G D E H J T C E J Bismarck Tribune! F M OUSTER CHR0M0, · Reported Specially fiM* the iBfs-marck...

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Transcript of G D E H J T C E J Bismarck Tribune! F M OUSTER CHR0M0, · Reported Specially fiM* the iBfs-marck...

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VOL. 2. BISMARCK, D.T., ^fEDNlfiSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1874. NO. 22.

An Independent Hewspaper paMMhed by


.75 10

8DB80B1PTIOM FaiCB S One year W.001 Three months Six months. 1.S5 j Single copies

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COMTBACT RATES.—One square 1 vw, •». One eighth column, 1 year, »40. One-l^rth column. 1 year, $70. cJne-nalf column, 1 year, $140. One column, 1 year, $200. _ - „ n„ LOCAL NoTicB8.-Editorial 85 eta. per ine. Bu­

siness notices in local column, 15 eta. per line. Ku* idnevs nottctfi la spcckU notico coluniD, 10 cts. per )lB6« LKOAL ADTBRTiBKKESia, per square, (ten lines

noiip&ru!l. or 250 ems of type used, making one squari-)one insertion, $1.50; additional insertions ifi eeoU. The space occupied by displayed lines will be measured as EOM type of the size used in the body of the advertisement.

MBSERVE A CO.—"Stock Exchange." BestUq uors and Cigars.

j llD A GOULD—Liquors, Cigars, Mode. Vine hall for dancing.

A84 FISH BR— Billiard Hall, imported Wines, Liquors, Ale, Ac. '

M. kfcLEAR—Wines, Liquors and Cigars.

HOTELS. CAPITOL HOTEL—R. R. Harsh A Co., Proprie­


I^IBMARCK HOTEL—R. Connelly, Proprietor.

DAKOTA HOUSE—Thomas McGowan, Proprie­tor.

BARBERS. CHRIS. HEHLI—King of. Barbers, and Imperial

Bath Rooms.

WH. H. COMER—Empire Shaving Hail and • Bath Rooms.

J M. ROSIER—Shaving, Shampooning, Ac.

rpHOMA8 WELCH branches.

Blacksmithing in all its TO SUBSCRIBERS.

gubMilbers finding an V following their names W5H Understand that the A term (or which they We paid their subscriptions will expire with the |~AME8 SOUTRR—Blacksmithing, Ac. next number, and unless the subscription is renewed J the paper will be discontinued. This rule applies to all, and is adopted, not because we are afraid to trust our subscribers, but because it is found to be the plan most satisf* ctor\ to the general subscriber, And more convenient for us.

TI R- POUTP.R—Phyiiclan and Surgeon,

for cach yearly subscription. *

Bismarck Business Directory. Advertisements inserted under this

«r lees, per annum, $5.00; additional lines at $2

MISCELLANEOUS. rpHB BISMARCK TBIBUNE-a live western newa-1 paper, published by the Bismarck Tribune Com­pany at $2.00 per year.

JW. RAYMOND A CO., Bankers. Interest al-• lowed on time deposits, Exchange bought and

sold, Ac.

BAL A PETERSON, Gun and Lock Smiths.

JAME8 DOUGLAS A CO.—Heavy Rnd Shelf Hardware, Tinware, Ac.

EOKPORD A RYAN, Merchant Tailors. Cloth­ing and Gent's Furnishing Goods. ^

J P. PORST B R—Restaur ant. Board by the day , or week, freifc Oysters, Ac.

H. 8TIMPS0N—Books," Stationery,' News­papers, Magawnes, Ac.

TULLOCH—Newspapers/ Magasines and Stationery.

OTVARNS A LOUIS—House and Sign Painting.

FLED STRAUSS, Jeweller. Jet

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ac.

TT 8- LAND OFFICE—Peter Mantor, Register; U • K. M. Brown, Receiver. -

REAL ESTATE—C. A. LIOONSBERRYAXJO. Paras and Village Property. Money pat where » will

do the most good. •

MILLINERY-Mrs.C.Gager*Co.—Ladies* Pur nUilng Goods, Dress Making, Ac. -

j w. FI8HER—Sewiug Machines for sale or rent. Sewing Machine Extras, Ac.


JW. RAYMOND A CO. A full line df supplies, % Bry Ooods, Clothing, Ac. Wholesale and Re-


J A. MeLRAN-r-Heavy stock Grocettts, extens-• We M>ortmant Clothing, wflM selected Dry

Good*, Ac. ,

CLARK A BILL—Full Uao efe&ppUes, Dry Goods Clothing, Ac.•» r• :

0LOTHING.—J. W. Wateon A Iro.—Dry Goods, Groceries,'Boots, Shoes, Ac.

J P. REARDON — Groceries, Provisions, Liquors « and Cigars. • • >•"> '•

KAUFFMANN A Co.—ProvMooa, Vegetable#,1

Choice-Wines, Llqtoors and Cigari.


BROWNING & WINGROSK—Meats, -fresh and cored. Eggs. Vegetbble^ Ac.

NP. CLARK—Fresh .Meats, Ham. Bacon, Eggs, • Butter, Grain, Red. Po fa*,

BAKERIES. JOHN YEGIN-Ctty Bakery: ftpad, Pies, Ac.

PBTKR WALKER A CO—^rwh Bread/Cafcea, Plea. fresh Oysters la evefystyie. atall tpuia

ef the day add night. Baked Pork iad Beaasevery


DUNN A CO.—Full assortment of-OruM, Motions, Wines and Liquors for medicinal purpose*, €f>


BOOTS ANB SHOES. LB8HALL A CAMPBELL—Fall ttne of sale work. Boots and Shoes made to order. Gloves.


O. METER—Boots and Sheet to order.. Repairs.


ST. LOU1B LIQUOR STORE—J. D. Wskens Best Imported goods l& the market. Bourbon,

dears. Ae.#:at'ifcwesale and retaU. Sai lanple rooms

JOHN MAS®*—Wh'aky, Wine, Clears,* A«^, aft ^iWelMils and retail. fauMWTte «i«H»

place. •• • •J . ...

4X. HoUL

P Uqtun*aA1X*in. • ' . : ' i t f • • ' ' '

*IBBt ARB U|| «U«M 1. Pryrietcr. to IH—w>:

BLACKSMITHING. GEO. G GIBBS—Wagon Making and Black­


PHYSICIANS. g F. SLAUGHTER—Physician and Surgeon.


Block. County Attorney's office.

EA WfLLIABIS—Lawyer, Third St. Deputy • U. 8. Attorney.

JOHN A. 8T0YELL-Lawyer, Fourth St.

•i .

HM. DAVIS—Lawyer and City Justice, Third • Street.

THOMAS VAN ETTEN—Lawyer and U. S. Court Commissioner, Main St. . . ' . ' . . .

LIVERY. CHAS. McCARTY—Livery, Sale and Feed Stable

First Class Rigs.

JOHN OSTLAND—Livery and Feed Stable. Rear of Barley House.

Bismarck Tribune! T H l




Weekly Paper in tae Northwest, will be furnished One Tear <?r


OUSTER CHR0M0, a TBWnUlcent ChnHno-Lithograph of this Populu

Cavalry Cbramander The Chrome alone it worth the money, and was manufactured

specially for (he Tanon, a* an expense nf several hundred dollars, by Stro-

bridge A Co., Clndnnatl, the well-known Chrorao Pab^ '


The ltrsnra will contala tool only all of the nowi of the day, but tiie latest icbd mof* reliable vopocts eonCernlag the .. .. -«•••>

m AJCnSL HILLS • .. ' ' : ^ :


which have recently beea made by Coders Blaek, BM« dpeWn b >thaf hitherto unknown region. TMsisJsmortaBt, dsBbsoank istheneareat point to the Black Hills, and irill be tie point where expedi tkntf will outfit. Fma BUmAnlr to the BladrHins |h«re is a direct and well-marked trail, mado by thto return of Cutter's e^e ftion. "

The TaokM ts the only weekly newspaper In the United States wWeh sent a Spielal Corresptondenl with Ousters expedition.

, . « 9 * . .< 4 * t s • . .

Srlsthsoaly weekly in the UaHed Stales which IkbesPUtL


giving the LATEST NEWS up to the time of going to pros, togethor with the News of the Week, condensed and .pat in «v.

ATT$4CTjW \ -• A•")

The Philadelphia ledger,' In speaking of this PapUlarltonpaper.layii •» . ~ VMBI

nat£&iS%S5£j?'ss'jEi the iMttfsTdrJtMei'lgM Jgftarifamrhgr * neatly; pdated and aMy fTesatho-ssldst of a »-

seM1'' dfeeVI ys»W- ho addssssed to

•UiKABCC' "OOMPAKT" ' ' B. t.

Reported Specially fiM* the iBfs-

marck Tribmie.

TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Gage, the Chicdgo defaulter has been

acquitted. The longshore men's strike is ended,

the strikers surrendering. Story, of the Chicago Times, married

Miss Eureka Pearson, last Thursday. The insurrection in Buenos Ayres is

ended, the rebels having surrendered. Rich gold diggings are imported as

having been discovered near Salt Lake. King Kalukima and Grant' congratu­

lated each other by telegraph on Satur­day.

Professor Harsh discovered fossils of several new »ropical animals in the Red Cloud boneyard.

'-.'here were several marine. disasters last week, among them the Pontiac, which lost twenty-six^.of her crew.

Tbe*Posttnaster General prohibits the circulation by mail of carrier's address­es, as calculated to influence presents.

The Emperor has stricken from the Budget the appropriation for sustaining the German Legation at the Vatican.

Deputies from Alsace and Lorraine are incensed at Bismarck's speech, and threaten to withdraw front the Reich­stag. .

Bismarck is on the rampage; accuses members of the Reichstag of sympatbiz ing with Kullman, bis would-be assas sain.

The Supreme Court decides that the tribunal convicting Tweed had compe­tent jurisdiction, and he was remanded to prison. .

A lively time is promised in.connec­tion with the Pacific MaiL It is alleged that $$60,000 will be used to corrupt Congress and to secure the subsidy.

And John D. White, republican mem-of Congress elect from Kentucky, shot and killed bis competitor : on Wednes­day. The quarrel grew out of the can­vass.

The last act of Mayor Havemeyer was to enquire into the laxity of treatment ,of Tweed, who has splendidly furnished rooms and is permitted to wear citizen's Sclotbes.

Gen. Miles' expedition is still out,but is awaiting forage. They will bc joined by the Eighth Cavalry, and will pursue the. Indians to the headwaters of the lower Red River. .

The old Manitoban government has resigned and a new one established, with a cabinet of three instead of five members. The Upper House and the Attorney General have been abolished.

The infamous Judge Darrell has re­signed to save i ob peach merit,bu t; squeals fearfully on (he Louisiana radicals. He thinks himself a victim of phrty exigen­cy; and: denounces the Enforcement Act. ' •' • '

A Des Moines man claims to have been i* We Blaek rHills since August last; and says that there is* no gold there, bdt thrHillfir are full bf Indians, and alleges t&at thfiy have killed two cdhi^siiie^ which hiattt'gone there.

The. board of visitors speak fcighly. of the West Point Academy, and compli: mentary of the discipline and efficiency of its officers. Having lias been abol­ished. Recommends - that candidates sbotild «ot bo younger- than 18 or older than ^l years of age.

Bismtrdc declares Germany recogni­zes the Pope as the jtoad of the CathoHc Church, but* needs no delegation to thfe Vatican. Tbey can communicate through an ambassador to Italy, if desirable. He charges that the' Vatican wished the vipidry »n fltvor of Prance in the late war. '

The pxpensps of the War Department last year were upwards of _ iQrty-ove millibng^four - millions saved- over the previous year. The Secretary will re-. cofnmend additional pzy for ^cting as-sidtant quartermasters; pay and mileage to officers and men when on duty, in­stead of expenses^ th»t privates be al­lowed to compete Cor position; .the commissioning of Serge*^; reduction of the army discouraged; ' reduction of men withouf a corresponding reduction of offi<»fs not ecomomical; reccommends the increased pay for. Sier^eante; when vat^nicies occur among regimental*^ tants iod quartermasters, put detailed Officers to do that do^y.

ft b wportrf tWtBiUy tofr»nd • cdafeinion stariit on Sanw oriiliig, an Infwtty NJwot

1 « £ W t b " » l * I o f * t o l t a


Shot Througli the Head by Some Unbiown Party!


The Citizens Offer a Beward of $500 for the Apprehension and Convic­

tion of the Murderer!

MURDER! } between deceased and neighbors; know of no parties in particular that called on deceased; have stopped ovet night at house of deceased because wife of de­ceased claimed to be afraid that Mr. Hobart would narin her husband; de­ceased never claimed to be afraid;, first heard of death of the deceased- about nine o'clock this morning; was at the house of the deceased frequently; there-were no parties living with the deceased and his wife; have heard the deceased say that if he jumped that claim Hobart would kill hiui; felt no apprehension in that respect.

Charles 8immona sworn:—Rjsido on a claim two miles from town, and one mile from deceased; last, ww deceased ou Monday afternoon; be was near his house chopping wood: was at house of deceased on Thursday forenooo last; no one present; went from the house to the barn; got some hay and left: have been at his house a few times; know of no difficulty between the deceased and his neighbors; his absence.

. . from ho>ne did not excite a-y suspicion; supposed Last Saturday morning our Citizens deceased was chopping wood in the timber; the wife

i i t . _ . I o f t he de c e a s e d was absen t on Monday ; ha ve hea rd Were Startled by the rumor that a man ( Of no threa's from anyone against the deceased; think

had been found dead in the timber about three miles uorthwest of town, bv the driver of the team belonging to the brewery. k

The Coroner and a few of our citi­zens immediately went to the place in­dicated and there found the dead body of John Peterson, formerly of Red Wing, Minnesota. From appearances he bad been chopping in the timber, when his assassain stepped up behind him, laid the gun close to bis head, and fired, killing him instantlv. The de­ceased fell forward, burying his face in the snow, in which position he must have lajn for two or three days, and in which condition his body was found. His body was brought to townf and in the evening an inquest was held.

Deceased was married last spring,and purchased the right of Mr. Mills to his claim, moved into the house and com­menced making improvements. Mr. Peterson was regarded as an upright and honorable young man, comfortably situated, and a credit to any communi­ty. His wife is nearly distracted by the coldblooded affair, and.the sympa­thy of the entire community.

On Monday a subscription was raised among our citizens, and a reward of five hundred dollars offered for the ar­rest and conviction of the murderer.

The jury consists of Thomas Van Et-ten, D. Stewart, C. H. Kauffmann, W. A. Peterson, W. W. Bill and Chris. R. Gilson.

Below we give the evidence given at the inquest:

Dr. B. F. Slaughter sworn:—-Reside^ in Bismarck; am a practising physician; the ball entered at the base of the brain, from the left side, passing up­ward at an angle of about seventy-five degrees, and out at the., center or. top of the cranium; place of entrance of the ball about one inch in diameter, and its exit about one and one-fourth inch; probed the wound but found no shot or bullet: oo other marks of violence;neck, shirt collar add: cap of deceased is black with powder; from appearance of the wound should judge that the weapon used wfcs a large sized army revolver, or a weapon of about same calibre; the party using the firearms was close to deceased—anywhere from two inches to two feet; the body may have been dead two or three days. •

C. F. Hobart sworn:—Beside in Bur­leigh County; was acquainted with deceased; have no knowledge of the facts in connection with his death; # de-ceued claimed one hundred and sixty teres, one-fourth mile wide; no dispute in connection therewith; live ahou t three-fourths of a mile from deceased; men are hunting in that vicinity every day, and hear shooting; last saw the deceased some eight, er ten days ago; know of no difficulty, between the de­ceased, and his neighbors.

Mr. Bntsh fsworne—Reside with Mr. Hobart; have no personal knowledge of this affair; saw. deceased last Monday morning at bis hpu9e;deceased was mar­ried last spring; saw Mr. Ardron and Mr. Simmons at the house of deceased last Thursday; the body . was . found about two hundred paces from the house; have seen several parties at house of deceased at various Umes; know of no ill-folding between the debased and his neighbors; go by the house of the de-cetaed quite frequently; never saw any-filing wrong; had ih> talk with deceased when last pew him; weire on friendly fetalis. '

J&tiph Ardron sworn:—Reside two •rile* from towh, one mile from deceas*

Holt Dunn 4

In great - variety to t'druf atore, / Ww5

went to bo«e noon, for hay; so one at .home; have heard that deceased had some money in bank; hate no krio#Wge Qfaay difficulty


I heard deceased say that Mr. Brash could not hold the claim— hat deceased had the best, right to it; I came into Dakota the '23th of October last; Mr. Ard­ron and myself visited at the residence of deceased together; know of no one in the habit of visiting there; know nothing of the financial circumstances of de­ceased. 4

[the inquest then adjourned to next Monday morning.]

[Monday afternoon, Dec. 7th, inquest resumed] Mrs. John Peterson sworn:—Reside in Burleigh

County, on what is known as Burnt Greek, my hus­band and Hobart had some trouble in regard to the claim; did not hear the conversation; it was about Eix weeks ago; saw the parties together; Hobart was at my house but once;husband said to me that Hobart threatened to blap him if he was not so small; that Hobart told him to get off the claim; he was not afraid of Hobart; when Hobart came to the house her hus­band was not there, and he left immediately; know Joseph Ardron; he stayed at my house at my re­quest; 1 was afraid to stay al»ne; Ardron lived on his claim; the trouble was about six weeks ago; Ardron has stopped at my house several times, but has not. been there lately to ft ay; he used to see my husband frequently; it is about two weeks since he was there last; know John Brash; he is building a house on my husband's claim; have heard no talk between them about the claim; he came to my house a week a go last Saturday and borrow d a shovel; know of no ill-feel­ing between them; don't know whether my husband. had any money about him when he was killed;he had some in the house; cannot tell whether it has been disturbed; she had not yet counted it; never kept much mone> about him, never spoke to anyone about the threats except my husband: he kept a shot gun in the bouse, loaded; it is now In the house; husband said that Hobart had threatened to finish him; hus­band claimed one-half mile square, [a plat was shown her and she described the ground thereon.] Had no talk with him about the claim for six weeks, except that he thought he eould hold it; don't think that Mr. Ardron knew that my husband had any money In the house; when we first came to Bismarck he had $1,000^ in cadi; he had paid some on the claim; Ardron fre-* quently came there, but has not been there for two weeks; Ardron thought that Hobart wanted to* gcare my husband; 1 get frightened May. .

Jacob Kalverer sworn:—Reside with Girard at the brewery; found the body la>t Friday, in the Umber, about six or eight feet from the road, in the bottom; it was perhaps a hundred yards from the house; Girard went to the house to see reterson, and I the timber; found the body lying on its left side; the hands were In position as though holding an axe; the left-leg was drawn up, the right nearly straight, the axe lying between them, the handle nearly touching the body in front; after finding him, I went back to the team, met Girard, and told him I had found a dead man; both of us went and saw him; did not know who lb was; nei her of ustouched the body; both, went back home; had no Idea of hotf deceased was killed; met a team on our way home; said nothing about H. until .we got home; told no one that deceased was shot be­fore the Coroner saw the-body; came to town- that night and informed the Coroner; went to deceased to get logs to build an lee house; do not know where the rqad on which the body was found leads to,never was there but once before; that was last fall: the feet of the deceased was close to the log; looked as if he had been chopping on the log and fell off; no recolliction of ever seeing the deceased before; noticed a black-spot on the back of his head; did not examipe it; the cap was about three feet from the head; saw some blood on the ground near the head; was there last fall to see If we could get logs for nils to the brewery; the dog came down from the house with Girard.:

; Chris Larsen swornc—Reside with Hobart; have ' been chopping wood for him the last four weeks on his claim; have been away part of the time this jMt week; never saw deceased while living; have heard t>9th Hobart and Brash say they did not Hki Peter­son; heard that Peterson was hired to hold Brash's claim, and then jumted it; they did not think It hon­orable of Peterson; heard them speak of it several times; Hobart said that Peterson would have to leok out for himself; week before last Hobart spoke bet­ter of deceased; Peterson set fire to some brash, wtuah endangered Hobart*s wood; have only known Hobart since I commenced work for him; staved at Hobart's house every night since I commenced work for him until last Wednesday; had been In town twice before thafc-Hobart proposed to stand by Brasb In the matter of Peterson Jumping. Bj-ash's claim; Ho­bart said if Peterson did not look out he would. haul him up; Hobart was engaged In hauling wood last Monday and Tuesday;Wednesday he haulod logs from Brash's claim; I! came Into town last Wednesday; came by Peterson's house; d(d not see anyone there; stayed In town Wednesday night; returned to Ho­bart's next day; leaving about 10 o'clock; went by Peterson's house; kept m the road that had a well by the tide of it; arrived at Hobart's house about noon; Hobart came home about half an hour later; Bran came In about one hour after Hobart; alter dinner went three miles up the river to'Johnson's Camp and stayed oter night; little Dutch Prank told M oft Saturday of Peterson's death; he heard It from, Tewman; Hobart has a needle gnu; last Wednesday Itookit from where beirept ft and placed It in my bed; when I got back Thursday the gun was back In the corner; dont tatow whether it was loaded or not; K waa loaded yesterday; came to town last night; stopped at Hill's (Scandinavian House); Hobart- gen­erally'wears ibow packs; don't know wnat he wore Wednesday;Brash wears shoetpacks;Bhutt had a car­bine; first saw it week before Lut,*dont know whereit was Wednesday; Brash used to take his pn out with him sometimes; saw ft ander my bed Saturday night-it waa loaded then; Brash represented that deoeased was trying tb jump his claim; never saw Hobart handle a gun but once, and then only te try to see how it woiild shoot; did not bear any shooting in thai vicinity last week. ' •

H. H. Girard sworn:—Beside in Bismarck, near the riven was along with Kalverer when the body found; he thought Peterson might sell us less for our fee house; I went to Petersoofs MUM and he to -the timber, thinking to find hfan Inaftber place; bo casta back aad told DM he had found a dead man; weat and saMr him; he waa lying on his left side; there was a wooad -ln the back of his head; thought fromappcer-aneea he had been murdered; did., not examine the body to SM how he was killed; never told anyone that I thought the bodyjraa shot, untilMveral saw R

i wHhaae; tUaktbe deeeasad eKtsfcbaye.been *andlne { oara log cboppiajg when he wasVMed; deceased fell

backward and sMe#ays, andmanntly died Inrtant-ly; saw the cap; tUbk it wtt dgl* or<t«a flseC font

Ittfccre Immediately after seeing the bofo n> about S e^ekxk; wa thought that_ de-beep nijemd; did aateihmine tbe body

MMflh Iftfism An MkbftlflA* Jc& Algren shopping wood for Uo-

Jbart; ere at Hobatt'stilgbts; hav« beard Hobart my (Cetitiseed on toflftb