GCSE Geography New Specification Launch Copyright © AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved....

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Transcript of GCSE Geography New Specification Launch Copyright © AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved....

GCSE GeographyNew Specification Launch

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Rupert Sheard

Qualification reform

Start teaching reformed GCSE (and new GCE)

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First assessment reformed GCSE (and new GCE)

Reformed GCSE specification availableSeptember 2015

Reformed GCSE subject content (DfE) publishedApril 2014

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Key Features of the specification

• Balanced understanding of physical, human and environmental geography• Thematic approach to the subject, with an emphasis on contemporary

issues and future changes• Flexibility: centres are free to choose their own exemplars and case study

material• Choice of optional content in selected themes, including landscapes,

ecosystems and use of resources• The use of a wide range of investigative skills and approaches, including

mathematics and statistics and modern information technologies• An issues evaluation and decision making exercise, contributing a problem

solving element to assessment• An assessment structure that is manageable and realistic, with 3 short

papers totalling 4 hours

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Overview of specification content1. Living with the Physical Environment

2. Challenges in the Human Environment

3. Geographical Applications

Challenge of Natural Hazards:tectonic hazards, tropical storms, extreme weather in the UK, climate change

Urban Challenges:Global patterns, two contrasting cities, sustainable urban futures

Issue Evaluation: Theme of issue can be selected from any part of the specification. Based on secondary sources

Physical Landscapes in the UK: Two from coastal, river, glacial landscapes

The Changing Economic World: Global patterns, closing the development gap, contrasting studies of economic development

Fieldwork: two fieldwork enquiries, contrasting environments, physical and human geography, enquiry process.

The Living World:Local ecosystems, tropical rainforests, one from hot deserts and cold environments

The Challenge of Resource Management:Overview of resources in the UK, global resource security-one from food, water, energy

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Geography of the UK

The geography of the UK is integrated into the physical and human geography themes studied:

• The challenge of natural hazards-extreme weather in the UK.

• Physical landscapes in the United Kingdom-coastal landscapes, river

landscapes, glacial landscapes

• The living world- small scale local ecosystem

• Urban issues and challenges-major city in the UK

• Changing economic world- economic futures in the UK

• Challenge of resource management-overview of food, water and

energy resources in the UK

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Specification/Assessment at a glance

Unit 1:Living with the Physical Environment

35 % The study of physical processes and patterns Assessment 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer 5 questions out of 7 (2 compulsory)88 marks, including 3 SPAG

Unit 2:Challenges in the Human Environment

35 % The study of human geography themes and issuesAssessment 1 hour 30 minutesCandidates answer 4 questions out of 6 (3 compulsory)88 marks including 3 SPAG

Unit 3Geographical Applications

30 %* Issue evaluation, based on resource booklet, and fieldwork Assessment 1 hour 15 minutesCandidates answer all questions76 marks, including 6 SPAG

Assessment of fieldwork represents 15% of total assessment.Assessment of maths and statistical skills must be 10% of total assessmentTotal marks 240 (plus 12 SPAG-5% of total)

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Summary of Assessment

Unit 1 – Living with the Physical Environment 35% of the assessment

Candidates answer questions on: The challenge of natural hazards - tectonic hazards, tropical storms, extreme weather in the UK, climate change (30 marks +3 SPAG)

Physical landscapes in the United Kingdom - 2 from coastal landscapes, river landscapes, glacial landscapes (30 marks)

The living world - ecosystems, tropical rainforests, 2 from hot deserts and cold environments (25 marks)

Questions will be a mix of multiple choice, short structured responses and extended writing.

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Summary of Assessment

Unit 2 Challenges in the Human Environment35% of the assessment

Candidates answer questions on:• Urban issues and challenges (30 marks+ 3 SPAG)

• The changing economic world (30 marks)

• The challenge of resource management-general overview, one from food, water and energy (25 marks)

Questions will be a mix of multiple choice, short structured responses and extended writing.

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Summary of Assessment

Unit 3 - Geographical Applications30% of the assessment

Section A - Issue EvaluationCompulsory structured questions on a theme – leading up to an extended writing task based on a pre-release Sources Booklet – to be issued to students in advance.  The theme will arise from the subject content of Units 1 or 2 but may extend beyond it through the use of the resources. The theme could combine human and physical aspects. (34 marks +3 SPAG)

Section B - FieldworkCompulsory questions based on candidates’ enquiry work and the use of fieldwork materials in an unfamiliar context (36 marks +3 SPAG)

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General questions

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Content and skills for Paper/Unit 1 Living with the Physical Environment

• Natural Hazards - involves the study of tectonic hazards, weather hazards and climate change. Note that there is only one case study of tectonic hazards and that the content is much reduced compared with existing specifications. Climate change focuses on causes and management (mitigation and adaptation).

• Physical Landscapes in the UK - involves the study of 2 different landscapes, the processes of erosion and deposition, and the landforms which result. Human intervention and management of the landscapes are considered. Again the content for each individual landscape is reduced compared with existing courses

• The Living World - focuses on the characteristics of ecosystems at different scales and threats to biodiversity. There is compulsory study of a local ecosystem and tropical rainforests, then a choice between hot deserts and cold environments.

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Content and skills for Paper/Unit 2 Challenges in the Human Environment

• Urban issues and challenges. Involves the study of global trends and patterns, the impacts of rapid urbanisation and the resulting opportunities and challenges in two contrasting cities. Includes sustainable methods of managing urban living. Detailed study of a UK city and one in a LIC/NEE.

• The changing economic world. Looks at the complexities of measuring development and ways of reducing the development gap. Issues of trading relationships, international aid and the role of TNCs are explored. Detailed study of one named LIC or NEE and a contrasting study of economic futures in the UK and the place of the UK in the wider world

• The challenges of resource management. Studies the increasing global demand for resources, highlighting stark inequalities. Issues of resource provision in the UK. Resource security in relation to either food, or water or energy-reasons for insecurity, impacts, strategies to increase supply including sustainable solutions.

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Structure of Question Paper 3

• Length of paper 1 hour 15 minutes

• % of total marks 30%

• Number of sections 2 Section A 34 marks (plus 3 SPAG) Section B 36 marks (plus 3 SPAG)

• Question types in each section - multiple choice, short structured questions, completion of graphs, photo interpretation/description, interpretation of maps on different scales, data response, longer extended writing responses

• All questions compulsory

• Approximately 65% questions levels marked. One 9 mark question with 3 levels of response

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Issue Evaluation

• Students learn about an issue, study options to solve it and make a decision. They consider the points of view of the stakeholders involved, make an appraisal of the advantages and disadvantages, and evaluate the alternatives

• Resource sheet will consist of a mix of geographical sources such as maps on different scales, photographs, satellite images, factfiles, statistics, graphs, newspaper extracts, quotes from different interest groups

• Assessment will consist of a series of shorter questions related to the contemporary geographical issue, based on the interpretation of the resources. These lead to a more extended piece of writing (9 marks), involving a decision with some justification.

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Fieldwork assessment

• Students need to undertake two geographical enquiries, each of which must include the use of primary data, collected as part of a fieldwork exercise

• The two enquiries must be carried out in contrasting environments and show an understanding of both physical and human geography

• In at least one of the enquiries students are expected to show an understanding about the interaction between physical and human geography

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Geographical Skills

Skills will be assessed in all three written exams. Ordnance Survey maps or other map extracts may be used in any of the three exams.

Cartographic-atlas maps, OS maps,

maps with photographs

Graphical skills-selecting and constructing

appropriate graphs, charts, maps

Numerical skills-number, area, scale,

proportion, ratio

Statistical skills-central tendency,

spread, scatter plots

Use and interpretation of qualitative and

quantitative data from primary and secondary sources, including GIS

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AQA ongoing support and resources

• AQA website

• e-AQA

• Secure Key Materials

• ERA (Enhanced Results Analysis)

• Training courses

• Preparing to teach events

• AQA family of businesses(Exampro, Teach it, Alfie)

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Subject resources

• On-line teacher resources will be available:

• Resource lists including texts for students, recommended academic books, web sites and other resources, including Schemes of Work

• Digital specification, which will include links to lesson plans and other items and which will be updated throughout the life of the specification

• Additional sample questions, students’ answers and examiner commentaries

• Three approved publishers for GCSE

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Contact points for more information and guidance

Geography Subject Team:

Tony Floyd, GCSE Geography Qualifications Developer

Tel: 01483 477 791 geography@aqa.org.uk

Teacher Support and CPD Managers:

Robert Kirkham and Marion Bristow

Tel: 0161 957 3646teachercpd@aqa.org.uk

AQA Website: www.aqa.org.uk

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Final questions

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