FYE presentation (2012 2013)

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Learning Strategies

Transcript of FYE presentation (2012 2013)

  • 1. Types of Students
  • 2. 3 Types of Students 1 Ready-made Great students who 10%Learners transition easily into college
  • 3. 3 Types of Students 2 Lack PoorStudents ability, 10% maturity or capability
  • 4. 3 Types of Students 3 Capable, hard- working GoodStudents students whose 80% grades lag behind their abilities or effort
  • 5. What Does All ThisMean?
  • 6. What do I What know? must I know? How do I get to what I need toWhat will I be know?able to do once Iam there? Whats the What strategies quickest and will get me to surest way of what I need to getting there? know?
  • 7. Learnin Strateg Thinking Infog Goal y Level Produc Selectio t n What you bring Learning to your tests! Outcome
  • 8. Thinking is determined Thinking leads toLearning based upon learning learningGoal goal outcome Roads are Roads lead to Destination determined your based upon destination
  • 9. Students cannot solve their academicproblemswith the same thinking that createdthem.