Fundamental characteristics of the national statistical ... · 1 Fundamental characteristics of the...

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Fundamental characteristics of the national

statistical system of Kazakhstan

Bangkok, 25 August 2016

Jarkinbayev Zhasser

Vice Chairman

Committee on statistics of the Ministry of National

Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Structure of the NSS of Kazakhstan


Human resources

Strategic planning

Coordination of the NSS

Relations with users and data providers

Areas for improvement


Committee on statistics of the Ministry of National

Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan





Ministry of National Economy

Committee on Statistics

Other producers of official statistics

(National Bank, Ministry of

Finance, Ministry of Energy, etc.)

Users (central and local

government, NGOs, population, academia,


Data providers (economic entities,

households & population,

administrative sources)

National Statistical System of Kazakhstan

Division of the main functions between Ministry and



- appoints Chairman (approval of the Government) and Vice-Chairmans of the


- defines state policy in the area of official statistics;

- coordinates statistical activity of other producers of official statistics;

- approves annual Statistical Program (in 2016 it is planned to conduct 152 surveys

and form 363 statistical publications).


1) forms statistical methodology according with international standards;

2 conducts statistical surveys according to the Statistical program;

3) maintains statistical registers;

4) approves all survey forms, including forms of other producers of official statistics

and administrative forms;

5) develops methodologies of using classifications and metadata by all producers of

official statistics;

6) Implements state control in the area of official statistics.




Law on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan


First Law on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan was


Second Law on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan was

adopted. Goals and principles of the state policy in the area of

state statistics, requirements to statistical bodies and their


New version of the Law on Statistics was adopted.

Start of the new stage of the development of official statistics in




2010 год

Amendments to the Law on Statistics:

- Authorized body is given a right to carry out on site

inspections regarding administrative sources,

- Authorized body is given a right to get contact data from

mobile and fixed line operators.

2015 год

- Law on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Specific legislation (Government resolutions related to Statistics, etc.)

- Orders of the Ministry of National Economy (Statistical Program,etc.);

- Regulations of the Committee on Statistics;

- Orders of the other producers of official statistics.




Central Office in Astana

16 Regional Departments

194 District offices

Human resources

Total staff 287 2560

Central office Regional offices

Average age of civil servants – 33 years

Employees under 29 years of age – 44% of all staff

Average length of civil service – 9 years,

Average length of service in current position – 2,6 years


Information on Central office staff:



Strategic planning


In 1991-2008 development of official statistics in Kazakhstan was based on

the implementation of the Programs of improvement of state statistics:

1.«State program on development of statistics 1992-1995».

As a result the National statistical system of the independent state was formed

2. «Improvement of State statistics 1996-1998»

Development of subject matter statistics, creation of conditions for the meeting of all user

demands in official statistics. As a result the new Law on Statistics was adopted, cooperation

with international organizations and NSOs of other countries was established

3. «Improvement of State statistics 1999-2005»

The mail goal was to develop official statistics and systemic reform of the statistical

infrastructure, including statistical registers and classifications.

4. «Improvement of State statistics 2006-2008».

Priority was the improvement of quality of statistical data by implementation of

international standards and development of the SNA.

Strategic planning (2)


From 2009 development is based on Strategic plans of each ministry and agency

according to the System of state planning of Kazakhstan

Strategic plans of the Agency on Statistics of Kazakhstan for the years 2009-2011,

2010-2014, 2011-2015.

Currently measures on development of the statistical activity are reflected in the

Strategic plan of the Ministry of National Economy for 2014-2018 годы.

- Statistical Master-Plan for 2010-2015 was prepared. Under this Master-

Plan currently the Project “KAZSTAT: Strengthening of the National statistical

system 2012-2016” is being implemented

In addition to this for the development of official statistics:

- Statistical Master-Plan for 2017-2025 is currently under preparation.



According to the Law on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Authorized body: - coordinates activities of ministries, local authorities and National Bank of

Kazakhstan in the area of official statistics;

- approves survey forms of all producers of official statistics;

- develops methodologies of using classifications and metadata by all

producers of official statistics; - can ask all producers of official statistics to present necessary

documents to check for the compliance with approved methodologies;

- conducts on site inspections;

- imposes fines on responsible officials of producers of official statistics;

- consultative bodies (economic statistics, social statistics, etc);

- data sharing agreements, working groups;

- Training, seminars, etc.



Relations with users

According to the Law on Statistics users have the following rights:

- Equal access to the official data according to the release calendar;

- Use of official data for own purposes with reference to the source.

Committee on statistics conducts annual user satisfaction surveys

Share of users mostly satisfied was :

2012 – 80%,

2013 – 80,8%,

2014 – 82,2%,

2015 – 84,4%.

Under the KAZSTAT project user satisfaction surveys were conducted in 2014 and

2016 by independent research companies.

According to the results of surveys more than 85% of all users are mostly satisfied.

• Annual Day of open doors, centralized call center, social networks




Relations with data providers

According to the Law on Statistics data providers have the following


1) to get official statistical information;

2) for data confidentiality ;

3) to get explanations from the authorized body on filling of survey forms;

4) to get free of charge paper or electronic survey forms and related


and responsibilities:

1) provide correct primary data;

2) to comply with the requirements of the authorized bodies.

To decrease burden on data providers :

- annual improvement of survey forms, joint working groups;

- mutual agreements with administrative sources on data exchange;

- information systems of the Committee on statistics are constantly improved;

- new methods of data collection (CATI, CAPI).


What is required for the successful; monitoring of GDSs in Kazakhstan?

4 main areas for improvement:

1. Further improvement of the Law on Statistics of Kazakhstan

2. Improvement of the coordination of the statistical system of


3. Improvement of human resources

4. Improvement of international cooperation




Further improvement of the Law on Statistics

• European Free Trade Association and Eurostat jointly developed

“Generic Law on Official Statistics” as part of a broader UNECE

statistical capacity building project financed through the United

Nations Development Account (UNDA)

• The work is being done to support further development of the

legal and institutional frameworks for official statistics, based on

international recommendations and findings of Global

Assessments of national statistical systems

• The Generic Law on Official Statistics was endorsed on the 2016

CES plenary session as recommendations developed under the

UNDA project for the countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and

Central Asia.


Further improvement of the Law on Statistics (2)

Comparison of the Generic Law on Official Statistics with the Law on Statistics of


Topic Generic Law Law on Statistics

Parties to the Law National Statistical Office, which is the leading authority of the National Statistical System; National Statistical Office is a professionally independent body organized under the authority of [Prime Minister / President of the country].

Authorised body (Ministry of National Economy) is the leading authority Authorised body is professionally independent




Further improvement of the Law on Statistics (3)

Comparison of the Generic Law on Official Statistics with the Law on Statistics of


Topic Generic Law Law on Statistics

Chief Statistician The National Statistical Office is led by the Chief Statistician appointed by [Prime Minister / President of the country on the proposal of the government] for a fixed term of [X] years, on the basis of a publicly announced vacancy and an open competition based on the relevant professional competences only.

No such norms or provisions


Further improvement of the Law on Statistics (3)

Comparison of the Generic Law on Official Statistics with the Law on Statistics of


Topic Generic Law Law on Statistics

Statistical Council Multi-year statistical programme

The Statistical Council shall be the main advisory body to the government and the Chief Statistician on issues of strategic importance to official statistics A multi-year statistical programme shall be established for the National Statistical System to define the strategic development of official statistics

No such norms or provisions No such norms or provisions




Further improvement of the Law on Statistics (5)

Comparison of the Generic Law on Official Statistics with the Law on Statistics of


Topic Generic Law Law on Statistics

Articles on statistics in other legislation

Any other legal act making reference to official statistics shall be adapted to comply with the present Law. In case of conflicting legislation, the provisions of the present Law or another act based on or mentioned in the present Law shall apply

No such norms or provisions


Further improvement of the coordination of the NSS

• According to preliminary research about 60% of SDGs indicators

in Kazakhstan will be produced by other producers of official


• Currently, many ministries - producers of official statistics do not

have statistical departments or divisions, information systems are

not fully integrated, many source data are not collected

• Line ministries need to make significant investments in statistical

infrastructure, information systems, human resources

• To change things active involvement of the Ministry of National

Economy is needed. Strategic plans, coordinating bodies.




Further improvement of human resources

• Need leaders at the top and middle level management at NSOs

• Need new skills for statisticians, knowledge of English is very


• Committee on statistics together with the Academy of Public

Administration organized 1-year Master program in Statistics, short

term courses on topics such as Big Data, use of statistical software,


• Need to work closer with universities, private sector


Further improvement of international cooperation

• Often foreign consultants do not know specific conditions of

countries, national practice in producing statistics and make too

abstract recommendations

• Need to find ways to improve effectiveness of assistance

• International organizations can help a lot by preparing

methodologies, best practices, generic laws and regulations, etc.



Thank you for your attention!


Committee on statistics of the Ministry of National

Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan