General Abolition of the Counterpart Infographic

Post on 16-Sep-2015

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As of the 8th June 2015, the paper counterpart to the UK driving license became obsolete. The photocard remains, but the secondary part of a driver's DVLA info is now stored online. This UK Gov infographic details how drivers now share the information with third parties that the old paper counterpart used to contain.

Transcript of General Abolition of the Counterpart Infographic

  • Since 8th June 2015 the paper counterpart to the photocard driving licence hasnt been legally valid and wont be updated

    Instead you can see your driving record online: go to GOV.UK and search view driving licence

    You should destroy your counterpart but keep your actual licence

    (Your licence is the plastic photocard or one of the paper licences which were issued until 1998)

    Why?We replaced around 445,000 lost counterparts last year and each replacement cost

    the driver 20

    Employers and car hire companies can now view a

    driver record thats guaranteed to be completely

    up-to-date (reducing their risk and increasing road safety)

    If you need more information go to GOV.UK and search for no more counterpart

    Boss Car Hire

    To do this you need to give them a code, which you can get when you view your licence on GOV.UK

    To protect your privacy each code is only valid for 72 hours and can only be used once


    You may want to share your driving record with people such as car hire companies or employers