Geithner Servicing Sanctions Letter

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Transcript of Geithner Servicing Sanctions Letter

  • 8/7/2019 Geithner Servicing Sanctions Letter


    March 9, 2011

    The Honorable Timothy F. GeithnerSecretaryDepartment of the Treasury1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWWashington, D.C. 20220

    Dear Mr. Secretary:

    On Thursday, March 3, 2011, five of the nations largest financial institutionsreceived a draft settlement term sheet from the U.S. Department of Justice onbehalf of other federal and state agencies to settle allegations related to improperforeclosures and other servicing problems. Although the Administration has notapprised the House Financial Services Committee the Committee of jurisdiction

    on issues pertaining to the banking system and housing of its role in thesettlement negotiations or the potential terms of the settlement, part of the draftsettlement term sheet has been made public.

    If the terms of the draft settlement are implemented as proposed, thesettlement would transform the mortgage servicing industry and fundamentallychange the rules that have historically governed relationships among borrowers,servicers and investors. The breadth and scope of the draft settlement proposalraise significant concerns about its effect on the financial system, as well as concernsthat the Administration and state agencies are attempting to legislate throughlitigation. In addition, reports about the role played by political appointees in theTreasury Department including those affiliated with the Consumer FinancialProtection Bureau (CFPB), an agency that does not yet have any regulatory orenforcement authority raise further questions about the process through whichthe terms of the settlement are being negotiated .

    Traditionally, the remedies imposed by federal banking regulators have beenlimited to restitution for victims specifically harmed by misconduct, moneypenalties, or injunctions requiring improvements in internal controls ormanagement. Yet this draft settlement requires far more. The settlementagreement not only legislates new standards and practices for the servicingindustry, it also resuscitates programs and policies that have not worked or thatCongress has explicitly rejected. For instance, the settlement agreement seeks to

    revive the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), a failed ObamaAdministration initiative that Congress is currently considering terminating, and torequire write-downs of mortgage principal, which both the House and Senate haverejected in the context of bankruptcy proceedings. 1

    1 On April 30, 2009, the Senate voted down an amendment to allow bankruptcy judges toreduce the principal on a mortgage backed by a borrower's primary residence by a vote of 45to 51 (Durbin Amendment No. 1014, Vote #174, April 30, 2009). On December 11, 2009, the

  • 8/7/2019 Geithner Servicing Sanctions Letter


    The draft settlement agreement raises a number of important legal and

    public policy questions. Accordingly, we respectfully request a detailed response tothe following questions by March 18, 2011.

    What specific legal authority grants federal and state regulators and agenciesthe power to require mortgage principal reductions when the House andSenate have voted down such proposals?

    What specific legal authority grants federal and state regulators and agenciesthe power to effectively legislate new rules and standards for the mortgageservicing industry?

    What role did persons associated with the CFPB have in drafting theproposals in the draft term sheet? What specific legal authority permits anofficial associated with an agency that does not have regulatory orenforcement authority to participate in settlement negotiations?

    How do the proposals in the draft settlement term sheet relate to parallelinvestigations or enforcement actions being carried out by the federalbanking regulators?

    Were political appointees involved in drafting the draft settlement termsheet? If so, is their involvement consistent with provisions in the NationalBank Act, the Home Owners Loan Act and the Dodd-Frank Act whichprevent the Treasury Secretary from intervening in any matter orproceeding before the Comptroller of the Currency (including agencyenforcement actions), unless otherwise specifically provided by law? 2

    What is the Treasury Departments policy related to political appointeesinvolvement in enforcement matters and actions?

    Under the draft term sheet, it appears that monetary penalties collected fromservicers will be used to support mortgage modifications including principalwrite-downs for borrowers who were not affected by the foreclosuredocumentation irregularities that are at issue. What is the legal basis forusing funds collected in an enforcement action to benefit parties who have notbeen harmed by the purported wrongdoing?

    Have the officials who drafted the term sheet considered how its terms would

    affect the safety and soundness of the financial institutions bound by it?

    House voted to reject a measure that would have allowed a mortgage cram-down by a vote of 188 to 241 (H.R. 4173, Marshall Amendment, Vote #963, December 11, 2009).2 12 U.S.C. 1; 12 U.S.C. 1462a(b)(3); Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (P.L.No. 111-203) Section 314(a).

  • 8/7/2019 Geithner Servicing Sanctions Letter


    Will forcing servicers to fund principal reductions for underwater loans theyservice affect the incentive of mortgagors to stay current on their loans?

    Will additional foreclosure mitigation policies mandated by the draft termsheet delay recovery in the housing market and lead to further erosion of investor confidence? Will foreclosure mitigation policies deter privateinvestment in the mortgage market?

    Recent estimates suggest that more than eleven million mortgages in theU.S. are currently underwater. Consequently, the financial institutionsnamed in the draft term sheet service many more underwater loans thancould possibly be written down as part of this settlement. What standardswill govern the process by which servicers select which borrowers receive aprincipal write-down?

    Thank you for your consideration of this request. We look forward to yourprompt response.
