Frontend Finesse with Angular & Rails 4

Post on 17-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Frontend Finesse with Angular & Rails 4

  • 1. Front-end Finesse Taming your templates with Angular et al. Matthew Bennett-Lovesey @undecisive matt @

2. UPDATE!!! If clicking links in a rails app causes angular to fail, add this to Have added some Javascript alternatives, if that's your thing. It's not mine. It might be yours. 3. Menu About this presentation About the content of this presentation About how angular.js applies to the content of this presentation About the application that we'll be applying angular.js to during the content of this presentation PROFIT! 4. What is angular.js? Javascript framework Template driven MVC 5. What are we building? Coverletter generator Beautiful, dynamic 6. Getting started Tell your rails gemfile that you want to use angular bundle install rails g angular:install Restart your server 7. Angular controller for CoverLetter rails generate angular:controller cover_letter where cover_letter is the name of your model 8. Controller is produced Note: The plugin uses coffeescript by default. Coffeescript is beautiful. 9. Tell your page to use the controller. In your layout and your index page Note: ng-app and ng- controller are Angular.js constructs 10. If all is correct... 11. Let's make it do something $scope is nothing magic 12. Then tweak your page {{ }} are something magic does the same, but better. 13. Erm... 14. Let's do something useful We're creating cover letters, right? We want to click a checkbox, and update our cover letter I'll assume you've added all the needed bits to the 'new' action's view... 15. Demo 16. Let's change our view 17. And the controller too I skimmed over building the needed_skills array, so for anyone interested, here's the skinny! In coffeescript, for loops are not just loops, they're an implementation of map / collect. For example: a = for x in [1, 2, 3] # a becomes [3, 6, 9] x * 3 Loops are also inlineable, just like if statements in ruby. Inlined loops will repeat the assignment, the last assignment would win, and a become 9. So we use brackets to ensure our loop returns the full array: a = (x * 3 for x in [1,2,3]) 18. And for the Javascript lovers... (Note: I wrote this from scratch, rather than generating from the coffeescript. The generated javascript might have contained some optimisations, but would have been a little less readable. But I love you guys, so I wrote readable javascript. You're welcome.) 19. End of Demo 20. Recap Anywhere you put {{ angular_expression }}, it will fill that space with $scope.angular_expression It magically knows when angular_expression changes You can bind an input to an expression using Whenever the input is changed, the data on the $scope object is also changed. 21. Getting ruby to do an angular job 22. Services get the data Create a service The service grabs stuff using AJAX Create a method on the service 23. Managing your app the angular way ng-src and ng-href ng-repeat Filters: {{ data | filter | another_filter }} Validators: ng-maxlength, etc Testing: Karma 24. We're too lazy for that though 25. Things I've ignored Filters Routing Turbolinks doesn't like angular (see slide 2) pretty much everything else. 26. Conclusions Do not use this for anything that needs to be seen by google. Services do exist to do this ( but why bother? Use angular sparingly, or a lot. Don't expect to do anything in-between.