G t no P Uts, NO Glory - cancerwellnessfoundation.org · G t no Glory X Uts, ... Entry for 8 Guests...

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Transcript of G t no P Uts, NO Glory - cancerwellnessfoundation.org · G t no Glory X Uts, ... Entry for 8 Guests...

NO P no Glory tG X Uts, Sponsors & Architect’s/Builder’s Benefits

1 Presenting Sponsor Benefits: SOLD

Billed Presenting Sponsor for CWFCA (Name on flyers and advertisements)

Booth (Table) at event + opportunity to distribute promotional materials or items

Entry for 8 Guests & Seating for 8 Guests

Opportunity to display your businesses’ banners at entrance/inside Multiplex

Business name/logo displayed during the entire weekend

Recognition of sponsorship on CWFCA website with link to company website

Hole Sponsors ($500.00 per hole) Benefits:

CWFCA provides sign with name/logo for each sponsor per hole

Small table at each hole for opportunity to distribute promotional

materials or items

Entry for 2 guests including food

Business name/logo displayed during the entire weekend

Recognition of sponsorship on CWFCA website

Architects/Builders Benefits:

Business name displayed on sign

Recognition of hole builder on CWFCA website

Entry for 2 guests including food

Business name/logo displayed during the entire weekend

Recognition of sponsorship on CWFCA website



NO P no Glory tG X Uts,


Sponsor Registration form

Presenting Sponsor:

Sponsor Name

Phone & Email

______________ Address ____

Hole Sponsor :

18 sponsors will be acknowledged at one of the mini golf holes designed & constructed by a local architect, builder, or design professional.

Sponsor Name

____ Phone & Email

____ Address ____

Please check if your check is enclosed.

CCard: MC VISA AMEX DIS Card # Exp Sec Code Cardholder Name & Billing Address (required for charges) __ __


The Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central AL is a non-profit 501c3 charity. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Lucile Waller, Executive Director lwaller@montgomerycancer.com

Cancer Wellness Foundation of Central AL 4145 Carmichael Road, Montgomery, AL 36106





NO P no Glory tG X Uts,


Hole Builder Registration form & Guidelines

Builder Name

____ Phone & Email

____ Address ____ Theme

There is no theme. The sky is the limit. Showcase your ingenuity and creativity! Make your hole fun, but challenging! Please provide us with a title for your hole.


The overall footage of your hole design including the putting area and any additional material should be no larger than 5 feet in width, 15 feet in length and 8 feet in height.

There must be at least one actual hole (circular opening), 4 ½ inches in diameter and approximately 4 inches deep.


The hole must be playable, with a surface sturdy enough for people to walk on.

Each hole should have a clearly designated tee-off area.

Endurance & Safety

Firmly secure all parts, pieces and components of the hole to ensure that nothing is removable or easily knocked off or will cave in!

Please keep in mind the possible trajectories for golf balls when designing your hole. Avoid surfaces that golf balls will bounce on, designs that require balls to be hit at high speeds, and edges that balls will easily jump over. Think functionally, as well as appearance!

If using fabric, please use flame-retardant treated fabric.

Deadline and Delivery

Please submit your hole design, business name and logo by February 16, 2017 to Lucile at lwaller@montgomerycancer.com. Design submission is requested in order to diagram location of holes. Your business name and logo are needed for CWFCA website.

Name your hole.

Estimate the par for your hole (maximum par 4).

Delivery date will be February 23th. Please let us know the when you will deliver your hole. CWF will have someone there to assist with setting up your hole, if needed. For questions call Lucile at 334-273-2279.

We greatly appreciate your generosity of time, talents and resources!!