FSS Ap p lic ation s - Golvbolaget · No limits to your fantasy! No limits to your freedoom!...

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Transcript of FSS Ap p lic ation s - Golvbolaget · No limits to your fantasy! No limits to your freedoom!...


FSS Ap p lic ation sAdv e rtis in g

Airp orts B an k in g

C all C e n tre s C ar in du s try

C omme rc ial Offic e sC omp u te r

Ele c tron ic s Fin an c ial

G ov e rn me n t In s u ran c e

M e dia, TV/ R adioN e w s p ap e r p re mis e s

Ph armac e u tic al C omp an ie s Te c h n olog ie s

Un iv e rs itie s an d L ibrarie sUtilitie s

H iros s Fle x ible Sp ac e Sy s te m: an e x p e rie n c e d te am at y ou r s e rv ic e !

At Hiross we are committed to providing customers with the highest levels of building performance through techno-

logy and integration of team knowledge into the complete building process, in order to ensure that maximum com-

mercial and environmental advantage can be gained and maintained

throughout the life of each and every project.

To do that we offer value throughout our product range, willing and informed support and advice and

we maintain close contact with our customers.

Hiross Flexible Space System was the originator of underfloor air conditioning and has developed

a worldwide presence.

We are immensely proud of our customer portfolio and the high levels of user satisfaction reported

over 20 y ears of development by our dedicated and well-qualified representatives in many countries.

There is only one Flexible Space System. There is only one world.

... In the past

... Y esterday...

... Today

To demonstrate that Good Ideas have a long life!This is a Roman (180 A.D .) living room. The heated living room hadsimilarities to today’s present floor heating system. Hot air which flo-wed from the Praefurnium circulated through sandstone pillars (pic-ture), heating the stone cappings which were located underneath thefloor. Finally, the remaining hot air escaped through a hollow brick,which provided warmth within the joining walls.

The Hiross Flexible Space System was designed for installation inbuildings incorporating raised access floors.Such floors became increasingly common, as they permitted the fle-xible and orderly installation of power and communication cables andother services.In addition, the Flexible Space System, compared with conventionalair conditioning systems, had the advantage that it did not require afalse ceiling or space at high level for air ducts. Being an “air basedsystem”, the installation of water services throughout the buildingwas minimised.

The Hiross Flexible Space System has evolved even further. Officebuildings are frequently used for multi-tenant and multi-use purpo-ses, and they may also include stores, restaurants, canteens, banks,auditoriums, etc. Each of these areas may be operated during diffe-rent working hours and some of them may need to be operatingwhilst the rest of the building is shut down.Much more: users can create their own microclimate directly fromtheir PC! Nothing has been so easy before.


... In the past

... Yesterday...

... Today

Hiross Flexible Space System

The Flexible Space system is centred around the needs of

the individual, and responds to ever changing human and

technological demands. It can be modified or expanded

easily and inexpensively as many times as required; it is a

modular design utilising raised access flooring.

• Flexibility

• Cost Saving

• Construction time saving

• Energy saving

• Easy maintenance

• Indoor Air Quality


New buildings

George I GeorgiouFinancial Director, Orbit Moving and Storage Ltd - Cyprus

Dear Sirs

We are writing to express our satisfac-

tion with the Hiross Flexible Space

System. Since August 1998 it has per-

formed very well both during summer and wintertime. The working envi-

ronment in our offices is always pleasant and although 80% of the total

floor area is an open plan office area, we are always able to control tempe-

ratures according to the individuals’ requirements.

It is the Flexibility of the System, however, that saved us both time and

money. Whenever we had to move or add a new desk in the space, we could

easily do that in a matter of few minutes, relocating also grilles for the air

conditioning as well as all the electrical and data services.

We would definitely recommend the Hiross Flexible Space System.

Hiross Flexible Space System

Refurbishment of existing buildings

This is particularly true for all buildings where Hiross FSS

concepts were not included in the earlystages of the design.

Many refurbishment projects have con-straints placed upon them by

the space requirements and height limita-tion of potential HV AC systems.

Increasingly, Hiross FSS is used to solve this problem.

“From a general point of view when the capacity of a proper-ty to perform the function for which it was intended declines,it becomes functionally obsolete.Functional obsolescence may originate from several sourcesfollowing changes in the market, in equipment design or pro-cess, or because of poor initial design”.

Source: Evaluation of the functional obsolescence of building services inEuropean office buildings. Dominique Allehaux, Philippe Tessier, Energyand Buildings 34, pp. 127-133, 2002.

Raised access floors are mainly used for under floor cable mana-gement and piping - 80% of installed access floors have under-floor voids of 12-15 cm.


AP Pension fund

1990: Millbank 15.000 sqmOld features preserved

BBC and other TVbroadcast studios

In our latest office building project in Warsaw, Atrium Centrum approximately17.000 sqm, we decided to use the Hiross Flexible Space System. The reason forchoosing Flexible Space was mainly based on 3 aspects:

• Indoor air quality• Flexibility• Running costThe System is working at our full satisfaction and has well met theabove reasons for choosing the system. It has also proven to beexcellent when adapting spaces for our tenants.

Soren HarrysonDevelopment Manager, Skanska


Hiross Flexible Space System:

Whether it’s a new building or a refurbishment,

Hiross Flexible Space System offers you

the right answer to your needs.

The System goes further,

offering full function control

of all elements, while also offering

potential financial benefits in installation,

operation and energy consumption.

for successfull living!

Hiross Flexible Space System


CreativityNo limits to your fantasy! No limits to your freedoom!

Individual comfortA holiday comfort at your work-station!

FlexibilityMove your mind, move your office any time you like!

Lower W hole Life CostsDo more with less!

Indoor Air QualityLike an open valley, better than a green garden!

The SystemMake your life easy with Hiross Flexible Space System!

Architects ask for designfreedom...• Freedom to create corporate images

without restrictions imposed by pre-determined, rigid construction techniques.

• Greater freedom of expression in designand alteration even when design is inprogress.

• Simplification of design and installation ofservices.


No limits to your fantasy!


Designers expect...To consider ergonomic issues related to staff performance and comfort by developing cost effective solutions capable of adapting rapidly to changingneeds.

Occupiers expect...• To personaliz e the office

layout.• Minimal disruption during

maintenance and reconfiguration.


No limits to your freedoom!

Hiross Flexible Space System

A holiday comfort at your work-station!

Often, rooms are occupied by

people with different physiologi-

cal and psychological response,

clothing, activity, individual prefe-

rences of the air temperature

and air movement, time respon-

se of the body to changes of the

room temperature, etc. Thus,

total-volume ventilation has limi-

tations and is often unable to

provide each occupant simulta-

neously with high thermal com-

fort and air quality.

Environmental conditions accep-

table for most occupants in a

room may be achieved by provi-

ding each occupant with the pos-

sibility to generate and control

his/her own preferred local envi-

ronment. Personalised ventila-

tion aims to supply personalised

clean air directly to the breathing

z one of each occupant. Thereby

each occupant can control the

environment at his/her work

place. Thus, occupants’ satisfac-

tion with the indoor environment

and his or her productivity can

be increased as a result of

improved air quality, thermal

comfort and control over the


Prof. Ole Fanger


It is very easy for us to design and implement ventilation facilities which can accommodate all current and future office requirements coupled with the need of high “churn rate” / layout changes, minimising costs... still retaining the planned level of comfort!!!

Individual Comfort

A holiday comfort at your work-station!11

By giving people individual control over the environmental conditions in their workplaces, designers and facility managers can help increase worker satisfaction and productivity.

Hiross FSS allows occupants to control temperature and airflow to meet their individual needs.

J ust because this technology is used in conjunction with underfloor air distribution, we open up opportunities for efficiency in building design and operation.

In addition to improving worker satisfaction and productivity, this combined approach has the potential to improve thermal comfort and indoor air quality.

Unobstructive Console or Floor Terminal Units, which are individually controlled, distribute conditioned air to the workspace. This gives occupants personalised environmental control: a vital consideration in creating a healthy building.

Hiross Flexible Space System

Move your mind, move your office any time you like!



The ability to respond quickly to changes is one of the major challenges facing corporations in toda-y’s highly competitive global economy. Companies must rethink the way in which they organiseand carry out their work.

These changes result in “churn” (the terminology used for

moving people or equipment around). While churn may

have a positive impact on organisation goals, its immedia-

te effect can be disruptive and costly if appropriate strate-

gies are not implemented, particularly for companies with

multiple facilities and thousands of employees.

Flexibility... Freedom to MoveA technologically integrated system:

• To accommodate any present and future changes

• To design and create intelligent buildings

• To provide end-users with a key factor to support innovations

• To have easy access for cleaning and maintenance

Move your mind, move your office any time you like!13

Hiross Flexible Space System, thanks to its modular design utilising raised access flooring, is able to answer indivi-dual needs of customisation and technological adaptation: it is possible to modify and expand the existing lay-out asmany times as required, with limited investments.

It is no longer necessary to compromise, or have a major upheaval when staff changes, offices or partitions have tobe moved, or new equipment is installed.

Companies churn rates in major

cities have been recorded in the

region of 32% - 80% yearly, i.e.

number of offices moved during a

given year as a percentage of the

total number of offices.

(Source: Estates Gazette - London)

Costs and downtime impact... ranging from USD 200 to USD 600 per offi-ce for extra circuits and receptacles...

(Abstract from H erman Miller’s “Churn In the W orkplace”, 2001)

Cost of re-arrangement of offices in the order of USD 190-210 /sqm

(Source: Panasonic - Paris)

FSS has shown to reduce their direct costs by as much as 10 times.Reduced disruption can have a far higher benefit when salary costs, rental cost and profit are considered.

Hiross Flexible Space System


Like an open valley, better than a green garden!

Tests conducted on FSS projects at installation and

ten years later, show that the indoor environment

quality is constant. If maintenance procedures are

followed, FSS installations continue to provide

reliable and healthy conditions irrespective of

the age of the system.

Indoor Air Quality

carbon dioxide PPM

carbon monoxide PPM

Respirable sized particules ug/M

Formaldehyde PPM

nicotine ug/m3

microbes CFU/m3



max 800

max 5

max 7.5

max 0.1

max 50

max 750


The sub-floor surfaces may

be easily cleaned of

builder’s dust and debris

before the system is

commissioned. All surfaces

in contact with the supply

and return air are in fact

readily accessible for

inspection, by simply

raising a floor tile.







Like an open valley, better than a green garden!

Hiross Flexible Space System


No Dust!

Dust is simply not an issue.

Any dust, which may be present at start up early in

the morning (1 or 2 hours before office time), is

quickly eliminated (about 10 air cycles per hour

through efficient filters).

Anyway, it has to be noted that the typical velocity of supply air in pressu-

rised plenums is too low for dirt particles to be carried into the air stream

and emitted through the FSS Fan Terminal Units.

No mould or bacteria!

No condensates, mould, or bacterial growth has

ever been detected in any FSS installation in

over 20 years.

Recirculating air, enriched with fresh air, actively

inhibits anaerobic growth.

FSS - A healthy option

• High recycling air volumes

• High Fresh Air concentration in the floor void

• Good air distribution

• Low temperature gradient

• Easy inspection of the underfloor void for periodic cleaning, if necessary

• High flexibility in relocation of components avoiding unwanted draughts in the occupied space

• Modular design allows easy upgrade for the most stringent requirements

Do more with less!16

Cost savings

• construction cost savings of 5-7%(source: Swedish National Pension Fund)

• height saving of up to 15%

Minimal or no lateral ducting or piping is required. Reduced depth of, or no false ceiling at all, enables up to 15% reduction of floor to floor height.Consequently, reductions in height requirements give a substantial cost saving or alternatively a gain of additional storeys (and net lettable area) for high rise buildings.

Time savings• faster construction time by at least 25% (up to 38%) (source: BAA and Skanska)

• standardisation of the building criteria

• ease of installation at floor level rather than at ceiling level

• shorter project completion times and reduced site costs

• FSS gives you greater ability to solve the problem of last minute design lay-out changes

Operation costs• easy cleaning and maintenance access simply

lifting a raised floor tile

• 30% reduction of facility related operating costs (Source: Digital)

• multi-trade activity in an area is reduced, minimising damage and repair work.

• 25-30% reduction in electrical consumption (Source: BAA)

Lower Whole Life Costs

Saved Space

Hiross Flexible Space System


Do more with less!


• cash flow enhanced through delayed investment

(mechanical and electrical components can be fitted,

according to tenants’ requirements,

whenever space is rented)

• tax advantages

(In using the access floor as a plenum for the

air-conditioning, its revenue status changes from

‘Fixture’ to ‘Plant and Equipment’ and in so doing it

attracts capital allowances)

• earlier return on investment through earlier rental income

(Earlier release of the building permits letting

to take place earlier. In many cities rental is

approximately USD 300/sqm per year.

Taking a project of 100,000 sqm and perhaps 50%

of the space to be released 20 weeks earlier,

the increased rental revenue equates

to nearly 6 million US dollars)


• time of reconfiguration is 10 times faster compared

with traditional systems

• more than USD 150 /sqm per year saved in

reconfiguration costs equates to 50% of the rent

When compared with VAV system, one study

showed a 26% reduction in overall energy but

more importantly showed a 29% reduction in

CO2 emission

Energy savings• low pressure operation (energy saving)

• zoned thermal management (increased efficiency)Variab le A ir

Vo lu m eF a n C o il

U n itF le x ib le S p a c e

S y s t e m

k W h

A n n u al E n e rg y C o n s u m p tio n C o m p aris o n








Each floor is divided into individual thermally homogenous zones up to approximately 300 square metres, each cove-

red with Access Floor and served by an Air Handling Unit (Hiross C or Hiross V) treating and supplying conditioned

air to the floor plenum. In case of Hiross C system, supply and return air paths are established by baffles in the floor

void: air is drawn by Console and Floor Terminal Units and then returned to the plenum through air grilles, easily posi-

tioned to suit any architectural interior design.

Return Air Grille

Hiross C: floor supply / floor return

Hiross V : floor supply / space return

Hiross TU4:

Terminal Unit

B affle:

underfloor partitioning

The Return Air Grille

is a walkable grille

made of light

aluminum alloy,

which can be

adjusted in height

depending on floor

tiles and covers thanks

to a patented

height regulation.

The System

The air returning from the rooms enters

the CAM from the underfloor void.

Once filtered and conditioned

at set temperature and humidity,

the air is then delivered again

into the underfloor plenum towards

the Floor Terminal Units Hiross TU.

The Hiross TU is a patented terminal, which extracts air from below the raised floor

and in addition recirculates room air.It has been designed to be installed within an access floor

and may be used as part of the walking surface. One of thetwo grilles is fitted with a hatch

for easy access to the TU controller.

The Baffle is a fabric

cloth partition, which divides

the underfloor plenum

into supply

and return channels.

It perfectly complies

with fire regulation

and it is very easy

to be installed and removed.

Hiross Flexible Space System


“Serve air of high q uality - it pays” Prof. Ole Fanger

“We can guarantee: it does what it says, it does.”

Peter Schering
Peter Schering
Golvbolaget es AB Solkraftsvägen 16 A, 135 70 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46(0)8-718 26 00 Fax +46(0)8-718 55 99 info@golvbolaget.se www.golvbolaget.se