F::::ty-Nineth .A.r-::1. ..:..a.l S;:zs:.:n · :tud drinkiuCY of u.rdeut sptnts, the grc

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Transcript of F::::ty-Nineth .A.r-::1. ..:..a.l S;:zs:.:n · :tud drinkiuCY of u.rdeut sptnts, the grc

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F::::ty-Nineth .A.r-::1. "..:..a.l S;:zs:.:n



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E:-c"!T ·D '-"T:!'J:I~ !! ~

IVIT. l ORIA . CJ:IGRCH, f 1~· I ~~· : . lCit'B77:s OOifllty, .'.Jla. _

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~ ~ If_ ctober 7, and~), 899 ~

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0 Fr"J l ' E ],' S.·

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J?NOOEED:EN~S Th·· t"t~rl\·-uinc1 h :tlt ual :-• --::;ion oft It,, ~lount ~Jo­

rinh l•'rL·• ·will. B:tpt i-....t .\'~ 1ciat ion of .\.l:tl,allla \\<!~ lteld ; 1 t \) • "111 t .\In r1 a h e h n i c . Pic k" 1 , ..... <; o un t .\ . • \ I a . • 0 d . I tit ;tt.d !It It l~!t!l . 't h• llltl'(ldtt('tOl'.\ ,, l'll111ll wa~ pn·:tL·hcd I•:; E 1der .J.D. lhnr-.. Jll"' text \\;t' ~nd T111t. ± :.-,, .\: ~-:· pt 'llchi11:... au l.Jour :1nd a h:tlf \\':1"' taku1 fur r ec rea ' •••ll and refn:-..1i t tr·ui. In due tllllC tht~ llllll­i..,tcr,., anll mes:;cn:.ter::; l'l'p:tin·d to tiH· IH>U:·t·, aud atl.L· r :--t twi ug and prayer t lw .\. y·-oci:• t ion \\ :t:-; called to order ''.\' l~rc>. ~rm E. Hardill. former ltWd •· r~\tor. tlH:' Jormer dcrk ofHeittting· uoti l t b·· II()(\ y ":t!-> l)l'!!:tni:t.L•d, Tuc . . . hu~itH·~:-- wns tr:tu:::adcLI in tlw follow i11g or.!<.' I' .

1st : Leiter:, from t l1~-> vn r iuu~ l'h ur('!H·~ were t::d l­ed for, bauded in and ye~Hl, and ll:ttJH!:- of df·iL·~ate:-5 ett­rollcd a~ pe r sLafi~lH:nl tai.IP .

~ntl. Prol'eedcd tu elect nw.lt•ratur alld elcrk where­npon Bro. \Y m E. H an_lin wa,., PlcetPd .1\lodcrator and T homa:::; A lexander Clerk.

:3rd. Opeued the duor for the reccptiou uf 11ew <.:bnrehe::;. RPC 0 iYed none .

±th. Called for t·~JlTP:::-po tHl i ng lllC"':--f.'ll}.!'C'l'" from ~;i~tC'r A~:::-ociatioas, "'hercupou Eld. G B T aylor and Bro:::;. Jarue:; H . Cash antl \Villinm \\ allace from Yer­nou .A~sociatiou wer P received and cxtl•ndcd the r iQ.ht­han<l uf brotherly love aud t ' h ristian gn~1·tiug :md ~·on­ducte<l to :,Pats witlt us bv t he nwder:llOl'.

.)til. In\'i ted visttiu~ ln·ethrcn lo ~eah with tl:-;.

Ut II . The follc)\riu~·com mittee:-- ,·;en· appuiu t<·d : Un OrdPr of Bu:-:.itw:-; ... -J£Jd:;. \\' lJ ~l('Ciee, \\'oo<ls

!:>p rit; ~·fjL'id, J D By~ll "· \\' H L n.t lwm and \\' .J Coward \\Jtil 111<>dcrator :1od cll:' rk.

Ot t U l';\·otillual ~··n·i...:e-Bro-.. U S Fif>lcb, \\" H :\lottlgc•lllCI')' aud J .. \ l'o,d \\11 h "''"''''li~ 11i .\lou1tt ~io­riah ehureb.

( >11 Te tllp,•ratH.:e-E!d. C .J I;lnke a11d Br~~- lh·orgc \' Clanh·.

t>tt i•'i• :ttH:l·-Bro. II .\ :.tl~ltall, at11l I,: ,alt Fi (·J,b. () 1 ~11. 1day:: clhHJI-EJ,I. .; ~\1 I'ink1 no11 and l~ru.

.\ ,J T :t.\ lor. < >u I '~'l't':l:-<·d-Br• · \\" H P1 ar·cnt, a:td \\' L :-:-trit·k­

l:t II d. ( ) p .

t1 \ l''Oili(IOH:-:>--l;ro:--. T :\1 H;til•'.)' a:td .J E lky-ltold-..

():-. lJE\'0 II ()). \I. ~EI~\'J('I·>.

\\'t •, ,\'Otll' t' Pllllui llu·. hcg- l l'a\'e to I'<.')Hil'l t ltat E ld •



J .M Pinkerton preueh ~atnrday at 7:RO p. m.,; El<l. C .J Bla_k"' 1:"-11~dny, ntH a. m.; fi:ld. \\' li McGee at 11 ;1: Ill ; bid.:. \\ R Latham al ~ p. rn. : gld. Geor~rc 13 lnylor nt •:;30 p.m .• and Hev .. J .EStrir.klnnd l\f~day ut J 1 a. ru. Respectfully submitted. ·

. ... \\'. B . .Montgomer_y, Chairman. . On motwn the report was adopted and committee

d Jodmrged.

. _The h?si 11ess of the day bejng .~ouclnded the Asso­CJ:tl l<!IJ nd.Jom·u;t.l until Monday morning 8 o'clock. . bl~ler J ~11 Jukerton preached Saturday at 7:30 p.

m. Hu~ text wus Rq.rn. 8:1.


Eld. C ,J Blake preached at !) a. m. His text \\"LS

L~li\P !1:()~. l•,ld. 'r H .:\lcGee preached at 11 a. ~1 • H1b text was ~ev. 2:10. Eld. \V R Lathitm prettched nt 3 p. m. Hts text wus Eph. 2:8 9. Eld. GeorCYe H Taylor Preached at 7:~0 p. m. Hts text was Zech0:12 The_sermou~ were <til delivet·ed to an orderly and at­ten li VP concou 1·se of people.


'fh~ A~sociatiou met pursuant to adjournment. Af­ter service m song aud prayer anrl having the rules of decorum read t.he moclerlttor· called the body to order.

1st. Roll called and delegates answered to their names.

2nd. :Minutes of Saturday were read :md approved. ~nery No. 2, \Vhat does ,~.\oah's Ark aud the wiudow ll~ t lie t_op represent? was now taken np aud :1fter some dJs~nsston, on motion. this w:1s rendered in answer: \\' e bel1eyp theJ represent our blessed Redeemer.

3rd. H.eports nf committees called for and pre-sented :ts followS~: '

Ox Omn:n OF lh;siN ESI-i.

\\· ~. your c.owmiitee, heg leavP to report (l) That we pr~ceedecl after t!Je lhll:tl order of busiuess ( 2) That thP uext unnuul set.::-Jon of this body he held at .\utioeb church, that Elder \\tJ!His Spriugtield preach tl.e intro­ductory :-;ernwn and .I:.:Icl<·r J V 13 rars he hts alll'l'rJ·tte (:3) Tbut Hru 1hornas .-\l,·xander.he <:O!Jtir.ued n~ Tr.~'Hs: urer; that h(• ~uperinte1 d lla· priuting of thf' nlillulcs nud . that he I>·· allt~\\'0d ~.)fur his :-:t·t·vice. (.J) That. we :tpp'Jillt ColTt'SJH>lldlllg 111'':-;..;ellgers to fllPPt with \~l'l'llon li l'CPwill Bapli::--t A:o:Si l •iat IIIII I ) h' hc·ld at r nion Cllnp­cl.chnrela. 1n Lamar c•,yuty, ·\l:t .. t't>lllllteuciu~ on Sat­ll!day l,.)tl)r" til· :~rd :-)uncia-,· 111 0l'lllht•t·, ]."'H~I. (f>) Th~lt l!.ldPr '" 1I :\leVee l11· appuinl<·d :111 t!\'UntrPii-;t to luhnr ,..,.

-- ~



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t 1 . ·1t11 the varions clmrehe~ within the· -hounds of ,. Ill)( \\ . h I b l . ~~ onnt. ~1 0nah A~sociatinn wben. e~ ~ abc cu·~nm-

stanco::J will admit., nn<l to orgamze c urc es w ~re · 1. be deems atlvtf'ahle, and that the vat·wus e\'P , • (6) rfh t f .churcbes renumerate hirJ? fo~· hilS ~Prvice. a ne various churches nse thetr chs('retJOn as to. the usc of the treatise. Respectfully submttted, .

\V H ~JeGee, Chatrman. On 11wtiw1 the report was receiYed a~<l the commit­

tee disehnrgLd, After which it was c~us1dercJ l,y sec­tioos · wlH'reupon the 1, ::?, B. -1:, and o, were adopted .and tbe 6th was a mend ed by snhstit ute, thns: U pun the reconsidern.tioo of the rest~lutioo relative l<> the use of the Treatis, be it .

Resolved Thnt for peace and tH:non we h ereby dis­-cootinue the ,;se of the Treatise.


\Ye helieve the m;e of intoxicating hquors to he the O'reatest .evil to the prer,ent age, and that the mo~rate :imm·<lrinker's influence is equuily as hurtful, 11 ~ot more so, iu puttiog down t.he ca -;se of Christ, ~s !he lll­fiuen<:h we>ildPd by the habttnal druukard. It 1s. mdeed a sad aud lameutaule fact that. tbe illicit making an~ hundlin~ of spirits is a growing evil. aud that many of <Jur much beloved boys, the hope of church and state , .as well as many of our kindherted hushands au<l fathers ~U'e fallin~ within its fiendisl1 and deadly graRJ:?, There­fore, we beg- every mini8ter and brother and stster who Io,·e th~ cu.nse of Chri~t, •.vho lovf: the gentle youths of onr country-the hope of chu~ch aud sta.te_-to st:~ml firm u.s a mighty bulwark .a~amst the makmg _sellwg :tud drinkiuCY of u.rdeut sptnts, the grc<ltest dence the devil bas in decoying, ensnairing and <!estroying yre­cious immortal souls. Prea.cb agaiu .. t, ta.lk. agntUst, work UO'<tinst. pray and Yote ~tgaiust wbiskey, aud let us sa veeour precious bo,r~ f r om d rnnkards graves an<l our darlillg girls from drn11ket1 hu:'bnrHls. Oh~. hreth~ rtlll, si:-ters, lt>t us ries ''P i11 tlH! pnw..,r and m1ght ot the• Lord and saye our church and state.

RP:-.ped fully su hmitted, C .. J. Rinke, Chairman.

On mntion liH· repot.·t was adnpted and the eom­m it t t•c d i ... dtarged.

o~ Fn~AX<'E,

\\'P, .'·our ~tllllllltt tce, IH'g lc:t\' flln n•p<ll'f that \~C fi11d the Hill I 11t (:':.·>o.n.).) twcnt v and ~~.-~-lllll dollars m the hund~ of thP Treasurer fl!r. llllllltle puqJfJi"o(·~.

ON ~['":~)) .-\ y ~('JIOOL

\Ve, your committee, heg leav13 tl) rrpot·t. with m~u~



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regr?t, tuat we find no report frr,rn · onr ehnreht'S on tins 1mporf~lnt w~1rk. But J,<·ing fully imprPs~cd \rit)

1 tlw ,·alu.e ~~t ~he :--nne!:~,. Scf,,.o) i11 th<·· 11pl,ttildin!! 11f tit!:'

c·:tt~:-:e o~ Chn ... t. there!~ 1 1', "c• m<_Ht urrrc ntly i11 .. i:-.t up­on ou_r ppoph· to ol:~:t_IJIZ! aud :-;trJ\'t! to perpetuate Sun­day :-;<"IJilo..l.- :tt theu· n•:--pPdi,·e c·llltn·hc-..

He:--pcctfttlly "llhmitte<l. .J. ~1. Pink<.·rton , Chairman

. Or, t.lHilJnn, the rcpor" ''as adopted ai1d the ct;lll­nllth·e <h.-e1Jal'!!8d.

lo Ox D 1-~0E.\~En.

\\'f' )'<'Ill' committee, tind thnt our· Ilea,·ellly Fathet· ha;;; heen !dca . .-ed iu Hi.., wi:-;dom to call nine of cnu mucb beloved co-l:tboren; in l'hrist: to their eternal home siuce our 1:~:-:t sP~?lOn, t_u-wit: Bro. tl C Cook ancl :-:istPrs Pcar!Jt~ \\ oulhnght, <1lld Jane H.i<.ldlc. Macedonia c·l~urciJ. Bro. \V C i\1o11 ~,gomery, and l:'i-.ter H r;. nretta l\ edgeworth, Tabernuule church. 8i:-.ter l~liza Piuker­t,<?n, :Shiloh church . Si-;f,.,r Laura Ifanly, Uuiou chnrch ::;,tstcr Polly O<lum, _Antioch church aud sister ..\lary Co" ard, ~Iouut .L\J orw b c burch. \Ve recommend that we ptW tuem a trihnte of re~pect hy npprn<liug this to onr mmutes. Respcctfnlly RnhmittcP,

On motion, the mittPe di~chnraed

I'"' •

J. E. :::ltri.c-kland Cbuirman: repCJrt Wu::; a<loptt•d aud the com-


• '~bereas .our.country is beiL.g (':l.ln>a:-sr cl hy Mor-mon Elc.krs tea<.:IJing tbe1r prruieiousdoctrin<~ therefore

1 BP It ~~esolYecl, That \YO will cli:-:courll iuu.rw0 them; hat WP '' 1ll uot nllow tiJelll to pl'Pitch in (1ll r cl11rruh

hot~~Ps .• nor 8Chool holHf''. aud that we' will 110

t tuke tiletr literature not· g·in~ tltcm auy euco11 :·:'!4' ·ment i

11 :: n y \\'tt \'.

. He:-:oh:C"d_, TLat :hi .. IJ11<.ly appoint u <.:ou1n,]tt,.(• of

fJ_'·.p to draft 1 Pl' lll' or e!JtJ r <"h If'( tf•rs, Ii('CJI :--e . ., aud Cr>l'­

ttfH':tV•s oforcli~l:t'"ion 111' n·i11 istcr~, <'t(',, 111 l1e pu11jj.._f;_ C'cJl 'f' l'IJ<.'lll:tlfy 111 (Jill' ll!illllf '', aud fiJ:tt til•' <.'• ' !IIII ; ''Cp rc·p<H'I at t II" ll• x; a i11: tl:tl · ·---.ion (If t !1 i~ J,o , l,

n(•--oh·C'd, Th at \' I• ;. !.dt·r Cltll' dt';-.('l'\ I ,·:1; ,,, -.inc ' rv I hn ~ lk:-. to Jlt~unt :'llo1 i:" ,.'ltl l't"l: ;1 11d \'i,·init ,. :tn11 •·:-­Jit'1'lally 111 th~· lar!Je..:. \ ;·" 11:1 \'" -..onol 1ly l•cii'J; .• tlto•l


:IIJ~lllll'~ft•aJ 111 11. _<' d·l\· .. 1 l ll_~t•i•· ki11dll . ..; ;t ,.{ IIP~l.it:d-11.\ -.1111\\ 11 tb d 11 l'IIJ~· tIt 1-..-: ... ,IIIII 11f, , 11 r . \ -..:--, ei:ll itt

11 f:1 •-.• I t•f (; !ll\ '-I,J )I)Jff •·•l. •

T . .\1 .. lhj, .. , .. \. '!Jn irJ:I: tii (), , llllltion. tlu· n•prll·t :tdop~t-d lllld.tlr(' {'()Jlillliti('l'

d i-.l'!J:l I'!!Cd.



- . -------

0 f . 0 tl1e body taken an intermission nf one 11 mo ·10 , . . f l t ft

und a half hour~ for recreatwu a1ud }r·eh res 1mrn. stot~ a epr

h. h the hnsine~~ was resume( . c moe f'I ~ -w _ICt~cl n.s corrC'sponding meRsenget·s to mePt wtth Ver­~~~DAs::;ocintiou. Eld. \\'. H. l\JcGco and Bros. Thomas Alexander and A. J. Taylor, a~d that. Bro. Thomas Alexander write the conespoodtug letter. . Also ap­pointed committee t? draft f~H·~1s, etc .• to-w1tt: Br~th­ren H A .l.\lcShan, \\ G \V \\lute, J D Byars, \\ B Montgomery, U V Clardy and Tho'? as Ah•xander.

The work of the session now hewg euded, on. n:to­tion the purtin<T haud was taken and the Assocw.twn adjourn~d to m~et at A nti11ch ~burch, .Fayette county, Ala., Saturday before the 2nd :::Snndny m October, 1900.

· \\'ll, E. HARDIN, NloJerator. THOMAS ALEXANDEu, Clerk.

O.tda.ined ~inister:;; a.:c.d th.eil: Post-Offices.

Elder W R Latham, Koon, Pickens county, .\la. 'V H )lcGee, Koon, ·Pickens couuty, Ala.

" Woods Springfield. Pleasant Grove, Pickens Co, Ala " \V J Coward, Beards, I>ickens county, Ala. " .JohnS Hinton, ~IcConnell, Tu~caloosa county, Ala " J E Mathis, :\Iillport, Lamar county, Ala. " J D Byars, )Iillport, Lamar county, Ala. " s 'V Williams, Bostic, Pickens county, Ala. " Abner IJenderson, Carrollton, Pickens county, Ala. " (leorge W Gil wreath, Covin, Fayette county, Ala. " T K Harrison, Pleasant Grove, P1ckens county Ala " J :M Pinkerton, Kuon. Pickens county, Ala. ., C .r Blake, Columbus, Lowndes county, Miss. "

Licen tia. tes.

Hev .. 1 E Strickland, Bost.ic, Pickcr.s county. Ala. , James T Hlnton, ~IcConnell, 'ruscalousa county Ala

'~ ..


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T ltv L: u i o 11 ntt'L t11 •! n f t Itt' :do uu t :\I or i a b F r ·e w iII D:~J' l j., ; .\. -::-t~e i:ttion llll:: jn 1!-- ' l'<·ntl: .\.nttll;d :--; ~·-':--ion ~lf C 11 inn ei111J 1·ln PJI'ke11:: CPtl 11 Y. ,\ Ia., on .J 11 1\' 1.-d h :tlld lli b. b~l~l. The intrc,dul't r·,. :-i<'l'lllclll \\·a._ .ptcat·!1~·d l,y Eld. ,I. E. ·'1 at In~. lli" tt·.x·t \\ :::-; St. .J,.Jnt U: :1_,; \"CI':- •''. .\ t1~r n·li~iort:-. <'X · re i~<.· :-. a r~·cps :-: •Jl' ··~~e 11ntll' wa:- t:tke11 for l'<!fl'•·-. hnH:ut. :lft"r \\'hi<·h, tilL' U l ini~ter:-­ilJJd d ~·lt•·.!·:tt(•:-- :t'"':-;em lJied io thL· botbc..> , and the l1od .r \\"<t::o

cailul ,,; ut der hy t w<· r·•) l'lll l t' nwd.•rator. \\'. B . ..\Iout­g( lLUy. prayer L.,. E !d. \r. ,J. Coward. Bn:-.ine~~ tralls­ucictl 10 t It(• follo,,·itJL.' em{·• ,·:

J.,t. Lettr• J·~ frOin thl.· ,-,; riou.;; cllnn·heo; v;ere c:d l­ed f,,r. ha ndeJ in, r r>ntl aud <'Oil teu to.; ltu k d.

:?ud. Prc Jceed trJ thc> l'ic,·tion of nwdl' l'tl. IOI' atd t·lerk, wLwreupon Bro. \\'.D. )lont.<runF'r.r w:1~ l'le~· te<l 1110der:tror :u1d Gcor~:re Y. l'lunly cleric t !'be \\" urkmall is wort b .Y of b is mea 1· )

3rd. The following t'Oturuittee":> \Yere uppoiutt·d: On Onlf.ol' of Bn~iii ~::-.:-; -Eitls. ,1\r Sprin~field~ \\' ,J

Cc>war.l, .J E .JLttill..,, WJt lt llJ<~drr.ttor ancl elcrk. On Prea•·hing-.J G Pear-, l ll with deaeon:-; of Uuion

eh nrcl1. 0· Hesolnti•,n:-- :u.d l~ucrie~-Brethrcu \r L ~tucky

\\' II K•Jou, 1 Field~. tJ ,\' 1:.: ::)helhy aud l{C\'. ,J E :::> lrickla ud.

.J:th. Com!llittee 011 pr.•;t ching l'L'port. Eld.· \\~ .J Coward to prea.eh S ttnt day ni~i1t, Eld f K Uarri:--on at H tl. 111. "3tmday, Eld. \\' :--ipr!J:.:dield at ll a. ttl . Eld. tJ E l\Iathi;:; at !3::W p . 111. He.-::pcctfnlly Euhmitt ·d,

.]. (f. Pt!:U:--o!J, Chairm,tn. On 11J•,tinn rnport t·at ei\'eJ :mel <?••mluittee di .,char~,·{i

511~. ( )n IIJOtion. nt!l'1T ll'fl'rr d to 1 hh , r:-;..:ion-1:--• •

there :lily anthnrit~· in I lod'-. \\"ord for < ,,lllf>!:'lliu.!.t· dllll'l·h 11 PllllJ, .. l', to altl·nd tbl ·r c·h ur~lt eoo!'erctH.·(·::: ~­''~'a~ t:tkt•JJ 11p. cli:-:etlHcd :Ill l t!JP fu!lowin~ arr-;\rcr \\a-. adoptt'd: 'l'L t> cl:lil'en lt: •.., 11n :lll.thority to <:omp(·l IH·r metllhe r~ til at ~t>lld e •llf n·11•·•· . ,,nJy tl1 rcHt!.!.·h 1 !tc pPr­::- tta:->i\"l· i•dltt(•:tct· ~d· 1 •· ~ 'Ill' .. :;:1d (' t l\"t'll:tllt:, : ur..~: ·­nlctl1 ,

Iii h. 011 tllrlliu:t i ·;,;.," tJJt·vt ill!.!' nclj•n:rll( d tt·1; il ~1Plld:1_\' l'lotl'lli lt~ ~~ ,·c·, 1"1:.

~~lTin· 1111 .' :It 11 rd 1 11: :.:·It 1 :1 :td ~l!!lll:t ,._ 1: !. I \\" .• i ( 'o\\':trcl l':'t.:.t l'l ('d :--':H:,r-1 ·. \ Ill!..: 11. '1'<·-.;.f ~ .\l:tt · .. ,..,.,.I Eld, T K ll arr .:o.l jd'c•. t·!i cl ''J',d:Jy :11 ~~ :1 ill. ! l i .... tl'X I \\' :1~ I:- ! ('pr. 1~.:1 :! . ..••. 1111',1 i.ro l!::r 1. ·.·.:::'\

:--,. t iII,' t II t (} I! ll' j l d l I t 1111' l j . I • ! " I I f I ! ll' !.!". ' ., I' ' I I I \ l ' . I \ -

in.!· on of' !;,• haud:-= oi ll.l' ltditJ.\'1 11!.2: l'l'l' '''Ykry. l·:icl \\" :-;priu;.!·licld, .J E .\Ia~hi" :tlld \\' .J ( ' n\\ :r:cl . . \ 1 II :1 11 1 •


- -------r-7 -77

• • . • I 1 rc·t<'hrtl. IIi~ l• xt: ~nd ·~·1m. -±::,. Eld \\ :--.pran~lle( 1.\· .' tald~ ,, a::i :::;prea<l, or winch lllany •tt'l'l" wllldt t}lc l,o1( s '' 'IIJOI"Iti~>n qf our Lord and

. . t I In t I" ''Citlll. ' • r .. tl . p:1 rt_l! ' l p:t '< • :... ~\ t : ~ :;JO p. m . Eld. ,J r... .\l<t H~ ~'l\'JIIJ" ,1<-:-ll:-- t h_ll t. \ t • J()•')l !J'I • I I l ( 1::. it•xt \\":l~ • (' '-; •'· ' o), • •

pt'L':ll'llt•ll . . . . : •. II t:•tllf\'ill''·. at•tl W<h dtdl\ <'l'Ctl to 11le !'ot'l"lllOil:-- "' 't .t .. :- . I

. I . , t ·utin· l"tlllt' ·nr::-e, •t l>L't•Jt ~. a large:tll1 •1• c :.~o);"D.\ y "\I OH::\1;\U ~~ o 'elt ,d.-.

1 • -, 11 t H nd ,. { • iott J!tL:dill:l' nwt J> l ll":-il:mt to a< .. Julil'lltlll'l' l . \'. ·r

II . l t r. Y e ,. I, v . ll \ . (•:ti\Pd tu ol'llPI' I ~ ~· the lll l ~ ern nr. P .t. .' . , ,

l'o\\':~~~~.. Holle:tlled :Iiiii dek:.,::att>" •llJS\\ t'l'l'<l to tlt<·ir

n:trll~~;d. :\Iinute:' uf ~. ll.uln~· l't>tH1 :.tnd :•pprm·ed . '3. l C·tllcd fccr l"C}llll t ot l'llUl llllt j('c·~ · tLc• !ol-• ,

1 ( •. 't' • ( )'1 ordt'l' or lllt::,ill • :-,-.. :-.lllllllltte<l (JonHUI ll•· '

lo\\ ing l'l 'lHli'1: . I. I:._ lctHh· auth·rize til e 'Ye rc ·cvOilllltl'IHI 1:--t. t 1.1 t ~ lL . . 1 .. ' t .

. · t. C<'llll'llil<'c• of thrr•c lrc < l.t. ,til mndPrntor to tlppr•llt cl .' • . I l' . . ::\lep1 int 1 . •xelll'>J\'c• lr tor t If' 111011 • • -'

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7lh. 011 mot.ion query was taken up :u~<l aftm· a leug'thy and fPelin~ discus~ion, the foHowiu,g answer wu.~ unanimously adopted, it)·wit: The word of God does tPu.ch that weshonld live wholly sanctified in this world. ·

8th. On"'motion, Rev. J E Strick land was ap­pointed t o preach at the c lose r.f this conference.

Th(, moderator appointed the foJJowing L>ret.hren to clraft am1 present at the next setision of this bodv a c~nstituti:?n ctnd rules of decorum by which to be gov­erned: El<.ls. \V Springfield. J E :Mathis and brother G V Clardy. • · 9th . On motion the Union MtlAtmg adjourned to

meet at l\fount Moriah, Pickens county, Ala., on Sat­urday before the ~ud Sunday in August 1900.

Rev. J E Stnckland preached. His text--­after whica a hymn was sung and the parting hand taken. W. B. MoNTGOMERY, Moderator.

G. V. Cr.ARDY, Clerk.

~oll of Delegates.

Mount ~foriah church- I J 'V St. John. ltiacedonia church-1 Fielis. Shiloh church-W H Kooa, W R Buckhalter. Tabernac~e cburch-W B Montgomery, J WE Shelby. Holl.Y Sprmgs chu"£ch-W L Stucky, G V Clardy J A Thrasher AntiOch church-Not represented. Mt. Hermon chur~h-J G Pearson. Union church-T M & J·J Bailey, W H Whatley.

. ~ •


'"''2?'\7;7 f :r·tn~<~< [ )'i.It' ~0 ~JJ,~~l: ):JJ{:_lJ, l'l( I u~ u~ I.LL.. J/ ~ /.)

\ ·t· 1£> 1 ' l'l1e :\s~0ciat.ion sh;tll he tailed to ordor by J 1 JC v · • . t.'

the muder:ti or wlhl pr<·...,i led :t t t hP la:;t .tic:;:; JOn. r o!·mer c lerk abo ofiiciatiu:,r nulll tue i'tHly ts fully orp:antz~\1.

2. The As~ocintion shall IJe opened and closed w1.h siu,ring anll pru)~cr.

f ThP m od~ra tor u u, l el • ·r k -; h ~til be e b_os.~n by. ba I lot n.l eueh ~;eo:siCJtl of th~ ,\~i'neiation .• \ lll tljOl'l t,Y of \"Utes by the rle i• ~·t t ·.s pi·l'~ent elect:' . . ..

4. The uames o[ the delegate:-. from ~lw clltfr--reLat churches sha!l be enrolled nud eallf'd us often a:; neee~-sary during tbe sessiou. .

5 A ma-ority l,f deleg<:ttcs prP.i'(-'Dt shall rule m a~l c:lses, except in t 11P reception of new churches, then It shall he uuauimous.

ti. The mcderato r e.ball uot he entitled to Yote, exc~pt in case of a tie; und theu be sba 11 Q"i ve tbe ~ceid~ng­vofP He shall ilCPntitled to speak 1>D any qn PStiOn after oLLe~·~ have spoken, providing he apr)oint some oue to the chail' while he is si1eaking .

7. Only one person !:ihall speak at the time, wh o shall arise and address the moderator.

8. No brother shall he interrupted while opcaking, unless he depart from the s ubject uudt1r diecussiun, or use words of personal r efi ection. .

9 No per~on shall be allowed to speak more than. t\~ice on the same subject withou t lease of t he As:'oetatwn, uur more than fifteen minntes at a time.

10. l\omembershall talk or laugh duriug th e time tbe delmles are going 011.

11. No memuer shull a b:"eut hirn-;elf from the As~o­ciation without leave of t he moderator.

1:?. The moderut·n· shall have powt:r to c:tll t he .:\sso­ciution together Pt au.'· timP npou a pt•titiou of t ·so thirds of .tb e cbtLche-:: compo..;ing the .Al5::,o~iati<'n over which he preside~.

1~. That the appointmeut uf all <·ummittc<::-: hy the moderator IJ~ con tiu c><l to the mini!"i.er~ aPd t!elegutc:; couqwsiug lhe .Associatwn.

Arttclc 1. \\- P hclic,·c th1·n· j<; n11 .. tr nc aw l l i\'iu~ Und, who is tlte Supre111e H11l•·r tt[ IIL•aveu nlld earth, s··lt'-t ·xi:-.tcllt Cr<•:ttClr <•I all thin.!; ... :tlld r•·\·(-':tl<·d t1111h·r

lhc per~ounl clt!::itlnct iP tl of Fallto r. >o n. :tttd u .. h (, ho:-.t. t·qual iu <~" ·~ry <'i\' inc pcrf<•etion ,111d ~·xi--tin~ iti dt~liul'l.. but hn.rmouiou:; oftice in the trrea t work of rPdf'lll pti nn. Art.~ \\'c l>elie,·e the lloG Bthlc \\:l!-o. writt·n by nHil

divinely in,..pirecl, nnd is a perfec·t trcu.sure of beaveuiy instruction; I lt;Ll it has God for ItS author salvation ff;l' its eud, and truth for its m:Lltet·; thut it reveals the priiH:ipl·~s hy which 9"od will judge u-;, und tbet·efore iii and shall,rcmain to the end of this world, the center of Christian uniou, the supreme Atanclu.rd by which al l hu­man conduct, creed and ooiuions will ho tried.

Art. 3. We believe th.~t man "'<h created holy, un­c~er the law of his maker, hut from voluntary transgretl­swu fell from that happy state, in.conseqneuce of whil'h all maukmd ar~depraved, and wholly unable of thei r own free will and abilit.Y to recover themseh·es from the fallen state in which they are oy nature,

Art. 4:· We believe tbat God has uot fixed the future state of mankind by au absolute aud unu.l teral:>le decree b_ut ~alvation is offered in the Gospel ft·ee to all, 3nd if smuet'i! are lost forever it will bP theit· own fault.

5. We believe that Christ by his death :wd sufferings made an atouement for the sins of all mankind in geu­

. et·al, and every individual in pa...ticular; however that none but those that believe ir , Him can be partakers of the divine benefits,

6: We f)elieve that true faith cannot proceed from the exercise of uur natural faculties and powers, or from the force and operution of the free will, since man in conse­quence of his natural corrnptiou is incapab!e either o1· doing anything spiritu!•lly good.

Art. 7. vVe beli3ve in tile geueral application of the grace of God to fa lieu mau sufficient to ~nable him morally abd actually to obny the requirementa of the l.a~v of liberty.-Jfls. 1:25. This is to act out saving fa.ttb-John 1:9. However uone but those who helieve or acquiesce in Christ will be saved thert'lby-Act:! 17, 32; Rom. 2, 9; Johu 3, 19.

Art. 8, We b~lieve in the free moral agency of man, hy the grace of God, before and after couver:.ion. that he is l;.rid un?er uo n:vin<·ib.le necessity, by his Ct:eatol', to act I_D a gr v~n way, that If he lives after the flesh he shall <he, but If he thl'oug-h the spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body he shall livP, ami, tbPrefore. man is always a proper subject of ndmouitiou au<.l exi.ortatron. He h. 11, 12-13; l{on•. 1~, 14; )-lark 14, 1::2; Eze. 18,24; Hev. 2 and 3. Eze. ~a. };laud~~; 1st Tim. 4. 1; lleiJ. :3, 5; 1st Cot·, 10, 1~ a11d ~iv.; 1st Peter 1, 10.

Art. !J. We bcline that the visible church of Christ is a co.ngregation of b•·lie,·crs, associated hy l'O\'Cll:.Lllt. in the fallh and fellow ... hip of the (Jo!;pr·l, oh~erving the o~·drn1mces. of Christ, governed by hr-s Itt IV~>, nnJ cxerci. smg ~he gtfts, righ.ts and privileges invested in them by lil::~ word, that 1ts only pl'Oper o!lic<lrs are bishops, pastors ancl deacons. whose qnalifimtinn!', claim!'. nud

.ht1.ies n.re cll"finPd in the Rpi~ll~s ~o Timo~hy ft:Gcl Titue. Arr. 10. We hclieve that chnstian bapt1sm IS tmmer­

llion in watPI' in the nnme Df the FathPr, _Son and Jfoly Ghost nmlthut helit..V<'l'" ar<• p~op;r st,h]~cts.

Art. 11 \\ c ueli .. ve tbe I...ord s bupper II; of perpetual oblia:&tion by whinh the membera of the church. m the use ';;f bre~d 'and winr, are to commemorntP. together the dying love of Christ, preceded always by svlemn selt-exan11n:t I ioll , .

Art. 12. \Y e believe in the resurrectton of lh~ ?end aud the gP.uer:tl jndgt:meut; that t~e j<•ys .of the nght­eons and the punishment of t~e ":~eked wrll be eternal upon principles of gracE> atHl JUStiCe. . .

Art. 13 We believe iu op~n 9r m1xed commumon ~nd the churches of our body are uuthorizPd, through their p:tstorl', to. invite ehri~tiau.s of _all ort.hod.ox -churches who ure 10 good standmg 10 thetr respectrve churches to commune with us at the Lord's tahle,

({gill})W~JEP111lW1Ifllllfa · Art. This Association shall be known ns the Mount Moriah Freewill Bt&ptist Al<sociation of Alabama, and beina composed of delegates from the different churches for~ng the same, each church being entitled to three delb~ates.

2. This body sha.ll be con•idered an advisory counsel but having uo authority over the affairs of the churches

3. Each church in this Association shall he couRider­ed au advisory body, and :shall coutrol its own internal affairs in matters of discipliue, etc. It may, however, in extreme cases, call aid from sister cbnrcbes.

4, All questions of doctrine and matters of general iuterest shall be settled by two-thuds vote of the Asso­<'iation, and the decision shall be final.

5. The officertl of the Association shall he a modera­tor, clerk and treasurer, who shall be chosen at euch -sessiou by a majority of votes.

6. The Aesociation shall meet annually at wch timt> ~wd place as mu.v oe agreetl upon hy •be pre,·ious annu­al session, and sbn.ll not adjoum finally until all the business is tram.ncted.

7. Churches '' ishing t•) becr;me members of this As­sociation mnst adopt its article!! of faith and conform to its nrsa~<'S.

8. \Y e ugreo nq churches of th i~ As:;ociatiou to u~e nur hest intluencl.l to prolllotc the iutere.;t of all moral and heuev11lont institutions, such as the temperance 4.~11111'0, t:)nubnth schr1ols, missionary work. etc.





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- . -

<'J,urclw..; and 1'01111tiec:. Xames or l>clcgatcs. I

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- --===_IL __ .:lit . .:lloriaiJ. Picken~ Co l \\'m. E llnrclin .. 101· E Wood,.., H.\ :llcShan ....... l \\'oodo.; Springfield .....

11F L-Smi"tll. c;orP. . .\la.l' .jl

.:IT:...co,lonia . .... , ........ lbaal• l''lcld. R ':i Flcllb, W .J Jtlc.\dam:; .............. r F. .:llnthis ............ 1.1 T Hanlin, ~lillporl. . . . .. ;

., !'hilull ........ _ ... . ..... . . ............... .. ... .. . . . . .................... J E 1\lathls ............ .la~. L E,tb. Koon. . ... 11.!

Tah_c~·naci.···,_Tn"c·al~~'~., \\' !l ~Jont~om~r~. :~ \\' B Shelby ..................... 1 \\' TJ ,\~cGce .............. .r, \\_' ~~?~t~om,er.\' ~ITOJ1m·ll .. Jlol.~ ~Jlll!l..,li. Pic~ ns ,. G' ,(,lard~.;~ E h~)llOids ................................ ,,.T n, H~IH .... ·: ........... l· \ ( l,tlf~\.l.o,..tll .. . \nnocl!. J·a~·cttf' lo ...... I \ .r l a.\ lor. l homa,-, .\h·xnnclcr ......... ..... _ ..... n G \\ HolliS.. .. ... 11D llclk. < m 111. ... . .. .:11:.11•·" JtJll, Tn .. •·aiO<J~a .. \\' }{ l't·ar~on .. .. .. . ............................. I.J 1': )fathis .......... 1 \\' E !food, Fo...: . . l"nion. Picker . ., Co.. ..... .1 .J <\: 'l' .:11 Railey .1 .\ Pool ...... ...... ................... I \\ood, Sprin;;llclu .... \\' .1 < ·ta~·ton l'ka ... anl <:ron· li

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