who  had  died  earlier  that  year  

The  expression  X  owes  its  origin  to  a  par0cularrecord-­‐keeping  method  of  a  London  bounty  hunter  and  blackmailer  called  Jonathan  Wilde  who  captured  criminals  for  court-­‐reward  in  the  1700’s.  Wilde  kept  names  of  criminals  in  a  book  and  alongside  those  who  earned  his  protec0on  by  providing  him  with  useful  informa0on  or  paid  him  sufficiently,  he  put  a  mark.  When  they  ceased  to  be  of  use,  Wilde  added  another  mark  to  their  names,  and  would  turn  them  in  to  the  authori0es  for  the  bounty.What  is  this  expression?  

Double Cross

They  were  used  in  the  Boer  War,  where  both  sides  used  them  for  scou0ng.  In  World  War  I,  France  and  Germany  used  them  to  move  troops.  In  its  1937  invasion  of  China,  some  50,000  Japanese  troops  used  these.  In  the  Vietnam  War,  communist  forces  used  them  along  the  Ho  Chi  Minh  Trail.  It  is  reported  that  they  were  also  used  in  the  U.S.  invasion  of  Afghanistan  and  its  subsequent  baGles  against  the  Taliban.  The  last  country  to  recently  maintain  a  regiment  of  troops  dedicated  to  them  was  Switzerland,  who  disbanded  the  last  unit  in  2003.  What?  


On  May  4,  1951,  Sir  Hugh  Beaver,  went  on  a  shoo0ng  trip  where  he  became  involved  in  an  argument  over  which  was  the  fastest  game  bird  in  Europe,  the  Koshin  Golden  Plover  or  the  Grouse.  Beaver  realized  that  there  must  be  numerous  other  ques0ons  like  these  debated  nightly  in  pubs  in  Britain  and  Ireland.  Christopher  ChaGaway,  a  colleague  of  Beaver,  recommended  the  McWhirter  twins  (Norriss  and  Ross)  to  create  this  at  107,  Fleet  Street.  This  went  on  to  become  a  huge  commercial  success,  despite  the  fact  that  it  was  supposed  to  be  a  marke0ng  giveaway.  What?  

The  Guinness  Book  of  World  Records  

X,  also  known  as  the  ‘An0-­‐Fascist  Protec0ve  Rampart’,  was  built  in  an  effort  to  stop  the  drain  of  labour  and  economic  output  associated  with  the  daily  migra0on  of  huge  numbers  of  professionals  and  skilled  workers  from  either  side.  It  was  over  155  km  long  and  work  started  on  a  second  parallel  one  upto  91  meters  and  there  was  a  no  man’s  land  created  between  the  two.  This  became  known  as  the  ‘death  strip’,  which  was  paved  with  raked  gravel,  making  it  easy  to  spot  footprints  leS  by  escapees.  It  was  booby-­‐trapped  with  trip-­‐wires  and  offered  a  clear  field  of  fire  to  the  watching  guards.  Name  X.

The Berlin Wall

When he was younger, X was a keen footballer, having played for a team called Bonnyrigg Rose. He was even offered a trial with successful East Fife.While on tour with the cast of South Pacific, X was involved in a football match against a local team that Matt Busby, manager of Manchester United, happened to be scouting at the time. According to reports, Busby offered him a contract worth £25-a- week immediately after the game. X admits that he was tempted to accept the offer, but he recalls "I realized that a top-class footballer could be over the hill by the age of 30, and I was already 23.I decided to become an actor and it turned out to be one of my more intelligent moves.“ID X

Sean Connery

Color blindnessdecreased ability to see under normal lighting conditions. Color blindness affects a significant percentage of the population. There is no actual blindness but there is a deficiency of color vision.

The English chemist X published the first scientific paper on this subject in 1798, "Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colors", after the realization of his own color blindness. Because of X's work, the general condition has been called __________?

Daltonism after John Dalton

While Paramount brass dithered over whether to cast him in one of their movies, the role that would make him a star, a frustrated X signed up for the role of Mario Trantino in Couldn't Shoot Straightoffer him the role, it had to buy him out of his contract with MGM. Ironically, the role went to Y, who would later become a star along the same line.

X- Al Pacino

Y-Robert De Niro

The look that X, visual-effects supervisor special makeup-effects artist a child resemble the later stages of progeria, a condition technically named Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome, a rare disease that makes its sufferers appear _____. Those who didn't attend medical school may be most familiar with it from the Billy Grierin shown researching and discussing the disease.

ID the movie?

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

X-David FincherY-Benjamin Button

When  he  was  born,  this  legend’s  mother  was  told  by  the  doctor  "A  footballer  has  come  into  this  house  today".  His  father  –  a  miner  –  was  killed  by  a  German  sniper  during  the  First  World  War  at  the  BaGle  of  the  Somme.  So  he  signed  up  to  play  for  Manchester  City  to  support  his  family  and  would  later  also  play  for  Liverpool.  In  the  Beatles’  song  Dig  It,  he  is  the  third  person  alongside  B.B.King  and  Doris  Day  to  be  given  homage.  Which  legend?

Sir Matt Busby


the menu of dinner on the day the day titanic sank!

1.testing2.naked3.stupid4.1234565.secret6.please7.beavis8.butthead ..the list consist of 370 word/phrases.. What is special about these words ?

words you cannot use as password on twitter.

The U.S. Navy Seals in Vietnam used a X to kill guard dogs while raiding VC camps. Thus the nickname YZ. However, today we associate YZ with a footwear brand .What is X, and what is YZ ?

Hush Puppies

X began each concert as The Fly and continued to play the character for most of the first half of the concert. In contrast to his earnest self of the 1980s, as The Fly, X strutted around the stage with "swagger and style", exhibiting mannerisms of an egotistical rock star; he publicly stated, and adopted the mindset, that he was "licensed to be an egomaniac". He often stayed in character away from the tour stage, including for public appearances and when staying in hotels. He said, "That rather cracked character could say things that I couldn't", and that it offered him a greater freedom of speech.

Who is X??


This slogan, popularised by a low-budget, yet a cult hit, Hindi movie is often symbolised by a shoe hanging from behind a truck, especially in India, Pakistan, Iran and the Middle-Easter countries. Another symbol for this is a demonic face with horns and big canines, that is a Rakshasa. Which slogan??

Chashme Buddor

XY is a fictional character.

X is an edible plant of genus 'Sagittaria', commonly known as 'Arrowhead'.

Y is the central character in 'Far From the Madding Crowd' by Thomas Hardy.

XY's character was based on the myth of Theseus killing the Minotaur.

Stephen King called XY a 'cool kid' with a 'lame name'. And said, 'Once I got over the name, I got to like XY a lot.'


Katniss everdeen

There is a knock on the main door which is closed from inside. At first the men inside ignore the knock. But the person outside is persistent. Irritated A gets up and walk to the door.

A : Who the fuck?

He looks the keyhole. A look of surprise come on his face. He turns to the people inside.

A : It's that guy from the whore house.

A opens the door.

A : What do you..

Before A can complete the sentence X slits his throat and drags him inside. The people inside don't even realize. X closes the door from inside. C suddenly notices.

C : Hey!

Fully drunk C gets up and runs toward X. As C run towards him, X lifts a chair and hits C straight across the face. C falls down. Almost immediately X breaks the chair with a kick, takes the broken piece and drives it straight through C's heart. B pulls out a revolver but he is too drunk and scared to even lift it up. He drops the gun. X walks over to Sir who squirms.

Sir : Please don't kill me.B : And me.

X grabs Sir by the hair and makes him lie on his stomach. He takes the broken piece of chair and drive it straight through Sir's bottom. Sir screams in pain and almost immediately stops as X snaps the back of his neck with one swift kick.

X : Compliments of JK.

X walks up to the trembling B.

X : Why did you slap me?

A, B, C and Sir are just names.But ID X.

Bob Biswas

Early draft of Kahaani

In the 14from a Shepherd . The boy is caught in his act and escapes. To teach him a lesson the Shepherd shoots him and the boy’s leg gets severely wounded. For all his life the boy had slight Limp and thus gets his nickname. Later in life this boy became a famous historical figure.

Who was he??

Timur Lang or Timur the Lame

ID the actor. And his most famous role.

Malcolm McDowell -Alex in A Clockwork Orange!


Invisible Car From Mercedes.. Optical Camouflage Technology

COD Modern Warfare series

ray price= captain pricelux= soap mactovishgun= makarovYuri Gagarin: Yuri in MW 3and airport is the russian airport in Moscow which has been shown in MW as Zakhaev International Airport

The game XY, originally called Vingt-et-un, is a cause of altercation between Italy and France as to who actually invented it.

Actor YX, a son of two rocket scientists, first appeared in Tim Robbins' directorial debut, Bob Roberts (1992) and was last seen playing himself in The Muppets (2011).


Nicknamed The Mulholland Man because he Lives on the famed "Bad Boy Drive" a.k.a. Mulholland Drive in Beverly Hills, California whose residents have included former Hollywood bad boys Each one of the films for which he has won an Oscar has also won Best Actress in a Leading Role Presented the Best Picture Oscar seven times (1972, 1977, 1978, 1990, 1993, 2006 and 2007), more than any other actor or actress.

ID the famous actor?

Jack Nicholson

During the Winter War b/w Soviet Union and Finland, when the Soviet Foreign Minister was accused that the Soviets were bombing Finnish Civilians. He replied that Soviet Union were actually providing food aid to the hungry Finns. As a result what name was did the Finns gave to their most popular weapon. Which was a ‘Drink to go with the food?


1.In 2005, researchers at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York have changed the name of POK erythroid myeloid ontogenic gene (a gene found to cause cancer) to the more unobtrusive Zbtb7 due to legal pressure from which company?

Nintendo (Pokemon)

Every street-name in the town of “Seahaven” refers to a movie actor, e.g. "Lancaster Square" or "Barrymore Road”.Robin Williams was initially considered for the role, but the director Peter Weir gave the role to X as Xs performance reminded him of Charlie Chaplin. The actor X took the opportunity to proclaim himself as a dramatic actor, rather than being typecast in comedic roles.Director Peter Weir filmed in the 1.66:1 ratio to make it feel more like a television show.

ID the movie?

The Truman Show

Halley’s comet

Baueux Trapedy, Mark Twain, Jesus, Armenian coin which is the oldest evidence of the Comet