thesis presentation

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of thesis presentation

galapag%usbuilding an identity & reputation ecosystem

NYU-ITP Thesis 2013Victor Ben Turner founder/discoverer

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Advisor: Heather Greer

Money and fame and # of followers dominate metrics for reputation.

tribe :: ecosystem

In our everyday lives, what dominates "reputation" is:● that person in the office who can get things done● what a random stranger said to us on the street● who we'd drop everything for● who we enjoy being ourselves around● who we love and trust

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I don't care so much about how rich, powerful, famous, or well-connected you are, but rather, do you get things done? Can I depend on you?

I am obsessed with identity and reputation.

People don’t come out of a vacuum.

They often have narratives, made up of setbacks, 10,000 hours, small successes, long dry spells, tons of doubt, flashes of brilliance, a lot of luck.

Where are their quirks? What’s their Moneyball values? What are their stories? How were their personalities formed in the crucible of life?

tribe :: ecosystem

● My grandfather, Victor Turner, and his work on liminality, social drama, rites of passage

● My grandmother, Edie Turner, and her work on communitas

Where this all came from: Ben Turner's bio

tribe :: ecosystem :: economy

Where this all came from: a bio of Ben TurnerCame a long way to get here, had many identities.● Prodigy● The Sierra Network/ImagiNation Network● BBSs, MUDs● UT Austin (Latin, Greek)● US Army paratrooper● Arabic linguist● 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne)● Global War on Terror: Iraq, Operation Iraqi

Freedom III● Georgetown Masters of Science in Foreign

Service: foreign policy, international development

● Department of Homeland Security: social media news analysis

● USAID● The Colbert Report● NYU ITP● 2012 visit to the Galapagos Islands is a tribe of quantified selfers.

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(uh, and yes, you'll be a quant selfer soon if you're not one already.)

Our privacy is already gone.● NSA wiretapping, site/database hacks, credit ratings

We hide our true selves from each other.● We use fake Facebook/LinkedIn names.● We act differently on Facebook than on LinkedIn.

All our data is siloed.● Sites we use don't share. We always end up being the children in a company


We are not getting enough value back from what we are putting our time into online.

Let's talk about our lives online.

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What if we tried another way?

● gross national happiness/eudaimonia● radical transparency● mutual openness● reputational footprints as proof of work

and alibis● verifying each other's data● integration of all our varied datasets

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Our tribal values:● We believe that a primary goal of life is to maximize

eudaimonia and to help others do the same.● We individuals own our own data, and can control its

availability.● We believe in sharing and strength through

interconnectedness.● We believe in transparency and accountability.● Our data is a powerful form of expression of our own

identities, and we should be allowed to fully show and present that data identity and reputation in a free society.

● We are each members of many tribes and have many identities and faces, and only through all layers combined can we be understood in context.

● We believe in networked webs of people reinforcing validity of each others' information.

● We believe in generativity through open source and open, linked, organized data.

● We believe in economic incentives and positive externalities.

● We believe in being fast and adaptive.


● We individuals can balance the benefits of others, governments, and companies having data about us, against the benefits of retaining ownership, oversight, and privacy of our own data.

● We individuals benefit from being more public and open, rather than less.

● We individuals should be able to fully express ourselves by being honest, open, vulnerable, genuine, and caring.

● We individuals, through sharing our own data, can benefit from what currently only governments and companies can exploit off of us.

● Instead of rumors, gossip, credit ratings, etc. determining reputation, we can use data science, Moneyball, and a combination of quantification and qualification to build a more thorough reputation for ourselves that doesn't just rely on wealth and popularity.

tribe :: ecosystem

Meaning of

● a world of experimentation and exploration● .us == social && American (no .ly fiascos)● a teeming world of symbiosis, non-predatory

competition, speciation, efficient evolution● a positive example of human conservation efforts

tribe :: ecosystem is a social credit rating ecosystem for calculating reputation

using any shared personal data

(open & editable metrics + any type of personal data + API)

*% = :)

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financial + produced + social + human + natural == total capital

The ultimate goals of● We will attempt to quantify and improve eudaimonic happiness.● We will give every human on Earth (and his/her internet of things) a

reputation and identity.● We will become the standard for the world's 21st century reputation

system.● We will provide the model for transparency.● We will organize everyone's personal data.


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● achievements● influences● interactions● moments● obstructions● perceptions● personality● pets● relationships● rites of passage● wants● wardrobe

What personal data are we talking about?

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Go ahead, start to think about what other peoples' deeds and thanks mean to you, and how you'd like to appreciate them.

Contribute your thoughts while you listen to this presentation:

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Features● Post anonymously, under a pseudonym, or under your real name● Make your own formulas for how you evaluate love, work, or happiness● Fill out others' profiles, which they can then confirm, deny, ignore, or forgive● Pick different islands to live on which support your preferred type of online

behavior (high-quality content, competitiveness, lurking, gaming, etc.● Compare metrics at country-, company-, club-, neighborhood-, tribe- levels● A breakdown of your 24 hours spent in a day and an Aboriginal songline of

your life/worlds

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Show Your Score● business card subscription: get cards with your

updated stats mailed regularly● widget to view reputations of people mentioned

on any web page● put your reputation badge on your sites● badges on clothing to show achievements

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Account StructureFree Individual Account● use as a secure data store● access your data via API● self-improvement strategies● export your data whenever you want

Premium Individual Account● be social, share your data with others● compare against individuals or in aggregate

Organization Account● get aggregated stats on your employees, tribal members, etc.● track internal health of organization metrics● brands build their own DNA metrics

Audited Account● data verified by third-party auditor for extra level of trust

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Future Features

● Using your stats to roll new characters in multiple games, including text RPGs, role-playing MUSHes, social games

● Census-taking for international development projects, tracking trafficking/kidnapping

●, an end-of-year celebration of reputation and good deeds done

tribe :: ecosystem

Help me alpha test by playing, experimenting, breaking.

I'm Ben, I'm the happiness guy, and thank you, I'm out!

And thanks to those who went out of their way to help and mentor me:● Lisa Picco● Mom, Dad, my brother● Chris Leonard● Luke Nankee● Itzbeth Menjivar● Slavek Jurkowski● Cara Jurkowski● Nina Walton● Trish Duffy● Terry Hodgkins● Will Rinehart● Vic Hyatt● Fred Allen● Brendan Conner● Ryan McCraw

● Betty Duke● Mrs. Dahl● Rob Dubbins● Sasha Stewart● Benjie de Groot● Dan Herman● Federico Mora● Ray Cole● Brad Duty● Dave Pierpont● Chris Metsala● Dina Poma● Dan O'Hara● Heather Greer