Front Page Construction

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Front Page Construction

Front Page Construction

After re-designing various elements of my front page, I have decided to create a quick presentation to show how I created my submittable front page.

My Title of the magazine (or Masthead if you’d prefer) was made using the processes stated

earlier in this post.

This statement applies for my model creation...

Some of the smaller details...

The Artist Listings...

And the effects on the background of the front cover/picture.

The first noticeable change is the ‘Mote Kontrol’ Text has been altered and centred on

the page.

I used the character adjustment tool to ensure the text spread across the


I also altered the layer style of the text by using a more vivid black outer glow,

increasing its size to 250px.

The accompanying text was made with the help of the ‘copy layer style’ option.With the case of the ‘Rewriting the formula for’ section, this was inversed by going into layer styles and reversing the colours whilst keeping all other details and effects the same.

Another change is the introduction of other coverline’s including one in the place of the previous ‘Mote Kontrol’ story.

This coverline features well known Dubstep artist Porter Robinson and was made using Reservoir Grunge font. I then used a black outer glow + embossed the text. The accompanying subline was made with the same font, a slight grey inner shadow & an inner bevel.

The ‘Syla’ Coverline uses the font ‘Turnpike’ for the artist name (the same font as the Masthead) and Reservoir Grunge for the subline. DJ’s is highlighted as to give clarity on the subject of the story and to show a significant point within the coverline.

Within the footer, I have created a banner for a fictional competition run by ‘Coca-Cola’ with

the assumption that it involves the choosing of the best upcoming DJ’s.

It was created using Reservoir Grunge Font for the text, along with the quick selection tool for cutting out the coca cola sign from a .jpg image. The surrounding footer box was made using a thin black stroke teamed with an inner shadow effect.

The final component of my front page which you will notice is the almost sticker like graphic showing a competition. This was made in a separate psd and then inserted into the front cover. The processes will be shown in the following slides.

The first step involved using the elliptical marquee tool to create the circular shape I needed. I then used layer effects to insert a drop shadow on the object aswell as using the bevel & emboss tool.

I then repeated the process on a different layer with a different green colour and inserted an outer glow. I then put this layer above the previous black circle.

The process was once again repeated on a different layer however this layer was created and instead of outer glow or bevel’s, I used a red inner shadow to match the colour scheme of the Dre.Beats logo.

Using the font ‘Car Crash’ from I inserted a text layer in red, then decided it looked aesthetically better in white, used an emboss, and then rotated the text using transform tool.

Using turnpike font, I typed out the surrounding text for the badge and then inserted a white colour overlay, a slight green drop shadow, and embossed the text.

I finally inserted the Dre.Beats logo. I extracted it using the elliptical marquee tool from an image of a Dre.Beats advert. I then increased the contrast levels and used colour replace to ensure a more vivid red colour.

I also inserted a barcode. I made this using a Barcode Font found on whilst using random numbers to ensure it looked realistic. I also used a black stroke around the barcode itself.


These were the steps I undertook to create my finished front cover for my music magazine. Without Photoshop, this construction would not be possible. For earlier steps, as mentioned earlier, refer back to the picture descriptions on the blog post.