Gary Gibson - ACARP. Gary Gibson & Associates - Towards an integrated roadway development system

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Transcript of Gary Gibson - ACARP. Gary Gibson & Associates - Towards an integrated roadway development system

Towards an Integrated Roadway

Development System



Key learnings - 2014:

incremental approach to roadway development R&D could not deliver the step change improvement in development performance required

fundamental reconfiguration of the mining platform was necessary if we were to address key constraints within the development process, and develop a totally integrated system

the scale of such an initiative was beyond ACARP, any single mining company, or OEM

the necessity to engage the industry generally, as well as key stakeholders and OEMs specifically, if we were to contemplate such a step-change development


Industry Workshop – Towards and Integrated Roadway Development System:

review the barriers to improved development performance

examine the role of emerging technologies

identify key R&D requirements

explore opportunities for the collaborative development of a safe, efficient and highly productive roadway development system

Industry survey - Functional Requirements of an Integrated Roadway Development System


Survey findings - Functional Requirements of an Integrated Roadway Development System

Opportunities for addressing key constraints within the development process

Current and prospective roadway development related R&D

The views contained herein are mine and not necessarily those of ACARP and the Roadway Development Task Group




Extend services


What - Integrated Roadway Development?


Consistently, reliably and repeatedly


Minimal manual handling

Cost effectively

Deliver a step change improvement in development performance

Why - Integrated Roadway Development?

Longwall continuity

15,000-30,000 tpd longwall production (average 25,000 tpd)

$0.5-0.7M longwall revenue/day (NSW)

$2-3.7M/day longwall revenue/day (QLD)

Longwall capacity

1% Δ of 25,000 tpd = additional 50,000 tpa (or more)

Development costs

24-60% total mine operating costs (average 40-45%)

$7.5-40M/annum/development unit (average $20M/unit)

Improved safety

Reported injuries in roadway development 3 times greater than in longwall

How - Integrated Roadway Development?

2007 CM2010 R&D Strategy

Estimated $30M or more to progress an incremental R&D approach, with ACARP funding some $8-10M

ACARP has since committed almost $16M to roadway development R&D, with just 4 projects consuming $12M

Integrated development system beyond capacity of ACARP, individual OEM or mining company - collaborative approach necessary

The first collaboration – industry survey to establish the Functional Requirements

Identify industry needs, requirements, and priorities

Develop industry consensus

Quantify costs and potential gains

Establish R&D priorities

Industry Survey – Functional Requirements

Survey jointly developed by Joy Global, Sandvik and ACARP’s Roadway Development Task Group

Distributed to all longwall mines and emerging projects in NSW and QLD

Responses received from 15 mines and 4 emerging projects

Survey topics included:

Mining Parameters Coal Haulage

Performance Requirements Strata Support

Geological Information Mine Logistics

Mining Regulations Panel Conveyor and Advancement

Operating Targets Process Costs and Savings

Continuous Miners Future State

Industry Survey – Key Longwall Parameters


Target ROM Production

Range 3-8 Mtpa, average 5.0-6.5 Mtpa

All mines >6 Mtpa, most 7-10 Mtpa range2 new projects 14-15 Mtpa

Longwall Block Length

Typically 2.5-4.0 km, newer mine 6.5 km

Typically 2.5-3.5 km, newer mine 6.0 kmNew projects typically 6 km

Longwall Face Width Range 160-400m, average 320-340m

Existing mines typically 300-320m, new projects 350-400m

Longwall Retreat Length

Typically 2,350-4,000 m/annum, average 3,300-3,500 m/annumMine with 160m wide face -5,000-6,000 m/annum

Typically 4,000-5,000m/annum, average 4,400 m/annumNew 7Mtpa project – one block/annum

Development Metres Gates: typically 15-20 km/annum (12-25 km/annum) Mains: typically 4 km/annum (3.8-12 km/annum)

Typically 6-9 km per development unitOverall mine totals range from 15-30 km/annum

Industry Survey – Development Parameters


Roadway Width Typically 4.8-5.5m wide Typically 5.2-5.6m, newer mines planning for 5.8-6.0m

Seam Gradients Typically 1:30-1:20 Typically 1:15-1:12

Pillar Length Typically 125-130m (100-150m) Typically 120-130m (100-130m)

Roof Bolt Length Best: 1.8-2.4m (4-6 bolts/m)Worst : 2.1-2.4m (6-8 bolts/m)

Best: 1.8m (4-8 bolts/m)Worst: 1.8m (6-8 bolts/m)

Rib Bolt Length Typical: 1.2-1.8m (0-3 bolts/m/r)Worst: 1.5-1.8 (3 bolts/m/rib)

Typical: 1.5-1.8m (0-3 bolts/m/r)Worst: 1.5-1.8 (3-5 bolts/m/rib)

Long Tendons 40%, range 5-100% 30-40%, range 5-100%

Crew Size Typically 2-4 Operators Typically 5-6 Operators

1.0m Cycle Time Typically 27-35 min, (20-50 min) Typically 20-25 min, (14-60 min)

900 Breakaway Typically 16-18 hr, (10-24 hr) Typically 8-10 hr, (3-10 hr)

Development Rates 1.15-2.5 MPOH 2.2-3.6 MPOH

Cutting Time (7 day) 70-80 hr/week 63-90 hr/week, typically 80 hr

Industry Survey – Geological Information

Majority of mines were mining seams of 4.0m or more thickness with these mines typically mining roadways 3.2 -3.7m high

Only 2 mines reported mining seam thickness of 3.1 m or less, with 2.6-2.7m being identified as the practical minimum roadway height

Mines generally projected steepening grades over next 5-10 years with 7 mines reporting grades increasing from 1:12 to 1:6

Gradients of 1:9 to 1:8 generally considered maximum practical working grade, although three mines considered gradients of 1:6 to 1:4 as practical operating limits

Almost half of mines noted that ground conditions might preclude the use of mechanical temporary roof support systems

Industry Survey – Mining Parameters

Typically 2 entry gateroads with 3 entries adopted for longwall ventilation/gas management

Single entry gateroads generally not supported although under active consideration at one new project

Longwall ventilation requirements, longwall equipment transportation and geotechnical factors key determinants in regards to roadway widths

Move to 150m pillars in some NSW mines may be result of crew sizing (2-4 operators) – not haulage constrained but support constrained with smaller crews

Flat roof generally preferred if conditions allow although rounding of roof/rib corner or arching of roof expected to improve strata control

Industry Survey – Performance Requirements

2 development units supporting one longwall was seen as optimum, although some mines were projecting 4 and 5 development units

Development rates generally expected to increase over time driven by:

increased longwall productivity

need to reduce overall development costs

increased depth and support requirements

mining of geographically challenged reserves with shorter, narrower longwalls

General support for development of specialised gateroad development and specialised mains development equipment

Industry Survey – Performance Requirements

What are the key “missing” enabling technologies required for an efficient roadway development system?

Improved bolting systems including SDB

Automated bolting systems including removal of mesh handling

Automated cutting and support systems

Improved cable bolting and post-grouting systems

Materials management and delivery, including automated materials handling

Continuous haulage

CM navigation and horizon control systems

Rapid panel extension

Better ventilation systems for gas control

Improved communications and decision support systems, particularly at the operator level in order to support employee engagement

Industry Survey – Operating Targets & Delays

Target cutting time in NSW ranged from 70-80 hr/week, and 63-90 hr/week in QLD (and typically 80 hr/week)

9 mines reported Panel Advance in top 2 Operating Delays, with 7 others reporting Conveyor Delays in top 5 delays

6 NSW mines reported Strata Support in top 5 with 2 others reporting Secondary Support – no QLD mines reported Strata Support in top 5

Other top 5 delays included Flitting CM (6), Supplying CM (6), Ventilation Extension (6), Prep or Process Work (4)

Planned maintenance in 7 day operations ranged from 8-26 hr/week, and typically 12-18 hrs

9 mines reported Bolting Rigs in top 5 Engineering Delays, with 7 mines also reporting Hosing or Hydraulics Delays in top 5 Engineering Delays

Industry Survey – Strata Support

Average number of bolts installed typically half of best performance levels achieved – average typically 150-360 bolts per shift, including 10-12 Megabolts or 8m tendons

Factors needing action to improve bolting cycle times:

Speed of drilling and handling of roof and rib mesh

Automation of the drilling and installation process, removal of meshing requirements

Reduction of material handling to resupply face

Limitations of human speed and capabilities – operator fatigue

SDB, spin to stall resin, torque-tension cable bolts

Improved positioning of rigs

Reducing extent of bolting required through other means – ie; changing roadway shape

Industry Survey – Mining Regulations

Good ventilation system design considered essential to meet ventilation standards - last C/T quantities of 20-50 m3/sec required in NSW, 30-50 m3/sec in QLD

8 of 9 QLD mines/projects (and 1 NSW mine) noted heat management was an issue, with 2 QLD mines noting use of bulk air coolers

Good to strong support for adoption on monorail mounted services management systems - a number of practical issues were identified

Potential adoption of higher voltages (>1100V) on continuous miners and other face equipment was generally not supported

Industry Survey – Mine Logistics

Distance from surface to face (and return) and type of material handling system – LHD’s and trailers are too slow and move small amounts at one time

Poor floor conditions and/or floor heave extending travel time and reducing overall availability and access to the working faces

Heat management/ventilation constraints in long gateroads/DPM management limiting number of vehicles in operation (or removal of diesels from underground due to concerns re DPM)

Industry Survey – Future State

What an optimised gateroad development system should look like in 5-10 years (ie; one that meets safety and production requirements)?

Continuous cutting and supporting cycles – hence continuous coal clearance

Mechanised supply handling system - non manual material handling system

Automated mesh and support installation

Self-installing roof bolts and cables

Refined strata support designs, targeted to increased CM coal cutting time

Monorail services management - cable management system

Real time monitoring of face functions

Reduced exposure of personnel

2 headings

Industry Survey – Future State

What enabling technologies are key to achieving increased roadway development rates in the future?

Simpler more efficient bolting systems with elimination of mesh

Refined strata support designs to reduce the amount of primary support installed or increase the speed at which it is installed

Continuous coal clearance

Automation of key controls ie; cutting sequence and drilling, and remove manual handling

Reliable accurate proximity detection

Cost effective SDB

CM navigation systems

Real time monitoring - real information - overall system reliability

Wireless technology

Miniaturisation of CM components to increase storage space

Panel advance – integrated monorail systems

Industry Survey – Future State

What enabling technologies are key to addressing existing safety concerns/hazards?

Ergonomics for operators

Automated processes – remove or reduce manual handling, reduce human errors or interactions with machinery, reduce exposure to crush potential, reduce exposure to fluid power systems and dust

Safe method for putting mesh sheets up

Continuous haulage or automation of SC

Increased use of monorails, and self-advancing systems

Improved ventilation systems and ergonomic protection

Simpler more efficient bolting systems with the elimination of mesh

Remove manual handling - particularly vent tubes and long tendon bolts

Management of diesel particulates

Travel road management/maintenance - controlling water make

Industry Survey – Future State

What priorities and timeframes should be assigned to the development of these key “safety” related enabling technologies?

Automated bolting and materials resupply – within 2 years

Continuous haulage – within 2 years

Automated bolting and reduced manual handling – within 5 years.

Diesel particulates – within 2 years

Removing manual handling identified as a high priority

Other identified priorities noted include:

• Personal proximity detection

• Cost effective SDB

• CM navigation – self steering

• Real time monitoring

• Automation of SC

“Priority should be given to automation to standardise results and reduce manual requirements - should be focused on optimisation of the coal cutting process from cutting, to support installation and coal haulage”

Most mines are significantly support constrained

Typical Delay profiles effectively halve weekly development rates

Support Constraints and Delays

Opportunities – Support, CHS and Delays

Enabling capability of CHS - ability to complete full cut outs

Focus on improving Support Systems and reducing Delays

The Opportunities

Bolting and Support Constraints

Eminently possible to automated the strata support process – to a point

• UOW has demonstrated how bolts and mesh can be manipulated

• Automated carousel bolting systems have been developed and are used in other sectors

The Opportunities

Bolting and Support Constraints

How can we determine when we have installed adequate support?

What is the optimum roadway shape from a ground control perspective? – how can this shape be incorporated into CM design?

What is the optimum timing, location , density and type of installed support - can support installation be distributed along or behind CM?

Can CM be reconfigured to free up space for fitment of additional roof bolting capacity and/or materials handling and storage? – how will adoption of CHS assist?

Can CM be reconfigured to free up space for fitment of additional rib bolting capacity and/or better accommodate longer rib bolts?

What technologies need to be developed to facilitate mechanisation/ automation of long tendon installation?

“Out of the box” support methods, technologies, and consumables?

The Opportunities

Continuous Haulage

Can CMs be reconfigured to produce a controlled and sized product flow that obviates need for a hopper/sizer between the CM and CHS?

How can the functionality of the hopper/sizer be extended ie; secondary support installation platform, strata support materials storage)?

The Opportunities

Continuous Haulage

Can CMs be reconfigured to produce a controlled and sized product flow that obviates need for a hopper/sizer between the CM and CHS?

How can the functionality of the hopper/sizer be extended ie; secondary support installation platform, strata support materials storage)?

Process Monitoring and System Integration

Significant potential to improve development rates by better managing available time through improved process monitoring and reporting (ie; achieving longwall standards of process monitoring, reporting and control)

Enhanced levels of system integration will be required to achieve the potential development rates from best practice development systems

Will require application of state-of-the-art communication technologies and decision support systems to roadway development

The Opportunities

What’s ACARP Doing – Strata Support?

Review of Roof Support Options for Next Generation CM – awarded as part of 2015 ACARP funding

Self Drilling Bolt Automation (OKA) - shortlisted 2015 ACARP funding

Spin and Push Cable Bolt Feeder (Tornado) - shortlisted 2015 ACARP funding

C17018: Automated Bolt and Mesh Handling System (UOW) –demonstrated December 2012

C20041: Alternative Skin Confinement System - ToughSkin (UOW/BASF) – expect to submit for preliminary regulatory testing (LOBA) December 2015

What’s ACARP Doing – CHS?

C24023: Continuous Haulage System for Gateroad Development (Premron)

Stage 1: 24m long Prototype System – demonstrated December 2013

Stage 2: 50m long Mine Functional System – demonstrated December 2014

Stage 3: 150m long Mine Compliant/Mine Functional System – scheduled to be demonstrated March/April 2016

Stage 4: Underground Trial of 180m long Mine Compliant/Mine Functional System commencing July 2016 - shortlisted 2015 ACARP funding

C23018: Continuous Haulage System for Gateroad Development (Scott Technology)

Stage 1: FRAS Conveyor and 50m Prototype Demonstration

What’s ACARP Doing – Next Gen CM?

Ground Support Functional Specification for Next Generation CM –shortlisted 2015 ACARP funding

C23015: CM Navigation System (CSIRO)

Currently being fitted to MB650 for underground trials 4Q 2015

Second system being factory fitted to an MB650 for delivery 2Q 2016

Continuing Engagement with OEMs

RDTG’s vision is to ensure a sustainable Australian underground coal mining industry:

Remove exposure of persons to hazards associated with the roadway development process

Optimize development system efficiency and productivity

Supports overall mine productivity

Thank you!

Integrated Roadway Development System