Funny Island

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Funny Island

Funny Island

By : Michael Wang

Once upon a time there lived a person named Peipei. She likes the color red and likes to eat strawberries. She was very brave and happy.

She lived in a land far away. She flew an airplane. She wanted to go to Funny Island to play games.

So she rode on the airplane and took off. She landed on a place called Basketball Court. She saw many people playing basketball.

She wanted to go to No Person Island and off she went. She nearly fell into the sea but she got a special power D, so she can dive under water with her airplane. Then she came up .

• She was on the island. She saw a lot of grass. She nearly bumped to the floor but she got an balloon so she could fly higher and then it was 10:00 pm so she needed to go home. It was a very busy day for Pei Pei.