Future of American Guys - SpikeTV Study

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Transcript of Future of American Guys - SpikeTV Study

1Guys’ State of the Union 2008

The Future of American Men

2Guys’ State of the Union 2008


The purpose of this study is to help Spike further solidify its role as the authority on the lives, behaviors, and habits of American guys.

It builds on the foundation of the 2004 Men’s State of the Union, which delivered a wide-ranging overview and understanding of guys’ lives.

Spike engaged Social Technologies to update the 2004 effort and explore the current “state of guys” through this…the 2008 Guys’ State of the Union.

3Guys’ State of the Union 2008


Social Technologies’ goal was to help Spike gain an understanding of the most important trends and issues affecting American guys.

We took a broad view, and we sought to shed light onto how guys feel about:• Relationships, gender roles, and family life• Role models and heroes• Views on masculinity • Technology uses and preferences• Work and the economy• Politics and general outlook for the future

These topics were investigated via an online quantitative study and online qualitative mini-surveys developed and executed by PSB.

4Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Our Process

We followed a three-step process in conducting our research.

Phase 1: Trend Scan and Hypothesis Creation

Phase 2: Hypothesis Testing / Field Work

Phase 3: Data Analysis and Fictional Persona Creation

Social Technologies conducted a scan to identify relevant trends and issues impacting guys’ lives, including a literature review, expert interviews with corporate trend experts and academics, and integrated ideas from existing Spike research. (See Appendix 1)

We also drew upon our internal trend knowledge-base for insights about the state of American guys.

This process resulted in 17 hypotheses about guys’ lives, identity, relationships, and concerns.

Using these hypotheses as a foundation, Penn, Schoen, & Berland created and executed an online quantitative study and online qualitative mini-surveys to track the 2004 data and test the new hypotheses. A segmentation analysis was also conducted based on the quantitative survey results.

Social Technologies conducted complementary field work—focus groups in Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Minneapolis—with guys aged 24–39.

Social Technologies analyzed the survey data, segmentation, and focus group output.

We then integrated these findings with what we learned in the Phase 1 scan, and we created segment descriptions and two fictional composite personas for each segment, to bring the segments to life and put a human face on the survey data.

5Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Analysis and Implications

Segment Introductions and Fictional Personas

6Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment Introductions

Several factors were considered by PSB in its segmentation analysis, including the presence of role models in guys’ lives, their level of technology adoption, their views of masculinity (traditional vs. modern), and the importance of friendships.

The segmentation revealed five types of American guys: • Segment 1—The Young Carefrees • Segment 2—The Above Average Joes • Segment 3—The Good Ol’ Boys• Segment 4—The Mac Daddies • Segment 5—The Worry Warriors

Social Technologies used the data output of the segmentation as a foundation for our segment descriptions and personas in this report.

Segment % of pop.

Young Carefrees 23%

Above Average Joes 29%

Good Ol’ Boys 13%

Mac Daddies 20%

Worry Warriors 15%

7Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment Comparison

Masculinity & OutlookSocial Technologies plotted the 5 segments on a matrix to gain a better understanding of how they differ in regard to their: • View on masculinity–Whether the guys

look at masculinity in a traditional or more progressive sense.

• Outlook—The guys’ general outlook on their future.

The Above Average Joes were the most progressive segment in terms of their views on masculinity and their roles in the family, while the Good Ol’ Boys were the least.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the young, social guys (Young Carefrees) and the high-powered achievers (Mac Daddies) were the segments with the most optimistic outlook on their future.

Young Carefrees

Mac Daddies

Worry Warriors

The Good Ol’Boys

Above Average Joes

8Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 1—Introduction

Meet the Young CarefreesThese guys, living out their post-college and early years in the workforce, in many ways have yet to hit their stride. They’re just starting out in careers or still pursuing degrees, and their incomes reflect this—38% earn less than $35,000. This segment represents about 23% of guys.

Carefrees are less successful than they thought they’d be at this point in their lives, but they aren’t down about it. They are new to the “real world,” exploring their independence, and generally optimistic about their prospects as guys.

Almost seven in ten of these guys are single, and they are the segment least likely to have kids. About half live in the suburbs, with the rest split between urban and rural areas.

More than any other segment, their friendships define who these guys are. An overwhelming 77% say spending time with friends is their favorite way to relax, and 88% make time for their friends regardless of how many other commitments they have.

While not gadget junkies, Carefrees are more likely than the average guy to say that they surf the Internet or play videogames to relax. When it comes to brands and purchases, they tend to pick products that are popular among their friends.

These guys are digital natives—they’ve grown up around things like PlayStation, Facebook, and iPhones. For them, technology is such a constant theme in everyday life, they’ll often take it for granted.

While two-thirds of these guys feel the country is on the wrong track, they are not very politically engaged. Only about a quarter are following the presidential election closely.

Even though these guys are currently focused on friends and fun, they’re not without direction in life—66% have clear role models that help guide them, compared to 52% across all segments. They are the second most likely segment to agree that the best days for men are still to come.

9Guys’ State of the Union 2008

How to Spot Young Carefrees in a CrowdAt school or at work—One-third (33%) are students, while about half have either service (21%) or professional (27%) jobs.

Out with friends—Most of these guys (64%) are in their comfort zone when they’re out with friends. This distinguishes them from all other segments, who report being more comfortable at home than out with friends.

Exploring relationship dynamics—When it comes to their relationships, they’re still exploring the terrain. They agree that guys should be equal partners (69%), but are also more likely than any other segment to strongly or somewhat agree that the man should be the dominant partner in the relationship (67%).

Confiding in a friend—Three-quarters (75%) of these guys are most comfortable discussing personal problems with friends, the highest of any segment. Only 15% are most comfortable discussing their problems with their significant other.

Rolling with changes—Finances do stress them out, but they are actually the segment least likely to worry about losing their jobs. Only 23% of the Carefrees are very or somewhat worried, compared to about 30–35% for the other segments.

In their own wordsQuotes from the fieldwork representative of Segment 1:

• I grew up in a dysfunctional family, so my friends are my family.• I’d like to be optimistic about the future, but it’s hard to be optimistic in

America today. I am optimistic about my life though. • The future is what I make of it, not something that just happens to me. • I try not to give one minute of my life to my work after I leave… I try to

keep it completely separate. • I plan on graduating college, starting a career (instead of just a job), and

hopefully I’ll stay single long enough to enjoy life.• I’m still trying to find myself a bit, because sometimes I don’t think I have

the whole picture yet.

Segment 1—Detail

Over the next five years…

• Carefrees will take important steps toward defining themselves in new ways. They’ll get their first “real jobs,” rent a place with friends… maybe even meet someone they could actually see themselves marrying. Scary.

• Friends will remain important., though they may start to shed some of the people on the fringes of their social circle. They will soften ties to their parents, and increasingly define themselves through their own choices.

• They’ll navigate quarterlife by asking a lot of questions and trying new things on their quest to figure out what they want from life.

Where They’re Going

10Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 1—Persona 1

Eddie has always loved music. Probably a little more than his parents liked, but they let him pursue it just as long as he majored in something “practical.” His dad just felt that he had worked too hard to see the first in their family to go to college fritter away the opportunity by studying music.

But Eddie has found a way to make it work. In some ways he leads a double life—one as a student and one at the club. But he moves easily between the two, and he has friends from both parts of his life, even if they rarely mix.

All he knows is that he feels sorry for those strivers in his MBA program whom he and his friends like to make fun of. He just knows they’re going to end up trading away their sanity for six figures and a BlackBerry. How unoriginal.

Hyun “Eddie” ChoAge: 24Ethnicity: Korean-AmericanEducation: BA Economics, pursuing MBAJob: Grad student, part-time DJSalary: $19,000Relationships: SingleLives in: San Francisco, CA

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• Eddie in constant motion, splitting time between being out with friends and studying on campus.

• Much of his socializing is online and international… DJs, producers, and like-minded music lovers.

• His parents only want to talk about school, and what company he wants to work for after the MBA.

• His day-to-day lack of money stresses him out a bit, but he’s confident it will all work out.

• Meeting girls at the club, drinking.• The Onion, Step Up 2 the Streets.• DJ’ing, letting the music be his

voice.• Volunteering at a community radio

station—connecting kids & music.

• Two phones—Keeps his two lives separate and under control.

• MacBook Pro—A present from his parents… his portable sound lab.

• MySpace—Where he promotes himself and his music and connects with people globally.

• Apple iPhone—He’s still saving for this… maybe a graduation gift?

• Google—Represents a subtle mix of practical and artistic, business and pleasure, success without sacrificing passion.

• Eddie thinks you don’t have to do what other guys do to be masculine today. He just wants to do what makes him happy and do it well. By doing this, he knows he’ll come off confident and masculine.

• To keep his grades up this semester, while working to perfect his set for a UK club tour.

• To find a way to mix what he needs to do (make money) with what he loves to do (his music).

• His dad is a constant reminder that anything is possible and that Eddie should follow his dreams (even if his dad doesn’t share his passion.)

• Moby was his first inspiration as a DJ, and he looks to Moby’s career as a blueprint for success.

11Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 1—Persona 2

Andy never really thought hard about what he’d do with a degree in biology while he was at UW…and that was fine. He was having too much fun living in Seattle, and his post-college years were no different. He cycled through 4 jobs, 2 cities, and 3 years on-and-off with his college girlfriend before ending up back home in Denver, single and unemployed.

His mom was starting to worry a bit, and on a whim suggested he look into substitute teaching. She was subsidizing (fully) his rent at the time, so he reluctantly agreed.

Now four years into teaching, Andy couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Sometimes he’s a little envious of his friends who make more money or who have lots of guys to hang with at their jobs, but all in all, being a teacher fits him. He’s doing something he can be proud of, and it lets him flex both his brainpower and his social skills, which is more than some of his friends can say about their current jobs.

Andy TroutmanAge: 28Ethnicity: CaucasianEducation: BS BiologyJob: High school teacherSalary: $40,000Relationships: Dating Lives in: Denver, CO

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• Andy’s mom is his role model. She was his biggest supporter and accompanied him to all school and team functions as a kid. She also pointed him toward his teaching career, and that wins her serious points in his book.

• He loves his co-teachers, but wishes there were more guys on the staff.

• In the summers he works at Red Rocks taking tickets. He’s met a lot of friends through this job, and parties with them all summer.

• While he says he’s single, Andy has been hanging out with Sara, whom he met last summer while working the Jack Johnson concert.

• He worries that she wants to take the relationship to the “next level.”

• Andy sees his friends for dinner out or at the gym every night.

• Thursdays, out for a few beers. • Watching Wedding Crashers, Old

School, Star Wars, LOTR. • Saving for a trip to Thailand next

summer with a couple friends.

• Facebook and Skype let him keep up with friends from college and from the different cities he lived in.

• He’s spending more of his downtime in Second Life and wants to upgrade his home computer.

• Andy sees Patagonia as an honest brand, it speaks to his athletic side.

• Andy likes that his job allows him to dress casually, but he cares about how he looks. His casual style is sharp, not sloppy… He shops mainly at J.Crew.

• Right now, being a guy means keeping the party alive for as long as possible. Some of his friends are starting to settle down with their girlfriends, but he’s still fighting it.

• To make a difference in the lives of his students.

• To figure out how to have a career in education but make more cash. (The girl he’s been seeing makes more than he does, and he’s not sure how he feels about this.)

12Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Persona Roadmap

The Road Ahead for AndyAndy’s pretty happy with the way things are, and isn’t exactly ready for the post-college fun to end. Right now his quest is about exploring his independence as a guy with a decent job and a little money in his pocket. He’s sure he’ll answer some of life’s bigger questions, he’s just not sure that now’s the right time.• Milestone—Cycling through jobs and then finding out that he

loved teaching was a real milestone for him. Now he’s settled into a groove and is focused on travel, good times with his buddies, and living the stories he’ll someday tell his son about.

• Motivation—Andy has never been very motivated. His mom had to prod him to get the teaching job… Dramatic change in his life will come from external forces.

The Road Ahead for EddieEddie has been actively pursuing parallel paths for awhile now… and actually making solid progress in both areas. He’s nearly finished with his MBA, and is building his name as a DJ at the same time. The next phase in his quest will be to create harmony by integrating these two disparate parts of his life.• Milestone—He still needs to tell his dad that he’s not going to

work at one of the big consulting firms, and instead wants to put his MBA to work on the business side of music, film, and art.

• Motivation—His dad doesn’t know it, but the work ethic he displayed in his daily life is a huge motivator for Eddie. He won’t let his dad down, but Eddie just has to do things in his own way.

13Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 2—Introduction

Meet the Above Average JoesThe Above Average Joes are more likely than any other segment to be married, and many have children. They represent about 29% of American guys.

They’re thriving in their roles as modern husbands and fathers, and they work hard to create a positive work / life balance. The Joes are actually the least likely of all guys to bring work home or say that work interferes with their ability to spend time with their families.

They have adopted the most progressive view of masculinity of all the segments. These guys are the most likely to agree that a man should be able to express his true feelings and feel it is ok to cry. Fully 99% agree that a man should be an equal partner in a relationship.

Their progressive outlook extends to finances too, and they’ve embraced the reality that having two sources of income is an attractive option. They are the segment least likely to feel that a man should be the primary breadwinner for the family, with just 15% expressing this view.

These guys are not dandies. Barely a third are concerned about fashion. In general, their purchases tend to favor familiar brands rather than ones with flashy advertising.

The Joes lean on their wives to get over life’s speed bumps. They tend to discuss things with their spouses, not their friends. Even though they’re often sharing the load with their wives, financial security is the issue that causes Above Average Joes the most stress.

They are middle of the road in their view on role models, with 57% saying they have clear role models and 43% saying they don’t. Like all other guys, they wish they had role models to help guide their career.

They are engaged in the upcoming election, perhaps due to their concern about their kids’ future. They are the most likely of all segments to be absolutely certain they will vote (68%).

These guys are comfortably settling into midlife, and are thriving in their roles as fathers and husbands—they are the new normal.

14Guys’ State of the Union 2008

How to Spot the Joes in a CrowdWith their families—Nearly six in ten (58%) are married or living with their partners, the highest share of all segments.

Struggling to find time for friends—In many ways, the Joes have replaced friends with family. They are the segment least likely to say they make time for their friends regardless of their other commitments (64% compared to 75% on average for all guys).

At home with kids—Twenty-three percent of these guys are stay-at-home dads, more than any other segment. Some 84% say they are most comfortable being themselves at home, the highest of all segments, by far.

Using tech selectively—Joes are the least likely to own the newest tech devices like HDTV sets, BlackBerries, game consoles, and MP3 players. They generally like to wait until others try things before they jump in. They use tech mainly to stay connected to their families and be available to them anytime, anywhere.

By their homogeneity—The Joes are the whitest segment (72%). They are the most homogeneous of all segments.

Voting middle of the road—They are slightly more likely to vote than the average guy, but their politics are middle of the road. A majority would pick Obama over McCain and McCain over Clinton.

In their own words

Quotes from the fieldwork representative of Segment 2:

• At the touch of a button my wife and kid can get in touch with me with “push to talk.” And I like knowing that I have a purpose in life and knowing that if I’m needed, I’m right there. It helps me to be really present and accountable.•Men today are more a partner than a provider in the relationship.• I didn’t know stress until I had a kid.• You gotta be like a Swiss Army knife these days…. You gotta be able

to adapt to different things… and assume 15 different roles. • You know… breaking $100k a year is beautiful, but having awesome

friends and an awesome family, or just staying married… that’s success, too. • Now that I have a family, I realize that family and health are most

important. I know who to take care of, and that defines me.

Segment 2—Detail

Over the next five years…

• These guys will remain family-focused. They will face a new stage of parenting with more family travel, teenage kids, saving for college, etc.

• Solidly in middle career, many Joes will see their career trajectory plateau. Still, these will be the prime earning years for many in this segment.

• Most will struggle to find time for themselves. The oldest of these guys may begin to gain some time as their kids gain independence / leave for college.

Where They’re Going

15Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 2—Persona 1

Joseph wondered sometimes what his dad thought of him. In many ways, they’d followed the same path. Both excelled in track & field, enlisted after school, and served at sea. But that’s where the similarities end. Joseph quickly married after the Navy, and was a stay-at-home dad for two years while he readjusted to civilian life. His dad never seemed to understand why his son would want to “play Mr. Mom” while his wife supported him.

After Joseph returned to the workforce, things got rougher at home. Tiffany was bent on having her job take precedence over their daughter, even though Joseph now made a decent living… That was something he had never expected from her. He felt she could be more present in their daughter’s life, but Tiffany’s refusal to dial back on her job ended their marriage.

Now, as a single parent, Joseph’s realizing more and more how hard this balancing act is. He’s seen a therapist on and off since the divorce. The sessions help him stay focused on the most important thing in his life—his daughter.

Joseph WhitmanAge: 33Ethnicity: African-AmericanEducation: Some collegeJob: Insurance salesSalary: $45,000Relationships: Divorced, has 8-year-old daughter, SophiaLives in: Anaheim, CA

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• An old Navy buddy of his dad’s, who gave him career advice and helped him transition to civilian life.

• His pastor, who leads by example and inspires Joseph to be the best he can be.

• Joseph is hanging out more with other parents from his daughter’s soccer team. Friends at church.

• He keeps up with his Navy buddies via email, mainly the ones who’ve settled down a bit and are trying to make something of themselves.

• Money… he’s a single parent. • His daughter’s safety. His promotion

has allowed them to move to a safer neighborhood with better schools.

• Concern for US troops overseas and his friends still in the Navy.

• After Sophia goes to bed he watches movies—Bourne Identity, Fight Club, Pursuit of Happyness.

• Hoping to get out to Vegas for some fun, maybe a little golf. He’s feeling the need to cut loose with his buds if only for a weekend.

• Desktop computer, bought for Sophia but he’s using it for videogames and emailing friends.

• He’s filled out a Match.com profile but hasn’t made it public yet.

• He’s thinking about buying Sophia a mobile phone.

• He looks for brands he knows. He drives a Ford, owns a Gateway, shops The Gap, and eats Subway. Nothing fancy or edgy for him.

• Brands that helps him connect with Sophia, e.g., Build-A-Bear earned him big points with her.

• Joseph used to associate being a man with being strong and athletic.

• Now, being a man means being the best father he can be. To nurture, care, protect, and provide for Sophia. He’s still strong, he just shows it differently.

• Be the best dad he can for his daughter… selfless, caring, there when she needs him.

• Stay focused at work and prove he is worthy of his recent promotion.

• Keep his sense of humor about life’s ups and downs.

16Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 2—Persona 2

Billy WebsterAge: 39Ethnicity: WhiteEducation: High school, vocational trainingJob: ContractorSalary: $75,000Relationships: Married, 3 kidsLives In: Greensboro, NC

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• His wife helped him learn to relate to his kids, something he never had with his own dad. • While she’s not a role model per

se, he really respects Jennifer and listens to her advice.

• He and Jennifer have a standing date for coffee on Saturday mornings before the kids wake up. • Billy’s oldest son is his best friend.• When Sharon gets older, he may

rejoin the Rod & Gun club—but right now he’s a family man.

• Money for retirement, healthcare costs… tough being self-employed. • Balancing work and family: should

he work more weekends and boost college savings, or spend time with his kids now while they’re at home?• Immigration… he needs laborers.

• Just being at home, away from the stress of clients, traffic, his staff. • Steelers’ fantasy football online. • Golf in Myrtle Beach one weekend

per year with a couple of buds. • His morning coffee and cigarette.

(He’s down to five smokes a day.)

• Billy can’t live without his mobile phone for work. His kids got him a new one so he could check sports scores. He’ll figure it out someday.• Digital camera… he’s become the

unofficial photographer for Jack’s lacrosse team.

• Being a man to Billy is all about keeping the family on stable financial ground, and making sure his kids have more opportunities than he did. • It’s also about being there

emotionally for his kids.

• In the near term, weathering the housing crunch, lining up new jobs. • Long term, to see his kids go to

college, maybe grad school. To know that he did better than his old man, and that his kids will do better than he did.

• Authentic brands that don’t change all that much. Marlboro, Carhartt, John Deere, the Steelers.• While he used to drive a Chevy, he

appreciates Toyota’s attention to craftsmanship and innovative spirit. Now he drives a Toyota Tundra.

When Billy left Pittsburgh he never looked back. That was 20 years ago… and he hasn’t talked to his dad since. But he can’t complain about how things turned out.

He met Jennifer when he was 21, and married her 6 months later. He worked construction while she went to school, and after she got her job teaching, he was able to work a little less and get some training and his license. Pretty soon the kids started coming… first Jack (15), then Cynthia (12). Five years ago, when his wife told him that they were going to have another… well, he just laughed. Guess you can say Sharon (age 5) was a surprise. But, as Billy says, “life is good.”

Sure, he’ll be working a bit longer now to get Sharon through college, but maybe he’ll be able to do more jobs down on the Carolina coast by then. Either way, he and Jennifer will still be a team, they’ll have bought a house at Nags Head, NC, and he’ll be living the life he loves.

17Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Persona Roadmap

The Road Ahead for JosephJoseph never thought he’d end up divorced and trying to fill in for a mom who wasn’t there. His quest is about regrouping, moving on, and redefining success post-divorce. When he’s ready he’d like to meet someone. • Milestone—The birth of his daughter changed his outlook

forever. He finally felt like he had a real purpose and it radically changed how he viewed work / life balance.

• Motivation—Sophia is his motivation for everything… and he hopes to someday find a woman he can love and whom Sophia can call mom.

The Road Ahead for BillyBilly’s quest is about fixing a regret he’d always had. He never had confidence in high school, and basically never tested himself. For the last year, though, he’s been taking classes online at a local community college. He is facing what he felt was a gap in his personal achievements, and actually learning that the real world taught him a lot.• Milestone—Passing his first class told him he could do it….

He’s never looked back. He hopes to get his degree in three years, the same time his son will graduate from high school.

• Motivation—Pride, internal drive to do something for himself in addition to what he already does for his family every day.

18Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 3—Introduction

Meet the Good Ol’ BoysThe Good Ol’ Boys are mostly single guys—though more than a third have kids. They are the most likely to maintain traditional values, which define their relationships with their partners and their kids—as well as their masculinity, which is rugged, stoic, and pragmatic. These same traditional values shape their approach to leisure—they are the least likely segment to say that cooking or shopping is a favorite way to relax. The Good Ol’ Boys make up about 13% of guys.

In keeping with their pragmatism, they’ve accepted dual-income households as normal—but prefer that their wives not earn significantly more than they do. Like most guys, the Good Ol’ Boys see financial security as their biggest cause of stress. Interestingly, though, they worry much less about money than the other segments even though they have lower incomes. Perhaps they’ve seen hard times before, or are distanced somewhat from the working world by their continuing education (almost one-third are students).

In many areas of life—from achieving financial success to making time for their families—the Good Ol’ Boys are likely to feel it’s easier today than it used to be.

These guys are much less likely than your average guy to own big-ticket or high-powered tech products. But, while they may not be techies, this doesn’t mean they’re not comfortable online: they’re just as likely to sit back and spin yarns on the Web as they are in a bar.

Where humor is concerned, they have a stereotypically male view—bring on the violence, swearing, and sex! Their appetite for extreme content is far beyond that of the guys in other segments.

Their friends provide a comfort zone—they are more likely to confide in friends than their spouses, and these guys are more comfortable than a lot of guys when they’re out with friends.

They have lost faith in politics, and they are the most likely to agree strongly that guys are being overlooked in the election, yet they are the least likely to vote.

All in all, they’ve adapted just enough to get by, and even though times may be a bit rough for them, they think they’ll do just fine. Just as they’d never spill their guts or cry in front of you, the Good Ol’ Boys will never tell you times are hard.

19Guys’ State of the Union 2008

How to Spot the Good Ol’ Boys in a CrowdLooking for a bargain—With some of the highest concentrations of students (32%) and unemployed guys (15%), they’re far from being the wealthiest group: 42% earn less than $35K a year.

When life gives you lemons—While they may not particularly like where they are right now—only 12% approve of their current boss and more than one-third (35%) are worried about losing their job in the next year—they are just as likely as the next guy to say they’re somewhat or very happy with their current life (82%).

No role models required—These guys have a DIY approach to life: only 34% have role models. 42% figure things out as they go along.

Old-school manly men—Traditional values shape many aspects of their lives. Only 14% think relationships should be equal partnerships. Almost none—4%—think it’s ok for guys to cry. And they are not too keen on women in power—only 17% would support Hillary for president.

Not at the polls—Less than half (49%) are certain to vote in 2008 and these guys are the most likely of all segments to self-identify as independents (37%, compared to an all-guy average of 25%).

That’s #&@$’ing funny—These guys are the least likely, by far, of all guys to say there’s too much swearing (43%) or violence (39%) on TV.

In their own words

Quotes from the fieldwork representative of Segment 3:

• I still have the stoic exterior of “daddy’s little soldier,” because that’s how I was raised.• I live my life one day at a time.•No matter how bad things seem, they are a lot better than they were

before.• I’m optimistic about the future—it beats being depressed.• I personally don’t believe in plastic surgery. I go to the gym and if I want

to make changes I’m going to work for them.• I admit it. I’m not much for hero worship. I like figuring it out as I go along

rather than molding myself in another’s image.

Segment 3—Detail

Over the next five years…

• Many of these guys will search for someone to settle down with… but with their old-school views about relationship roles, they may find this tougher than other segments.

• Finding a stable job will become increasingly important as the financial pressures of adulthood start to mount. They’ll be watching closely for the signs of both a prolonged recession… and a recovery.

• Marriage and kids will be a milestone for many of these guys in the next five years, raising the question of whether fatherhood will soften their attitudes or if their hardened veneer will remain intact.

Where They’re Going

20Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 3—Persona 1

CJ grew up in a single-parent household—his dad left when he was young, and he was raised entirely by his mom. While times were often tough, they were able to get through, with CJ taking odd jobs throughout high school to help his mom make ends meet.

Joining the Army was the best decision he ever made. It really helped CJ get a handle on life—and strengthened his belief that real men are tough, adaptable, and stoic.

Currently he’s out of the Army and going back to school part-time, studying business so he can maybe open his own auto shop. He’s paying the bills working at Jiffy Lube.

When he’s not at work or in class, you can most likely find CJ hanging out with his friends, usually at their houses since he lives with his mom. Mostly they play videogames—there’s nothing like sitting around drinking and trash-talking with friends.

Chris “CJ” JamesAge: 26Ethnicity: African-AmericanEducation: Some collegeJob: Part-time mechanicSalary: $23,000Relationships: Lives with his mom. Single.Lives in: Joliet, IL

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• Doesn’t have any role models—though he deeply respects his mom for raising him on her own.• The Army taught CJ that he could

overcome any obstacle when he put his mind to it. He’s his own man.

• He’s at school to learn, not to socialize. He mostly hangs with his former Army buddies and a couple of guys from the neighborhood.• He’s very close to his mom—in part

because he still lives with her.

• CJ’s ok with his job at Jiffy Lube, but he can’t stand his corporate boss. The guy doesn’t even work on cars.• Money is tight… but it’s always been.• His relationship with his deadbeat

dad is a huge sore spot.

• He enjoys working out—usually lifting weights or boxing.• Movies: Remember the Titans,

Training Day. • Xbox: Company of Heroes, Madden

NFL, Grand Theft Auto, DOA.

• Jason doesn’t own many gadgets… that said, he does have:

- A basic Dell laptop for school- MOTOKRZR from Boost Mobile - Xbox and cable TV

• Strong attachment to US Army as a brand… again, best decision he’s made.• Dickies work clothes are a brand he

believes in. He wears them to work all the time.• Someday car…a BMW M3 coupe.

• “Boys don’t cry”.• Thinks guys should always roll with

the punches and make the best out of any situation—never showing doubt or weakness in public (or to family).

• Finish his college degree. • Open his own auto-shop; rebuild an

old Chevy Chevelle. • Eventually, have enough money to

care for himself, a wife and kid, and of course his mom.

21Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 3—Persona 2

Jason’s parents died when he was still in grade school, and he ended up living with his grandparents in Alabama—though he didn’t feel like he fit in at home or at school.

One of the few people he admired growing up was a store manager at one of his first part-time jobs. While he doesn’t quite regard the guy as a role model, Jason credits him with informing him about the value of education and inspiring him to go to college and earn his degree in automotive engineering.

These days, Jason is doggedly working on finding a new job. He hears that the Toyota plant where he works is announcing layoffs in 3 months. They’ve already cut overtime and part-time workers. When he’s not working on his resume or trying to line up interviews, he’ll often retreat to his garage and work on his model cars or sometimes call up a good old friend from NC.

Jason SekowskiAge: 30Ethnicity: CaucasianEducation: BS, EngineeringJob: EngineerSalary: $50,000Relationships: Lives alone. SingleLives in: Huntsville, AL

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• Admired the manager at the local grocery store where he worked as a teenager.• Wishes he had some successful

friends who could show him how to improve his career.

• Occasionally hangs with guys from the plant, but spends most of his time on his own these days. • He keeps in close contact with his

best friend from childhood back in North Carolina.

• He’s not at all happy about the prospect of losing his job.• He accepts that retraining may be

the way to go, but it really eats at him that his loyalty to Toyota might end up rewarded with a layoff.

• He likes crafting miniature model cars, takes pride in making something with his hands.• Fishing is another favorite pastime,

helps him get away.• Movies & TV: Rudy, Team America:

World Police, South Park.

• Money’s kind of tight, but Jason is hoping to get a flat-screen TV or a GPS unit when things get better. • He uses a company PDA at work,

which is useful but not a big part of his life.

• He has a strong affinity for what he thinks are “quality brands,” with good engineering and a reputation for durability.• Examples include Toyota and

Samsung… though he’s not too keen on Toyota these days.

• “No guy is truly a guy who’s not trying to support himself.”• Thinks a guy has to be willing to roll

up his sleeves and get his hands dirty to get what he wants.

• Find a new job.• Get career retraining—anything to

avoid being unemployed or, worse, a burger-flipper.• Find a secure job that might allow

him to settle down and raise a family.

22Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Persona Roadmap

The Road Ahead for CJCJ has made good progress on his journey, but still has a ways to go. The Army was good to him, but also made him realize that he wanted more control over his life—to be his own boss.• Milestone—Getting that first college acceptance letter really

brought it home for CJ… made him feel like his goals were achievable. Now he’s focused on graduation and scouting for spots to set up his auto shop.

• Motivation—CJ’s motivation is internal and external: he wants the personal autonomy of having his own business, as well as the ability to provide for his mom.

The Road Ahead for JasonJason is in the early stages of what could be a long journey. He thought a job in the US auto industry would be solid, but now he’s questioning his entire career path and even considering retraining. Working outside the auto industry is not something he ever considered before.• Milestone—When he heard his plant was probably going lay some

people off that was a milestone… one he’d rather forget. He sent out 50 resumes that day. Now the milestone on his mind is having one interview per week.

• Motivation—Jason’s motivation is internal: getting a job and being self-sufficient is a vital part of his self-identity and manhood.

23Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 4—Introduction

Meet the Mac DaddiesThe Mac Daddies are modern guys, comfortable with non-traditional “guy” behaviors: they enjoy shopping, care about their looks, and carry few gender stereotypes. However, they haven’t abandoned traditional models completely. They have some of the longest working hours and highest incomes, and great passion for both sports and technology. These guys are in-shape, high-powered achievers.

About 46% are single, but most are attached—either living with a partner or married. Four in ten have kids. This segment accounts for about 20% of guys.

An intense group, the Mac Daddies lead busy lives, juggling work, home, and hobbies and activities… but they wouldn’t have it any other way. Whether paying attention to the election, staying in shape, making time for their kids, buying the latest tech gadgets, or working on home-improvement projects—they do it all. Even with their hectic lives, they still keep in touch with friends. A third of these guys say they make time for friend regardless of how many other commitments they have, second only to the Young Carefrees.

Successful and confident, they are as comfortable on the sports field as in the shopping mall. They feel life is easier now than it was for their parents—financially as well as in relationships. And they are the most likely to see themselves as more successful than they had anticipated. One of the ways they display success is through their tech gadgets. Technology also keeps them social, giving them an outlet to escape the pressures of daily life and stay connected with friends.

In keeping with their elite, hip image, these guys place a premium on brands that are not just exclusive, but also have a sense of originality, authenticity, and style—because clearly, you can’t be successful and dress like middle management.

Politically they lean to the left, and are the only segment that would choose Hillary in a contest against McCain, though overall they’d prefer Obama.

Some of their progressive attitudes come out in their home life as well. They are more likely than any other segment to say they’d be a stay-at-home dad.

These guys have clear role models on the road to success. Nearly 8 in 10 of them feel they have clear role models to guide them. From their vantage point, stress is only a minor problem and the best days for men are still to come.

24Guys’ State of the Union 2008

How to Spot the Mac Daddies in a CrowdHigh-rollers—These guys are the most likely of all segments to have professional jobs (43%), and this is reflected in their income levels: 54% earn more than $60K a year. 20% earn more than $150K.

Mixed on relationships—While many are not ready to settle down (46% are single), a majority are either married or living with a partner, and 41% have kids.

Hard workers—These guys lead intense, busy lives: 26% work at least 50 hours per week (more than 10% work at least 60 hours per week).

Work hard, play hard—Busy is good. While 60% feel they spend too much time working—significantly more than any other segment—63% say they spend enough time with their kids, 85% say they can always make time for friends, and 52% (almost double the norm) say they’re very happy with their life.

Tech: can’t live without it—The Mac Daddies are attached to tech: 90% feel their tech products say a lot about who they are, and 79% forward online video content to their friends. They also rely heavily on technology for life balance; 60% think technology helps reduce their stress.

A man’s liberal—These guys are proud examples (78% think men should be role models) of the progressive movement (they’d pick Obama over McCain by a whopping 64% to 36%).

In their own words

Quotes from the fieldwork representative of Segment 4:

•You can make your life what you want it to be.•Guys in the past had to try to be real macho and put on a veil, but really

you gotta be who you are. You can’t really worry about what the stereotypes are or anything like that. • In my situation, I feel like anything is possible.• Friends come and go, but it is the big three—yourself, your family, and

your career—that must always be cared for in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. • The future holds so many opportunities and the options are endless.• I admire people who are trying to change things for the better rather than

just responding to fear-mongering pseudo-patriotism.

Segment 4—Detail

Over the next five years…

• More of the Mac Daddies will settle into committed relationships, and many will start families. They’ll be just as confident and driven in these new roles as in their current ones.

• They’ll keep powering ahead at work, perhaps putting even more time in as the truly big bucks come into view. Burnout may become an issue.

• Many will wonder how they suddenly ended up married and middle-aged. They’ll want ways to maintain elements of their bachelor days even as they juggle new responsibilities.

Where They’re Going

25Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 4—Persona 1

Jaime’s dad came to the US—illegally—to have a shot at a good life, something he could build a family around. Through decades of hard work, he succeeded…He raised Jaime and his brother, put them through college, and gave his wife a good life. Jaime is very proud of his dad’s accomplishments—though the stigma of his father’s legal status hurt him deeply as a kid.

Driven by a need to succeed and be accepted, Jaime took school very seriously—graduating early from college, then going straight into Yale’s law school, so he could start earning some serious money.

Though everyone thinks his hours are brutal (he’ll admit they’re excessive), Jaime still finds time to play fútbol (you won’t hear him say “soccer”) with his pals, hang out with his extended family, and spend time with his own kids. He’s also nurturing a serious interest in politics.

Jaime BenitezAge: 40Ethnicity: HispanicEducation: BS, JDJob: LawyerSalary: $370,000Relationships: Married, two kids.Lives in: Houston, TX

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• Hands down, Jaime’s dad is the guy he respects most in the world. He came to the US with nothing and managed to raise a family and send his kids to college. He’s lived the American dream.

• Jaime has loads of friends, from work and school—he needs his iPhone to keep track of them all.• He and his brother hang out all the

time—they practically finish each other’s sentences.

• It makes him furious to see Latinos profiled and used as scapegoats—it’s racial discrimination.• Whether at home or the office, he

feels like he’s always at work.• He worries about whether his kids

take their good life for granted.

• Cooking ethnic food (and downing a couple beers with friends).• Season box seats for his family at

the Houston Dynamos’ games.• Movies and TV: Grindhouse,

Desperado, 24, Daily Show.

• Jaime likes tech… he strives to own the newest items. As he says, “dress (and own the phone) for the job you want, not the job you have.”• He loves his massive, HD-quality

projection screen.

• Being Latino is a core part of his identity—and it is the brand he values most. • Jaime recently bought a bright red

Mercedes-SL. He likes to zoom-zoom.

• Never turn away from a fight.• It’s also about providing a good

example (and impressing others)—staying in shape, excelling at your job, ready to take on anything.

• Become a partner in his firm by his 45th birthday.• Become more involved in local

Democratic politics—maybe run for mayor?• Help more of his cousins get green


26Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 4—Persona 2

Tim’s dad started a small software company in the 1980s, which made him a small fortune. It also kept him away from home. Growing up, Tim became interested in computers because talking tech was one of the few ways to grab a few minutes of his dad’s attention.

Having graduated from college with high honors, Tim found that while he’d given up on getting his dad to be more involved, he was still interested in computers, which eventually led him to a mid-sized social networking startup.

Though he works long hours, Tim makes a point of being there for his friends and, especially, his girlfriend. She’s always been there for him, for years now—and he’s sworn he’ll be the attentive partner she deserves (he’s saving up for a massive engagement ring). Don’t get him started on his plans for fatherhood….

Tim LarksonAge: 28Ethnicity: CaucasianEducation: BS, MS Systems ManagementJob: Network adminSalary: $95,000Relationships: Lives with long-term girlfriend, who is pregnant.Lives in: Palo Alto, CA

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• Tim is inspired by his boss’ success—the guy is a machine and could retire at 45.• He likes Obama and how he really

took charge of his life and made things happen.

• His social life revolves around his girlfriend, and he’s already imagining teaching his son to play baseball.• They remain close friends with a

few couples they knew in college.

• Long hours… even though they’re a source of pride, he still wishes he could cut back a bit.• Aging worries him. At 28, he’s looking at

30 and worrying about even marginal declines in his physique.

• Playing soccer, fooling around with his E*Trade account.• Keeping up with friends on

Facebook and playing Scrabulous.• Movies: Sicko, Eternal Sunshine of

the Spotless Mind.

• If it’s new and it’s hip, Tim likely already owns it. • Owns a iPhone (hacked, of course),

and a BlackBerry. • Just bought a Lexus hybrid.

• He likes things that send cues to the world about his success, e.g., his Maui Jim sunglasses, his shoes, his Lexus.• He’s also increasingly drawn to

green brands, like Whole Foods.

• It’s about confidence, drive, success—but also about keeping your balance. You can’t forget what’s really important, like your kids or the environment.

• Marry his girlfriend.• Get a new house in a kid-friendly

neighborhood.• Spend more time looking for new

investment opportunities for his retirement funds.

27Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Persona Roadmap

The Road Ahead for JaimeJaime is beginning a new stage in his journey. He’s well established at his firm, his kids are doing well, and his family’s set for life—now he’s looking for new challenges and responsibilities, like becoming a partner in his firm…or maybe even running for elected office. He likes the idea of giving back to his community.• Milestone—The money and the cars are pretty nice…but what

really affected Jaime was being able to use his legal skills to jumpstart a cousin’s green card application.

• Motivation—Jaime is driven both by the hopes of his family and friends and by his own desire to be a role model for other Latinos trying to live the American dream.

The Road Ahead for TimTim is almost done with this quest—only about 4 months and 2 weeks left, to be precise. Though Tim was initially just looking forward to being a husband, Julie’s pregnancy has gotten him thinking about life in entirely new ways… he’d never really thought about himself as a dad.• Milestone—The day Julie told him they were going to have a

baby changed everything. He always knew he’d marry Julie, but the pregnancy put the fire to his feet. Now the next real milestone will be the birth of his son.

• Motivation—Tim has a lot of internal motivation: he wants to be the dad that he always wanted but never had. He also wants to be a good partner and live up to his wife’s expectations.

28Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 5—Introduction

Meet the Worry Warriors

there for them. This often leaves them trying to figure things out on their own, more so than any other segment.

Indicative of their dissatisfaction and stress, nearly 80% of these guys believe the US is on the wrong path. They are also the least likely to say that the best days for men are still to come.

These guys want to be successful—and they pick their brands accordingly, leaning toward top brands with good reviews (and higher pricetags).

While they strongly associate with tech—they have product ownership levels second only to Segment 4—they still feel that it’s a mixed blessing, and that in most cases it adds to both their work and their stress.

The Worry Warriors are guys who have been in the workforce for a decade or more. As time has gone by, many have become disillusioned with the system. Only 29% are more successful than they thought they’d be at this stage in life, the lowest of all segments. They make up about 15% of all guys.

Overall, life is hard on these guys—or so they think. Even though the Worry Warriors are generally well-off and well-educated, they feel that life today is harder than it was for their dads—whether in terms of achieving financial success, finding role models, or simply coping with daily stress.

While 40% of these guys are married, and an equal percentage have kids, even this part of their life stresses them out. More than any other segment, they feel they can’t meet all their obligations or spend as much time with their kids as they should (65% compared to 46% of guys overall).

They are also highly stressed about finances—in fact, they are the most likely segment to be concerned about living paycheck to paycheck. Perhaps, though, they’re doing this to themselves: they are the segment most likely to say they spend beyond their means.

What they want most is role models to help them navigate career, family life, and romance—but they don’t see any role models out

29Guys’ State of the Union 2008

How to Spot Worry Warriors in a CrowdHard-working professionals. Forty-two percent of these guys are professionals—nearly on par with the very successful Segment 4. They are the second hardest-working segment, with 22% working more than 50 hours per week.

Pressed for time. They are the most likely to report that work commitments interfere with their ability to spend time with family and friends (56%). Only 35% feel they spend enough time with their kids—almost 35% below average.

“Whatever works” view on masculinity. Only 4% of these guys would be averse to staying home and not working if their spouse earned significantly more than they did—compared to 16% across all guys. Only 3% would be “very unwilling” to be a stay-at-home dad, compared to 9% for all guys.

Without role models. Of all segments, these are the only guys who felt that they had no clear role models (0%, versus an average of 54% across all guys).

Looking for help. These guys were the most likely to wish they had role models. They especially want role models to help in parenting (52%), career (71%), family life (55%), and romance (50%).

Feeling torn about tech. Though they own a ton of gadgets, tech stresses these guys out, with 40%—far more than guys overall—feeling that the Internet, BlackBerry, email, etc., lead to more after-hours work.

In their own words

Quotes from the fieldwork representative of Segment 5:

• I’m always stressed. Are we safe? Are we keeping up with the Joneses? Am I earning enough, saving enough?•You want to hope that things will get better, but you don’t. • I don’t think I’ve ever had a “mentor” in my adult life… the closest I’ve

come to this is my therapist.• I do not feel that our nation is headed in the right direction, nor do I feel

that our leaders have our best interests in mind.• I think the pressure to make more money and have a better job will

increase in the future… and competition between the sexes will grow as well.

Segment 5—Detail

Over the next five years…

• The Worry Warriors will keep powering ahead at work, perhaps putting even more time in as the truly big bucks and promotions come into view.

• They’ll continue to be a high-income segment, but burnout may become an issue due to their high stress levels and hardworking style.

• Guys in this segment are prime candidates for midlife crises, but they’re also candidates for confronting their dissatisfaction. They’re educated, and have money, and it’s easy to see them rethinking things as age and experience give them greater perspective on life. Perhaps some will downshift, try to reduce stress, or find a new direction in life.

Where They’re Going

30Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 5—Persona 1

Walter doesn’t remember much of his dad—he died of cancer when Walter was four. His stepfather was ok, but it just wasn’t the same as having his real dad there at baseball games and graduations.

When Walter met Joan during his senior year of college… well, ok, she saw him and asked him out… but in any case, it didn’t take him long to realize that she was the best thing that could have happened to him. She was fun, smart, and gorgeous. When she got pregnant during his second year of law school, he stepped up and proposed.

Now, seven years later, he sometimes wonders how he got here—juggling a ballooning mortgage, and feeling stalled between the new hires and the partners at his firm. He’d like to spend time with Joan and the girls, but when? Sometimes he’ll “work late” and catch up with an old law-school friend, just to sit down, have a beer, and relax.

Walter KlinepeterAge: 31Ethnicity: CaucasianEducation: BA, JDJob: Patent attorneySalary: $145,000Relationships: Married, has twins, age 7.Lives in: Bethesda, MD

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• Much to his dismay, Walter finds it impossible to find any role models that fit his needs.

• There are some guys who, maybe, he could talk to… but he’s afraid of their reaction, so he puts off asking.

• Walter’s not a big talker…in fact, he’s downright socially awkward.

• Still, he does have pals that he can spend time with—and he really does love his wife.

• Finances… Walter worries about how he’ll keep up with the twins’ tuition, the mortgage, the remodel, and the family trips he has planned for this year. The bills just never seem to end….

• Not that he’ll broadcast this to the world, but Walter loves napping. It helps compensate for the sleep he doesn’t get at night…. He calls it his “stress free zone.”

• Recently got a Mercedes M-Class SUV…favorite purchase in years.

• Walter has a love / hate relationship with tech. He genuinely enjoys gadgets—however, he figures that in a low-tech world he’d be able to get away from work more and have more time to himself.

• Joan wasn’t happy about Walter spending so much on a watch, but he feels no guilt about his new Tag Heuer Aquaracer.

• The twins’ private school is a “brand” he believes in… they go to the best school around.

• Walter feels that to be a real man, you have to be successful.

• He also thinks that guys should be caring, attentive family men.

• Walter’s not sure he’s hitting the mark in either of these areas.

• Walter wants to be financially secure, figures $300K/year will work.

• Competing with this goal, Walter would really like to spend more time with his family, become a better dad and husband.

31Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Segment 5—Persona 2

Sean FallonAge: 35Ethnicity: CaucasianEducation: BA SociologyJob: Owns a local chain of ski shopsSalary: $95,000Relationships: SingleLives In: Boston suburbs

Goals Role Models Social Circle My Stress

My Fun Tech Brands Masculinity

• Sean never really had a role model.• His dad is a great guy, but he chose

the slow and steady path as a teacher… sort of hard to apply that to Sean’s life as an entrepreneur.• He’s thinking about trying the city’s

small business mentoring program.

• Sean keeps in touch with his ski buds from college in Colorado. He hooks them up with skis for their kids.• He’s trying to meet more people his

age. Hanging out with his employees and being the oldest dude at the party is starting to get old.

• Cashflow for payroll, and his health insurance costs are out of control. • The environment… he knows it

sounds funny, but he worries about global warming’s effect on the ski industry.• Health… trying to quit smoking.

• Sean spends most of what he earns, mostly out of boredom. • Last year he went on a trip to Mexico

aimed at singles. It was easier to meet people on vacation.• Movies and TV—School of Rock,

Rushmore, X Games, MLS soccer.

• Sean outfitted all his shops with Macs… still paying that decision off.• His store managers text him a lot with

stupid questions. Sometimes he just leaves his iPhone in the car after work.• Sean signed up for Match.com and

has gone on a few dates.

• For Sean, being a man was all about following his passion, and being a successful business owner. • 10 years later, his business is

struggling and his love of skiing is getting strained by the daily grind.

• When he started he had a dream of having 10 shops. Now he’s focused on keeping his 3 locations viable. He’ll need help to get there.• Owning a retail company keeps him

focused on monthly sales…. It’s hard to focus on longer-term goals.

When Sean was younger, everyone in his hometown in Vermont knew him. His parents taught at the high school and on the weekends they hosted ski clinics for the kids. That’s how Sean got the itch… and from there it was a road trip every weekend to hit the slopes. In fact, when it came time to pick his college, Sean seemed to be more focused on how close the school was to reliable powder than its degree programs.

After college, Sean knew exactly what he wanted to do. He lived with his parents and saved for three years, and then (with a loan from his dad) bought a small ski shop an hour outside Boston. The original owner was retiring, and Sean couldn’t wait to be his own boss, take it easy in the summers, and stay connected to the lifestyle he loved.

But somewhere along the way, Sean’s passion turned into just a job. What seemed like a good way to never have a boss turned him into the boss. Ten years on, he’s got three shops, 28 people on payroll, a home equity line of credit (used to open shop number three), and more stress than any ski-bum should have to deal with.

• He hates the frickin’ sporting goods chains… the new Sports Authority’s poaching his customers. • Sean loves Apple—hip, functional. • Trying to grow up a bit, but having

trouble knowing what he’ll wear if he swaps out his Stüssy gear.

32Guys’ State of the Union 2008

Persona Roadmap

The Road Ahead for WalterA few weeks back Joan told him she was worried about him…. She even offered to go back to work to help relieve his stress. Walter keeps on replaying that talk in his mind… seeing his wife so worried about him made him wonder if it’s time for a change.• Milestone—Ever since he saw himself through his wife’s eyes,

he’s been wondering if there are less stressful ways to go about his life. This realization is Walter’s first step—admitting there’s a need for change.

• Motivation—Walter’s been unhappy for quite some time…now that he’s seen how he’s worrying Joan, there’s a chance he’ll start working on things—with her help, of course.

The Road Ahead for SeanRight now Sean’s quest is about trying to recapture the fire that got him into the ski business to begin with. He needs to figure out if he’s a skier who runs a business, or a businessman who sells skis. • Milestone—Sean did himself a big favor when he hired a real

accountant, letting him give up the stuff he hated about being the boss. He’s also going to call about that mentoring program… that’s the next step.

• Motivation—Sean’s motivation is internal… always has been. He’s ready to take his business to the next level, he just needs some help to get over this hump.

33Guys’ State of the Union 2008

For More Information…

Want to learn more?To set up an interview to further discuss the “future of men” with Chris Carbone, send an email to Hope Gibbs, (hope.gibbs@socialtechnologies.com) Social Technologies’ leader of corporate communications.

About ) Social TechnologiesSocial Technologies is a global research and consulting firm specializing in the integration of foresight, strategy, and innovation. With offices in Washington DC, London, and Shanghai, Social Technologies serves the world’s leading companies, government agencies, and nonprofits. A holistic, long-term perspective combined with actionable business solutions helps clients mitigate risk, make the most of opportunities, and enrich decision-making. For more information visit www.socialtechnologies.com, the blog: http://changewaves.socialtechnologies.com, and our newsletter, www.socialtechnologies.com/changewaves.

About ) Spike TVSpike TV is available in 96.1 million homes and is a division of MTV Networks. A unit of Viacom (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B), MTV Networks is one of the world’s leading creators of programming and content across all media platforms. Spike TV’s Internet address is www.spike.com. For more information, contact Debra Fazio-Rutt, senior director of communications at 212-767-8649.

About ) Penn, Schoen & Berland AssociatesPenn, Schoen and Berland Associates (PSB) is a market research and strategic communications consultancy with over 30 years of experience in leveraging unique insights about consumer opinion to provide clients with a competitive advantage-what we call Winning Knowledge(tm). Our media and entertainment group, which was started in 2001, merged the best methods from political polling withinnovative survey techniques and high level consulting and has quickly risen to the forefront of the global entertainment research industry. Our clients include most of the major magazine publishers, motion picture studios, and video game publishers.

About the methodology Penn, Schoen & Berland (PSB) fielded a nationally representative online survey for SPIKE among 1,741 adults aged 18-49 years, including 1,306 men and 435 women. The surveys were conducted online within the United States by Penn, Schoen & Berland on behalf of SPIKE between February 5 and February 11, 2008 among a total of 2,140 adults aged 18 plus.