Gateway B2 Test 1A.doc

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Transcript of Gateway B2 Test 1A.doc

Unit 1 Test A

Name ............................................. Class ................................................

Use of English: Grammar

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.

1 I __________ (be) at uni for six months now and I __________ (love) every moment of it so far.

2 I __________ (not study) English when I __________ (be) at primary school.

3 Jack is a pain. He __________ (always borrow) my dictionary and he __________ (always forget) to give it back too.

4 __________ (you exercise) at the gym? You __________ (look) very tired.

5 Sorry, can you show me that again? I __________ (not concentrate) and I __________ (have) no idea what to do now.


2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1 Brett came round last night helping/to help me with my assignment.

2 Working/to work on this project with you has been really interesting.

3 Jim expected me giving/to give him a lift to college this morning, but I didn’t have my car.

4 I’m not sure which website looking/to look on for the information.

5 Katy left without finishing/to finish her coffee.


3 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words.

1 I last spoke to Dan on Friday.


I _______________ since Friday.

2 This question is very difficult, and I can’t answer it.


This question _______________ answer.

3 He said he would definitely arrive at 6.30.


He _______________ at 6.30.

4 It’s enjoyable to go bowling.


I _______________ bowling.

5 This is my third visit to Paris.


I _______________ three times.


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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

4 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

In my first year at uni I (1) ___ in a hall of residence because my home is two hundred miles away. I was a bit worried about (2) ___ with so many students at the beginning, but it was great fun, and I made a lot of new friends. Then one evening at a party, I was talking to a couple of students who are on the same course as me, and they suggested sharing a flat together in our second year. We went (3) ___ at a place together, and it was fantastic. It even had a garden and a cat! So, last month we moved in and now we (4) ___ here for five months. We haven’t had any arguments yet. I (5) ___ happier. I’m glad I was in the halls of residence in my first year but I think two years would be too long. Now I have good company when I want it and I’m independent too. So, I have the best of both worlds.

1 A have stayed B have been staying C stayed

2 A to live B living C live

3 A to look B looking C look

4 A were B are C have been

5 A was never B was never being C have never been


Use of English: Vocabulary

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. You are given the first letters.

1 I have to work on my a__________ this evening because it’s due in tomorrow.

2 When you’re an u__________ you can get cheap train fares when you travel.

3 When my mum was a student, she never went to a l__________ if it started too early in the morning.

4 I must pass this exam because I don’t want to r__________ it next term.

5 It’s important to r__________ for an exam properly, not just the night before.


6 Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first by replacing the words in italics.

1 Our school organises a lot of things for the students to do outside school time.

Our school organises a lot of ______________.

2 It’s important for students to learn to make their own decisions.

It’s important for students to _______________.

3 Our school has a good swimming pool, cafeteria and library.

Our school has good student _______________.

4 Professor Simons was our lecturer for the length of the course.

Professor Simons was our lecturer for the _______________ of the course.

5 My sister is living in the university’s own accommodation for her first year.

My sister is living in a _______________ for her first year.


7 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.

1 Can you do/make me a favour and check this essay, please?

2 Don’t worry about the exam. You can only do/make your best.

3 I’ve just done/made an appointment to see my tutor after the lecture.

4 Could I do/make a suggestion? Go online and check the information.

5 How long did it take to do/make this homework?


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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

8 Complete the sentences with words formed from the words given.

1 My __________ (concentrate) isn’t good in the afternoons, so I prefer to work in the mornings.

2 The teacher usually complains about the __________ (accurate) of my spelling.

3 I much prefer __________ (continue) assessment to taking exams.

4 I have a good __________ (relation) with the other students in my group.

5 The __________ (fly) to the USA took ten hours.



9 Read the article and choose the correct sentences A–F to fill the gaps. There is one sentence you do not need.

Technology plays a large part in the lives of most students today. (1) ___ Handwritten essays are also becoming a thing of the past. Many schools equip their classrooms with computers for use during lessons, and students are expected to be computer literate at an early age. (2) ___ Therefore, school libraries are no longer as necessary as they once were. The world of learning is changing quickly and dramatically. But how far can technology go in education? Will teachers still be necessary in ten or 20 years’ time? Or will online teaching be the norm? Now, there’s a thought!

In Denmark, the government is taking the use of computers in schools one step further. Computers are now being used in the exam room itself. (3) ___ Using computers in exams is not completely new for Danish students. They have been able to type up their exam essays on computers instead of writing them by hand for several years. However, now, under a new scheme, students in exams are allowed complete access to the Internet. (4) ___ The only thing they cannot do is communicate with anyone else online. So, no emailing or messaging while in the exam room.

Opponents to the idea believe that using computers like this in exams opens the door to cheating. They say it is impossible to monitor the sites the students visit or any contact they may make with friends outside the exam room or even other students in the same exam. (5) ___ They point out that exams these days are no longer about remembering facts and figures. They are about analysing things. Examination questions these days do not usually ask about when, who or what. They ask why and how. It’s hard to cheat using the Internet on questions like this.

Surely, computers are such an important part of the learning process today that it seems a natural step to use them in exams? For those worried about cheating, it’s important to remember that in exams the students are under a lot of pressure and have to do a lot of things in a very short time. There isn’t really a lot of time to cheat. Perhaps computer use in exams will become standard procedure in a few years’ time. What do you think? We’d love to hear your views. Post a comment on our website.

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Name ............................................. Class ................................................

A However, supporters believe that we should trust the students.

B In some schools, the need to use reference books has mainly been replaced by easy access to information online.

C The rules say that they can go on any website they wish.

D Students themselves are aware of the possible accusations of cheating.

E Unsurprisingly, this is causing a fair amount of controversy.

F More and more students have their own computers at home or even laptops, so that they can do online research for projects and assignments.



10 You are going to hear five people talking about going to university. Listen and match the speakers 1–5 with the statements A–F. There is one extra statement you do not need.

A This speaker is happy with his/her decision for the moment.

Speaker ___

B This speaker is copying a family member.

Speaker ___

C This speaker changed his/her attitude to studying.

Speaker ___

D This speaker is doing better than his/her friends.

Speaker ___

E This speaker has the same hopes as his/her parents.

Speaker ___

F This speaker is now doing what he/she always wanted.

Speaker ___



11Read the email and write a reply from Tom to Mark answering his questions.

Hi Tom,

I hope you’re enjoying university life! You’ve been there three months now. As we arranged, I’m coming up to stay with you next weekend. I just wanted to check a few things. I’m seeing your parents tomorrow, so is there anything you’d like me to bring you from home? Also I’m not too sure where to meet you and when. Remember, I’m getting the 3.15 train from Tashworth and it usually takes about two hours. Do I need to get a taxi when I get to Cambridge or is it quick to walk to your place?

I’m really looking forward to seeing you. It seems ages since you left. Have you arranged anything for the weekend or shall we just decide what we want to do when I come?

See you Friday.


Write 120–180 words.






















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