Future of scientific information systems and international cooperation

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Agenda Item 4.2. Future of scientific information systems and international cooperation. V. Kuprianov, A. TolstenkovINIS-ETDE JTC Meeting Russian Federation20 -21 October 2011 Vienna, Austria. Contents. Current status/trends. Future of scientific information systems. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Future of scientific information systems and international cooperation

Future of scientific information systems and international cooperation

V. Kuprianov, A. Tolstenkov INIS-ETDE JTC Meeting Russian Federation 20 -21 October 2011

Vienna, Austria

Agenda Item 4.2

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INIS Tomorrow

International cooperation

Future of scientific information systems

Current status/trends


Decreasing volume of R&D in nuclear area

Increasing role of commercial information provider in nuclear area such as Elsevier

Current status/trends

Increasing volume of unstructured information

Market based business models for majority of database producers

Users are not fully satisfied with existing IS

Timeliness becoming very important factor


Web 2.0 (p2p); Sience Portals; Social NetworksWeb 3.0 e-Science; Science Networks

Current status/trends (2)

Psychological aspects (believes that everything can be found on the Internet

But increasing number of untrusted sources of scientific information

Information services becoming extremely important

Each organisation maintains own IS(s); Integration of national information resources

Open information sources/portals such as Public Library of Science, Google Scholar, WorldWideScience, science.gov, …


Science Networks/Portals


Important! Dialog STN Ovid INIS ETDE INSPEC ...Still remain in demand and continue playing important roles


Managing Grey LiteratureGreyNet InternationalOpenGrey (Europe) European Patent Office Open Archives Initiative Direct publication on the Internet by

authors, organization and conference organizers (limited time)


Future of Scientific Information Systems Future IT defines future IS Must be service oriented and proactive Adress different levels of education

(students , teachers, scientists) Integration with other information systems at

national and international levels (access via various portals and networks)

Must accept international standards and formats

Timeliness and direct access «documents» are very important


Future of Scientific Information Systems Metadata (including semantic) remain very

important Friendly interfaces with natural language and

voice recognition (artificial intelligence) Mobile technology Support various information formats Support active usage statistics and analysis Not only source of information

e-Science (IS 3.0)Information + users + service + experts +virtual space


International Cooperation Needed to maintain Grey literature

collections Information systems of international

organizations (UNO) Special information systems (nuclear

accidents reporting system, IAEA AQIS) Numerical databases (PRIS, nuclear

data) Needed for Thesaurus maintanance


Future of INIS1. Integration of INIS into or with

the IAEA Library2. International Nuclear Information Service

Provider/Broker3.Coordinator of Nuclear Information Network4. Information partner for Nuclear Knowledge

Management activities


Future of INIS Transformation into digital library

Intergovernmental mechanism will be needed mostly for maintaining NCL collection

Custodian of INIS NCL Collection less interest from Member States

Integration with Libraty as the first step to develop International Nuclear Information Network

Information management partner of nuclear knowledge management Nuclaer Knowledge Management needs information support Intergovernmental mechanism will play key role Interaction between information, technology, and people

• Gelish-like descriptive language development Maintaining Nuclear (INIS) Thesaurus as semantic map of nuclear domain

• NPP Thesauri/taxonomies Capturing knowledge/information Information methodology development Visible benefit for MSs

Way of AGRIS? No

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INIS can play important and valuable role in the area of nuclear knowledge management

INIS has new chalenging apportunities to become again a leader in the area of nuclear information services

Some scientific information systems are to be based on international cooperation

Information systems must be information service based

Scientific information systems will remain important but need to be integarated into scientific networks


Conclusion Scientific information systems will remain important

but will be integarated into scientific networks Information systems must be information service

based Some scientific information systems must be based

on international cooperation INIS has new apportunities to become again a

leader in the are of nuclear information services INIS can play important role in the are of nuclear

knowledge management