Gender Budgeting & Relevance of Indicators

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Gender Budgeting & Relevance of Indicators

Gender Budgeting & Relevance of Indicators

Dr. Paramita Majumdar  Senior Consultant (UNW), Gender Budgeting

Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt. of India 30th November, 2016

Administrative Training Institute, Kohima, Nagaland

Training Programme for Officials of State Government of Nagaland

28-30 November 2016

Processes of GB






Analysing & Auditing

How do you decide for a new scheme? How do you plan? Plan

Documents whether Gender SensitiveWho plans?Capacity to plan?Stakeholders ? At what level?What to plan?How is the Dt. Plan prepared?

Who approves?Whether they are Gender sensitive?What is approved?

Staff (M/F)ResourcesGuidelines

What to observe and check?How often?How to monitor?

Checking against what is planned

What is audited? Why?Who does the audit?What happens to the audit report?

Does it impact the planning process of your Dept.?

process product process product process product

policy formulation

policy statement

budget (activities) compilation

budget expenditure on activities


revenue collection

Analysis - From Policy to Outcomes

Policy appraisal(Gender appraisal) Audit

(Gender Audit)Budget appraisal(Gender budgeting)

What are measurements of change?

• Measuring change means tracking the degree to which, and in what way, changes take place over time. From a gender perspective, it might address changes in the

Relations between men and women, changes in the outcomes of a particular policy,

programme or activity for women and men, or changes in the status or situation of men and

women with regards to a particular issue such as levels of poverty or political participation.

What are measurements of change?

• To measure these changes we need to know where we are now – our starting point.

• We must also decide what we want to measure, what kind of data is needed, and how that data should be collected and analysed.

Gender-sensitive indicators compare the situation of one sex with the other - incorporates sex-disaggregated indicators which provide separate measures for men and women on a specific indicator such as literacy. The emphasis is on the gap between women and men

Gender sensitive indicators may also refer to gender-specific indicators where the indicator is specific towomen or men. Women-specific indicators record the absolute position of women at particular points in time, for example, in Nagaland, x% of women reported having been physically abused by a partner in 2005 and 2015


May 2, 2023 7

60.94 / 52.58

88.69 / 81.4887.54 / 81.77

83.66 / 72.21

92.18 / 91.01

90.81 / 84.48

87.85 / 82.62

76.31 / 69.59

82.84 / 72.58

74.88 / 63.97

74.48 / 69.63

Literacy Rate - 2011

Need for gender-sensitive Indicators

To take gender equality seriously To enable better planning and action because they

form the basis for analysis to assess differences in the situations of women and men and whether those are changing

To provide an evidence base for research and policy development

Needed to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of policy developments

• To hold the Government Departments/ agencies/ commitment-makers accountable for their actions, or their lack of action

• While measuring is often considered to be a technical exercise, the process of choosing what to measure is political – and indicators tend to reflect the priorities of decision-makers rather than those of the beneficiaries themselves

• Valuable data does not always lead to useful actions

Which methods should we use?

• Quantitative• Qualitative• Participatory

Quantitative Indicators• Quantitative methods of data collection produce

quantifiable results, and as such focus on issues which can be counted such as percentages of women and men in parliament, male and female wage rates, school enrolment rates for girls and boys etc.

• Quantitative methods are favoured because - perceived to be more objective and verifiable Concrete and straightforward to track Easy to compare over time and space• Quantitative data is generally collected through

censuses, administrative records and other large-scale surveys

Qualitative Indicator• Qualitative methodologies capture people’s

opinions, attitudes and feelings and are generally derived from more qualitative processes of investigation (e.g. Focus group discussions).

• Qualitative data can also be collected through surveys measuring perceptions and opinions.

• Qualitative data can also be quantified, for example the level of women’s satisfaction with PMJDY

• Qualitative data - Constraints• Non-concrete• based on subjective opinions and is open to differing

interpretations which causes scepticism about the validity of this data

• more labour-intensive and they are therefore limited to smaller sample sizes.

• Participatory methodologies are based on the principle that men and women should be the agents of their own development, contributing to decisions about what should be measured and what indicators should be used, and participating in the research themselves.

Gender Mainstreaming• Gender mainstreaming is a systematic inclusion

of both women’s and men’s concerns, experiences and needs. 

• It is a process of consistently incorporating sensitivity to gender differences in governance, decision-making, policy, needs analysis, institutional offices and mechanisms, planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation in institutions so as to create an organisation that is gender equitable

• Mainstreaming gender necessitates that gender perspectives become part of the normal perspective of an organization without its having to resort to special vehicles, units or offices that isolate and marginalize these issues.

How to mainstream gender?• Effective gender mainstreaming should be context-and content-

oriented. This means a much more qualitative analysis over and beyond the quantitative presentation.

• Pre-requisites for context and content analysis - Profiling generally provides a quantitative picture of the status

of men and women in any given sector, e.g. employment at university. 

Gender analysis is an essential first step of collecting and analysing sex-disaggregated information in order to understand gender differences and how these differences may have an effect on policies' effectiveness. 

Gender audit is an evaluation process aimed at figuring out whether set policies or interventions are doing that which they are meant to be doing. It is an Institution’s self-assessment, monitoring and evaluation of interventions with the broad aim of diagnosis and transformation.

The SDGs

Critical Areas of Gender Concern - 1 Infant Mortality, Maternal Mortality Discrimination in Consumption pattern of male and

Female Children Discrimination in education, employment, salary and

wages Stereotyping in employment opportunities Feminization of Poverty: The persistent and increasing

burden of poverty on women; Poverty to be interpreted as “lack of” not only income but also in other aspects

Health issues including HIV / AIDS and Nutrition: Inequalities and inadequacies in and unequal access to health care and services; more social stigma attached to women with diseases

Education and training: Inequalities and inadequacies in and unequal access to education and training

Critical Areas of Gender Concern - 2 Violence: Gender-based violence, including domestic

violence, sexual violence, stalking, sexual harassment at work, trafficking into prostitution, dowry violence, forced marriage, traditional and honour-based violence, women as witches, eve teasing, marital rape, abuse of women/men working as domestic workers

Armed conflict: The effects of armed or other kinds of conflict on women, including those living under foreign occupation

Economic empowerment : Inequality in economic structures and policies, in all forms of productive activities and in access to resources

Critical Areas of Gender Concern - 3 Power and decision Making: Inequality between men and

women in the sharing of power and decision-making at all levels

Institutional mechanism for the advancement : Insufficient mechanisms at all levels to promote the advancement especially of women for skill development, entrepreneurial development

Human rights : Lack of respect for and inadequate promotion and protection of the human rights especially of women

Media: Stereotyping of women and inequality in women’s participation in all communication systems, especially in the media

Critical Areas of Gender Concern - 4

Environment: Gender inequalities in the management of natural resources and in the safeguarding of the environment

Time use of men and women through which the unpaid work of both genders are captured. The Unpaid work could be domestic work , care work , work done in household enterprises.

Not only the unpaid work but also the leisure time available can be measured.

Identifying Entry Points in the

New Framework

15-year Vision Document• Co-terminus with 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

(SDGs)• Main objective of the vision - Poverty Eradication• 7-year strategy (2017-18 to 2023-24 )to convert a long-

vision document into implementable policy and • 3-year action plan (2017-18 to 2019-20) as part of the

national developmental agenda - aligned with the 14th FC• Focus Areas - Infrastructure, commerce, education and

health, also • internal security and defence, which were not part of the

earlier five year plans.

12th Plan Key Strategies – not over

Engendering National Policies/Programmes

Enabling Legislations Women’s Participation in Governance Social Inclusion of Vulnerable women Economic Empowerment Social and Physical Infrastructure


Log Frames



Logical Framework is an analytical tool used to plan, monitor and evaluate projects

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