Fundamentals of Scientific Research Dr. Samir Tartir 2014/2015 First Semester.

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Transcript of Fundamentals of Scientific Research Dr. Samir Tartir 2014/2015 First Semester.

Fundamentals of Scientific Research

Dr. Samir Tartir


First Semester


• Lecture Times:– Mon 16:00-19:00

• Location: Abo Al-Hajj

• Slides are on ecourse:–

Lecturer• Instructor: Dr. Samir Tartir

• Office: IT 303

• Office Hours: STT 12-2

• E-mail:

• Website–

• Facebook:–

Course Overview

• Textbook:

– Title: “Research Methods: A process of Inquiry”

– Authors: Anthony M. Graziano and M. L, Raulin

– Publisher: Pearson 2007


• The course provides a foundation to:– tackle research problems– evaluate critically both their own and others'

research– communicate their findings effectively.

• It covers material and advice on technical writing for the thesis and defending it.

• Research seminars undertaken as part of the Research Project contribute to this course.

• The course will mix lectures with assignments and discussions.


• This course aims to offer a grounding in various aspects of research

• Students will acquire insight into the philosophical and methodological fundamentals of scientific research.

• Students will develop the ability to understand and reflect on the demands of scientific research, how knowledge is defined and how it is verified.

• This knowledge will also form a basis for launching and pursuing individual student research efforts, and will also facilitate critical reflection on the research of others.

Course Contents• The Research Process

• Questions & Ethics

• Finding Articles

• Reading & Evaluating Papers

• Preparing & Making a Research Presentation

• Measurements and Variables

• Statistical Analysis of Data

• Field Research

• Correlational and Differential Research

• MSc Research Guidelines

• Hypothesis Testing

• Validity Control

• Writing a Paper

• Research Expirement Design: Introduction

• Project 2 Presentations

• Research Expirement Design

• Field Research, part II


• The Research Process• Questions & Ethics• Finding Articles• Reading & Evaluating Papers• Preparing & Making a Research Presentation• Measurements and Variables• Statistical Analysis of Data• Field Research• Correlational and Differential Research• MSc Research Guidelines• Hypothesis Testing• Validity Control• Writing a Paper• Research Experiment Design


• Mid-term exam: 30%

• Projects & Presentations: 30%

• Final exam: 40%

Projects & Presentations

• Each student is to select a topic

• Make 3-4 presentations

Late and Cheating Policies• All assignments are due by 11:59 PM • 10% penalty for each late day• Zero points if late by more than 5 days• Proper documentation needed for health-

related excuses• Cheating cases handed over to academic

honesty department– Minimum penalty – F grade with note in


Use of Electronic Devices

• Laptops/Tablets– Only for note taking or training on class material, can be

asked to turn in notes.

• Phones– Must always be silent or turned off while in class– First time a warning, second you’ll be asked to leave

class.– Only in emergencies

• Others– Should be turned off