Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Associated with Myasthenia...

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Transcript of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Associated with Myasthenia...

Iran Red Crescent Med J. In Press(In Press):e58682.

Published online 2017 July 30.

doi: 10.5812/ircmj.58682.

Case Report

Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Associated with Myasthenia Gravis: A

Case Report

Laurentiu Nedelcu,1,2,* and Teodora Dumitrescu21Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Semiology, University Transylvania, Brasov, Romania2Department of Internal Medicine, Emergency County Hospital, Brasov, Romania

*Corresponding author: Laurentiu Nedelcu, Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Semiology, University Transylvania, Brasov, Romania.

Received 2017 February 18; Revised 2017 March 14; Accepted 2017 March 29.


Introduction: Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) represent less than 1% of all gastrointestinal tumors. The GIST diagnosis in apatient with a newly discovered myasthenia gravis (MG) raises the problem of evolution and treatment.Case Presentation: We present the case of a 58-year-old patient, who has been diagnosed with MG on December 2015 at emergencyclinical county hospital Brasov, Romania. After further investigations, a localized gastric GIST was discovered. The treatment wassurgical (January 2016) and the one-year evolution after the surgery was without relapse. Genetic mutations in the KIT and PDGFRgenes were investigated.Conclusions: GIST may be accidentally discovered in asymptomatic patients. Genetic mutation examinations are needed in orderto provide evidence. MG in association with GIST is rare and raises problems of diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords: Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors, Myasthenia Gravis, Mutations

1. Introduction

GIST represents 1% of all gastrointestinal tumors, how-ever, they are the most common mesenchymal tumors ofthe digestive system. They can appear in any segment ofthe digestive system, but most frequently, in the stomach(aprox. 60%) and small intestine (aprox. 30%). Other lo-cations, such as the large intestine, the anorectal region,the pancreas, and the esophagus, are rare. They most com-monly occur in adults between 40 and 70 years old, with-out any geographical or ethnical differences, and they de-velop from the myenteric ganglion cells called the intersti-tial cells of Cajal (1).

The GIST name was first used in 1983 by Mazur andClark (2) who histologically reevaluated a series of gastricwall tumors that were considered to be leiomyomas orleiomyosarcomas. Their source was likely to have been rep-resented by the myenteric ganglion cells (2).

Endoscopic biopsy and laparoscopic excision are thefirst steps in the diagnosis. The histological diagnosiswill continue with an immunohistochemistry (Over 95% ofGIST have c-kit expression with diffuse cytoplasmic stain-ing pattern) and molecular biology. The diagnostis of GISTis confirmed by the mutational analysis for known muta-tions involving KIT and PDGFRA (3). An important step inthe understanding of the molecular mechanisms was thediscovery of a KIT protein and its mutations (4). This dis-covery allowed the individualization of GIST. The KIT pro-

tein is a tyrosine kinase receptor, similar to the platelet-derived growth factor alpha receptor (PDGFRA). The acti-vation of one of these receptors is involved in the patho-genesis of GIST (5). Tyrosine kinase inhibitors suppress thesignal and reduce the proliferation of tumor cells. Thesefindings have led to the introduction of tyrosine kinase in-hibitors in the GIST treatment as adjuvant therapy after thecomplete resection and for the treatment of unresectableand recurrent GIST (6). Approximately 10% of GIST doesnot harbor any mutation of the KIT and PDGFRA genes.These GISTs are designated as “KIT/PDGFRA-wild type” orjust “wild type” GIST (7).

2. Case Presentation

We present the case of a 58-year-old male patient thatpresented himself to our clinic on December 2015 for adaily fluctuating muscular weakness, accentuated by ef-fort, and relieved by rest. The patient has difficulties inwalking long distances and climbing stairs. These symp-toms first appeared 2 months ago and during the last weekthe patient also presented chewing disorders.

In the patient’s history there was an episode of uppergastrointestinal bleeding (melena) in 2013, which was at-tributed to the consumption of 3 Ketoprofen pills (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory). The upper gastrointestinalendoscopy performed in our clinic revealed a gastric polypon the posterior gastric wall, near the gastric angle. The

Copyright © 2017, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0International License ( which permits copy and redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided theoriginal work is properly cited.

Nedelcu L and Dumitrescu T

histological examination reveals a normal gastric mucosawith a moderate chronical inflammatory, diffuse lympho-plasmatic infiltrate.

The neurological examination performed on Decem-ber 2015 reveals a typical myasthenia face: immobile, ex-pressionless, with a mild bilateral ptosis, mastication diffi-culties, and mild to strong swallowing disorders. Proximalmuscle strength is low in the upper and lower limbs. Thereare no signs of atrophy and no sensitivity or coordinationproblems.

The electromyography performed at “Neuroptics Med”clinic Bucharest revealed a postsynaptic myasthenia block.The value of the acetylcholine receptor antibodies (AChR)was increased: 23.625 nmol/L (normal value < 0.400nmol/L). The muscle-specific antibodies against the tyro-sine kinase (MuSK) were negative: < 0.01 U/mL (referencerange < 0.4 U/mL). The test was performed by an accred-ited medical laboratory of the German Limbach laboratorygroup.

The patient’s symptoms, neurological, electrophysio-logical examinations, and the titer of the acetylcholinereceptor antibodies sustain the generalized, Class III A,myasthenia gravis diagnosis. According to the MyastheniaGravis American Foundation, the III A class is defined bylimb and axial muscles problems, usually with a lesser in-volvement of the oropharyngeal muscles (8).

No connections with other autoimmune diseases -such as thyrotoxicosis (TSH = 1.60 mIU / L, FT4 = 1.29 ng /dL), systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis,Sjogren’s syndrome, and polymyositis were found.

Since MG and Lambert-Eaton myasthenia syndrome(LEMS) can accompany malignancies (9, 10), we have ex-panded the investigations. The thorax computer tomog-raphy scan excluded a thymoma or a lung cancer. Giventhe clinical history (upper gastrointestinal bleeding) andthe need for the initiation of the corticosteroid treatment,a decision for an upper and a lower gastrointestinal en-doscopy was made. A 3 cm polypoid gastric tumor was dis-covered on the posterior gastric wall. It had a wide im-plantation base, a top cord, and erosions on the surface(Figures 1 and 2). The endoscopic aspect and long-termevolution sustained a GIST diagnosis. An exploratory la-paroscopy and an atypical laparoscopical resection of thegastric great curvature was performed on February 2016.

The gastric resection piece was histopathologically an-alyzed. The dimensions were 4/2, 5/4 cm. It was protrusive,had an elastic consistency, extended outside the exteriorstomach wall, and was covered by the serous layer. Typicalmitosis were present (2 mitosis / 50 high power fields). Im-munohistochemically, the tumor cells are intensely posi-tive, and the proliferation index is 5%. The histological as-pect is that of a gastric stromal tumor (GIST) with a low ma-

Figure 1. I.M., 58 Years Old, Aspect Within the Endoscopy

Polypoid gastric tumor on the posterior gastric wall.

lignant potential. The pTNM classification is pT2 pNx pMx.

The molecular genetic study for detecting mutationsin the cKIT and PDGFR genes has detected the mutationc.2525 A > T - p. (Asp842Val) in the PDGRFA gene at the 18thexon. No mutations were detected in the cKIT gene in the9,11,13,17 exons and in the PDGFR gene in the 12, 14 exons. Thepatient was informed and an informed consent was sign(11). The detection was performed by “personal genetics”bucharest using next generation secquencing (NGS). Thetesting was confirmed by The institute of pathologic andgenetics Gosselies-Charleroi, Belgium.

One year after the surgery, the patient’s condition wasfavorable. The cancer screening was negative and the up-per gastrointestinal endoscopy detected no modifications.The patient was also taken into neurological care andhe continued the administration of the cortisone treat-ment with an obvious improvement of the myasthenic syn-drome.

3. Discussion

The GIST diagnosis was established after investigatinga patient with MG, that presented upper gastrointestinalbleeding 2 years ago. In that moment, a gastric polyp wasdescribed and the histological examination did not evokethe possibility of a GIST diagnosis. The digestive bleedingwas presumed to be caused by the consumption of NSAIDs.There is a high probability that the former described polypis actually a GIST. The “polyp” localisation on the posteriorgastric wall was identical with that of the stromal tumor.

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Figure 2. I.M., 58 Years Old, Aspect Within the Endoscopy

Polypoid gastric tumor on the posterior gastric wall.

The possibility of a paraneoplasic syndrome was takeninto consideration, due to MG-GIST association. The pe-ripheral nervous system can be affected in the paraneopla-sic syndrome at the muscles, peripheral nerves, and neuro-muscular junction.

Impaired neuromuscular junction has been described(12) in MG and LEMS. This usually occurs in the small celllung cancer. The thorax CT scan excludes a lung tumorand the antibodies against the calcium channels type P /Q are negative (18.6 pmol / L). In approximately 10% - 15%of patients with MG, especially in younger people, a thy-moma has been discovered. Therefore, MG can be consid-ered as the most common paraneoplasic manifestation inpatients with thymoma. The examinated pacient had nothymoma. Other MG associated tumors have not been de-scribed. For this reason, without having other arguments,we can consider that the association MG-GIST is a randomone.

The risk stratification of patients with GIST is based onthe location of the tumor, its size, and its mitotic index (13).For gastric localisation, a tumor, between the size of 2 and5 cm, and a mitotic index < 5/50 hpf, has a very low risk -1.9% (5).

Genetic studies show that 85% of GIST have active muta-tions in the protooncogenes KIT, 3% - 5% have PDGFRA mu-tations, and a small amount are mutation free. The exami-nated patient has a rare mutation in the PDGRFRA gene atthe 18th exon.

The curative treatment of GIST is a surgical one, withthe complete resection of the tumor. The mutation de-scription allowed the emergence of therapies that have a

direct action upon the protooncogenes KIT / PDGFRA. Ima-tinib mesylate is a tyrosine selective molecular kinase in-hibitor, originally used in the treatment of the chronic my-logeneous leukemia. Its introduction in the GIST therapyincreased the survival rate in patients with relapses andthose with unresectable or metastatic tumors. The regula-tory authorities in the United States of America and Europehave allowed the use of imatimib mesytlat. Thus, in 2002,the Food and Drug Administration approved its use in themetastatic GIST and in 2008 its use as an adjuvant ther-apy after the complete resection of a GIST. The EuropeanMedicines Agency approves the use of imatimib mesytlatin the resected GIST, that are KIT positive, and with an in-creased risk (14). A future problem is the identification ofmutations with a high risk of relapse. It was reported thatonly KIT exon 11 deletions genes are associated with an in-creased risk of relapse (15). GIST with KIT exon 9 mutationshad higher response rates to the treatment with imatimibmesytlat (16).

Other therapeutic options are represented by Suni-tinib and Regorafenib. Sunitinib is considered to bethe standard second-line treatment recommended for pa-tients with metastatic GIST or with imatinib intolerance(17). A study published in The Lancet analyzed the efficiencyand safety of regorafenib in patients with unresectable ormetastatic GIST with a previous ineffective treatment withimatinib and sunitinib (18).

This case study has some limitations: the missing ofimmunohistochemical picture and the delayed diagnosisof GIST. We were able to perform the molecular geneticstudy for detecting mutations in the cKIT and PDGFR genes.This is a positive point in the management of the patient.

3.1. Conclusions

We presented the case of a newly diagnosed patientwith MG, which simultaneously presents a surgically re-sected GIST with a low risk and a PDGFRA mutation in the18th exon. The patient’s 1 year evolution after the resectionis favorable. No tyrosine kinase inhibitors were adminis-tered. The association of MG with GIST is not common.A paraneoplastic syndrome was excluded. The manage-ment of the patient was complete from clinic to genetic;the treatment was adequate. The evolution is favorable af-ter 1 year. The patient entered a surveillance program thatrequires clinical examination, upper gastrointestinal en-doscopy, and abdominal CT scan at every 6 months.


We thank Synevo Romania, Santomar Oncodiagnos-tic Cluj Romania, Neuroptics Med. Bucharest Romania,

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personal genetics Bucharest Romania, the institute ofpathologic and genetics Gosselies-Charleroi Belgium, Ger-man Limbach laboratory group, as well as Doctor BogdanMoldovan from Brasov Romania for their support.


Authors’ Contribution: Laurentiu Nedelcu collected, an-alyzed the data, and supervise the manuscript; Teodora Du-mitrescu has prepared and edited the documentation.


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