Full stack development with Node and NoSQL - Austin Node.JS Group - October 2016

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Full Stack Development with Node.js and NoSQL

Matthew Groves (@mgroves)


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Where am I?

• Austin Node.JS User Group

• http://www.meetup.com/noders/

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Who am I?

• Matthew D. Groves

• Developer Advocate for Couchbase

• @mgroves on Twitter

• Podcast and blog: http://crosscuttingconcerns.com

• “I am not an expert, but I am an enthusiast.” – Alan Stevens

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Couchbase and CouchDB

Couchbase is to CouchDBas

MySQL is to SQL Server

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Full Stack Development with Node.js and NoSQL

Matthew Groves (@mgroves)


The Part of the Stack With Software Application Development and

Infrastructure Management with Node.js and Second Generation Non-Relational Document Databases Which by the Way

Actually Do Have a SQL-like Query Language

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Full Stack Developer

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Application Stacks

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NoSQL: Flexible JSON Schema

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Where is NoSQL a Good Fit?

Low-latency Critical

High Throughput or Large Numbers of Users

Unknown Demand with Sudden growth

Predominantly Direct Document Access

Read / Mixed / Write-heavy Workloads

Traditional Business Applications

Transaction-heavy Apps

Legacy Hardware

Full ACID support

Web / Mobile / IoT Legacy Business Apps

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Where is NoSQL a Good Fit?


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What is Couchbase?

Couchbase is a distributed operational database that enables you to develop with agility and operate at any scale.

Managed Cache Key-Value Store Document Database Embedded Database Sync Management

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Easier, Faster Development Flexible Data Modeling Powerful Querying

SQL Integration & Migration Big Data Integration Mobile / IoT

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Elastic Scalability Consistent High Performance Always-on Availability

Multi-Data Center Deployment Simple, Powerful Administration Enterprise Grade Security

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Couchbase Developer

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Couchbase and Big Data

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Couchbase Server – Single Node Architecture

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Simplified Administration: Console

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Simplified Administration: RESTful API

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Accessing Data: Key access using Document ID

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Accessing Data: Views using static queries

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Accessing Data: Queries using N1QL

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The Couchbase Node.js SDK

Uses the Couchbase C library

Compatible with Node.js frameworks

Available on NPM

©2016 Couchbase Inc. 25

Building Applications with Node.js SDK

//including the Node.js dependencyvar Couchbase = require("couchbase");

//connecting to a Couchbase clustervar cluster = new Couchbase.Cluster("couchbase://localhost");

//opening a bucket in the clustervar myBucket = cluster.openBucket("travel-sample", "password");

//preparing N1qlvar myQuery = Couchbase.N1qlQuery();

//creating and saving a Documentvar document = {

firstname: "Matt",lastname: "Groves"

};myBucket.insert("my-key", document, function(error, result) {});

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function query(sql, done) {var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);myBucket.query(queryToRun, function(error, result) {

if(error) {console.log(“ERROR: “, error);done(error, null);return;

}done(null, result);return;


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function query(sql, done) {var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);myBucket.query(queryToRun, function(error, result) {

if(error) {console.log(“ERROR: “, error);done(error, null);return;

}done(null, result);return;


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function query(sql, done) {var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);myBucket.query(queryToRun, function(error, result) {

if(error) {console.log(“ERROR: “, error);done(error, null);return;

}done(null, result);return;


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function query(sql, done) {var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);myBucket.query(queryToRun, function(error, result) {

if(error) {console.log(“ERROR: “, error);done(error, null);return;

}done(null, result);return;


©2016 Couchbase Inc. 30


function query(sql, done) {var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);myBucket.query(queryToRun, function(error, result) {

if(error) {console.log(“ERROR: “, error);done(error, null);return;

}done(null, result);return;


©2016 Couchbase Inc. 31


function query(sql, done) {var queryToRun = myQuery.fromString(sql);myBucket.query(queryToRun, function(error, result) {

if(error) {console.log(“ERROR: “, error);done(error, null);return;

}done(null, result);return;


Demo (web)

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The CEAN Stack

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Stack Design


Client Frontend


Server Backend

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Multiple Frontends & One Backend

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The Angular 2 Frontend

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Get all documents

// list.component.ts

export class ListComponent implements OnInit {

public people: Array<any>;

public constructor(private http: Http) { this.people = []; }

public ngOnInit() {this.http.get("http://localhost:3000/api/getAll")

.map(result => result.json())

.subscribe(results => {this.people = results;

}, error => {console.error(error);



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Get all documents

<!-- list.component.html -->

<tbody><tr *ngFor="let person of people">


<a [routerLink]="['/item', person.id]">edit</a>|<a href="#" (click)="delete(person.id)">delete</a>



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Save a document

<!-- item.component.html -->

<form><div class="form-group">

<label for="firstname">First Name</label><input type="text" class="form-control" id="firstname" placeholder="First Name" [(ngModel)]="person.firstname">

</div><div class="form-group">

<label for="lastname">Last Name</label><input type="text" class="form-control" id="lastname" placeholder="Last Name" [(ngModel)]="person.lastname">

</div><div class="form-group">

<label for="email">Email</label><input type="text" class="form-control" id="email" placeholder="Email" [(ngModel)]="person.email">

</div><button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" [routerLink]="['/']">Cancel</button><button type="button" class="btn btn-success" (click)="save()">Save</button>


©2016 Couchbase Inc. 40

Save a document

// item.component.ts

export class ItemComponent implements OnInit {

public person: any;

public save() {let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });let options = new RequestOptions({ headers: headers });this.http.post("http://localhost:3000/api/save", JSON.stringify(this.person), options)

.map(result => result.json())

.subscribe(results => {this.location.back();

}, error => {console.error(error);



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The Node.js Backend

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Node.js Configuration

// config.json

{"couchbase": {

"server": "localhost:8091","bucket": "default"


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Node.js Configuration

// app.js file

var express = require("express");var bodyParser = require("body-parser");var couchbase = require("couchbase");var path = require("path");var config = require("./config");var app = express();

©2016 Couchbase Inc. 44

Node.js Configuration

// app.js continued...

app.use(bodyParser.json());app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));

module.exports.bucket =(new couchbase.Cluster(config.couchbase.server)).openBucket(config.couchbase.bucket);

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "public")));

var routes = require("./routes/routes.js")(app);

var server = app.listen(3000, function () {console.log("Listening on port %s...", server.address().port);


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Node.js Create or Update Endpoint

// routes.js

app.post("/api/create", function(req, res) {if(!req.body.firstname) {

return res.status(400).send({"status": "error", "message": ”First Name?"});}// …RecordModel.save(req.body, function(error, result) {

if(error) {return res.status(400).send(error);



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Node.js Get Document Endpoint

// routes.js continued...

app.get("/api/get", function(req, res) {if(!req.query.document_id) {

return res.status(400).send({"status": "error", "message": ”Document ID?"});}RecordModel.getByDocumentId(req.query.document_id, function(error, result) {

if(error) {return res.status(400).send(error);



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Node.js Delete Endpoint

// routes.js continued...

app.post("/api/delete", function(req, res) {if(!req.body.document_id) {

return res.status(400).send({"status": "error", "message": ”ID?"});}RecordModel.delete(req.body.document_id, function(error, result) {

if(error) {return res.status(400).send(error);



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Node.js Upsert Document Function

// recordmodel.js

RecordModel.save = function(data, callback) {var jsonObject = {

type: "user",firstname: data.firstname,lastname: data.lastname,email: data.email

}var documentId = data.document_id ? data.document_id : uuid.v4();db.upsert(documentId, jsonObject, function(error, result) {

if(error) {return callback(error, null);

}callback(null, {message: "success", data: result});


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Couchbase JSON Document

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Node.js Get Document with N1QL Function

// recordmodel.js continued…

RecordModel.getByDocumentId = function(documentId, callback) {var statement = "SELECT firstname, lastname, email " +

"FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` AS users " +"WHERE META(users).id = $1";

var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);db.query(query, [documentId], function(error, result) {

if(error) {return callback(error, null);

}callback(null, result);


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Node.js Delete Document Function

// recordmodel.js continued...

RecordModel.delete = function(documentId, callback) {db.remove(documentId, function(error, result) {

if(error) {callback(error, null);return;

}callback(null, {message: "success", data: result});


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More Complex Node.js Queries

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Node.js Travel Sample

FlightPath.findAll = function(from, to, callback) {var statement = "SELECT faa AS fromAirport, geo " +

"FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" +"WHERE airportname = $1 " +"UNION SELECT faa AS toAirport, geo " +"FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" +"WHERE airportname = $2";

var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);db.query(query, [from, to], function(error, result) {

if(error) {return callback(error, null);

}callback(null, result);


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Node.js Travel Sample

FlightPath.findAll = function(queryFrom, queryTo, leave, callback) {var statement = "SELECT r.id, a.name, s.flight, s.utc, " +

" r.sourceairport, r.destinationairport, r.equipment " +"FROM `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` r" +"UNNEST r.schedule s " +"JOIN `" + config.couchbase.bucket + "` a ON KEYS r.airlineid " +"WHERE r.sourceairport = $1 AND r.destinationairport = $2 AND s.day = $3 ”"ORDER BY a.name";

var query = N1qlQuery.fromString(statement);db.query(query, [queryFrom, queryTo, leave], function(error, result) {

if(error) {return callback(error, null);

}callback(null, result);


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Node.js Sample Applications



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Couchbase N1QL Tutorial


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Ottoman ODMhttps://www.npmjs.com/package/ottoman

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Ottoman Model

var RecordModel = ottoman.model("Record", {firstname: {type: "string”},lastname: {type: "string"},email: {type: "string"},created_at: {type: “Date”, default: Date.now}


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Ottoman Saving

var myRecord = new RecordModel({firstname: "Matt",lastname: "Groves",email: "matthew.groves@couchbase.com"


myRecord.save(function(error) {if(error) {

// Error here}// Success here


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Ottoman Finding

RecordModel.find({}, function(error, result) {if(error) {

// Error here}// Array of results here


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Couchbase Mobile

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Couchbase LiteEmbedded NoSQL Database

Sync GatewaySecure Synchronization


ServerCloud NoSQL Database

Couchbase Mobile

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NativeScript Demo


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Couchbase, everybody!



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Where do you find us?

• developer.couchbase.com

• blog.couchbase.com

• forums.couchbase.com

• @couchbasedev

• #couchbase

• @mgroves

• @couchbase