Gen Medicine Feedback With Answers(1)

Post on 06-Jul-2018

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  • 8/16/2019 Gen Medicine Feedback With Answers(1)


    Gen medicine

    • Dputyren’s sign (alcoholic liver disease) brudzinski’s sign and kernig’s sign stroke• Diagnostic test for infectious mononucleosis : paul bunnel and mono spot tests• Percentage of leucocytes for an extraction Glucose levels during fasting and random. Normal fasting < 6 mmol/l random < 8 mmol/l. In diabetics

    fasting >7mmol/l random >11.1 mmol/l• sthma! angina treatment− Angina : glyceryl trinitrate! ca channel bloc"ers! asprin! percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (ptca)!

    coronary artery bypass grafts (cabg)− Asthma : beta agonist such as salbutamol (safest and most effecti e bronchodialator for routine control !

    antimuscuranics such as i!ratro!ium (for those #ho have asthma "ith bronchitis )!corticosteroids (if thereare daily s#m!toms of asthma ).s#stemic steroids !o$ and hospitali%ation for severe recalcitran t patients.

    • &hat type of test should you as" for a patient #ith: diabetes(fasting plasma glucose! random and oral glucosetolerance test)

    naemia (blood tests and blood film! schilling test fro it b1$ def% • Pt on "arfarin 'nr (normal 1!for dento al eolar e&tractions

  • 8/16/2019 Gen Medicine Feedback With Answers(1)


    • 0ouple of Auestions on leu"emia n its age of occurrence ( acute l#m!hoblastic $,5#rs most common inchildren A 2 most common acute leukemia in adults 922 most common in adults 9 2 >5)#rs )− 0lassified as acute or chronic or acc to cells of origin (lymphoblast or non lymphoblast)− cute lymphoblastic leu"emia+pea" incidence $+9yrs but can affect any age grp.most common childhood

    leu"emia.tx :cytotoxic drugs!bm transplantation if chemo fails− dult acute lymphoblastic leu"emia + #orse pognonsis than chilhood rest all the same as above− cute non lymphoblastic (myeloblastic) leu"emia + most common acute leu"emia of adults.esp causes

    gingival enlargement− 9hronic l#m!hoc#tic leukem ia + most common t#!e of leukemia. men !articularl# affected.

    as#m!tomatic !atients ma# not need & .symptomatic+ #ith radio and chemo therapy. prognosis better than acute.

    − 0hronic myeloid leu"mia + proliferation of myeloid cells in bone marro#!peripheral blood andtissues.have philepedia chromosome. B9? yrs age grp affected.lymphadenopathy is rare.

    • Ctudy different git conditions...especially git infections .....• ,uestions on sle! scleroderma! rheumatoid arthritis li"e #hat does s#elling of distal interphalyngeal oints

    indicate>( anti to!oisomerase !anticentrromere ab in scleroderma ! 2= anti nuclear and antiA )C ogren’s syndrome

    • ,uestions on lichen planus and desAuamative gingivitis :also caused by phemphigoid• 7ral features of gardener’s syndrome : multiple osteomas particularly of a#s and facial bones.!epidermoid

    cyts and fibromas of the s"in!lipomas!adenocarcinomas!0olon polyps!dental anomalies• ssociation of carious teeth in E year old #ith inta"e of high sugar content and foods #ith lo# calorific

    valueF options+ schi%ophrenia! depression! anxiety! etc.• ,uestions on hypo and hyperthyroidism• ,uestions on multiple myeloma :disseminated plasma cell neoplasm (uncommon grp of b lympho

    disorders).detected by electrophoresis by over production of Cpecific 'g.( Ig: ()? Iga $(?%. predominantlycauses bone lesions . -alignant plasma cells produce defective igs #hich release osteoclast acti atingfactors that cause bone resor!tion and !ain. disease of middle aged and elderly. detected by high esr!leucopenia! thromocytopenia in routine blood tests and bence ones proteinuria causes bone destruction!hypercalcemia! suppression of haemopoiesis! normochromic anemia. osteolytic lesions in s"ull radiographs(round discrete punched out osteolytic lesions called pepper pot s"ull). amyloid may be deposited in oral softtissues causing macroglossia. 1x: chemotherapy #ith corticosteroids and bisphosphonates.

    • ;ots of Auestions on candidiasisF related Auestions on angular chelitis! pseudomembranous candidiasistreatment in immunocompromised patients

    • ,uestions on asthma• ,uestions on tuberculosis and the side effects the drugs used to treat it cause

    /thambutol can cause ocular damage!streptomycin ototoxic! 'CN is peripheral neuropathy and hepatotoxic!rifampicin nephro and hepato toxic! red saliva and urine! pyra%inamide is hepatotoxic! streptomycin is oto and

    nephrotoxic! circumoral paraesthsia• 5arious Auestions on conscious sedation and G ! their applications in various clinical settingsF inhalational

    and iv sedation• ,uestions on infectious mononucleosis: / 5• Picture of comparatively large hands of a #oman• &oman #ith hiatus hernia #ith tooth surface loss. est treat. 7ption: (surgery #asn’t an option)

    − -edicine− Dietary advice− 7cclusal splint

    • 1eason for tingling of hands and feet during treatment of long standing procedures• ,uestion on sleep apnoea>• &hat vaccine is used to prevent tb> 0G 9 yrs

  • 8/16/2019 Gen Medicine Feedback With Answers(1)


    • 'n #hich condition #ould elective surgery be contraindicated for E months>o -yocardial infarctiono nginao 0ardiac failureo 'nfective endocarditis

    • &hat is the age of onset for type diabetes> ($?yrs)• &hat is used for the management of type diabetes>

    o 'nsulino 7ral hypo glycaemic drugs.o Diet aloneo Drugs and diet

    • &hat substances are increased in a diabetic coma>Hetones• 0linical presentation of

    o sthma (exp #hee%e)o 0hronic bronchitis thic" mucuso 3umour in the upper lobe of the lungs (stridor)o 0odeine use (constipation)o Pethidine useo 0arbama%epine use (dry air#ay)

    3he options #ere: inspiratory #hee%e! expiratory #hee%e! Ctridor! daily mucus production! dry air#ay! dry cough!constipation.

    • &hich communicable disease should be informed to the consultant>• &hat is the average respiratory rate for adults> 6 $ min• &hat is the average respiratory rate for children> 6 $4 min• 'n a patient #ith colonic polyps diagnosed by colonoscopy! #hich other feature is present> 6 osteomas

    (Gardeners syndrome)• Ilnar deviation is seen in #hich condition> 6 rheumatoid arthritis•

    patient #ho is under+#eight! has a diet high in sugar #ith very fe# calories has 6 anorexia nervosa• 3ightness in the chest! #hee%ing! shortness of breath 6 asthma• C#elling of inter+pharngeal oints 6 1• 0ondition #hich is relieved by sleeping on +9 pillo# ; Co need to read notifiable diseases• patient had angina in past six months #ould u continue treatment! refer! not treat etc. Pls read angina and mi• 3ype diabetes features li"e patients age> Isually under#eight K$? yrs• 3ype $ diabetes: Pt #ould be over#eight age> lso! if u r treating a diabetic patient as" him to ta"e his dose

    normally before appointment.• &hat #ould u give in h#!ergl#cemic colla!se di%%iness situation>($? units 'm stat)• Ilnar deviation:rheumatoid arthritis options sle!pemphigus!pemphigoid etc.• C ogrens syndrome triad type and $• 0auses and features for ddison’s and 0ushing disease. 3hey had given options li"e ric"ets! graves’ disease


  • 8/16/2019 Gen Medicine Feedback With Answers(1)


    • icroc#tic anaemia ferritin le els normal "hat e&am to check !robable cause@ Name of exam reAuestedto chec" thalassemia>>>(=alling ferritin raised iron binding ca!acit# and transferring saturation indicatemicroc#tic anaemia due to iron def if I 9 increases it is thalassmeia ! if that decreases liver disease.Cchilling test vit $ def! Cic"le test for sic"le cell anaemia! thalessmia aniso !oikiloc#tosis targetcells!basophilic strippling)

    • sthma! emphysema! c#stic fibrosis4s"eat test a > 6)mmol l)• () & 1) B• Patient #ith fatigue C e&cessi e bleeding@ 2eukaemia• -ost commom bleeding disorder>5on #illibrands.#arfarin and asprin• Cystole! diastole! stro"e volume! etc• 'ron deficiency anaemia

  • 8/16/2019 Gen Medicine Feedback With Answers(1)


    • &hat’s the most freAuent site of endocarditic> ortic valve! tricuspid! bicuspid! mitral! etc• /mphysema: destruction of alveoli Daint• Cign of asthma: #hee%ing• 2ung silicosis clinical features and diagnosis• =ev fev #hat happens is lung silicosis 9/f of heart burn I angina rib fracture

    *eart burn is it "orse l#ing do"n@ tanding "ill relie e it•