Functional programming with python

Post on 09-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Functional programming with python

Functional Programming with


Marcelo Cure

Functional Programming

Expressions over statements (instead of using a whole for, use map/filter/reduce)

No side effect


Simpler code


Functional is stateless

Statefull Stateless

Don't iterate over lists

Use map/filter/reduce

A even better way

Another example with map

Another example with reduce


High Order Functions

Functions that manipulate functions

Send functions to functions allowing different behaviour

Function Composition

List Comprehentions

Comes from mathematics

{ x2 | x ∈ ℕ }

x * 2 given x is contained on the natural numbers


● The same happens to other types: string, float, tuples, etc● Lists and Dictionaries are mutable● Objects are also mutable
