Gabriella's Tip: Making Kindness a Habit

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Gabriella's Tip: Making Kindness a Habit

Gabriella’s Tips: For Making Kindness a Habit!

Step 1: Be kind to yourself.

It’s hard to show kindness to others when you haven’t been

taking care of yourself and meeting your own emotional

needs. Cut yourself some slack and do something nice for

yourself. Kindness starts with being kind to you.

Step 2: Answer rudeness with kindness.

That person who cut in line, your kid who is bombarding

you with demands, your co-worker who is being

impatient: Take a moment to step back and think about

the emotion that is motivating their behavior.

Use rudeness as a cue to be kind.

Step 3: Watch your delivery.

Often, people think kindness is about saying things you don’t

mean, or telling everyone they are beautiful. This is not true!

It’s about your tone of voice, your delivery, how you say things,

even your presence. Go a bit slower to acknowledge those you

meet during your day, which communicates respect.

Step 4: Praise it when you see it.

Acknowledge kindness when you see it. Perhaps

someone else did something kind for someone you know.

Compliment her on it. The more you practice searching

out and acknowledging the kind deeds of others, the

more you will recognize times in your own life where you

can lend a hand.

For more tips from Gabriella, go to