Fultz Exie 1961 Japan

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Transcript of Fultz Exie 1961 Japan

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan


    '3 1

    MAR \ 1 196)



    o f f e r a t i m e

    a i i

    9 750 per 15 loia* program

    Radio s t a t ion Wakayama GityRadio Wakayama a network o f t h r e e s t a t io r i ^offe rd Nippon Chr i s t i an Broadcas t ing AsBooia-t i o n r t i m e f o r o u r Mothers a n d C h i l d r e n sprograma a t 70^ discount*

    This means an oppor tun i ty t o a i r our **The Bojrean d li?y Toy Box program weekly over t h r ee sta*-t ions for 7*50 per 15 minute program*

    Radio TTakayaroa's t h r e e s t a t i o n s JOVF, a t

    Wakayama, JOVL a t Tanabe, an d JOVM a t Shingucover the area i n which Miss Vivian Lemmon i s _working and r eaches t o Kobe c i t y where Bxie 'F u l t a l i v e s and t)rk8

    PBO^ SPO OfiS m NTOT - RadioWkayamaoovaragBHere is a project within the reach of Bible Glasses (children's or adults*),puth Groups, Women'sCircles or any.other smll gz-oupthat feels i t cannott^ e on a lai'ge pledge but wants to do something. Twelve sponsors takingthe one program per month (t? 7,50 will put us on the air

    *akayaina reching into a nosaible ^460,000 hom^.Box 222, Marshall^ 111. Circle the program (or programs you want to sponsor).


    T he m eo be rs o f t h e



    to become sponsors of the following monthly programsj P m i E S S


    TaMbe. ;- .

    have vptisd

    J 0 V P

    , J O V L

    7.50 k 7.50 ^ 7.50 1 7.507 5 7 5 7 5 7 5

    J O V M 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5'

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan


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    1 1 - TTT: f r r i fTTTTTJTjG^ii

    Mii -'i ILi i ss fe .: z iS


    Volume 1 May-June. 1961 Number 5u m b e r 5

    oPEjviNc r e e Seeo'er the worldwide-open doors inviting,. . . S o l d i e r s of C h r i s t r i s and e n t e r in . . . C h r i s t i a n s a w a k e your fo rces a l l uni t ing, . . . Send for th the gospel , break the cha ins ofs i n . . . . (Go Ye Into All The World)

    ^ P E c m L F C f i r m ENCSA'S NEW FRONTIER

    Genji Tanabe, announcer for L i s ien , O Isles

    KIKE, SHIMAJIMA YOI (Listen, O Isles)NCSA s newevangelistic program is one of themany new things about the work that gives usthe appearance of having inaugurated a newfrontier program. So many changes and additions have been made in both programming andp e r s o n n e l that we feel we have a n a lm os t allnew team doing a l l new things. KIKE SHIMAJIMA YOI will replace our former KARU BARIWA MANEKU (Calvary Ca I Is) program. Featured singers on the program are the four youngmen of the Hakobune (Noah's Ark) quartette(above) . Mr. Koichi Suwaki who developed the

    See NEW FRONTIER page 5,col.2

    T v e oe - fWi foA MACEDONIAN CALL

    Come over and help us Open some Christ ian meet ings is the call that has come fromthe city of Hojo from a radio li stener. It wasn'ta man in a vision that appeared atExie's door toiisue the call, but a flesh and blood young manwho had heard Calvary Calls from Manilla.

    In earlier correspondence with NCSA personnelSaburoShoji had asked for an opportunity to talkwithus. Exie's regular Saturday night BiMeClass

    See MACEDONIAN CALL page 5,col. lTaneyuki Yamazaki, NCSA children's worker.

    (Inset) Mr. Suzuki and Eiichi Taniyama,NCBA radio preacher.

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan


    T h e C U E S H E E T

    CP.EOn U N E 5r m C U E S H H E T

    official organ ofN l I ' m N CHRISTIAN BROAIXIASTING ASS'N.

    iTdiror .Uxic F ultz

    N C B AA m e r i c a n

    Box 2 2 2

    M ar sh al l. I II .


    Japanese1 4 0 c ho in c

    Nakamiya.choAsahi Ku, Osaka

    N C B A P E R SO N N E L

    Missionary-representative Exie FultzHorwarding agent Vilda Clatfelter

    T r u s t e e s

    tliromu Sugano Masahisa Ijima

    Eiichi TaniyamaManagement Committee

    Exie Ful tz Robert West' \ inald G. Burney Kunio Inada

    Eiichi Taniyama

    Missionary AdvisorsMartin B Clark ^ Donald GT BurneyR ob er t Wes t Claude Likens

    y f AT l O NSE AR CH F OR S I T E

    Securing land in a country as small and over-populated as Japan Is no easy job . Every squaretoot if precious even the mountain precipice.Awaji Island in Osaka Bay presen t s one of thebes t s it es for NC BA's FM station, that is on e ofth e bes t s i t e s w h e r e th e c o s t o f l and i s with inreason. Even here prices are steadily risine andlandowners a re becoming reluctant to se I I belie vi n^ they ll gain by waiting. NCBA foundone desirable s i t e only to have the landownerchange his mind. We re s t i l l searching hopingto locate toward the northern tip of th e island.Please pray with us that this might soon be settled.We re eager to move ahead with building plans.

    3 P 0 r . .We recommend BOKKA,a Christian magazine

    published monthly by Bro. Stephen I i j i m a ofTokyo. For your English copy write:

    TH E PASTORAL S O N G390 North Ridge Vista Ave.San J

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan


    T h e U S H T

    S O T H Y WBRn /

    Miss Tsukiko Demukai and Mr Aklra Inugai were united in marriage onDecember 4 1960 at Kobe Union Church Both bride and groom are membersof the Miyakojima hur h of Christ in Osaka Mr Inugai is employedatGoshoTradingCompany Osaka Until April 15 1961 Mrs Inugai servedo n NCSA s ta ff

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan


    T h e U E S H E E T

    A N O T H E Y U V E Q m P P f L Y E V E R A F T E P t

    Mr. and Mrs. Hiromu Sugano attendants at th e Inugai wedding c e l e brated their forty fifth wedding anniversary October 9 1960. Mr. Suganoi s N C B A s h e ad t ru s te e

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan


    T h e C U E S H E E T

    MACEDONIAN CALL from page l ,col .2was In session whenhe called. After the meetinghe discussed h i s problems with Bro. Kawahara,minister of th e Kobe Church of Christ, NorihikoS a i t o h , Kobe student at Osaka Bible Seminaryand Exie. A member of a holiness indegenoussec t , M r. S hoji, h is w if e a nd o th er m em be rs o fthe group have become disillusioned bythe teach

    ings of the sect Itself and the Inconsistencies inthe lives of some of its leaders. want only apure faith, h e said. He stayed in Kobe as overnight guest of the preacherand his wife and visit e d Kobe church se rv ices .

    In order to help NCBA open meetings in hisarea Mr. Shoji i going to search for a room inthe city of Ono. In the meantime taped rad ioand church programs w i l l be s e n t to hi m fromNCBA. With these and his ovm tape recorder hecan begin to build up interest in the communityandamonghlsfriends. Just who will be the messenger to go is still undecided. Laborers are few

    a n d schedules are fu ll bu t this ca l l must be answered .E a r l y in April, NCBaworkers visited another

    listener, Mr. Mineo Suzuki (see picture on frontpage). Mr. Suzuki, a member of the SalvationArmy, is the only professing Christian in his cho(or village of 5000) which is in Kojima, a c i tysouthwest of Kobe with approximately 70,000population. His work at present is with children.When NCBA radio preacher, Eiichi Taniyamaandchildren s worker, Taneyukl Yamazaki, visitedhim Mr. Suzuki gathered 60 unruly youngsterstogether to hear Yamazaki s Kamishibai (pa-

    )er) Bible Story. Taniyama re p or t e d, Somedcked out the window l igh ts and others wereplaying judo in spite of all this activity theys e e m e d to l i s t e n

    See MACEDONIAN CALL page 6, col. 2

    Taneyukl Yamazaki, NCBA worker, and radiol is tener. Hideo Manabe, TB patient.

    NEW FRONTIER from page l c o l l

    The Hakobune Quartet teand di rec tor, Koichi Suwaki .

    former Kobe Male Quintette directs this quartettetoo. Radio preacher, Eiichi Taniyama, will stillbe recording the messages.

    The children s program, too, is to have a newname, new format and new theme song - -written especially for this program with music by Mr.Suwaki and words by Miss Ryoko Seguchi, children s program producer. DONGURI CHAN (Little Ac o r n s) i s the new name. We have longwanted to extend these children s programs intoa daily series. Let s Draw and Let s Listenar e now being planned for production In the nearfuture. Mr.Taneyukl Yamazaki, who was addedto the staff last fall to ass i s t in children s programming is now training a small group of children to be used on hi s Let s Draw . One of ourfine Christian youngwomen. MissSumako Attaka,is taking rhe responsibility of developing Let sLis ten . Miss Attaka works a s c h i l d r e n s instructor for the Yamaha piano and organ company .She has been assisting I s a b e l Dittemore in herradio programming.

    With t he closing of production of CalvaryCalls we have asked Mrs. Masako Yoshida, former soloist for the program, to work with us ona new 5 minute devotional program. Mrs. Yoshida is a music instructor at a girb high schoolin Osaka. Miss Michiko Yamato has b ee n a dd edto thes taffas our regular accompanist to helpw i t h any and al l programs when and whereevern e e d e d

    See NEW FRONTIER page 6. col.2

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan


    f )EEO^T h e C U E S H E E T

    General Mission funds a re n ee de d a t al l t imesby all missionaries. From the general fundcomeour language, mission travel, printing and mailing fees as well as salaries for national workers.

    NCSA's largest monthly expenditures from hergeneral fund ar e forsalaries and talent fees. List

    ed below are dollar approximates of our presentn e e dKawahara (technician)Takahashi (senior office girl)Yamazaki (chi ldren s worker)Hasaka (junior office girl)Yamoto (accompanist)O t h e r t a l e n t

    5 5 . 003 5 . 0 03 0 . 0 02


    6 5

    Tw o workers who need to be added soon - - asecretary for Exie and a radio engineer.

    i^LO^f^Cf THGWE Why wil l he die?' the voice of God iscal l ing, . . . Why will ye d i e ? r e -echo in His name ; . . . Jesus hathdied to save from death appalling, . , , Life and salvation therefore goproclaim. Go Ye Into All The World)


    ' ^ JOHW- Obihiro.Japany r- ' V KSAB-Okinawa * * DZAS- Manilla, Philippines

    Tl ^

    MACEDONIAN CALL from page 5, col.lMr. Suzuki invited NCBA workers to spend the

    night giving the preacher an opportunity to talkwith him concerningthe positionof the Churchesof Christ. The Lord willing Yamazaki sanwi llvisit again this summer to help Mr. Suzuki in aVacation Bible School program.

    NEW FRONTIER from page 5, col. 2We said good-bye to recently married Mrs.

    Tsukiko Inugai who ended her work on March 15after about nine yearsof faithful service. Anotherloss we must face will be that of MlssRyoko Se-guchi, children's program producer. Miss Segu-chi, because of her health, will be leaving thestaffinJune. She is sta)ang on untilthen in orderfor us to make the chilwen's program changesand to get DONGURI CHAN into production.

    THE BOYS AND MV \T0;Y BM'( Let s Sing and Let\s\vaTShirt ) k

    KSAB - Okinawa 1 1 'DZAS - Manilla, Philippines

    NipponChristian Broadcasting Ass'n,P . O Box 22 2

    Marshall , I l l inois .1-1 )G5J

    2 / /

    ^ ^ y

    Form 3547 requested

    ike land ike ^uh ... ike Risett One

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan



    , ^ PROGnfiSS itlSPOPTo f


    s ul im lt te d b y Exie F u l t zMay lOj, 1961

    10 Opera t iona l S t a f f

    Ao Fulltiise QD loyees i

    1 t e c h n i c i a n2 o f f i c e g i r l s1 ^i ldren ^s program producer wi l l be leaving the : t a ff in

    June because o f hejUh)1 helper f o r B6?So Ful tz i n heif home

    Par t - t ime ei ?)loyeesg

    1 di i ldren^s program ass i s tan t also student at Osaka ib leSeminary)

    1 t rans la tor and book^ceepor i.also stvdent a t Osaia BibsSeminary)

    X p i a n i s t

    Co T a l e n t

    1 c h i l d r e n s c h o i r

    2 a n n o u n c e r s1 male q u a r t e t t eX preacher1 chi ldren s asisic teacher for new program in children^^s Sj-jegX g i r l s due t

    1 1 o Programs

    Ao B r o a d c a s t s

    l o Current ly being broadcas t

    Karubari wa Maneki: Calvary Calla) i n Obihiroj, .TapanMani3.1a, Phili.ppD.nas an d OlcLnawao

    bo Boya t o Watashi no Omocho Bako (The Boy s and I^yToy Box) in Manil la , Phi l ippines an d OJcina^yao

    2 o n t i c i p a t e Broadcasts

    fto Radio Kochi tp be sponsored by Bror. Don Bumeyllshed thero w i l l b ewer i n yoxirp rw^a l l

    biib w hope ftoaa now wil i befafcuarQ homa o f KCBA^ And wq

    Kielossd toa^js will acquaixit you ?sith the loeafeion of the land pim^asad forth fft.ation s i tso AfV^er the l@ I s ^ l l e d (sea 8nap^t5ft ) the antsnnaand th e sfciuilos to wi l l a t ^ d on the highest pointo (The snap shoera9n3^ a sisall porbion of the property) o

    fh0 Xa?ii purryhsss was laade passible a $X500o0S loan from a pQY'Sozialfriendof slnoc Th XosH zaad past December Wh^. w f i rs t started talking ofbarring en Awa;jl gJiim (Island) a I t vraa mn^Q without interest for one yearo'N(3??6fblg^i0ni3for the lao^l were not cosspS-etsdusffeil Jxme 22 , I96X0 Th losnpre'ifQd to be t imk the traaBSfffeionbirfc j io t^ is4.^ 1^^^SlTscs the? atjfee ijs 3^ itr name I^e holdir-g t i t l e ts prsp'j:?^7 i tb paSiig th3 a S&oa^ or prepsrfcyholding groupj will oa formed of ial SioHs r i a e and na t iona l s ai^i t h s t i t l e tui?i@d over thesio

    3s socffi as the land Qm. be developed and biiilding sQ?9cti vq want to icove our

    ent i re worlE to sur pirs3int loeabiGn trm. the eaaspas of Osalca Bibl Scsninarypotir eaaj^ssnial hcot thsss raany years o ^ a i n t h i s diroetioTiI reciting a szaall house Ijj ths llttl@ ths LordwinSjQgfl will bs ao jlijg w resMmiee thss^ baford 5sEpt;,.Tfihis yearo This^I1,i plaos V I 5?i befewoen the s ta t ion s i t e and tlie prossTtt work i n OsaKao IhajS foiBerly tiiou'^'it of mrrring to the city of iicashl (sae Tsap no 3) but asAkashi Ifi largely iridjistrial no house was a^railableo

  • 8/13/2019 Fultz Exie 1961 Japan



    Ffcm tho Xi t t l e viXXage oi tTra^ Pirhlch i s within waXid.ng distance of thas ta t ion si t and K ar iy a p ro vi di ng you Jre used t o hiking and mountain-ellTQblng s boats go three times a day to Kobe taking about one hour andt en minutes each wayo A l i t t l e longer t r i p i s bjf bua and fe r ry t o Akashiand t hen hy t r a i n Kobe

    Beginning i n September I plan to spend three days a w e^ with th e work inOsaka s t ay ing i n th e c i t y fo r a couple o f n i g h t s , t h r e e days a w e i nXarlya and the lords a Day with the Kobe Clhurch of CShriBt This wil l causeshif t ing In present Bible Class sdiedulea and as the work on Awaji developsny work with the Kobe Church may have to be turned over to others

    Chris t ian Missionary vrork of an y kind on Awaji Is land has been qui te l imited80 f a r as I haive been l t o learnu as soon as we can g e t estimates

    Thank you for your in teres t , your prayers and your gif t s o

    blessings be youraj \T

    mQL Jiissionaiy^^pQfQSentative ^