Gateway Magazine, November 2011, Issue 11

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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The Gateway mag, it's here to tell our stories, provide relevant information, and connect people with the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘why’ of things that happen in and around the life our church.

Transcript of Gateway Magazine, November 2011, Issue 11



03 - desk of don04 - streetworks05 - gaties mini market07 - gateway ball08 - crave08 - pursue09 - november / december calendar11 - story12 - baptism in the holy spirit13 - christmas photo comp14 - the psalms16 - gateway opshop best buys17 - 10 questions with...



The jubilation. The tension. The joy. The emotion. And the sweet relief.

Such were my feelings when watching the Rugby World Cup final. You may be asking: “What has this got to do with the November edition of the magazine?” Well, not a whole lot actually - but it is impossible to ignore what a huge impact this event has had on our wee nation and impossible not to feel some sense of pride in the achievement of our boys in black. There is something great about being able to celebrate together as a nation.

A lot has happened in New Zealand over this past year and it seems a lot is still to come. We have elections in November and we continue to watch the unfolding of the Rena drama on the Astrolabe reef off the coast of Tauranga.

It is also the time of year that can get quite hectic as we head into summer - exams, prize-givings, Christmas functions, and the beginning of wedding season. We also have a number of Gateway events going on as we too wrap up our calendar year. Keep an eye out for details on our Gateway ball, Men’s and Women’s breakfasts, the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit, and the Christmas photo comp.

One of the things we want to try and do in the magazine is tell the stories of what has happened around this place and what our people are up to. In this edition we reflect on Streetworks’ October event and the Gaties Mini Market.

As you take the time to read the mag in this somewhat busy season of the year, we hope that you will be informed, challenged and encouraged.

Jo u

jo peart



DESK OF DON...words by don barry

As I sit down to write this article for the November magazine we are three days away from the Rugby World Cup final and hopefully an All Black triumph.

So far the tournament in general and the performance of the All Blacks in particular has been excellent. It made me sit down and think about the whole concept of excellence. The word is used a great deal in leadership circles these days, and quite frankly it troubles me at times. It’s not that I’m against it of course. Who apart from Bart Simpson wants to be mediocre?

What bothers me, I think, is the observation that in many cases I think excellence is used as a synonym for ‘an appealing image’; an external standard; for style rather than substance. To be ‘excellent’ in this regard is to be able to project an image that meets some required external standard rather than being an extension of some inner qualities. Provided that we are agreed that excellence is about substance and not merely image, then I’m all for it; let’s be ‘excellent’ people.

As you watch the All Blacks, or anybody else who is truly excellent in their field of endeavour, it is easy to make at

least one simple observation: it doesn’t happen accidentally. No one falls or drifts into excellence, it must be chosen; it must be worked for.

Geoff Colvin wrote an interesting book entitled, “Talent is Overrated.” It is subtitled, “What really separates World Class performers from everybody else.” In it he debunks the myth that great athletes or musicians or great…(Fill in the gap) are great because they have some innate talent that sets them apart from the herd. Essentially Colvin’s claim is that one factor, and one factor only predicted how accomplished people became in their chosen field – how much they practiced; how much time they spent “in the saddle.” Whether it was Mozart, Tiger Woods or Dan Carter, he shows that they all meet the “Ten Year” criteria.

Let me quote from Colvin,

“Subsequent research in a wide range of fields has substantiated the ten year rule everywhere researchers have looked. In maths, science, musical composition, swimming, X-Ray diagnosis, tennis, literature – no one, not even the most talented performers became great without at least ten years of very hard preparation.”

Still interested in excellence?

The pathway to excellence isn’t at all mystical, just hard work. I suspect that’s why there are so few people around that we would call truly ‘excellent.’ So often we mere mortals take refuge in the thought, “How lucky for them to be so talented, so gifted!” By attributing their excellence to some mysterious thing called ‘talent,’ we excuse ourselves from the hard work that might be necessary to make us excellent in our field.

You might be thinking, “That way of thinking allows no room for God’s unique gifting in individuals. I couldn’t, by hard work, be an excellent Prophet since I simply don’t have the necessary raw materials!”Actually I’m inclined to agree with your objection, to a point. I do think that God gives particular gifts, tendencies, leanings, callings, call-them-what-you-will, perhaps ‘God given potentialities’ might sum the idea up.

The point I’m trying to make here though is simply that’s all they will ever be -- ‘potentialities,’ if we don’t develop them with some deliberate choices and good old fashion ‘hard slog.’ You don’t drift into excellence at any level, be it parenthood, being an excellent spouse, an excellent teacher, pianist or whatever; it must be chosen and must be worked on.

Can I close this short ‘rant’ by shamelessly advertising something that I think is ‘excellent’ and might be an inspiration in your journey towards excellence – The Willow Creek Global Leadership summit. We are hosting this event at Gateway on Friday 25th of November. The speakers are world class; ‘excellent,’ and I know you will be challenged, adjusted and motivated to be all you can be for God.

I may never be the spiritual equivalent of a Mozart, a Tiger Woods or a Dan Carter, but I do desire to give back to the Master a full return on his investment in my life. Perhaps it might only be one talent, but I want to be able to return it to Him with interest and hear Him say, “Excellent, well done good and faithful servant.” u

No one falls or drifts into excellence, it must be chosen; it must be worked for.


Spring Streetworks 2011 – Tick! The Streetworks team is happy to say we’ve reached the other side of this project for many reasons. The most obvious is that we’ve seen hundreds of hours of hard work come together. But we have also been enriched with what we witnessed on the day; people simply and practically loving our real (flesh and blood, in our own backyard) neighbour.

One aspect of Spring Streetworks that we are proud to have achieved is how the different projects cater for a wide variety of groups. It reflects our growth as an organisation, and as people, we’re opening our eyes further to what’s going on in Hamilton and intentionally being non-exclusive to the people we serve. Just to rattle off a few examples: our Family Fun Day loved on families in Fairfield, Snow Jam on families in the general North Hamilton area, firewood, gardening and cleaning for single parents, disabilities, and tough circumstances, and Te Whare Kokanga spruce up for a community centre that does so much for others!

As with any major event, there will always be things that don’t go as planned. Unfortunately, our ‘thing’ this time, was the amount of people that turned up. We work our project planning around how many people register before the day. Because we meet with, communicate and commit to helping different groups in the community; the last thing we want to do on our project day is to not keep our promise. So, to ensure we follow through, we rely on the number of registered volunteers we have a few days out before we conf irm anything. So what happens when people who registered to volunteer don’t turn up? Chaos! On a side note, we completely understand that circumstances always come up - life has a funny habit of that! But because we had 25 volunteers missing (who would f ill up at least 3 projects), we’re doing a major ref lection on how we can ensure that whoever registers, turns up.

We’re always overwhelmed by the generosity that local churches, individuals and businesses show to Streetworks. Gateway Church is incredibly supportive in so many ways - they’re actually the reason that we’re able to do what we do. This event, we had two moments in particular that blew us away. The owner of New World Heaphy Terrace, Jeremy Lamb, has been a long-time supporter of Streetworks. He’s used his place in the world to bless others with what he can provide – food! We’re sad to say that he’s leaving Hamilton, but as his parting gift, he gave us EVERYTHING that we needed for lunches AND volunteers dinner – which was a very long list! Food is our most expensive cost, and because of people like Jeremy, we can make our money spread even further over the community.

Another highlight was the long awaited realisation of our dream of having a shipping container for our firewood. Thanks to Royal Wolf, we now have one. A shipping container means that we have somewhere to store and dry our firewood throughout the year. This means that we can have more firewood chops throughout the year which means a greater capacity to give out free firewood to the community.

Generosity given by these groups, and so many countless unnamed others, means that we get to live our dream of giving others the opportunity to serve, give and love. It’s an exciting feeling!

If you came along to the event, we’d love to hear your feedback. Every time we organise an event, we reflect on what others thought. We’re constantly looking to improve the way we serve others and God.

While we’re dreaming about the future, and where we can take our serving, we’d love to see different ‘categories’ of people step up into leadership. For example, how incredible would it be to see a family of people take ownership of a project – something that they were passionate about giving into – and take it from start to finish? Traditionally (with a few lovely exceptions), young adults have made the majority of our leadership. We believe that servanthood, missions (overseas and local), and learning to love your community is an important life lesson – and no matter where we are on the path, we shouldn’t and won’t ever stop learning!

Because we didn’t get all our projects finished – and due to our overwhelming popularity! – we have a whole bunch of places that still need gardening. So we’re going to have a gardening day in November. If you’re interested, make sure you get in touch with us at

Finally, we’d like to say a gigantic ‘thank you’ to anyone that was a part of the day. We take a very large step of faith every time we run these events, so if you’ve helped, supported or given in any way, you’ve been a part of God answering our prayers. That’s a very cool deal. u

STREETWORKSwords by olivia buchanan

Last year Gaties helped to raise money to build a playground for the ORA Ugandan children by running a mini market. This year they decided they would like to raise funds to help support the Wilkinson-Gees in India build a playground for their community.

So on Saturday the 8th of October our Gaties and their leaders got together and created a huge array of goods to sell after the gathering on the 9th of October. From potted plants, to owl wheat packs, to balloon animals, to some of the best pizza you’ll ever taste - our Gaties did a great job of putting together a classy mini market and all for a good cause!

Karen and her team pass on a huge thank you for all your support. They are thrilled to be able to send $2000 to the Wilkinson-Gees to go towards their dream of building a playground on their recently purchased land. Thanks for helping the Gaties to make a difference for the kids in India. u

words by jo peart


The Gateway Ball is just around the corner so dig out those suits and ball gowns, dust off those shoes and get yourself a ticket!!!

The last ball we held was back at the start of the millennium. With ‘swing’ as the theme, people got into weekly dance lessons and 50’s attire for what was a great night.

At this year’s ball, we look forward to a great night out with our Gateway family!! It’s a chance to celebrate together with delicious dessert, good music, photos, Christmas presents, a splash of dancing and, in true church ball fashion – a challenge or two. As a church family, we want to do life together. We don’t often get a chance to take time out as a whole church family to do something like this. We see this as being as opportunity to remember that we have so much to celebrate and be thankful for.

We would love for everyone to get involved – singles, couples, marrieds, young adults, older young adults and the

words by roxy kelsen



young at heart! We also want to make it as easy as we can for people to come to the ball. If you have children, there will be babysitters available for the evening (leave your contact details at the info desk).

We have lots of exciting things planned to spice up the night!! We don’t want to give too much away... but there will be some amazing group dancing happening with a Caller.

We would also love you to bring along an old ball photo for the mystery photo board. Show off those glamour shots and tuxedos and see if you can spot your friends and the staff. Photos can be dropped at the info desk or emailed to reception –

The night will be a fun, social and different way of connecting with our Gateway family, outside the four walls in which we most often see one another. Our hope is that it will be an opportunity to meet new people and reminisce on all your old balls and proms.

Tickets are available now! Online sales can be done through the Gateway website, or tickets can be bought at the info desk on a Sunday, or through the office during the week.

Begin the countdown to the 2011 Gateway ball! u

It’s seems amazing that here I am, writing a summary of our year, already!

This year has certainly been a wonderful journey for Pursue.Our heart at Pursue is basically threefold. We want our young adults to experience connection with God, connection with each other, and connection with their community.

This year has been about building foundations and setting our course – Next year we hope to take sail. God has been

words by alice haworth

doing amazing work in our young adults, and I have had the privilege of seeing them get connected into small groups, I’ve seen them challenged by passionate words, and I’ve seen their tender hearts as they worship a God they’re learning to know more and more.

The first half of the year was spent exploring the basics of the Christian faith – Bible, prayer, missions, and worship. This built a platform for the second half of the year, off which we launched into learning to be the change we want to see in the world.

In 2012, our hope is that God will continue to shape us and show us how to be the best disciples of Christ we can be. We are also planning on teaming up with Streetworks next year to create some special projects, as well as continuing to balance serving our community with knowing God, and growing together.

2011 has been a year full of wonderful experiences, and I know that God has some great ones lined up for 2012. I can’t wait to see what happens next! u

words by matthew martyn

We communicate a bunch to our crew with the help of our Crave Facebook page. Check out a few of the posts and comments, they’ll give you a snap shot of the year that has been so far...

- Crave-All-In tomorrow night! Water slide, jet skis, biscuiting!

- Blue Lakes this Sunday.

- Get your regos in for Easter Camp 2011!

- CRAVE Converge! Come on... bring the goodness!

- Get ready to support Crave at an amazing cafe after the night gathering this Sunday. All proceeds help send their crew and some from Christchurch to Easter Camp.

- Life book! Hmmm...good stuff!

- Connect Group tonight! Whoot Whoot!

- Happy Birthday Matthew Martyn aka Matua!

- Good vibes + Good people = Good times!!!

- I think Matt should get his belly button pierced.

- Woo hoo. First game at dodgeball is yr 10 girls vs yr 10 boys

- Hey Crave :) I think we should have a planking game of some sort tonight.

- Tonight... la la la la la la tonight (ohh.... actually they will all be way too young to know that)... Just see you tonight

- Converge this week! Remember to wear your biggest, snuggliest, warmest, ugliest, most creative, bestest jumper/jersey/cardi. Prizes for the best. Pick one up from an opshop or your grandpas wardrobe. It going to be a rager!

- Rumour has it Roxys is going to RIP IT UP at dodgeball

- Is Matthew Martyn wearing a womans Jersey?

- Crave connect groups on TONIGHT!! grab your dad’s Umbrella, bring a pack of biscuits from the pantry, ya life book or bible from ya room and get on down to your leaders pad.

- Last Crave of the term. Come on down tonight and cheer on a bunch of our crew getting baptized!!! Dessert, Crave Band, a Great God and good people...Ye-ya

- Hello Crave CAMP!

- Philippians 4: 11

- Check out the sweet verse that Olivia Tobin found, Romans 5: 3-5

- CRAVE CAMP. A Talent (or non-talent) show Saturday night! Get thinking about what mean skills you could bring to show off.

- Zumba outfit? Check. Canteen money? Check. Baked goodness? Check. Bible? Check. Clothes? ummmm... Check!

- Battle of the sexes. Annie bringing the Word, Crave youth band bringing the bringing the goodness!!!

- “I will run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.” Psalms 119:32

- Battle of the sexes. Niki bringing the word, dance battle, creative, worship...














INTERCESSORS GROUP, Meets 7.30 pm in the prayer room, access via the dining room

INTERCESSORS GROUP, Meets 7.30 pm in the prayer room, access via the dining room



CRAVE CONVERGE, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm, meets in the auditorium here in the Gateway building.

GO MISSION, 6.30 pm in the Dining Hall, check the website for more details


FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

MAINLY MUSIC, 10.00 am in the dining room, $3 per family.


MEN’S BREAKFASTMore details to come.

MAINLY MUSIC BABYSITTINGmore information to come

NOV EM B E R . . .






INTERCESSORS GROUP, Meets 7.30 pm in the prayer room, access via the dining room


CRAVE CONNECT, Not sure where your connect group meets? Contact your leader or Matt at the Gateway officeWED


FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

MAINLY MUSIC, 10.00 am in the dining room, $3 per family.


WOMEN’S BREAKFAST, mark it in your diaries, more details to come



THE BIG C’S, If you’re a part of Crave get this in your diaries! More details to come

CRAVE CONVERGE, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm, meets in the auditorium here in the Gateway building.



FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

MAINLY MUSIC, 10.00 am in the dining room, $3 per family.


CRAVE CONNECT, Not sure where your connect group meets? Contact your leader or Matt at the Gateway office


PURSUE, This is the last gathering for the year! More details to come.


FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

MAINLY MUSIC, 10.00 am in the dining room, $3 per family.



INTERCESSORS GROUP, Meets 7.30 pm in the prayer room, access via the dining room

CRAVE CONVERGE, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm, meets in the auditorium here in the Gateway building.

BAPTISMSIf you’re keen to be baptised leave your details at the info desk. For baptism locations keep an eye out for details

HEALING ROOMS, 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm, in the nursery, for more info email






GO MISSION, 6.30 pm in the Dining Hall, check the website for more details

FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

MAINLY MUSIC, 10.00 am in the dining room, $3 per family.

D E C EM B E R . . .



INTERCESSORS GROUP, Meets 7.30 pm in the prayer room, access via the dining room






CRAVE CONVERGE, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm, meets in the auditorium here in the Gateway building.


FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast

MAINLY MUSIC, 10.00 am in the dining room, $3 per family, this is the last for the year!




CELEBRATION SUNDAY, children are upstairs from the beginning of the gathering to celebrate the end of the term! Bring a plate to share.

INTERCESSORS GROUP, Meets 7.30 pm in the prayer room, access via the dining room


FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, 6.15 am in the Prayer Room, followed by breakfast16



14 HEALING ROOMS, 7.30 pm - 9.00 pm, in the nursery, for more info email


Get your tickets! See the Gateway website or visit the info desk for details.

INTERCESSORS GROUP, Meets 7.30 pm in the prayer room, access via the dining room

CHRISTMAS EVE GATHERINGS7 pm - Christmas Eve Family gathering10 pm - Christmas Eve gathering

Pull it out, stick it on your fridge, these are the dates you might like to keep in mind for November / December As always, any new events will be posted on the Gateway website,, as well as on our Facebook page. Keep an eye on both!

Over the last little while as Gateway and in the next few weeks we are looking at the power of ‘story’. In our morning gatherings we are looking at the life stories of some Christian ‘greats’: G. K Chester ton, C.S Lewis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Mother Theresa. As par t of our evening gatherings some of our staff will be sharing their life stories. We recognise that we all have a story, that we all live in the ‘muddled middle’ of our own life stories. There is much to learn in hearing the stories of others and ref lecting on our own.

There are some common things about narratives: they have a beginning, a middle and an end. They have a plot that takes the characters in them somewhere. The Bible is a story, it has a beginning, a middle and an end. It is going somewhere. The Bible is not a how-to manual, it is a description of what God has been doing from the beginning of time, what He is doing now, and where it is all going.

The Bible is a grand metanarrative that makes sense of all other narratives. Within this grand metanarrative are many stories - tales of people who lived, and their lives, and the part they played in this greater metanarrative. But essentially the Bible points to one story - God’s great all-consuming love for this world.

The biblical story is also our story, it tells us who we are. It tells us about the God we are dealing with and it tells us what it all means - it tells us what life is about. By looking at it, it helps us to make sense of our own life stories and where we fit in this greater metanarrative of God. Paul Stevens and Michael Green in their book ‘Living the Story’ say: “...the Grand Story of God’s beautiful purpose for creation and humankind, gives us the beginning and the end of our own stories, as well as making sense of the muddled middle” (p. ix).

As we explore the idea of ‘story’ we encourage you over this time to engage and think about where you are in the ‘muddled middle’ of your own story. We also encourage you to engage with the stories of others: to read about our biblical heroes recognising they were real people who lived in real time with real struggles and pressures, to look at those who have gone before us and see what we can learn from the way they lived their lives, and to look around us to those we walk this journey with and see how we each fit into this Grand Story.

We don’t live as part of a small story, we are called into a Grand Story that encompasses the whole of time and the whole of creation. We are called to live out our own stories in light of this Grand Story. What story is your life telling? , u

Donald Miller says: “We live in a world where bad stories are told, stories that teach us life doesn’t mean anything and that humanity has no great purpose. It’s a good calling then, to speak a better story. How brightly a better story shine. How easily the world looks to it in wonder. How grateful we are to hear these stories, and how happy it makes us to repeat them” (A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, p.248).

STORYwords by jo peart is a description of what God has been doing from the beginning of time, what He is doing now, and where it is all going.

illustration: loryn engelsman



BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRITwords by shannon richmond

What is Baptism in the Holy Spirit?

Most of those who have grown up in a Pentecostal church will probably identify baptism in the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. For those of us, like me, who grew up in a more traditional faith we probably more associate it with being a little weird.

Or at least we did until we started to explore what it is all about. Baptism of the Holy Spirit* is a term used to describe a movement of the Spirit upon and/or within a believer usually sometime after the person is saved.

It is not about being saved or becoming ‘more Christian’ than those who have not had the experience.

So what happens when you are baptised in the Holy Spirit? It is really hard to define exactly what will occur for each person – some seem to experience nothing whilst others may experience some physical response to the Spirit moving on them – like falling over, or crying, or shaking. In general, most people experience “speaking in tongues”.

Speaking in tongues is the utterance of words that are not our own – they are words spoken through us by the Holy Spirit with our cooperation. A common misconception is that God takes over our mouth and we have no say in the matter (no pun intended).

Some say that after being baptised in the Holy Spirit that they have a renewed dedication and appreciation for God, a stronger desire to read the Bible, and a deeper sense of worship of God.

So how do we go about receiving this gift from God? The simple answer is to ask and if first you don’t receive, ask again. Because the baptism of the Holy Spirit is about cooperating with God we need to play our part in the receiving. When I was baptised in the Holy Spirit it was suggested that the best way to begin was to start forming words as if I was going to speak normally, but to be open and available to God filling the form of those words through his spirit; kind of like leaning into what he wanted to do.

At first it seemed like gibberish and that perhaps I was ‘faking it’ but through continually coming before God and asking him to help, it seemed to move from being me to being God. It is hard to explain the experience maybe because it is so personal, but I would say it seems like it provides me a vehicle to connect with God in a more direct way.

It is a subject that draws much discussion and provokes many questions, hence I would encourage you to explore it for yourself. Below are some references to get you started and a great book on the subject is “Surprised by the Power of the Holy Spirit” by Jack Deere. The prayer teams on Sundays are always ready to help you in the process of praying for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

*Matt. 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33, Acts 1:5, Acts 11:16, Acts 4:31, Acts 2:4, u

christmas photo comp Whether you get a group together and get your pose on, or you find an oldie but a goodie in the family archive, we want to see your festive snaps!

This year we want to celebrate Christmas with a friendly photo comp!

fa la la la la la la la la!!!All you have to do is choose an option from below,

fill in the form and get your piccy to us here at the creative space, we’ll set it up as part of our Christmas display and you are in to win

that leg of ham for your Christmas Celebrations.

So either find an old photo of you and your family/flat/group posed for Christmas.

Take a posed picture of your family/flat/group with a christmas theme.

RULES 1. Your family/flat/group can only enter ONE picture. 2. Your picture must be to us at the creative space by Sunday Nov 20th 2011. You can either drop it to the office, to one of the creative team OR email it in to 3. If your photograph is coming to us in digital format it will need to be a certain size to ensure a high quality print, for advice on this email 4. A registration form must accompany each entry. You can also get

this online at


Have a heap of fun digging out the old snaps or taking a bunch of new ones.

Christmas at Gateway is about to get cra y!!!


When I am feeling something strongly, I flick to the tatty bookmarks which mark a few of my favourite Psalms. They still reignite sparks of life in me. But why the Psalms? Maybe it has something to do with the raw honesty with which David and other psalmists spoke. It’s where feelings of joy, overwhelmed awe, despair and frustration are spilled out on paper. We can’t help but resonate with them. They speak to our humanity and reassure us of God’s complete divinity. A few weeks ago, Gateway interns wrote our own psalms. The results were creative and straight from the heart. As an avid journaler, I often write my prayers down on paper. I like to

think I’m very real in them. But there was something even more freeing about calling it a psalm. Writing a psalm gives permission to think big picture. Writing a creative psalm frees us to a new level of honesty, of reflection, of emotion, and even poetry! Some of us prayed through newspapers before we wrote. Some reflected on specific moments where God had worked miraculously in our lives, or of his faithfulness to us. Some simply wrote from where we were at now, and determined again to trust our heavenly father with the future. None of us thought ourselves particularly talented with words, we just had something powerful to express. We all do. These psalms that came out of a little group of ordinary people truly moved us. I encourage you to go to the Psalms once again, then pick up your own pen and use the example of the psalmists to be deeply real with God.

Here is a sampling of a few of the psalms written by the interns.

THE ROCKWords by Shirley Caspari

The earth sliding around me, Every foundation I had crashing down. All my life a wasteland, Alone, despair my constant companion.

But one thing remained: One Rock to give me shelter, one strong arm to steady me. My God, My King who stayed.

One quiet word to still the storm. My strong tower to guard me and keep me safe and keep me from harm. Without this awesome God, who knows where I would be now?

With his hands to guide me, his voice to calm me, I returned to life, to joy, to security. I will praise him all the days of my life

He is my Rock.

OUR WORTHY ROCKWords by Hannah Henderson

In a world of confusion, O Lord my God, Be the God of the grey.

What do we cling to? Is there anything we can truly be sure of?

All knowing God, How we need your peace and sureness in our world. Come and be our rock as you were to David.

And yet I remember and I am sure. As the tide rises and falls at your command, stories of your faithfulness are without end.

I will remember your goodness, your provision. There are so many moments when you were the only answer and explanation.

And I will praise you for these miracle memories, O mighty God! I know you are with us now.

O King over confusion, You are the God of black and white, And God who rides in the mysterious mists of the grey.

I will ponder and search you out. We put our trust in you, Our worthy rock. u


words by hannah henderson

7.30, 19th NOVEMBERjoin us for food, conversation and

some shared wisdom.

breakfast will be $10, register at the information desk or via the office by the 16th of november.

7.30, 19th NOVEMBERjoin us for food, conversation and

some shared wisdom.

breakfast will be $10, register at the information desk or via the office by the 16th of november.


1. Can’t afford to travel - enjoy travelling through other countries with books, (books - where would we be without them?) Take time out to relax and read this summer. There is lots of great reading on the shelves of the Gateway Bookshop. So many books, so many topics, something for everyone to enjoy, learn, discover, meditate upon, laugh and share.

2. It’s so easy to jazz up a room with a new picture. Brighten up your walls this summer with new, bright, cheerful prints. Buy more than one and change them around. 3. Make a statement with bright, comfy flat sandals.

4. Cute, stripey, summer top for a young girl. The opshop has lots of clothing to choose from for a new summer wardrobe.

5. Need a caffeine fix - No coffee, no workee! Or take a break, have some friends over and make a coffee.

6. Travelling away for a summer break? Buy your roomy suitcase at a very affordable price. There’ll be no need to cull! Plenty of space for all the things you definitely need to pack. u

1 2

3 4




chosen by ellen goodhall

1. Where are you at this moment? On the computer answering the 10 questions.

2. What do you like about being your current age?I’m 12, so I don’t have to pay for bills or anything at all.

3. What’s the latest book you’ve read? Teachers Pet’ for a school thing.

4. What is your favourite album? I quite like Jessie J’s album she is a great singer!

5. You can have 3 people to dinner dead or living, bar Jesus - who do you invite?Well I would invite, Dan Carter it’s obvious why. Casey Williams, because she is my role model and I want to be just like her when I’m older. Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge) - because she is really pretty and I’m sure she would have LOADS to talk about over dinner.

6. What’s one thing you remember your mother teaching you?If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

7. Where do you go to get quiet?

In my bedroom.

8. What is one thing you could talk about for hours? (because you are so passionate about it)

Well... Probably sport and/or celebrities because they are both so interesting.

9. How do you know Jesus is real?I have seen him work miracles on loved ones.

10. What is one thing you think people don’t know about you?I hate swans! u