GAT Jul Aug Member Metabolic 2A

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Transcript of GAT Jul Aug Member Metabolic 2A

  • 7/31/2019 GAT Jul Aug Member Metabolic 2A


    When Christoph Egel relocated

    to the USA to serve a 3-year

    expatriate assignment, he and his

    amily quickly started to enjoy the

    American way o lie so much, they

    decided to stay and localize. Unortu-

    nately, they also became victims o a

    main cause or the obesity epidemic

    here in the U.S. heavily processed

    oods, a lack o natural nutrients and

    bad eating habits.

    Christoph and his amily joined more

    than 2/3 o the American population in

    their quest or a solution to being

    overweight or obese. The Egels,

    though, had an advantage riends

    and amily at home made them aware

    o a break-through nutrition program

    that had emerged in Germany in 2002:

    metabolic balance. This program was

    developed by Dr. Wol Funack,

    metabolic expert, in close cooperationwith Silvia Brkle, nutritional engi-

    neer, and his wie Birgit Funack, who

    has since been the managing director

    o Metabolic Balance GmbH & Co. KG

    The relationship between a balanced

    diet and a properly unctioning

    metabolism is unmistakeable, states

    Dr. Wol Funack. As a method,

    metabolic balance pays particular

    attention to the act that the body

    must produce sufcient enzymes and

    hormones in order to maintain a

    balanced metabolic system. Every

    participant is provided with a nutri-

    tional plan that is individually

    designed and recommends specifcallythose oods that the participant needs

    in order to produce these vitally

    important substances.

    In an independent study published in

    the Journal o Nutrition and Metabo-

    lism, metabolic balance demonstrated

    signifcant positive eects on weight

    loss, symptoms or metabolic syn-

    drome, mental well-being and general

    quality o lie. It achieves this througha combined approach: natural oods

    with a balanced nutrient content, a

    well-defned regimen supported by

    certifed coaches and regular exercise.

    It is no surprise that this award-

    winning program has experienced

    tremendous growth over the last

    decade and has changed the lie

    o more than 600,000 program

    participants in 28 countries,

    including almost 2,500 participants

    in the United States.

    Today, Christoph Egel is the CEO o

    Metabolic Balance, Inc. Ater his wie

    became one o the frst metabolicbalance coaches in the U.S. he

    experienced the metabolic balance

    nutrition program frst hand and was

    able to eliminate all the medications

    that his executive liestyle required

    him to take! Consequently, he is

    extremely excited about the value

    metabolic balance can add to

    corporate wellness programs. As the

    economic impact o the obesity

    epidemic amounts to more than $270billion per year, with the losses in

    productivity being estimated at $164

    billion, an all-natural nutrition

    program like metabolic balance

    can reduce the burden o the

    continuously growing healthcare

    contribution on companies. Taking

    care o our employees is one o our

    most important priorities. Healthy

    employees are invaluable says

    Dr. Funack and this commitment

    to its employees earned metabolic

    balance the prestigious 2011

    HAWARD Health Award.

    The obesity problem has reached

    epidemic proportions. By 2030, 42%

    o Americans are projected to

    be obese! metabolic balance is

    German American Trade Jul/Aug 201236

    M E M B E R P R O F I L E

    metabolic balance

    nutrition program grows in the US

    B. Funfack, Dr. Funfack, and S. Brkle

    celebrating the 10th anniversary of

    metabolic balance in March 2012

  • 7/31/2019 GAT Jul Aug Member Metabolic 2A


    uniquely positioned to meet this

    challenge by reaching participants

    through health and wellness

    proessionals, who are certifed in

    the metabolic balance method.

    Adding metabolic balance to their

    practice allows them to provide an

    eective long-term solution or

    clients while generating a substantial

    income stream.

    metabolic balance has the highestquality expectations or the program

    and the certifcation o coaches is

    instrumental in achieving this goal.

    Twice a year, Dr. Funack visits the

    USA to lead a certifcation seminar.

    The next opportunity to become a

    certifed coach by studying the

    scientifc oundation o the

    metabolic balance method and

    the associated proprietary tools with

    him will be rom October 05 07,

    2012, in Los Angeles, CA. n

    German American Trade Jul/Aug 2012 37

    M E M B E R P R O F I L E

    A D V E R T I S E M E N T

    Half Page Ad

    Dr. Funfack answers questions at the metabolic

    balance 10th anniversary celebration

    Contact information:

    More information about metabolicbalance can be found at>>

    www.metabolic-balance.comCompanies interested in learningmore about our corporate wellnessofferings and individuals interestedin becoming a coach can also contactmetabolic balance at>>