Games Robots Play - The University of Edinburgh• Every demo with Asimo happens as per Honda...

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Transcript of Games Robots Play - The University of Edinburgh• Every demo with Asimo happens as per Honda...

Games Robots PlayGames Robots Play

Hamming Seminar Series 23 November 2011

Subramanian Ramamoorthy

School of Informatics

The University of Edinburgh

What Kind of a Future?

What did the Future Look Like in the Past?

What Could Robots be Used For in Future?

What do People Really want from Robots?

1. Autonomy: Ability to do interesting things, without hand-holding, in complex environments

2. Robust & Flexible Interaction: Ability to fluidly adapt, to maintain functionality, despite continual changes in tasks and environments

Where are those robots?!

Some Real Success Stories

Technical Achievement: Dexterity

• Over past couple of decades, due to pioneering work by people like Raibert, we have a rich, multi-disciplinary understanding of locomotion, etc.

• Major insight was that control and adaptation are ‘easy’ if we have the ‘right’ structure and morphology

Technical Achievement: Uncertainty

• Major advances came from recognizing that our models are inadequate without a description of uncertainty in sensing and actuation

• Excellent example: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Technical Achievement: Systems Integration

• Consider one example – Google Car

• It utilizes a vast arsenal of computing technology: – Network enabled access to

Maps and Earth scans

– Cloud computing to store massive volumes of data

– Real time systems of high data rate sensors

So, Are we Done?

Consider, apart from cost, the following (truth in advertising):

• Every demo with Asimo happens as per Honda approved scripts, in approved environments, by approved personnel

• How is the Google Car actually used? – Engineers collect detailed maps elaborating terrain to within mm/cm

– Google engineer drives ahead just before Google Car is allowed to go

– Google Car utilizes rich sensing, recently collected scans, etc. to localize itself and follow its stated paths

• Towel folding strategy:

Robotics Success, Type 1: Focus on dexterity and motor control;

avoid ‘autonomy’

[Source: FAQs on Intuitive Surgical’s web site]

Robotics Success, Type 2: Characterize variability carefully;

keep action selection simple

Where is the Boundary Between the Possible and the Impossible, today?

“…Sometimes, however, the car has to be more aggressive. When going through a four-way intersection, for example, it yields to other vehicles based on road rules; but if other cars don't reciprocate, it advances a bit to show to the other drivers its intention. Without programming that kind of Without programming that kind of behavior, behavior, UrmsonUrmson said, it would be said, it would be impossible for the robot car to drive in impossible for the robot car to drive in the real worldthe real world.”

[How Google's Self-Driving Car Works, Discover News, Oct 18, 2011]

High level of variability + rich endogenous dynamics + incompleteness in models of change

What Does his Mean for Real World Autonomy?

• We have often succeeded by cleverly avoiding the unexpected and the unmodelled – (how) can we move towards dealing with it too?

• This is especially key when we couple systems in novel ways – when endogenous dynamics become intricate

An Observation from My Time in Industry

• National Instruments vs. HP/Agilent

• By complete modularization, enable a new model of experimentation, the “Return of Edison”

• What makes this possible: – Diverse and heterogeneous

components, enabled for interaction

– Sophisticated tools for composition

• Acknowledge ad hoc nature of system design – Zeitgeist in broader technology space!

An ad hoc Approach to Robotics

• Utilize a diverse, heterogeneous team of moderately capable, well understood components (Nao, iRobot, Kinect, etc.) – Acknowledge that even more complex systems are eventually limited,

especially when we bound computation/information/communication

• Continual adaptation of skills among individuals (learning, app store like tweaks) – No two modules are identical, in the limit, or static; how should we

represent knowledge in this setting?

• Strategic interaction mechanisms to enable efficient re-configurability in the face of incomplete models (and incompatible fragments), coarse specifications, conflicting preferences and goals, etc.

My Personal View of What to Aspire to

In addition to, and while we wait for…

We need more of this!

Ad Hoc Human-Robot Teams in Virtual Worlds?

Problem: Interactive Decision Making:

Ability for agents to achieve long-lived autonomy

- in interactions with a continually changing environment (partly,

due to the endogenous dynamics of interaction),

- with coarse high level goals,

- with incomplete information regarding changes at level of

- components (e.g., drift or failure)

- structural issues (e.g., new participant or environment)

Decision Making under Uncertainty

The traditional starting point for rational choice is maximization of expected utility

• Define a set of possible acts and states

• Define a preference order over outcomes –utility functions

• Choose acts to maximize utility

RPAS ,,,:

Decision Making Over Time

• Variational optimization – select best path over time, given transition dynamics

• Stochastic Control or Markov Decision Processes

• MDP: Consider a repeated version of Savage’s example

• Find a policy:

One Interpretation: Re-cast as (Bayesian) inference: infer best assignment to maximize probability of a desired state

),|( axxp

'),|'()'(ˆ),(argmax)( dxxuxpxVuxrxu

Dealing with Partial Observability

• Often, we can’t see everything that determines the dynamics of utilities

• Introduce notion of a belief state – distributions over possible states of the world

• Instead of directly working with , introduce and calculate with

),|( axxp

)(~ xpb

Interactive Decisions: Dynamics of beliefs

In an interactive world, we hold beliefs over states; the states are determined by someone else’s actions

– What are their beliefs; how do they choose actions?

One approach: DEC/I-POMDP

“…instead I looked away. But he understood. Just as I understood that he had understood. Just as he understood that I had understood that he had understood. But all this understanding only went so far as it can go in a few seconds.”

[Orhan Pamuk, My Father’s Suitcase,

Nobel Lecture, 7 Dec 2006]

Models of Rational Interaction: Coordination Games

• Simple classical example is the Stag Hunt (Rosseau) – Models cooperation

• Two hunters, each can go after stag or hare but the decision must be made independently

Simple example illustrates:

• Multiple Nash equilibria (payoff/risk dominant)

• Notions of ‘trust’

• Coordination failure, problem of equilibrium selection

Hunter 2

stag rabbit

Hunter 1 stag 10,10 0,8

rabbit 8,0 7,7

Learning for Equilibrium Selection, etc.

• In a repeated game, we want to learn opponent’s strategy – family of conditional distributions over future actions. We could learn:

1. Start with a model of the opponent’s strategy. 2. Compute and play a best [or almost best] response. 3. Observe the opponent’s play and update your model. 4. Goto step 2.

• When does Bayesian updating yield posteriors consistent with

actual strategies? • Crucial issue – process generating data is nonstationary (especially

if everyone is learning and is rational!)

A Result of Kalai and Lehrer [1993]

In a finite stage game played infinitely often by Bayesian rational players, if players’ strategies induce a distribution on play that is absolutely continuous w.r.t. their induced beliefs about play, then on almost all play paths every player is a good predictor, and behavior comes asymptotically close to equilibrium

Two key assumptions:

1. Beliefs have some accuracy vis-à-vis strategies

2. Strategies are optimal vis-à-vis beliefs

Result, e.g., by H. Peyton Young

… there exist no general, model-based procedures for multi-agent learning when players are perfectly rational and they have sufficiently incomplete knowledge of their opponents’ payoff functions.

Crucial assumptions:

• Unknown payoffs are distributed over some interval

• If instead they were known to lie in a finite set, result fails – One can tailor forecasting rules to take account of the restricted set of

payoffs that the opponent could be using

• Agents must optimize exactly. If instead agents almost optimize, the result does not necessarily hold

Subtlety of Real Decision Making Behaviour

Consider Akerlof’s market for lemons:

• Seller knows more than the buyer in a used car market (is the car a ‘lemon’ or not?)

• Buyer: I don’t know if it is a lemon, so I offer an adjusted price

• Seller: If car isn’t a lemon, I want a good price

• The only things that will be traded are lemons!

• We don’t care about used cars, but the issue of information asymmetry exists in all interactions involving humans & robots

What is the “correct” way to act here?

Such Problems have Distinguished Pedigree

Tentative answers in game theory – in consideration of equilibrium selection, evolutionary theory of organizations/norms, etc., but how to implement?

The slice of the Question I Want to Address,

in the Long Term:

When, why and how might computationally/ informationally bounded agents be able to solve these apparently intractable problems efficiently?

Might there be structural principles that guide our search for appropriately ‘simple’ strategies?

Three Worked Examples,

to illustrate the notion of

“simple strategy”

Warm-up Example #1: Control of Cart-Pole

• Two subsystems – pendulum, cart on finite track; only one actuator – cart

• We seek global asymptotic stability of 4-dim system

• Very popular example in robot learning

My main concern: Is there a principled explanation for the simplest intuitive strategy…?

S. Ramamoorthy, B.J. Kuipers, Qualitative heterogeneous control, HSCC ’02 & ’03

Reactive Behaviour - Global Structure

We want to reach and stay here

The uncontrolled system converges to this point

Adversary could push system anywhere, e.g., here

Larger disturbances could truly change quantitative details, e.g., any number of rotations around origin

Can describe global strategy as a qualitative transition graph

Example #2: Shape Reconfiguration in Modular Robotics

• Robot is defined by morphology & connectivity (shape problems)

• Many practical realizations – e.g., Xerox PARC, Intel, CMU, MIT, Cornell

Hexagonal Metamorphic Robot Models - Catalog defines Local Constraints

Robot Feasible cell to add module

Inefficiency of Sampling Based Motion Planning

An Alternative

Subspace with nice properties

T. Larkworthy, S. Ramamoorthy, A characterization of the reconfiguration space of self-reconfiguring robotic systems, Robotica (2011)

A Greedy Planner

The Surface Model: Local Constraints


Not allowed to contain kink or dual path violations on a Hamiltonian Path around the perimeter

S to S Planning is, empirically, linear time – Why?

Algebraic Connectivity of C-Space

• Consider unweighted graph G = (V, E) generated as follows: – Generate random configuration by uniformly selecting action starting

from random initial start points • By action, we mean a full “move” not one atomic module movement

• Effectively, an initial point is allowed to ‘diffuse’ in c-space

• By defining the cost of a cut in terms of number of edges, define the Cheeger constant as,

• Computing this for various points in c-space characterizes it

Approximating Algebraic Connectivity

• Directly computing Cheeger constant for large module numbers (e.g., 20000) may be infeasible

• Instead, define a Laplacian, L, with elements,

• Its eigenvalue bounds the Cheeger constant,

Experiment with Algebraic Connectivity

• On a randomly chosen set of configurations, expand neighbors to fixed depth and estimate Cheeger constant (via eigenvalues of Laplacian):

For comparison:

This is suggestive, but there is an even better reason.

Graph Minors

Implications of Graph Minor Property

• If H < G then H’s graph genus is less than or equal to G

• Many properties preserved under minor (tree width)

• Cheeger constant of H is less than G

• Gives an indication of which graph is more complicated (if either)

What Happens as Modules are Added?

Local Structure and Graph Minors: When is an Action Set ‘Difficult’?

A path plan in Sn exists in Sn+1: suggests recursive solution strategy - Not so for Ghrist’s catalog

Example #3: Low-Complexity Coordination Strategies

How to coordinate to an equilibrium even though the agents are not rational, and do not learn about the system as a whole or even about each other?

H.P. Young’s Interactive Trial and Error Learning model: – Adjust behavior only in response to own realized payoff

– No knowledge of the overall structure of game

– Cannot observe actions or payoffs of most other players

– Occasionally tremble and make mistakes

Examples: driving in a big city, packet routing in networks

Essence of the ITE Algorithm

• Agent has a ‘mood’: {content, discontent, hopeful, watchful}

• Player state = {mood, benchmark action, benchmark payoff}

What do the profiles mean?

• Content: Experiment with small probability; If experiment results in a higher payoff, adopt the new action & payoff as benchmarks

• If payoff increases without experimenting, become hopeful but don’t change benchmark action right away

• If payoff stays up become content again with new higher payoff as benchmark

• If payoff decreases below benchmark without experimenting, become watchful but don’t change benchmark action right away

• If payoff stays below benchmark become discontent

• If payoff goes back above benchmark become hopeful

• Discontent: Flail around; try a new action at random and with probability 0 < p < 1 stay discontent

With probability 1 – p spontaneously become content with the current action and payoff as new benchmarks



If all players use interactive trial and error learning and the experimentation rate ε > 0 is sufficiently small, then for almost all n‐person games on finite action space that possess at least one pure Nash equilibrium, a Nash equilibrium is played at least 1 ‐ ε of the time.

Why (in a nutshell)?

• Every recurrence class (potential minimizer) contains at least one all-content state in which the action benchmarks constitute a pure Nash equilibrium

• Stochastically stable states are all of this form

How to Build on Such Examples?

• In each case, I have shown you a ‘hack’ backed by Theorem(s).

• Can these then be obtained by special kinds of

– Unsupervised/developmental/life-long learning?

– Mathematical discovery?!

For this to be possible at all, we need:

1. More empirical examples of principles extracted from such problems: understand the phenomenon of decision making

2. A ‘description language’ for capturing all this in a unified way

Why Focus on Specific Problems? Maybe We Need Better General Algorithms?

Consider set of all structurally distinct strictly ordinal 2x2 (no)-conflict games [Rapoport & Guyer ‘66]; five major categories of multi-agent learning algorithms

Exhaustive evaluation in ad hoc team setting yields:

[S. Albrecht, S.R., subm. AAMAS 2012]

Two Domains of Interest

• Robot football

– RoboCup: world champion robots vs. humans, by 2050

– Many different leagues: Standard platform, Simulation

– Connections to human football, sports sciences, etc.?

• Agents in Electronic Markets

– Penn-Lehman Automated Trading (PLAT) Project

• Also other related domains, e.g., Trading Agent Competition

– My vision of a new ‘Market Analysis and Design’ Competition

– Connections to economics, especially behavioral finance/econ.?

Current Research Theme #1:

Control of Interactive Decisions

How does one shape a partially controllable interaction

to achieve outcomes defined jointly by oneself, other

agents and an external world ?

[A. Valtazanos, A. Robinson]

Interaction with Limited Authority

• Lead the ‘world’ from an initial to a final state

• The state itself has many components: – Controllable

– Uncontrollable

– Jointly Manipulable

Interaction Control: Model

• The state of the art in this area is to maximize a reward in the I-POMDP model – Use particle filter over beliefs (nest to 1 or 2 levels, if needed)

• This often works but we aren’t really ‘controlling’ the other player explicitly – is that possible?

Our approach, Hierarchical Interaction Control Process:

• Identify interaction predicates (e.g., I can see the ball, opponent can’t) that can be locally sensed and acted upon

• Learn local policies to enforce these predicates to some level

• Define global policy as a sequence of such local games

Experiment – Strategic Interaction

POMDP Striker HICP Striker

Preliminary Experiment: HICP vs. (I)POMDP

Table below shows statistics of sequences of consecutive successes (S) & consecutive failures (F) of striker – Gives an indication of how

reliably limits of the heuristic goal keeper are exploited

Where to next, on this front?

• Ability to control coordination and beliefs when the other person is genuinely being strategic

– Currently, we have adaptation but not recursion of beliefs!

• Ability to incorporate information constraints explicitly, e.g., privacy – I want robot to track and interact with my child without revealing too much to a hacker if compromised!

Current Research Theme #2:

Life-long Decision Making

Not knowing what games are coming up, in continually

changing multi-agent environments, how should we

represent knowledge and learn strategies?

[M. Hawasly, B. Rosman, A. Robinson]

Life is like a ‘box’ of situations, you never know which one you’re gonna get!

What is the Problem?

• Over a lifetime, we can learn many skills (dribble, kick, etc.) while playing in numerous training games – Each of these can be individually learnt, e.g., using RL

• Eventually, you’ll be put in test situations where you decide: – What game am I supposed to be playing now?

– How best to reuse versions of my learnt knowledge?

• You must do this subject to incomplete knowledge of the state of play – you haven’t seen this opponent before, you are not yet sure what the relevant attributes are, etc.

• Our approach: Keep a structured representation of ‘skills’ and play incomplete information games, e.g., aspiration learning

Model of Capabilities

• We shift focus to what we can do and what we may lose due to opponent

• Define capabilities as policies that can preserve a local predicate w.r.t. a domain and conditions

Transition Capability: Switchers

• Decompose problem into predicates that can be maintained and transitions between such sub-problems

Policy Space in terms of Capabilities

• May think of this as related to options framework

• A better analogy, capabilities = ‘local games’ – Policies can be strategies for a

multi-agent game

Space of Predicates

The Predicate Complex: Simplicial Complex formed by Capabilities

Topology of Complex Informs What to Learn/Plan for


• If we can maintain a suitable topology, randomized algorithms can be made efficient

• Knowing which simplices are ‘active’, we can structure the use of aspiration learning and other low-complexity learning strategies

Dynamics over Predicate Complex

Dynamics over Predicate Complex

2D Robot Soccer

10/10/2011 74


Implicit in our construction is the notion of a ‘tactic’ associated to ‘situations’.

Is there structure in the ‘space of strategies’?

Is there a canonical description of a situation?

[H. Mahmud]

Life as a Sequence of Markov Games

• Markov game = <agents, states, dynamics, reward>

• World is a sequence of unknown game contexts: Ѳi

• Within each context, a set of local strategies or options are feasible to use – e.g., policy to dribble around a defender

• For all realizations of contexts and Markov games, we can collect information (over a lifetime) and store that as a performance history of an option

• Renormalize:

Structure in the Space of Options

• We can compare two options in terms of (diffeo)morphisms between the sets of reward curves, BUT…

… we can reduce graph isomorphism to computing this distance

• Instead, we look to computational topology for help

• Define reduction between sequences of options and from that define a simplicial complex in the space of options – Key is to define a boundary: no more simplification possible

• Apply reduction until we have a minimal description

• Do all of the above – offline, in your dreams – so that online, make use of simpler model to transfer knowledge and plan

What is Computational Topology Doing?

Research Theme #3:

Collective Decision Making

What, when and how can a collective of simple, bounded agents compute global properties?

[with R. Santhanam & A. Salamon; A. Novik]

Observation: Stylized Facts about Asset Prices

There seems to be no generic statistical model that is able to capture all stylized facts, such as the following:

• Heavy tails: Returns distribution may have pareto-like tails (persists even after correcting for volatility)

• Volatility clustering: Different measures of volatility display positive autocorrelation over many days

• Gain/loss asymmetry: Large drawdowns, few upward jumps

• Asymmetry in time scales: Coarse grained measures of volatility predict fine-scale volatility better than vice versa

• Trading volume is correlated with all measures of volatility

• Intermittency: Bursts in volatility time series

Further Complications

Where does price come from? Microstructure

Price set by the trade mechanism – as such, there is no single price (depends on trading direction, speed, agent attributes and other effects)

Network effects – endogenous dynamics of interaction matters!

G. Leibon et al., Topological structures in the equities market network, PNAS 105(52) 2008

Some Questions

• Econometricians ask how better to model/predict the process and financial engineers ask how better to optimize and ‘price’

• My interests:

– For bounded agents working with incomplete and asymmetric information about the full system; are there low-complexity decentralized strategies for characterizing the qualitative structure/state of the dynamics?

– Can this work in settings with informational constraints (e.g., privacy or disclosure restrictions)?


• Global functions that need to be computed by local bounded agents

• How hard is this? Communication complexity

• New issues to consider: – How are inputs allocated to

different players?

– What does any player know about allocation structure or others’ information?

Example Properties of Macroscopes

Consider the simple change detection problem:

• Every k-player single-blind Constancy macroscope on N D-ary inputs can be solved with cost r(log D) + k, where r is number of connected components of intersection graph of allotment structure. This bound is optimal to within a constant factor.

• Every k-player double-blind Constancy macroscope on N D-ary inputs can be solved with cost kd log(D+1). Moreover, there are k-player double-blind Constancy macroscopes which require cost kd log(D).

Where to next, on this front?

• Extend these results to include more sophisticated communication protocols, meta-information (privacy) and function types (e.g., ranking)

• Can these results be extended to address endogenous dynamic properties?!

• Synthesize macroscopes with well understand behaviour, in:

– Networked markets

– Decentralized robots with partial views

Concluding Remarks: Summary

1. Strategically sophisticated inter-dependent decision making is a major open area, of fundamental scientific interest, with immense application potential and in need of study within CS

2. In particular, we need a good description language and implementable algorithms for encoding and learning tasks over a lifetime of different interactions

3. We need efficient mechanisms for composing decentralized, heterogeneous, individually unreliable resources into ad hoc teams that can take on a large family of tasks

Concluding Remarks: Open Questions

1. Typically, future is endogenously created and interactive dynamics are non-trivial, so much of the data you need is unavailable ahead of time. What are useful models of learning in this setting?

2. There is a disconnect between general models such as POMDP/POSG, typically intractable, and powerful but specialized –often behavioral – tricks that seem to make humans efficient under bounded rationality. (How) can we reconcile these?

3. The world is complex – which is why formal models are elaborate, requiring depth. How can/should an ad hoc collective support this depth despite continual change in components and contexts?