Furnace Linings Ferrous 01

Post on 17-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Furnace Linings Ferrous 01

  • 5/27/2018 Furnace Linings Ferrous 01


    C O A T I N G S F I L T R A T I O N F E E D I N G S Y S T E M SM E L T S H O P R E F R A C T O R I E SM E T A L T R E A T M E N TB I N D E R S C R U C I B L E S




    Excellent refractoriness

    Consistent performance

    Clean furnace systems

    Quick installation

    Slag resistance

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    Iron foundry linings

    In most iron foundries, the primary melting processis by cupola or coreless induction furnace. Othermethods can be used but these are rare.

    From the primary melting unit, the metal istransferred by launder and or ladle to a holdingfurnace or a treatment ladle and then to a pouringunit.

    A wide variety of melting, holding, treatment andtransfer systems are in use.

    All these systems require specialised refractorysolutions to optimise lining life and metalcleanliness.

    The products listed in this brochure representthe best-in-class products for typical foundryapplications. Foseco offers an extensive portfolioof monolithic and precast refractory solutions to

    meet your specific needs. Please contact your localFoseco team for more information.


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    Coreless inductionfurnace

    Transfer &treatment ladles

    Holding channel furnaces

    Cupola furnace

    Pouring furnace


    Typical iron foundry layout

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    Long campaign cupola meltingin iron foundries


    Long campaign cupola meltingLong campaign cupolas are the principal meltingunit of most modern automobile and pipe foundriesworldwide.

    RAMWELL linings are an alumina based rangeof pitch-free, clay bonded, graphitised rammingmaterial containing between 10% and 20% siliconcarbide.

    HYDRAMAX linings are a range of ultra-low cement

    bonded castables based on fused and calcinedalumina, containing between 15 and 55% siliconcarbide and graphite. HYDRAMAX refractories areavailable in a pitch or pitch-free versions.

    ULTRAGUN SC linings are a range of highperformance gunning materials containing siliconcarbide.

    SURGUN* linings are an innovative range of low-cement castable applied by a specially adaptedrefractory gun.

    The final choice of products is determined bywhether the furnace is a lined or liningless

    cupola and by operating conditions in order toimproven lining performancen slag resistancen speed of installationn dry-out timen resistance to scullingn metal cleanlinessn lining security

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    Lined long campaign cupolasFused alumina based RAMWELL 90 or RAMWELLPS001 and calcined alumina based RAMWELL 75ramming materials are recommended for the well,syphon and taphole of the cupola. Alternatively acast solution can be archieved with HYDRAMAXAT3A or HYDRAMAX VX 281M. Ultra low cementcastable with SiC level from 18% to 31%.

    Pre-cast HYDRAMAX AT3A or in-situ castHYDRAMAX ST3 refractories are ideally suited to

    the slag hole.

    ULTRAGUN SC 55 high silicon carbide guningmaterial is applied to the melt zone.

    For the shaft, CRITERION* 50ME castable is anestablished low-cement system, installed withformers. DURAGUN low cement gunning materialsare recommended if formwork is not available.

    For fast, durable, economic end of campaign repairs,SURGUN T8 low cement castables silicon carbide

    enriched can be applied successfully to the well,melting zone and shaft without the need forformwork.

    Liningless long campaign cupolasRAMWELL PS001 or RAMWELL 90 rammingmaterials are ideally suited to lining the well andsyphon box. If a castable solution is preferred, thenHYDRAMAX AT3A or HYDRAMAX VX281M ultra-lowcement castables are recommended. Combinationssuch as a castable lining for the well together withrammables for the syphon box are also possible.

    Lined cupola

    Liningless cupolas

    HYDRAMAX AT3A (left) and RAMWELL 90 (right) cup test

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    Coreless induction furnaces are ideally suited tothe batch melting of scrap. Most iron meltingcoreless induction furnaces have acid (silica) linings,however for specific arduous applications FosecosSILCOR* fused silica enriched acid linings are idealalong with andalusite based KELLUNDITE* liningsfor certain niche applications.

    SG iron meltingSILCOR linings are high purity, graded quartzite(silica) based dry-vibration refractories enrichedwith 30% fused silica. Used for lining high powered,medium frequency induction furnaces melting lowsilicon SG based iron, SILCOR improves:n lining lifen productivityn metal cleanlinessn lining security

    SILCOR is exclusively supplied by Foseco and can beused as a complete lining.

    SILCOR 3080.8% B


    3: Max Temperature 1600C

    SILCOR 3050.5% B


    3: Max Temperature 1650C

    SILCOR refractories can be used as complete linings,or zoned linings. Zoned linings are formed withSILCOR materials being used in the erosion problem

    areas. Zoned linings are only practical on largefurnaces.

    Coreless induction meltingin iron foundries


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    Iron meltingKELLUNDITE 700 refractories are an alumina based,mullite forming, dry-lining alternative to quartz-based silica linings for grey and ductile iron. Withthe health and safety issues associated with theinstallation and removal of silica-based refractories,KELLUNDITE 700 materials provide a cost-effective,alternative lining solution.

    KELLUNDITE 707 alumina dry-vibratable materialensures a seamless transition of the refractory

    without joints.

    Ancillary productsCapping & spout materialsKELLUNDITE 85 topping is a high alumina dry-vibratable material containing magnesia thatensures a seamless transition of the refractorywithout joints.

    BLU-RAM and DURACRETE ready-to-use, chemicallybonded plastic materials vary in alumina contentfrom 45-85%.Benefits include:n ease of installationn very low moisture contentn excellent adhesion to existing liningsn high resistance to infiltration

    Patch repair & maintenanceDURACRETE 85PC high alumina based plasters

    have a very fine grain size and are ideal for cracksand patch repairs of the lining.

    Coil protectionCOILCOTE high alumina grouts provide a strong,protective, semi-permanent refractory screed to thepower coil.

    Lid materialsn CERCAST 1500n TRIAD 60

    Former vibration tooling

    Chinese hat for dryvibration installation

    BLU-RAM HS plasticrefractory used as spout



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    Channel holding furnacesChannel Furnaces are used in iron foundries to holdlarge quantities of iron melt between the meltingstation and the casting station.

    There are 3 types of channel furnace to consider:

    n Vertical channel furnacesn Drum channel furnaces

    n U-shaped channel furnaces

    Vertical and U-shaped Channel FurnacesThis type of channel furnaces can be lined with highalumina, dry-vibratable lining or ultra-low cementcastable.

    The high alumina dry-vibratable KELLUNDITE 95is particularly beneficial when used in conjunctionwith melt-out formers in order to reduce the totalturnround time of the installation. CRITERION50ME is used as a capping material for securing

    the top of the dry lined furnace body.

    Channel holding and pouring furnacesin iron foundries

    The development of ultra-low cement castable withwater contents of less than 4% has significantlyreduced the dry-out times associated with castlinings as well as improving lining life.

    Fosecos class leading DELTACAST 88 and CRITERION85XL both meet the high quality criteria required forlarge channel furnace linings.

    Vertical channel furnace linings can be easilyand securely repaired with Fosecos innovativelow cement gunmix SURGUN thereby extendingrefractory life and reducing lining cost.

    Drum channel furnacesDrum shaped channel furnaces are normally bricklined due to their geometry.

    Zoned linings can be used for large furnaces in orderto get best performance with the most economicalconstruction.


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    Pressure pour furnacesPressure pour furnaces are used for holding ironat temperature whilst casting into moulds on anautomated casting line. Pressure pour furnaces caneither be heated with an inductor as is the case witha channel furnace, or operated without an inductorto reduce energy costs. In the case of the latter,an application specific lining design is required inorder to minimise heat loss and maintain metal


    Selflowing cast DURAFLO 85 , high alumina castableis a universal lining for both body and spouts withthe added advantage of being selflowing for easeof installation.

    For the cover CERCAST 1500 mid aluminaconventionnal castable with high volume stabilityand ease of installation or LITEWATE insulationcastables for back layer insulation are recommended.

    Inductor boxesInductors for both channel furnaces and pressurepour furnaces are invariably lined with dry-vibratablematerials.

    MAGNAVIBE 850 spinel-forming, magnesia based,dry-vibratable refractories are suitable for highpowered inductors.

    KELLUNDITE 857 spinel-forming, aluminia based,dry-vibratable refractories should be used for smallerinductors or as a universal inductor lining.


    Holding furnace

    Pressure pouring furnace

    Channel inductor box linedwith KELLUNDITE 857

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    Most steel foundries melt scrap in coreless inductionfurnaces. In larger steel foundries, electric arcfurnaces may also be used.

    From the prime melting unit, the metal is transferredby ladle direct to the mould. In most cases the meltis not held or treated in a separate unit between themelting station and the casting ladle.

    Steel foundry linings

    The products listed in this brochure representthe best-in-class products for typical foundryapplications. Foseco offers an extensive portfolioof monolithic and precast refractory solutions tomeet your specific needs. Please contact your localFoseco team for more information.


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    Ancillary products

    Capping MaterialsKELLUNDITE 85 topping is a high alumina dry-vibratable material containing magnesia.KELLUNDITE 85 topping ensures a seamlesstransition of the refractory without joints.BLU-RAM HS ready-to-use, chemically bondedplastic materials. Benefits include:n excellent adhesion to existing liningsn high resistance to infiltration

    Spout Materialsn BLU-RAM HSn CRITERION S85E

    Patch repair & maintenanceX9 PLASTER high alumina based plasters have avery fine grain size and are ideal for cracks andpatch repairs of the lining.

    Coil protectionCOILCOTE high alumina grout provides a strong

    protective semi-permanent refractory screed to thepower coil.

    Lid Materialsn CERCAST 1500

    Coreless induction furnaces are charged with steelscrap and melt very quickly. Traditionally, theseunits have been lined with magnesia based, dry-vibratable linings, but over more recent years, spinelforming alumina dry-vibratable linings have beenadopted as standard practice.

    KELLUNDITE 857 and KELLUNDITE 85RAS high purityalumina spinel forming, dry-vibration refractorymaterials are designed for lining coreless inductionfurnaces melting steel and high temperature alloys.

    KELLUNDITE 695-PLUS neutral, magnesia spinelforming dry-vibration refractories are designed foruse in coreless induction furnaces melting lowtemperature alloys.

    KELLUNDITE 85RAS linings are a spinel forming85% Al


    3-13% MgO material based on fused

    alumina with a 1720C limit service temperature.

    KELLUNDITE 857 linings are a spinel forming 85%Al


    3-14% MgO material based on high purity

    white fused alumina with a 1750C limit service


    KELLUNDITE 695-PLUS linings are spinel forming72% Al


    3-24% MgO material based on brown fused

    alumina with a 1750 C limit service temperature.


    Sintered lining withKELLUNDITE material

    Spout lined withBLU-RAM HS

    BLU-RAM HS issupplied ready

    to use

    Coreless induction meltingin steel foundries

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    *FOSECO, the Logo, BLU-RAM, CRITERION, DURACRETE, DURAGUN, EMERALD RAM, KELLUNDITE, SILCOR, SILLMAX, SURGUN and TRIAD are trade marks of the Vesuvius Group, r egistered in certaincountries, used under licence. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system of any nature or transmitted in any form or by any means, includingphotocopying and recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder or as expressly permitted by law. Applications for permission shall be made to the publisher at the address mentioned.Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. All statement, information and data contained hereinare published as a guide and although believed to be accurate and reliable (having regard to the manufacturers practical experience) neither the manufacturer, licensor, seller nor publisher representsnor warrants, expressly or impliedly: (1) their accuracy/reliability, (2) that the use of the product(s) will not infringe third party rights, (3) that no further safety measures are required to meet locallegislation. The seller is not authorised to make representations nor contract on behalf of the manufacturer/licensor. All sales by the manufacturer/seller are based on their respective conditions of saleavailable on request. Foseco International Limited 05/11.

    Foseco International LimitedDrayton Manor Business Park,Tamworth, Staffordshire,England B78 3TLPhone: +44 (0)1827 262021Fax: +44 (0)1827 283725www.Foseco.comPlease contact your local Foseco team





    C O M M I T T E D T O F O U N D R I E S

    Our serviceTodays demands for high quality, defect-free castingsmust be balanced by the need for speed, performanceand cost-savings in the casting process. Only whena lining system is optimally designed can it have thepotential to fulfill all of these requirements.

    Foseco has a broad range of technical and applicationexpertise covering the whole casting process. Byworking closely with the foundry, our sales andtechnical teams can help develop comprehensive

    furnace management and metal transfer solutions thatmeet your needs.

    Application expertise

    BLU-RAM HSproduction line

    Customer focusedresearch &


    QualityAccredited quality assurance systems ensure optimaltesting of finished product, and provides a frameworkfor continual improvement and further processoptimisation.