Garrek Cold Iron Warrior.pdf

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Transcript of Garrek Cold Iron Warrior.pdf

  • 8/10/2019 Garrek Cold Iron Warrior.pdf


    Fey Feature

    GarrekCold Iron Warrior

    By Gwendolyn F. M. Kestrel and Faith M. Price

    arrek pulled the rope tight, ignoring the muffled sounds from beneath him. The night was pure, the air

    sp and cold. The pale moonlight permeated the forest. Harsh shadows threw the landscape into stark


    ethodically, he scanned the undergrowth, searching for signs of pursuit. Garrek believed that his quarry

    as alone -- the ill-fated creature had said it was alone -- but one could never be too cautious. Animals like

    ese often traveled in packs.

    ovement below him brought Garrek's attention back to the matter at hand. Apparently, the creature wast through struggling. Easy enough to take care of, thought Garrek, as he backhanded it several times.

    hen the head once again hung limp, he continued tightening the rope. It seemed like a small detail, using

    e correct knot for the task. But he knew better. Shortcuts, his master had taught him, were for fools who

    ere already dead. Bringing the gag around, he remembered his training.

    * * * * *

    uccess is in the details!" Master Iron Soul thundered, his sword

    cking away at Garrek's defense. "We must be perfect." He feinted

    the left and the sword swung around again. "We are not likeose foul creatures, inhuman for all that they look like us. Always

    anting to deceive, they are. If you give in even the slightest bit,

    ow pity to sway your hand, you will doom those you love."

    arrek stumbled back, blocking the swing, the words continuing to

    und him. "You and you alone protect them from those who would

    stroy with their crafty ways. Others may be taken in by the

    autiful mask that the faerie-kind wear, but you must not be. Never

    lieve their lies. Never trust an offer of friendship." Again sparks

    w as the swords struck each other. "Never trust an offer of trade.

    ways look for the true motive."

    ring, his child's body still unable to keep up with his fierce

    termination, Garrek tripped and landed on his back. The words

    pt coming as his master held a sword to his throat. "This is your mission, why you exist. To keep those

    u love safe, to protect them, even from themselves. Normal humans are too trusting, too soft. That is why

    u train; that is why you fight. You are their strength, their weapon, their defense."

    * * * * *

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    emories, still clear after fifteen years, steadied Garrek's hands as he finished with the ropes. His

    ovements were swift and sure as he set out the blades and prepared a small fire in a covered pot. His

    ssion -- always, his mission. Never again would this fey's tongue deceive. Never again would its eyes

    st a spell over a person's soul. His cause was true. He would succeed.

    * * * * *

    llan moaned again. His hair, matted with dirt and blood, flowed over his face, obscuring his vision.rough the blond strands, he could see the human laying out his instruments. Garrek, he recalled.

    anding in the corner at the ball, watching all the dancers. Talking with, Katrina, he thought, or Katherine?

    llan had been introduced to her, had talked with her, made her laugh. She had pointed out her betrothed.

    e wished he knew what he had done during the few hours to anger this warrior.

    s journey had been nearly over. Zellan had secured the supply of rare gems his cousin needed for her

    mulets. He knew that Arisa would be pleased with the quality of the stones he was bringing home. Family

    rtunes had been rising this past century. His aunt had become a court favorite, relied upon by the queen

    r her knowledge of the latest gossip as well as her cruel, but quick, wit.

    isa was being trained by the matriarch to take over the ruling of

    e family. Once Great-Grandmother was gone, she would be the

    e in control. Zellan had never had much use for Arisa when they

    ere younger. She had not seemed very promising. Now he

    eded to make up for his lack of attention, to find a way to make

    r notice him amongst all the cousins.

    umors had reached him on this last leg of his journey. Rumors of a

    w mine that produced purer, clearer fire gems, capable of holding

    agic without cracking. That was always the trick. So many amulets

    ver made it to market, their fragmented pieces lying in the dust ofe workshop floor.

    o he had taken a longer route back to his lands: through the

    merald Pass into Sir Usuuke's realm. He had been welcomed with

    thusiasm. Filled mostly with farmers and woodsman, the small

    ngdom had had little to offer the outside world before this. The

    ospect of setting up trade negotiations with one from the faerie

    alm had excited the local lord. Zellan had agreed to attend a ball

    at evening, then view the storehouse of gems the next day.

    e dance, as social events go, had been acceptable. Granted, it

    as nothing like the grand affairs the queen held. For once, Zellan had used his glamour to tone down his

    pearance so as to not outshine the country gentry. It wouldn't do to give Lord Usuuke ideas about

    ercharging him on the gems. Instead, he went out of his way to be charming, routinely complimenting the

    dies on their appearance, even though the gowns his cousins wore for everyday affairs were more

    shionable than most of these.

    st after midnight, he had begged leave of his host, citing his long travels that day as the reason. Wishing

    avoid the crowd, he had slipped out through the gardens. A light noise had alerted him to the presence

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    another, but by the time he turned around, it was too late. His world went black -- then red, as he awoke


    * * * * *

    atherine glanced around the room, her annoyance giving way to

    ger. The Dance of Promise was coming up in a few minutes, and

    arrek was nowhere to be seen. This was their dance. Tonight, for

    e first time, they would get to dance with all of the other betrotheduples.

    he looked around the room. The fey merchant had disappeared as

    ell, she noticed. Irrational fear filled her mind. She remembered

    e comments Garrek had made whenever the subject of the fey

    d come up. He made no secret, at least to her, of his dislike of

    at race. But he wouldn't, he couldn't . . .

    atherine was in the midst of questioning her host when she felt a

    esence behind her.

    arrek." She sighed in relief. "I thought you were going to miss our


    ever." Garrek smiled gently down at his love. "I promised you I would be here, just as I promised to

    otect you. I always keep my promises."

    arrek:Male human fighter 5/cold iron warrior3; CR 8; Medium humanoid; HD 5d10+10 plus 3d8+6; hp

    ; Init -1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21; Base Atk +8; Grp +11; Atk +13 melee (1d8+6/19-20,

    longsword); Full Atk +13/+8 melee (1d8+6/19-20, +1 longsword); SA smite fey 1/day; SQ detect fey,

    spel magic,iron mind +2; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +7; Str 16, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha


    kills and Feats:Climb +0, Concentration +6, Handle Animal +7, Jump -9, Knowledge (nature) +7, Listen

    , Ride +9, Search +2, Spot +3; Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave[B], Iron Will, Power Attack, Weapon Focus

    ngsword)[B], Weapon Specialization (longsword)[B].

    mite Fey (Su):Once per day, Garrek can smite a fey with one normal melee attack. He adds 2 to his

    ack roll and deals 3 extra points of damage. If he accidentally smites a creature that is not a fey, the

    mite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.

    etect Fey(Sp):Garrek can detect the aura that surrounds fey creatures. This functions like the detect

    deadspell, except it detects fey.

    spel Magic(Sp): Garrek can use dispel magic(caster level 3rd) once per day, as the spell.

    on Mind (Ex):Garrek is immune to magic sleepeffects and has a +2 bonus on saving throws against

    chantment spells or effects.
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    old Iron Warrior Spells Prepared(3; save DC 11 + spell level): 1st -- bless, doom(DC 12), true strike.

    ossessions:+1 full plate, +1 heavy steel shield, +1 longsword, dust of appearance, potion of cure

    oderate wounds.