Post on 29-Apr-2022

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome…………………………………………………………………………………3 Lead Team………………………………………………………………………………5 Overall Timeline…………………………………………………………………………9 1. Team Selection…………………………………………………..…………………10 2. Vision…………………………………………..……………………………………19 3. Urgency………………………………………………..……………………………21 4. Objections…………………………………………………………………………..24 5. Second Team Meeting…………………………………………………………….28 6. Lean In………………………………………………………………………………30 7. Clarity Creates Relationship……………………………………..……………….33 8. God is Up to Something…………………………………………………………..38 9. Going Again………………………………..………………………………………40 10. Third Team Meeting……………………………………………………………..42 11. Finishing Well…………………………………………………………………….45


WELCOME Welcome to the Transformation Lab! THANK YOU for taking a risk and joining in our commitment to inspire and equip individuals to come alive! Whether you are on your first or fiftieth team, we acknowledge your vision to LIVE IN and INVITE OTHERS into a life of transformation. We are about unprecedented, never before seen, results: in families, marriages, and communities. Our vision is to equip individuals and groups to recognize the call of God in their lives, and respond to that call with excitement, purpose, and responsibility. This kind of vision is only possible because of YOU and your willingness to enter in to this challenging and indescribably rewarding place. The place where you choose to selflessly reach for another, and God meets you both in it. Let’s do this. Let’s transform the world together. Is there any better way to live than that? PURPOSE OF THIS WORKBOOK This workbook is designed to support your transformational journey. Consider the next few weeks to be laboratory time where you get to experiment, risk, go again, and test out transformational living in new ways. As you go through this workbook, use it as a resource for getting clear about what you’re committed to, for ongoing exploration, and for support in your conversations. Each of the weeks is meant to build on the next and provide you with the resources and focus needed at that time. Don’t move on until the time for that next week comes. Use each week’s questions and exercises as a conversation starter with your team, buddy, and Coach.


A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRESIDENT Thank you for your investment in ABUNDANT LIFE! You are engaging in an adventure designed to disrupt the status quo, ignite passion and invite God's Spirit into every aspect of world. As Soren Kierkegaard once wrote: "If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for the passionate sense of the potential, for the eye which, ever young and ardent, sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints, possibility never. And what wine is so sparkling, what so fragrant, what so intoxicating as possibility!" You are champions of possibility in the lives of those you love. Your courage, relentless faith and willingness to risk leave an unprecedented legacy - so expand the borders, violate the limitations you've set up until now and provoke greatness!

Jean-Marie Jobs GET TO KNOW GAP VISION To equip individuals and groups to recognize the call of God in their lives and respond to that call with excitement, purpose, and responsibility. Habakkuk 2:2, Proverbs 29:18, Joel 2:28, Hebrews 10:16-17 MISSION To create and facilitate training opportunities, locally and abroad, that empower, inspire and equip individuals to come alive and leave a legacy of love in their communities Psalms 78:4, Psalms 71:14-18 VALUES Love | Loving God and others | John 13:34-35, 1 John 4:7-8, 1 Peter 4:8 Forgiveness | Both extending and receiving; releasing offenses, judgments and expectations to free yourself to be present | Ephesians 4:32, Mark 11:25, 1 John 1:9, 1 John 4:19-21 Risk | Exercising the courage to extend beyond your comfort zone in pursuit of your legacy | Genesis 12:1-3, John 3:16, Isaiah 40:28-31, Luke 19:26





Jean-Marie is a Master Trainer, having delivered over 7,000 hours of training time. Her experience ranges from corporate marketing in the US and international markets to inter-cultural work in Canada, Holland, Africa and the Middle East. Jean founded Yellow Marker with the vision of bringing character and values to the foreground in the commercial sector. Prior to founding Yellow Marker, Jean was CEO of Culture ROI.

She developed and co-authored training materials and resources for CultureROI, their corporate clients as well as several non-profit and humanitarian organizations. Jean is also the Director and Founder of GAP Youth Training Services, a ministry founded in 1998 dedicated to character development training for young people around the world. In 2012 GAP Youth became GAP Community and expanded to include work with adults and families both locally and internationally.

Jean is dedicated to:

Unleashing Passion – When people come alive in their workplace, their communities and their families, they bring their creativity and enjoy vibrant, fulfilling lives.

Developing Character – The foundation of business and personal success is aligning character with vision. Inviting people into their inherent greatness synergizes relationship in every sector of life.

Creating Legacy – Each person has the opportunity to choose how they relate to their life and in doing so, create an intentional mark on their relationships, in their communities and on the environment.

Prior to her career in training, she spent 15 years in the commercial insurance industry, ranging from negotiating International Oil & Gas business at Marsh New York to Vice President of Marketing for a Northern California insurance brokerage firm specializing in construction and hospitality in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Jean has trained over 100 facilitators and trainers in various organizations, developing both their skills and opening up new ways of thinking about themselves, others and their environment. Working small businesses as well as Fortune 100 companies, she has developed custom curriculum and training programs to meet the specific needs of her clients.

Jean’s educational background includes a Bachelor of Science degree in management from St. Mary’s College in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her studies included two years of liberal arts and philosophy at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and two years of marketing and international business studies at Loyola Marymount in upstate New York.





Amy Maxwell is the Managing Director for GAP Community and has over 10 years of transformational training and coaching experience. She has a bachelors from UC Davis in Women and Gender Studies. She is passionate about igniting people’s lives to boldly love. She stands for reconciliation among families. Amy has worked for Gap Community since

2001 serving the lives of teenagers by calling out their God-given gifts and coaching them to be leaders in their communities through risk, love, and forgiveness. Amy lives in Northern Virginia with her husband Jeffrey of 10 years and two children Isabella and Gabriel. She serves on her church teaching and worship planning team.




My name is Dan Leadbetter. I’m 52 years old, married to an amazing woman, and have two wonderful step-daughters. I work at an internet-based deal hunting site called, host two weekly podcasts, and am active at Mosaic Church in Pomona. I’ve been involved with

transformational trainings since 2002 when I had a life changing experience during a four-day workshop. Since that time I have often wondered how different my life might have been if I had been given the opportunity to experience this when I was a teenager. When my wife and I started sponsoring GAP trainings four years ago, I got to witness that transformation first hand, and be a part with kids getting a new grasp on hope and seeing unlimited possibility for the future. This is why I’ve chosen to be a part of GAP … I believe that this catalyst in helping kids see the gift that they, the future they can have, the legacy they can leave, and that they can truly live and not just survive.





Nathan is a pastor, speaker, coach and transformational trainer who specializes in the field of spiritual development and character transformation. He began his professional career in the arts at age 12, working as on-air talent for the Children’s Broadcasting Corporation,

performing live with Disney, Universal Studios and the Academy of Television and Radio. Nathan continued his career in the performing arts, including work in theatre, music and experience design.

Nathan graduated with a B.A. in Youth Culture and Modern Music, and holds a double masters in Entrepreneur Leadership and Theological Studies. He spent 6 years learning and working with the Mosaic Los Angeles community, serving with the artisans and pastoral team. Nathan currently serves as the lead pastor of Mosaic Pomona, developing communities that speak to the core of human creativity and spirituality.

Nathan is also a certified transformational trainer & life coach, and is passionate about seeing others experience freedom by realigning vision with commitment, discovering their uniqueness, and living out the dreams that are placed within their soul. Nathan strives to create spaces where communities become an intentional force of beauty - seeing their lives as the most powerful medium to shape the future of humanity.




Marla is the Director of Communications and Coach, having over seven years of experience. Marla returned to the U.S. in January 2012 from living in Kabul, Afghanistan where she worked two years for Silk Road Solutions and trained over 250 of the most influential Afghan leaders in the nation, including politicians, high-ranking police, and business leaders.

Marla traveled to China to teach English at Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University intermittently from 2004 to 2008. She was instrumental in the development of training and marketing for a state child abuse prevention agency, and continued to influence the social-work realm as one of the managers and foster parents in a group foster home. She also served as support for starting a successful motorcycle dealership in Austin, Texas. Marla is certified as a Trainer through CultureROI, a U.S. based company committed to building high performance cultures, and she has a B.A. in English from Sam Houston State University.

Marla is currently the Director of Communications for GAP Community. She is passionate about others seeing their value and is relentless in communicating that value and in calling others up to their greatest visions. Her life motto is: “I exist to ignite a spark in others that generates life and love!” Marla is thrilled to be living those passions out through a training and coaching context.




Brye & Salem have been married to each other longer than not! They have three children and recently moved back to southern California from “the Big Island” of Hawai’i. Having over 20 years of experience in ministry and coaching, they pastor a community of individuals and facilitate workshops, trainings, and coaching opportunities for groups, churches, and businesses in their community. As certified transformational trainers and coaches, they are committed to standing for

possibility in others’ lives locally through hands on connections and afar with GAP Community through coaching teams and individuals. Their ministry is known as Kanalani, the hawaiian word for abundance. Their experiential and educational backgrounds are both in transformational ministry and foodservice/hospitality. They are acquainted with grief, committed to joy, and welcome any conversation. They have a fierce commitment to marriage and families of all kinds and a fond passion for youth. They say that the experience of living and working among teenagers is da bomb! Brye and Salem love to express their gifts through catalyzing conversations that create an opening for people to experience God transform their lives and cause hope to stand in the place that moments before it had been known only as despair.


Anne Swanson-Leadbetter is a Sponsor and Coach for GAP Community and has been involved with transformational work since 2003. She has a Doctorate in Ministry/Theology from King’s Seminary and her Master of Divinity with a concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary. She has been licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist since 1985, having taught and counseled in

Israel/Palestine, Afghanistan, worked for Focus on the Family, served as adjunct faculty at Azusa Pacific University, Hope International University and currently as core faculty with Argosy University. Her specialties include integration of psychology and spirituality, parenting and healing from sexual abuse and the dissociative spectrum.

She is married to Dan Leadbetter (GAP Apprentice Trainer) and has two daughters, Atara Brown and Kelsey Anne Fernandez/ and son-in-law Kelsey Beck Fernandez, all of whom have been through the trainings. “We are a transformational family!”

She has a Doctorate in Ministry/Theology from King’s Seminary and her Master of Divinity with a concentration in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary.


Linda Costa has over 20 years of transformational work, having coached and sponsored more trainings than any of us can count! Linda owned and operated a family-style Italian restaurant for 20 years, expanding from one restaurant to four. She was on a missionary/church planting team for five years and has been coaching ministry leaders and small business owners for over 15 years. She got involved in her first transformational training 22 years ago in Santa Rosa, CA and is actively a part of the work today. She is the mother of Alita and Giovanni.














































75% is orientation.

25% is seeing it through.


ENROLLMENT Be the invitation for their greatest possibility!

First, when talking about enrollment, let’s make sure that we’re talking about the same thing. You are enrolling ALL the time. You enroll people into going to a movie, into the excitement of a new project, or even into your own pity party or limiting beliefs sometimes. You are a master enroller, whether you know it or not. The question is, at any given moment, are you enrolling others into a possibility or a limitation? What conversations have you enrolled yourself into about yourself? What stories do you repeat about you, to you? When was the last time you challenged a belief or conversation about yourself? Consider what else could be just as true or truer about you?

1. What are some areas of possibility that you naturally enroll people into?

2. What are some areas of limitation that you naturally enroll people into?

3. What do you notice in your responses above?

ENROLLMENT TIP “Begin conversations immediately because they are rarely a one-and-done conversation!”

-Sarah Kielsmeier


Enrollment IS…

Enrollment IS NOT…

An open invitation

Based on what matters to the person

Speaking possibility into the area(s) in which they want something new

Offering a powerful tool or effective resource that they might not have

known was available

Based on the person’s vision for their relationships, and/or career, and

personal growth

About THEM and what they say they want







A sales pitch

A self-serving agenda

Speaking as if the training is the

ONLY way to have something new.

Imposing your ideas on someone

Enrollment is NOT about YOU! So don’t take yourself so seriously. ☺

Not every conversation will change your life, but any conversation can. In any given conversation, you can invite another into possibility or limitation.

“There are no neutral exchanges.” -Brennan Manning

The question to ask yourself is, what kind of invitation am I? Better yet, what kind of invitation do I believe that I am?

ENROLLMENT TIP “Make time for people - that’s what the season is about.”

-Amy Maxwell


Consider these two scenarios. Scenario A: A man enters into a conversation with someone, hoping to invite them into a new possibility, yet believes at some level that he doesn’t have much to offer or that they won’t want to listen to him anyways. Scenario B: A man enters into a conversation with someone, hoping to invite them into a new possibility, and believes he has an invitation of great value for them. He is hopeful and anticipating they will love hearing about this invitation.

_________________________ It doesn’t take a genius to figure out which of the two mindsets is going to create the greatest opening of possibility for the other person. Now imagine that it’s not just one person and one conversation, but hundreds. The difference between living out the two mentalities in results for him and others would be staggering! That is the power of our own internal conversations at work. The conversation you choose in any given moment, about yourself, others, circumstances, God, what you think “should” be… all lend towards opening or shutting down possibilities.

_________________________ When thinking about opening up conversations of possibility with others during our Transformational Lab time together, ask yourself these questions:

4. What limiting conversations do I have about enrollment?

5. What limiting conversations do I have about myself when enrolling?


6. What limiting conversations do I have about others in enrollment?

7. What future am I setting myself and others up for if I stayed in these limiting mind-sets? Be specific. What would it look like? Feel like? Who are the people that would be impacted?

8. What are some opposite truths from these limiting ones, that would create resource and more possibility? List them all out here.

ENROLLMENT TIP “When you declare a number of people that you are standing for to participate in the

training, you will rise up to what it takes to have that number. You will love, reach, give, listen, speak truthfully, make phone calls, pray, hope, stretch, invite, be vulnerable and

give until you have sown into their lives, giving them a taste of what they are coming to the training for. * You will also grow wonderfully in the process!”

-Linda Costa


RESULTS ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND Throughout this process we will be looking to results in the physical universe that tell us if our commitment is turning out. Lean in to the provision that results are, not to tell you if you are good/bad, or right/wrong, but simply as data and feedback to see if your commitment is happening. Shortly, you will be declaring a number of people you are committed to have in this training. Consider that whatever number you declare is NOT AN ACCIDENT and that there is provision for your declaration! Consider this to be your “treasure hunt with God.” Be with people in a way that makes an impact, and if someone is a clear “no,” then ask God, “ok, Lord, who else do you have?” This is an exciting adventure in standing in the power of commitment! We will be referring to your number you declared often throughout the enrollment process to take a neutral look at results, always going again where there is more available. You will be transformed and others will be as well in the process! Remember, this is an experiment in living out the unprecedented! Don’t settle for just your usual 20 go-to people. Expand your vision to include those who live far across the country, those whose lives are working exceedingly well, those who your initial thought is: “Them? Ha, would they really go for it?” Yes, THAT person! Get excited for the limitless possibilities of lives you will impact in this time!

ENROLLMENT TIP “Pray before ever single enrollment conversation. Bring God into the sacred space of

talking with someone about their vision.” -Nathan Neighbour


9. Write out your vision statements for this Transformation Lab process: I am committed to awaken ______________________________ in others. Some indicators that would tell me the above is happening in others are: I am committed to enrolling ________ people into the training. I WILL… Enroll ____________ people by the second team meeting. Enroll ____________ people by the third team meeting. Enroll ____________ people to attend the Intro to Transformational Workshop. TEAM MEETING DATES Team Selection Meeting: Second Team Meeting: Third Team Meeting:


OTHER DETAILS TO REMEMBER Intro to Transformation Workshop date(s) and time(s): Weekly Coaching Call times/dates: My Team Buddy is __________________________________________________

Buddy Email: ______________________________________________________ Buddy Cell: ________________________________________________________

10. What specific actions are you committed to taking today, and this week, toward your declaration? Please be specific, including “by-when” dates.

11. What limiting conversations are you committed to interrupt?

12. Write down at least 20 names on your Conversations for Action list on the next page. This is a STARTER list! The column on the right is so that as you are in conversations with people, you make hearing their vision for what they want in life your highest priority in conversation. How can you support them in having transformation in their life in the areas that matter most to them if you don’t know it? This is the key to enrollment.






Champion the person in front of you.

Without a vision, the people perish. -Proverbs 29:18


The one area that will most impact your way of connecting with others during enrollment is:



Being captivated and driven by the vision you declared for your life and others.


Being clear and committed about the vision others have for their own life.


1. Have you been completing the Vision part of your Conversations for Action for the people you have been in conversation with? (Yes/No)

2. If you answered “yes” above, what have you noticed come up for you as you’ve connected to people’s visions?

3. If you answered “no” to number 1, how come? Try this on: you cannot have a CLEAR yes/no conversation until the person you are talking to expresses their vision for what’s next in their life, and areas they desire new levels of transformation in. The more clear you are about someone’s vision that matters to them, the more urgent you will be in supporting them in having that happen. ASK and LISTEN to what their vision is, and invite them to consider the training as a highly effective and powerful vehicle to get them there.



The power of a stand.

Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is

nearer to us now than when we first believed. -Romans 13:11


Let’s check in on current reality. 1. How many days has it been since the first team meeting? ________ days 2. How many people have you talked to on your possibilities list? ________ people 3. Out of those, how many have you received clear “yeses” or “nos” from? ________ people 4. Without making yourself out to be right or wrong, good or bad, suspend your judgments for a moment and ask yourself this: What do you notice about the current reality in light of your initial commitments? What’s working? What’s not working? Write your thoughts here…

13. Out of the spectrum above, what feeling on the spectrum would you say honestly describes where you are at in this moment? Circle the word.







If there is another word that describes more accurately what you are currently feeling then add that word to the spectrum where you think it fits best.

14. What would you say is the difference between a panicked or stressed way of being vs. being urgent? How would a stressed person show up in enrollment vs. someone who was being urgent in the way they relate to enrollment?

15. What would you say is the difference between a semi-caring way of being vs. being urgent? How would person who cared, but not fully, show up in enrollment vs. someone who was being urgent in the way they relate to enrollment?

Here are some ways to know you are being urgent:

• You are eager to begin conversations on their vision and how the training can support them

• You make phone calls or in-person meetings instead of just texting or using social media communication

• You don’t let extended periods of

time go by without checking in with them for clarity about where they’re at with going to the training or not.

• You see the value the training brings to them and are excited to offer it freely

• Persistent communication is not a problem for you. You are clear this will make a difference for them and you will support them in deciding if it is for them!

• You are more sold out for their

vision happening than you are about how you might look in the process



Your best opportunity to connect.

Now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but

the greatest of these is love.” -1 Corinthians 13:13


Let’s talk about objections.

1. What are some of the objections that naturally have come up as you have entered into enrollment conversations with people about the training? List them out here.

Typically when most people hear an objection, they immediately pull back. On the contrary, with enrollment, the objections you hear are a gift! They are an insight for further connection and understanding. An objection simply reveals what matters to someone, or what might be getting in the way of what they want. Once again here, the assumption is that you have already talked with them first about their VISION, and how the training could support their vision in being propelled further. Let’s assume, moving forward here, that the vision and value conversation has already taken place between you…

2. What value do you see in supporting someone to work through their objections in light of their vision? What could that open up for them now and in the future?

3. Notice, what objections do you find it easier to enter into conversation about? What objections do you most quickly pull back from?


Try this on: whatever objections you most avoid are often the areas where you have also bought in to your own limiting beliefs. For example, if the “money conversation” is the hardest one for you, then ask yourself, “In what ways might I have limiting internal conversations around money? If there are more possibilities out there related to money, would I want to know? What kind of future am I opening up for myself with these limitations? What are some other and more resourceful beliefs I could try on?” You could take any of these same questions and substitute “money” for time, finding child-care, getting time off work, being afraid of the unknown, or whatever the area might be for you. Tip: When someone who says no to enrollment because of an objection, it’s helpful to remember these things:

LISTEN Hear them out. Inquire further and ask them if there is anything else? Let them know you truly hear and acknowledge their objection(s).

OFFER UNDERSTANDING Let them know that you really do understand. The following phrases support others in letting them know you understand: “No problem.” “I understand.”

“I hear you.” “I see what you are saying.”

VOICE POSSIBILITIES Offer up possibilities for them to consider. “Have you ever thought about [solution]? That’s one possibility I can think of for this circumstance, can you think of any others?” “How about [solution]? Or [solution]? If you really want to make it, it seems like there are some possibilities still available to make it happen. Do you see a way?” “Based on what you shared about your vision and how this training could support you, I would be really sad to see this missed opportunity. Would you be up for exploring some possibilities in how to see this through? I will do all I can to stay with you in it.”


“I would be really sad to see this one thing get in the way of the vision you shared. How can I support you in coming up with some creative solutions to this?”

ENCOURAGE It is truly amazing how cared for someone can feel when they get you are truly FOR them and their vision. People are longing for someone to believe in them, and inferred in that, is to believe in their vision. They have trusted you already enough to share that vision. Can they trust you to champion them in it happening? Often whatever objection is getting in the way of having their vision turn out, is not an accident. It is often one of their default conversations that gets in the way elsewhere. You get to be with them in a way where they get they are cared for, and they step THROUGH the circumstances to have their vision turn out! Your challenge in these final weeks is to celebrate the objections, and use them as an opportunity to further know the person you are in conversation with, and support them in whatever way you can.

4. On a different note, pause and reflect on the following… Do you have any withholds/judgments/clearing with any of your team members? If yes, who are they with and by when will you have the conversation(s)? (Write their name(s) and by-when dates next to their name.

ENROLLMENT TIP “Choose everyday one person you will give yourself to even if they aren’t coming to the

training-its great practice!” -Amy Maxwell



Inspiration & Vision


BEFORE your team meeting, write down your responses to the following 2 questions: 1. What feedback do I have to contribute to my team?

2. What am I personally committed to contribute at this team meeting?

3. Current Reality Check as a team

a. Where are we?

b. Where did we say we would be?

c. What is our vision?

4. Team Sharing

a. Each person will have no more than two minutes to share in front of the room.

b. Chart prompts: — What is going on with me? — Where am I? — What’s in my way?

5. Clearing

a. This is an open floor time to clear any broken commitments, judgments, relationship breakdowns, etc.

b. Remind the team that authentic community is born in honesty

and openness and that withholds and gossip kill community.



It’s all provision.

“And my God will meet all your needs according

to the riches of his glory in Jesus Christ.” -Philippians 4:19


Check all of the following scenarios that have happened to you so far in the Transformational Lab process.

" Someone not returning your multiple attempts at connection.

" Someone’s personal limiting conversations around time or money are getting in the way of the vision they have for attending the training.

" You have received “Nos” from many people

" You have received a “No” from someone who was really close to you that

you wanted most to attend the training.

" You have experienced friction or confrontation with others that you have been engaged in conversations with about the training.

" You have experienced friction or confrontation with someone on the team.

" You have had one or more personal life transitions/difficulties/tragedies

since beginning the Transformation Lab process Try this on: Consider that for each of these checked areas, there is provision for you in it. Think back to your original commitment about what you want to awaken in others. Circumstances are the provision for us seeing our commitment through. As much as we like to think the contrary, it is never about the circumstances. It is always about the way of being you choose. No circumstance or person can determine the attitude or way of being you choose in each moment. For example: if my commitment is to awaken LOVE in others, then someone not returning my calls or receiving multiple “Nos” is just provision for learning how to love them in it. It calls me up to a new level of creativity and going again with someone in a way that makes an impact.


5. Out of the areas you checked-off, which one stands out to you as the one

you may be most bothered by or frustrated with?

6. What are you committed to awaken in others? List all the ways you see

your present circumstances as provision for living out your commitment?

ENROLLMENT TIP “Don’t give up on old conversations and stay faithful to the relationship.”

-Cachy Brister




Let’s stop living in a “maybe world.”

Let your “yes” be yes, and let your “no” be no.

-James 5:12


Imagine this... A young 6-year-old girl enthusiastically runs up to her father one Saturday morning and takes a flying leap into his lap. She looks at him expectantly and asks, “Can we go to the park today??” The father, both amused at his daughter’s passion, and somewhat pre-occupied with his long list of daily tasks, responds with, “Maybe. Maybe later, honey.” Then he sends her on her way. In this scenario, the daughter has reason to think the following: --That his response might turn into a “no.” But it also might turn into a “yes!” --There’s no clear reason or clarity as to why dad would say “no” since he hasn’t told me any specific reasons. --There is lack of clarity around when I will know, or when it is ok to ask again. Because of these things, the young girl waits. And she waits. She tentatively checks in again a little later, not knowing if the timing for her busy dad is the right time or not. He again responds with “maybe later.” She is then in the place of waiting again, and with the lack of clarity, she is not really sure what to expect, until at last, the day goes by and there she is, left to assume at the last hour that it may not happen after all. As somewhat cliché as the story above may be, this same scenario carries itself through to many of our relationships, conversations, and certainly shows itself within enrollment.

1. Name one time (outside of training enrollment) that you can think of where you wanted/needed a clear “yes” or “no” from someone, but you continued getting a “maybe” type answer in response.

We will call the period of time from when the question was asked to the final point of clarity, the “maybe space.”


2. What feelings/emotions were present for you while living in the maybe

space? What assumptions did you make up during this time? What impact did this have in your relationship? Write all of your responses here.

3. In the scenario you thought about above, as well as in your “maybe” enrollment conversations, what are the things that stop you from getting clear with the other person?

Today, it is extraordinary common for relationships and unfinished conversations to live in the maybe space. They will continue to remain there until at least one of the following takes place.

# One of the two people cares enough to get clear and/or be honest.

# The request can no longer be fulfilled because the time or event has passed.


When it comes to the maybe space, it’s usually happening for the following reasons:

A. The person was not given all the information needed to make a clear decision.

B. The person does not feel comfortable being honest with the individual who made the request.

C. They assume that because the one asking has not pursued them for

clarity, then it must not really matter too much anyways. When it comes to your enrollment conversations, whether about the trainings or any other area for that matter, any of the above responses are fantastic! Let’s consider why that would be… Scenario A:

The person was not given all the information needed to make a clear decision.

4. What resource do you see available here for both of you having clarity?

Scenario B: The person does not feel comfortable being honest with the individual who made the request.

5. What resource do you see available here for both of you having clarity?


Scenario C: They assume that because the one asking has not pursued them for clarity, then it must not really matter too much anyways.

6. What resource do you see available here for both of you having clarity Your context or “come from” in these conversations for clarity, is always in the context of relationship and your commitment. Keep anchoring back into what way of being you are committed to awaken in others. Ask yourself, is it turning out? How do I know it’s happening?

7. Are you willing to care enough about someone to get clarity? Support the people you are talking to by getting a clear yes/no from them this week, and bring clarity to the maybe space. Name all of the people are committed to getting clear with:

8. What are some things I need to continue to get off of in this area?

ENROLLMENT TIP “If you feel like you are selling, you probably are. Step back and remember your stand for

the relationship and go again.” -Sarah Kielsmeier



Have you noticed?

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

-John 10:27


1. What have you noticed that God is transforming in you in this process? 2. What have you noticed God doing in others (team members/people you’ve

been in conversations with)? 3. What areas do you still long for God to transform in you in the time you have

left? 4. What other areas (life circumstances, or specific people) do you still long for

God to transform?

ENROLLMENT TIP “Make sure to invite people who decided not to attend the training to the graduation to

hear testimonies” -Jean-Marie Jobs



What else might be available?

Let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season, we will reap, if we do not give up.

-Galatians 6:9


There’s a couple of valuable ways worth going again in the enrollment process. The first is with some of the “Nos” you’ve received, and the second is with conversations that are stuck. Going Again with Nos Think through all of those you have talked to already who have said “no” to the training. Ask yourself the following questions:

# Did we ever have a conversation around their vision and what mattered to them?

# Did they say no, but didn’t really have a clear reason as to why and you just accepted it?

# Did they have a reason, but in light of their vision, it seemed to you

possible to at least explore possibilities for still having it turn out?

1. List out any names of people below, that you think it might be worth going again with them in conversation, and a “by-when” date you will talk to them:

Going Again When You’re Stuck Think about those you started talking to but the conversation hasn’t really gone anywhere. There’s not a “no” or a “yes,” but it’s just remained there. Maybe because they told you they would check it out and you haven’t gotten clear yet. Maybe they seem to be avoiding you, or maybe they’re just plain busy. Whatever the case, let’s not leave the possibility on the table. It’s time to get clear.

2. List out any names of people below, that you are willing to go again and get clear with, and a “by-when” date you will talk to them:




Completion & Final Action Plans


BEFORE your team meeting, write down your responses to the following 2 questions:

5. What feedback do I have to contribute to my team?

2. What am I personally committed to contribute at this team meeting?

3. Current Reality Check as a team a. Where are we?

b. Where did we say we would be?

c. What is our vision?

d. What is the current status of enrollments/registrations?

4. Team Stand a. Each person will have no more than two minutes each to make

their declaration in the front of the room. — I am getting off… — My commitment from this point forward is… — The new ground I am taking is…

b. Team Acknowledgment Time


5. Finishing Strong: Enrollment/Registration Statistics

a. The deadline for participants to register is _____ days away at (time) ________.

b. Update on the current registrations. — Registrations to date — Enrollment commitments and days left before the close of

registration — Outstanding possibilities

c. Consider possibilities as a team and discuss:

— How many more registrations are possible?

— How many are outstanding?

— By when will they be contacted?

— What is wanted and needed to accomplish the number of registrations for

which we are at stake?

d. Establish an action plan to finalize all outstanding potential registrations.

Write your personal action plan here.



Leave everything on the field.

Run in such a way as to get the prize.

-1 Corinthians 9:24


You are in the home-stretch! This is where you get to kick back, kick up your feet, and let come what may, right? No way! This is where you get to sprint to the end, give yourself to new levels and be amazed as God meets you in your commitments! 1. What have you succeeded in accomplishing while on this team? Celebrate

that success.

2. What were the tangible results you’ve created and what have those produced

in your life? In others’ lives?

ENROLLMENT TIP “‘By Whens’ are your best friend in enrollment! Always get specific about when someone will enroll. If they miss their 'by-when,’ have the conversation immediately about what’s

going on for them." -Nathan Neighbour


3. What are some ways to go again in new ways during your final time before

training? Be specific with people’s names you are in conversation with, as well as with the new actions/ways of being you are committed to.

Pause for a moment, and think back to the final day of your training. Remember the faces, and recall the powerful testimonies. Allow yourself to feel and enter back into the experience you personally had on that day and days to come as you witnessed the results of the training occur in your life and thinking in new ways. Now picture each one of those individuals on your Conversations for Action list having their own experience on the final day of their training… all because you stood with them in having it happen! Opportunities do pass. You have the opportunity in this brief time to FINISH WELL and extend the invitation to every last person you come in contact with. Consider the feeling of freedom that comes with knowing you risked and stood for the transformation of others in a BIG way, down to the last hour of registration time!