GAIS Lab 簡介 2011/04/09 Sun Wu. Outline Research Interest, motivation, and style Projects...

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Transcript of GAIS Lab 簡介 2011/04/09 Sun Wu. Outline Research Interest, motivation, and style Projects...

GAIS Lab GAIS Lab 簡介簡介


Sun WuSun Wu


• Research Interest, motivation, and style

• Projects

• Courses, Operation and Management

• Students and future career


What’s GAIS?What’s GAIS?

Global Area Information ServiceGlobal Area Information Service

Services: Services:




Research Goal:Research Goal:To develop To develop corecore technologiestechnologies

and and software systemssoftware systems for forInformation AgeInformation Age



Research ProjectsResearch Projects

• GAIS Search Engine

• Cloudbase and Agent Network

• NUWeb, Ubiquitous Cloud Computing

• Web Crawling and Mining

GAIS Search EngineGAIS Search Engine

Currently we are

Developing new search kernel and infrastructure


Working on a video search engine

Cloudbase and Agent NetCloudbase and Agent Net

• Cloudbase provides a scalable data storage and retrieval/search function for cloud computing services, which is a core component for large scale cloud computing.

• Agent net is to develop a framework for cloud nodes to collaboratively perform service rendering or computing.


• Ubiquitous Cloud Computing:– Personal Cloud System– Community Cloud System– Global Cloud Services– Cloud agent for mobile internet devices

• Services: – Web Builder, Knowledge Management– Mail, Blog, Photo, Video, Message, BBS, EC, … – AutoSync AutoShare, Backup, – WinWeb, a unified interface for managing cloud s

pace including PC’s information.

Web Crawling and MiningWeb Crawling and Mining

• General Purpose Scalable Crawling• Focused Crawling• Web Mining: ( large scale data processing

and analysis ) – Keyword DB generation– Keyword relation analysis– Keyword ranking / classification / clustering– Web data partition and classification– Pattern matching and sequence comparison

Courses, Operation and Courses, Operation and ManagementManagement

• Students are expected to take the following courses offered by the lab. – Data Engineering– Internet Information Retrieval– Internet Database Systems

• Related Courses: – Data mining– Social Network– Internet Security– Network related courses such as mobile network,

network management, network programming, multimedia, …

Courses vs ProjectsCourses vs Projects

• In general, the first year students place the course work as first priority. Some students might participate in the research projects if they already have good background and have less course load.

• The thesis projects will be assigned after the first year of study.


• Every week there will be a group meeting and individual meeting.

• In the group meeting presentation, one is expected to present interesting stuff that might be valuable / helpful to others. It can be papers, software, websites, technologies…, or even some fun stuff.

• The topic of the talk is decided by the speaker.

Students and future careerStudents and future career

• Students of the lab are expected to – Take solid study and practice to build one’s technical

background and strength. – Learn Internet key and advanced technologies

through the courses and thesis projects. – Build good team work attitude and learn the ability to

analyze/solve problems and be innovative. – Build healthy and happy inner-value system and insist

on integrity and conscience for the social welfare.

Graduated studentsGraduated students

• Some continued the study for Phd and become professors.

• Most graduated masters went to IT industry as engineers such as – 台積電 , 友達 (MIS department) – Google, Yahoo, 趨勢科技、中華電信、工研院、資策

會、訊連、宏達電、網擎資訊、微軟、八通資訊、遊戲公司等等 Managers / RD Engineers

– 趨勢科技 有最多 ( > 10) 實驗室的畢業學長。


• What’s the requirement for joining the lab? (What’s the criteria in selecting students?)

• I am interested in GAISLab, how to make an appointment or apply?

• What’s the requirement for graduation?

• What should I study before I join the lab?

What’s the criteria?What’s the criteria?

• 沒有一定的標準,有時候隨緣,但通常而言,有以下情形者機會較大:

• 主動積極的學習態度,熱心,樂於助人• Good background in programming or systems (UNIX or

Windows, Android…) , especially web programming, is a plus but not mandatory.

• If you happen to have same name as previous students’, such as 秉諺 , the probability will be higher

• 音樂或藝術才藝 or 喜歡攝影

How to?How to?

• 有興趣了解更多或希望加入者– 準備個人 background 資料或網站– Email 個人簡介資料檔案或網址到 並約 meeting 時間

Requirement for graduationRequirement for graduation

• 沒有特定的碩士論文成果水準要求。• 除非自己希望延畢或特殊狀況,否則在正

常修業期限 ( 兩年 ) 畢業。• 我認為碩士只是一個專業領域的學習與訓

練過程,只要有至少數個月時間積極認真的進行論文計畫就 OK ,學習最重要的是對自己的將來負責。