Full Thesis.docx

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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................3


Problem Statement...............................................................................................................................4

Conceptual Framework........................................................................................................................5

Definitions of the Variables.................................................................................................................6


Organizational Commitment..........................................................................................................13

Relevance of the Research.................................................................................................................15

Practical Relevance........................................................................................................................15

Societal Relevance.........................................................................................................................16

Scientific Relevance......................................................................................................................16

Importance of the Study.....................................................................................................................16

Objectives of the Study......................................................................................................................17

Research Question.............................................................................................................................17

Statement of the Hypothesis..............................................................................................................18

CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE..........................................................................................20

Literature Review..............................................................................................................................21

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH DESIGN & METHODOLOGY................................................................49


Research Design............................................................................................................................50

Target Population...........................................................................................................................50

Sampling strategy..........................................................................................................................50


Operational Definition of Variables..............................................................................................50



Statistical Analysis.........................................................................................................................54

CHAPTER 4 THEORATICAL FRAMEWORK..................................................................................55

CHAPTER 5 DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................59

DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................60

Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Frequency Distribution:.................................................................................................................60

Graphical Presentation...................................................................................................................71


Reliability Test.................................................................................................................................102

Reliability Test of Work Motivation...........................................................................................102

Reliability Test of Organizational Commitment.........................................................................102

Reliability Test of The Questionnaire..........................................................................................103

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.........................................................................................104

Mann-Whitney Test.........................................................................................................................106

Kruskal-Wallis Test.........................................................................................................................107

Correlation Analysis........................................................................................................................129

Correlation on work motivation and organizational commitment...............................................129

Correlation on work motivation and affective commitment........................................................129

Correlation on work motivation and continuance commitment..................................................130

Correlation on work motivation and normative commitment.....................................................131

Regression Analysis.........................................................................................................................132

Scatter Plot.......................................................................................................................................134

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION & RECOMENDATIONS...................................................................136


Limitations and Recommendations.................................................................................................138



REFERENCES …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….140

APPENDIX A......................................................................................................................................145

APPENDIX B......................................................................................................................................159

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Today’s fast changing business environment forces the organizations from around the world

to use maximum potential of their human resources in order to stay ahead of the violent

competition and survive in the market. Big and successful organizations are built on the

intrinsic value of their human resources. Committed and motivated employees in any

organization almost always allow an organization to grow quicker than similar competitive

organizations. Well committed and motivated employees feel that organization worth them

and they are playing an vital role within their organization which considerably enhance both

employees as well as organizational performance. Employee motivation and commitment is

very essential for an organization’s success. Committed and motivated employees are

considered as an important asset to an organization and keeping the employee commitment

and motivation up is always rewarding to a business as committed and motivated employees

are more productive and higher productivity usually results in higher profits.

Every organization wants to be successful and wishes to get steady progress. The present era

is highly competitive. Organizations regardless of their size and market focus are facing

employee retention challenges. To coup over these challenges a strong and positive

relationship and linking should be created and maintained between employees and their

organizations. Human resource or employees of any organization are the most vital part so

they need to be inclined and persuaded towards tasks fulfilment. For achieving prosperity,

and growth, organizations plan different strategies to compete with the competitors and for

increasing the performance of the organizations. A very few organizations believe that the

human resources and employees of any organization are its major assets which can lead them

to success or to decline, if not focused well. Unless and until, the employees of any

organization are motivated with it, are committed for the tasks fulfilment and goals

achievements and encouraged, none of the organization can progress or achieve success.

Problem Statement

Banks are corporate structures and play an important role in the economy worldwide,

although faced by internal competition among the commercial banks in Pakistan, the only

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competitive advantage they have is through their motivational personnel that deliver quality

service to their customers. Outstanding services provided by these employees create a niche

in the eye of the customer, which plays an important and significant role in delivering high

customer satisfaction. Thus it’s important for management to ensure that managers are work

place motivated. However not enough research has been conducted in Pakistan on motivation

and its impact on commitment.

The focus of this study is to enlighten that how an organization can make its employees

motivated and committed through different motivational techniques. The purpose of this

study is to analyze the relationship between work motivation and organizational commitment

of middle level employees of banks in Pakistan. Employee motivation is an important factor

about employee’s performance and the predictor of work behaviour such as turnover,

absenteeism and socialism of organization in the society. The benefits of employee

motivation for an organization are to reduce complaints and grievance regarding workers,

better turnover and absenteeism and reducing cost of training as termination of employees

and also improved punctuality and work morale of the workers and it also makes employees

committed to the organization. These above indicators are just to introduction of importance

of employee’s motivation, there is a huge list of factor that describes the importance of

motivation for worker and also gives the clear image of how motivated people are the

committed and productive worker for an organization.

The following study has two sub objectives. The first objective is to determine the factors that

increase the motivation of employees. Second objective is to determine the relationship

between the motivation and organizational commitment.

Conceptual Framework

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MotivationOrganizational Commitment

Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Definitions of the Variables


The word motivation has been derived from a Latin word “movere” which means “to

move”. Motivation is something that moves the employees of any organization from

dullness to interest. It is similar to the steering of the vehicles which shapes and directs

employee’s activities. Motivation has been defined as the “Drive or energy that compels

people to act with energy and persistence towards some goal” (Berman, Bowman, West, &

Wart, 2010, p. 180). “Motivation is a goal-directed behaviour which involves taking a

course of action which leads to the attainment of a goal or a specific valued reward”

(Armstrong, 2006, p. 252).

Early definitions of work motivation focused on instincts. Psychologists in the late 19th and

near the beginning twentieth century recommended that "human beings were basically

programmed to behave in certain ways, depending upon the behavioural cues to which they

were exposed.'' Sigmund Freud, argued that the most powerful determinants of individual

behaviour were those of which the individual was not consciously aware"

According to Motivation and Leadership at Work (Steers, Porter, and Bigley, 1996),'' in the

early twentieth century researchers began to examine other possible explanations for

differences in individual motivation. Some researchers focused on internal drives as an

explanation for motivated behavior. Others studied the effect of learning and how individuals

base current behaviour on the consequences of past behaviour. Still others examined the

influence of individuals' cognitive processes, such as the beliefs they have about future

events. Over time, these major theoretical streams of research in motivation were classified

into two major schools: the content theories of motivation and the process theories of


The word “motivation" has been derived from the word ‘motive’ which means anything that

sustains or initiates an activity. It is an inner state that activates, energizes and that directs

behaviour of individuals towards goals. Motivation is a psychological force within a human

being that sets him in activity for the accomplishment of certain goals or the fulfilment of

certain needs. It is through motivation that managers try to encourage the employees of their

organization to work for the organization and in different work environment (Pinder 1998).

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Motivation is the creation of goal-oriented behaviour. Motivation can be internal or external.

The term motivation is commonly used for human beings but, theoretically, it can also be

used to explain the causes for human behaviour. According to various theories, “motivation

may be entrenched in the basic needs to lessen physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may

include explicit needs such as resting and eating, or a desired object, hobby, goal, state of

being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruism, morality, or

avoiding mortality"

According to Likert, ''Motivation is the core of management. By motivating the work-force,

management creates ‘will to work’ which is necessary for the accomplishment of

organizational goals. Motivation involves getting the members of the group to pull weight

effectively, to give their loyalty to the group, to carry out properly the tasks assigned & to

play an effective role in contributing towards the purpose the organization has taken on.

Motivation is something that moves a person to action and continues him in the course of

action already initiated. It refers to the way a person is encouraged at work to strengthen his

desire and readiness to use his potentialities for the accomplishment of organizational

objectives. Motivation is something that moves a person into action and takes him in the

course of action excitedly. Motivation role is to develop and strengthen the desire in every

person of the organization to work efficiently and effectively in his position.''

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Intrinsic motivation comes from rewards inborn to a job or action itself. This form of

motivation has been studied extensively by social and educational psychologists since the

early 1970s. Researchers have found that it is usually related with high educational

achievement and enjoyment by students.

Fritz Heider's attribution theory, Bandura's work on self-efficacy, and Ryan and Deci's

cognitive evaluation theory has explained the motivation. According to them ''Students are

likely to be intrinsically motivated if they:

attribute their educational results to internal factors that they can control (e.g. the

amount of effort they put in),

believe they can be effective agents in reaching desired goals (i.e. the results are not

determined by luck),

Are interested in mastering a topic, rather than just rote-learning to achieve good


Extrinsic motivation comes from outside of the person. Money is the most understandable

example, but force and threat of punishment are also common examples of extrinsic

motivations. In sports, the crowd applaud on the performer, which may motivate him to

perform well. Trophies or other rewards are also examples of extrinsic incentives.

Competition is in general extrinsic because it encourages the person to win and beat others,

not to enjoy the intrinsic rewards of the activity.

Abraham Maslow was one of the first behavioural scientists who made management aware of

the complication of human needs and their effect on motivation. While working on his theory

of motivation during the 1940s, Maslow recognized that people have many needs. For

sufficient work motivation, it is important that management understand the needs of

individual employee for his motivation. In this way, Maslow's model indicates that basic, low

order needs have to be satisfied in order to follow higher-level motivators along the lines of


Maslow suggested that human beings diverse needs can be concentrated within 5 basic

categories, as shown in the following hierarchical diagram, which is called 'Maslow Needs

Pyramid' or 'Maslow's Needs Triangle'

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According to Maslow Self-actualization is the apex of Maslow's motivation theory. It is about

the search of attainment of one's full potential. Unlike low level needs, these needs are never

fully satisfied.

Self-actualized people inclined to have motivators such as:





Self-actualized people have common occurrences of acme experiences, which are thrilled

moments of deep happiness. According to Maslow, only a small number of the people achieve

this level of self-actualization.

After a person feels that he "belongs", the support to attain a degree of importance appears.

Esteem needs can be classified as ''external motivators and internal motivators''. Internal

motivators are such as accomplishment, self esteem, and self respect. External motivators are

those such as reputation and recognition.

Some examples of esteem needs are:

Recognition (external motivator)

Attention (external motivator)

Social Status (external motivator)

Accomplishment (internal motivator)

Self-respect (internal motivator)

Later on Maslow improved his model and added a layer in between self-actualization and

esteem: the need for aesthetics and knowledge.

Once a person has achieved his lower physiological and safety needs, higher level motivators

awaken. On higher level of needs first come social needs. Social needs are those needs which

are related to interaction with others and they may include:


Belonging to a group

Giving and receiving love

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Once physiological needs have been met, one's attention turns towards safety and security.

Such needs might be fulfilled by:

Living in a safe area

Medical insurance

Job security

Financial reserves

Physiological needs are the needs required to maintain life, such as:





According to Maslow's theory, ''if these fundamental needs are not satisfied then one will

surely be motivated to satisfy them. Higher needs such as social needs and esteem are not

recognized until one satisfies the needs basic to existence.'' (Maslow, Maslow, Abraham H.

Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper & Row, 1954)

Frederick Herzberg developed the two factor theory also known as motivator-hygiene theory.

He was a psychologist who found that job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction are independent

of each other. This theory is strongly related to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory but it tells

us more specifically that how individuals can be motivated in the workplace. Based on his

research, Herzberg suggested that fulfilling the lower-level needs of one would not motivate

him to wield effort, but would only stop him from being dissatisfied. One would be motivated

only if higher-level needs (motivators) were met. (Herzberg, Herzberg, Frederick, B.

Mausner, and B. Snyderman. The Motivation to Work. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959.)

Alderfer suggested that human needs can be classified into three categories, rather than five as

suggested by Maslow. These three types of needs are relatedness, existence, and growth.

Existence needs are somewhat similar to Maslow's physiological and safety needs.

Relatedness needs engage interpersonal relationships and are related to the aspects of

Maslow's belongingness and esteem needs. Growth needs are related to the attainment of

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one's potential and are related with Maslow's esteem and self-actualization needs. (Alderfer,

Alderfer, Clayton P. Existence, Relatedness, and Growth: Human Needs in Organizational

Settings. New York: Free Press, 1972.)

McClelland's theory suggests that “individuals learn needs from their culture. Three of the

primary needs in this theory are the need for affiliation (n Aff), the need for power (n Pow),

and the need for achievement (n Ach). The need for affiliation is a desire to establish social

relationships with others. The need for power reflects a desire to control one's environment

and influence others. The need for achievement is a desire to take responsibility, set

challenging goals, and obtain performance feedback. The main point of the learned needs

theory is that when one of these needs is strong in a person, it has the potential to motivate

behaviour that leads to its satisfaction. Thus, managers should attempt to develop an

understanding of whether and to what degree their employees have one or more of these

needs, and the extent to which their jobs can be structured to satisfy them." (McClelland,

McClelland, David C. "Business Drive and National Achievement." Harvard Business

Review, July-August 1962, 9912.)

In 1960s, Victor Vroom practiced the concepts of behavioural research carried out Kurt

Lewin and Edward Tolman in the 1930s directly to work motivation. Vroom suggested that

''individuals choose work behaviours that they believe lead to outcomes they value. In

deciding how much effort to put into work behaviour, individuals are likely to consider:

Their expectancy, meaning the degree to which they believe that putting forth effort will

lead to a given level of performance.

Their instrumentality or the degree to which they believe that a given level of

performance will result in certain outcomes or rewards.

Their valence, which is the extent to which the expected outcomes are attractive or

unattractive.'' (Vroom, Vroom, Victor H. Work and Motivation. New York: John Wiley

& Sons, 1964)

In the 1960, Porter and Lawler published their research which is considered the extension of

the Vroom expectancy model, which is also known as the Porter-Lawler expectancy model or

simply the Porter-Lawler model. Although the basic principle of the Porter-Lawler model is

the similar for Vroom's model, the Porter-Lawler model is more multifaceted in different

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number of ways. It suggests that ''increased effort does not automatically lead to improved

performance because individuals may not possess the necessary abilities needed to achieve

high levels of performance, or because they may have an inadequate or vague perception of

how to perform necessary tasks. Without an understanding of how to direct effort effectively,

individuals may exert considerable effort without a corresponding increase in performance.''

(Porter, Porter, Lyman W., Gregory Bigley, and Richard M. Steers. Motivation and Work

Behavior. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2002)

Equity theory says that individuals keep comparing their efforts and rewards with those of

relevant others. The observation of individuals about the equality of their rewards relative to

others influences their motivation. Equity exists when one thinks that the ratio of efforts to

rewards is the same for him as it is for others to whom he compare himself. Inequity exists

when one perceive that the ratio of effort to reward is different for him than it is for others to

whom he compare himself. There are two kinds of inequities. Under reward and over reward.

Under reward is when a person thinks that he is putting more effort than his other colleagues

but yet he receives the same reward. In over reward a person believes that he is giving less

effort than his colleagues but his effort to reward ratio is higher than other person which

means either he is getting more for giving the same effort or getting the same reward with less

effort. (Adams, 1963)

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The goal-setting theory hypothesizes that the most important factor which effects the

behaviour and motivation of employee's is goals. This motivation theory was largely

developed by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham. Goal-setting theory stresses the importance of

specific and demanding goals in attaining motivated behaviour. Specific goals frequently

engage quantitative targets for improvement in a behaviour of interest. Research shows that

specific performance goals are much effective than those in which a person is told to "do your

best." Challenging goals are difficult but not impossible to attain. Empirical research supports

the suggestion that goals that are both challenging and specific are more motivational than

unclear goals or goals that are relatively easy to achieve (Locke).

Organizational Commitment

In recent years, organizational commitment has become a very important concept in the

understanding of employees' behaviour in the workplace and in organizational research. It

reflects the extent to which employees identify with an organization and are committed to the

goals of the organization. A meta-analysis of 68 studies and 35,282 individuals exposed a

strong relationship between motivation and organizational commitment (Tett and Meyer,

1993). However, another study showed that only 38% of employees feel any long-term

commitment to their organization. Yet greater organizational commitment can lead towards

higher productivity.

There is wide variety of definitions to describe the organization commitment. Batemen and

Strasser (1984) declare that the reasons for studying organizational commitment are related to

“(a) employee behaviours and performance effectiveness (b) attitudinal, affective, and

cognitive constructs such as job satisfaction (c) characteristics of the employee’s job and role,

such as responsibility and (d) personal characteristics of the employee such as age, job tenure”

Multiple definitions of organizational commitment are found in the literature. According to

Bateman and Strasser organizational commitment has been operationally defined as

“multidimensional in nature, involving an employee’s loyalty to the organization, willingness

to exert effort on behalf of the organization, degree of goal and value congruency with the

organization, and desire to maintain membership” (p.95). Mowday Steers, and Porter (1979)

acknowledged commitment-related attitudes and commitment-related behaviours. Porter et al.

(1974) talk about three main components of organizational commitment as being “a strong

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belief in and acceptance of the organization’s goals, a willingness to exert considerable effort

on behalf of the organization, and a definite desire to maintain organizational membership”.

Sheldon (1971) describes commitments as "being a positive evaluation of the organization

and the organizations goals. According to Buchanan (1974) most scholars define commitment

as being a bond between an individual (the employee) and the organization (the employer),

though his own definition of commitment''

Meyer and Allen (1991) and Dunham et al (1994) recognized three types of organizational


affective commitment

continuance commitment

normative commitment

Affective commitment is defined as the identification, emotional attachment, and involvement

that an employee has with his organization and goals (Mowday et al, 1997, Meyer& Allen,

1993; O’Reily & Chatman). Porter et al (1974) further describe affective commitment by

three factors (1) “belief in and acceptance of the organization’s goals and values, (2) a

willingness to focus effort on helping the organization achieve its goals, and (3) a desire to

maintain organizational membership”. Mowday et al (1979) further state that ''affective

communication is “when the employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals

in order to maintain membership to facilitate the goal” (p.225). Meyer and Allen (1997)

continue to say that employees retain membership out of choice and this is their commitment

to the organization.''

Continuance commitment is ''the willingness to remain in an organization because of the

investment that the employee has with “non-transferable” investments. Non-transferable

investments include things such as retirement, relationships with other employees, or things

that are special to the organization (Reichers, 1985). Continuance commitment also includes

factors such as years of employment or benefits that the employee may receive that are unique

to the organization (Reichers, 1985). Meyer and Allen (1997) further explain that employees

who share continuance commitment with their employer often make it very difficult for an

employee to leave the organization.''

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Normative commitment (Bolon, 1993) is ''the commitment that a person believes that they

have to the organization or their feeling of obligation to their workplace. In 1982, Weiner

discusses normative commitment as being a “generalized value of loyalty and duty”. Meyer

and Allen (1991) supported this type of commitment prior to Bolon’s definition, with their

definition of normative commitment being “a feeling of obligation”. It is argues that

normative commitment is only natural due to the way we are raised in society. Normative

commitment can be explained by other commitments such as marriage, family, religion, etc.

therefore when it comes to one’s commitment to their place of employment they often feel

like they have a moral obligation to the organization (Wiener, 1982).''

Meyer, Allen, & Smith (1993) state that the three types of commitment are a psychological

state “that either characterizes the employee’s relationship with the organization or has the

implications to affect whether the employee will continue with the organization. Meyer et al

(1993) continue to say that generally the research shows that those employee’s with a strong

affective commitment will remain with an organization because they want to, those with a

strong continuance commitment remain because they have to, and those with a normative

commitment remain because they fell that they have to. Meyer & Allen (1997) define a

committed employee as being one “stays with an organization, attends work regularly, puts in

a full day and more, protects corporate assets, and believes in the organizational goals”. This

employee positively contributes to the organization because of its commitment to the

organization. ”

Relevance of the Research

Practical Relevance

This research will offer more insight in decisions regarding investments in the motivational

techniques of employees. As managers improve their knowledge, they learn how they can use

motivation as a tactical instrument to commit the employees in turbulent economic times. In

practice, managers should therefore be able to make better decisions concerning the

education and motivation of employees.

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Societal Relevance

This research can contribute towards finding answers to the existing questions on the subjects

of investments in human capital. When employers learn to invest in the right manner in

employees, this can be an important contribution to the functioning of the society. By doing

so, employers will contribute to getting the right people in the right position.

Scientific Relevance

This thesis can contribute to further scientific research. In the case of advanced researches on

the influence of motivation on organizational commitment researchers can use this thesis to

learn more about the basic relationship between the concepts. While research on this topic is

still within early stages, this study can make a contribution to the research process.

Importance of the Study

Employee motivation is an important factor for the organizational commitment. Many

researches show that motivation is positively correlated with organizational commitment.

This correlation is reciprocal meaning the people who are motivated with the job tends to be

committed with their organization and the people who are committed with their organization

tends to be motivated with their job. Work motivation and organizational commitment are

directly related to one another. Thus it can be said that, “a motivated worker is a committed

worker for an organization.” Those employees who are not motivated or less motivated skip

work more often and are more likely to resign so absenteeism increases that only hit the

turnover of the organization and motivated worker likely to work longer with the

organization and become a valuable asset for a long time. “Personal satisfaction, self-respect,

self-esteem, and self-development are the major factor of motivation and occupational

success”. A motivated worker is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal.

For the organization, “job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and

committed to high quality performance, increased productivity and improves the quantity and

quality of output per hour worked”. Unsatisfied employees, who are motivated by fear of loss

of job, will not give 100 percent of their effort for very long. Although fear is a powerful

motivator but it is temporary one, and also as soon as the threat is lifted so resulted

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performance will decline. So the basic purpose of this study to evaluate the basic factors that

affect the motivation and level of commitment of banks employees.

Objectives of the Study

The issues of employee motivation and organizational commitment certainly have so far

haggard attention within the scope of the business literature, but there is no single available

research study that has presented the bank employees motivations and organizational

commitment relationships. Thus, this article addresses this information scarcity with the hope

that effective management strategies can be developed so as to produce higher motivation

level and organizational commitments of bank employees.

The main objective of this study is to analyze the impact of employee's motivation on their

organizational commitment. The two sub objectives of the study are:

To determine the factors that increases employee's motivation

To examine the relationship between employee motivation and organizational


Research Question

The research question for the study is what is according to literature, the relation between

work motivation and organizational commitment of the employees of the banks.

The sub questions are

What is the definition of organizational commitment?

What is the definition of work motivation according to literature?

What is the association between work motivation and organizational commitment?

What is the strength of association between work motivation and organizational


What is the relationship between work motivation and affective commitment?

What is the relationship between work motivation and continuance commitment?

What is the relationship between work motivation and normative commitment?

What is the strength of relationship between work motivation and affective


What is the strength of relationship between work motivation and continuance


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What is the strength of relationship between work motivation and normative


Statement of the Hypothesis

Our main hypothesis is to measure the nature of relationship between work motivation and

organizational commitment. This relationship can be positive in nature or it can be negative.

Our independent variable is work motivation and our dependent variable is organizational


Ho: Work motivation has no relationship with organizational commitment

Ha: Work motivation is related to organizational commitment

Ha1: Work motivation is related to affective commitment

Ha2: Work motivation is related to continuance commitment

Ha3: Work motivation is related to normative commitment

Theoretical framework of the variables

For the measurement and study of motivation we use “Maslow's Theory of Motivation -

Hierarchy of Needs (1940)”. By this theory motivation has five dimensions. So following are

the dimensions and elements of motivation.

Self Actualization




Physiological needs

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For the measurement of organizational commitment, we use “Allen & Meyer, (1996) Scale”

By this model organizational commitment has three dimensions. So following are the

dimensions of organizational commitment.

Affective Commitment

Continuance Commitment

Normative Commitment

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Literature Review

Employee Motivation is an extensively practiced exercise across all business sectors

regardless of their size. Just like the psychological need for any employee need to be

appreciated over his efforts, there is a need for recognition and rewards in order to increase

the work drive of an employee and increase his efficiency and commitment towards work.

Today, organizations from all around the world struggle to motivate its employees in order to

endure and fight successfully in dynamic corporate environment as motivation puts human

resources into action, improves level of efficiency of employees, allows the organizations to

achieve sustainable competitive advantage over the competitors, leads towards committed

employees as motivated employees are the one who are committed with the organization and

ultimately leads to the achievement of organizational goals. The concept of motivation is

derived from a Latin word “movere” which means “to move”. Motivation is what moves the

employees from dullness to interest. It is just like the steering of the vehicles that directs and

shapes employees’ activities. Motivation has been defined as the “Drive or energy that

compels people to act with energy and persistence towards some goal” (Berman, Bowman,

West, & Wart, 2010, p. 180). “Motivation is a goal-directed behaviour which involves taking

a course of action which leads to the attainment of a goal or a specific valued reward”

(Armstrong, 2006, p. 252).

Today's economy is a global economy and organizations around the world integrate

programs like quality management, job enrichment, employee involvement, skills -based pay,

gain sharing plans to achieve a competitive edge (Lawler, 1992). The purpose of such plans

and policies is to increase the firm productivity by managing employee behaviour on the job

so that they keenly contribute towards achieving organizational objective, and thus building

strong organizational commitment (Lawler, 1986). One of the main objectives of the

management is to enhance the efficiency by attaining maximum productivity at the minimum

cost. However, motivation is considered to be crucial for good performance (Sumita, 2004).

Thus employees commitment with the organization are typically determined by the

motivation to work hard and high motivation means greater commitment with the job

(Mitchell, 1982). Thus, it can be said that motivation is used to push workers towards

improved performance and increased organizational commitment (Tung, 1981). The

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managements’ concern also has increased for keeping the employees motivated on the job

(Mitchell, 1973). Employers use a broad range of motivational techniques which include

monetary incentives such as salary increments, bonuses ect, goal setting, job enlargement,

behaviour modification, participation, award and recognition plans, discipline, and

counselling (Porter & Perry, 1982).

Meyer & Becker (2004) provided an impressive definition of work motivation that “it is a set

of energetic forces that originates both within as well as beyond an individual’s being, to

initiate work-related behaviour, and to determine its form, direction, intensity, and duration”.

There are also many theories in the management literature that studies the work motivation.

According to Likert, ''Motivation is the core of management. By motivating the work-force,

management creates ‘will to work’ which is necessary for the accomplishment of

organizational goals. Motivation involves getting the members of the group to pull weight

effectively, to give their loyalty to the group, to carry out properly the tasks assigned & to

play an effective role in contributing towards the purpose the organization has taken on.

Motivation is something that moves a person to action and continues him in the course of

action already initiated. It refers to the way a person is encouraged at work to strengthen his

desire and readiness to use his potentialities for the accomplishment of organizational

objectives. Motivation is something that moves a person into action and takes him in the

course of action excitedly. Motivation role is to develop and strengthen the desire in every

person of the organization to work efficiently and effectively in his position.''

Maslow’s need hierarchy theory which is called 'Maslow Needs Pyramid' or 'Maslow's Needs

Triangle' is also widely considered by the management scientist while referring job

satisfaction and motivation. Maslow’s theory comprises of five levels: ''physiological needs,

safety needs, social needs, self esteem needs and self actualization. The theory has been used

to motivate employees based on the level of needs the employee is looking to fulfil'' (Sarmad,


Locke and Latham (1990) presented a theory called "Goal setting theory" which has

considerable impact in the field of work motivation. It states that '' people’s performance will

be maximized when they set specific goals and exactly understand what behaviour will lead

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to the accomplishment of the goal. This theory is based on the concept ‘self-efficacy’ which

means an individual is capable for performing a hard task.''

Fritz Heider's attribution theory, Bandura's work on self-efficacy, and Ryan and Deci's

cognitive evaluation theory has explained the motivation. According to them ''Students are

likely to be intrinsically motivated if they: attribute their educational results to internal factors

that they can control (e.g. the amount of effort they put in), believe they can be effective

agents in reaching desired goals (i.e. the results are not determined by luck), are interested in

mastering a topic, rather than just rote-learning to achieve good grades.''

Robbins and Coulter (1996) described the motivation as '' the willingness of an employee to

exert some effort or action in order to achieve the organizational goals, conditioned by the

action’s ability to satisfy employee’s individual needs. Employees’ motivation at work can

take place in two ways. First, Intrinsic motivation-people who are intrinsically or internally

motivated generally don’t need external rewards such as pay or praise to do well in a job.

They are self-motivated because they enjoy performing the actual tasks or enjoy the challenge

of successfully completing the tasks. Second, Extrinsic motivation-People, who are externally

motivated, generally don’t enjoy the tasks but are motivated to perform well by some kind of

reward, pay, promotion, praise or ovoid any negative consequences. Intrinsic motivation is

likely to have a strong and longer-term effect on employees because it is inherent in

employees and not imposed from the management, is the best form of motivation. ''

James R. Lindner conducted a study to understand employee’s motivation. The study

inspected and ranked importance of motivational factors of employees at The Ohio State

University's Piketon Research and Extension Centre and Enterprise Centre. He used

descriptive survey which contained ten motivating factors in the context of employee

motivation theory. Findings suggest good pay and interesting work are key to higher

employee motivation. He also suggested that carefully designed reward systems that include

job enrichment, job enlargement, promotions, internal and external stipends, monetary, and

non-monetary compensation should be considered. (Lindner, June 1998)

Ibtesam Halawah conducted a study on work motivation. This research was designed to study

the effect of motivation, family environment, and on employees work performance. The

study was conducted on 388 high school teachers (193 males and 195 females) from Abu

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Dhabi District, United Arab Emirates (UAE). A Likert-type instrument that consisted of three

parts was used to measure employees' level of motivation, employees characteristics, and

their respective work performance. Calculations were also breakdown by gender to assess

differences between male and female employees. No gender differences were observed on the

variables measured by the instrument. Correlations between each of motivation, family

environment, and work performance were small and practically not significant. Remarkably

high correlation value was observed between motivation and employees work performance.

(Halawah, June, 2006)

Yuen-onn choong and kee-leun wong conducted a study to examine the relationship between

motivation and organizational commitment of academicians in Malaysian Private

Universities. A stratified proportionate sampling design was used. A total of 247

academicians from four Malaysian Private Universities participated in this research survey.

Further to this, motivation is considerably correlated with the three components of

commitment namely; affective, continuance and normative commitment. Besides, the finding

also postulated that the motivation significantly predicted the organizational commitment. It is

recommended that Heads of management, deans and human resources management should

provide new and existing academicians with adequate training, workshop, seminar and

conference that are related to the job scope. (Wong, 2011)

Faizan, Nawaz and Mohsin conducted a study at university of the Punjab. Their research

study tried to find the association among three important job related behaviour of employees

that are motivation, commitment and job involvement. This study was carried out in banking

sector of Pakistan. 400 banking personnel were randomly selected and responses were

required out from them by means of questionnaire. A significant but somewhat weak positive

relationship of motivation, commitment and job involvement was found with each other .

They found that all these job related behaviours seem to be interrelated. The study found a

positive and significant relationship between employee motivation, employee commitment

and job involvement. The relationship although was weak but significant for all variables.

(Faizan Mohsan, 2007)

Sundas, Fatima and Sahibzada conducted a study to analyze the relationship between work

motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment among Pakistani workforce. The

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main objective of the study was to analyze the general behaviour of the private sector

employees towards work motivation and job satisfaction which may construct higher levels

of organizational commitment. The sample size consisted of randomly selected 191 male and

female employees. Data collected were analyzed by the application of statistical tests i.e.,

Pearson correlation and multiple regression using SPSS 13.0. Results showed that positive

and significant relationship exists between work motivation and organizational commitment.

Although both independent variables (work motivation and job satisfaction) were strongly

associated with organizational commitment, the impact of job satisfaction on organizational

commitment was comparatively stronger than that of the work motivation on organizational

commitment. (Sundas Warsi, Noor Fatima and Shamim A. Sahibzada, 2009)

Another research was conducted at University of the Punjab. The objective of the research

was to analyze the effects of motivational factors on job satisfaction of employees. This was

an exploratory study and it based on primary data. The data was collected from non-teaching

staff of University of the Punjab. The study of Herzberg et al. (1959) was extensively

validated and well famous among research community. Structural equation modelling

technique was applied to test hypothesis, SPSS 16.0 was adopted for basic analysis purposes.

The study concluded that intrinsic motivational factors have significant relationship with

employee job satisfaction, whereas hygienic (extrinsic) factors do not have any significant

relationship with employee job satisfaction. (Ishfaq Ahmed, Muhammad Musarrat Nawaz,

Naveed Iqbal, Imran Ali, 2010)

Faizan, Nawaz conducted a research study with the objective to find the association among

three important job related behaviour of employees i.e. work motivation, commitment and

job involvement. This study was conducted in banking sector of Pakistan. 430 banking

personnel selected randomly and responses were sought out from them by means of

questionnaire. Out of total 430 distributed questionnaires, 305 were received back, 285 were

considered as valid. Using SPSS 16 a significant but fairly weak positive association of

motivation, commitment and job involvement was found with each other. Some important

implications for future research are also derived from the study. (Mohsan, Nawaz, Khan, &

Shaukat, 2010)

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Meyer and Becker presented a theory to make stronger both the commitment and motivation

literatures by putting together the best and most current elements of both into a single theory.

This integrated theory suggests ''a number of directions through which the understanding of

human behaviour in the workplace can be advanced. First, the inclusion of variables such as

goal choice, self-efficacy, and goal mechanisms in the model should help commitment

scholars explain and investigate the processes through which forms, foci, and bases of

commitment affect work behaviour. Second, by building the concept of goal regulation and

the multidimensional view of commitment into the model, motivation scholars can now more

thoroughly study how environmental factors like leadership, social influences, and the nature

of work affect behaviour. Finally, by recognizing distinctions among forms, foci, and bases

of commitment, a deeper understanding of goal regulation, choice, and volitional action

should be possible.'' (Meyer, Becker, & Vandenberghe, 2004)

Isaiah O. Ugboro conducted a study to determine the relationship between motivational

techniques, and intent to quit measured by organizational commitment among survivors of

organizational restructuring and downsizing. This study focused on middle level managers

and employees who were in supervisory positions because survivors of this group are often

called upon to assume expanded roles, functions and responsibilities in a post restructuring

and downsizing environment. The results showed statistically significant positive

relationships between motivational techniques, and affective commitment. It therefore,

provides empirical data to support theoretical models for managing and mitigating survivors’

intent to quit and subsequent voluntary turnover among survivors of organizational

restructuring and downsizing. (Ugboro, 2006)

A study was done in Turkey. This research studied the level of organizational commitment

and the motivation level of the personnel at Central Organization of Ministry of Health in

Turkey. Sample size consisted to 210 respondents which were selected randomly and they

were given questionnaire. Of the total questionnaires, 180 of them (86%) returned and 168 of

them were regarded valid and acceptable and analyzed. A modest positive correlation was

found out between organizational commitment and motivation (r=0,44). In the light of this,

there is a significant correlation between organizational commitment and motivation, though

not very strong. (UYGUR & KILIC, 2009)

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Adeyinka Tella conducted a study to find the relationship between work motivation, job

satisfaction and organizational commitment of library personnel. The result of this study

show that a correlation exists between work motivation, job satisfaction, and commitment,

although correlation between motivation and commitment was negative. No difference was

observed in the work motivation of professional and non-professional library personnel.

Moreover, findings show that differences exist in the job satisfaction of library personnel in

academic and research libraries. It also showed that no relationship exists in the

organizational commitment of library personnel based on their years of experience. (Tella,

Ayeni, & Popoola, 2007)

Nadia Ayub carried out a study which attempted to explore the relationship between work

motivation and job satisfaction. On the basis of literature review two hypotheses were

formulated, 1 There will be positive relationship between work motivation and job

satisfaction. 2 There would be a gender difference on the variable of work motivation and

job satisfaction. To asses job satisfaction, “Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS; Spector, 1997)”, and

for motivation, “Motivation at Work Scale (MAWS, Gagné, M., et.al, 2010)”, were used. The

sample size of the study consisted of 80 middle managers (46 were males; 34 were females)

from different banks of Karachi, Pakistan. Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

was calculated to find out the correlation between the work motivation and job satisfaction.

To find out gender differences t test was calculated. She concluded that, the findings of the

study suggested that there was a positive correlation between work motivation and job

satisfaction. (Ayub, November, 2010)

''Applied research shows strong relationship between dimensions of the motivation, stress and

job satisfaction. Yet, there is no significant theory which provides conceptual understanding

of these relationships. In 1999, Sparks and Cooper advocated using job-specific motivation

models to develop a better understanding of the relationships. The present study implemented

this recommendation and investigated a specific job context, specifically, naval officer

trainees undergoing their sea training. The results indicate that a general model of stress is

unhelpful in identifying the predictors of stress and job satisfaction in specific job contexts''.

(Fairbrother & Warn, July 2002).

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Michel J. Schats concluded that the very strong relationship exists between motivation and

affective commitment. He suggested for organizations that the organizations should focus on

developing initiates that matter to the affective commitment, such as support given to

employees and benefits offered to employees. The authors have used different kinds of

independent variables to conceptualize the construct of motivation and training. There was a

lot of evidence for an indirect relationship between motivation and organizational

commitment. (Schats, March 2007)

Louis George and Thara Sabapathy conducted a study on motivation and commitment of

university teachers in Bangalore, India. They suggested that in this current modern world of

competitive higher education the role of motivated teachers is irrefutable. The main objective

of the study was to find the significance of organizational commitment in motivating the

university teachers. Data was collected from 450 degree college teachers and university of

Bangalore city. The results indicated a positive relationship between work motivation and

organizational commitment of degree college teachers. More motivated teachers were found

to be more committed. (George & Sabapathy, 2011)

An experimental study was conducted in Pakistan. The main objective of the study was to

measure the impact of reward and recognition on job satisfaction and motivation. The sample

size consisted of 220 respondents. Questionnaires were distributed and they were filled by

employees of different sectors. The results indicated that there exists a significant (r=0.13,

p<0.05) relationship between recognition and employee work motivation. (Rizwan, 2010)

Reena Ali conducted an empirical study to examine the effects of motivational techniques i.e.

reward and recognition programs on employee motivation and satisfaction. This study was

conducted in Pakistan. Sample size consisted of 80 employees. Questionnaire was distributed

to 80 employees of Unilever and data was analyzed through SPSS version 16. The results

showed that there was a statistically significant (r=0.92, p<0.01) direct and positive relation

between recognition and employee work motivation. (Ali, 2009)

A study was conducted in Pakistan with the purpose of examining the job satisfaction among

bank employees in Lahore, Punjab. A questionnaire survey was used and data was collected

from different bank’s employees. The value of correlation coefficient for recognition was

0.251 which indicates that its relationship with job satisfaction is positive. This study also

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showed that job satisfaction is directly associated with work motivation of employees that

improves as the satisfaction of employees increases. That is why a study says that ''deficiency

of appropriate recognition and rewarding reduces employees work motivation and job

satisfaction. Hence, administration of organizations and institutions should build up the

arrangement for giving that rewards and recognition to enhance employee job satisfaction and

motivational level''. (Salman, 2010)

A study was conducted with the purpose of examining the relationship of organizational

commitment and employee performance and motivation in the banking and

telecommunication sectors of Pakistan. Sample size consisted of 103 respondents.

Respondents were randomly selected from different banks and telecommunication

companies. Pearson correlation test was applied and the results showed that there exists

significant positive correlation (0.287) between employee motivation and organizational

commitment. (Bukhari, 2011)

Aziz and Jun conducted a study and wrote a paper investigate into the association between

motivation and job outcomes in working environment of the organization. The motivational

background of organizational results were distinguished into extrinsic and intrinsic

motivations. The controls of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation on the job outcome

variables, which are job satisfaction and job performance, are exemplified in their conceptual

model. Therefore, this study looked into the reasonable effect of organizational culture on the

association between motivational variables and organizational outcomes. They recognized

four organizational cultures from the existing literature to be included in their conceptual

model; '' competitive, bureaucratic, entrepreneurial, and consensual ''. Proposal were given

regarding the reasonable effect of organizational culture on the motivational background of

job outcomes. (Aziz & Jun, 2009)

A study conducted to assess a relationship between work motivation and organizational

commitment. This study also evaluated the gender difference in work motivation and

organizational commitment among middle managers. There is a scarcity of literature on the

gender difference and relationship between organizational commitment and work motivation

of middle managers in Pakistan. With an increased demand of more productivity from middle

managers of banks, it is essential to understand what may motivate bank mangers to perform

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well and provide satisfaction on their job. According to the results there is positive

relationship between work motivation and organizational commitment (r=.563). (Rafif, 2010)

A study was carried out to explore motivational and organizational commitment factors of

tipped and non tipped restaurant employees. The target population was the employees of

restaurants. The data collected from employees of a well known, branded restaurant chain

and was analyzed using the ANOVA procedure using SPSS v.16 to determine if significant

differences existed between the tipped and non tipped employees relative to their level of

motivation and organizational commitment. The results showed that limited differences do

exist for certain organizational commitment factors and motivational factors when employees

were differentiated by tipped versus non tipped employee status and by gender. (Curtis,

Upchurch, & Severt, 05 Aug 2009)

A study was conducted to examine the relationship between rewards and employee

motivation and work motivation. Descriptive statistics based on frequency tables and graphs

were used in the study in order to provide information on demographic variables. The results

were analyzed using descriptive statistics followed by inferential statistics on the variables.

The study showed that multiple factors affect employee work motivation and performance

which have got their own exclusive approach, importance and contribution towards

motivation and performance that enhance and make the most of organizational progress.

Sample size consisted to 200 employees. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to

respondents which were randomly selected and a total of 167 employees completed the

questionnaire. The four independent variables of reward that were included were, payment,

promotion, recognition, benefits and the dependent variable was employee work motivation.

The results showed that there is a significant relationship between all of the independent

variables with dependent variable which is employee work motivation. All the independent

variables had a positive effect on employee work motivation and result also indicated that

among four independent variable the most important and influential variable was promotion.

(Khan, Farooq, & Ullah, May 2010)

A study was conducted with objective of the research to evaluate the effective dynamics of

work motivation and job satisfaction of textile employees in Turkey. This study analyzed the

usefulness of psycho-social, economic, organizational and managerial tools on individuals

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motivation in order to maintain the motivation and job satisfaction of the employees in the

business. The data was collected from employees of a textile enterprise in Turkey and was

analyzed by using factor analysis and a regression model. As a result, ''economics tools by

employee is positively and significantly (p=0.001) related to the level of motivation increase

perceived by the employee. Second regression model plays an important role in determining

the level of job satisfaction except economic and psychosocial tools and has a positive effect

on increasing employee motivation with implementations carried out to increase employee

satisfaction at work.'' (Oraman, 25 February, 2011)

The concept of organizational commitment was introduced by Whyte [1956] and later

developed by Porter, Mowday, Steers, Allen, Meyer, Becker and many other researchers.

A wide range of descriptions of the way employee’s commitment are provided in the

literature. Morrow shows that there are more than 25 descriptions related with organizational

commitment. Some of the descriptions read as follows:

''In its wider perspective organizational commitment involves personal commitment and

loyalty.'' (Morris & Creavy, 1993)

''Organizational commitment is not only loyalty to the employer, but it is being open to

criticism in terms of organizations’ well-being and success.'' (Yüksel, 2000)

''Organizational commitment is the commitment of individual identity to the organization and

its direction towards the organization.'' (Sheldon, 1971)

''Organizational commitment is more than what an organization expects from its individuals

as formal and normative but it is more about their values and aims.'' (Celep, 2000)

''Organizational commitment is willingness to stay as a member of the organization,

willingness to show effort for the organization and supports aims and values.'' (Dubin &

Champoux, 1975)

Researchers defined two types dimensions of organizational commitment of employees. The

first one is the “affective commitment dimension” when employees share the ambitions and

values of their organization with others. The other one is “continuance commitment

dimension” which is highly linked to the fear of losing status, money. In 1984 Meyer and

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Allen added the third dimension which was enhanced by Weiner and Verdi called “normative

commitment” or “moral commitment”. As a result, they created new three layered model.

Normative commitment is the defined as the wish/desire of an employee to work for his

organization and the employee feels it as his moral responsibility. This is also accredited with

loyalty norms of the person. (Onay, Kocakoç, & Kara, 2006)

Affective Commitment is the commitment in which the employees profoundly accept the

values of their organization and want to stay as a part of the organization. This is the most

excellent way of the commitment to the organization. This type of commitment is the one

employers’ dream of. These employees show positive attitudes to the job and are always

ready to give extra effort for their job. (ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT OF



Continuance Commitment is the one in which employees see their investment to the

organization. Employees think that they carry out time and effort to the organization and that

is why they feel they need to stay in the organization. They think that if they leave their

current job they will have less choices. These employees like to stay in the organization

because they cannot find any other job. Some of them think about health, family issues and

retirement are the key concerns in staying on, and job satisfaction does not attribute highly.

(The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET January 2009 ISSN: 1303-

6521 volume 8 Issue 1 Article 5)

Normative Commitment is the one in which employees see and feel that it is kind of their

responsibility to stay in the organization. Reciprocation is the key. One of the major reasons

is that employers get them into their organization through their most needy time. These types

of employees think that the organization acts positively towards them and in return, loyalty

can be the answer. As a result, the commitment keeps the employee with the organization

thanks to their strong ties. The employees which have strong normative commitment stay

because they think they have to stay and strong continuance ones do it because they think that

they need the job. (The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – TOJET January

2009 ISSN: 1303-6521 volume 8 Issue 1 Article 5)

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According to Balay ''Organizational commitment becomes vital because of five causes.

Firstly, giving up the job, discontinuity, less motivation and job search; secondly, job

satisfaction, job involvement, motivation and performance within behavioural, emotional and

cognitive forms; thirdly, autarchy, responsibility, participation, ways of understanding the job

with its characteristics tied to the job itself and employee; fourthly, age, gender, employment

time and education as part of employee qualities; and lastly, individuals need to know the

proximities of their organizational commitment.'' (Balay, 2000)

According to Yalcin ''Organizational commitment is the loyalty, behaviour and interest of

employee towards the success of his or her own organization. All these are determined by

factors like age, status as part of personal issues and job design, and leadership practices as

part of organizational issues. In addition, job security, participation in decisions,

responsibility and autarchy parallel to positive climate create a better positive climate towards

organizational commitment.'' (Yalçın & İplik, 2005)

Cote and Helsin conducted a study to find out the relationship between job satisfaction and

organizational commitment. According to them the relationship between job satisfaction and

organizational commitment is very vital now-a-days and the reason is because these days

people often do not wish to stay with the one organization for a long time. It has become

difficult for the organizations to exercise practice to retain the employees within the

organization. If employees show and have dissimilar levels of job satisfaction and if this

satisfaction escorts to the organization commitment, evidently organizations would want to

hire those employees who have higher levels of organizational commitment. Employers

normally anticipate that employees with higher level of job satisfaction will also have higher

level of organizational commitment. The reason of positive relationship between job

satisfaction and organizational commitment is that a higher level of job satisfaction lead to

good working life and reduction in stress. (Cote & Heslin, 2003)

Similarly, Samad conducted a study and found that if employees are extremely satisfied with

their co-workers, work, supervision, and pay and if they receive high level of overall job

satisfaction with their jobs they are more probable to be committed to their organizations than

if they are not satisfied. The focal point on these two key concepts (motivation and

satisfaction) cannot be over stated because job satisfaction and commitment are most

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important determinants of employee performance, turnover, and productivity. Committed and

satisfied employees are normally those with high performance that contribute to

organizational productivity. (Samad, 2007)

Sundas conducted a study to analyze the relationship between work motivation, job

satisfaction and organizational commitment among Pakistani workforce. The main objective

of the study was to analyze the general behaviour of the private sector employees towards

work motivation and job satisfaction which may construct higher levels of organizational

commitment. The sample size consisted of randomly selected 191 male and female

employees. Data collected were analyzed by the application of statistical tests i.e., Pearson

correlation and multiple regression using SPSS 13.0. Results showed that positive and

significant relationship exists between work motivation and organizational commitment.

Although both independent variables (work motivation and job satisfaction) were strongly

associated with organizational commitment, the impact of job satisfaction on organizational

commitment was comparatively stronger than that of the work motivation on organizational

commitment. (Sundas Warsi, April 2009)

''Employee commitment is the key factor that determines the success of an organization in

today’s modern business world since, in the situation of increasing competition and constant

technological advancements an organization needs to have skilled, reliable and committed

human resources to maintain its competitive position in the market.'' (Feldman & Moore,


Now a days it is obvious that financial stimulus exclusively can barely instigate and motivate

the employees to do work of their part more effectively and productively. In such condition,

the single factor which turns to be dominant importance is employees commitment with the

organization as it is because of the highly committed employees that organizations can make

constructive results in productivity and performance. Employee commitment with the

organization has variously been found to be positively and considerably correlated to plenty

of organizational outcomes such as job satisfaction. (Zanini, 2007)

Those organizations which are performing very well strongly believe in the concept of

employee commitment. Committed employees show better job performances in terms of

helping the customers, readiness to embrace new challenges, longing to stay with their

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organization for long periods of time and make important contributions in achieving

maintainable competitive advantage for the organization. (Schuler & Jackson, 1999)

Ali, Rasheed and Shakir conducted a study at university of the Punjab. Their research study

had objective to find the relationship nature and association among three important job

related behaviour of employees that are motivation, commitment and job involvement. This

study was carried out in banking sector of Pakistan. 450 banking employees were randomly

selected and responses were sought out from them by using of questionnaire. A significant

but somewhat weak positive relationship of motivation, commitment and job involvement

was found with each other . They found that all these job related behaviours seem to be

interrelated. The study found a positive and significant relationship between employee

motivation, employee commitment and job involvement. The relationship although was weak

but significant for all variables. (Ali, Rasheed, & Shakir, 2008)

Agarwal and Gupta carried out a study with a purpose to find out the relationship between

Job performance and organisational commitment. They empirically established a relationship

between Job performance and organisational commitment. They used organisational culture

as a mediator variable. They collected data for the study from 260 employees which were

selected randomly, providing their services in a private sector unit operating in district

Chennai, India. Their study has demonstrated that work motivation has a considerable effect

on organisational commitment. The organisational commitment and organisational culture

speckled across three layers of organisational hierarchy. The study suggested measures to

promote organisational commitment. (K.A & Gupta, Number:01, Nov-2011)

'' A study examines organizational commitment of workers in three sectors: public, non-profit

and for-profit. Previous work in this area has been limited to the study of organizational

commitment in one sector, or a comparison between only two sectors. In order to examine

organizational commitment across the three sectors, 228 employees in public sector, non-

profit sector, and for-profit sector organizations were surveyed. The results indicate that for-

profit workers were the most committed to their organizations, followed by non-profit

employees. Workers with the lowest levels of organizational commitment were those in the

public sector. Explanations for and the significance of these findings are discussed.'' (Yan &


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Jenkins carried out a study in order to examine the relationship between organizational

commitment and work motivation. They collected data on organizational commitment from

over 500 military officers who were selected randomly. The researchers were investigating

the relationship work motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Findings

revealed that employees who were more motivated with their job had higher levels of

organizational commitment and those employees who were less motivated and feel that they

have less job satisfaction are less committed to their organizations. (Jenkins, 1947)

A research was conducted at University of the Punjab and the objective of the research was to

examine the impact of motivational factors on commitment level of employees. This was an

exploratory study and it was based on primary data. The data was collected from non-

teaching staff of University of the Punjab. The study of Herzberg et al. (1959) was

extensively validated. Structural equation modelling technique was applied to test hypothesis,

SPSS 15.0 was adopted for basic analysis purposes. The study concluded that intrinsic

motivational factors have significant relationship with employee organizational commitment

level, whereas hygienic (extrinsic) factors do not have any significant relationship with

employee organizational commitment level. (Ahmed, Ali, & Usman, March 2009)

A study was conducted in Malaysia and the purpose of this study was to examine

generalizability of Allen and Meyer model of organizational commitment in Malaysia. Meyer

and Allen's model instrument was translated into Malaysian language and it was distributed

to non- up supervisory employees in 61 organizations. Those organizations include in the

government, semi government and private sectors and they were randomly selected. Data was

collected from 672 respondents and was analyzed using exploratory and confirmatory factor

analyses. The results supported the generalizability of Meyer and Allen model and utility of

their questionnaire. The results also supported McGee and Ford's (1987) proposal that

continuance commitment may be better represented by two sub- dimensions: one connected

with the costs of leaving and the other connected with the availability of alternatives. (Yusob

& Gill, June 1999)

A study was carried out in Turkey. The objective of this research was to study the level of

organizational commitment and the motivation level of the personnel at Ministry of Health in

Turkey. Sample size consisted to 230 respondents which were selected randomly and they

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were given questionnaire. Of the total questionnaires, 188 of them (85%) returned and 168 of

them were regarded valid and acceptable and analyzed. A modest positive correlation was

found out between organizational commitment and motivation (r=0.49). In the light of this,

there is a significant correlation between organizational commitment and motivation, though

not very strong. (Akyay & Gonca, 2009)

The significance of employee commitment with his/her organization has been acknowledged

all around the world since a long time. The performance of an organization highly depends on

the commitment of its employees with their organization; higher the level of employees

commitment with the organization, better will be the performance of the entire organization.

(Holden, 1998)

John and Thomas presented a theory to make stronger both the commitment and motivation

literatures by putting together the best and most current elements of both into a single theory.

This integrated theory suggests ''a number of directions through which the understanding of

human behaviour in the workplace can be advanced. First, the inclusion of variables such as

goal choice, self-efficacy, and goal mechanisms in the model should help commitment

scholars explain and investigate the processes through which forms, foci, and bases of

commitment affect work behaviour. Second, by building the concept of goal regulation and

the multidimensional view of commitment into the model, motivation scholars can now more

thoroughly study how environmental factors like leadership, social influences, and the nature

of work affect behaviour. Finally, by recognizing distinctions among forms, foci, and bases

of commitment, a deeper understanding of goal regulation, choice, and volitional action

should be possible.'' (John, Thomas, & Christian, 2004)

A study was conducted in north Carolina with a purpose to determine the relationship

between motivational techniques, and organizational commitment among survivors of

organizational restructuring and downsizing. This study focused on middle level managers

and employees who were in supervisory positions because survivors of this group are often

called upon to assume expanded roles, functions and responsibilities in a post restructuring

and downsizing environment. The results showed statistically significant positive

relationships between motivational techniques, and affective commitment. It therefore,

provides empirical data to support theoretical models for managing and mitigating survivors’

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intent to quit and subsequent voluntary turnover among survivors of organizational

restructuring and downsizing. (Tony, 2006)

Angle & Perry conducted a study in 1991 to determine the effect that organizational

commitment on turnover of employees. They used sample size of 1,244 bus drivers who were

selected randomly. Their findings exposed a negative relationship between turnover and

organizational commitment. They found that those bus drivers who are highly committed

with their jobs and highly committed with their organizations are less likely to quit their jobs

and vice versa In short, employees who intended to leave the job were not committed to the

organization. (Steers, 1977)

''Over the years, two basic approaches have been used to study organizational commitment:

commitment-related attitudes and commitment-related behaviours. Each approach offers a

slightly different definition. The commitment-related attitude approach defines organizational

commitment as a partisan, affective attachment to the goals and values, and to the

organization for its own sake, apart from its purely instrumental worth (Buchanan, 1974)''

Watson and Steven conducted a research to study the role of human relationships and firm's

productivity for some years. They briefly place Social Capital among several theories

maintaining a role for interpersonal capital, review its theoretical hints, and analysis this

theoretical structure by using a sample of 469 sales personnel, selected randomly from a

leading medical services firm. Their findings show that trust, communication, and employee

focus have important straight and reasonable indirect effects on organizational commitment

of employees. (Watson & Papamarcos, 2002)

Sundar and Kumar conducted a study in India to find out the relationship between work

motivation and organisational commitment. They empirically proved a relationship between

work motivation and organisational commitment. They used organisational climate as a

mediator variable. Data for the study and analysis were collected from 260 employees

providing their services in a private sector unit operating in Chennai. Their study has showed

that work motivation has a significant effect on organisational commitment. The

organisational commitment and organisational climate varied across three layers of

organisational hierarchy. The study has suggested measures to promote organisational

commitment. (Sundar, Murugarathinam, & kumar)

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A study was conducted to examine organizational commitment of workforce in three sectors:

public sector, non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations. Preceding work in this

area has been restricted to the study of organizational commitment in only one sector, or a

evaluation between only two sectors. In order to scrutinize organizational commitment across

the three sectors, researchers collected data from 228 employees, selected randomly from

public sector, non-profit organizations, and for-profit sector organizations were surveyed.

The results showed that for-profit workers were the most committed to their organizations

and after that there were non-profit employees. Workers with the least levels of

organizational commitment were those working in the public sector. (Goulet & Frank, 2007)

''The present research set out to investigate whether organizational commitment is culturally

bound. It compared a three-dimensional model of organizational commitment across Irish and

Chinese employees working in the same multinational corporation using Herschcovit and

Meyer’s (2002) 18-item scale of organizational commitment. ANCOVA was performed to

analyse the data with the results providing a number of insights. Firstly, the Chinese

employees’ affective commitment is higher than that of the Irish employees. It does not

support Randall (1993) or Clugston et al. (2000) in which the Irish employees should have

higher levels of affective commitment than their Chinese counterparts as their individualism

scores are much higher than the Chinese. Accordingly, the cultural effect seems to do little in

understanding affective commitment. Instead, we argue that affective commitment is about

ones role in relation to the organizational goals and values (Meyer & Allen, 1991), therefore,

it can be inferred that the multinational corporation in concern needs to communicate well its

organizational goals and values to their Irish employees if possible to make them more

emotionally attached to the organization. Employee retention is an important issue as we

found that the longer an employee has been working in the organization, the higher affective

commitment they demonstrate. Secondly, there is no country difference between the Irish and

Chinese employees on continuance commitment. Once again, cultural impact is weak. Since

continuance commitment is associated with the costs of leaving the organization or the

alternatives in the job market (O’Driscoll & Randall, 1999), it indicates that both the Irish

and Chinese employees have the same feelings towards the cost of leaving the organization or

getting an alternative job at the time of the survey. However, our finding showed that income

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has a positive effect on continuance commitment. Therefore, offering the employees a

competitive salary is important to keep employees committed.'' (Chen, 2009)

According to Atak “This study basically aims to determine the relationship between learning

organization and organizational commitment, and to determine whether “emotional

commitment”, “normative commitment” and “continuation commitment” which are

subordinate elements of organizational commitment have effects on learning organization and

subordinate elements of learning organization. Secondary aim is to contribute to the literature

by determining which dimension of organizational commitment is more effective on

organization. The research was conducted on businesses registered to Aegean Region

Chamber of Industry (Izmir/Turkey). The results of the research indicate that organizational

commitment is an element which affects learning organization. Moreover, the findings of the

research suggest that the information age organizations need to obtain employees with high

organizational commitment and take measures in order to increase commitments of

employees in order to become learning organizations.” (Atak, 28 April, 2011)

According to Brown and Chair, ''The purpose of this research was to investigate the

relationship between employees’ perceptions of their immediate supervisors’ relations-

oriented and task-oriented leadership behaviours and different types of organizational

commitment. Bass & Avolio's (1995) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to

measure relations-oriented and task-oriented leadership behaviours. Meyer & Allen’s (1997)

Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ) was used to measure organizational

commitment. Participants in the research included 361 employees who worked for the city of

Charlottesville, Virginia. These employees were located in eight departments that varied in

the area of technical functioning, size, and academic levels. Factor analyses, with principal

component extraction and varimax rotation, were performed to determine how the MLQ

Form 5X items would load onto a 2-factor model of relations-oriented and task-oriented

leadership behaviours. The task-oriented items of contingent reward loaded with the

relations-oriented items, and the non-leadership items of laissez-faire loaded with the task-

oriented items. These findings resulted in an arrangement of relations oriented and task-

oriented subscales that was different than the arrangement proposed by Bass & Avolio

(1995). Correlations for the MLQ Form 5X revealed multi co linearity among all the relations

oriented subscales and two of the task-oriented subscales, preventing any interpretations

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about the amount of variance that any particular type of relations-oriented or task-oriented

leadership behaviour might explain in organizational commitment. Factor scores were used to

perform regressions and investigate the amount of variance relations-oriented leadership

behaviours and task-oriented leadership behaviours explained in organizational commitment.

Relations-oriented leadership behaviours explained the greatest amount of variance in

affective commitment, somewhat less variance in normative commitment, and no variance in

continuance commitment. The results for task-oriented leadership behaviours revealed the

same pattern of relationships with the different types of organizational commitment, only

weaker.'' (Brown & Albert Wiswell, 2007)

Loui (1995) conducted a study to examine the relationship between the main construct of

organizational commitment and the outcome measures of supervisory trust, job satisfaction,

and job involvement. He selected 109 workers who were selected randomly. In all three

areas, Loui reported positive and significant relationships with organizational commitment.

More specially, apparent trust in the supervisor, an aptitude to be concerned with the job, and

feelings of job satisfaction were main determinants of organizational commitment. (Loui,


Angle & Perry conducted a study in 1991 to determine the effect that organizational

commitment on turnover of employees. They used sample size of 1,244 bus drivers who were

selected randomly. Their findings exposed a negative relationship between turnover and

organizational commitment. They found that those bus drivers who are highly committed

with their jobs and highly committed with their organizations are less likely to quit their jobs

and vice versa In short, employees who intended to leave the job were not committed to the

organization. (Angle & Perry, 1981)

Wiener & Vardi conducted a study in 1981 and try to look at the impact that organizational

commitment had on commitment to the job and career commitment. They used sample size

of 115 respondents who were selected randomly. Their participants included 56 insurance

agents and 85 staff professionals. They distributed questionnaires among respondents and

their responses were recorded and analyzed. The researchers reported positive and strong

relationships between organizational commitment and the other two types of commitment.

(Wiener & Vardi, 1980).

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Jermier & Berkes carried out a study in order to examine the relationship between

organizational commitment and job performance. They collected data on organizational

commitment from over 800 police officers who were selected randomly. The researchers

were investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment.

Findings revealed that employees who were more satisfied with their job had higher levels of

organizational commitment. (Jermier & Berkes, 1979)

DeCotiis & Summers conducted a study in 1987 in order to determine the relationship

between organizational commitment and motivation. They used sample size of 367

respondents which were selected randomly. They included 367 managers and their

employees. The researchers examined the relationship between organizational commitment

and the result measures of employee motivation, desire to leave, turnover, and job

performance. They found that Organizational commitment is proved to be a strong predicator

for each of these outcome areas. (DeCotiis & Summers, 1987)

Becker, Billings, Eveleth, & Gilbert also explored in 1996 that whether commitment to the

supervisor or commitment to the organization had the greatest brunt on the performance

ratings that supervisors give to newly hired employees. They used sample size of 281

respondents. From their study of 281 participants, selected randomly, the researchers found

that commitment to the manager or supervisor and the supervisor’s or manager's values was

more powerfully related to performance ratings than it was of employee commitment with the

organization. (Becker, Billings, Eveleth, & Gilbert, 1996)

According to Getahun, Sims and Hummer "Numerous studies have focused on job

satisfaction and organizational commitment of police officers and correctional personnel, but

few have examined these concepts within community corrections agencies. This study draws

on prior research into job satisfaction of criminal system actors and looks at the explanatory

power of these concepts for probation and parole officers from one county in a north eastern

state. Results indicate that employees are most satisfied when their occupational tasks are

meaningful experiences into which they have input and are collaborative efforts with

supervisors. Background characteristics of officers had no influence on job satisfaction,

indicating that organizational culture and management style are the more important factors in

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explaining employee satisfaction and, possibly, retention." (Getahun, Sims, & Hummer,


A study was conducted by Shore and Martin to analyze the relationship between work

motivation and organizational commitment in relation to work performance and turn over

intentions. This study was conducted in banks and hospital. Sample size consisted to bank

tellers and hospital professionals. Sample size consisted of 245 respondents selected

randomly. Results showed that organizational commitment was more strongly connected than

work motivation with turnover intentions for the bank tellers, but not for the bank

professionals. Work motivation was more strongly related than organizational commitment

with managerial ratings of performance for both samples. The findings showed that explicitly

job attitudes are more closely connected with task related out comes, whereas global

organizational attitudes are more closely linked with organizations related outcomes like turn

over intentions. (Shore & Martin, 1989)

Ranyeh Nehmah conducted a study on organizational commitment. According to her '' This

paper will analyze the concept of organizational commitment, what it means and why it is so

relevant to organizations. In fact, vast numbers of studies have found positive relationships

between organizational commitment and employee behaviours such as a greater effort

exerted by the employee in performing tasks, higher employee retention, better work

attendance, increased willingness to engage in citizenship behaviour and higher delivery of

service quality. In essence, this shows an all-round higher employee performance

effectiveness. Moreover, in today’s fast paced and dynamic business environment,

organizations can no longer guarantee "a job for life" which has made the notion of

organizational commitment even more pertinent. It is therefore in the organization's best

interest to elicit this kind of behaviour. Various means of securing organisational

commitment, in a cost effective way, are also highlighted in this paper.'' (Nehmeh, 2009)

According to James P Deming '' there seems to be a stronger association with extra-role

behaviour and affective commitment. Employees with strong affective commitment are more

willing to engage in citizenship behaviour than those with weaker affective commitment.

Committed workers can be expected to exercise responsible autonomy or self-control,

removing the need for supervisory staff and producing efficiency gains. Therefore

commitment in the workforce moves away from the traditional psychological contract of a

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“fair days work for a fair day’s pay ” and instead to a contract, which implies that employees

will go that extra mile for the company.'' (Deming, 2001)

''Applied research shows strong relationship between dimensions of the motivation, and

Organizational commitment. Yet, there is no significant theory which provides conceptual

understanding of these relationships. In 1999, Sparks and Cooper advocated using job-

specific motivation models to develop a better understanding of the relationships. The present

study implemented this recommendation and investigated a specific job context, specifically,

naval officer trainees undergoing their sea training. The results indicate that a general model

of stress is unhelpful in identifying the predictors of stress and job satisfaction in specific job

contexts''. (A & J, 2010)

A study was conceded out in Ireland. The main intention of this research was to study the

level of organizational commitment and the level of motivation of the personnel at Ministry

of foreign affairs in Ireland. Sample size consisted to 260 respondents which were selected

randomly and they were given questionnaire. Of the total questionnaires, 198 of them (87%)

returned and 163 of them were regarded valid and acceptable and analyzed. A modest

positive correlation was found out between organizational commitment and motivation

(r=0.52). In the light of this, it could be said that there is a significant correlation between

organizational commitment and motivation, though it's not very strong. (M & E, 2005)

Murugarathinam and Kumar examined empirically the relationship among work motivation,

job performance and organizational commitment. They used organisational climate as a

mediator variable. They studied a sample of 260 subjects who were working in a private

sector functioning unit in Ambattur, Chennai. They concluded that job performance and work

motivation has a significant impact on organizational commitment. They found that work

motivation is directly proportional to job performance and organizational commitment. They

also suggested measures to promote work motivation and organisational commitment among


Wallace and Richard (1996) proved that work motivation led to greater job commitment.

Benson (1996) concluded that supervisor support and work motivation are positively

correlated to commitment and Buchanen (1979) evidenced the close connection between

cohesiveness motivation and commitments. Steers (1977) established a significant

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relationship between the work motivation and three dimensions of organizational

commitment. Fink (1992) exposed a close relationship among work motivation,

organisational climate and organizational commitment and fixed that work motivation was

positively correlated with commitment.

A number of studies have proved that committed work performance lead to work motivation

and an effective job performance. Malaviha (2005), Robert (1994) and Davis and Ward

(1995) have found that organizational commitment, work motivation and job performance

were positively correlated with one another. Brett, Cron and Solwm (1995) explored the

positive correlation among commitment, work motivation and job performance and for this

purpose they used a method of economic dependency of employees on work as a moderator.

And after that, they narrated that the relationship among commitment, work motivation and

job performance was stronger low financial requirements as compared with the high financial


Putti and Phua (1990) established the connection between organizational performance and

work motivation. Vallapan Battachariya (1999) revealed a strong relationship between these

two variables. Benkhoff (1997) explored the relationship between organizational performance

and work motivation interms of the changes in profit and sales targets derived and achieved

at positive connection between these two variables.

Manzoor (2011) identified the factors that affect employee motivation and she also examined

the relationship between employee motivation and organizational commitment. She designed

a model based on the literature and linked various factors of employee motivation with

organizational effectiveness and employee motivation. She concluded that factors

“empowerment and recognition have positive effect on employee motivation. More the

empowerment and recognition of employees in an organization is increased, more will their

motivation to work will enhance”. She found that there exist a strong positive relationship

between organizational effectiveness and employee motivation. According to her research,

the more the employees would be motivated to tasks accomplishment, higher would be their

organizational success and performance. That study focused on the observance and practice

of the two main factors, employee recognition and empowerment for enhancing employee

motivation leading to organizational commitment and effectiveness.

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Gurses and Dmiray (2009) analyzed the relationship between work motivation and

organizational commitment with respect to work performance and turn over intentions. This

study was conducted in banks and hospitals. Sample size consisted to bank tellers and

hospital professionals. Sample size consisted of 246 respondents selected randomly. Results

showed that organizational commitment was more strongly connected than work motivation

with turnover intentions for the bank tellers, but not for the bank professionals. Work

motivation was more strongly related than organizational commitment with managerial

ratings of performance for both samples. The findings showed that explicitly job attitudes are

more closely connected with task related out comes, whereas global organizational attitudes

are more closely linked with organizations related outcomes like turn over intentions.

Yalcin and Iplik (2005) conducted a survey on 367 bank employees to check the factors

which effect organizational commitment and organizational commitment. They concluded

that organizational commitment is the faithfulness, interest and behaviour of employee

towards the achievement of his/her own organization. All these psychological traits are

determined by different factors like age, status being a part of personal issues and his/her job

design, and leadership practices being a part of organizational issues. In totalling,

participation in decisions, job security, responsibility and autarchy similar to positive

atmosphere create a sense of motivation among employees which automatically leads

towards organizational commitment.

Boylu, Pelit and Gucer (2007) showed that there are many variables effecting employee’s

organizational commitment and work motivation. Mowday, Porter and Steers established a

categorization related to this issue and addressed effective factors such as personal

characteristics, structural characteristics, job and role characteristics and job experience and

work place. They defined personnel factors within two subgroups such as work factors and

demographic characteristics. Demographic factors were analyzed within age, gender,

educational level, marital status, income level, individuals’ psycho-social characteristics and

financial status. Work factors were analyzed based on the employees’ desire of success,

cumulative values and participant values. They studied 1123 employees from different

organizations to check out all these factors by using above mentioned demographics and

work motivation and organizational commitment scales. They also related the structural

characteristics to the structure of the organization. The size of the organization, unionization

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level, control degree, image of the organization, flexible working hours, practice of total

quality management, payment system and carrier opportunities provided by organizations to

employees and perception of employees on practices were related to significant ethics issues

which lead to employees work motivation. They indicated employees work experience and

their work environment by explaining socialization process of employees, organizational

climate, relationship between personnel and managers, customer oriented organizational

environment, job satisfaction factors and trustworthiness of the organization. They also

indicated that work motivation and organizational commitment were strongly correlated with

one another as both variables were related to the work atmosphere of employees and their

psychological constructs and behaviour.

''Applied research shows strong relationship between dimensions of the motivation, and

Organizational commitment. Yet, there is no significant theory which provides conceptual

understanding of these relationships. In 1999, Sparks and Cooper advocated using job-

specific motivation models to develop a better understanding of the relationships. The present

study implemented this recommendation and investigated a specific job context, specifically,

naval officer trainees undergoing their sea training. The results indicate that a general model

of stress is unhelpful in identifying the predictors of stress and job satisfaction in specific job

contexts''. (A & J, 2010)

A study was conceded out in Ireland. The main intention of this research was to study the

level of organizational commitment and the level of motivation of the personnel at Ministry

of foreign affairs in Ireland. Sample size consisted to 260 respondents which were selected

randomly and they were given questionnaire. Of the total questionnaires, 198 of them (87%)

returned and 163 of them were regarded valid and acceptable and analyzed. A positive

correlation was found out between organizational commitment and motivation (r=0.52). In

the light of this, it could be said that there was a significant correlation between

organizational commitment and motivation, though it was not very strong. (M & E, 2005)

Kilic and Uygur (2009) investigated the level of work motivation, organizational

commitment and the job involvement of the employees of Central Organization of Ministry

of Health in Turkey. They studied a sample of 210 subjects for this purpose. Non-purposive

sampling technique was used in this regard. They used questionnaire forms of demographics

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including gender, age, educational level, nature of job, work experience, family structure and

salary, work motivation, organizational commitment and job involvement. Out of all those

filled questionnaires, 180 of them (86%) was returned and 168 of them were approved as

valid and accepted for study and they were analyzed. A strong positive correlation was

existed between job involvement and organizational commitment (r=0.67**) and a strong

positive correlation was found between organizational commitment and work

motivation(r=0.72**). In the light of these findings, there were a significant relationship

among organizational commitment, work motivation and job involvement.

According to Vuuren and Boer ''Employee commitment is a crucial element to increase job

performance. An important predictor of this type commitment is motivation, which motivates

employees to spend time and energy in the organization. Because of this fact, there is a

growing interest in understanding the relationship between motivation and commitment.

Despite plenty of research on the subjects of motivation and commitment, linkages between

different forms of motivation and different foci of commitment are hardly investigated.'' They

conducted a research to analyze the possible association between the two types of motivation

i.e. intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation and two types of commitment i.e.

occupational commitment and organizational commitment. They split these two forms

commitment with 3 further forms or types of commitment which are normative commitment,

affective commitment and continuance commitment. The method they used to analyze the

relationship between motivation and commitment was online English questionnaire and they

collected data from 167 respondents. They collected data from the university teachers.

This results showed that there is negative association between intrinsic motivation and

affective commitment of teachers, to the organization which is partly arbitrated by work

engagement. With respect to extrinsic motivation & normative commitment to both of the

organization & occupation, the results that appeared were positive, but not significant. The

coefficients of the correlations between extrinsic motivation and commitment to both the

organization and occupation are steady with the hypotheses, which forecast a positive result.

(Berg, 2009)

From the above mentioned researches conducted by many authors we can conclude that a

positive relationship exists between work motivation and organizational commitment. A

significant correlation exist between these two variables.

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Research Design

Co-relational research design was used in the study. Correlational design was used as the

objective of the study was to determine the relationship of work motivation and

organizational commitment. For this purpose we used tools to gathered data and we collected

data from different bank employees as our unit of analysis is the bank professionals.

Target Population

The target population of the study were bank employees. And for this purpose, the sample

consisted of 355 bank employees (N=355), including females (n=137) and males (n=218)

were recruited from different banks of Lahore.

Sampling strategy

Non-probability Purposive sampling was done for collecting the data.


The present research studied the following variables;

Work Motivation

Organizational Commitment

These variables were operationally defined as;

Operational Definition of Variables

Work Motivation

“Work motivation is set of energetic forces that originates both within as well as beyond an

individual’s being, to initiate work-related behaviour, and to determine its form, direction,

intensity and duration” ( Agarwal, 1998).

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Organizational Commitment

According to Meyer and Allen's (1991) "three-component model of commitment, research

show that there are three mind sets which can characterize an employee's commitment to the


Affective Commitment: ''Affective commitment is defined as the employee's emotional

attachment to the organization.''

Continuance Commitment: '' The individual commits to the organization because he/she

perceives high costs of losing organizational membership, including economic losses (such as

pension accruals) and social costs (friendship ties with co-workers) that would have to be

given up.''

Normative Commitment: '' The individual commits to and remains with an organization

because of feelings of obligation.''


Work Motivation Questionnaire

Work Motivation Questionnaire by K G Agarwal was employed in the study for measuring

work motivation of bank employees. The questionnaire was comprised of 18-questions using

a Likert scale with 5 responses ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree (Strongly

Agree; Agree; Indifferent; Disagree; Strongly Disagree

Following questions were used to measure work motivation of respondents.

1. “The salary increments given to employees who do their jobs very well motivates them.

2. Financial incentives motivates me more than non financial incentives.

3. I am satisfied with the salary I draw at present.

4. I am satisfied with the lunch break, rest breaks and leaves given in the organization.

5. Good physical working conditions are provided in my organization.

6. The employees in my organization feel secured in their job.

7. The retirement benefits available are sufficient.

8. The medical benefits provided in the organization are satisfactory.

9. Visibility with top management is important to me.

10. I feel that my superior always recognizes the work done by me.

11. I feel that the job I do gives me a good status.

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12. I am satisfied with the responsibility and role that I have in my work.

13. The quality of the relationships in the informal workgroup is quite important to me.

14. I am satisfied with the support from the HR department.

15. In this organization there is fair amount of team spirit.

16. I want to be the best at my own job.

17. I generally like to schedule my own work and to make job-related decisions with a minimum of


18. I find opportunities for advancement in this organization.”

Organizational Commitment Scale

Organizational Commitment Scale by Allen and Meyers (1996) was used in the study for

measuring organizational commitment of bank employees. There were 23-questions using a

Likert scale with 5 responses ranging from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree (Strongly

Agree; Agree; Indifferent; Disagree; Strongly Disagree).

Organizational commitment Questions

Affective Commitment

19. “I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career in this organization.

20. I enjoy discussing my organization with people outside it.

21. I do not think I could become as attached to another organization as I am to this one.

22. I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own.

23. I feel like ‘part of my family’ at this organization.

24. I feel ‘emotionally attached’ to this organization.

25. This organization has personal meaning for me.

26. I feel a strong sense of belonging to this organization.”

Continuance Commitment

27. “It would be very hard for me to leave my job right now even if I wanted to.

28. My life would be disrupted if I decided to leave my organization now.

29. I am afraid of what might happen if I quit my job without having another lined up.

30. It would be costly for me to leave my organization now.

31. Right now, staying with my job at this organization is a matter of necessity as much as desire.

32. I believe I have too few options to consider leaving this organization.

33. One of the few serious consequences of leaving my job at this organization would be the scarcity

of available alternatives.

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34. One of the major reasons I continue to work for this organization is that leaving would require

considerable personal sacrifice.”

Normative Commitment

35. “I think people these days move from organization to organization too often.

36. I believe that a person must always be loyal to his/her organization.

37. Jumping from organization to organization seems unethical to me.

38. I feel a strong sense of moral obligation to remain with my organization.

39. If I got another offer for a better job elsewhere, I would not feel it was right to leave my


40. I believe in the value of remaining loyal to one organization.

41. Things were better in the days when people stayed with one organization for most of their careers.

42. I think that wanting to be a “Company Man” or “Company Women” is sensible.”

Questionnaire for demographic data

Participants completed a demographic questionnaire designed by the researcher. The

demographic questionnaire consisted of participants’




Monthly salary

Nature of job

Professional experience

Number of jobs switched

Required time to reach office


Family structure

Type of conveyance

Designation in bank.


I collected data from different banks including Islamic, non-Islamic, private and public sector

of Lahore city for the collection of data. A sample of 355 bank employees was conducted in

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

the study. Approval by regulatory and ethics committee from the banks was taken before

starting the research. After explaining the purpose of the study to the participants, they were

asked for their consent to participate in the study. The work motivation questionnaire for the

measurement of motivation and organizational commitment scale for the measurement of

employees’ commitment towards their organization along with a demographic form were

given to the willing participants. Participants were told that the information they will provide

will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purpose. They were also informed

that they were free to leave the study if they wanted without penalty or prejudice. Following

the instructions on the instruments and research purpose, the questionnaires were filled and

returned. As data had been collected, proper statistical analysis was conducted with the help

of SPSS version 19.

Statistical Analysis

The SPSS version 19 was used to analyze data. I conducted the different tests using

SPSS version 19. I applied the Reliability test for work motivation, reliability test for

organizational commitment and reliability test for the questionnaire. Further I applied ''One-

Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test'', ''Mann-Whitney test'' gender and ''Kruskal-Wallis test'' on all

other demographical variables. I also applied correlation and regression to find out the relationship

between dependent variable i.e. organizational commitment and independent variable i.e. work


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Theoretical Framework

According to Stephen P. Borgatti “A theoretical framework is a collection of interrelated

concepts, like a theory. A theoretical framework leads your research in shaping what things

you will be going to measure, and what statistical relationships you will look for. ”


“Higher the work motivation higher the organizational commitment.”

Institute Of Business & Information Technology (IBIT) Punjab University Page 56

Work Motivation

Organizational Commitment

SafetyBasic Needs Self Esteem

Self ActualizationBelongingness

Affective Commitment

Continuance Commitment

Normative Commitment

Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

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Basic Needs

Safety Self Esteem

1. Working Conditions.2. Job Security.3. Retirement Benefits.4. Medical Benefits.


BelongingnessSelf Actualization

5. Visibility with Top Management.

6. Work recognition by Supervisor.

7. Job Status.8. Satisfaction with role

& responsibility.

11. Salary Increments.12. Financial Incentives.13. Satisfaction with

Salary.14. Satisfaction with

leaves & breaks.

9. Satisfaction with support from HR.

10. Fair amount of team spirit.

15. Want to be best at job.16. Like to schedule work.17. Opportunities for

advancement.18. Self-Knowledge &


Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

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Organizational Commitment

Affective Commitment

Continuance Commitment

Normative Commitment

19. Happy to spend carrier in current organization.

20. Enjoy discussing organization.

21. Feel organization problems as own problems.

22. Attachment to organization.

23. Feel like part of family at organization.

24. Feel emotional attachment to organization.

25. Organization has personal meaning.

26. Strong sense of belongingness.

27. Hard to leave current organization.

28. Life disruption if leave current organization.

29. Afraid to leave job.

30. Too costly to leave organization now.

31. Matter of necessity to stay with organization.

32. Too few options to leave current organization.

33. Scarcity of available alternatives.

34. Another organization may not match benefits compared to current organization.

35. Job switching is common.

36. Loyalty to organization.

37. Job switching seems unethical..

38. Taught to believe in loyalty.

39. Things were better when people

stayed with one organization for

most of their career.

40. Wanting to be a "Company Man".

41. Staying with organization even if get

a chance somewhere else.

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Analysis of Individual Questions


An preliminary action in the data analysis is to observe the response of each statement in the

questionnaire that was used by us to collect data for the current research. This help in initial

findings and preliminary judgements about the data that we gathered, by finding out that

what the majority of the population think about the variables that we used under the study.

The questionnaire used in this study consisted of 54 questions out of which 13 were

demographics questions that seek demography profile of the respondent, Questions from 1 to

18 measured the work motivation of respondents, Statements from 19 to 41 measured the

organizational commitment of respondents. Statements from 19 to 26 were used to measure

the Affective commitment of employees, statements from 27 to 34 measured the Continuance

commitment of employees and finally the statement from 35 to 41 measured the Normative

commitment of bank employees.


Demographic Profile of Respondents:

Frequency Distribution:

Respondents Gender Wise:

Gender of Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Male 218 61.4 61.4 61.4

Female 137 38.6 38.6 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure 5.0 Gender of Employees

The above table shows the total number of respondents on the basis of gender. The above

table shows that there were total 355 respondents from whom we collected the data. Out of

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355 respondents there were 218 male respondents are 137 respondents were female. In

percentages, out of 100% male employees were 61.4% and remaining 38.6% were female

respondents. The percentage of male employees is almost the double the percentage of female


The Bar chart is given in Figure 1-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

gender is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

Respondents Age Wise:

Age of Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 18-24 41 11.5 11.5 11.5

25-34 120 33.8 33.8 45.4

35-44 116 32.7 32.7 78.0

45-55 52 14.6 14.6 92.7

Over 55 26 7.3 7.3 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the number of respondents according to their age. This table shows

that most of the employees belong to the age level of 25-34 and age level of 35-44.

Employees who belong to age level of 18-24 were 41 showing 11.5% out of 100%.

Employees who belong to age level of 25-34 were 120 which the highest level showing

33.8% out of 100%. There were 116 employees who belonged to age level of 35-44 showing

the second highest percentage i.e. 32.7% out of 100%. The lowest age group employees

belong to age level of over 55 showing 7.3% out of 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 2-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

age is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

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Respondents Education Wise:

Education level of Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid High School 12 3.4 3.4 3.4

Intermediate 10 2.8 2.8 6.2

Graduation 203 57.2 57.2 63.4

Post Graduation 130 36.6 36.6 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the total number of respondents on the basis of Education level. The

above table shows that there were total 355 respondents from whom we collected the data.

Out of 355 respondents there were 12 respondents (3.4% out of 100%) who went to high

school and they were high school passed out employees. Out of 355 respondents 10

respondents were Intermediate passed out showing 2.8% of the 100%. Most of the bank

employees were those who had done graduation showing 203 out of 355 respondents, in

percentage wise 57.2% out of 100%. The second highest number of employees were those

who did post graduation and they were 130 out of 355 showing 36.6% out of 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 3-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

education is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

Respondents Salary Wise:

Salary of Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Less than 25000 110 31.0 31.0 31.0

Rs 25000-40000 134 37.7 37.7 68.7

Rs 40,001-55,000 48 13.5 13.5 82.3

Rs 55,001-70,000 38 10.7 10.7 93.0

More than 70,000 25 7.0 7.0 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the total number of respondents on the basis of Salary. The above

table shows that there were total 355 respondents from whom we collected the data. Out of

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355 respondents there were 110 respondents (31.0% out of 100%) who were getting less than

Rs 25000 salary. Out of 355 respondents 48 respondents were getting Rs 40,001 to 55,000

showing 13.5% of the 100%. Most of the bank employees were getting Rs 25,001 to 40,000

showing 134 out of 355 respondents, in percentage wise 37.7% out of 100%. There were 38

out of 355 employees who were getting Rs 55,001to 70,000 showing 10.7%. The least num

of employees were getting more than Rs 70,000 showing 25 out of 355 and in percentage

7.0% out of 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 4-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

gender is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

Respondents on the basis of Job Duration:

Doing this job for

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Few months less than 1 year 77 21.7 21.7 21.7

1 to 3 years 144 40.6 40.6 62.3

3 to 6 years 95 26.8 26.8 89.0

6 to 9 years 29 8.2 8.2 97.2

More than 9 years 10 2.8 2.8 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the number of respondents according to their tenure with current

organization. The table shows that 77 respondents were fresh employees who were working

with the organization for few months, in percentage wise they were 21.7%. Most of the

employees were those who were working with the organization for 1 to 3 years they were 144

out of 355 respondents showing 40.6%. 95 respondents were working in the organization for

3 to 6 years showing 26.8%. Those employees who were working with the current

organization were for 6 to 9 years were 29 out of 355 respondents showing 8.2%. The table

shows that there were only 10 employees out of 355 who were working with the current bank

for more than 9 years and they showed the least percentage that is 2.8% out of 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 5-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

job duration is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

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Respondents on the basis of Nature of Job:

Nature of job

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Have to work in office 191 53.8 53.8 53.8

Have a field job 126 35.5 35.5 89.3

Both office and field job 38 10.7 10.7 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the number of respondents on the basis of nature of their job. There

were 3 categories of nature of job. Fist there were employees who had to work in office,

second there were employees who had to work in field and third ones were those who had to

work both in office and field. The above table shows that 191 respondents had office job and

they had the high percentage i.e. 53.8% out of 100%. Those employees who had field job

were 126 out of 355 and they showed 35.5% out of the total 100%. There were 38 bank

employees who had both office and field job and they were 10.75 out of 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 6-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

nature of job is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

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Respondents on the basis of Professional Experience:

Total Professional Experience of Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Few months less than 1 year 51 14.4 14.4 14.4

1 to 3 years 67 18.9 18.9 33.2

3 to 6 years 60 16.9 16.9 50.1

6 to 9 years 72 20.3 20.3 70.4

More than 9 years 105 29.6 29.6 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the number of respondents according to their total professional

experience. The table shows that 51 respondents were fresh employees who were working

with the organization for few months, In percentage wise they were 14.4%. Most of the

employees were those who were working with the organizations for more than 9 years they

were 105 out of 355 respondents showing 29.6%. 60 respondents had total professional

experience for 3 to 6 years showing 16.9%. Those employees who had total professional

experience for 6 to 9 years were 72 out of 355 respondents showing 20.3%, they showed the

second highest percentage. The table shows that there 67 respondents who had professional

experience of 1 to 3 years and they showed percentage 18.9% out of 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 7-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

professional experience is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

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Respondents on the basis of Jobs Switched:

Number of Jobs done by Employees

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid It's my first job 26 7.3 7.3 7.3

Less than 3 58 16.3 16.3 23.7

Less than 4 99 27.9 27.9 51.5

Less than 6 94 26.5 26.5 78.0

More than 6 78 22.0 22.0 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the total number of respondents on the basis of number of jobs they

switched. The above table shows that there were total 355 respondents from whom we

collected the data. Out of 355 respondents there were 26 respondents (7.3% out of 100%)

who told that it was their first job. Out of 355 respondents 58 respondents were those who

had changed less than 3 jobs showing 16.3% of the 100%. Most of the bank employees were

those who had changed less than 4 jobs showing 99 out of 355 respondents, in percentage

wise 27.9% out of 100%. The second highest numbers of employees were those who had

changed less than 6 jobs and they were 94 out of 355 showing 26.5% out of 100%. Those

employees who switched more than 6 jobs were 78 and in percentage 22.0% out of 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 8-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

number of jobs switched is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

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Respondents on the basis of Time to Reach Office:

Time to Reach Office

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Less than 10 minutes 79 22.3 22.3 22.3

10 to 20 minutes 105 29.6 29.6 51.8

21 to 40 minutes 61 17.2 17.2 69.0

41 to 60 minutes 71 20.0 20.0 89.0

More than an hour 39 11.0 11.0 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the number of respondents according to the time they need to reach

office. The table shows that 79 respondents were those who lived near to their office and they

required less than 10 minutes to reach their office, in percentage they were 22.3%. 105

employees were those who required 10 to 20 minutes to reach office and they were the

highest in number showing 29.6%. Those employees who required 21 to 40 minutes were 61

in number out of 355 and in percentage 17.2% out of 100%. 71 respondents required 41 to 60

minutes to reach office and in percentage they were 20%. Those employees who were more

distant to office were 39 and they required more than an hour to reach office and they were

11% out of 100%

The Bar chart is given in Figure 9-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In graph

time to reach office is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

Respondents on the basis of Nature of Family:

Nature of Family

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Joint Family 195 54.9 54.9 54.9

Nuclear Family 160 45.1 45.1 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the total number of respondents on the basis of nature of family. The

above table shows that there were total 355 respondents from whom we collected the data.

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Out of 355 respondents there were 195 respondents who lived in joint family and 160

respondents were those who lived in nuclear family. In percentages, out of 100% joint family

respondents were 54.9% and remaining 45.1% were those respondents who lived in nuclear


The Bar chart is given in Figure 10-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In

graph nature of family is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

Respondents on the basis of Residence:

Residence of Employee

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Your own house 150 42.3 42.3 42.3

Rented house 191 53.8 53.8 96.1

Leased house 14 3.9 3.9 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the distribution of 355 respondents on the basis of their residence.

There were 3 categories in the table. Those employees who live in their own house, those

who live in rented house and those who lived in a leased house. Highest number of

employees was those who lived in a rented house and they were 191 in number out of 355

and in percentage they were 53.8%. Those employees who lived in their own house were 150

out of 355 and in percentage they were 42.3%. Least number of employees was those who

lived in a leased house and they were 3.9% out of 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 11-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In

graph residence is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

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Respondents on the basis Conveyance:

Type of Conveyance

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Personal ( Car or Bike) 125 35.2 35.2 35.2

Office 88 24.8 24.8 60.0

Auto 46 13.0 13.0 73.0

Bus 64 18.0 18.0 91.0

Any other 32 9.0 9.0 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the distribution of employees according to the type of conveyance

they used to reach office. There were 5 categories of conveyance. 125 respondents out of 355

reported that they used personal conveyance like care or bike to reach office and in

percentage they were highest in number i.e. 35.2%. Second highest were those who used

office conveyance to reach office and they were 88 (24.8%). Those employees who used auto

rickshaw were 46 (13.0%). Those employees who used Bus were 64 (18.0%) and those who

used any other conveyance like those who came to office by foot were 32 (9.0%).

The Bar chart is given in Figure 12-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In

graph type of conveyance is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

Respondents on the basis Designation in bank:

Designation in bank

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid AVP 75 21.1 21.1 21.1

OG-1 73 20.6 20.6 41.7

OG-II 94 26.5 26.5 68.2

OG-III 113 31.8 31.8 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

The above table shows the distribution of employees on the basis of designation in bank.

There were total 355 respondents from whom we collected the data. The table shows 4

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categories. 75 employees were those who were AVP in the banks in percentage they were

21.1%. 73 employees were those who hold OG-I position and in percentage they showed

20.6% out of 100%. 94 employees were those who hold OG-II position in bank and they were

26.5% in percentage. Most of the bank employees hold OG-III position in banks and they

were 113 out of 355 and in percentage they were 31.8% out of the 100%.

The Bar chart is given in Figure 13-- Appendix A, shows the same result in the graph. In

graph designation in bank is shown along X-axis and frequency is shown along Y-axis.

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Graphical Presentation

Gender distribution in the questionnaire





In our research study there were total 355 respondents out of which there were 61% males

and 39% females as it is clear from the above graph.

Age distribution in the questionnaire




15% 7%


18-2425-3435-4445-55Over 55

In my research there are total 355 respondents out of which 33% say that they have age group

of 35 to 44 years. 34% say that they belong to age group of 25 to 34 years old. 15% of the

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respondents say that they are 45 to 55 years old. 11% of the respondents say that are 18 to 24

years old and according to 7% they are over 55 years old.

Education level distribution in the questionnaire

3% 3%




High SchoolIntermediateGraduationPost Graduation

From the above graph it is clear that largest group of our sample in our study are those who

have done graduation. They are 57%. There are 37% people who are post graduate. 3% of

the respondents are intermediate and only 3% of the respondents have done matric.

Salary distribution in the questionnaire




11% 7%


Less than 25000Rs 25000-40000Rs 40,001-55,000Rs 55,001-70,000More than 70,000

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According to the above graph 38% respondents are getting salary of Rs 25000 to 40000. 31%

of the respondents are getting salary of Rs less than 25000. 13% of the respondents are

receiving the salary in the range of Rs 40001 to 55000. 11% of the respondents say that they

receive salary in the range of Rs 55001-70000. There are only 7% of the respondents who are

getting more than Rs 70000.

Job duration distribution in the questionnaire






Few months less than 1 year1 to 3 years3 to 6 years6 to 9 yearsMore than 9 years

Majority of the respondents from our sample say that they are doing their current job for 1 to

3 years. they are 40% of the sample. 27% say that they are doing their job for 3 to 6 years.

22% of the respondents say that they are doing their job for few months less than a year.

those employees who have high experience in the same organization are few and there are

8% who say that they are doing their current job for 6 to 9 years. Only 3% of the respondents

say that they are doing their job for more than 9 years.

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Nature of job distribution in the questionnaire



Nature of JOB

Have to work in officeHave a field jobBoth office and field job

According to the above table the largest group of our sample is those who have office job.

they are 54%. 35% respondents are those who have field job. 11% respondents say that they

have both office and field job.

Professional experience distribution in the questionnaire






Few months less than 1 year1 to 3 years3 to 6 years6 to 9 yearsMore than 9 years

14% of the respondents in our sample are those who have professional experience of few

months less than a year. 19% of the respondents are those who have experience of 1 to 3

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years. 17% of the respondents have professional experience of 3 to 6 years. 205 say that they

have the professional experience of 6 to 9 years. There are 30% of the respondents who have

professional experience of more than 9 years.

Jobs switched distribution in the questionnaire

7% 16%




It's my first jobLess than 2Less than 4Less than 6More than 6

The largest sample i.e. 28% of the respondents says that they have switched less than 4 jobs.

27% say that they have switched less than 4 jobs. 22% of the sample says that they have

switched more than 6 jobs. 16% people say that they have switched less 2 jobs and 7%

respond that it's their first job.

Time to reach office distribution in the questionnaire

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Less than 10 minutes10 to 20 minutes21 to 40 minutes41 to 60 minutesMore than an hour

Out of total 355 respondents 30% respondents say that it takes only 10 to 20 minutes to reach

office and they are the majority of the sample. 22% people say that they need less than 10

minutes to reach their office. 20% people say that they require 41 to 60 minutes to reach their

office. 17% people require 21 to 40 minutes and 11% need more than an hour to reach their


Family nature distribution in the questionnaire




Joint FamilyNuclear Family

Most of the respondents in our sample have joint family structure and they are 55%. Those

respondents who have nuclear family structure are 45%.

Family nature distribution in the questionnaire

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Your own houseRented houseLeased house

There are 54% of the respondents who live in a rented house. 42% of the respondents live in

their own houses. Only 4% of the respondents live in a leased houses.

Conveyance type distribution in the questionnaire





Personal ( Car or Bike)OfficeAutoBusAny other

25% respondents say that they use office conveyance. 35% of the respondents say that they

use their personal conveyance. 18% of the respondents say that they use bus to reach their

offices. 13% say that they use auto rickshaw and 9% say they use any their mean to reach

their office.

Designation distribution in the questionnaire

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Most of the respondents of the sample under study say that they hold OG-III designation in

the bank. They are 32% of the sample. 26% of the respondents say that they have the

designation of OG-II in their bank. 21% of the respondents say that they are AVP and same

percentage of respondents say that they are OG-I in the bank.

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Gender * Age * Education level Cross tabulation


Education level


Total18-24 25-34 35-44 45-55 Over 55

High School Gender Male 0 2 7 9

Female 3 0 0 3

Total 3 2 7 12

Intermediate Gender Male 0 6 2 8

Female 2 0 0 2

Total 2 6 2 10

Graduation Gender Male 11 27 54 22 9 123

Female 14 41 18 7 0 80

Total 25 68 72 29 9 203

Post Graduation Gender Male 0 23 29 11 15 78

Female 16 24 7 5 0 52

Total 16 47 36 16 15 130

Total Gender Male 11 50 91 40 26 218

Female 30 70 25 12 0 137

Total 41 120 116 52 26 355

The above table shows the cross tabulation of gender with age and education level. The tables

shows that there were 12 respondents who went to high school and majority of them were

males and they belonged to age group 45-55. Out of 355 only 10 respondents were

Intermediate passed out, majority of them were males and they belonged to age group of 35-

44. Most of the respondents were graduate and they were 203 out of total 355 respondents.

Those employees who are graduates mostly belong to the age group of 25-34 (68

respondents) and 35-44 (72 respondents). Out of total 203 graduates 123 are males and 80 are

females. Post graduation employees are 130 out of which 78 are males and 52 are females

and majority of them belong to age group 25-34. Hence its evident from the above table that

majority of bank employees in our study are graduates with 203 respondents and second

highest are post graduates with 130 respondents.

Following are the cluster chart to further explain the cross tabulation

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

From the above figures it is clear that majority of our respondents are those who have done

graduation and most of them belong to age group of 35-44 years.

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Gender * Salary * Job Duration Crosstabulation


Doing this job for



Less than


Rs 25000-


Rs 40,001-


Rs 55,001-


More than


Few months less

than 1 year

Gender Male 7 13 2 22

Female 29 24 2 55

Total 36 37 4 77

1 to 3 years Gender Male 19 29 17 15 4 84

Female 21 33 1 1 4 60

Total 40 62 18 16 8 144

3 to 6 years Gender Male 12 24 14 16 7 73

Female 6 11 5 0 0 22

Total 18 35 19 16 7 95

6 to 9 years Gender Male 9 7 3 10 29

Total 9 7 3 10 29

More than 9 years Gender Male 7 3 10

Total 7 3 10

Total Gender Male 54 66 40 37 21 218

Female 56 68 8 1 4 137

Total 110 134 48 38 25 355

The above table shows the cross tabulation of gender, salary and job duration. According to

this table most of the employees are doing job in the banks for 1 to 3 years and majority of

them are males and they are getting salary of Rs 25,000 to 40,000. Second highest are the

employees who are working in the bank for 3 to 6 years, most of them are males and majority

of these are getting salary of Rs 25,000 to 40,000. Those employees who have job duration

with the current bank are only 10 out of 355 and they all are males and they are getting salary

more than Rs 70,000.

The cluster bar chart given below shows the same result.

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Gender * Nature of job Crosstabulation


Nature of job


Have to work in

office Have a field job

Both office and

field job

Gender Male 63 123 32 218

Female 128 3 6 137

Total 191 126 38 355

The above table divides the number of employees according to their gender and nature of job.

According to this table most of the employees have to work in office and they have table job.

They are 191 respondents out of total 355 and majority of them females. 126 employees have

field job and out of 126 there are 123 male employees and 4 female employees. There are 38

employees which have both office and field job.

The cluster chart given below shows the same result as explained above.

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According to the above table majority of the respondents who have office job are females and

majority of males respondents have field job.

Gender * Total Professional Experience Cross tabulation


Total Professional Experience

TotalFew months less than 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to 6 years 6 to 9 years More than 9 years

Gender Male 6 9 45 61 97 218

Female 45 58 15 11 8 137

Total 51 67 60 72 105 355

The above table divides the number of employees according to their gender and total

professional experience. According to this table most of the employees have professional

experience of more than 9 years with 97 males and 8 females. The second highest are those

employees who have professional experience of 6 to 9 years and again here most of them are

males. There are total 67 employees who have professional experience of 1 to 3 years and

here females are in majority with 58 out of total 67 employees.

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The cluster chart given below shows the same result as explained above.

According to the above table it is clear that majority of the male employees have more than 9

years of experience and majority of females have 1 to 3 years of experience.

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Gender * Nature of Family * Type of Conveyance Crosstabulation


Type of Conveyance

Nature of Family

TotalJoint Family Nuclear Family

Personal ( Car or Bike) Gender Male 43 38 81

Female 17 27 44

Total 60 65 125

Office Gender Male 38 22 60

Female 11 17 28

Total 49 39 88

Auto Gender Male 15 6 21

Female 19 6 25

Total 34 12 46

Bus Gender Male 22 14 36

Female 10 18 28

Total 32 32 64

Any other Gender Male 12 8 20

Female 8 4 12

Total 20 12 32

Total Gender Male 130 88 218

Female 65 72 137

Total 195 160 355

The above table shows the cross tabulation of gender, nature of family and type of

conveyance. According to above table most of the employees belong to joint family with 195

respondents out of 355 respondents. 160 respondents belong to nuclear family. Above table

also shows that most of the employees use personal conveyance which include car or bike.

Out of these 125 , 81 are males employees and 44 are females. The least number of

employees are those who use any other type of conveyance and they are 32 out of total 355.

The cluster chart given below shows the same result as explained above.

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Gender * Residence Crosstabulation


Live in

TotalYour own house Rented house Leased house

Gender Male 88 123 7 218

Female 62 68 7 137

Total 150 191 14 355

The above table divides the number of employees according to their gender and type of

residence they use. According to the table most of the employees live in a rented house and

123 are males and 68 are females. Second highest are those employees who live in their own

house and they are 150 respondents out of which 88 are males and 62 are females.

The cluster chart given below shows the same result as shown above.

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Gender * Designation in bank Crosstabulation


Designation in bank


Gender Male 53 45 69 51 218

Female 22 28 25 62 137

Total 75 73 94 113 355

The above table shows the total number of employees according to their age and their

designation in bank. According to the table majority of the employees hold OG-III

designation in bank and most of them are females. Second highest are the OG-II employees

and here majority are males. OG-1 employees are 73 with 45 males and 28 females. AVP

employees are 53 males and 22 females with total of 75 out of 355 respondents.

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The cluster chart given below shows the same result as shown above.

Salary * Education level Crosstabulation


Education level

TotalHigh School Intermediate Graduation Post Graduation

Salary Less than 25000 12 7 68 23 110

Rs 25000-40000 0 2 80 52 134

Rs 40,001-55,000 0 0 33 15 48

Rs 55,001-70,000 0 1 22 15 38

More than 70,000 0 0 0 25 25

Total 12 10 203 130 355

The above table divides the number of employees on the basis of salary and education level.

According to the table most the employees are graduates and majority of them are getting

salary of 25,000-40,000. The second highest are the employees who are post graduates and

majority of them are getting salary of Rs 25,000-40,000. There are only post graduates

employees who are getting more than 70,000 and they are 25.

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The cluster chart given below shows the same result as shown above.

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Total Professional Experience * Salary Crosstabulation




Less than


Rs 25000-


Rs 40,001-


Rs 55,001-


More than


Total Professional


Few months less

than 1 year

27 22 2 0 0 51

1 to 3 years 34 32 1 0 0 67

3 to 6 years 23 29 3 3 2 60

6 to 9 years 9 46 11 6 0 72

More than 9 years 17 5 31 29 23 105

Total 110 134 48 38 25 355

The above table shows the cross tabulation of total professional experience and salary of

employees. According to the table higher the professional experience higher is the salary. The

highest salary is taken by the employees who have the professional experience of more than 9

years. There are total 105 employees who have professional experience of more than 9 years.

72 employees have professional experience of 6 to 9 years and most of them are getting

salary in the range of Rs 25000-40000.

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The cluster bar chart given above shows the same results as explained above. According to

the chart it is clear that majority of the respondents are those who receive salary in the range

of Rs 25000 to 40000 and they have the total professional experience of 6 to 9 years.

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Type of Conveyance * Designation in bank Crosstabulation


Designation in bank


Type of Conveyance Personal ( Car or Bike) 34 25 29 37 125

Office 19 27 24 18 88

Auto 2 15 10 19 46

Bus 18 6 18 22 64

Any other 2 0 13 17 32

Total 75 73 94 113 355

The above table divides the number of employees on the basis of Designation in bank and

type of conveyance used by the employees. According to this table there were total 125

employees who use their personal conveyance and majority of them are either AVP or OG-

III. AVP employees mostly use care and OG-III use bike. There are total 64 employees who

use bus and most of them are OG-III employees. Least number of employees used any other

type of conveyance that is they come to office on foot.

The cluster chart given below shows the same as explained above.

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The above cluster bar chart shows that majority of our respondents use their personal

conveyance and most of them are those are OG-III in banks.

Nature of Family * Type of Residence Crosstabulation


Type of Residence

TotalYour own house Rented house Leased house

Nature of Family Joint Family 77 106 12 195

Nuclear Family 73 85 2 160

Total 150 191 14 355

The above table shows the cross tabulation of nature of family of employees and the type of

residence used by them. According to the table there are 195 employees who live in joint

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family structure and majority of them live in rented house. 77 employees out of total 195

employees, who live in joint family, live in their own house. 160 out of total 355 employees

live in nuclear family structure and majority of them live in rented house. There are few

number of employees who live in a rented house.

The cluster chart given below shows the same result explained above.

According to the above figure it is clear that there are almost equal number of employees

belonging to nuclear family and joint family and who use personal conveyance and there are

only a few number of employees who use any other type of conveyance.

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Age * Salary Incrments Crosstabulation


Salary Incrments

TotalStrongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree

Age 18-24 18 16 1 6 41

25-34 38 46 4 32 120

35-44 39 50 4 23 116

45-55 10 25 0 17 52

Over 55 11 11 1 3 26

Total 116 148 10 81 355

The above table shows the cross tabulation of age and salary increments. Table shows that

majority of the respondents agreed that salary increments motivate them. A few of them were

indifferent. Second highest percentage was of those respondents who strongly agreed that

they are motivated by the increments.

The cluster bar chart shown above shows the same result as explained above.

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Age * Person must be loyal to his organization Crosstabulation

Person must be loyal to his organization

TotalStrongly Agree Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly Disagree

Age 18-24 Count 3 11 18 8 1 41

% of Total .8% 3.1% 5.1% 2.3% .3% 11.5%

25-34 Count 14 38 48 19 1 120

% of Total 3.9% 10.7% 13.5% 5.4% .3% 33.8%

35-44 Count 14 41 42 17 2 116

% of Total 3.9% 11.5% 11.8% 4.8% .6% 32.7%

45-55 Count 6 21 23 2 0 52

% of Total 1.7% 5.9% 6.5% .6% .0% 14.6%

Over 55 Count 3 6 9 7 1 26

% of Total .8% 1.7% 2.5% 2.0% .3% 7.3%

Total Count 40 117 140 53 5 355

% of Total 11.3% 33.0% 39.4% 14.9% 1.4% 100.0%

Above table shows the cross tabulation of age and organizational commitment question "I think a person must be loyal to his organization". According to the table almost 40% people gave neutral response. 33.0% agreed with this and only 1.4% disagreed strongly.

The cluster bar chart shows the same results as explained above.

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Reliability Test

I used the cronbach's Alpha to check the reliability of the questionnaire. Details of the test are

as given below.

Reliability Test of Work Motivation

Reliability Test of Work Motivation

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.968 18

The method that I used to check the reliability of the work motivation was Cronbach's alpha

method and the score is 0.968. There were total 18 items in our questionnaire to measure the

work motivation. Our Cronbach's alpha score is 0.968 and 0.986 is greater than 0.7 i.e.

0.968>0.7. This indicates that our questionnaire have enough questions to check the work


Reliability Test of Organizational Commitment

Reliability Test of Organizational Commitment

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.902 23

The method I used to check the reliability of the organizational commitment was Cronbach's

alpha method and the score is 0.968. There were total 23 items in our questionnaire to

measure the organizational commitment. Our Cronbach's alpha score is 0.902 and 0.986 is

greater than 0.7 i.e. 0.902>0.7. This indicates that our questionnaire have enough questions to

check the organizational commitment

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Reliability Test of The Questionnaire

Now we check the reliability test of the questionnaire and for this purpose I will use SPSS

reliability test.

Reliability Test of The Questionnaire

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.935 54

The method I used to check the reliability of the questionnaire was Cronbach's alpha method

and the score is 0.968. There were total 54 items in our questionnaire. Our Cronbach's alpha

score is 0.902 and 0.986 is greater than 0.7 i.e. 0.902>0.7. This indicates that our

questionnaire is enough reliable to be applied at any place. Further it also shows that our test

is 93.5% is reliable and 7.5% unreliable. This is a very high level score which shows the

reliability of our questionnaire.

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One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

I applied the one-sample kolmogorov-smirnov test to test the normality of the demographical

data. I formulated the two hypothesis Ho and H1.

H1: There is a difference between normal distribution and demographical

variables distribution.

HO: There is no difference between normal distribution and demographical

variables distribution.

By applying this test if the value of sigma is less than 0.05 we accept H1. Otherwise we reject

H1. i.e.

If p < 0.05 accept H1

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Gender Age Education level Salary

N 355 355 355 355

Normal Parametersa,b Mean 1.39 2.72 3.27 2.25

Std. Deviation .487 1.080 .677 1.203

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .400 .202 .289 .270

Positive .400 .202 .289 .270

Negative -.282 -.147 -.283 -.149

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 7.533 3.809 5.447 5.084

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

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One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Doing this

job for

Nature of


Total Professional


Number of Jobs


Time to Reach


N 355 355 355 355 355



Mean 2.30 1.57 3.32 3.39 2.68



.989 .679 1.433 1.204 1.314

Most Extreme


Absolute .241 .337 .181 .177 .216

Positive .241 .337 .154 .144 .216

Negative -.164 -.201 -.181 -.177 -.152

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 4.544 6.352 3.419 3.337 4.062

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Nature of Family Live in Type of Conveyance Designation in bank

N 355 355 355 355

Normal Parametersa,b Mean 1.45 1.62 2.41 2.69

Std. Deviation .498 .562 1.361 1.130

Most Extreme Differences Absolute .366 .330 .218 .195

Positive .366 .286 .218 .146

Negative -.316 -.330 -.150 -.195

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z 6.904 6.211 4.106 3.677

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .000

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.

From the above tables it is clear that the value of sigma is less than 0.005 i.e. 0.000<0.005

(p<0.005). Hence we accept H1 that there is a difference between normal distribution and

demographical variables distribution and reject Ho.

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Mann-Whitney Test

Mann-Whitney Test for Organizational Commitment

To conduct the Mann-Whitney test on organizational commitment I formulated the following

two hypothesis.

H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different gender was

not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different gender was


If the value of sigma is less than 0.05 we accept H1 otherwise we reject H1 i.e.

If p<0.05 accept Ho.


Gender N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Commitment_Sum Male 218 183.23 39943.50

Female 137 169.68 23246.50

Total 355

Test Statisticsa


Mann-Whitney U 13793.500

Wilcoxon W 23246.500

Z -1.212

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .226

a. Grouping Variable: Gender

The above table shows that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e. 0.226>0.05 (p>0.05)

hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that the difference between the organizational commitment

of different gender was zero. This means organizational commitment doesn't depend on

gender. Both males and females are equally committed to their organizations.

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Mann-Whitney Test for Work Motivation

To conduct the Mann-Whitney test on work motivation of employees I formulated the

following two hypothesis.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different gender was not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different gender was zero.

If the value of sigma is less than 0.05 we accept H1 otherwise we reject H1 i.e.

If p<0.05 accept Ho.


Gender N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Motivation_Sum Male 218 184.96 40322.00

Female 137 166.92 22868.00

Total 355

Test Statisticsa


Mann-Whitney U 13415.000

Wilcoxon W 22868.000

Z -1.616

Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .106

a. Grouping Variable: Gender

The result from the table shows that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e. 0.106>0.05

(p>0.05) hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that the difference between the work motivation

of different gender was zero. This means work motivation doesn't depend on gender. Both

males and females are equally motivated.

Kruskal-Wallis Test

I applied the kruskal-wallis test on all demographic data excluding gender. I formulated two

hypothesis Ho and H1 for the test and the criteria is if the value of sigma is less than 0.05 we

accept H1 otherwise we reject H1.

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Kruskal-wallis test for Age

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on Age for organizational


H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different age group

was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different age group was


If p<0.005 accept H1.


Age N Mean Rank

Commitment_Sum 18-24 41 173.34

25-34 120 183.77

35-44 116 171.72

45-55 52 182.21

Over 55 26 178.33

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square .988

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .912

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Age

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.912<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

organizational commitment of different age group was zero. This means all age group

respondents are equally committed to organization. There is not any particular age group

which is more committed.

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To apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of employees following two hypothesis

were formulated.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different age group was not


Ho: Difference between work motivation of different age group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.


Age N Mean Rank

Motivation_Sum 18-24 41 171.99

25-34 120 184.04

35-44 116 174.35

45-55 52 191.65

Over 55 26 148.60

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 3.774

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .438

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Age

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.438<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the work

motivation of different age group was zero. Which means all age group respondents are

equally motivated. There is not any particular age group which is more motivated.

Kruskal-wallis test for Education

I formulated the following hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on organizational

commitment on Education level of respondents .

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H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different education

level group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different education level

group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.


Education level N Mean Rank

Commitment_Sum High School 12 220.29

Intermediate 10 199.65

Graduation 203 186.34

Post Graduation 130 159.40

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 8.112

df 3

Asymp. Sig. .044

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Education level

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is less than 0.05 i.e. 0.044<0.05

(p>0.05). Hence we reject Ho and accept H1 that difference between the organizational

commitment of different education level group was not zero. Which means all respondents

are not equally committed to organization. The table shows that those respondents are more

committed which are less educated than those which are highly educated. High school

respondents are more committed than other employees.

To apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of employees following two hypothesis

were formulated.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different education level group

was not zero.

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Ho: Difference between work motivation of different education level group was


If p<0.005 accept H1.


Education level N Mean Rank

Motivation_Sum High School 12 225.79

Intermediate 10 239.25

Graduation 203 180.72

Post Graduation 130 164.62

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 8.552

df 3

Asymp. Sig. .036

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Education


The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is less than 0.05 i.e. 0.036<0.05

(p>0.05). Hence we reject Ho and accept H1 that difference between the work motivation of

different education level group was not zero. Which means all respondents are not equally

motivated. The table shows that those respondents are more motivated which are less

educated than those which are highly educated. Intermediate respondents are more motivated

than other employees.

Kruskal-wallis test for Salary

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on organizational commitment of

different Salary groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different salary group

was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different salary group

was zero.

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If p<0.005 accept H1.


Salary N Mean Rank

Commitment_Sum Less than 25000 110 190.10

Rs 25000-40000 134 178.66

Rs 40,001-55,000 48 174.58

Rs 55,001-70,000 38 165.43

More than 70,000 25 146.88

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 4.465

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .347

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Salary

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.347<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

organizational commitment of different salary group was zero. Which means all respondents

are equally committed to organization irrespective of their salary they are drawing at the

present . There is not any particular salary group which is more committed.

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different

Salary groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different salary group was not


Ho: Difference between work motivation of different salary group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1

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Salary N Mean Rank

Motivation_Sum Less than 25000 110 193.33

Rs 25000-40000 134 178.54

Rs 40,001-55,000 48 183.82

Rs 55,001-70,000 38 165.82

More than 70,000 25 115.00

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 12.624

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .013

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Salary

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is less than 0.05 i.e. 0.013<0.05

(p>0.05). Hence we reject Ho and accept H1 that difference between the work motivation of

different salary group was not zero. Which means all respondents are not equally motivated.

The table shows that those respondents are more motivated who have less educated than

those who have high salary. Respondents who are getting Rs less than 25000 are more

motivated than other employees.

Kruskal-wallis test for Job Tenure

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on Job tenure of the employees.

H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different job tenure

group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different job tenure

group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Doing this job for N Mean Rank

Commitment_Sum Few months less than 1 year 77 167.86

1 to 3 years 144 180.24

3 to 6 years 95 180.40

6 to 9 years 29 185.38

More than 9 years 10 179.60

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square 1.027

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .906

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Doing this

job for

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.906<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

organizational commitment of different job tenure group was zero. Which means all

respondents are equally committed to organization and their tenure with the organization i.e.

for how long they are working with the organization does not matter. There is not any

particular job tenure group which is more committed.

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different

job tenure groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different job tenure group was

not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different job tenure group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan


Doing this job for N Mean Rank

Motivation_Sum Few months less than 1 year 77 180.67

1 to 3 years 144 176.99

3 to 6 years 95 178.59

6 to 9 years 29 158.66

More than 9 years 10 222.45

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 2.988

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .560

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Doing this

job for

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.560<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

motivation of different job tenure group was zero. Which means all respondents are equally

motivated and their tenure with the organization i.e. for how long they are working with the

organization does not matter. There is not any particular job tenure group which is more


Kruskal-wallis test for Nature of Job

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on nature of job of respondents.

H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different job nature

group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different job nature

group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan


Nature of job N Mean Rank

Commitment_Sum Have to work in office 191 169.18

Have a field job 126 195.73

Both office and field job 38 163.54

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square 5.935

df 2

Asymp. Sig. .051

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Nature of job

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.051<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

organizational commitment of different job nature group was zero. Which means all

respondents are equally committed to organization and their nature of job i.e. whether they

have to work in office, they have a field job or they have both, does not matter. There is not

any particular job nature group which is more committed.

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different

job nature groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different job nature group was

not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different job nature group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1

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Nature of job N Mean Rank

Motivation_Sum Have to work in office 191 173.39

Have a field job 126 192.42

Both office and field job 38 153.37

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 5.082

df 2

Asymp. Sig. .079

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Nature of job

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.079<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

motivation of different job nature group was zero. Which means all respondents are equally

motivated and their nature of job i.e. whether they have to work in office, they have a field

job or they have both, does not matter. There is not any particular job nature group which is

more motivated.

Kruskal-wallis test for Professional Experience

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on professional experience of


H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different professional

experience group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different professional

experience group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.

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Total Professional Experience N Mean Rank

Commitment_Sum Few months less than 1 year 51 182.64

1 to 3 years 67 178.39

3 to 6 years 60 188.54

6 to 9 years 72 166.17

More than 9 years 105 177.59

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 1.699

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .791

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Total

Professional Experience

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.791<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

organizational commitment of different professional experience group was zero. Which

means all respondents are equally committed to organization and their total professional

experience does not matter a lot to be committed with the organization. There is not any

particular professional experience group which is more committed than others.

The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different professional

experience groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different professional

experience group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different professional experience

group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1

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Total Professional Experience N Mean Rank

Motivation_Sum Few months less than 1 year 51 174.41

1 to 3 years 67 180.57

3 to 6 years 60 189.54

6 to 9 years 72 175.90

More than 9 years 105 172.94

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 1.153

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .886

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Total

Professional Experience

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.886<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

motivation of different professional experience group was zero. Which means all respondents

are equally committed to organization and their total professional experience does not matter

a lot to be motivated. There is not any particular professional experience group which is more

motivated than others.

Kruskal-wallis test for Number of jobs switched

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on Number of jobs switched by

the respondents.

H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different No. of jobs

switched group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different No. of jobs

switched group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.

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Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square 5.504

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .239

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Number of

Jobs Switched

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.239<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

organizational commitment of different number of jobs switched group was zero. Which

means all respondents are equally committed to organization irrespective of the number of

jobs switched by them. There is not any particular group which is more committed than


The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different number of

jobs switched groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different number of jobs

switched group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different number of jobs switched

group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 7.388

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .117

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Number of

Jobs Switched

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.117<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

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motivation of different professional experience group was zero. Which means all respondents

are equally motivated and their total professional experience does not matter a lot to be

motivated. There is not any particular professional experience group which is more motivated

than others.

Kruskal-wallis test for time to reach office

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on time to reach office group.

H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different time to

reach office group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different time to reach

office group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.


Time to Reach Office N Mean Rank

Commitment_Sum Less than 10 minutes 79 181.60

10 to 20 minutes 105 185.73

21 to 40 minutes 61 152.46

41 to 60 minutes 71 162.54

More than an hour 39 217.97

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square 12.024

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .017

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Time to

Reach Office

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is less than 0.05 i.e. 0.017<0.05

(p>0.05). Hence we accept H1 that difference between the organizational commitment of

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different time to reach office group was zero. Which means all respondents are not equally

committed to organization and time to reach office does matter. The above table shows that

those employees are more committed who need less time to reach their offices.

The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different time need to

reach office groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different time to reach office

group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different time to reach office group

was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 6.373

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .173

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Time to

Reach Office

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.173<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

motivation of different time to reach office group was zero. Which means all respondents are

equally motivated

Kruskal-wallis test for Nature of Family

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on nature of job family.

H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different family

nature group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different family nature

group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.

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Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square 1.593

df 1

Asymp. Sig. .207

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Nature of


The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.207<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

organizational commitment of different family nature group was zero. Which means all

respondents are equally committed to organization and their nature of family i.e. whether

they live in joint family or they live in nuclear family does not matter. There is not any

particular job nature group which is more committed.

The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different family nature

groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different family nature group

was not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different family nature group was


If p<0.005 accept H1

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 2.376

df 1

Asymp. Sig. .123

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Nature of


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The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.123<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

motivation of different family nature group was zero. Which means all respondents are

equally motivated.

Kruskal-wallis test for Type of Residence

I formulated the hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on type of residence of


H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different type of

residence group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different type of

residence group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.


Live in N Mean Rank

Commitment_Sum Your own house 150 164.21

Rented house 191 190.32

Leased house 14 157.57

Total 355

Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square 6.028

df 2

Asymp. Sig. .049

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Live in

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is less than 0.05 i.e. 0.049<0.05

(p>0.05). Hence we reject Ho and accept H1 that difference between the organizational

commitment of different residence type group was not zero. Which means all respondents are

equally committed to organization and their type of residence matter. Those employees who

live in rented house are more committed.

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The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different type of

residence groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different type of residence group

was not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different type of residence group

was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 5.186

df 2

Asymp. Sig. .075

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Live in

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.075<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

motivation of different type of residence group was zero. Which means all respondents are

equally motivated.

Kruskal-wallis test for Type of Conveyance

The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on type of conveyance used by respondents

are following.

H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different type of

conveyance group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different type of

conveyance group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.

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Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square 7.577

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .108

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Type of


The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.108<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

organizational commitment of different type of conveyance group was zero. This means all

respondents are equally committed.

The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different type of

conveyance groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different type of conveyance

group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different type of conveyance group

was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1


Type of Conveyance N Mean Rank

Motivation_Sum Personal ( Car or Bike) 125 159.27

Office 88 197.99

Auto 46 199.52

Bus 64 193.09

Any other 32 135.08

Total 355

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Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 16.575

df 4

Asymp. Sig. .002

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Type of


The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is less than 0.05 i.e. 0.002<0.05

(p>0.05). Hence we reject Ho and accept H1 that difference between the motivation of

different residence type group was not zero. Which means all respondents are equally

motivated and their type of conveyance matter. Those employees who use office conveyance

are more motivated.

Kruskal-wallis test for Designation in Bank

The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on designation in bank of respondents are


H1: Difference between the organizational commitment of different designation

group was not zero.

Ho: Difference between organizational commitment of different designation

group was zero.

If p<0.005 accept H1.

Test Statisticsa,b



Chi-Square 3.592

df 3

Asymp. Sig. .309

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Designation

in bank

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.309<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

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organizational commitment of different designation group was zero. Which means all

respondents are equally committed.

The hypothesis to apply the kruskal-wallis test on work motivation of different designation

groups of respondents.

H1: Difference between the work motivation of different designation group was

not zero.

Ho: Difference between work motivation of different designation group was


If p<0.005 accept H1

Test Statisticsa,b


Chi-Square 7.492

df 3

Asymp. Sig. .058

a. Kruskal Wallis Test

b. Grouping Variable: Designation

in bank

The results from the above table show that the value of sigma is greater than 0.05 i.e.

0.058<0.05 (p>0.05). Hence we reject H1 and accept Ho that difference between the

motivations of different designation group was zero. This means all designation groups are

equally motivated. There is not any particular age group which is more motivated

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Correlation Analysis.

Correlation is a test which gives us a mathematical number or value which helps us to

determine the strength of a relationship which is liner between two variables.

Correlation on work motivation and organizational commitment





Motivation_Sum Pearson Correlation 1 .744**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 355 355

Commitment_Sum Pearson Correlation .744** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 355 355

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The table gives us the correlation matrix. We get the Pearson coefficient of correlation in

every cell of matrix i.e. we get p-value for the sample size and two tailed test for the

significance. The output shows us that the coefficient of correlation between work motivation

and organizational commitment is 0.744 (p<0.05) so from the above result we can conclude

that "there is a strong positive correlation between work motivation and organizational


Correlation on work motivation and affective commitment

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Motivation_Sum Affective_commit

Motivation_Sum Pearson Correlation 1 .867**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 355 355

Affective_commit Pearson Correlation .867** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 355 355

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The table gives us the correlation matrix. We get the Pearson coefficient of correlation in

every cell of matrix i.e. we get p-value for the sample size and two tailed test for the

significance. The output shows us that the coefficient of correlation between work motivation

and affective commitment is 0.867 (p<0.05) so from the above result we can conclude that

"there is a strong positive correlation between work motivation and affective commitment ".

Moreover the value 0.867 indicates a very strong association between work motivation and

affective commitment as the value is close to 1.

Correlation on work motivation and continuance commitment


Motivation_Sum Continuance_Commit

Motivation_Sum Pearson Correlation 1 .334**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 355 355

Continuance_Commit Pearson Correlation .334** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 355 355

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The table gives us the correlation matrix. We get the Pearson coefficient of correlation in

every cell of matrix i.e. we get p-value for the sample size and two tailed test for the

significance. N indicates the number of respondents and 1 is the correlation of the variable

with itself. The output shows us that the coefficient of correlation between work motivation

and affective commitment is 0.334 (p<0.05) so from the above result we can conclude that

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"there is a positive correlation between work motivation and continuance commitment ".

Moreover the value 0.334 indicates a weak association between work motivation and

continuance commitment as the value is away from 1.

Correlation on work motivation and normative commitment





Motivation_Sum Pearson Correlation 1 .488**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 355 355

Normtive_Commit Pearson Correlation .488** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 355 355

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The table gives us the correlation matrix. We get the Pearson coefficient of correlation in

every cell of matrix i.e. we get p-value for the sample size and two tailed test for the

significance. N indicates the number of respondents and 1 is the correlation of the variable

with itself. The output shows us that the coefficient of correlation between work motivation

and affective commitment is 0.488 (p<0.05) so from the above result we can conclude that

"there is a positive correlation between work motivation and normative commitment".

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Regression Analysis

Figure--- Regression Analysis

The above histogram and curve on it indicates that the histogram is perfectly normal.

Variables Entered/Removedb

Model Variables Entered


Removed Method

1 Motivation_Sum . Enter

a. All requested variables entered.

b. Dependent Variable: Commitment_Sum

Figure—Variables Entered/Removed

The above table of the regression out put simply tells us that our which independent variable

is the part of the regression equation which is Work motivation in our study and it also tells

us that what is our dependent variable which is organizational commitment.

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Model Summaryb

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the


1 .744a .554 .553 .34037

a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivation_Sum

b. Dependent Variable: Commitment_Sum

Figure --- Regression Analysis Model Summary

The model summary part of the regression output tells us the strength of relationship between

dependent and independent variable. R is the coefficient of correlation which indicates that

how strong our independent variable is related to independent variable. The value of R = .774

indicates that there is a strong relationship between work motivation and organizational

commitment. From above table we see that Adjusted R square value is .554 * 100 = 55.4%.

This percentage 55.5% tells us that variance in organizational commitment was because of

“Work Motivation”. Now we test the hypothesis.


“H1: work motivation is positively related to organizational commitment”

“Ho: work motivation is not related to organizational commitment”



Unstandardized Coefficients



t Sig.B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) 1.745 .058 30.325 .000

Motivation_Sum .453 .022 .744 20.943 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Commitment_Sum

The above part of the regression output gives us the table and the value that we require in

order to formulate a regression equation. Following will be the form of regression table.

“Dependent variable = slope * independent variable + intercept”

The column B in the above table gives us the value of slope and intercept.

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The above table shows that our slope is 0.453 and our intercept is 1.745.

So our regression equation becomes

Organizational commitment = Intercept + slope * Work Motivation

Organizational commitment = 1.75 + .453 (Work motivation)

Scatter Plot

The scatter plot is a plot which tells us about the relationship between two variables. It’s just

like Pearson coefficient of correlation (r). With the help of scatter plot we can determine the

direction and strength of relationship between the variables.

In the above scatter plot dependent variable organizational commitment is taken along X-axis

and independent variable work motivation is taken along Y-axis. The slope of the graph is in

upward direction so we can conclude that we have a positive correlation between work

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motivation and organizational commitment. It means if one variable increases other variable

also increases and if one variable decreases other variable also decreases.

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The present result was conducted to analyze the direction and the strength of relationship

between work motivation and organizational commitment. The first and most important thing

is the reliability of the questionnaire which was used in the study. I used the reliability scale

test to check the reliability of questionnaire used in the study. The cronbach's alpha score of

this test was 0.935 and 0.935>0.70. This gave us assurance that our questionnaire was enough

reliable to carry out the study. This result also shows that our questionnaire is 93.5% reliable

and it is 7.5% unreliable. This is a very high level score which shows the reliability of


The research showed we had 218 male respondents and 137 female respondents in our study.

I applied the Mann-Whitney test and found that both males and females had same response

for work motivation and organizational commitment.

I also applied the regression analysis and the model summary output of regression analysis

showed that value of adjusted R square is 55.4*100 = 55.4%. This shows that 55.4% variance

in organizational commitment of employees is because of work motivation.

From the output of correlation between work motivation and organizational commitment we

see that coefficient of correlation between work motivation and organizational commitment is

0.774** and p<0.05 so from this result we can conclude that "there is a strong positive

correlation between work motivation and organizational commitment". This figure also

shows a very strong relationship between these two variables as it is close to 1.

From the output of correlation between work motivation and affective commitment we see

that coefficient of correlation between work motivation and affective commitment is 0.867**

and p<0.05 so from this result we can conclude that "there is a strong positive correlation

between work motivation and affective commitment". This figure also shows a very strong

relationship between these two variables as it is close to 1.

From the output of correlation between work motivation and continuance commitment we see

that coefficient of correlation between work motivation and affective commitment is 0.334**

and p<0.05 so from this result we can conclude that "there is a positive correlation between

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work motivation and affective commitment". This figure also shows a moderate relationship

between these two variables as it is not too close to 1.

From the output of correlation between work motivation and normative commitment we see

that coefficient of correlation between work motivation and normative commitment is

0.488** and p<0.05 so from this result we can conclude that "there is a positive correlation

between work motivation and affective commitment". This figure also shows a moderate

relationship between these two variables as it is not too close to 1.

Summing up the conclusion we can say that work motivation is an element which increases

commitment of employees with their organization. So if managers want to increase the

organizational commitment of employees they must have to motivate them.

Limitations and Recommendations


Following are the limitations of this study

Non response of the selected population

Purposive sampling technique was used in this study which has some disadvantages

as well.

Financial constraints

Participants were only taken from bank of Lahore city that can weaken the

generalizability of results on other cities participants.

Our sample size was 350 which may lack in diversity

Extraneous variables were not controlled and it might have affected the responses of


This study did not take in to account the economic conditions such as available of

alternative opportunities which have an impact on organizational commitment.

This study was based on self reported data. There is always a risk of being biased and

selective recall when using such data.

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The present research provides a foundation for further research in this area in Pakistan. It is

recommended that further research must add some factors which affect the organizational

commitment and motivation of employees like environmental factors, socio economic status

etc. Further it is also recommended that organizations must start various programs to

motivate their workforce and treat their employees as an asset. Because a motivated worker is

more productive worker for the organization. Organizations around the world are also facing

employee’s turnover problems so if they motivate their work force they can retain good and

productive employees as motivated employee is a committed employee to the organization.

Organizational commitment of employees can be increased through organizational fairness

which is communicated through the development and enactment of specific policies and

procedures that are seen to be fair. Employee’s affective commitment is strongly influenced

by how fairly decisions are made than by whether they always get what they want.

Commitment of employees can also be enhanced by the management’s trust. Trust means

putting faith in the other person or group. It is also a reciprocal activity. Trust is important for

organizational commitment of employees because it touches the heart of the employment

relationship. Employees identify and feel obligated to work for an organization only when

they trust their leaders.

Organizations that offer good salaries and financial benefits are perceived by employees as

showing greater care and concern and as being fair in their dealings with the employees,

thereby increasing their organizational commitment and consequently their work motivation.

Strategies such as praise and reward can be effectively used to enhance employees’


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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Gender


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Male 218 61.4 61.4 61.4

Female 137 38.6 38.6 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure --1

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Age


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 18-24 41 11.5 11.5 11.5

25-34 120 33.8 33.8 45.4

35-44 116 32.7 32.7 78.0

45-55 52 14.6 14.6 92.7

Over 55 26 7.3 7.3 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 2

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Education

Education level

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid High School 12 3.4 3.4 3.4

Intermediate 10 2.8 2.8 6.2

Graduation 203 57.2 57.2 63.4

Post Graduation 130 36.6 36.6 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 3

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Salary


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Less than 25000 110 31.0 31.0 31.0

Rs 25000-40000 134 37.7 37.7 68.7

Rs 40,001-55,000 48 13.5 13.5 82.3

Rs 55,001-70,000 38 10.7 10.7 93.0

More than 70,000 25 7.0 7.0 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 4

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Job Duration

Doing this job for

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Few months less than 1 year 77 21.7 21.7 21.7

1 to 3 years 144 40.6 40.6 62.3

3 to 6 years 95 26.8 26.8 89.0

6 to 9 years 29 8.2 8.2 97.2

More than 9 years 10 2.8 2.8 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 5

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Nature of Job

Nature of job

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Have to work in office 191 53.8 53.8 53.8

Have a field job 126 35.5 35.5 89.3

Both office and field job 38 10.7 10.7 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 6

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Professional Experience

Total Professional Experience

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Few months less than 1 year 51 14.4 14.4 14.4

1 to 3 years 67 18.9 18.9 33.2

3 to 6 years 60 16.9 16.9 50.1

6 to 9 years 72 20.3 20.3 70.4

More than 9 years 105 29.6 29.6 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 7

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Numbers of Jobs Switched

Number of Jobs Switched

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid It's my first job 26 7.3 7.3 7.3

Less than 2 58 16.3 16.3 23.7

Less than 4 99 27.9 27.9 51.5

Less than 6 94 26.5 26.5 78.0

More than 6 78 22.0 22.0 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 8

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Time to reach office

Time to Reach Office

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Less than 10 minutes 79 22.3 22.3 22.3

10 to 20 minutes 105 29.6 29.6 51.8

21 to 40 minutes 61 17.2 17.2 69.0

41 to 60 minutes 71 20.0 20.0 89.0

More than an hour 39 11.0 11.0 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 9

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Nature of Family

Nature of Family

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Joint Family 195 54.9 54.9 54.9

Nuclear Family 160 45.1 45.1 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 10

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Residence

Live in

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Your own house 150 42.3 42.3 42.3

Rented house 191 53.8 53.8 96.1

Leased house 14 3.9 3.9 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 11

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Type of Conveyance

Type of Conveyance

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid Personal ( Car or Bike) 125 35.2 35.2 35.2

Office 88 24.8 24.8 60.0

Auto 46 13.0 13.0 73.0

Bus 64 18.0 18.0 91.0

Any other 32 9.0 9.0 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 12

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Work Motivation and Organizational Commitment in banking sector of Pakistan

Histogram of Designation in Bank

Designation in bank

Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid AVP 75 21.1 21.1 21.1

OG-1 73 20.6 20.6 41.7

OG-II 94 26.5 26.5 68.2

OG-III 113 31.8 31.8 100.0

Total 355 100.0 100.0

Figure -- 13

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