from Winners of 2008 · This document summarizes the efforts and hard work of winning organizations...

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Transcript of from Winners of 2008 · This document summarizes the efforts and hard work of winning organizations...

Copyright DQA 2009 oC

Good Practices

from Winners ofDubai Quality Award

Dubai Human Development Award &

Dubai Service Excellence Scheme


This document summarizes the efforts and hard work of winning organizations of the Dubai Quality

Award, Dubai Human Development Award and Dubai Service Excellence Scheme 2008. Before

closing this cycle, winners are required to share their good practices with the wider community.

During the course of last year and after consultation with a number of senior assessors, the following

qualities were suggested for the evaluation of the merits of a good practice:

- clear rationale on the approach

- high level of objectivity and clear impact on results

- favorable degree of benefits obtained in relation to the efforts expended

- effective reviews applied

- ability to adapt by other organizations

- high degree of originality, innovation and creativity applied.

The company profiles and good practices presented in this document reflect the views of respective

organizations and not those of the Business Excellence Center. Therefore, while we are delighted with

the degree of participation, we cannot accept responsibility for the contents.

We believe that what has been presented in this document amounts to a valuable benchmark for good

practices in Dubai during 2008.

As we observe the success and development of many such participating organizations, we wish to

encourage many other organizations to follow the footsteps of those that featured in this document.

Thus, taking advantage from the many benefits offered by this process. We would also like to invite

prospective applicants to read what winners had to say about the benefits of participating in the

various Awards and their advice to future applicants.

Success is always the result of hard work and a determination to do better. Therefore, our advice to

prospective applicants is to register now and never to wait for perfect conditions to prevail.

We wish your organizations every success.

F o r e w o r d

Business Excellence CenterJune 2009







Good Practices

from Winners ofDubai Quality Award

Dubai Human Development Award &

Dubai Service Excellence Scheme


1- Dubai Properties LLC 04

2- Dubai Healthcare City 10

3- Sharjah Islamic Bank 16

4- Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company Ltd (ADGAS) 22

1- Joyalukkas Jewellery LLC 28

2- Amana Steel Buildings Contracting Co. LLC,Sharjah 34

3- Al Rostamani International Exchange 44

4- India Club 48

5- The Kanoo Group-Power & Industrial Projects Division 53

6- Associated Constructions & Investments Co LLC (ASCON) 60


8- National Fire Fighting Manufacturing FZCO (NAFFCO) 70

1- FedEx Express International Inc. (Dubai Branch) 77

1- DP World - UAE Region 86

2- Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA) 94

1- UAE Exchange 99

1- MARINA Exotic Home Interiors 103

2- Dune from the Apparel Group 111





Dubai Properties is a leading UAE master

developer of self contained communities and a key

regional player, with a firm and uncompromising

commitment to excellence, a guiding principle that

is deeply embedded in our business philosophy

and operations. We have an investment portfolio

totalling over US$16.4 billion and our product

portfolio includes residential, retail, commercial

and leisure properties, as well as facilities of a self

sustained community such as schools, healthcare

and cultural centres.

Starting with the Jumeirah Beach Residences

project, one of the most imposing structures

dominating the Dubai skyline, we have rapidly

developed our portfolio to include major

developments at Business Bay, Culture Village, The

Villa, Al Waha Villas, Bay Square, Executive

Towers, Mirdiff Villas among others.

Dubai Properties LLC traces its ancestry back to a

small asset development company established in

2002 with just five employees. Right from the start,

our leaders recognised the opportunity to develop

a world-class real estate development and asset

management company with the potential to play a

leading role, not just in Dubai, but throughout the


Dubai Properties introduced a value chain

approach to expand and diversify its interests so

that sustainable growth would be encouraged by

operating in all phases of the real estate lifecycle,

and in 2006 it expanded into facility management

and property management. Recognising the

further growth potential in providing our

customers with a complete, integrated real estate

service, a holding company structure, Dubai

Properties Group (DPG), was created in 2008, to

support a growing cluster of business subsidiaries

that focused on project management, sales and

customer service, retail, facilities management and

property management. Dubai Properties LLC is the

sales, marketing and customer relationship

management business established as under this


The vision of DP LLC is to be “To be the leader in

providing end-to-end real estate management

solutions through commitment to service

excellence and sustained relationships to ensure

customers achieve superior value”, in support of

the DPG vision of being “The best partner in

providing a unique lifestyle”. To achieve this vision

we have a team of over 150 employees and we

have defined a set of six guiding principles to

provide a common focus, and to make our culture

visible. The six guiding principles that permeate all

our operations are Excellence, Innovation,

Integrity, People, Loyalty and Speed.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd::

l Provided an opportunity to objectively

reiterate our strengths and carry on the

journey of improving our operations while

raising industry benchmarks.

l The application process allowed us to analyze

key operational functions and effectively

eliminate process variations and non-value

added activities by aligning organizational

resources with corporate goals, strategy and


l The whole submission process contributed to

a renewed spirit of team work.

l Enhanced awareness of the business

excellence model and concepts that boast a

strong focus on the implementation of best

practices for continuous improvement.

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss::

l The DQA/DHDA preparation and assessment

process should be taken as a journey towards

improving functions, rather than as an end in


l Adopt a strong commitment towards

excellence that can only be accomplished

through cascading the culture across all tiers

of the organization.

l The improvement process mandates a

concerted organizational participation, whilst

starting the cultural movement utilizing the

top-down and bottom-up approaches. This

will in turn facilitate the organization to

champion continuous improvement for

driving its strategies forward and achieving

ambitious goals.

l Apply the model criteria with full conviction

and develop a clear strategy to follow up on

the responsibilities assigned.

Dubai Properties LLC




Nominated Good Practice Dubai Properties LLC

LLeeaaddeerrss IInnvvoollvveemmeenntt √√ AA CCooffffeeee wwiitthh tthheeCCEEOO aatt DDuubbaaii PPrrooppeerrttiieess


In line with the growth of Dubai and the emirate’s

real estate industry, Dubai Properties (DP) has

experienced a significant expansion since its

inception in 2004. In the early stages of the growth

phase, our leaders realised that open, transparent

communication across the organisation would play

a significant role in uniting DP employees as a

team to move together towards achieving common

goals and objectives.

EEaarrllyy cchhaalllleennggeessºº

In 2005, the main focus of our attention was on the

management and execution of our extensive

project portfolio that included some of the major

real estate developments in Dubai. As a

consequence of this increased business activity,

relatively less attention was paid to internal


Employees were wholly focused on their

immediate work areas and limited communication

was initiated by higher management on the

direction of the company and performance


Additionally, DP underwent a number of

organisational changes and expanded into

multiple offices across Dubai, further highlighting

the need for better communications to align the

different operations scattered in the various offices.

By 2006, the gaps were apparent. Our first

Employee Satisfaction survey results showed

communications as the lowest ranked criteria. The

survey feedback revealed the sense of detachment

between employees and organisational strategy.

OOuurr FFiirrsstt SStteeppssºº

Following the 2006 survey result analysis, in an

effort to improve communication between top

management and employees, we initiated a

dialogue between the CEO and employees by

piloting quarterly “Majlis” meetings within one of

our key business units. At that time, the CEO and

his team of Directors met with all 500 employees

and the CEO primarily communicated the

company’s overall performance and upcoming

projects. Following this, the Directors presented

details of their department’s performance.

Employees were also encouraged to raise any

issues or questions on this platform.

This pilot approach had a positive impact on

communications across the company. However, we

still faced the challenge of encouraging a dialogue

between leaders and employees since we were still

operating from offices scattered in multiple

locations across Dubai.

During 2006, we also initiated an employee

helpline to capture internal complaints, issue and

areas of concerns. The issues raised through the

helpline highlighted the need for leader’s closer

involvement with the frontline employees. As a

result, the Group CEO initiated the formalisation

of a program that would allow him to meet with

the operational staff and encourage them to voice

their concerns, issues and also raise suggestions.

OOuurr NNeeww AApppprrooaacchhºº

Our internal communications framework was

developed in 2007 with the involvement of both

employees and leadership team. It was

benchmarked against similar frameworks of

Excellence award winners.

The emphasis on face to face meetings of

employees and the Group CEO was one of the core

factors highlighted in our communications

framework. As part of the framework, our Group

CEO conducted a monthly breakfast session with a

cross section of 40 employees. This ensured that the

Group CEO offered a more personalised attention

to effectively address the issues raised by almost

800 employees.

In 2009, with 1100 employees, the need for internal

communications within the company demanded

critical attention. Today, our Group CEO has

dedicated Tuesday mornings every week to meet

with 15 – 20 employees to have an informal

discussion with them over a cup of morning coffee.

This weekly meeting is an opportunity for

employees to highlight suggestions, seek

clarification and learn more about the intent,

necessity and direction of company initiatives. An

annual schedule ensures that every department

has the opportunity to participate and provide

their feedback directly to top management.

At the Coffee meetings, the CEO listens to the

queries and employee concerns, typically in the

following areas:

l Company’s direction and future plansl Performance resultsl Company policiesl Ideas for improvement

It also provides the CEO with the opportunity to

personally re-emphasise the organisation’s vision,

values and direction and familiarise employees

with the ways in which various departments

contribute towards achieving organisational goals.

Moreover, the meetings also become a platform for

the CEO to reward meaningful contribution from

employees that embodies the core values of the


Additionally, a representative from the Human

Resources department is present at each meeting to

capture and appropriately channel the issues andFigure 1.0 DP Communication Framework

innovative suggestions raised by employees. A

critical success factor of the program is the climate

of openness and lack of restriction that inspire

employees to voice their concerns and actively seek

solutions to workplace dilemmas. In order to

encourage employees to come forward, we

guarantee anonymity whenever the situation

requires it. We have developed a clear policy on

efficiently handling employee grievances and this

has been extensively and clearly communicated to


Figure 2.0 Target audience of the program

Following each week’s meeting, the minutes and

key highlights of the Coffee sessions are published

on the company intranet within 24 hours to ensure

that employees across the organisation are

equipped with the most up to date information.

Figure 3.0 Communication about the program




Nominated Good Practice Dubai Properties LLC

IImmpplleemmeennttiinngg aa ssuucccceessssffuull ttoooollºº

Since the program’s inception in 2007, we have

held monthly meetings till 2008, covering all

departments within the company. By achieving

this, all employees had the opportunity to

personally interact with the Group CEO.

Figure 4.0 Employee at a session with the Group CEO

Figure 5.0 No. of sessions conducted in 08 and 09

The program played a significant role in managing

the changes brought about during our re-structure

to Dubai Properties Group in 2008 (thereby

establishing Dubai Properties LLC as an entity

under its umbrella). Employees were informed

well ahead on how the functions were being

segregated within the company, how this would

impact their work areas and assuring them of their

job’s security.

Figure 6.0 The process

Due to an increased need for communications, as a

result of the economic downturn, we increased the

frequency of these meetings from monthly to

weekly in 2009.

There have been a number of valuable suggestions

raised by employees through these sessions. For

example, as per our HR policy, employees in

managerial positions and above were entitled to

receive a Child Education allowance. Based on the

feedback our Group CEO received from employees

in these sessions, he has now extended this

allowance for employees in supervisory positions

as well.

MMeeaassuurriinngg tthhee pprrooggrraamm»»ss eeffffeeccttiivveenneessssºº

The program’s effectiveness is measured regularly

via results of the bi-annual employee satisfaction

surveys that include measures regarding overall

internal communications, leadership and

organization culture, among others.

TThhee rreessuullttssºº

The implementation of this approach, parallel to

other initiatives to enhance communications, has

significantly impacted employee’s engagement

and involvement within the organization.

Enhanced understanding of the company’s

priorities and challenges has increased levels of

employee involvement and contribution in its

various dimensions. This has been reflected in our

Figure 7.0 Overall Employee Satisfaction results

Figure 8.0 Employees satisfaction with Communication

Figure 10.0 Corporate policies and guidelines are well explained andcommunicated in a timely manner in DP (%)

Figure 11.0 Overall Customer Satisfaction for DP

Figure 12.0 Sales efficiency (% of available units sold)

Figure 9.0 DP’s top management ensures that employees are kept updatesabout new developments (%)

customer’s satisfaction with our products and

services, sales efficiency and overall financial


and foster the professional development of

healthcare professionals in the Gulf Regionl Dubai Harvard Foundation for Medical

Research (DHFMR): a Harvard foundation

that has a research endowment fund of over

USD 100 million. Its main objectives are to

issue research grants to locally based

laboratories that focus on diseases prevalent in

the region and to develop young Arab

researchers with high potential to become

leaders in their respective specialty. l Maktoum Harvard Medical Library: a

medical library that will house more than

20,000 journals, books and other resources. l Boston University Institute for Dental

Research and Education Dubai (BUIDR): an

organization that provides specialized dental

services, postgraduate dental education and

dental research.




Profile Dubai Healthcare City

Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), a member of

Tatweer, was proudly launched on November 5th,

2002 as the world’s first healthcare free zone by a

decree issued by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad

Bin Rashid Al Maktoum to address the need for

creating a healthcare hub in the region. DHCC’s

vision of becoming an internationally recognized

location of choice for quality healthcare and an

integrated centre of innovation and excellence for

clinical and wellness services, medical education

and research, has strengthened Dubai and the

U.A.E.’s position in the global economy and

strongly impacted the culture of quality-driven

healthcare in the region. Today it includes two

hospitals, over 85 clinics and over 1,400 medical


Our strategy has been informed by extensive

market research that indicated a USD 137.3 billion

potential of healthcare expenditure in the region by

2008, significant expenditure on overseas

treatments of U.A.E patients, outflow of healthcare

professionals seeking medical education and

research opportunities, and a fragmented

healthcare system that considerably impacted

patient outcomes.

In our ambition to create an environment for high

quality healthcare services, education and

research, we have forged a 15-year strategic

relationship with Partners Harvard Medical

International, who are bringing extensive

experience in developing an integrated Academic

Medical Center (AMC).

OOuurr OObbjjeeccttiivveess

In line with His Highness Sheikh Mohammed’s

vision of creating a world-class healthcare

infrastructure, our strategic aims:l Creating a robust regulatory

framework: To ensure the

delivery of quality healthcare

services to patientsl Providing specialized healthcare

and partnering with world-class

providers: To meet existing gas and future

needs of patients and to strengthen our

position as a leading destination for

quality healthcarel Developing medical education programs: To

train, attract and retain healthcare

practitionersl Investing in medical research: To create a

regional community of leaders and advance

new scientific knowledgel Engaging society: To foster an informed

climate through socially responsible activities

that improve public understanding of health

and wellbeingl Developing our organization: To ensure our

people and processes best support the delivery

of our aims

OOuurr OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonn

DHCC comprises of two complementary

communities know as the Medical and Wellness

communities. The Medical Community, which

Current Products andServices

Future Products andServices

Specialized healthcareservices

Tertiary and quaternaryhealthcare services

Continuous MedicalEducation Programs

Integrative medicine andwellness services

Current Products andServices

Future Products andServices

Graduate dentalEducation Programs

Rehabilitation services

Healthcare regulatoryand licensing services

Graduate medicaleducation programs

Lease and saleopportunities

Simulation training forhealthcare professional

Healthcare consulting Medical library services

Research Grants Hotel and furnishedapartments accommodationsl

focuses on acute care and ambulatory services,

occupies an area of 4.1 million square feet. The

Wellness Community covers 19 million square feet

and completes DHCC’s healthcare continuum by

housing different facilities that mainly focus on

prevention, wellness and, complementary and

alternative medicine. DHCC is governed by the

Centre for Healthcare Planning and Quality (CPQ)

which is responsible for maintaining the highest

international standards of healthcare delivery

through its facility and professional licensing,

clinical planning and reporting, and quality

improvement and oversight programs. Our

organization comprises the following functional


The centrepiece of our organization is theMohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum AMC thatestablishes an integrated academic and clinicalenvironment for excellent health care, research,education. It comprises:

l The University Hospital (UH): a 400 bed

adult teaching hospital that will provide

tertiary and quaternary services through

centres of excellence such Women’s Health,

Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Diseases,

Cardiology, Endocrinology, Diabetes and

Metabolic diseases, Oncology, and Neurology.l Harvard Medical School Dubai Centre

(HMSDC) Institute for Postgraduate

Education & Research: HMSDC is the

educational arm of DHCC which governs all

educational and research activities in DHCC

OOuurr PPrroodduuccttss aanndd SSeerrvviicceessBBeenneeffiittss ooff aappppllyyiinngg ttoo tthhee DDQQAA

l The achievement of the Dubai Quality Award

in 2008 is a validation of DHCC’s position as

an industry leader in ‘quality’ healthcare





Nominated Good Practice Dubai Healthcare City

l The DQA provides us with an independent

assessment of our progress against our

strategic goals

l The assessment process is an opportunity to

subject the organization’s management

framework to thorough evaluation by a group

of external and independent assessors. The

feedback is valuable in terms of identifying

areas for improvement.

l The process of application to the Dubai

Quality Award, and post-award events,

facilitate excellent networking opportunities

with organizations that are open to

benchmarking and knowledge sharing.

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l Ensure that a Business Excellence team is in

place - is sponsored by members of the

organisation’s leadership team – to support a

business excellence culture and to facilitate

regular well-structured self-assessments,

identify gaps and implement action plans.

l It is highly recommended that key co-

ordinators from the applicant organization

fully understand the EFQM model and

preferably be trained as EFQM assessors.

l Obtain memberships with local organizations

such as the Dubai Quality Group for access to

experienced applicants and professionals.

l Benchmark your organization’s performance

(staff turnover, cash flow, revenues etc) as well

as processes to understand why the

organization has achieved a higher level of

performance in the benchmarked areas.

DDuubbaaii HHeeaalltthhccaarree CCiittyy»»ss BBeesstt PPrraaccttiiccee::LLiicceennssiinngg PPrroocceessss

The value proposition of Dubai Healthcare City to

our stakeholders is the quality of healthcare that

we deliver through our world-class governance

structures and the establishment of an integrated

continuum of care supported by education and


DHCC is governed by the Center for Healthcare

Planning and Quality (CPQ) - DHCC’s regulatory

arm, which is responsible for maintaining the

highest international standards of healthcare

delivery in DHCC through its facility and

professional licensing, clinical planning and

reporting, and quality improvement and oversight


In addition, the Center for Healthcare Planning

and Quality develops clinical and non-clinical

regulations, conducts reviews of designs of

facilities and collects and analyzes statistical data

from healthcare providers through an integrated

Health Information Reporting and Analysis

System (HIRAS).


Driven by the necessity to address the licensure

gap in the market, CPQ developed an innovative

framework for licensing of the facilities that set up

in DHCC as well as healthcare professionals

practicing in DHCC. Through its robust and

stringent processes, DHCC has succeeded in

facilitating the establishment of state-of-the-art

facilities with world-renowned healthcare

professionals in various specialties.

As mentioned above, the CPQ Licensing Process is

applicable to both healthcare professionals

wanting to practice in DHCC and

‘Facilities’/organizations wanting to establish a

base in DHCC. Our Licensing Process can be

customized for adaption by all industries as


DHCC’s Licensing Process has four key stages that


1. Initial Screening

2. Primary Source Verification

3. External Licensing

4. Re-licensure

Initial Screening

l Licensing guidelines with minimum licensure

requirements have been developed and are

available online

l In addition to the guidelines, the complete

Application package is available online which

invites applications from all over the worldl Prior to formal applications, one-one

interviews are conducted with all applicants

by the Licensing Team to assess eligibility

prior to official applicationl Overseas applications are addressed through

teleconference calls and emailsl Once the candidate is advised of eligibility,

he/she is required to submit all necessary

documents/credentials during this screening

stagel The Application Processing fee is chargeable

only after the candidate passes the initial

screening and has submitted all required

documents and credentials – this has

positively encouraged interest from a larger

number of professionals and enhanced the

credibility of our systeml In addition, professionals that are not

currently seeking employment in DHCC but

wish to be licensed for future opportunities

and be affiliated with DHCC’s standards,

would be applying for a ‘Letter of Acceptance’.

This allows us to develop our database of

operating professionals in Dubai and the


Primary Source Verification (PSV) Key credentials

of the applicant individual/organization are

identified for verification.In the case of

professionals, key credentials such as educational

certifications including degree and post-

graduation credentials, previous licensure

obtained, certificate of good standing, board

certification (if applicable), experience are all

validated through sending Verification Request

Forms to validating agencies such as universities

and boards.

If the applicant is an organization, past

experience of the operator, previous licensure

to operate, business plans, clearance from

insurance companies, financial/banking

statements etc are verified through sending

Verification Request Forms to validating

agencies such as boards, banks and insurance

companies.l In order to ensure an effective network of

communication with the validating

authorities, the Verification Request Forms are

translated in seven different languages

(English, Arabic, French, Chinese, Spanish,

German, and Italian). This has assisted in

reducing the response time to validation

requests hence positively impacting the entire

licensing process.l In uncommon instances where a response

from the Verification body is not received

within 3 weeks, the individual

applicant/applicant organization is invited to

contribute in the follow-up processl PSV for all applications is concluded within 5

weeks of application.l After successful PSV, the credentials are once

again reviewed internally by the Licensing

Team to assess completeness and readiness for

the next stage in the application process. If the

applicant is a facility, DHCC conducts a “Pre-

Operating Assessment” survey prior to

approval for the next stage in the licensing


EExxtteerrnnaall LLiicceennssiinngg

Through this unique stage of our licensing process,

the final decision for licensure is undertaken by an

independent Licensing Board that is supported by

a number of Councils in respective areas of

licensure as demonstrated in the diagram.

CCPPQQ EExxtteerrnnaall LLiicceennssiinngg AAuutthhoorriittyySSttrruuccttuurree

This Licensing Board is an independent body and

is comprised of a number of international, world-

renowned technical experts in the fields of

healthcare, law and quality. The Licensing Board




Nominated Good Practice Dubai Healthcare City

has the ultimate power for granting licenses to

professionals and facilities in DHCC. Furthermore,

all policy decisions regarding the licensing process

and criteria are approved by the Licensing Board.

DHCC’s Licensing Board is a member of the

International Association of Regulatory

Authorities and is in full collaboration with the

Federation of State Medical Boards (US), National

Board of Medical Examiners, Federation of

Medical Regulatory Authorities in Canada,

Educational Commission for Foreign medical

Graduates, Royal College of Physicians and

Surgeons in UK and the Medical Council of

Canada, among others. This board is appointed by

the DHCC Board of Directors and has been active

since 2005.

The Councils are stand-alone expert assessors

appointed by the DHCC leadership team with a

mandate to make recommendations to the

Licensing Board in matters pertaining to licensure.

In case an application is denied, the applicant

reserves the right to appeal the decision of the

Licensing Board and the application would be re-

examined in view of any new information


The advisory nature of the board has contributed

tremendously in enhancing the licensing standards

in DHCC, facilitation of exposure to international

best practices in the area of licensure and by

providing a platform to exchange information,

ideas and knowledge in an ever-evolving industry.


The re-licensure process entails renewal of the

license of the professional/facility for continued

operation in DHCC. This process is repeated once

every two years of operation.

For healthcare professionals, the re-licensure

criteria include:

l Achievement of the required minimum

Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits

per category, l An active and current medical malpractice

insurance, l Continuation of employment in DHCC, l Valid and current Basic Life Support Training

In addition, all surgical procedures/interventions

practiced by a professional during his employment

in DHCC are verified against his/her clinical

privileges and his/her verified credentials.

DHCC’s Health Information Reporting and

Analysis System (HIRAS) – allows us to collect

data on all procedures performed by all healthcare

professionals to control practice of unauthorized

procedures or treatments.

For facilities seeking re-licensure after two years of

operation, a comprehensive ’18th-month-

comprehensive-assessment-survey’ needs to be

passed to ensure appropriate clinical standards of

practice are adhered to throughout the operation of

the facility.

AAsssseessssmmeenntt aanndd RReevviieeww ooff tthhee LLiicceennssiinnggPPrroocceessss

The licensing process is assessed and reviewed

periodically for effectiveness and scope for

improvements through the following mechanisms:

1. Conducting Benchmarking exercised – so

far, we have participated in benchmarking

exercises with public and private sector

licensing organizations in the UAEand the

United States.

2. Partnering and collaborating with Local

and International bodies - We have formed

alliances and collaboration agreements

with various local public and private

sector organizations in order to assist them

with their licensing-related services.

Through this, we have further refined our

Licensing Process and expanded on our

degree of expertise.

3. The Licensing Team assesses adherence to

the process through conducting inter-

departmental audits, Lean Value Mapping

with international brands such as General

Electric (GE) for process improvement


1. Perhaps the biggest indicator of the

effectiveness of our Licensing Process is

the satisfaction level of our patients with

the quality of care they receive in DHCC-

based clinics and hospitals. This is

corroborated by a patient satisfaction score

of 89% that is at par with international

WHO benchmarks.

2. The average Licensing Timelines have

reduced by 25% since 2006 due to

implementation of effective assessment

and review strategies for the process.

3. In addition, the satisfaction of our

professionals and facilities with the

Licensing Process has been continually

increasing steadily since 2006 from 71% to

80% in 2008.





Sharjah Islamic Bank [previously known as

National Bank of Sharjah] was incorporated in 1975

as a public joint stock company by an Emiri Decree

issued by His Highness, the Ruler of Sharjah, to

provide commercial banking services to the public.

However, the bank has transformed itself from

conventional banking to Islamic banking to be in

full compliance with Islamic Shari’a rules and

principles. The transformation was successfully

completed on June 01st 2002 which is considered to

Sharjah Islamic Bank

be the first of its kind in the world. SIB’s products,

processes and systems went through complete

change as it evolved within record time into an

Islamic bank, offering interest free services and

delivering its commitments to both the business

world and to the community. The concept of

“Financial services with a conscience” got a new

epitome - Sharjah Islamic bank. While the bank

enjoyed services from consultants the change was

brought about by SIB’s committed associates who

worked together towards the fulfillment of this

goal. This very team is also responsible for the

growth SIB has enjoyed ever since, establishing its

position as Sharjah’s largest bank and one of the

most promising institutions in the world.

Since its inception, the Bank has enjoyed an

accelerated rate of growth and now operates

through a network of 22 branches and 84 ATM’s

covering the Emirates of Sharjah, Dubai, Abu

Dhabi and Fujairah supported by a 24/7 contact

Center. SIB currently employs over 750

empowered associates who ensure that the best of

services are available to our customers.

SIB’s commitment towards Customers, associates,

society and its stakeholders are evident from the

numerous awards and recognitions it has won and

internal milestones that it has conquered. At a time

when financial institutions worldwide are facing

challenging times SIB is continuing its march

towards excellence, by the solidness of its

processes, the commitment of its associates, the

transparency in its objectives and above all by the

grace of god.

SIB’s Goals

SIB is guided by its Vision, Mission and its values.

These are reviewed collectively every year and

objectives are set in a very systematic manner by

the top management. These objectives are

communicated across the organization and

cascaded down into Divisional goals, individual

objectives and action plans. Structured review

programs ensure follow up, measurement of

progress, learning and improvement.

SIB’s People

SIB has expanded at a very fast rate thanks to the

commitment of a creative talented and diverse

workforce. The satisfaction of associates is

measured regularly. They are given learning and

development opportunities in line with the best

practices in the industry. They are coached and

empowered as part of the Performance

Management system and involved in

improvement projects. The suggestion schemes

provide them to be actively involved in making

our processes better and better. The plethora of

communication channels ensures that they

understand the pulse of the organization at all

times. The numerous rewards and recognitions

ensure that SIB’s associates feel valued and


UAE Nationals are an important element of SIB’s

workforce and their development is a high priority

focus area; implemented through planned

initiatives & career advancement programs.

National Development Programs

SIB has built and implemented several unique

programs towards realizing its commitment to the

community. There are multiple programs to ensure

that the best local talent is acquired groomed and

retained to take up challenging roles in the


SIB’s Products and Services

A well trained and empowered workforce delivers

these services to the customers. Customer

perception and internal indicators are studied and

corrective actions are taken regularly to enhance

customer experience.

l Retail Products & Services Y Current Account Y Saving Account Y Hassalati Account Y Watani Account Y Fixed Deposit Account Y Islamic Credit Cards Y Car Finance Y Home Finance Y Personal Finance

l Major Real Estate Products Y Murabaha on Plots of Land / Buildings Y Istisna Y Ijarah Financial Lease

Y Musharaka / Forward Ijarahl Corporate Solutions

Y Ijarah (Assets Rental) Y Istisna’a (Contracting) Y Musharkah (Partnership) Y Murabaha (Pre-agreed profit) Y Cash ManagementY Trade Services l Letter of Credit l Letter of Guarantee

l Investment BankingY Asset Management Y Portfolio Management Y Fund Management Y Wealth Management Y Investments Y Structured Finance Y Equity Investments Y Financial Advisory Services

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd::

l Understanding of the practical application of

the EFQM Modell Understanding of Strengths and AFI’s within

SIB in all the 9 criterial Implementation of several projects to cover

the gapsl Mentoring and valuable tips from the DQA


AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss ::

l Start Nowl Enrol a huge team as assessorsl Speak to previous winners, they would be

very willing to helpl Create a huge team to manage the project




Nominated Good Practice Sharjah Islamic Bank

Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec

Cycle 1


SQ shall measureCustomer Perceptionand InternalPerformance Indicatorsfor 3 months

T&D will test productand process knowledgeof associates throughonline testing

Training and Coaching

T&D will Train and

Coach associates based

on results of previous


Top Branchand ServiceStar wouldbe rewarded

Cycle 2


Training and Coaching

Top Branch andService Starwould berewarded

Cycle 2


Training and Coaching

Top Branchand ServiceStar wouldbe rewarded

Assessment and Rewarding Criteria was decided as belowl To decide the Service Star (Role Model associate in Customer Service)

S. No Assessment Method Criteria Weight age Scoring






T&D will conduct onlinetests on product andprocess in each cycle

20% In or OutMust score 100% inthe test

SQ will monitor dailyattendance

Should have record of 0late coming in the cycle

20% In or Out

SQ will conduct Customersurvey in branches wherecustomers would be askedto identify the name of theassociate who served themto satisfaction

Must be in the top 5who scores maximumreferences in thefeedback form

20% 1 to 5

T&D monitors attendancein Training and Coachingsessions

Must have attended alltrainings and coachingassigned

In or Out20%

T&D conducts online examabout general bankingconcepts in each cycle

Must be in the list of top5 scorers

1 to 520%

S. No Assessment Method Criteria and Target Weight age Scoring









Customer feedback formsat the branches wherein allaspects of service are ratedon a 1 to 5 scale

15 1 to 5Must score 5

Customer complaints arerecorded by the call centre

Must have 0 complaints 15% 1 to 5

Each and every transactionmade by the tellers aredouble checked by theData control departmentby comparing the voucherswith the system entries

Must have less than 1%errors

15% 1 to 5

Each and every applicationfilled by the CSR’s andCSO’s are checked by theRetail Credit Department

Must have less than 5%errors

1 to 55%

SQ and Audit divisionaudits the branches andrecords observations

Must have 100%compliance

1 to 510%

T&D monitors theattendance of branch staffin all assigned trainings

Must have 100%attendance

1 to 510%

T&D conducts onlineproduct process tests ineach cycle

Must have 100%participation

1 to 510%

Branch Financial Targets Must achieve 100%targets

1 to 520%

The short listed list of role models is presented to the respective Branch Managers and Head of RBG who

makes the final selection.l To decide the Service Star (Role Model associate in Customer Service)

TThhee CCuussttoommeerr CChhaammppiioonnss PPrroojjeecctt

The Customer Champions Project is a joint

initiative of three departments which are Retail

Banking Group (RBG), Service Quality (SQ) and

Training and Development (T&D). The objective of

the project during conception was boosting the

level of Customer Service in the branches. This is

line with the CEO’s Balanced Score card which sets

a target of 80% customer satisfaction. Moreover the

RBG strategy is in line with the CEO’s Balanced

Score Card.

As the first step, T&D designed and conducted a

Course on Customer Service to associates serving

in the front end in all the branches. The course

facilitated a brainstorming session from which the

following information was derived.

RReeaassoonnss ffoorr ppoooorr CCuussttoommeerr sseerrvviiccee aatt tthheebbrraanncchheess

l No regular measurement of Customer


l No regular measurement of Internal

Performance Indicators other than Branch

Financial Targetsl No initiatives to motivate well performing

associates or branchesl No regular training and coaching for

associatesl Poor Product Process Knowledgel No empowerment to branch associates to

drive customer service initiatives in the


These findings were presented to the RBG

stakeholders and a project was conceived with the

following areas of responsibilities

l RBG- Project Sponsorship and Rewardingl T&D- Training and Coachingl SQ- Measurement of Customer Perception and

Internal Performance Indicators

Stakeholders were identified from each area and

the following deliverables were agreed upon

The short listed list of role models branches is presented to the Head of RBG who makes the final selection.




Nominated Good Practice Sharjah Islamic Bank


Rolling Trophies were chosen for the Top Branch

and Service Star. Certificates were designed. It was

decided to give away the rewards in the Branch

managers meeting that happen during the

rewarding period. The event is covered by the

Media and the news is communicated to all

associates through the SIB portal and email

messages. After each awarding the dashboard of

each branch is sent to the respective branch


TTrraaiinniinngg aanndd CCooaacchhiinngg

After each cycle a dashboard would be created for

each branch. Areas where targets are not reached

are identified and trainings and coaching are

designed with support from Subject Matter

Experts. The in house trainers visit each branch

and deliver the trainings. Feedback is taken after

each training.

Though the project was initially conceived to

improve Customer Satisfaction, it evolved into an

all encompassive process that was in sync with the

following strategic goals of the bank outlined in the

CEO’s balanced Score Card.l Increase customer satisfactionl Improve Process Excellence

l Develop people through Training and

Developmentl Achieve Financial Targets

PPrroojjeecctt IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn

l The Launch of the Project

The Project was launched by an email sent to all

associates from the CEO in March 2008. This was

followed by a formal launch at the Emirates

Institute of Finance and Banking studies. All

associates were invited and trained on the


l Objectives of the projectl Project Teaml Assessments and Criterial How to win the awards

This was also communicated to the branches

through multiple channels to ensure complete

understanding of the objectives and the process.

Before the launch of each cycle, the project team

sits together and plans out the details and the

schedules. Problems are discussed and solutions

worked out. All communication is carried out as

per an agreed communication plan. Problems were

usually faced in the following areas.

S. No Problem Solution





Resistance due to lack ofawareness

Training and Development explains theobjectives and criteria in each cycle of thetraining

Mal practises in collecting feedback forms SQ does surprise audits to ensure compliance.Branch Managers are clearly instructed toensure compliance

Allegations made by shorlisted branches/service starswho fail to win the award

One to one communication, explaining thedashboard after each cycle

Allegations made by shorlisted branches/service starswho fail to win the award

One to one communication, explaining thedashboard after each cycle

Based on the findings corrective and preventive

actions are taken. Some of the initiatives are given

below.l Better and clearer communicationl Surprise auditsl Appointment of a project stakeholder in each

branch who would coordinate with RBG, SQ

and T&D

Test 1

l Redesigning of Trainingsl One to one communication with Branch

Managers who are not achieving targetsl Adding of new criteria and refining of existing

onesl Launch of e Learning projects to increase

awareness of products and services

April 14th and 15th 2008 45 14 3

Test 2 October 7th and 8th 2008 48 29 7

Test 3 March 04th and 05th 2009 86 50 23

Test Number Dates Participants candidateswho passed

candidatesscoring 100%


Increase in Product and Process Knowledge


In the last test, there has been an increase of 80% in

attendance, 72.4% increase in passing and 230%

increase in 100 % scorers. The team owes this to the

launch of e Learning module, better communication

and more involvement of the branch Managers.

The team expects 100% passing based on thecurrent trend of 72.4% increase

Increase in Training Attendance

After Training attendance was chosen as one of the

criteria, the branch managers are ensuring

maximum attendance. However people could be

absent due to sickness and other unavoidable

reasons. The team is expecting a standard result of

90% attendance.

Increase in Training satisfaction

The formal and informal feedback received during

the trainings was used to constantly refine the

training contents and methodology. The team is

targeting 100% satisfaction in the next cycle

Increase in number of feedback forms received

1 65%

Cycle Number TotalSatisfaction


2 74% 9%3 86% 12%

AAsssseessssmmeenntt aanndd RReevviieeww

During and after each cycle the following are


l Number of customer feedback forms receivedl Training attendance

l Training feedback formsl Number of branches achieving the targetsl Relevance of each of the criteria (based on ease

of getting data, feedback of RBG stakeholders

and consensus of team members)l Pass rate in online tests

1-2 28%Cycle Number Total Satisfaction

2-3 45%

Since there is no method currently to measure total

number of customers walking into the branch,

realistic targets cannot be set. The team is satisfied

with the number of forms received and would like

to maintain the same

Increase in number of branches achieving all the

targets set

1 2

Cycle Number Number of branches (out of 22 branches)

2 33 5

1 96%

Cycle Number TotalSatisfaction


2 98% 2%

3 99% 1%

The Team is expecting 8 branches to meet all

targets in the next cycle and to achieve 100% by the

10th cycle.





ADGAS, a pioneer LNG producer in the gulf

region was set up in 1972, to implement the

directives of His Highness late Sheikh Zayed Bin

Sultan Al Nahyan, founder of the UAE, and His

Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan,

President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of

the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, to put an end to the

flares that wastefully burnt the gas extracted with

crude oil and to efficiently utilize this natural

resource and produce clean energy to be sold in the

international market. From inception, ADGAS has

been closely associated with Tokyo Electric Power

Company (TEPCO) of Japan. This unique and

successful relationship was strengthened with the

signing of a new agreement in terms of which

ADGAS would double its LNG production from

1994, and this would be purchased by TEPCO

throughout the agreement’s 25-year period to 2019.

Over the years, ADGAS has diversified into selling

its products in the global energy marketplace

(USA, Europe and Asia) through term contracts as

well as spot deals. ADGAS’ plant is located on Das

Island and comprises of 3 production trains and

associated utilities and other facilities, to produce

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Liquefied Petroleum

Gas (LPG), Paraffinic Naphtha and Sulphur.

ADGAS currently produces around 8.4 million

metric tons of these products.

SSttrraatteeggiicc TTrraannssiittiioonn

To lay the foundation for a major strategic

transition from predominantly a producer and

marketer of LNG to assuming a broader role in the

country’s energy strategy, ADGAS redefined its

vision and purpose in 2007. The newly formulated

vision and mission sought to leverage ADGAS

solid reputation for safety and reliability in the

LNG & LPG business, whilst playing a broader role

in the energy strategy of UAE through the

transportation of off-shore gases to onshore areas

for meeting domestic energy demands. The vision

also reinforces ADGAS’ role as a responsible

corporate citizen in terms of minimizing its

environmental footprint and adoption of an

aggressive strategy for UAE Nationals’

recruitment, training and development. Some of

ADGAS’ major projects of bringing associated low

pressure gases (OAG project) and high pressure

gases (Integrated Gas Development – IGD project)

to onshore areas, are a reflection of the new vision

of closely aligning with the UAE’s energy strategy.

ADGAS Vision

“We will play a key role in the LNG and natural

gas industry, creating wealth and value,

implementing the National Energy Strategy and

serving our valued customers and community in a

socially responsible manner.”

HHeeaalltthh SSaaffeettyy aanndd EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt

From its beginning ADGAS has not only been a

pioneer in LNG production in the Middle East, but

it had an emphatic goal of environmental

responsibility long before it became the concern of

so many companies today. ADGAS manages the

environmental impacts arising from the

Company’s operations through the deployment of

an ISO 14001 certified environmental management

system. ADGAS has put in place a comprehensive

strategy to implement an accelerated realization of

the goals of reduction in flaring and emission to a

level of near zero by 2012 and has made significant

investments to achieve this objective by upgrading

its sulphur recovery units, installation of a 3rd boil

off gas (BOG) compressor and designing and

implementing innovative solution to minimize

flaring through a number of flare handling and

emission reduction schemes.

AA DDrriivvee ttoo EEmmiirraattiissee

Achieving ADNOC’s target of having 75% Emiratis

in its workforce is one of ADGAS’ key business

priorities and ADGAS places great emphasis on

increasing the UAE national intake and in building

their capabilities deploying competency based

development systems.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr DDQQAA

l The rigorous process involved in preparing

the submission enabled a fresh end-to-end

view of our organizationl Helped reinforce commitment to “excellence”

and “continuous improvement” as a key

element of our culturel The feedback by the independent assessors

provided a diagnostic to help us focus on areas

for improvement l Provided ADGAS with an opportunity to

learn from “others”

Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company Ltd (ADGAS)

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaattiioonn

l Ensure Leadership is firmly committed to

excellence initiativesl Cross-functional excellence team should be

established to promote awareness, gain

organization-wide buy-in and act as quality

facilitatorsl Excellence team should be trained to carry out

self-assessments and address areas for

improvement in a timely mannerl Regularly benchmark approaches and

outcomes and implement actions to close out





Nominated Good Practice

information from undesired events into the

knowledge base for the benefit of its employees to

avoid any such incidents in the future. All such

bulletins, related “Flashes” and “Alerts” are

archived and available through the Intranet system

to provide the appropriate knowledge database for

all employees throughout the company.

AAsssseessssmmeenntt aanndd rreevviieeww

ADGAS management team maintains a solid

understanding of both internal and external

drivers for change including technological

advances in core process technology. Management

responds by examining the impact of such changes

and putting in place schemes and programs as part

of the strategic planning process. The RCA reports

and analyses with respect to ADGAS’ key

Elements provide the basis for focused corrective

action at the corporate level. Improvement actions

are tracked through a database of RCA

recommendations with quarterly updates

provided to management and shareholders. The

process has undergone several improvements over

the years and is now related to AIRMS

p r o c e s s e s a n d discussed as part of the

AIRMS review meetings with the process owners

and element champions. The RCA Report is one of

the ADGAS Management team mechanisms for the

review of change initiatives, assignment of

priorities and progress tracking through

management forums of Monthly Management

Team Meetings.

The lessons learned through the RCA Process and

the subsequent Reports and Flashes are

disseminated through electronic and bulletin

board postings. Based on the criticality of the RCA

outcomes, often the event is recreated as an

animated film or graphic presentations and

communicated to the wider oil industry and group

companies in Abu Dhabi and even internationally

through the foreign shareholder organizations, so

that learnings from ADGAS experiences are

effectively translated as a knowledege base for the

industry as a whole.

ADGAS was able to effectively use the RCA

Reports to identify critical areas of concern beyond

the simple direct cause of an incident. The ability to

address latent causes continues to be used to

generate corporate-wide improvements from the

analysis of individual area deficiencies. Improving

performance results are reflected in the overall

performance measures.

Management and review mechanism to ensure

process efficiencies are deployed through KPIs to

measure and manage each of the objectives that the

process seeks to deliver.

advantage of each new development.

DEPLOYMENT: Development of the Root Cause

Analysis Process

In order to embed reliability and integrity as part ofthe culture, ADGAS began development of aformal Asset Integrity and Reliability ManagementSystem (AIRMS) in 2005. ADGAS completed itsimplementation in 2007 and is now engaged inusing it to improve overall business performanceat a technical level. This system provides a holistictool for managing the AIRMS Policy through aframework of 8 elements with element championsdrawn from the Management Team. The linkage ofthe top management personnel to the key elementsmade it a natural progression to identify failures inthe system with deficiencies in the deployment ofthe Elements. This creates a feedback mechanismon the system effectiveness that transcends theindividual failures that occur in specific areas. Thisapproach permits corrective action to impact areasthat have not yet had a failure incident, from thelessons learned.

ADGAS has established organization-widereporting mechanisms to track progress in all of itskey processes. In addition to the PerformanceContract, KPI’s specific to individual departmentsare tracked and reported. Action tracking registersare used to follow critical tasks to completion. RCAis one of the processes utilizing such formalmechanisms and public reporting of results (viathe corporate intranet).

RCA is a well-structured process within ADGAS to

study the latent causes of equipment failures,

leading to corrective actions, and learning from

factual experiences to prevent recurrences. Over 50

personnel from the plant, engineering and

Integrity & Quality Departments are formally

trained to conduct RCAs.

Corporate knowledge of safe and efficient

operations is retained and transferred through the

extensive competency based development

programs. RCAs, integrity or safety incidents –

internal or external, in a “Lessons Learned”

bulletin format or through flashes (RCA flashes,

Production flashes, safety flashes) is built into the

development programs to effectively translate

UUssee ooff RRoooott CCaauussee AAnnaallyyssiiss ((RRCCAA)) ttooddrriivvee ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss iimmpprroovveemmeenntt..

Objective: Institutionalize continuous

improvement through the accurate identification

of primary causal factors and the integration of

tracking to insure effectiveness.

APPROACH: Build on previous systems to

improve the effectiveness.

ADGAS’ current leadership has inherited the

legacy of adopting best practices, passed on by its

shareholder organizations, and has constantly

strived to foster and build upon this culture of

excellence. Continuous quality improvement has

been a value system and a core belief underlying

all ADGAS’ endeavors for a long time. A key factor

inherent to achieving business excellence is a

performance based culture which is firmly

entrenched within ADGAS since 2003 and guides

every aspect of our operations. Outcomes of RCAs

are one of the inputs that ADGAS Management

Team employs to set challenging targets and finds

expression in the constant improvement to the

KPIs included in the performance contract.

Examples relevant to the Root Cause Analysis

include:l Production effectiveness (reduction of

opportunity losses)l Operating cost & net profits l Plant reliability & effectiveness

The Strategic planning process establishes the

mechanisms for developing ADGAS’ strategy and

deriving objectives for the company and its

Divisions/Departments. The Asset Integrity &

Reliability Management System (AIRMS)

formalizes Processes required to achieve excellence

in asset integrity and longevity. The RCA process

is one of the components of ADGAS’ AIRMS

system development and builds on a long history

of attention to process integrity and safety. As the

understanding of failure management progressed

from equipment life-cycles to human behaviour

and training to the current organizational enablers,

ADGAS has improved its systems to take

Figure 1: The effectiveness of the RCA method is reflected inthe decrease in incidents requiring an RCA.

Figure 2: The RCA’s are linked to the ADGAS Strategy Element they impact. This focuses initial efforts on the most criticalsystems to maximize improvement impacts.

Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company Ltd (ADGAS)

Figure 3




Nominated Good Practice

RRssuullttss aacchhiieevveedd

The primary results expected from this practice are

the improved operations and reliability of the plant

operations. By focusing on the underlying causes

of failures ADGAS is able to implement corrections

that impact the entire organization instead of the

immediately affected department. Trends of key

indicators and benchmarks show that ADGAS has

been successful in applying this practice in several


Plant availability: The availability of ADGAS

plant is measured by the total capacity less planned

downtime (for shutdown and planned

maintenance). Comparison with world-wide LNG

industry benchmarks as part of an industry

benchmarking exercise suggested that ADGAS

was best-in-class as reflected in mostly higher than

the benchmark availability of 92%.

Plant Reliability is defined in terms of

unscheduled down time compared to total

available period in average percentage for all three

trains. The unscheduled down time, in hours, is

calculated by considering the duration of Trips

(TRP) and Forced Shutdowns (FSD), while the total

available period is calculated by converting the

total number of days per year into total number of


Plant Effectiveness is defined in terms of LNG

controllable losses, in 1000’s tons, compared to the

LNG Production plan. This KPI measures the

production effectiveness of the plant which is

impacted by train trips, forced shut-downs to the

plant (unplanned), the impact of aging and de-

graded plant conditions and shipping delays (if

any) resulting in slowing down of plant production

capability. The improving trend in recent years is

the result of concerted efforts to improve the

effectiveness of ADGAS’ production capabilities.

Opportunity losses: ADGAS has over the last

several years controlled its opportunity losses

through vigorous pursuit of improvement

opportunities and as a combined outcome of

investment in technical schemes, asset integrity

and reliability management systems & RCA.

Attached is a graphic presentation of the

continuously improving trend in opportunity

losses (figure 7), which is a large contributor to

delivery of production above planned levels

(figure 6) on a consistent basis. ADGAS investment

program addresses measures to counter the

incidence of opportunity losses through detailed

analysis of the contributors and focused

improvement schemes to remedy root causes.

Trends of Leaks, small fires and recordable

injuries: These are key indicators of the

effectiveness of corrective actions taken as a result

of the Root Cause Analyses done after previous


Abu Dhabi Gas Liquefaction Company Ltd (ADGAS)

Figure 4 - Plant Reliability

Figure 5 – Plant Effectiveness

Figure 6 – LNG Production

Figure 7 – LNG Opportunity Losses

Figure 8 – Loss of containment



Joyalukkas Jewellery (JAJ) is a leading retail

jeweller, with a strong presence in the field of Gold,

Diamond, Precious and Pearl Jewellery. Formed in

the year 1956 in India, JAJ started its UAE

operations in 1987. Today, it has spread its reach to

over eight countries in the world, and employs

over 3000 people worldwide, providing quality

products and services to its customers. It is also the

first jeweller in the Middle East to be certified with

both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certificates.

The vision of the company is to “To become a

global brand by ornamenting the world”.

The mission statement of the company is” To

improve and enrich lives everywhere by offering

extraordinary lifestyle solutions backed by

incomparable value additions, adhering to

globally approved processes and norms and

creating a successful value- chain for our




The Chairman, Mr. Joy Alukkas, strongly believes

that “Customers come first”, and ensures that a

constant effort is made to introduce innovative

ways to satisfy their needs. JAJ offers its Customers

over 40 brands and more than 100,000 designs. In

2007, JAJ opened largest jewellery showroom –

“Big Joy” - in Dubai. It also has to its credit the

“World’s Largest Jewellery Showroom “in India.

Joyalukkas Jewellery tries to set a comfortable

ambience to its Customers, to enhance their

shopping experience. Joyalukkas Jewellery has

taken one step further in the quality standards, by

being the first and only jeweler in the Middle East

to be accredited with the new ISO 9001:2008

certificate. The company had added different facet

to its image by bringing innovative ideas like B2B,

Loyalty cards, new website etc. Through B2B

solutions a separate business line was set up to

cater to needs of the corporate clients. Customized

solutions in gold and other products are offered to

satisfy the needs of the clients. Apart from the

business front, JAJ also works proactively for the

benefit of the Society. The company has formed a

separate division called “Corporate Social

Responsibility” (CSR) Division to fulfill its

commitment to Society.

The company dreams of globalizing the brand “Joy

Alukkas” around the world. The company expects

to realize this dream by its expansion plan of

having 100 showrooms across the world by the

year 2011-2012. The company also plans to achieve

a turnover of 1 billion US dollars by the year 2011-

2012. The company has already taken steps to

realize this. The efforts of all the departments are

directed towards the achievement of these plans.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd

l The excellence model imparts an

understanding of global policies in Business

Excellence and Standards and thus helps us

to raise our bar consistently.

l The applicant organisation is assessed by

independent external assessors and give us a

feedback report as to where we stand and

what are the Areas for improvement.

l The need for more data, evidences,

Comparisons will come to light during the

document preperation stage. It helps an

organisation to improve the documentation

and filing process.

l It helps the organisations to share and know

some good practices that are being followed in

different industries and adapt some of these to

their organisation as well.

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l EFQM model is good for each organisation to

improve its quality and excellence.

l The award process is really challenging and

helps an organisation to improve its

standards by realsising as to where it stands

and how much we have to travel.

l EFQM model is comprehensive and it covers

different criteria’s and it measures different

aspects of an organization and shows us what

are our strengths and Areas For improvement.

Joyalukkas Jewellery LLC


Nominated Good Practice


2009Joyalukkas Jewellery LLC

≈≈MMyy 00..5500∆∆ √√ MMyy HHuummbbllee GGrraattiittuuddeettoowwaarrddss mmyy SSoocciieettyy


“He, who has secured the good of others, has

already secured his own.” – Confucius

Joyalukkas – “World’s favorite jeweller” – also for

reasons other than jewellery. Our corporate goals

are based on quality and standards, and we have

set clear policies to ensure that we meet our goals.

While we have stringent measures in place to

ensure total in-store customer satisfaction, we have

laid an equally important stress on improving the

condition of the society the world over. For a while,

it seemed alright to simply follow everyone and do

what others around were seen to be doing, and to

be participating in social activities as pioneered by

someone else. Not for long though. Soon,

Joyalukkas felt that its CSR activities needed to be

pushed further with a proper strategy. This is how

the CSR department came into being at Joyalukkas.

CSR at Joyalukkas is a three-pronged activity

arising from the Joyalukkas Foundation, the Blood

Donors Forum and “My 0.50”.

We recognize that a key business challenge for the

future lies in addressing the social issues prevailing

in the world and to build them into our corporate

strategy. Some corporate brainstorming sessions

later, the idea of “My 0.50” was born.

What is “My 50” and how does it work? The

Approach and its Rationale:

We believe that God and man are equal partners in

life. God always does his bit, and we need to do

ours. The box of God’s 0.50 is always full.

Therefore, at Joyalukkas, we decided to do our bit

towards filling the box of our 0.50. That is how we

began the drive for “My 0.50”.

“My 0.50” is a voluntary micro project undertaken

by all the employees of Joyalukkas Jewellery as a

part of its CSR activities. This project was first

initiated in March 2007, and as a part of the strong

belief that, together, we ought to give back to

society what we can. The unique feature of this

project is that it involves each and every member of

the Joyalukkas family.

The company’s staff voluntarily supports the “My

0.50” project by a daily contribution of only 0.50

Fils of their salary to the fund. This operation is

deployed by an automatic deduction of the total

monthly amount from the salary of the employees.

A provision is in place to allow for adjustments,

should any staff member wish to top his monthly

contribution by an additional amount. In addition

to this, the Top Management adds an equal amount

from their personal funds into the “My 0.50” Fund.

The total monthly collection of the “My 0.50” fund

is estimated and projections for Annual Collection

are in place. Thereafter, Fund Allocation is done in

advance so as to ensure a strategic utilization of the


It is fairly easy to succumb to the habit of doing a

good deed once and then forgetting about

sustaining it. Therefore, to walk the talk in a

sustained manner, such thoughts need to be

actioned and put onto a conveyor belt for self-

propelled action. This self-propelled mechanism

has been developed by simply depositing the

salary of the staff into a separate bank account and

entering the details of the same into the software.

Thereafter, the usage of the fund is done in a

transparent manner through the application form

with appropriate scrutiny from various levels. The

fund management can be tracked from the

software, to the very last 0.50 Fils.


The challenge was faced in understanding and

deciding how to channelise these funds. This

paved the way for us to develop an

implementation strategy. The funds raised this way

have been used for various social causes across the

world such as: Medical Treatment assistance to

patients such as those suffering from AIDS, cancer,

renal failure or any other such major ailment, Jail

Rehabilitation, Family Help, Air Ticket, Special

Need, Education, Home Building, Old Age Home

Care, Amnesty Help, Disaster Help, Marriage

Help, Beyond Orphanage, Cloth Distribution

Scheme, Sanitation Scheme in Rural Areas, Self

Employment Machineries, Health Awareness

Campaign, Monthly Caring Scheme, Child Caring

Scheme, etc.

All these programmes are looked after with great

passion by the CSR department at Joyalukkas

Jewellery. They identify those people whom they

feel must be helped and mobilize their resources to

do the needful. All the help extended through the

“My 0.50” project is without any discrimination

whatsoever, irrespective of caste, creed, age,

gender, nationality, religion, etc.

The Fund utilization from “My 0.50” project is

shown below. Each of the above has been

consolidated on the basis of the general nature of

expenses, and the company ensures that this

assistance is provided directly to each of the

beneficiaries by directly traveling to remote places

and disbursements the assistance directly.

Reach (Segmentation & Scope of Deployment)

1. “My 0.50” has helped

to look after 5


2. “My 0.50” has benefited

600 children for

their total education


3. “My 0.50” has built 8 homes for the


4. “My 0.50” has provided a vehicle for remote

station in Africa, where people had no

means of transport for any kind of



Nominated Good Practice


2009Joyalukkas Jewellery LLC

5. “My 0.50” has helped to

build a home that houses

nearly 120 mentally

retarded people.

6. “My 0.50” has provided

for an ambulance in a

rural area in India.

7. “My 0.50” has

rehabilitated 34 people

from jails in the UAE.

8. “My 0.50” has provided

from the establishment of

a tailoring school in an

orphanage in a remote area, with over 10

sewing machines and a full-time teacher. This

way, it aims to not only offer training in a

new skill, but also enables orphans to earn for

their own living in future.

9. “My 0.50” has helped over 92people with

medical treatment.

10. “My 0.50” has helped

over 200 amnesty

seekers by providing

them with airfare.

11. “My 0.50” has offered a

monthly financial

help of about AED

150.00 for nearly 25

families who are in

extreme poverty, with a

physical handicap

which has rendered

them helpless for work,

thus providing them with at least minimum

money to be able to survive.

12. “My 0.50” alsoallocates funds towards

disaster help.

13. “My 0.50” provided warm clothing to nearly

100 children and infants suffering from

extreme cold.

1 Amnesty Help AH 401

2 Air Ticket AT 785

3 Beyond Orphanage BO 28

4 Cloth Distribution Scheme CD 66

5 Disaster Help DH 298

6 Education Help EH 650

7 Family Help FH 102

8 Home Making HM 767

9 Jail Rehabilitation JR 547

10 Monthly Caring Scheme MCS 1,324

11 Marriage Help MH 290

12 Medical Treatment MT 1,066

13 Old Age Home OR 75

14 Self Employment Machinery SE 77

15 House Making Projects HP 267

16 Assistance To Handicapped JH 58

17 Medical Awareness MA 135

No. Type of Assistance Code I n d e x e dAmount

1 Amnesty Help AH 249

2 Air Ticket AT 63

3 Beyond Orphanage BO 47

4 Cloth Distribution Scheme CD 1,542

5 Disaster Help DH 146

6 Education Help EH 1,128

7 Family Help FH 11

8 Home Making HM 16

9 Jail Rehabilitation JR 34

10 Monthly Caring Scheme MCS 552

11 Marriage Help MH 11

12 Medical Treatment MT 92

13 Old Age Home OR 41

14 Self Employment Machinery SE 3

15 House Making Projects HP 8

16 Assistance To Handicapped JH 6

17 Medical Awareness MA 10

No. Type of Assistance Code Number

Future Plans (Review and Action Planned)

Target - Project 11.11.11

Joyalukkas aims that by the date 11.11.11, the “My

0.50” Project shall -

Reach 11 Countries, Involve 110 Companies, &

Benefit 110,000 people.

Our Action Plan to achieve this target is described

briefly as under: The Company has devised several

methods to strategically achieve the above target.

Some of these methods are listed below:

1. A software has been developed to manage the

funds in such a way that all the financial processes,

personal information of beneficiaries, and all

required reports are generated. In future, this will

also be made freely available for other

organizations aiming to independently emulate

“My 0.50” in their own organizations, without any

financial obligation/commitment to Joyalukkas


2. The company has made a list of Nursing

Associations in Europe and USA. These

Associations are being contacted so as to share this

idea with them and thereby enable them as well to

join the “My 0.50” drive.

3. Joyalukkas Jewellery is also endeavoring to rope

in its large and varied Suppliers and get them also

to join the “My 0.50” drive.

4. Joyalukkas aims to conduct a roadshow for its

loyalty card customers, who are often in a position

to either implement this project into their own

businesses, or influence their organization to do

the same.

5. Joyalukkas also encourages its loyalty customers

to donate their loyalty points towards the “My

0.50” project, thereby enabling its customers from

all walks of society to participate in this noble


6. Joyalukkas will contact several schools to be able

to involve the school children. This way, they will

not only get this project started in the school itself,

but also influence the young minds of children at

an early stage and teach them to be altruistic.

SSeettttiinngg aa ggoooodd eexxaammppllee::

Research conducted by the Dubai Chamber of

Commerce and Industry revealed that consumers

expect business in the country to engage with their

community. The survey showed that a majority of

consumers consider a company’s CSR activities as

‘very influential’ in their investment in a company.

Therefore, we believe that it also makes good

business sense to promote CSR activities within an

organization. Further, His Highness Sheikh

Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice

President and Prime Minister of the UAE, Ruler of

Dubai also advocates this message strongly

through the exemplary “Dubai Cares” initiative.

Dubai Catholic Church & PRESKA UAE have

already given shape

to a contribution

scheme in line with

“My 0.50”. JAJ also

has dedica ted

software for this, with a tracking system for all the

funds spent. Should you also wish to embark upon

this project and get “JOY”, and need any more

information to implement this in your

organization, please feel free to contact us anytime.

Email id: If you are interested in MY50 please write


Results & Analysis

Assistance Provided (Value of Assistance and Number of Beneficiaries)



Amana Steel Building Contracting Company,

believes that the pursuit of excellence is only

attainable through persistent and regular revision

of Standards against international best practices.

We at Amana put the experience of 9 years to

continuous scrutiny with an eye on the future.

Keeping a “hand on the pulse” approach, we

managed to gauge the changes in markets and the

ensuing needs of our Clients, realizing that the

completion of a project is only the beginning of a

new undertaking in sustaining our Clients as well

as wining new ones. With our reputation as a

beacon before us, we have managed to instill a

sense of pride amongst our employees, inspired by

reward and the value of accomplishment. In a time

of international markets volatility, we submit our

entry with the conviction of stability and

continuity, and armed with the will of growth and


Amana Steel Buildings Contracting aims to



become a regional leader in turnkey solution for

commercial and industrial projects. Amana’s

specialty is in providing comprehensive design-

build solutions to the industrial, commercial and

institutional market. Sixteen branches up to date

(Nine in UAE) located in seven countries: UAE,

Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman and Sri

Lanka). Amana achieved a noticeable growth in the

past few years and put its name among top ranking

Steel Construction Companies. Amana has grown

to over 1,500 professional staff and above 7,000

workers (skilled, semi-skilled and non-skilled).

Our Vision: is to become the regional leader in

designing, constructing and commissioning

commercial and industrial buildings in the Middle

East, Africa and South East Asia.

Our Mission is to provide our clients with the

highest service quality, on time and budget

delivery. We shall achieve this by creating a

partnership between our employees, managers,

and shareholders focused on executing our projects

on Time, under Budget, and within the Quality

requirements. We will perform this in most

efficient and productive manner such as to

generate a reasonable return for our shareholders

& ourselves

Our Values, basic and fundamental shall remain

the guiding light in our dealings internally &

externally. These will be the uncompromising

foundations upon which we build our Mission.

Integrity: the courage to maintain the right from

the wrong without compromise.

Reliability: the ability to deliver on what we

promise without exception.

Accountability: the strength to be responsible for

our own actions and decisions

OOuurr sseerrvviicceess iinncclluuddee::

l Design-Build Turnkey Solutions

Based on the clients’ requirements and

specifications, the company leverages its internal

competencies and experiences to streamline the

project costs and provides the client with value

engineered design.

It also obtains approvals from authorities, and

proceeds to complete the turnkey construction of

the project. The company undertakes a project

based on the requirements of the client as per pre-

approved designs completed by a third-party

engineering / design office. The company designs

steel buildings solutions and undertakes the task of

supplying and erecting the steel structures. This is

typically done for large steel projects such as

power plants and oilfield applications.

IInndduussttrriieess wwee sseerrvvee::

l Agriculture: Equestrian facilities, farms.l Automotive: Showrooms, distribution centers

and Workshops. l Food Processing: factories, cold stores.l Institution: schools, college buildings, social

centers, offices.l Logistics: distribution centers, warehousing

facilities.l Manufacturing: plastics, papers, carpets,

paints, cables, steel mills factories.l Medical: pharmaceutical plants, consumables

plan.l Oilfields/Power/Water: workshops, staging

facilities, pump houses.l Retail: shopping centers, hypermarkets

AAmmaannaa SShhaarrjjaahh

Amana Sharjah was established in 1999 and shares

the Vision, Mission and Values of Amana group in

general. Manned by a staff of over 150 people & a

labor force of over 1750, Amana Sharjah has

completed 120 Projects since its establishment in

1999. These projects include 18 automotive

facilities & 14 Retail amenities, factories,

hypermarket…etc. In Sharjah & the Northern

Emirates, Amana Sharjah continues to retain

clients such as:

l Sharjah Airport International Free Zone

Authorityl Hempel Paintsl Directorate of Military Worksl National Cables Industryl Airbus Industries.l Hamriyah Free Zone

GGeeooggrraapphhiicc SSpprreeaadd

Amana Sharjah is operating in all of the Northern

Emirates i.e. Sharjah, Umm Al Quwain, Ajman and

Fujairah. At present, Amana is constructing Steel

factory Mills in Hamriyah Free zone, Steel Mill in

Fujairah and Operating in Dubai Studio City and

Dubai Investment Park.

MMaajjoorr SSuucccceesssseess

Amana Sharjah has successfully completed 120

projects in the past 9 years and kept a good record

of repetitive clients with certifies satisfaction

reports. Amana always dealt with its clients in the

most professional manner and with integrity.

In spite of many challenges, Amana could

complete projects on time with quality exceeding

clients’ expectations. Amana has recruited and

retained highly professional team of Engineers that

contributed to the success of Amana Sharjah. We

managed to build our own custom-made software

that provides the knowledge to cope with the

business growth and guides the organization to

deal with constant changes.

Furthermore Amana Sharjah has recently (2008)

been awarded by the Vice President & Prime

Minister of U.A.E. and Ruler of Dubai, H.H.Sheikh

Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, for the most

Prestigious award for Business Excellence - DQA

(2008). Amana Sharjah is also Certified for ISO

9001:2008, OHSAS 18001:2007 & ISO 14001:2004.

Some of the projects that we have successfully

completed are: Labour Accommodation in DIP,

Airbus Spare Parts Centre, Lulu Hypermarket at


Amana Steel BuildingsContracting Co. LLC, Sharjah


Nominated Good Practice

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm aappppllyyiinngg ffoorr DDuubbaaii QQuuaalliittyyAAwwaarrdd

l The Dubai Quality Award process allowed us

to scrutinize our current systems and produce

concrete steps to address shortfalls and

increase benefits from processes that we excel

at.l Involving all levels of employees in the DQA

process provided everyone with a greater

understanding of how their individual

contributions help push the entire company

towards achieving the highest quality levels.l With the DQA process we as a company have

a greater understanding of what we need to

do in the next couple of years to improve the

entire Amana experience for both our clients,

suppliers, our employees and shareholders.l With DQA process, we got the opportunity to

benchmark and compare ourselves against the

best industries in construction field.

AAddvviiccee ttoo ffuuttuurree aapppplliiccaannttss

l The Quality Award process is a path towards

excellence and not a destination. Consider the

Award Ceremony to be a check point on your

path towards quality – the work does not stop

here.l It is also important to plan early and have

work groups active as soon as possible. Time

is extremely important as the work required is

quite significant.

≈≈KKnnooww tthhee SSaaffeettyy RRuulleess -- ddoo nnoott lleeaarrnntthheemm bbyy iinncciiddeenntt∆∆

We strongly believe in “Safety first at Construction

site”. Amana’s Management is totally committed

to ensure a Safe and Healthy working

Environment, Also believes that Health, Safety and

Environmental aspects are integral part of each job.

We give prime importance to Health and Safety of

our people as they are exposed to a number of

hazards & associated risks that endanger their

Health and lives. For us Safety is a continuing

process of improvement to which every personnel

can contribute.


2009Amana Steel BuildingsContracting Co. LLC, Sharjah

Being awarded by the most prestigious award for

business excellence - DQA, Amana is also certified

for OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2004.

Amana continuously monitors its Integrated

Management System & IMS Policy which

comprises of Quality, Health, Safety and

Environment for its effectiveness at work sites

through regular internal Audits and during

Management Review Meetings.


This Statement has been developed by AMANA to

stress our belief that the effective implementation

of Integrated Management System (IMS) plays

significant role in doing business and affirms our

commitment to the continual improvement and to

the business excellence.

Amana is committed to:

l Providing quality service to our customers by

on-time completion of contracts, (delivery of

projects), cost effectiveness, service up to the

customers satisfaction in accordance with the

local regulations and following international

standards.l Reducing impacts to Environmental

contamination to acceptable levels by the strict

adoption of the relevant international

standards and local regulations.l Providing particular attention to reduce the

consumption of water and energy by

involving employees on individual basis to

follow Reduce-Reuse-Recycle methodology

and by participating in conservation /

protection of the Environment.l Ensuring a safe and healthy work

environment for employees by increasing

awareness of safety measures.l The effective implementation of the

Integrated Management System in

compliance with ISO

9001:2008, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO

14001:2004, and to monitor its continual

improvement through regular training &

developments, value added internal audits,

Customer feedback and through achieving set

objectives and targets of each department.

AMANA Integrated Management System

(IMS) policy is authorized by the General Manager.

The Policy and the associated procedures will be

reviewed regularly and if necessary revised by the

Management and communicated to all the

employees. The Policy will be prominently

displayed at all AMANA workplaces and also

made available in public.

l Strengthening Health and Safety Culture

Safety culture starts at the management level and is

vital in achieving a better and safer environment

for the workers. This is achieved through regular

Internal HSE Audits, Identifying the root causes of

risks and hazards, measuring the effectiveness of

corrective and preventive actions, good and clear

communication to recognize major issues and

prioritizing them and by strictly adhering to IMS

Policy and Objectives.

l Competence

Amana has a team of qualified and competent

Safety Engineers who are providing safety

Induction training, Mock drills, Tool box talks,

providing special training on incidents and near-

misses, carry out incident investigation and Root

Cause Analysis, Summer Programmes and

Emergency Evacuation Programmes to Safety

officers and assistants and finally assess them on

their performance after completing such training.

They are also responsible for maintaining and

monitoring the effective implementation of Safety

at site regularly.

Amana upgrades HSE staff by giving them

opportunity to attend external training in addition

to internal courses.

It is the sole responsibility of the Safety Engineers,

in coordination with the Projects Control Manager,

to implement Safety measures and rules and

provide proper training to all the workers,

including sub contractors’ workers on sites.

Recently the number of HSE staff has been

increased compared to previous years (as shown in

Fig.1), which clearly indicates Amana’s growing

awareness of HSE issues ;

Following (Fig.2, Fig.3 & Fig.4) are some examples

of Safety Induction, Tool box and Special training:

Fig.1 : Increase in number of HSE staff compared to previousyears.

Fig.2 : Number of Induction Training conducted

Fig.3 : Number of Toolbox Training conducted


Nominated Good Practice


2009Amana Steel BuildingsContracting Co. LLC, Sharjah

The effectiveness of the training is measured by

conducting internal audits by means of a

professionally prepared Safety Audit Check List

(shown in Fig.23, 24 & 25). Injuries resulting from

incidents or other work related conditions, in

addition to the “near misses” are fully investigated

by the Safety Engineer/Officer.

The injuries are usually classified according to the

“severity” into:

1) First Aid,

2) Medical Treatment,

3) Lost Time Injury,

4) Permanent Partial Disability,

5) Permanent Total Disability,

6) Fatality

In case of an incident, routine investigation is

conducted by the Safety Engineer / Officer. Cause

of injury is investigated and recorded in an

Incident Report. The Report is used to ensure that

similar incidents are avoided in the future. Results

from the Incident Reports are circulated to all

related Departmental Managers in order to

implement the corrective action effectively. Safety

Engineer / Officer and the concerned

Departmental Managers are responsible for the

implementation and follow up of corrective

actions. Projects Control Manager reviews the

Safety Plan and recommends improvement if

required. Internal Audits are carried out monthly

by the Senior Safety Engineer, to measure the

Fig.4: Number of Special Training conducted which includes

Mock drills, training on Incidents, Near Misses & Summer


effective implementation of Safety regulations at

all sites.

The following Criteria are audited to measure the

effectiveness of the site Health and Safety


l Safety Management System,l Lifting and Vertical Transportation equipment,l Scaffolding and Formwork support system,l Staff Commitment and attainment,l Welfare facilities and provisions,l Availability, usage and condition of personal

protective equipment (PPE),l Plant / Vehicle and Equipment,l Temporary site electricity and power tools,l Hot work (gas cutting and electric welding),l Fire Extinguishers,l Hand tools,l Site Conditions,l Control of hazardous material,

Below (Fig.5) is a graph showing HSE Performance

in Internal audit conducted in 2008.

EExxtteerrnnaall TTrraaiinniinngg PPrrooggrraammmmee

Amana’s employees attend External training

courses to upgrade their knowledge and

awareness (example of external training are shown

in Fig.6).

Fig.5 : Summary of HSE Performance in Internal audit

conducted in 2008

Fig.6: List of External Training courses attended

Fig. 7 & 8 below shows increase in External safety

training for staff & workers.

Fig. 7: External Safety Training graph for the Staff

Fig. 8 : External Safety Training graph for the workers

l Communication

Amana, believes that HSE sound practice can be

best implemented by clear communication, using

face to face contact with the concerned trainees,

oral team briefings, Tool box talks, clear written

safety instruction, illustrations, ….etc. (see Fig.10).

Fig. 9 : an example of Amana’s Employee Safety Advisor

Registration Card

Examples of certifications and recognition of such

training follows: l Certificate of training course on Green

Building and Green Futurel Certificate of H&S advisor coursel Certificate of Basic Scaffolding and Safety

awarenessl Certificate of First Aid and Saving carried out

by Civil Defence

Fig.10: HSE training given to the workers at site




Nominated Good Practice Amana Steel BuildingsContracting Co. LLC, Sharjah

FFiirree EEvvaaccuuaattiioonn DDrriillll ccaarrrriieedd oouutt ffoorrAAmmaannaa OOffffiiccee aanndd SSiittee

Amana’s HSE Department arranged a Fire

Evacuation Mock Drill Training for the Main office

and site workers in the presence of the Local

Authorities - Civil Defense and Police to enhance

staff awareness of the Evacuation process and

Evacuation routes.

l Consultation with workers – Welfare

activitiesl Workers Welfare Committee

Amana management consults with the workers as

an effective tool to strengthen the HSE practices at

site. Amana has created a Workers Welfare

Committee ( Fig.13) to identify and resolve their

personal and work related disputes. The workers

complaints and suggestions are studied carefully

before proactive measures are taken for necessary

required improvement.

Fig.11 : Fire Evacuation Drill at Amana site

Fig. 12: Fire Evacuation Drill at Amana office

Fig.13: Workers Welfare Committee meeting

l Amana Clinic Facility

Amana clinic is managed by a competent Doctor

and a male nurse who take care of all the Health

related issues of workers and to deal with mild


Fig.14: Amana Clinic Facility

l Use of Personal Protection Equipment.

Amana’s site Safety Engineers/Officers are

regularly monitoring the following :

l The availability of PPE’s at site. l The correct usage of PPE’s. l The proper storage of PPE’s before and after

use.l Instructions/Trainings are provided on how to

use it safely.

To avail good quality PPE (as per the International

standard requirement) Amana deals with only

selective suppliers with best quality safety


l Safety Implementation at site – Internal HSE


Amana management effectively implements its

HSE system requirements at the job sites through

regular monitoring, training and conducting

Internal HSE audits in a schedule regular manner

with the aim to disclose areas of risk. HSE Audit is

conducted by a team of qualified, independent and

competent auditors. These audits are carried out as

per the HSE audit checklist (Fig.16, 17 & 18) that

covers each component of the IMS such as HSE

procedures, IMS policy, Integrated procedures,

Training provided, Competence of personnel etc…

Fig.15: Samples of Personnel Safety Equipment used by

Amana workers at site

Fig.16: HSE Audit Checklist

Fig. 17: HSE Audit Checklist




Nominated Good Practice Amana Steel BuildingsContracting Co. LLC

Fig. 18: HSE Audit Checklist

l Internal Safety Award


Internal Safety awards are given to projects with

highest Safety measures. The award is given by the

management as an acknowledgement for the site

managements’ strict adherence to Safety standards.

All the job sites are evaluated every month and

based on the audit results a Trophyis given to the

site of the highest score. If any of the job site wins

the award for three consecutive months then a cash

award is distributed on that particular site.

l Examples of few Good Safety Practices

followed at site

HSE Department regularly monitors the HSE

issues at site and uses Safety Record Boards to

record daily safety issues at site. The data on the

board is monitored and usually approved by

project consultant.

For quick and easy access on site, Amana has

provided all its Safety staff with Motorbikes.

Fig.19 : Safety Record Board to monitor daily safety issues

Fig.20 : Edge / Opening protections

l Amana’s Safe Scaffolding system

Amana has adopted a Scaffolding system in

compliance with BS 5973:1993. The scaffolders are

trained internally and are then sent for additional

“External” training and are assessed regularly at

site by the Safety Engineers to maintain best


Fig.21 : HSE Notice Board displayed at all the sites

l Handling the Work and Workers during


HSE Department takes special care for those

working on sites during summer to avoid strokes

resulting from extreme weather conditions. The

workers are granted the mid-day ban as per the

local regulations during July and August. Workers

are provided with energy drinks, Pocari-Sweat

throughout the summer.

Fig.25 : Internal Summer programme instruction

l Measuring improvement :-l Health and Safety:

Amana’s HSE Department studies and analyses

information from sites on the frequency rate of

incidents and near-miss (as shown in Fig.26, 27 &


Fig.22 : Scaffolding training at site

Fig.23 : Assembling Scaffolding at site

Fig.24 : Assembling Scaffolding at site

Fig.28 : Analysis of Near Misses.

Fig.26 : Analysis of Total Man-hours.

Fig.27 : Analysis of Frequency rate of Losttime Incident in every “One MillionHours”.


l Contribution towards Building Green

Being Certified for ISO 14001:2004, Amana adopts

the Reduce, Reuse & Recycle methodology to

protect the Environment and this message is

spreaded among all Amana employees..

Amana has adopted double phase - printing and

afterwards those draft papers are sent for

recycling. The computer ink and photocopiers

cartridges and toners are also sent for recycling.

l Participation in National Cleaning Activities

Amana participated in the Cleaning activities on

National Cleaning Day held in Khor-Kalba in 2008

conducted by Sharjah Municipality (shown in


l Measuring improvement :-

l Environment :

Amana had no certified LEED AP in 2007 and three

of the engineers obtained successfully the LEED

AP certification. In 2009 many more currently

preparing for the exams.Fig.29 : Amana Green Group – Participation in Cleaningactivity conducted in Khor-Kalba by Sharjah Municipality





Al Rostamani International exchange is one of

the market leaders in the remittance & currency

exchange business in the country. It is run by

highly qualified and trained professional team of

over 350 collective individuals with the help of the

state of the art technology and systems. The

company has marched from 10 branches in 2003 to

23 branches in 2009. The only institution in the

industry to have a special team to focus on

identification & mitigation of risk in operations.

Our vision is “To be one of the leading money

exchange firms in the country following ethical

business practices while earning the respect of all

our stake holders”

We will be a customer oriented and value creating

company. Being a financial services company, we

will achieve our vision with commitment and

passion, through innovation and technology, and

in an environment of fairness, honesty and

courtesy towards stakeholders is our mission to


OOuurr mmiillee ssttoonnee aacchhiieevveemmeennttss aanndd qquuaalliittyyjjoouurrnneeyy

The First financial institution in the Middle East to

get the coveted ISO 9002:1994 covering all our

branches & operations.

The First Exchange company to be selected as the

Winner of the Government of Dubai’s prestigious

Dubai Quality Appreciation Program Award in the

category – Best company of the year- Financial


First Exchange Company which has won the

Recognition as member of the Dubai’s Service

Excellence Scheme. The First Exchange company to

be selected, Winner of the Government of Dubai’s

prestigious Dubai Quality Award in the category –

Best Company of the Year – Financial (2003)

followed by a second time recognition of DQAP

this year for our continued Excellence journey.

Products and Services: The Company offers a wide

range of foreign exchange products and services

including demand drafts in 40 currencies. Multi

currency funds transfers to over 100 countries,

encashment of traveler’s cheque exchange of all

major currencies of the world. The company is also

an agent for leading instant money transfer

services. The company services the leading

corporates’ in the region by its commercial foreign

exchange division, which gives customized

products and a competitive price edge to the


AARRIIEE AAccttiivviittiieess::

People Care: We always present a challenging

environment to our employees which allow them

to grow personally and professionally.

Customer Care: In order to understand the needs

and expectations and to provide personalized care,

our customers are segmented both at macro level

and micro level. The number of customers which

we serve indicates that we have been successful in

customer retention and acquisition. “The Trusted

Remittance Partner for 3 decades” is our tag line to

conduct business. We fulfill this promise to our

valued customers every day by offering highest

value at lowest price followed by a stream of value


Preferred Partner of the suppliers: Our strong

brand value and approach of building mutual

relationship have resulted in forging long lasting

partnership with an increasing number of

customer focused suppliers and correspondent


Community Care: We are a committed corporate

citizen which supports community care projects

such as blood donation campaigns and charitable

initiatives apart from participating in many

government organized community care program.

Shareholder’s Pride: We have been growing

consistently year on year and our net profit has

grown more than 140% since 2004. We have grown

in other aspects such as greater visibility, more

market share and satisfied customer.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd

l The award process has not only demonstrated

our ability to the external evaluation of our

organization’s processes and performance by

a team of trained DQA assessors but also has

given us a tool to self asses our internal


l The contribution of all the departments to

successful completion of this project had

helped us reinforce and strengthen our values

of Teamwork.l The award application process has helped us

spread awareness of our strive for excellence

throughout the organization and has

successfully boosted employee morale.l The feedback report has given us valuable

inputs on areas to be improved within the

organization and has helped us to develop a

great organization.

AAddvviiccee ttoo ffuuttuurree aapppplliiccaannttss::

l Ensure participation from all necessary levels

of the organization. Brief all participants on

the objectives & advantages of applying for

the award.l Prepare a schedule and timeline along with a

clear description of each team member’s

responsibility.l The overall coordinator is to conduct periodic

review of progress and take corrective actions

wherever necessary until the final document

submission is ready.l The Feedback report could prove to be of great

value. Management should seriously discuss

all findings and shortcomings in the feedback


Al Rostamani International Exchange




Nominated Good Practice

CCuussttoommeerr RReellaattiioonnsshhiipp MMaannaaggeemmeenntt

During the 3rd Quarter of 2006, we started a study

to identify the performance of various products of

the organization and measure the satisfaction of

our customers.

The study brought to light that the companywide

failure rate stood at a very high level of 2.19% (i. e

2.19 transfers done to various countries by our

customers either didn’t reach the beneficiary or not

reach on time.)

A detailed analysis of the possible causes using the

QC tools such as l Flow chartsl Histogramsl Cause and effect diagraml Pareto charts

was carried out based on the facts. This reveled

some astounding facts which otherwise were

unnoticed. The study also threw up the actual cost

of operation to rectify the errors.

RReessuullttss ooff tthhee ssttuuddyy

The study brought to limelight that

l The company wide failure rate is 2.19%l A decentralized approach was deployed to

handle customer queries and grievances.l This process involved different people and

many departments, third party involvement at

various stages of the queries which delayed

the overall process of settling the customer

queries.l The average time to settle the customer

queries stood at a very high level of 9 days.

AARRIIEE VViissiioonn

To be one of the leading money exchange firms in

the country following ethical business practices

while earning the respect of all our stake holders”

If we wish to be in the forefront and be a preferred

company of our customers, we have to meet the

expectations of our customers and in many

instances exceed their expectations.

AApppprrooaacchheess && AAccttiioonnss

The primary focus of us was to revisit our service

standards and align them and our processes to

meet the expectations of valued customers.

TThhee SSeerrvviiccee ssttaannddaarrddss ooff AARRIIEE

l Customers will be served from the time the

branch opens (as published).l Waiting time will be as short as possible.l Staff will be polite, patient and efficient.l Staff will be highly knowledgeable about the

company’s products and services.l General appearance inside the branch will

always be excellent.l Telephone calls will be answered within 5

rings.l Genuineness of all foreign currencies that

customers buy from us will be guaranteed.l Demand drafts will be honored on

presentation and the proceeds will be

promptly paid to the beneficiary, based on the

clearing system in the destination country and

the drawee banks internal banking system.l Funds Transfer (TT) will be promptly paid to

the beneficiary. This will range from within 24

hours to 7 working days, depending on the

destination country. For justifiable delays, we

will refund the TT charges and pay interest for

the delayed period.l Our exchange rates will be better than that of

published prevailing rates of any bank in the

UAE. If otherwise, the difference will be


BBiirrtthh ooff aa NNeeww ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt √√ CCuussttoommeerrRReellaattiioonnss

A committee was formed headed by the Quality

Manager to meet our commitments to our

customers and to eliminate the findings of the


The committee set itself a detailed objectives and

clear-cut time frame to address the issues of the


The main objective of the committee was to form a

new centralized team to handle all customers’

related queries & grievances.

The objectives set for the new department are:

l To resolve customer complaints quickly & to

eliminate the root causes. l To communicate with the existing customers

about the new products & services l To maintain a relationship with the existing

customers & manage telemarketing

The department used the state of the art

technology to track and trends on various issues.

The technology was powered by the international

CRM solutions provider, Sage CRM. The

international model was customized to meet our

requirements with the help of external consultants.

All the customer grievances’ were logged in the

CRM module and systematically solved only to get

the appreciation of our customers.

The module is designed in a workflow which

ensures that all the cases logged get due attention

by the concerned agent and escalated to the seniors

based on priorities and escalation rules set to solve

the customer queries.


The results of the approach were clearly seen by

the mid of 2008.

l The average time taken to the resolve the

customer queries came down for 9 days in

2006 to 5 days in end 2008.l The failure rate which stood at 2.19% at the

end of 2006 came down to 1.31% by the end of

2008.l Customer satisfaction stood at a very high

level of 4.15 in a scale of 5

All these could be achieved by

l A systematic approach to handle customer

queries and trending of failure rates. l Identifying the core mistakes and eliminating

them by

a. Aligning our internal processes to

meet the end customer needs

b. Educating our staff on the types of

errors committed at the frontend

and ways to avoid them.

c. Strengthening our internal

controls and processes.

d. Increasing the monitoring &

measuring of the processes and

performance analysis on a

periodic basis.l Educating our customers on the changing

regulations across the world.l Maintaining a single point of contact for the

customer.l Maintaining a healthy relationship with our

customers by after sales services

Al Rostamani International Exchange





India Club was established in 1964 on a plot of

land gifted by the then ruler of Dubai, H. H. Sheikh

Rashid Bin Sayed Al Maktoum. The Club has a

membership of over 2100 families.

India Club is a non profit sharing organization

comprising of 20 Permanent Trustees and 18

Trustee nominated Board of Directors. The Club

also has an Executive Committee which looks after

the operational decision making of the Club. The

Executive Committee comprises of Chairman,

Vice-Chairman, Ex-Officio Chairman and the

General Manager.

India Club provides its members top class facilities

in the field of Sports, Social Amenities,

Entertainment, recreation and a business center.

IInnddiiaa CClluubb VViissiioonn

India Club strives to be a reputed Indian entity in

Dubai of International Standards and to be an

industry leader in all our activities.

IInnddiiaa CClluubb MMiissssiioonn

India Club will provide its members top quality

leisure facilities in the fields of Social,

Entertainment, Sports, Food and Beverages,

Banquets and Business Networking at competitive

prices giving value for money.

IInnddiiaa CClluubb CCuullttuurree

A Member is the most important guest on our

premises. He is not dependent on us. We are

dependent on him. He is not an interruption to our

work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider

to our business. He is a part of it. We are not doing

him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a

favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.

-M.K. Gandhi

IInnddiiaa CClluubb GGuuiiddiinngg VVaalluueess aanndd EEtthhiiccss((IINNDDIIAANN))

IInnssppiirriinngg We shall provide a benchmark

of excellent standards

portraying traditional Indian

hospitality in a safe and secure


NNuurrttuurriinngg We shall provide an

environment where our

colleagues and business can

prosper and grow.

Dignity We shall treat our

members, colleagues and

business partners with respect

and value their thoughts,

beliefs and ideas and be open


IInntteeggrriittyy We will work with honesty and

sincerity in everything we do.

AAlllliiaannccee We will work together towards

a common goal through open

and honest communication

and a positive attitude; We

shall respect our differences

and build on our strengths.

NNeewwnneessss We shall challenge

conventional thinking, think

outside the box and be

innovative. We will constantly

strive to improve our processes

and implement new ideas and


BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd

Applying and winning the Dubai Quality Award is

not just a matter of prestige for the organization.

The award is all about striving to achieve

excellence in an organization.

The award provides a platform for an organization

to improve holistically, to constantly challenge

itself to achieve higher standards and be

innovative in thought and its operations.

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

Every company should strive to achieve this award

as it not takes the organization to a different level

but also broadens the horizons of the people

working in it.

Applying for a DQA ensures that quality and

operational excellence become a way of life in the

functioning of an organization.

India Club




Nominated Good Practice India Club


All the above types of Partnerships have resulted

in achievement of our various objectives at various

levels of our operations. The following are just a

few of them:l Increased visibility of Club events & exposure

to Sponsorsl Brand visibility to Advertisers & Revenue

generation for the Clubl Club can offer its members free events /

subsidized eventsl Get experts from various fields to impart skills

to our valued membersl Brand visibility to Advertisers & Revenue

generation for the Clubl Club can offer food at subsidized rates and

helps reduce general food & beverage costl Co-hosting eventsl Subsidized rentsl VIP / CIP / PIP Visitsl Improvement of standards at the Club

Due to all the above benefits, the Club has

experienced a growing trend in the number of

Members over the years. The bookings for our

Sports Facilities have risen steadily over the years.

The number of Events/Programmes organized by

India Club over the years has swollen to a large

degree. Thus, all the aforementioned directly

support the realization of Organizational KPIs as is

explained in the following Analysis.


Total Income: Total Income of the Club shows the

overall contribution from all sources of the Club

including Entrance Fees, Subscriptions Fees, Food

and Beverages, Sponsorships, Hire charges, Games

& Events. The last 4 years have seen a consistent

rise in the Club’s overall income. The growth in

income from 2005 - 2006 to 2006 - 2007 grew by

5.5%. With a change in strategy in the year 2007 –

2008 of better cost controls, the total income grew

by over 13% compared to the previous year and by

another 17% in the 2008 - 2009.

EExxtteerrnnaall PPaarrttnneerrss √√ RReellaattiioonnsshhiippMMaannaaggeemmeenntt


The Mission of India Club has been to provide its

members top quality leisure facilities in the fields

of social entertainment, sports, food and

beverages, banquets and business networking at

competitive prices giving value for money.

In keeping with our Mission, India Club’s Guiding

Values and Ethics also propagate the same thought

in that India Club shall challenge conventional

thinking, think outside the box and be innovative.

We will constantly strive to improve our processes

and implement new ideas and concepts.

We strongly believe that to be able to realize our

Mission and live up to our Guiding Values and

Ethics, we have to develop a strong Partnership

Management Strategy. A considerable amount of

Brainstorming followed. Various ideas and

suggestions came in by the Management Staff. And

finally, a Partnership Strategy was conceived by

the team, which was in alignment with the overall

objectives of the Club, which is to identify and

understand new products, develop mutually

beneficial business strategies and promotions and

discuss market trends – thereby leading to an

improvement in overall business excellence.

AA SSttrraatteeggiicc AApppprrooaacchh ttoowwaarrddss EExxtteerrnnaallPPaarrttnneerrsshhiipp MMaannaaggeemmeenntt

The partnerships at India Club are broadly broken

into four categories – Vendor & Service Provider

Partnerships, Marketing & Revenue-generating

Partnerships, Strategic Business Partnerships, and

Social/Image Building Partnerships.


This Strategy has been deployed at various levels

across the Organization, with different

departments taking the onus for different types of

Partnerships Management. The scope of the

implementation of the Strategy covers the length

and breadth of our activities – be it providing the

best of Food and Beverages to our valued Members

and guests, be it Entertainment, Banqueting,

Business Networking, Sports, Leisure, Value for

Money, Social prestige, etc. The various

Partnerships can be explained as under:

Vendor and Service Provider Partnerships:

Vendor and Service provider Partnerships are

taken care of by the Finance & Logistics

department (Stores/Purchasing) in co-ordination

with the individual Department Supervisors.

Regular meetings with the suppliers help add

value to each other, resulting in a mutually

beneficial relationship leading to lower costs, thus

helping the Club to offer subsidized rates.

Marketing & Revenue-generating Partnerships:

Marketing & Revenue Generating Partnerships are

taken care of by the Marketing department. These

partners help us in the areas of Media, Club

magazine, On-premises advertising, Social and

Cultural events. All our major revenue generating

partners are invited to all main events held at the

Club as an effort to recognize them for their

contribution to the Club.

Strategic Business Partnerships: These

Partnerships are entered into for driving our

Events & Promotions, for co-hosting our events at

subsidized rates and are specialized firms in

various fields.

Social/Image Building Partnerships: These

Partnerships are entered into for enhancing the

overall image of the Organization, quality

enhancement partners as well as to develop

affiliations with other Clubs internationally.

Subscriptions & Fees: These figures also depict a

rise over the years, reflecting a growth in the

number of members over the years.

Year 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008 -09






Food & Beverages: Owing to our excellent relations

with our external Partners for F&B, India Club was

able to sustain a non–increment in the sale prices of

food and beverages. Despite this, the year

2007–2008 saw a huge increase of over 30% in the

F&B revenue over the previous year and the year

2008 – 2009 saw another increase of 21%. This is in

alignment with the overall objectives of the Club.

Rise in the Amount of Sponsorship for Events:

Rise in Number of Partners:




Nominated Good Practice

FFuuttuurree PPllaannss

Given the current economic scenario and the

challenges faced there-in, our strategy with

relation to external partnership has worked

exceedingly well as can be seen in the results

shown above. Our newer challenges lie in

identifying key partnerships with organizations

based in India to tap the vast potential of

companies there with the 7,000 members of India

Club. Action plans are being worked out to form

tactical tie-ups with companies to ensure that the

Club’s goals are in alignment with these

organizations which add value to our business.

Kanoo Power & Industrial Projects (P&IP)

Division was formed in the year 2000 within The

Kanoo Group’s commercial arm with the following


“To be a Natural Choice of Customers by evolving

as Leading Company in the Region offering

Technical Solutions through Innovations &


The core philosophy of Kanoo P&IP is to increase

efficiency, optimize unit output and reduce costs to

the utility and general industry with a pro-active

and a pro-customer attitude. With a dedicated

team and an ideology that “Possibilities are

Endless”. Kanoo P&IP aims to deliver the best

services to the customers, at all times.

Kanoo P&IP’s Mission is “Growth & Development

through Customer Delight and Excellence”.


Kanoo P&IP has offices throughout the Gulf to

cater to the diverse industrial, engineering and

utility sector needs. Kanoo P&IP covers all plant

engineering services including conduct of

independent surveys, identifying problem areas,

evaluating machines, system and process related

problems and finding solutions to them. We have

an extensive experience in Assembly, Testing,

Erection and Commissioning. With a visionary

leadership, combined with professional, skilled

and competent technical staff, Kanoo P&IP is all set

to capture a large market throughout the Gulf.

Kanoo P&IP has an ever increasing pool of

qualified, trained and experienced engineers who

have wide and varied exposure to a variety of

industries such as Power, Paper, Cement, Plastic,

Construction, Fabrication, Precision machining,

Aviation etc. Our engineers have always

demonstrated excellent professional and technical

skills, consistently lauded by our clients and this

has served to increase our stakeholders’ faith in us.

A dynamic team of analysts, consultants and

project engineers, with in-depth technical know-

how of products and processes, give the Kanoo

P&IP flexibility and ability to rapidly implement

projects, with maximum reliability and at low cost.

Extensive training ensures that our people

constantly upgrade their skills. Employment of

new technologies and increased efficiency, along

with customer satisfaction are the key forces

behind every project undertaken.

BBuussiinneessss EExxcceelllleennccee

Kanoo P&IP operates under a deeply entrenched

and effective Quality Management System

certified to ISO 9001:2000. A very responsible

organization, Kanoo P&IP has committed itself to

the care and preservation of the natural

environment and its most important resource – its

employees. The Group’s quest for excellence is

relentless. It has won Dubai Quality Appreciation

Programme 2005 & 2008 and Sheikh Khalifa




The Kanoo Group-Power & Industrial Projects Division

Excellence Appreciation 2006-2007 and is planning

to participate in other quality awards the region

has to offer.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd

l Streamlined strategic management process

l Sharp focus on vision by clearly defining Key


l Clear linkages of all activities with the vision

l Clearly defined change process

l Improved Key Performance Results including

Financial & non-financial results

l Improved Customer Satisfaction

l Improved Employee Satisfaction

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l Thoroughly understand the business

excellence model

l Use excellence model for strategic purpose, i.e.

use it to formulate and implement business

strategy and manage change rather than for

the sake of award

l Link all activities to the vision, mission and


l Frequent measurement, analysis, review of the

performance on all fronts and learn

TTuurrnniinngg CCuussttoommeerrss»» EEnnggiinneeeerriinnggPPrroobblleemmss iinnttoo BBuussiinneessss OOppppoorrttuunniittiieessUUssiinngg TTRRIIZZ

In 2002, when Kanoo P&IP carried out its own

strategic planning, its leaders realized that the

margins in trading were reducing due to increased

competition. Moreover, UAE’s membership of

WTO would mean that the protection provided to

the agents would be weakened. P&IP’s leadership

carried out soul searching and upon applying the

principles of business excellence realized that P&IP

was not doing much towards its social

responsibility due to its focus only on trading.

The leaders defined a long term vision “To be a

Natural Choice of Customers by evolving as

Leading Company in the Region offering Technical

Solutions through Innovations & Collaborations”.

Based on the review of the current state, Kanoo

P&IP defined a change vision “to change Kanoo

P&IP from a product trading organization to an

organization that provides solutions for

engineering problems to its customers” to move

towards its long term overall vision. Kanoo P&IP

managers and engineers then put their heads

together and defined a key process according to it.

This Key Process is shown in the attached flow

chart on page number 7:

The process incorporates the following salient

features:l The problem database is maintained by each

SBU head and it is consolidated by the

Business Analyst periodically during

prioritization meetings. l Prioritisation of problems is carried out using

criteria that have defined weightages.

Problems are prioritized based on a weighted

preference score. The criteria include; business

potential (20%), competitive advantage (20%),

complementing to current products & services

portfolio (20%), investment (10%), timeframe

for implementation (10%), significance for

customer (20%). l P&IP team is using TRIZ (Theory of Inventive

Problem Solving) to identify potential solutions.

TRIZ was introduced to P&IP during 2008

beginning. TRIZ is a methodology of systematic

innovation developed in erstwhile USSR by

Genrich Saulovich Altshuller (1926 – 1998) during

the period 1946 to 1985. Altshuller, while working

as a clerk in the patent office of the USSR navy,

wondered how people came up with inventive

ideas. He developed TRIZ methodology on the

basis of analysis of over 200,000 patent applications

and identified 40 principles which he found were

repeatedly used by the inventors to find innovative

solutions to technical problems. Later on he and his

followers added more principles, tools and

techniques to TRIZ.

40 Principles of TRIZ

1 Segmentation

2 Taking out

3 Local quality

4 Asymmetry

5 Merging

6 Universality

7 Russian dolls

8 Anti-weight

9 Preliminary anti-action

10 Preliminary action

11 Beforehand cushioning

12 Equipotentiality

13 "The other way round"

14 Spheroidality - Curvature

15 Dynamics

16 Partial or excessive actions

17 Another dimension

18 Mechanical vibration

19 Periodic action

20 Continuity of useful action

21 Skipping

22 Blessing in disguise

23 Feedback

24 Intermediary

25 Self-service

26 Copying

27 Cheap short-lived objects

28 Mechanics substitution

29 Pneumatics and hydraulics

30 Flexible shells and thin films

31 Porous materials

32 Colour changes

33 Homogeneity

34 Discarding and recovering

35 Parameter changes

36 Phase transitions

37 Thermal expansion

38 Strong oxidants

39 Inert atmosphere

40 Composite materials

Nominated Good Practice


Nominated Good Practice



Since Kanoo P&IP had a clear vision to become the

Natural Choice of customers for offering

innovative technical solutions to them, P&IP team

needed a robust methodology to realize the Vision.

After an initial introductory presentation on TRIZ,

P&IP found that it perfectly matched with their

strategic need.

More sessions were carried out to understand the

principles of TRIZ and their application. Some of

the problems, for which P&IP had already

developed solutions, were discussed during the

sessions to understand how TRIZ principles were

applicable to them. This developed a high degree

of confidence of the team in the TRIZ methodology.

P&IP is regularly now using TRIZ as a part of its

overall key process of turning customers’

engineering problems into win-win business

opportunity by providing technical solutions

through innovation and collaboration. The

following are a few examples of using TRIZ

principles to solve customers’ problems.

SShhiinniinngg EExxaammppllee--11:: EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaallllyy ssaaffeetteecchhnniiqquuee ooff hhyyddrroo tteessttiinngg ooff ssttoorraaggeettaannkkss

The local refinery was setting up a multiple

product storage facility during 2007 at Mussafah.

This included setting up of 11 nos. of storage tanks

with capacity of 1 million barrels each. On

completion of the tanks fabrication and erection,

the client required the tanks to be hydro tested. The

original specifications demanded use of drinking

water with toxic biocides and oxygen scavengers

mixed for carrying out the hydro testing activity.

During the last few years the sea at Mussafah has

faced extensive issues with preserving its marine

life. During 2006 large amounts of dead fish were

discovered at the shoreline in Mussafah. This was a

direct consequence of toxic chemical discharges by

the Industry. KIP was aware and understood the

impact that discharging some 11 million barrels of

water mixed with toxic chemicals would have on

the already delicate marine life in Mussafah seas.

KIP carried out a series of presentations to the

customer, contractors involved and the local

government environment body EAD on the

environment friendly option that Cortec products


P&IP team identified the solution by studying a

similar situation, i.e. ballast tanks of ships where a

solution provided by Cortec was already being

used. In this application Cortec’s proprietary

environmentally friendly corrosion preventing

chemical is introduced in ballast tank, when it is

full. The chemical floats on the surfaced and as the

water level comes during discharge, the chemical

gets applied to the tank surface from top to bottom.

The team used 40 Principles of TRIZ (Theory of

Problem Solving) to brain storm and came up with

an idea upon using the Principle no. 13 “The

Other Way Round”. This idea was to apply the

same chemical when the tanks in Takreer were

being filled, thus applying the chemical from

bottom to top, i.e. in the reverse direction.

The drawback here was that the solution conceived

by KIP had never been used by Cortec anywhere in

the world before for hydro testing application of

large tanks. But, KIP carried out lab trials of the

conceived solution at Cortec USA and used the

successful results to push the approval process of

the products on the project. Finally the project was

carried out using the Cortec products offered by

P&IP. The project was completed using sea water

instead of the earlier planned drinking water and

the toxic chemicals were replaced with

biodegradable environmentally friendly chemicals

which met the standards set by ADNOC/EAD for

sea discharge.

On P&IP’s advice GASCO has retro-fitted over

1,500 IR windows on all their switchgear panels

and transformers.


The new IR transparent inspection windows

increased the productivity of inspectors and

equipment, as inspection could be carried out

without disturbing the equipment.

The Kanoo Group-Power & Industrial Projects Division

P&IP has identified another application of the

same solution in oil rig platform legs. The huge

legs on which an oil rigs rests on the seabed are

approx. 42” diameter and 27m deep pipes made of

carbon steel. These are filled with sea water. Toxic

biocides and Oxygen Scavengers are used to kill

the bacteria that grow in the sea water filled in

these legs and cause corrosion of the inner surfaces

of the legs. With the new process, the inner surfaces

of the legs can be coated and protected from

corrosion using environment friendly products.

SShhiinniinngg EExxaammppllee 22 √√ IInnffrraarreedd ((IIRR)) SSiigghhttGGllaasssseess Thermal Imaging is one of the most advanced tools

used for Predictive & Preventive Maintenance and

Kanoo P&IP has been providing thermal imaging

cameras and related services to Power and

industrial sector for more than 15 years in the


TThheerrmmaall IImmaaggiinngg

This is a technique of producing heat pictures,

called thermograms, from the invisible Infra Red

thermal radiation emitted by objects.

Electrical equipment has thousands of connections.

Over time they loosen and/or corrode. Chemical

reactions from salt spray near the ocean or other

environmental effects also deteriorate electrical

connections. Some others are sliding connections

that eventually develop contact resistance or don’t

close properly. All of these circumstances lead to

heating. Infra Red cameras are handy in observing

such abnormal heating from a distance and

reporting them pictorially.

Problem: Limitation of Thermographic


While IR cameras are good for observing insulators

and contacts in the open air, on line inspection of

closed cabinets is not always possible, as the heat

trace is lost in closed cabinets. Glass or Perspex are

opaque to IR and though one can see inside the

cabinet through glass windows, the IR camera can

not “see” through.


P&IP team carried out brainstorming and using

TRIZ Principle number 32 (Colour Changes)

thought of window which could allow observation

by IR camera. P&IP carried out a research to

overcome this problem and came across a

company called Hawk IR in UK, which had

developed IR sight glasses made of special crystals.

These crystals allowed IR radiation to pass through

them. Windows made of these crystals were retro-

fitted by Hawk IR on switchgear panels to enable

inspection using IR cameras without opening the





Nominated Good Practice

The windows also enable inspection of certain

spots which were unreachable and hence were not

inspected at all. This has consequently reduced the

maintenance cost by 55% (as per a survey by

Electric Power Research Institute). It also has

reduced risk of catastrophic failures. With better

inspection technique and better monitoring,

maintenance downtime can be planned and

executed without overtime. Stock of spare parts

can be controlled better and purchasing can be

managed in a better way.

This is yet another example of translating the

strategy of P&IP to create value for the customers

and opportunities for P&IP and Principals by

solving customers’ problems.

RReessuullttss AAcchhiieevvee ffrroomm tthhee AApppprrooaacchh

Income from Solutions: The guiding star of P&IP’s

strategy is to become a solution provider. Therefore

P&IP monitors its % of income generated from

solutions vs. the % generated from product sales.

P&IP management have started monitoring this

key ratio since 2007. The graph below (Graph-1)

shows the improvements made by the two arms of

P&IP viz. Kanoo Industrial Products (KIP) and

Power & Desalination (P&D) on this KPI. P&IP

leaders want to gradually increase it to a level of

35% for KIP in 2009 and to 60 - 70% over the next

five years to ensure a good balance.

Graph -1

LLeeaarrnniinngg && IImmpprroovveemmeenntt::

Kanoo P&IP engineers and managers have taken a

liking for using TRIZ. The managers have now

started applying TRIZ principles to find solutions

to internal management problems. For example,







0 %

2 0 %

4 0 %

6 0 %

8 0 %

% Income

2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 (Ta rge t)

Percentage Income from Providing


K IP P & D

one issue in P&IP was that the SBUs were not

working in tandem to exploit all opportunities

generated by various industrial projects in the

UAE. The P&IP management team thought in

terms of TRIZ and found an obvious solution using

the Principle 2 “Take Out”. One engineer was taken

out from a SBU and was put full time on marketing

activities relating to projects. His role is to obtain

information about the upcoming projects and

identify opportunities for the various SBUs in

P&IP. This approach again has bee very successful

and has improved P&IP’s effectiveness as a whole.

Kanoo P&IP leaders are further planning to

enhance capabilities in TRIZ by training engineers

in more advanced and latest techniques of TRIZ


The Kanoo Group-Power & Industrial Projects Division





residential and commercial developments to five-

star hotels, industrial, petrochemical and water

treatment plants, flour and sugar mills, airport

assignments, sub-stations and educational and

sports facilities.

Ascon has a multicultural workforce comprising

more than 12,000 people who come from different

parts of the region, besides countries like South

Africa, England, India, the Philippines and Sri


AAffffiilliiaatteess ooff AAssccoonn::

Manufacturingl ETA Mechanical Engineering (steel

fabrication)l ETA Profiles (fabrication, supply and erection

of aluminium and steel profiles for roof and

wall claddings)l Ascon Marble and Granite Division (supply,

cutting, grinding, polishing and finishing)

Maintenance and Servicesl ETA Star Interiors (interiors and fit-outs)l Ascon Leisure (manufacture of static &

interactive equipment, floating

jetties,moorings and marinas, spas and

sporting tracks)l Emco (facilities management)l ETA Star Dewatering (dewatering and

excavation works)

Roads and Infrastructurel Ascon Road Construction (roads and

infrastructure works)l ETA Star Infrastructure India (hydro-electric

power and road works)

Ascon has striven to meet the highest standards of

customer satisfaction which has earned it immense

credibility. Its clients include:l RTAl Dubai Civil Aviationl Dubai Municipalityl Dubai Police Force

l TECOMl Dubai Free Trade Zone Authorityl Emirates Groupl DMCCl Isthithmarl Emaarl Nakheell Dubai Properties

Signature Projects:l Bank of Oman (now Mashreq) buildingsl Dubai Business Park at Business Bay l Dubai World Central passenger terminal

buildingl Taj Exotica Beach Resort and Granduer

Residencesl Al Turath Souql Rugby Stadium –Dubai Sevensl Atlantis management and staff

accommodationl Dubai Metro Car Park at Rashidiyal Techno Parkl Abu Dhabi International Airport Air Traffic

Control Towerl Al Aweer Central Prison for Dubai Police

Forcel National Flour Mill, Bur Dubail Satwa Printing Pressl 132/33 KV sub-stations at Jebel Alil East Coast Sub-stations at Fujairahl Cement plant at Jebel Alil Maize plant at Jebel Ali, Sugar & Silo for Urea

in Jebel Alil Al Futtaim Automobile Distribution Centre

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrddl Dubai Quality award process is the key driver

in achieving and sustaining our performance

excellence results.l DQA evaluation process is one of the best

most cost-effective and comprehensive

performance assessments.l The organization will be comparing with its

competitors and be able to upgrade its

standards in many areas.

Associated Constructions & Investments Co LLC (ASCON)


Associated Construction & Investments Company

LLC (ASCON ) is the civil arm of the Dubai-based,

$5.69 billion ETA Ascon Star Group. Set up in 1973,

it has diverse interests in engineering and

construction, manufacturing and assembling,

maintenance and services, real estate development

and road and bridge works.

The sustained effort at Ascon to maintain

excellence in construction has earned the company

the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Business

Award for Business Excellence in 2007, followed by

the more recent Dubai Quality Appreciation

Programme Award for Construction 2008.

The company, which has been awarded ISO 9001

by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd, UK, for

international quality project management, has

registered phenomenal growth over the past few

years. It undertakes a wide range of projects from

l The organization will be bringing all its

employees together on one platform thereby

creating a big team effort not only for DQA but

for its future also.l Applicant receives a thorough written

assessment of its strengths and opportunities

for improvement from the feedback report.

AAddvviiccee ffoorr FFuuttuurree aapppplliiccaannttss..

l Commitment should come from the top

management of the organizations.

l Applying for DQA increases team motivation

and energizes improvement efforts.

l The organization will stand a chance to know

the best practices followed by the winners and

follow the same.

l The internal assessment team must be fully

aware of the award requirements and the

benefits, the company will gain as an outcome

of this process.

l The organization shall form a committee of

members from top management who are with

the organization for long tenure and know the

inside out and shall be responsible for the

write ups of the criteria.

l The write ups shall be started as early as

possible to avoid any missing links at a later


l An awareness campaign among the

employees regarding the organizations

attempt to DQA is a must.

l The developments at each stage shall be

reported to the top management.


Nominated Good Practice



LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp aanndd BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicceess iinn AASSCCOONN

ASCON believes in effective leadership and people

management. As the head of the organisation,

Abid A Junaid, Executive Director of ASCON, is a

role model and a source of inspiration for the entire

team of the company.

ASCON practices openness in embracing different

kinds of leadership styles and optimises diversity

in each of them. Leadership is encouraged at all

levels with team-building being emphasized. The

company believes in synergy and professionalism

across all executive functions. Employees are

encouraged to assume ownership of assignments

and this, together with teamwork, enables the

organization to work in unison as a family.

ASCONs leadership team has a good rationale for

developing partnership and joint ventures with

international players from different countries.

These partnerships have resulted in new learning

and adoption of new practices for ASCON.

The top management believes in transforming

fresh graduate engineers into future leaders by

making them go through the crucible of

challenging assignments.The senior management

actively take part in the meetings conducted by

trainees and inspires them with their experience.

The belief is strengthened by the fact that the some

of the leaders in ASCON have joined as trainees

and have grown up the ladder.

To impart leadership Qualities and sharing of

experience a Mentor/Mentee Program is devised

where in a one to one Personnel/Professional

Share and care approach is followed.

ASCON has its own in-house magazine called

ASCON Pulse which has emerged as an effective

tool for communication for the staff and workers

who share their views and experiences within the

organization. The senior management members

too share their views through the magazine.

General Managers are interviewed by other staff

members, with insights on the best practices being

followed and the challenges being faced.

360 Degree appraisal for Senior Managers is

conducted and results are informed to individuals

to improve in the identified grey areas. Regular

Employee Satisfaction Surveys, Exit Interviews,

HR services Satisfaction Surveys and Training

Evaluation feedback has helped ASCON to further

enhance the employee’s potential.

The senior management keeps in constant touch

with local bodies and organizations like the Dubai

Municipality, TECOM, Nakheel and Emaar, and

enjoys a good rapport with them. It deputes staff to

attend meetings conducted by them, thus enabling

ASCON to meet quality requirements in


The Executive Director and the senior management

are committed to the welfare of the employees at

all levels. Their willingness to provide welfare

measures is exemplified by the facilities provided

to their employees, especially workers. All welfare

measures are discussed and reviewed on a weekly

basis with the HR/Personnel Department which

demonstrates the management’s commitment to

employee well-being.

Top Management recognizes employee’s good

effort in work and rewards them. They also

encourage employees to participate in CSR

activities such as

Blood Donations

Helping Old Age Homes

Heritage village Activities

Clean up the world Campaigns

Contributions to Civil Defense Establishments

To retain the valuable Manpower Resources and to

improve the employee Morale, Welfare officers

conduct counseling Sessions regularly to the needy.

ASCON is committed to provide well-audited

systems and processes at work and away from


The management is also alert to market dynamics.

With attrition of employees becoming a reality

today, ASCON has put in place a policy of strong

organic growth for its people. A dedicated ASCON

Employee Development Centre has been set up to

provide training to both entry-level and existing

employees. A well-coordinated appraisal-linked-

training programme takes care of lacunae in skill-

sets of people and this has resulted in better

productivity of the company. Internal and external

faculties provide training to employees, covering

an extensive range of subject matters.

In ASCON Project Completion Ceremonies are a

good platform for sharing best practices, where the

project manager gives a presentation on topics

covering running of the project, what went

right/wrong, how improvements were made,

preventative measures, best practices,

subcontractor performances and customer

satisfaction levels. Best practices noted on site are

communicated to all.

The leadership at ASCON takes complete

responsibility for the continuous improvement of

the organization. The company is committed to

quality audits and trains outstanding employees as

Internal Auditors.. The Auditor’s findings are

studied by the senior management along with the

surveillance reports of Lloyd’s Quality Register

and steps for continuous improvement are


As part of ISO 9001: 2008 requirements quality

audits are conducted once every two months and

the results are reviewed by the senior management

once in six months and actions are taken to ensure

continuous improvement. Corrective and

preventive actions are reviewed in the

management review meeting and the same is

circulated to all projects for implementation.

Regular safety audits are conducted once in three

months and results are reviewed by the senior

management; rolling trophy is awarded to the best

practicing project and the staff are rewarded and


ASCON encourages entrepreneurial skills thus,

enabling and empowering employees to take

appropriate risks. Employee participation is

encouraged by inviting suggestions & opinions.

This is coupled with competitive compensation &

rewards and training through Core Development

& Behavior Development Programs, to enable

them to unleash their full potential.

ASCONs Corporate Culture emphasizes on long

term employment and interpersonal relationship

which helps the employee having emotional

ownership with the organization. It also strives to

maintain a work environment that fosters high

ethical standards, mutual respect, honesty, and

encourages its employees to strive for

professionalism & creativity.

ASCON uses special ERP software called

ALGORITHM to monitor the workers productivity

online. The introduction of this measure has

enabled ASCON to identify "low and non-

productive" workers who are then targeted for

extra training and improvement. ASCON also

identifies the productivity of each In house

activity and communicates to all projects. Overall

Productivity details are also displayed to create

competition among workers and increase their


Associated Constructions & Investments Co LLC (ASCON)





The journey of Damas began in 1907, growing

over the years from a single Jewellery shop to an

international fashion Jewellery giant. The key to its

success has been a visionary and inspirational

leadership, creativity, a dedicated workforce and

lots of sincere hard work. Damas has also grown to

become a premium Jewellery and watch house

with over 500 outlets spread over 18 countries and

4 continents. Today it is the first public company in

retail sector to get listed in the Dubai international

financial exchange centre.

When hard work is linked to genuine creativity the

result is perfection. Damas is known throughout

the region for its fine craftsmanship and

exceptional quality. For Damas, Jewellery is not

just about pretty accessories; it’s about people,

their culture and lifestyles.

Damas pays equal importance to traditional

designs and contemporary styles thereby attracting

customers of all ages. With an array of high-end

international brands and its own exclusive in

house labels, Damas is strongly associated with

luxury and has the value proposition of ‘Luxury

Wrapped in Trust”. Damas has always been the

leader in introducing out of box ideas in to

business. This has resulted in Damas showing the

way to others in the industry. Some of the key

features exclusive to DAMAS are featured below.

l Unique product and Brand Mixl Vertical integrationl Performance Improvement Systeml Unique Retail Business Model

OOuurr VViissiioonn

l We at Damas aim to become multinational

jewelers of repute and a home to International

brands. We hope to bring a new spirit of

innovation to the industry. We offer our

customers luxury wrapped in trust. Our

employees are an integral part of the

enterprise, and we will do whatever is

required for them to feel part of Damas. We

will serve the community in which we operate

by participating in activities that built society.

l We at Damas strive to be a leading

multinational in Jewellery and fashion

industry and to be a house of international

brands.l Our aim is to delight customers by offering

luxury wrapped in trust with the help of

dedicated professionals.l We are committed to the society we serve.

OOuurr VVaalluueess

l We recognize the importance of our peoplel We are customer driven.l We believe Innovation is our forte.l We are responsible for our communities

Damas has created a unique business model by

identifying category of the customers and thus

identifying the product mix accordingly. Damas

supports this business model by showcasing the

appropriate product mix supported by

infrastructural setup and resources. People in the

organization are well trained and developed to

manage this complexity in terms of products and

demography of the customer. Damas has

categorized it’s outlets as;

l Damas Les Exclusivel Damas Semi Boutiquesl Damas 18 K Storesl Damas 22l Damas Kidsl Mono Brand Storesl Multi Brand Storesl Damas Watches

In a world which is now slowly and surely being

taken over by the approach of a Branded product,

Damas has been a pioneer and trendsetter in

establishing and retailing brands which have been

created by us in house and also renowned branded

Jewellery. Aggressive marketing strategies have

helped DAMAS communicate effectively with its

consumers through its various promotions and

valuable offers. Damas is linked with all the

leading banks in this part of the world with ‘value

for money’ offers which allows a customer to get

the best return on his spend.

Damas also has a dedicated e- commerce Website,

“” for the customers who wish

to visit our stores but in the comforts of their

homes. This highly interactive service dedicates a

section to after sales service, seasonal promotions,

and offers from various banks and the exchange

policy for all the products they buy from DAMAS.

As part of an initiative to empower the UAE

national youth, Damas has entered into a unique

partnership with Dubai Women's College (DWC)

and the Mohammed bin Rashid Establishment for

Young Business Leaders to offer 'Advanced

Diploma in Jewellery Business Management' at

DWC. The aim is to prepare young nationals for a

career in Jewellery and to nurture the

entrepreneurial spirit of UAE nationals and

provide them with a specialized educational

foundation to enable them to establish and manage

their own Jewellery business or franchise. Damas

Jewellery Academy at National Institute for

vocational education is state of the art that reflects

the status of Dubai as a city of Gold. The

Programmes at Damas Jewellery academy is

targeted at UAE entrepreneurs, Unemployed

nationals, Employees of the Jewellery industry,

Regional and international students

Quality consciousness, inspirational leadership

and international reputation have led DAMAS to

win prestigious awards including the exclusive de

beers award for Jewellery design, Dubai Service

Excellence Scheme, Mohammed Bin Rashid Al

Maktoum Awards 2007, Dubai Quality

Appreciation Programme 2008 and RetailME

awards for Business Excellence 2008 to name a


Dubai quality award being presented by His

highness Sheik Mohammed bin rashid Al

maktoum to Mr.Tawfique abdullah, Chairman

Damas L.L.C

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd

l Enhancement in the reputation of Damas as

the most trusted Brandl Awareness of Business Excellence concept

throughout the organizationl Availability of an external benchmarking to

compare ourselves withl Demonstration of our commitment to

maintain quality through the entire business

cyclel Identified areas for improvements for better

performance l Increased sense of teamwork among

employees to achieve our business objectives



Nominated Good Practice



AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l Form a cross functional team and a clear

project plan to compile submission document

l Have a core committee [comprising top

management] to report to on regular basis on

the progress of compiling the submission


l Planning for the award should start 18- 24

months prior to the submission of the


l Internal Assessment team should be fully

aware of the award requirement and the

benefits the company will gain as an outcome

of the whole activity.

l Communication between cross-functional

team is a must for producing a quality

document for award submission.

l Constitute a multi functional and dynamic

internal team for preparation of the

submission document and coordination.

SSuupprreemmee CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee ≈≈AA kkeeyy ttoossuucccceessss iinn bbuussiinneessss∆∆

The Customer Relationship Management is the key

to our growing success in the field of Jewellery. As

strategy to provide value added service to our

esteemed customers we have established a

dedicated Customer Service Department which

caters to queries from the existing and potential

customers. The main function of the CRM

department is to:

l Provide information on all the queries raised

by a customer in terms of the availability of a

product with its price and location.

l Redress and quickly resolve a customer

complaint to its final logical end where the

customer satisfaction to the resolution is 100%.

l Train and educate the sales teams on

developing good, strong CRM skills at the

retail shop level helping them reduce the

chances of customer dissatisfaction.

l Conduct regular in store surveys on the

general nature of the Customer’s outlook of

Damas, Which allows the CRM team to

formulate policy and action plan which can

negate any possible negatives and generate

positive results.

Damas customer service department is divided

into three teams. One is the inbound team for

handling the customer’s inquiry and providing

information being asked by the customers. Second

is the Complaint Management team, responsible

for handling complaints by the customers, which

may be either product related complaint, service

related complaint or after sales complaint. And the

third team – the Outbound, responsible for making

calls to inform the customer and at the same time

to advertise our new promotional activities and

new product launches.

Damas is among the few companies in the retail

sector in UAE which has chosen to implement

CRM tools and technologies in the fashion and

jewelry industry for effective customer

relationship management. The CRM tools not only

allow us to manage customer relationship

effectively but also allow us to perform various

other functionalities such as:

l 360 degree view of a Customer with all the

information (Contact details, transaction

information) available simultaneously

l All the customer interactions linked and

located in single database, which helps to

resolve customer query / complaint efficiently

and effectively

l Control over the time spent by agents on

customers queries

l Control over the cycle time for customers


l Ability to run marketing campaigns based on

various criteria (Age, Sex, Nationality,

Transaction type, product purchased, amount

spent etc.)

l Ability to track response of customers and link

them to Campaign

l Ability to find various states in Campaign:

Mails bouncing back, Mails opened by

customers, Mails replied to, URL (in mailer)

clicked by customers

IInnbboouunndd PPrroocceessss

Analysis (reports) on various features: Agent

productivity, ageing analysis, Turn around Time

(TAT), Campaign productivity, product wise

complaint analysis.

We use and deploy the most refined call processing

and telecom. Our call routing feature allows the

system to instantly scrutinize available agents and

route calls to the most suitably skilled agents.

The Inbound team effectively handles customer

inquiries with in a stipulated time frame and

provides the customer with required information.

All the information about the products,

promotions etc are available in the form of softcopy

accessible to all Customer service executive which

enable agent to rap up the customers call faster and

the waiting time is reduced drastically, by doing

this more customers can reach Damas Customer

service at any givenpoint of time.

OOuuttbboouunndd CCaammppaaiiggnn

Damas uses outbound campaigns to keep in touch

with its customers and to promote, advertise and

endorse product or even promotional activities.

The CTI system allows the simultaneously dialing

of the called parties' numbers from a unified list,

and also to distribute calls among agents


Outbound Campaign Manager Application uses

several dialing modes.

l Progressive dialing;

The system automatically dials customer

numbers and transfers a call to an agent only if

the connection was successfully established.

l Preview dialing;

The system displays contact-related data to an

agent, suggests confirming the outbound call

and only then starts dialing the contact


l Predictive dialing;

The system estimates the number of free

agents on the basis of current statistics, and

may start dialing beforehand, even when no

agents are free.

A campaign may be automatically started or

stopped at a specified date, time of day or day of

the week. A few campaigns may be simultaneously

handled by the same or different groups of agents.

HHaannddlliinngg ooff ccoommppllaaiinnttss aatt DDMMAASS

“Successful business work hard to keep their

customers satisfied. Although prevention is better





Nominated Good Practice

than cure, it is almost inevitable that at some stage

you will receive a customer complaint. Don’t

presume a customer complaint is a negative

experience because, if handled well, it can be a

valuable learning tool.”

Complaints are received through multiple

channels such as Phone, Fax, and Email etc…

At Damas Customer complaints are given high

priority and we believe in providing an effective

and timely complaint resolution to our customers.

To have a controlled & methodical approach

towards complaint resolution, Complaints are

categorized such as product, policy, service related

and after sales service. Once the complaint gets

escalated to CSD it’s registered in the CRM

package and an auto token id is generated by the

CRM which in turn is forwarded to the customer.

Customer uses the token id while following up for

complaints registered with us. For a timely

complaint resolution each type of complaints are

specified with TAT (Turn around Time). Any

complaint not getting resolved with in the

specified TAT it gets escalated to a level 1

escalation and an immediate action is taken for an

effective resolution.

At the shop level the complaints are registered in a

form called Product/Service Complaint and

corrective action form(PCAF) and the same is

faxed to the customer service department (CSD)

for resolution, once the complaint is resolved the

PCAF is signed by the customer by specifying

there satisfaction level on the resolution taken. This

in turn is forwarded to Customer Service

Department. Analysis is done on the customer

satisfactory level and forwarded to the

management for further action.

RCA (Root Cause Analysis) are done on recurring

complaints and forwarded to the respective

department for corrective actions. To eliminate the

reoccurrence of complaints corrective measures are



Complaint analysis is done on a monthly basis

which is as follows:

l Total complaints received Vs Total complaints


l Thread wise complaint analysis for Service,

Policy and after sales type complaints

l Product complaint analysis

l Complaint ageing analysis

CCuussttoommeerr FFeeeeddbbaacckkss

Customer feedback offers one of the best ways to

spot untapped materials, common problems, and

opportunities for new product and service.

However, feedback tends to arrive through many

channels, and in many forms. Complements and

suggestions at Damas are collected through Guest

Books which are available at all our outlets.

Customer records their valuable feedback /

suggestion in these guest books. The Guest Book

Leaflets are forwarded to customer service

department (CSD) on a monthly basis. Customer

service team converts the data from the hard copy

to softcopy for further analysis. The analysis is

done on Customer suggestion, Appreciation and

complaints, and the same is forwarded to the

management for corrective action/ incorporating

and implementation.

Customer feedback helps us in the following


l Assess the level of customer satisfaction

l Identify training needs for staff

l Identity and development excellence in staff

performance and reward best practice

l Improve the customer profiling for market


l Potentially increase business through meeting

currently unidentified needs of customers

CCuussttoommeerr ssaattiissffaaccttiioonn ssuurrvveeyy rreessuullttss

There has been significant increase in the overall

satisfaction level of the customer about the services

offered by Damas. The satisfaction level is not only

above our bench mark but there is also a consistent

rise in the satisfaction level as noted in figure

below. This can be attributed to quality of the

training imparted to our staff and the investments

Damas has made in enrichment of human

resources to enable understanding customer

requirement and delivering services according to

expectations of customers. Since the Customer base

of Damas consists of patrons from all over the

world it is indeed an achievement to consistently

maintain a healthy growth in the number of

satisfied customers.

PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee LLiinnkkeedd PPaarrttnneerrsshhiippss ≈≈AA UUnniiqquuee rreewwaarrddiinngg sscchheemmee ffoorreemmppllooyyeeeess∆∆

Damas has launched a scheme called performance

linked partnerships to motivate its employees for

initiatives at unit level. The scheme ensures

employees of monetary benefits for their

performance which in turn serves as motivating

factor and has an increased sense of importance of

teamwork at all levels. PLP scheme is implemented

at each unit level which has helped organization in

achieving sustained growth over the years. Under

the performance linked partnership scheme a

certain pre-determined percentage of profit is paid

to the employees on a quarterly basis. The ever

rising growth in the revenue is a testimony of the

scheme that how employees are motivated to

achieve enhanced sales while balancing the

requirement of our customers in terms of

Improved customer service. We have been

consistently recording higher growth in sales .The

total sales excluding Bullion grew by an impressive

48.5% from 2005 to 2007 as reflected in figure




National Fire Fighting Manufacturing FZCO

(NAFFCO) was established in 1991 and has grown

to become the largest fire fighting equipment

manufacturer in the Middle East and one of the top

manufacturers worldwide with its Global Head

Quarters in Jebel Ali, Dubai with its branches

across the UAE and Qatar.

NAFFCO has grown as the largest fire fighting

system and equipment manufacturing company in

the Middle East and recently, we have diversified

our product range to - CPVC, HDPE pipes & i-Park

Automatic Car Parking System with technical

collaboration with SIMMATEC, South Korea.

NAFFCO Scope of business includes - Design,

Manufacturing, Supply, Installation, Maintenance

services of products and imparting training to our

customers as per their need.

NAFFCO has a group of 3000 talented

professionals to identify and achieve the possible



product innovations and value addition for

meeting the challenging needs of customers and

thereby ensuring upper hand in the market.

NAFFCO’s system engineering division is one

among the best in the world for its immaculate

designing, supplying and supervising installations

of superior fire fighting systems and equipment.

The company’s ability to back up with

comprehensive training, efficient maintenance and

thorough system know-how has greatly reduced

fire risks at national and international level.

For the past five years NAFFCO has a consistent

annual growth of 40%. Now the company’s

geographical spread in marketing its products

reached more than 78 countries worldwide and has

offices / distributors or agents in these countries.

Two thirds of NAFFCO’s products are exported

and more than half of these exports are supplied to

Middle East, Europe and Asia.

In addition to this, we have membership with,

NFPA (National Fire Protection Association),

British Standard Institution, National Safety

Council, Fire Sprinkler Association, Fire Protection


The advantage of NAFFCO on its competitors in

current and potential markets is as listed:

l Quest for acquiring high technologyl Increasing the production lines and having

shop floor area increased every yearl Products offered at economic prices compared

to the imported products.l Quality assurance and product approvals at

par with European and US approvals and

certified ISO – 9001 – 2000 company.l Increasing supply chain efficiency by effective

communication and cordial relationship with

our suppliers, distributors and customers

Integrating new knowledge and improving

work force skills

l Anticipating new markets and societal needs

for the safety sector in the world

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd OORR DDuubbaaii HHuummaannDDeevveellooppmmeenntt AAwwaarrdd

l Applying for Dubai Quality Award has helped

us in aligning different initiatives in desired

direction, by comparing with and adhering to

Dubai Quality Award Bussiness Excellence


l It has given us a focus to correct exsisting Gaps

to achieve further Excellence in Bussiness.

l It has given us a clear approach and

Importance of weightages to be given to each

and every stake holder in sustaining our

Bussiness Excellence

l Applying for Dubai Quality Award has helped

us in detailed process of self Assessment of our

Bussiness and has identified different Areas

For Improvement to sustain Excellence.

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l Self assessment and identification of AFI’s be

done with extreme sincererity and

commitment for Improvement by top


l DQA project leader in an organisation to

deeply involve in the process right from

beginning till end of process for a successful


l Start the application process early and

continuos to have enough facts and figures

compiled, drafted, verified, reviewed and

enable us to prepare a good final submission,

this process itself is a great benefit to achieve


l Support each statements in Application with

factual approaches and deployment to

achieve the desired results.

National Fire Fighting Manufacturing FZCO (NAFFCO)


Nominated Good Practice

CCuussttoommeerr FFooccuusseedd PPrroocceesssseess

In the changing world we have to be ahead

of others to be successful in business to meet

customer needs.

RReessuullttss PPllaannnneedd

In the fierce state of Globalization, it is mandatory

to have customer focused processes; NAFFCO has

planned to enhance product innovations,

reliability, International Certifications and

continuous improvement to satisfy regional and

Global market demands, together with latest IT

solutions to support Customer Relationship


Process and design requires a clear understanding

of our business aims and what we must deliver to

our customers and other stakeholders.

To achieve these objectives, the Top Management

Team has identified the value factors that we

provide to our customers and the basic value chain

needed to deliver them competitively. A concept

of UL approval needed for majority of our

customers to fulfill their requirements was

identified in the year 2005 and as an initial step,

our Quality Management System was re-

structured to get it approved by ISO 9001:2000 UL

and as a secondary step, our fast moving main

products like, NAFFCO Foam, Pumps, Pump

Control panels, Diesel Engines etc., were put

through product certification cycles and has

achieved certifications in Panels, Pumps, Fire

Doors, NAFFCO Foam, Hose Rack and Fire


For the first time, the process and functional

ownership were agreed. Owning in charges

became fully accountable to Factory Manager for

the process performance.

Individual policies were set for all key processes,

whilst performance indicators, Measures and

targets are in place to ensure control and reliability.

The central policy is the business and factory

policy, which provides the focus of our leadership



processes. Other policies cascade out to ensure a

structured and integrated approach to total

operations and support to the customer.

AApppprrooaacchh AAddoopptteedd

l Make the best use of all leading certifying

agencies to achieve International

Certifications.l Make tie ups with all leading Fire and Safety

companies to fulfill customer needs.l Adopt Hi Tech IT solutions to serve customer

in a better way.l Enhance Production Facilities to meet growing

demand in the market.

Our process management measures are reviewed

and targeted for improvement annually as a part of

the problem and countermeasure review and

incorporated into the annual policy plan.

Designing, Manufacturing, Supplier and Customer

related measures are set annually by Management

Representative using an in-company formula

based on challenging a minimum 20%

improvement on the previous year’s performance

to drive improvement. In sense, operational

targets are driven by individual and team

performance. Indirect process targets are set

through consensus by the management team

during the policy setting process after discussion

with the process owner.

The interface issues inside the organization and

with external partners are resolved with necessary

remedial actions with fruitful communications and

amicable solutions mutually resolved to meet the

right end result.

Employees from all levels are encouraged to

improve and support their own and other

performances. One of the mediums through which

this is possible is the opportunities for

improvement system. Some opportunities for

improvement result in formation of a process

group to assess and recommend / implement a

solution. Usually, a process group is made up of

staff from different departments as appropriate.

It always has a designated group leader and roles

within the group are allocated as necessary

depending on the needs of the group. Few

examples of process improvement groups are:

l Quality Improvement Groupl Dispatch coordination improvement groupl Sales coordination improvement groupl Project improvement groupl IT Solutions Improvement groupl Export improvement group etc.,

The results, which we agreed in the process group,

are measured, were possible, using targets against

budgets and monthly key process indicators. The

opportunity for improvement system is a powerful

way in which all staff can suggest changes to the

way the business is run and to improve their

working environment in constructive way.

Through performance management and monthly

monitoring of actual results against targets, the

Central Management Team, Department Managers

or Staff via Line Supervisors, can propose that

training on specific area is required.

One example is that the requirement of additional

Internal Quality Auditor personnel for Quality

Departments for Internal Quality Audits and was

conducted in the year 2006 as a result of people /

customer surveys.

The Factory Manager and the Department

Manager nominated the attendees to suit the

necessary requirements for the workshop. They

were from the relevant department to give a wide

range of exposure as possible to draw on different

expertise. As a result, for the workshop an action

plan was implemented and necessary improved

results for Internal Quality Audits achieved.

DDeeppllooyymmeenntt ooff AApppprrooaacchh

We have a formal Product Development and

review process linked in our Annual Planning

process based on extensive customer research.

There is continuous review of customer views and

opinions by means of formal, informal, direct and

indirect fact findings. This evidence, together with

other information on business, environment,

political, economic and environmental

developments, is used by Product Development

Teams to design new products, modify and assess

existing products performance to suit the current

market requirements.

People are encouraged to recognise the benefit

treating colleagues and other departments as their

customers in applying same process to delivery

satisfaction that is applied to external customers.

Thus creating Team work within the company. The

approach is about basing business decisions upon

customers needs to achieve the targeted objectives.

We use in-house market research programs,

customer visit and focus groups to identify

customer needs and encourage suggestion for

future developments and tracking, service

standards and competitor monitoring, these

research findings have also contributed to the

formulation of policy including a move to

undertake only high value projects in place of low

value projects, renewed certification approaches,

launching new products like – Zone Check valves,

CPVC pipes, NAFFCO CAFS, Falcon series Fire

Trucks etc., to meet the current Government

Regulations and revised customer needs and

updating of our product catalogues and web sites

to have full access on our products by customers.

New research studies include – reviews on

customers pending sales orders for more than one

year, adequacy of maintenance services, pricing

status with the change in global economy,

archiving of database to reduce paper prints to

make it eco-friendly and more environment

friendly NAFFCO Foams with necessary


National Fire Fighting Manufacturing FZCO (NAFFCO)




Nominated Good Practice

AAsssseessssmmeenntt aanndd RReevviieeww

There is a constant push from NAFFCO

Management to combine short development times,

low development and production costs with the

best possible performance. To meet these high

requirements, we need to combine good real time

behavior with a cost-effective, flexible business

model, while at the same time, brings us up to

speed with what we do best: develop the high

performance and high speed measurements that

are up to our customers expectations.

Our Assessment & review focused on the


l Governance & stability ( Corporate

Governance& Environmental Management)l Assetsl Productionl Customer Servicel People ( Jobs, Skills & trainings)l Financial flows

Each department has its different measurements

tools that measure its performance against the

objectives referring to their KPIS.

All measurements and learning are analysed for

upcoming improvements related to Customer

Perception measures:

The physical way in which we communicate our

products and services to our customers is at the

forefront of technology. Our website is designed

with the latest HTML and Flash based program

with animation facility to have better

understanding of products for viewers, all of

which has made us more efficient and build a

professional image.

Following review of our operating process with

design department to speed up our ability to

approve (or reject) design by facilitating the

additional qualified design and costing engineers

and advance CAD software’s to improve the

process. Revamping the existing ERP system with

We are looking for improvements in all areas and

target specific areas of concern, for e.g., in the year

2005 we had few product certifications and in 2006

more product certification projects were deployed

and in 2007 and 2008 thus achieved a quantum

increase in product certifications to meet customer


advanced ORACLE. E-Business Suite for efficient

integrated management system and Customer

Relationship Management. Added to manufacturing

module in the year 2006 to have control on costing

and issue of work orders with respect to sales

orders with effective utilization of manpower,

machinery and spares to improve the working


Local Purchase Orders received from customers

are converted to sales orders and in turn converted

to work orders and finally delivery notes

generated to customer on completion of work for

proper product delivery. This even ensures

product traceability and evaluation of work flow

through system, which helps in forecasting

procurement as well as production to meet

customer needs as appropriate with the increase in

volume of business.

All received products are given with warranty,

testing and commissioning or with our service

contracts as required basis as per contract. And

these contracts are verified for adequacy by our

legal department as necessary for proper

compliance and accountability as stipulated in

company regulations.

RReessuullttss AAcchhiieevveedd

NAFFCO’s commitment and dedication to

customer is not only reflected in our objectives but

in results of customer satisfaction received through

their feedback, appreciation letters received,

customer retention records and the volume of

business added year after year through our valued


Additional care is taken to provide specific items

which they need to satisfy their client. For this we

even change our tie-ups with our suppliers to meet

our customer requirements and undertake design

changes for some products to meet international

standards. Introduce new quality products to meet

customer / market requirements. Implement new

systems and machineries for in process product

development as well to meet our customer


This has improved the perception of our customer

to a great extent.

We have nominated a dedicated customer care

officer to handle all customer related affairs,

namely – feedback, customer complaints etc.,

satisfying them to the best possible way and

perceptions of customer in various area are

appended below:

Our Sales and After-Sales team take keen interest

on customer requirements received in the form of

enquiries, Letter of Intents and Local Purchase

Orders to advise and support our customers as per

their need.

Our After Sales department provides necessary

technical support and warranty coverage as per the

sales contract.

We even undertake Annual Maintenance Contract

as per our terms and conditions with our valued

customers. Majority of our major customers are

continuing business with increased volume and

even recommend our organization for doing

similar business with and is evident from the

volume of enquiries received from fresh customers

and increase in number of customer year after year.

National Fire Fighting Manufacturing FZCO (NAFFCO)




Nominated Good Practice

We have a range of measures we use to predict the

level of satisfaction of our customers as follows:


Clearly the sales figures are an indicator of our

customer satisfaction, our sales figures show a

quantum improvement year on year performance

beyond the targets set.

The sales volume attained for various line of

products for the past four years are appended


CCoommppllaaiinnttss aanndd CCoommpplliimmeennttss::

When we analyze the number of complaints

received compared with the volume of sales the

crucial figure of complaints are coming down and

the specific complaints received has given us an

opportunity of learning and necessary corrective

actions were possible for avoiding recurrence.

Customer compliments in terms of appreciation

letters and willingness to continue business with

us has added strength in our business to further

refine our approach of business.

MMaarrkkeett SShhaarree

Progress of our market share in fire and safety

business is widely acclaimed and a wide

acceptance of our product and services in the

Middle East and around the world.

CCuussttoommeerr LLooyyaallttyy

Retention of customer and duration of relation

with our prominent customer is a clear evidence of

customer satisfaction.

PPrroodduucctt CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn

Rapid increase in our product certifications to meet

the customer requirement is the clear internal

indicator to evidence our customer relations.SSppeecciiaall CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee ooff AApppprreecciiaattiioonn ffoorr

aacchhiieevviinngg EExxcceelllleennccee iinn tthhee LLeeaaddeerrsshhiipp CCrriitteerriiaa

Since FedEx Express set up direct operations in

UAE with Dubai as the regional headquarters in

1988 that played a crucial role in connecting UAE

to the world as the business epicenter of the region.

Today, FedEx Express is the only express carrier

with 16 direct weekly flights in and out of Dubai

servicing 122 countries worldwide. In addition,

FedEx connects Dubai overnight with Europe and

South Asia, via flights to Paris, Delhi and Mumbai.

These legs opened the burgeoning UAE market to

European and Asian businesses, seamlessly linking

the world of business like never before.

In 2005, FedEx expanded its ground network from

Dubai to connect the GCC countries with a

dedicated fleet of trucks; this expansion has greatly

enhanced FedEx’s service offerings to customers in

this region and has once again demonstrated our

commitment to our investments in Dubai and the

United Arab Emirates.

Additionally, our customers will find convenient

business support services available at FedEx

Kinko’s in Kuwait, Lebanon, and the United Arab



FedEx will produce superior financial returns for

shareowners by providing high value-added

supply chain, transportation, business and related

information services through focused operating

companies. Customer requirements will be met in

the highest quality manner appropriate to each

market segment served. FedEx will strive to

develop mutually rewarding relationships with its

employees, partners and suppliers. Safety will be

the first consideration in all operations. Corporate

activities will be conducted to the highest ethical

and professional standards.


The unique FedEx operating strategy works

seamlessly - and simultaneously - on three levels.

l Compete collectively by standing as one brand

worldwide and speaking with one voice.

l Operate independently by focusing on our

independent networks to meet distinct

customer needs.

l Manage collaboratively by working together

to sustain loyal relationships with our

workforce, customers and investors.


People: We value our people and promote

diversity in our workplace and in our thinking.

Service: Our absolutely, positively spirit puts our

customers at the heart of everything we do.

Innovation: We invent and inspire the services and

technologies that improve the way we work and


Integrity: We manage our operations, finances and


Nominated Good Practice



services with honesty, efficiency and reliability.

Responsibility: We champion safe and healthy

environments for the communities in which we

live and work.

Loyalty: We earn the respect and confidence of our

FedEx people, customers and investors every day,

in everything we do.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd

l Recognition for the company and employees

l Demonstrating company’s commitment to


l Identifying areas of opportunity as part of the

assesment process

l Quest for continous improvement towards

improving quality and standards

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l Organizations must fully understand the

application process and the submission


l A cross functional team that is focused and

dedicated to the application process must be


l Commitment and support from the upper

management is crucial

l Strongly recommended that an assessor from

your organization works with DQA prior to

your applcation submission

AACCCCEESSSS:: CChhaannggiinngg wwhhaatt»»ss PPoossssiibbllee

As a company that fosters and accelerates

worldwide Access, FedEx is committed to being an

ongoing source of thinking and learning about

Access, to help others realize the opportunities and

benefits associated with it. FedEx commissioned

the independent research firm SRI International to

undertake the first comprehensive study on the

subject, and in 2005, SRI released its original report,

“How Greater Access Is Changing the World.”

A breakthrough in scope and importance, it was

the first study to define and quantify the impact of

Access on people, businesses and nations. It

featured the first Access Index®, ranking 75

nations based on nearly two dozen indicators of

physical and information Access. With detailed

insight on which nations have gained the most

from improved Access to ideas, talent and

resources, the original report has continued to

serve as a diagnostic tool for those working to

further improve Access. SRI recently completed an

updated study, presented in this Executive

Summary, which expands the Access Index® from

75 to a total of 109 nations.

HHooww GGrreeaatteerr AAcccceessss IIss CChhaannggiinngg tthheeWWoorrlldd

Every day, a stream of information, goods, capital

and ideas flows around the world because of a

single dynamic force: Access.

Access is the ability to connect. And when people

connect with what they need, they can realize new

opportunities. People need all kinds of Access —

Access to other people, to places, markets,

businesses, goods, ideas and more. Access is what

enables all forms of exchange and interaction,

empowering people and businesses with more

choices and greater confidence.

It’s about making new opportunities possible by

simplifying the ability to reach new markets and

accelerating global connections — physically,

economically and in the realm of information.

SSRRII RReeppoorrtt

FedEx is in the business making goods, products

and information from around the world accessible

to almost anyone, anywhere, anytime. This ability

to give people what they want, when they want it

has some significant economic and social

implications on the world’s developed and

developing nations. Greater access to all these

things is literally changing what’s possible. FedEx

recently commissioned a study by SRI

International to look at this unprecedented

expansion of access—what it is, how to measure it

and how it impacts people, businesses and nations.


Developing the Access Index®

The research team selected 23 variables of physical

and information Access, grouped under four

headings: Trade, Transport, Telecommunications

and News /Media/ Information Services. All of

the data for the 23 variables come from high-

quality, reliable sources that use a uniform

methodology across countries. From this data, the

researchers calculated the current Access Index®,

providing a quantitative ranking of the 109

countries based on their level of Access to goods,

services and information. Of the 23 variables used

in the original Access Index®, the updated index

includes 11 new or changed indicators. This

suggests that the emerging and rapidly evolving

phenomenon of Access may be influencing the

type of information being collected — as well as

the changing types of information relevant in

measuring Access.

OOppppoorrttuunniittiieess ffoorr PPeeooppllee,, BBuussiinneesssseess aannddNNaattiioonnss

The study includes three complementary Access

Opportunities Indices®, also for 109 countries,

which measure specifically how People, Businesses

and Nations leverage Access to improve their

current conditions and future prospects

CCoollllaappssiinngg ooff ttiimmee aanndd ssppaaccee,, aanndd tthheeeexxppaannssiioonn ooff iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn

According to the study, three components define

access: time, space and information. Today, time

and space are collapsing and the availability of

information is exploding for anyone with basic

electronic communication tools.

AAcccceessss HHaass RRiisseenn DDrraammaattiiccaallllyy

FedEx Express InternationalInc. (Dubai Branch)

The point is that the global supply chain has

become so agile that it’s common for the

production of a single product to be spread over

several countries and continents.




Nominated Good Practice FedEx Express InternationalInc. (Dubai Branch)

This chart illustrates how technology

developments are accelerating Access. When

FedEx launched its first flights in 1973, the Internet

was a Defense Department research project. One

sage thinker in the 1980’s, George Shultz, U.S.

Secretary of State in the Reagan administration,

predicted that the free flow of information made

possible by the revolution in communication

technologies would force closed societies like

China, India and the Soviet Union to open up.

The SRI report ranked countries based on

numerous factors that impact their ability to access

information, resources, and world markets. Why is

access important?

IImmppaacctt ooff AAcccceessss oonn NNaattiioonnaall EEccoonnoommiieess

Because it enables nations to enter broader

markets, gain global connections, attain national

and international cohesion, and achieve growth

and prosperity.

For the first time in history, all nations – including

underdeveloped regions – have the prospect and

the ability to engage in global commerce. Nations

benefit from the free flow of goods, people and

capital. Trade liberalization, customs reforms and

“open skies” agreements have spurred remarkable

global growth.

Access is the catalyst for the integration of the

global economy. Access to technology decreases

time to market and production costs, creating a

broader international market for a nation’s goods,

while speeding that nation’s integration into the

world economy. Access plays a major role in

facilitating international trade and financial flows,

which in turn bring new skills and technologies

that spill over into the wider economy.

There is a clear correlation between increases in

access and decreases in poverty: In China, poverty

declined from 28% in 1978, when it began opening

up, to 9% in 1998; in India, it decreased from 51%

to 27% in the 20 years since opening its markets.

Political climates and regulatory policies have a

major impact on how much nations benefit from

access. Economists estimate that cutting trade

barriers in agriculture, manufacturing and services

by one third would boost the world economy by

$613 billion — the equivalent of adding the GDP of

Canada to the world economy.

The evidence is clear. Governments must reduce

trade barriers and encourage, not stymie, global

trade and foreign investments. India, Vietnam and

Uganda are good examples of what can happen

when governments open-up their economies.

According to the International Monetary Fund,

these countries are reducing poverty and enjoying

a faster rate of growth than countries with similar

economies and restrictive trade policies.

IImmppaacctt ooff AAcccceessss oonn BBuussiinneessss

Access increases the market reach of businesses,

strengthens their supply chains, facilitates and

supports innovation, and creates opportunities for

growth. Businesses around the world now have

access to more markets, resources and growth

opportunities than ever before. Access has

broadened the customer base of every business

across regional, national and international

boundaries: companies now consider the world

their market.

Access has changed the rules of competition and is

a driver of growth. Increased market opportunities

and competition spur innovation: Access increases

capital, human resources, and suppliers, while

improving the production mix and business


Access has transformed supply chain management

and fuelled innovation. Access to real-time

information and reliable and express

transportation has created new logistical models

and leveled the competitive playing field.

FFaasstt--ccyyccllee llooggiissttiiccss

Savings of nearly $500 billion in 2003

This trend of fast-cycle logistics – what you might

call “inventory in motion” –means that businesses

can now virtually eliminate the need for

warehousing inventory because they can track

sales and restocking needs on a real-time basis.

Look at one of the outcomes. Carrying costs for

U.S. businesses have plummeted from 7.2 percent

of GDP to 2.7 percent. That’s a savings of nearly

half a trillion dollars in 2003 alone.

Access doesn’t benefit only the industry giant. It

also enables the one-person office. Through the

Internet, we have a low-cost, visual, ubiquitous

information exchange available to anyone with a

computer, Couple it with access to technology,

speed of shipping, and a reliable global supply

chain, and even the smallest business can

specialize, create product niches and achieve

economies of scale.

IImmppaacctt ooff AAcccceessss oonn PPeeooppllee

Access empowers people, connects them, enhances

their well-being and constantly expands their

choices and expectations.




Nominated Good Practice

Access improves people’s quality of life. Access to

health services, clean water, and sanitation impacts

life expectancy and infant mortality.

Access connects people. The desire, need and

expectation to stay connected have become a

universal phenomenon. Access to an exploding

base of online information and

telecommunications is transforming most human

activities everywhere.

Access increases education options for many and

expands employment opportunities – we can now

live and work almost anywhere.

Access shifts power from producers to consumers.

With choice and information, consumers are more

savvy and discerning, giving them greater market


Access to credit has helped people fulfill dreams

and potential. Take homeownership, now at a

record high of almost 70 percent in the U.S., not to

mention the power of small business loans around

the world, including developing companies, where

micro-loans have created a new wave of


PPeerrppeettuuaall CCyyccllee ooff AAcccceessss

Generation and Expansion

The expansion of access is dynamic, ongoing, and

permanent. Increased access leads directly to

greater personal satisfaction. This stimulates

demand among existing consumers, which, in

turn, leads to business expansion and other

productive activities. The result? Improved living

standards and even higher expectations. These

expectations spur innovation and investment to

provide yet greater access, and the cycle repeats.

Because of access, most of the world’s people are

becoming an integrated community, dependent on

each other through supply chain. We’re linked by

instantaneous communications. Investments are

crossing national boundaries to make businesses


CChhaalllleennggeess ttoo BBuussiinneessss

Access generates opportunities for participation,

choice and improvement. It helps us better our

current conditions and future prospects. The

challenge for us as business leaders and

policymakers is to:

l Nurture the current environment, l Eliminate artificial trade barriers and

impediments that inhibit economic growth, l Secure “open skies” agreements that give

countries, particularly developing ones, access

to capital, products and services, and l Help developing countries obtain life

essentials such as healthcare, and education,

which lead to prosperity.

IImmppaacctt ooff AAcccceessss oonn NNaattiioonnss

Access enables nations to enter broader markets,

attain connection and cohesion, and achieve

growth and prosperity. Today, countries are

increasingly seeking strategies to position

themselves to benefit from expanding Access.

Some nations are promoting themselves as

regional Access hubs — with Dubai (in the United

Arab Emirates) as a clear example — offering a

desirable location from which companies might

serve neighboring markets. Likewise, as a way to

strengthen global Access, most developing

countries are pursuing admission to the World

Trade Organization. And trade itself — the

movement of goods and services between nations

— continues to grow. Based on the World Bank’s

FedEx Express InternationalInc. (Dubai Branch)

World Development Indicators 2008, exports as a

share of global GDP rose to almost 29 percent in

2005, more than three times larger than in 1960.

With the global expansion of Access come greater

mobility, connection and interaction across

borders, not only for goods and services but for

people. One measure of the movement of people —

tourism — has increased dramatically, growing 40

percent in the decade between 1995 and 2005. This

travel boom is noticeable in the arrivals data for

regions of the world including the Middle East and

North Africa, Europe and Central Asia, East Asia

and the Pacific. Notably, tourists from China have

multiplied dramatically. While 4.5 million tourists

from China took a trip to another country in 1995,

the number grew to more than 31 million by 2005.

KKeeyy FFiinnddiinnggss ffrroomm tthhee UUppddaatteedd AAcccceessss IInnddeexx®®

AAcccceessss--eennaabblleeddccoollllaabboorraattiioonn iissaacccceelleerraattiinngg iinnnnoovvaattiioonn

With first-place rankings on

both the physical and

information components of

Access, Hong Kong illustrates

that openness to the world

economy provides tremendous

opportunities, especially for

small, natural-resource-poor

locations. Singapore, another

geographically tiny but

intensively outward oriented

economy, retains its second-

place ranking. Six of the top 10

scorers on the index have

populations of less than nine

million and are characterized

by modestly sized domestic





Nominated Good Practice

SSttrroonngg ddeebbuutt bbyy tthhee UUnniitteedd AArraabbEEmmiirraatteess

The United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) entrance in the

Access Index® at 12th place not only reinforces the

power of Access for small countries but also

suggests that Access multiplies opportunities even

for resource-rich nations. Notably, the UAE is the

only Middle Eastern nation in the top quartile of

the updated Access Index®. The UAE underscores

a finding revealed via the first Access Index® —

namely, that physical and information Access do

not always proceed in tandem. UAE is ranked 3rd

on physical Access but only 29th on information

Access — a significant gap that may have

implications for how people, businesses and the

country as a whole use and benefit from Access.

l Access continues to be closely correlated with

positive benefits for peoplel Countries that provide more higher education

opportunities endow their citizens with

greater capacity to use Access — and therefore

derive greater benefitsl People obtain the benefits of Access through

an evolving, uneven process that is greatly

affected by individual country circumstancesl People pursue the types of Access that benefit

them most greatly and directly

KKeeyy FFiinnddiinnggss √√ BBuussiinneesssseess

l Access is the driving force for business

performance globallyl Access powers business innovation and

stronger supply chains

l Access contributes

strongly to business

growth and

competitivenessl Businesses utilize Access

to achieve competitive

advantage in different

strategic areas

KKeeyy FFiinnddiinnggss √√ NNaattiioonnss

l Access is the driving force

of economic growth

for countries at all income

levelsl Top-scoring countries see

notable shifts in

rankingsl Access enables nations to

expand trade and

extend markets

TThhee RRoollee ooff FFeeddEExxHHooww FFeeddEExx iiss cchhaannggiinngg wwhhaatt»»ss PPoossssiibbllee??

Though Access is a force bigger than any single

entity, specific innovations and technologies have

made a marked contribution to increased Access in

the world.

A companion study, “Powering Global Access”,

conducted by SRI International, examines the role

and impact of FedEx in creating Access. The report

finds that, from the founding of FedEx in 1973, its

operations have revolved around the three

variables that define Access — time, space and

information. A central objective of the company

has been to collapse time and space and increase

the amount of available information, thereby

expanding Access.

Through continuous innovation and efforts to

establish both the hidden and visible structures

that support Access, FedEx has accelerated

worldwide Access, driving global growth:

continuously extending the reach of its

infrastructure • — both physical and digital — to

provide customers worldwide with Access;

l Consistently championing and expanding

global Access through “open skies” and

deregulation;l working to move goods faster across national

borders, thereby decreasing business costs and

promoting economic growth;l providing businesses with broader market

reach, the ability to improve supply chains

and reduce inventory, innovate and increase


KKeeyy FFiinnddiinnggss √√ PPeeooppllee

FedEx Express InternationalInc. (Dubai Branch)

l enabling new business models such as

globally distributed manufacturing, just-in-

time inventory and mass customization; andl pioneering models that have been replicated

by others to further extend Access.

Just as Access has expanded and become

increasingly essential to individuals, businesses

and nations, the role of FedEx in the “Access

space” has increased consistently. All companies in

the FedEx family generate physical and digital

Access under the conditions of certainty,

transparency, rising options and accelerating

speed. This report is, however, only the beginning

of our analysis. We believe access is an evolving

concept. We are committed to exploring it further

and sharing the learning’s as they are available.





DP World, UAE Region is the flagship of DPWorld, the global port & terminal operator, whichmanages 49 terminal and 12 new developmentsacross 31 countries. The UAE Region manages theJebel Ali Terminals, Port Rashid, Port Hamriya,Abu Dhabi Terminals and Fujairah Terminal in thisregion. DP World’s UAE Region employs a workforce of 6,700 skilled employees, wherein UAEnationals occupy key positions with decisionmaking responsibilities. UAE nationals are offered

opportunities in various departments such as

Operations, Finance, Customer Service, Technical,

Marine, HR & Administration, IT, Commercial and


Port Rashid started its operations in 1972 and Jebel

Ali port started operations in 1979. For the past 15

consecutive years DP World’s UAE Region has

been awarded the title of Best Seaport in the

Middle East. The UAE Region is ranked as 6th top

container port worldwide, while DP World,

formally established in September 2005, is ranked

as the 4th largest global port operator.

DP World is a part of “Dubai World” as a holding

company, which is a large, global and diversified

business consisting of Ports, Customs, Free Zones,

Nakheel, Istithmar etc. DP World is however an

independent Business Unit (BU) which issued its

own IPO in the UAE market.

DP World-Jebel Ali is certified to ISO 9001:2000,

ISO27001, ISO 10002 and ISO 28000:2007

standards. It has also been recognized for

excellence as EFQM – R4E (5 Star) by European

Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).

Emiratization is a part of DPW’s journey towards

business excellence and commitment to the

satisfaction of all the stakeholders including the

society. Further DP World – Dubai Ports has been a

winner of Dubai Human Development Award


Accordingly, DP World’s Vision, Mission & Values

(below) has been drawn to facilitate it becoming a

global and world class organization. The

organization aims to satisfy all its stakeholders, e.g.

Customers, Suppliers, Partners, Employees,

Government, Bankers and Society at large.


Sustainable value through global growth, service &



A global approach to a local business environment

where excellence, innovation and profitability

drive our core business philosophy of exceptional

customer service.


l Commitment to our people and our customersl Profitable global growthl Responsible corporate and personal behaviorl Excellence and Innovation

In line with the commitment to people and

responsible corporate behavior, the organization

has a fully equipped Human Resources

Department with functions such as Recruitment,

Training & Development, Emiratization,

Compensation and Administration.

The organization has a strong commitment

towards Emiratization and follows RADAR

(Results, Approach, Deployment, and Assessment

& Review) as a part of business excellence

framework (EFQM/DQA) since 1999.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiQQuuaalliittyy AAwwaarrdd

l Self Assessment against DHDA Criteria

(identifying Strengths and Areas For

Improvements)l Implementation of DHDA Criteria (adopting

good human development practices)l Opportunity to know from an external team of

qualified & experienced DHDA Assessors our

strengths, areas for improvement and score l Recognizing the organization and

HR/Emiratization personnel in a grand

DHDA Ceremony.

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l Register early by obtaining top management

approval and decide the DHDA Project Team l Start Self Assessment against DHDA Criteria

and Implement good practices and monitor

the results from these practicesl Prepare first draft of the DHDA submission at

least 3 months before the submission date as it

may require 2 to 3 editing before the final

submission can be made

l Involve more employees in the DHDA

Assesors site visit. Listening to assessors

questiona and trying to answer them provides

learning for them for future.

DP World - UAE Region

(DHDA award presented by His Highness Sheikh Maktoum BinMohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai to Mr.Mohammed Al Muallem, Senior Vice President & Managing Directorfor UAE Region; and Mr. Mohammed Ali Ahmed, Director ofStrategic Planning & Business Support.)

Jebel Ali Terminal


Nominated Good Practice



DDeevveellooppiinngg UUAAEE NNaattiioonnaall lleeaaddeerrss aatt DDPPWWoorrlldd,, UUAAEE RReeggiioonn

Introduction: DP World, UAE Region is committed

to recruitment, training and development of UAE

national leaders as a part of its contribution to UAE

nationals, the country and society at large. The

leadership development programme can be

described by application of RADAR as a part of

Dubai Human Development Award (DHDA)

criteria as follows:

Results ( R ): As an outcome of the leadership

development and Emiratisation process, DP World,

UAE Region has been able to increase its UAE

Nationals (as a % of total manpower) at Jebel Ali to

59 % at Top/ Senior Management and to 40% at

middle management. Strategic HR Planning KPIs

includes becoming amongst top 5 attractive

organizations in Dubai (by 2010) for Graduate

UAE nationals and increase Emiratization by 5%

every year.

Based on the past experience of recruiting and

developing UAE nationals for last 3 decades, DP

World, UAE Region has now in place the following

seven recruitment/leadership development

programmes at different levels/grades:

Note: Students sponsored during studies and on

their joining they are part of graduate trainee

programme (Grade 11 to 17 based on the institute

and specialization)

DP World, UAE Region has continuously

improved its compensation packages for UAE

nationals and following table shows that it

compares well with top 25% organizations in UAE.

Salary Benchmarking: DP World against market

range for UAE National Trainees

AApppprrooaacchh ((AA)) && DDeeppllooyymmeenntt ((DD))::

Number of recruitment & leadership

development initiatives have been designed and

implemented as follows:

Dubai Leaders Program for leaders from Dubai


The program is carefully planned in 2006 to

enhance the strategic thinking and leadership

capabilities of the hand picked UAE National

participants. The program takes these leaders to

USA, Singapore, Hong Kong and China to give

them an appreciation for different business

environments and cultures to be a truly global

leader. So far a total of 70 members graduated and

46 are graduating in June 2009 across Dubai World.

(Including 16 DP World members already

graduated and 11 graduating in June 2009). The

above leadership program had a comprehensive

coverage of following leadership related topics

covered at Wharton School of the University of

Pennsylvania in the US during 2007/2008/2009:

l Total Leadership, Leadership & Strategic

Thinking and Developing Your Leadership. l Creating Strategies and Business Plans;

Finance & Strategy and Scenario Planning. l Strategic HR Management, Managing Talent

and Managerial Learningl Government & Firm Location Factors. l Managing Culture inside the firm and

Managing Relations across firms. l Negotiation & Influence Workshop and

Managerial Effectiveness.

Programme Intake (Level of

the candidates)



(full time)



Approx. Programme

Cost /Participant

(AED Mln)

Dubai Leaders

Program (Grade

18 & above)

Senior Managers &

Above (all business

units of Dubai World

including DP World)

12 months (part


Yes (about 6

weeks at USA

and Asia)

AED 0.7 mln

GOLD Programme

(Grade 17 &


Managers &


18 months Yes (at DP World


AED 1.1 mln

Graduate Trainee



Diploma)-Grade 15

to 17

Graduate Trainees 18 to 24 months 8 to 24 months AED 0.4 mln

Diploma – Grade


Diploma Trainees 18 to 24 months AED 0.3 mln

High School

–Grade 11-12

High School Trainees 18 to 24 months AED 0.2 mln

High School

(Marine Dept)-

Grade 11-12

High School Trainee 48 months AED 0.5 mln Yes (at Marine


TA’HEEL Students (while

studying) and later

based on the


18 to 24 months

(after graduation

AED 0.1 -0.2 mln

(based on study


l Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage

and Branding l Corporate Valuation/Mergers & Acquisitions. l Real Estate Operations. l Business Environment Assessment. l Market Segmentation and Marketing Metrics

and the Global Economic Landscape. l Environmental Management & Sustainability

and Globalization and the Role of


GGlloobbaall OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall LLeeaaddeerrsshhiippDDeevveellooppmmeenntt [[GGOOLLDD]] pprrooggrraammmmee

In mid-2007, it became clear as part of DP World’s

succession planning strategy and goal setting

activities, that there was a gap between the likely

demand for middle to senior managers, given the

age profile of our existing management within

those levels and the organic and expansion growth

of the company. Senior management throughout

the company were surveyed and indicated that in

their estimation, within the next 2 years [from

2007] there would be a demand for approximately

50 middle to senior managers across the

organization. These were not ‘guessed’ figures but

quite firm predictions made on known facts.

DP World’s Board agreed that a special programme

was needed to provide those skilled leaders within

the timeframe and with their endorsement the

Global Organizational Leadership Development

[GOLD] programme was devised. GOLD is an

accelerated leadership development programme

designed to take participants from middle level

management skills and capabilities to general

manager level within the 18 months of the

programme. The programme is funded corporately

DP World - UAE Region




Nominated Good Practice

and the participants are on the staff of our

corporate headquarters in Dubai. However it

should be noted that in making their assessments

of their business needs our Regional Directors had

to commit to ‘hosting’ participants at operational

terminals in their Regions. In most cases, there is

one participant at a host terminal although a

couple of the larger terminals are hosting 2

participants and in Jebel Ali, there are 7


The programme consists of three ‘structured’ off-

site training programmes. These are:

l NEBOSH International General Certificate in

Safety – 2 weeks; l Leading Terminal Workplaces/Leading

Terminal Operations – 4 weeks; and l Leading The Business/Managing Terminal

Operations – 5 weeks

The Leadership/Operations programmes are

based very largely on existing DP World training

programmes already provided by the DP World

Institute. They consist of 2 levels of leadership

development programmes and 2 levels of

operational management development

programmes. The lower level programmes were

conducted at the start of GOLD and the higher

level programmes will be conducted in October

2009. In between these programmes, the

participants undertake on the job training

assignments at their host locations. They will work

across all the elements of the terminal from

operations to finance to IT and commercial to be

exposed at all levels to all aspects of the business.

They are provided with coach/mentors at their

local sites and there are three Programme

Managers (PMs) who are their direct line

managers. The PMs manage participants in

allocated Regions.

The programme has been accredited through

Lloyds Maritime Academy. The programme

including the LTB/MTO components will receive a

Diploma in Terminal Management form the

National Sea Training Centre in the UK. Towards

the end of the programme, participants will be

offered the opportunity to complete a Diploma of

Project Management through New England

University in Australia and, by completing the

project and some additional study, obtain a

Masters Degree in Terminal Management through

the Middlesex University in the UK. The project

participants undertake must provide sufficient

payback to cover the Masters cost.

The participants were recruited from both within

the organization and outside. There was an

extensive advertising campaign and a four stage

selection process. This involved psychometric

testing and an assessment day process that was

both rigorous and comprehensive. At the end of

the process, there were 32 participants selected

from the over-1200 applications. A set of

competency base-levels were established during

the recruiting process and it was considered

important that they be maintained. The process

provided only 32 participants who met those high

standards. 18 were from within DP World and 14

from outside. They came from all career sectors –

Operations, Finance, Commercial, IT, Banking etc.

They are from all DP World Regions except Africa.

As mentioned, there are 7 participants in the

programme from the UAE Region. Five of these

were recruited from within DP World while 2

joined us from outside the organization. Five of

these participants are UAE Nationals while one is a

UAE born Indian National and the other is a

Omani. These participants will be needed to take

up senior roles in the UAE Region or in the

growing business in the Africa Region.

Based on progress to date, DP World is confident

that this was a correct approach. The participants

are highly motivated people who want to learn and

develop. Indications are that the programme is

highly likely to provide the resources that DP

World needs in the short-medium term for meet its

senior manager requirements. Leadership

Development Cost per leader (AED) is

approximately US$ 300,000 (or AED 1.1 mln).

Future positions planned to occupy after 18

months: Heads of Departments in all functional

areas with major emphasis on Operations, H.R.

Finance; Business Development & Project


HHiigghh SScchhooooll //MMaarriinnee PPiilloott TTrraaiinniinnggPPrrooggrraammmmee

l Currently we have 43 Trainees -: 13 in UK &

remaining in Alexandria. l High school students are recruited for this

study program and after their completion they

join us as Pilots. l The program is for 4 years. l The budget is AED 500,000/- for each trainee

for their entire study program.

Marine Pilots in Alexandria (Egypt)

TTAA»»HHEEEELL SSppoonnssoorrsshhiipp PPrrooggrraammmmee

Objective: To recruit UAE Nationals with

competent qualifications and skills in positions

which are in short supply. As a result, the number

of UAE National employees within the

organization will be on a rise, along with this

increase, the program will better assist in the

development of the society in UAE.

What is TA’HEEL Sponsorship Programme? :

TA’HEEL is an Arabic word that means

“Preparation”. This is designed to provide a

scholarship programme for enthusiastic and

talented UAE Nationals in order to gain the

competent qualifications and skills needed. DP

World will be responsible for all the financial

expenses, such as tuition fees, laptop, etc. The

student will be entitled to get monthly stipend

which is clearly indicated in the contract. Once the

student completes graduation, he will be obliged to

work with DP World UAE Region for a period of

same as the study period. This programme is open

both for male and female UAE Nationals.

Selection Criteria:

The students go through simplified yet rigorous

and robust selection program. It includes College

campus selection (English test, IT test, Math test)

and DP World selection (Simple IQ, Aptitude,

Logical and Reasoning tests, Assessment center,


DP World - UAE Region




Nominated Good Practice

CCoosstt ooff TTAA»»HHEEEELL::

Taking Higher Colleges of Technology –Dubai

Men’s College as an example, the average expenses

have been estimated. (Total of AED 375,000/- per

student for a 4 year period). The scholarship can be

provided from any college or university in or out of

the country. Sponsorship may not necessarily be

from the first year of study. We can also sponsor

them from the second, third, or fourth academic

Sponsorship Components (AED/Year)

Year Tuition Salary Laptop Ad hoc TOTAL

1 43,000 36,000 8,000 15,000 102,000

2 43,000 42,000 x 15,000 85,000

3 43,000 48,000 x 15,000 91,000

4 43,000 54,000 x 15,000 97,000

Grand total for 4 years at fixed component per student 375,000

year as per department’s needs.BBeenneeffiittss ooff TTAA»»HHEEEELL

l To meet the objectives of Emiratization Section

i.e. Increase the percentage of UAE National

Employees in the organization.l Have the best qualified and skilled UAE

Nationals for different posts.l Create awareness, interest and action among

the nationals to join DP World.l Help in development of the society within


Below is an example of one of the projects

implemented by Dubai Men’s College TA’HEEL

programme students in year 2009. Each of these

students were awarded AED 10,000/- for their

contribution to developing this crane model.UUnniiqquuee FFeeaattuurreess ooff TTAA»»HHEEEELL pprrooggrraammmmee

l UAE national students are guaranteed of a

job/career once they graduate and DP World,

UAE Region is assured of competent nationals

joining after completing their education as per

the contract.l UAE National students get a stipend of AED

3000 to 4500 per month during the full study

period.l Students have full access for their training at

DP World, i.e. work placement, summer

training, any project during the studies

(including the final project – which is

compulsorily to be done at DP World)l Students have full familiarity with DP World’sCrane model designed by TA’HEEL/ Work placement

programme students

Management reviewing the crane model project

Work Placement Students in Container Terminal

Students being awarded for Crane Model

The TA’HEEL programme has been designed in 2007, implemented in 2008 & reviewed and improved in year 2009. The number ofstudents per specialization is given below.

Specialization 2008 2009 (estimated)

Business/Finance 2 2

IT 0 2

Engineering 6 4

Total Students 8 8

Deployment & Improvement Start Year - Signed with

HCT/Dubai Men’s College


Signed with other academic


(University of Dubai (UD*) (4

students) and Institute of

Applied Technology (IAT**))

policies, procedures, products, services etc.

by virtue of their being training/project done

during the study period.l It helps to increase number of talented and

qualified nationals at DP World, UAE Region.l It helps DP World to promote their brand

amongst the educational institutes and in the

society.l DP World, UAE Region is able to save money

for the organization by being associated with

the students, who undertake real life projects.l Students will have the priority in future

promotions within the organization based on

their on-the-job performance.l UD: Contract signed in 2009. Selection process

will start in summer 2009 by making them join

as a summer trainee in order to measure their

performance and then decide on the


l IAT: recruitment at the end of the study period

MOU with Dubai Men’s


is subject to availability of the vacant position. AAsssseessssmmeenntt && RReevviieeww ((AA && RR))

Each of the above leadership development

programme has been assessed in terms of

measurement of its effectiveness for last 3 to 5

years (2005 to 2009) and number of improvements

have been made including improving the

leadership programme objectives, choice of

institute, student specialization, programme

content or syllabus, MOU with institute, contract

with student, programme duration, scholarship,

budget availability, leadership project objectives

and mentoring mechanism. This has led to

availability of leadership programmes at all

levels/specializations/function/locations within

DP World, UAE Region thereby meeting the needs

of the DP World, UAE Region in particular and DP

World (as a global organization) and UAE as

country in general.

MOU with IAT

MOU with Dubai


DP World - UAE Region





SSttaaggee 11:: TThhee MMeerrggeerr ((11999922--11999944))

DEWA’s Board of Directors appointed H.E. Saeed

Mohammad Al Tayer as General Manager, and set

the following Strategic Objectives:

l Finalize the merger and dispose of the

redundant human resources as early as

possible without any adverse effect on

DEWA’s customers.

l Reduce the power supply interruption and

leakage in the network to the minimum.

l Reduce government subsidiary.

l The Dubai Government and DEWA were

proud of the success of the General Manager

and his work team in realizing the strategic


SSttaaggee 22:: SSeettttiinngg NNeeww FFoouunnddaattiioonn ((11999944--11999966))

The Management Team refined the Strategic

Objectives, as follows:

l Realize high reliability of power supply.

l Reduce water loss in the network to the

minimum in comparison with international


l Self-financing without resort to government


l Nationalization of posts, especially at

managerial levels.

l Enhancing efficiency of services to suit the

aspirations of Dubai Government to become

an international focal point for trade and


l In this stage, the organization structure was

augmented with the creation of Training and

Research & Development departments and

supported them with international expertise.

This helped in the realization of the Strategic


SSttaaggee 33:: DDeevveellooppmmeenntt && IImmpprroovveemmeenntt((11999966--11999988))

This stage is a continuation of the previous one,

however with more ambitious strategic objectives:

l Realization of profitability by running on

commercial basis.

l Enhance operations efficiency.

l Adoption and implementation of quality

concepts, especially for customers & society


l Compliance with the international standards

with regard to the quality of supply (electricity

& water).

l Enhancing employees’ efficiency, especially

UAE nationals to ensure technical self-


l One of the important features of this stage is

the declaration of DEWA’s vision, mission,

and objectives with full transparency, the

reinforcement of teamwork and joining efforts

for the realization of the strategic objectives.

These strategic objectives were realized through

continuous development and improvement in all

work fields at DEWA such as modernization of the

organizational structure, forming the Human

Resources Department & Quality Section, adoption

of new technologies such as Geographical

Information Systems (GIS), Supervisory Control

and Data Acquisition Systems (SCADA),

qualifying to International Quality Certification,

and enhancing customer services.

SSttaaggee 44:: QQuuaalliittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt ((11999988--22000000))

This stage is distinguished with the application of

Total Quality Management concepts and alignment

of efforts at all levels to capitalize on creative

initiatives to realize the strategic objectives and

excellence. Among the prominent features of this

stage are:

l Winning of the Dubai Government Excellence

Program Award as the Distinguished

Department and Division in 1999.

l Divisional Certification to ISO 9000, starting

with Field Services Division in 1998.

l Winning of British Council National Safety

Award (1997), and Health & Safety.

l Management System Certification with 4 stars

grading (out of 5 stars) in 1998.

l Certification to ISO 14001 for Power

Production 1998 and Water Transmission

& Distribution 2000).

SSttaaggee 55:: TThhee FFiirrsstt SSttrraatteeggiicc PPhhaassee ((22000000√√ 22000044))

This stage is distinguished with the application of

international standards in accordance with

excellence models and self-evaluation in addition


l Use of the Balanced Scorecard in the

application of the Strategic Plan. l Re-engineering of operations & automation of

the procedures for presenting e-services.

l Benchmarking with international utilities.

l Winning the Dubai Quality Award (2001),

Corporate ISO 9001 Certification (2001), Safety

Award from the British Safety Council in the 5

star grading (2002), Investors in People Award

(2004), and Dubai Award of Human Resources

Development (2003).

SSttaaggee 66:: TThhee SSeeccoonndd SSttrraatteeggiicc PPhhaassee((22000055--22000099))

At the outset of the stage, DEWA declared its new

mission and vision statements, and carried out the

following steps to pave the ground for

organizational excellence.

l Turning into a Strategy Focused Organization

and reviewing of Balanced Scorecard by re-

evaluating the corporate performance


l Restructuring of DEWA to achieve harmony

between the activities and for maximum

utilization of resources.

l Issue of new human resources policies and


l Human resources capacity building.

AAwwaarrdd rreecceeiivveedd

l The Distinguished Government Department

of the Dubai Government Excellence Program

in 1999 & the Golden Category (2007).

l The Sword of Honor from The British Safety

Council (2007 & 2008).

l Qualification to Hall of Fame in implementing

Balanced Scorecard in Strategy Execution

(2007) – 1st winner in Middle East & North


l Winning the Dubai Quality Award (2001),

Corporate ISO 9001 Certification (2001).

l Investors In People (2003/2007)

l Dubai Award of Human Development (2003 /

2008). l GCC Award in Environmental Awareness

(2007 / 2008).

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA)




Nominated Good Practice


A recognised World-Class Utility.


Meeting customer satisfaction and promoting

Dubai’s vision through delivering water &

electricity services by a competent workforce at

world-class level of reliability, efficiency, safety and

environment, supporting resources sustainability.


Integrity, fairness, transparency, teamwork,

industry leadership, professionalism, corporate

social responsibility, customer focus.

BBeenneeffiitt ffrroomm aappppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee aawwaarrdd

l To put into action the Emiratization Policy for

achieving higher levels of Emiratization.

l Engage highly qualified nationals in order to

maximize the organization’s growth.

l Understanding on how to further develop

UAE nationals of the organization.

l Improve the methods in attracting, retaining

and development of UAE Nationals.

l Identify areas for continuous improvement.

l To put more effort in serving the society in the

field of environment, safety and awareness for


AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l Use DHDA feedback reports to improve

process and reach the gold level.

l Benchmark with world class organizations

renowned for best practices to know the true

position of the organization.

l Consistently assess and review the approach

and process towards Emiratization.

l Communicate strategy, goals and objectives to

all employees.

BBeesstt PPrraaccttiicceess AAddoopptteedd bbyy DDEEWWAA::

TTrraaiinniinngg aanndd ddeevveellooppmmeenntt ooff ppeeooppllee

DEWA makes best efforts to train the employees

and enhance their performance to reach the highest

standards by setting a comprehensive training and

development plan and allocating the required

financial budgets for this purpose, in order to

enhance the overall productivity and operational

efficiency of the Organization. The annual training

plans include the Organization’s internal and

external training needs for the employees in

various fields such as technical, financial,

administrative, computer, human resources, etc.

l The organization identifies the training needs

through various channels such as training

needs analysis through the departmental

training and development plan performance

appraisal system. Annual Training Needs

Analysis (TNA) is undertaken by the HR

Division (Training Department) of the

organization. This process will identify the


l Strategic priorities of the organization


l Competencies and abilities required of all

employees at all levels to achieve these


l Level of skills or knowledge required to enable

the employees to improve their current


l Any performance gaps or training needs

required to prepare employees to achieve the

organization’s strategic priorities and reach

the next level of career path.

The TNA shall be derived from data collected from

annual performance appraisals, exit interviews,

interviews with Senior Manager and Managers,

focus groups, surveys, observation and any other

sources deemed relevant.

The aim of this analysis is to produce an annual

plan of learning and development activities based

on the strategies and policies of DEWA. This plan

should incorporate the following:

l Target learning and development audience.l Prioritized learning and development needs.l Types of training required for each need.l Yearly schedule for Learning and

Development activities. l Learning and Development cost and overall

budget requirements.

LLeeaarrnniinngg aanndd DDeevveellooppmmeenntt bbuuddggeett

DEWA has allocated a budget of AED 28,960,300.00

in 2008 to train and develop employees, of which,

70% was spent on UAE Nationals and 30% on

expatriates. This budget is allocated based on the

requirements identified in the annual Learning and

Development plan, incorporating the following:

l Training fees for external programs outlined in

the annual Learning and Development plan.l Cost of developing internal training programs

including trainer fees, cost of preparing

training materials, cost of training facilities

(i.e. venue and equipment).l Cost allocation for ad-hoc conferences and

seminars that may arise throughout the year. l Associated travel and accommodation costs.

DDeeppllooyymmeenntt ooff AApppprrooaacchh

After the TNA and budget approval, the Training

Department prepares and circulates Training

Action Plan for implementation along with

Training Catalogue to all Divisions / Departments.

As a result of TNA, the following competencies

were identified for UAE Nationals:

Competencies Recommended Training Courses

Planning & Execution Controlling Your Time & Managing Stress / Assessing & EvaluatingOrganizational Performance/Modern Approach to Time Management

Leadership (Supervisory Skills)

Managerial Skills For Supervisor/ Leadership Management/ Professionals&Advanced Supervisory /Strategic Skills.

Decision Making & Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making

Communication & Cooperation Communication/ Customer Services Skills & Leading Teams

Creativity Creativity & Strategic Thinking Skills/ Suggestions & Rewarding Scheme

Safety Knowledge and Commitment

First Aid/ Safety Fire Risk Assessment/ Safety Management OH&Safety/Safety Orientation/ General Health & Safety Managers

The other parts of needs analysis are identified by

allocation and approval of yearly training budget /

submission of training request forms. Examples of

some of the training courses attended/ done for

UAE nationals are given below:

l Leadership development Program (Frontiers

and H.H. Shaikh Mohammed Leadership

Program).l Diploma in HR Professional.l ICDL.l Beyond Customer Expectation.l CIPD.l Winning Strategies summit – Jack Welch.

l Balanced Scorecard summit – Robert Caplain.l 7th habit for highly effective people / 8th

Habits – Stephan Covey.

DEWA gives priority for training and development

of UAE Nationals. The percentage of UAE national

trainees is higher, compared to expatriate trainees

due to DEWA’s special training programs tailored

to develop competency and skills of UAE


l Training and development expenditure per

UAE national:

Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA)



established for 3 categories: (1) Leadership (2)

Executive and Supervisory and (3) Others, such as:

l Average Training Hours.l Average Training Course.l Percentage of Actual Training Course.

The above KPIs represent the implementation of

the training action plan.

l The Training Department conducts Return-on-

Investment (ROI), which is initiated after

completion of the course. In order to calculate

the benefits in terms of financial investment, it

takes certain span of time (one to 2 years) to

complete the process. This is one of the best

methods being used in DEWA to measure the

training effectiveness. In 2005, DEWA won an

award for ROI, under the Dubai Government

Excellence Program 2004, for the category of

Best Administrative Experiment.

Level-1: Measures the reaction, satisfaction and

planned action.

Level-2: Measures learning and acquired skills &

knowledge of the participant before and

after the training.

Level-3: Measures implementation of

skill/knowledge acquired.

Level-4: Measures actual business impact on

the four business measures (output, time, cost &

quality) achieved as a consequence of applying the

skill or knowledge on the job.

Level-5: Measures the Return on Investment


Nominated Good Practice

As shown above, DEWA has invested substantially

in the field of training of UAE nationals, e.g. in

2008, the amount of budget spent per UAE national

is five times more than the amount spent on


The average number of training hours for UAE

nationals (25.9 hours) is 57% more than the hours

given to expatriates (16.5 hours).

Year # of in-house departmental training # of UAE nationals attended

2006 230 633

2007 209 652

2008 274 937

As DEWA gives emphasis to training (internal or

external), a table showing in-house departmental

training courses in DEWA attended by UAE

nationals is give below:

AAsssseessssmmeenntt aanndd RReevviieeww

All training programs are evaluated to determine if

they have met the training objectives within the

planned timeframe. This is done through certain

Key Performance Indicators (quarterly / yearly)

UAE Exchange Centre LLC, an ISO 9001:2000

Company, is positioned as one of the leading

exchange houses in the Middle East, primarily

focusing on money transfers and money exchange,

and is part of the NMC Group, one of the biggest

and the most prestigious business conglomerates

in the UAE. UAE Exchange is a pioneer with new

standards in fund transfer services since our

establishment in 1980.

The Company's portfolio of services include Draft

cheques, Swift transfers, Express transfers, Xpress

Money transfers, Western Union money transfers,

Travelex money transfers, Credit card settlement

services & cash advances, Inter-Emirates money

transfers, purchase and sale of foreign currency

bank notes, and Traveller's Cheques in retail and


UAE Exchange celebrates 29 progressively

successful years of commitment to quality,

customized products and an unblemished image,

which has empowered it to become an

acknowledged force in the world remittance


In recognition of its quality and excellence, UAE

Exchange has been conferred with numerous

awards. UAE Exchange Centre LLC has been the

recipient of the Emirates National Development

Program (ENDP) Award, for the Best Partner of the

year. The Award is representative of the initiatives

that the organisation has taken to promote

emiratisation and develop UAE Nationals, thus

providing them with immense career

opportunities. The company has also been

recognized in various quality circles through

awards like the Dubai Quality Appreciation

Program, for its commitment to excellence and

implementation of Quality initiatives; Best Service

performance outlet under the Dubai Service

Excellence Scheme for 2007-2008, Award of

excellence from the International Association of

Money Transfer Networks, London. The 2006-2007

STP Award for exceptional quality of payment

messages and the MRM Award for Business

excellence. UAE Exchange has also been conferred

the prestigious Dubai Human Development Award

in Appreciation category.

The company boasts of a multi cultural work

environment of 35 different nationalities. This

cultural diversity is represented at various levels of

Management. This cultural environment is

represented at various levels of Management. To

begin with the visionary leaders, His Excellency

Abdullah Humaid Al Mazroei is the Chairman of

the company. His esteemed self has been the

former Minister for Labour and Justice in the UAE

cabinet, which is proof of his individual

capabilities and profile. Dr. B R Shetty,


Nominated Good Practice



the Managing Director and CEO, is a dynamic

entrepreneur and philanthropist. His achievements

have been known far and wide and he has been

awarded the First Order of Abu Dhabi for his

contribution to society. UAE Exchange has reached

great heights with the able leadership of these

visionary leaders who have envisioned investing

in its employees, through various initiatives.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm aappppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiHHuummaann DDeevveellooppmmeenntt AAwwaarrdd

l Result orientation and better role clarity are

two significant outcomes of the submission

process and preparatory work

l Consolidates the process improvements and

set out HR agendas for the organisation across

functions with management buy in.

l DHDA has brought recognition to the HR

Department for the commitment and efforts in

bringing quality process improvements.

AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree AApppplliiccaannttss

l Successful teamwork leads to achieving the

DHDA. Make a team to write the document

well ahead and have constant interactions

with the management.

l Convert practices to rigorous processes and

bring result / orientation to all sections within


l Be open to constructive criticism from the


TTAAAALLEEEEMM √√ wwhheerree ««lleeaarrnniinngg»» iiss aann««eexxppeerriieennccee»»!!

Al Rehla – the corporate emiratization program at

UAE Exchange has specifically designed stages.

One of the stages is Taaleem – a public engagement

program for relationship and partnership with

educational institutes, vocational training centre,

local and federal bodies to provide the UAE

Nationals exposure to workplace environment,

culture and ethics.

Taaleem, an Arabic term for ‘Learning’ aims at

providing opportunities to UAE Nationals to ‘earn

while they learn'. Taaleem, is an exclusive

apprenticeship model for UAE Nationals. The

objectives for Taaleem are multi pronged:

l To encourage UAE Nationals to get an

opportunity of basic exposure to the corporate

environment and learn.l To have an integrated approach to the

recruitment strategy for a continuous channel

for UAE Nationals.l Place UAE Exchange as a preferred employer,

in the industry l As a Corporate Social Responsibility

UAE Exchange has identified various forums for

liaising and meeting the young UAE National

force, to achieve the above stated objectives of

Taaleem. Some of the identified forums are:

l Visits to colleges and Universitiesl Participation in Career Fairs

l Liaising with Government authorized

organisations like ENDP, TANMIA, EIBFSl Referralsl Walk ins

Visits to educational institutions, both at

participating events as well as at their campuses,

by the Recruitment team, invites UAE Nationals to

be part of Taaleem, where expertise is invested to

strengthen the theoretical knowledge with

practical application at UAE Exchange.

In order to maintain the quality of the UAE

Nationals who join the organisation as part of the

Taaleem process, UAE Exchange focuses on few

eligibility criteria while creating a competitive

environment in the various forums listed above.

They are:

l Candidates should be a minimum of 10th

standard passedl If the applicants are students from a

University or college, their candidature and

request for internship is supported by a letter

of recommendation from the respective

college or university.

When a UAE National joins as part of Taaleem,

he/she is taken onboard with joining formalities

like any other staff of the organization. The

students are exposed to work in a corporate

environment wherein they gain experience in

interacting with office colleagues, office discipline

and basic corporate etiquette.

As part of Taaleem, the UAE Nationals are allowed

to choose a branch of their convenience, out of the

77 branches, across the 7 Emirates. This has been

the one of the major driving forces of Taaleem. The

convenience of location is given to the UAE

Nationals, keeping in mind the result of achieving

their full potential through training and

development. On completion of the

apprenticeship, the UAE Nationals are paid a

stipend, based on factors like attendance,

initiatives and learning. Continuous improvement

of the process also involves an over view of factors

determining the stipend to match it to the best

industry standards.

The table below illustrates the detailed and defined

flow of Taaleem, as an internal process at UAE


UAE Xchange




Nominated Good Practice

The importance of maintaining the quality

procedures and process for Taaleem is because of

the conscious focus on the needs of the

stakeholders. The key stakeholders identified are :

l Student themselvesl The college – Supporting letter taken from the

institute to keep them in the loop and build

commitment)l The Parents – generally kept informed. At

times they too accompany their wards for the

interviewsl Branches / Units where deployed

In retrospection of the humble start of the Taaleem

Process in 2007, a lot of learning through

continuous assessment of the process has been

implemented into streamlining the process. The

early steps were focused on creating awareness on

creating a talent pool of UAE Nationals. In 2008,

with streamlined efforts to create the talent pool of

UAE Nationals, various methods were identified

to improvise Taaleem. A dedicated resource was

recruited in the Training & Development

department to liaise with UAE Nationals and focus

on building Taaleem. The results of one such

implementation of learning saw a rise in the

Taaleem numbers (to 3 times) in 2009.

The results in the rise in Taaleem numbers are

depicted in the graph below:

In keeping with the quality of the Taaleem process

as stated earlier, the graph below depicts various

reasons for UAE Nationals not being part of

Taaleem: Established since 1998, Marina Home Interiors

retail network now is an established name

throughout the Gulf countries and features an

eclectic display of furniture and accessories based

on a fusion of styles and a prudent tailoring of

trends that sell. Individuality, quality and

uniqueness complemented by the rustic and exotic

nature of products are Marina’s forte. MARINA

boasts to showcase everything handmade, durable

& environmentally friendly products. Marina

represents the environment from which it has

evolved. By designing in-house and sourcing over

twenty countries representing four continents

together in one platform without compromising

the distinct style of

each region, Marina caters to modern tastes and

the lifestyles of today’s ‘global’ generation.

Adventurous innovations bestow a unique status

upon Marina Exotic Home Interiors. It offers an

exciting world of stunning possibilities waiting to

be unlocked by anyone who seeks to explore

beyond the ordinary. Fusion is sought in food,

music and fashion. Marina brings fusion to home


Marina currently has showrooms in premium

malls across GCC region i.e. Mall of Emirates, Souk

Madinat Jumeriah, Dubai Festival City, Abu Dhabi

Mall, Sahara Center, Souk Al Bahar The Walk JBR

in UAE, In Bahrain, Seef Mall and City Center and

in King of Saudi Arabia atRashid Mall Al Khobar to

name a few along with its’ premium standalone

unit at Al Barsha, Dubai UAE. Future expansion of

the Brand is planned through both Franchise &

Corporate stores globally.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiSSeerrvviiccee EExxcceelllleennccee SScchheemmee

Business owner’s vision initiated the process to

achieve business excellence and as such DED was

chosen as a preferred platform /partner towards

this quest. DSES, DQA, Excellence model and

related terms are now synonymous in Marina.

Initiatives like upgrading ISO 9001:2000 to ISO

9001:2008, ERP solutions are being keenly worked

upon. An internal program under the name “Just A

Better Approach” is already in place to achieve the


BASED CULTURE. Now data at all levels is

gathered and closely scrutinized particularly

where occurrence of failure to meet a set standard

is observed, causes are analyzed and corrective /

preventive action is put in place at priority to avoid


Marina’s participation in the DSES and DQA has

added a lot of value to our business. One of the

major benefits that we have observed since

becoming a member is increased customer loyalty

for repeat business. This has become possible only

by following the DSES code of ethics resulting in

the extension of quality service through

knowledgeable and presentable front line

associates (this has resulted in redefining our





recruitment criteria), a pleasing store ambience for

a comfortable shopping experience, fixed price

policy, clear details on customers’ rights through

our customer protection policy which has evolved

over the years & gets regularly reviewed along

with provision of warranties and after sales

service. Being a member of DSES certainly builds

up customers’ confidence on the brand that they

are spending their money at the right place where

they can have complete peace of mind during and

after the purchase.

C u sto m e r

F r o n t L in e A sso c ia tes

G u id in g P rin c ip les & V a lu es

L e ad ersh ip

Marina’s management firmly believes and

operates under the philosophy of customer being

the reason for its existence. Company’s vision,

mission, strategy, policy, process, system and

equipment is always kept in line with the prime

focus to provide its customers with a memorable

shopping experience by exceeding their

expectations each time they visit Marina stores.

AAddvviiccee TToo FFuuttuurree PPaarrttiicciippaannttss..

Our advise to future participants is to firstly &

foremost be clear about the objectives that why do

they want to follow Buisness Excellence Model by

becoming members of DED initiatives, if it is just

for another award, better not go on the route but if

you are serious about taking your brand to the next

level we firmly recommend that you should have

become DSES and DQA members yesterday. For

any retail business, the one & only single most

important aspect of the business is your customer.

Before taking any decision or implementing a

change whether it is in the store layout, product

mix, price change or exchange and refund policies,

always keep your customer first & always

remember that your business interests lies in your

customers’ interest. Through DED, you will have

the right platform to set your brand apart from the

competition by exceeding today’s demanding

customers’ needs and expectations.

OOuurr AApppprrooaacchheess

Having identified our store specific customer

profile in late 2006, we redefined our recruitment

criteria under the customer first mindset, For

recruitment of front line sales associates we now

seek minimum graduates with some or little

background in the retail industry, have the right

attitude to serve the customer, good numeric

ability and computer knowledge and a strong

desire to establish a career in retail. Extensive

interviews are conducted and a minimum of two

senior managers have to meet the applicant. Each

and every incumbent goes through an extensive

orientation and training program spread over not

less than 45 days where the scope covers meet with

each department head in person and briefing

about the role it plays within the organization,

performance expectation setting by HR

department, assignment of a dedicated mentor

who has been with the organization with at-least

two years and is not less than of supervisory grade.

Training activities are broken down by day and

topic with feedback intervals at every 10 days

coming both from the mentor and trainee. During

the training period, incumbent is only allowed to

observe on the shop floor and does not interact

with customers. At the end of training program, a

review is scheduled with the Retail and HR

Manager collectively with the new hire covering

extensively all key areas of job description.

MARINA Exotic Home Interiors




Nominated Good Practice

Based upon the satisfaction level of Retail & HR

manager, the new hire is declared as being

competent for the selling process or has to go

through the identified AFIs with the mentor again.

SSttoorree PPrrooffiilliinngg..

Each of our stores is studied in detail to align in

synergy within the micro market it operates in, for

example, six of our stores are within 5 kilometres

radius. The store size, product profile, prices,

layouts, associates and

presentation aspects are carefully tailored to meet

the specific requirements of the location. A detailed

study comprising of more than 60 attributes was

conducted towards the end of 2006 to formulate

our mid term strategy.

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn SShhaarriinngg..

Daily morning meetings are a must at each store

covering defined topics related to store operations;

reverse flow of information from store to

management is executed through

daily/weekly/monthly store reports, customer

feedback forms, and customer appreciation notes.

(Price Lists, Policies, Memos etc.)

MARINA Exotic Home Interiors

We take a minimum of five days for the delivery of

furniture products just to ensure that the product

goes through Pre Delivery Inspection process and

in order to optimize our vehicle usage for

protecting the environment and to also keep the

delivery costs to customers at the minimum. Our

free delivery policy has not changed over the past

five years despite fuel prices being at the peak in

2008. Each delivery vehicle has now been equipped

with GPS monitoring system to ensure time

deliveries to our customers.

For our overseas customers & tourists, we offer

port to port export and complete export packing


IInntteerrnnaall aanndd TThhiirrdd PPaarrttyy EEvvaalluuaattiioonn OOffCCuussttoommeerr SSaattiissffaaccttiioonn LLeevveellss..

To ensure strict compliance to our defined

standards we execute the implementation through

the following.

l Store Inspection Reports conducted by senior

management.l Cross auditing of stores by store managers.l Recruited agency for mystery shopping

(Ascent).l Recruited customers for mystery shopping

(Random Checks).l Independent third party mystery shopping

(DSES).l ISO compliance audits.l Internal Customer Service Report.l Customer Feedback Forms.

A detailed objective format is in practice to assess

stores on factors directly related to customer

satisfaction. This format is used by the senior

management and store managers while assessing

each store location and cover the topics in detail i.e.

store ambiance, temperature, quality of Health &

Safety measure in place, music being played in

stores, presentation of associates and merchandize,

equipment efficiency, pest control etc.

Internal mystery shopping surveys cover detailed

& finer aspects of associates’ interaction with

customers in addition to the above topics. Areas

such as product knowledge, ability to assess

customers’ requirements correctly and proposing

the right products, command over pre and post

sale policies are rated.

External mystery shopping is based upon the

feedback that we get through DSES mystery

shopping reports, these cover more or less the

same areas but at a broader level.

The information shared through these resources

give valuable insight into customer purchase

behaviour in terms of effectiveness of marketing

activities, product liking, price points, purchase

versus non purchase ratios, average invoice and

product value etc.

CCuussttoommeerr FFrriieennddllyy PPoolliicciieess..

In line with customer first mind set, each activity

on the shop floor and in the after sales service area

is clearly defined and communicated to our

customers. Preventive measures

such as service assurance checklists are in place

prior to making a sale which ensure avoiding

unpleasant situations at the time of delivery of

products where the same could go through the

desired location at the customers’ home. Our

Customer Protection Policy is printed behind each

invoice and is also displayed behind cash desk at

each store location. In store policies related to

photography and video, smoking, consuming

edibles etc. are clearly visible which builds our

customers’ confidence on the Brand.

The quarterly results are discussed in detail during

the Retail Managers’ meet identifying the AFIs and

streamlining the locations through corrective

action plans.




Nominated Good Practice MARINA Exotic Home Interiors

Mystery shopping results are a key component of

associates’ individual and store related KPIs with

any store / associate scoring less than 85% being

disqualified from the profit share scheme as

defined in Company’s’ internal standards.

ISO compliance audits are done each quarter

internally and once in nine months through the

certifying organization (Intertek). These cover a

different aspect of the store operations in terms of

compliance to the defined processes. ISO internal

and external audits again have a direct link to the

associates profit share mechanism. For any non

compliance to the process, the resulting profit

share ratio gets affected under as per Company’s

defined standards.

Customer service department has been allocated a

toll free number which is advertised widely to our

customers. The role of customer service

department is to address customer issues and to

provide them with effective and timely solutions.

Customer service report is circulated throughout

the organization on monthly basis and is a key

document to refer to for learning and improvement

activities. Issues are carefully reviewed by the CSD

and are allocated to a specific department based

upon their nature. The gravity of the issues is

linked again to any particular Areas covered in

these are courtesy & helpfulness of the associates,

satisfaction with the product range, overall

shopping experience, future visit plan etc.

The results gathered from all these areas form the

basis of training needs identification and designing

of tailor made training modules for a group of

associates having any AFIs.

MMoonntthhllyy AApppprraaiissaall && PPrrooffiitt SShhaarreeSScchheemmee..

We practice monthly appraisal system at all levels

which are a direct reflection of any associates’

performance in the last month. The appraisal

rating cover the key quantitative and qualitative

aspects of a particular job function. These appraisal

ratings are than linked into associates’ monthly

profit share scheme which undoubtedly is the best

in the industry. Associates’ meeting the set target

get a minimum of 30% of their gross salary with no

cap on set on the maximum. These two approaches

are a key towards keeping our associates

motivated and to build a competitive environment

for the whole team. Needless to mention, all KPIs

for front line and support associates again revolve

around the customer.

MMaannaaggeemmeenntt AApppprreecciiaattiioonn AAwwaarrddss..

Associates demonstrating extraordinary efforts to

serve our customers’ are awarded with

management appreciation notes which are

circulated throughout the organization. This is

done on as and when expectations and standards

are exceeded.

Associates demonstrating sustainable extra

ordinary performance throughout the course of the

year are awarded handsomely during the annual

associate meet. In 2008 a car was given to the

“Associate of The Year” for the year followed by

cash prize of AED 10K for the runner up.

RReegguullaarr AAsssseessssmmeenntt && RReevviieeww..

Through defined processes at each departments’

level, performance and results generated are

reviewed upon regularly. Senior management

reviews occur through monthly meeting

conducted by the GM where policies, processes,

results and targets are reviewed and documented.

Through learning and improvement activities, any

changes in the plans, policies and processes etc. are

conveyed through the management

representative’s office which than form part of the

updated manuals / SOPs.




Nominated Good Practice

A Bird’s eye view over the Group’s Vision,

Mission, Values and Daily Purpose are highlighted

by the below Pyramid which is a proud ownership

of all the Apparel Group Stores across the globe.

Apparel Group- “Where Dreams comealive………”

With over fifty premier lifestyle labels retailing

through more than five hundred premium stores

and a growing global presence, the Apparel Group

is redefining access to lifestyle. From inception in

1996 with a single brand and three stores, the

company has since evolved into a multi brand

retailer boasting names such as Dune, Nine West,

Aldo, Kenneth Cole, Bally, Skechers, MBT, Inglot,

and Aerpostale and further on

Apparel Group owes its success to a simple

mantra. “Smiling customers, means flourishing

sales and sustainable growth”. Its business is built

on solid foundations, having mastered the science

of supply chain and logistics, operations, IT and

financial management systems, employee training

and integration, customer service betterment and

comprehensive real time management. A result-

oriented customer feedback system is followed to

gauge customer satisfaction at all levels.

The company keeps abreast of the rapidly growing

retail industry with S.P.E.E.D. – Service,

Productivity, Efficiency, Effectiveness and

Dedication / Commitment. With the vision of

being # 1 Retailer Globally and the mission to

operate 1,000 stores by the year 2012, management

firmly believes in the values of S.P.E.E.D.

considering it an indispensable tool to sustain

growth and increase market share. The company

relies on its dynamic resources and distinctive

capabilities of its people – its teams of industry

experts, professional sales staff, consultants and

experienced managers and believes firmly that

continuing success is dependent on its people.

Apparel Group is committed to retaining and

developing the most suitable skills and

establishing an environment in which people are

encouraged to chase dreams. Today, over 4,000+

people employed within the Group are lending to

its phenomenal growth. The team is regularly

upgraded with in-house training – by senior staff

members as well as professional consultants. Multi

faceted training programs (including class-room

guidance & preparation, mystery shopping, on

floor training, product knowledge training) are

continuously run with a view to implement a Best

Customer Service platform.

A socially responsible organization, the Apparel

Group fosters corporate social responsibility and

has initiated and successfully implemented a

number of social drives including Autism

awareness campaigns, blood donation camps,

cleanliness drives, breast cancer awareness and

aiding children with special needs.

With a firm footing throughout the Middle East,

the Apparel Group has worked continuously to


Under managements’ vision of being recognized as

a benchmarking organization, results achieved in

various areas are not a matter of chance or luck but

are an outcome of well defined approaches which

are continuously reviewed upon for improvement.

In the customer satisfaction area, we have won

two awards of best service performance outlet

during the past three years.

Our internal after sales service customer

satisfaction index depicts that the new approaches

put in place during mid 2008 have started to yield

positive results for the business.

Marina enjoys a very high degree of brand loyal

customers’. These results are gathered through

customer feedback forms and comprise of both retail

and corporate customers.

On an average 99% of our customers’ state that

they would like to visit our stores again for a

purchase and approximately 90% and above are

very interested to be contacted for the arrival of

new products and happenings within the brand.

Our customer feedback surveys also reflect that

they love to talk about the brand experience,

therefore, Marina despite spending a huge amount

of the marketing and advertisement initiatives

does as a matter of fact enjoys a high degree

(around 50%) through word of mouth positive


Our premium retail customers spend goes into

aggregate seven figures spend on annual basis, for

confidentiality reasons, we apologize for not

submitting the details, however, our association

with them spreads over more than five years.

On the corporate front, leading developers and

interior designers form our loyal customer base,

Emmar, Nakheel, Dutco, Aldar, Jumeriah Group,

Dubai Ports Authority, Engineers Office of HH

Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum are to

name a few.





develop a global footprint. The company now

operates stores in the UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain,

Oman, India, Poland, Singapore, Saudi Arabia,

Russia, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia, and is

evaluating strategies to enter markets in the Czech

Republic, Hungary and Pakistan

Dune London

Dune happened in 1992, London. Since, it has

developed a reputation for exciting and distinctive

footwear and accessories, for women and men.

Dune’s emphasis on design is phenomenal.

Creating shoes that are special is a passion.

Dune has been recognised with the UK's coveted

Footwear Retailer of the Year Award for 2007. In

2002, 2006 and again in 2007 Dune was awarded

Multiple Retailer of the Year in the prestigious

Footwear Awards sponsored by Drapers magazine

and; within the Middle East

in 2007 and 2008 with the

prestigious Rising Star

Retail Award and the

Award for Dubai Service

Excellence Scheme -

Medium Business. This

year Dune bagged the DSES

award as the Best Service Performance Outlet

Footwear Category.

BBeenneeffiittss ffrroomm AAppppllyyiinngg ffoorr tthhee DDuubbaaiiSSeerrvviiccee EExxcceelllleennccee SScchheemmee

Apparel Group was one of the founding members

of the Dubai Service Excellence Scheme and over

time, we believe that following have been the

benefits for applying for the DSES:

In 2007/2008 Dune was bestowed withthe Best Service Performance Brandaward (Medium Business Category)

Dune recognised at the DSES Ceremonyheld on May 26, 2009 at InterContinental DFC, Dubai for being theBest Service Performance Outlet

Dune from the Apparel Group

l It is always best to measure yourself against

standards set. l DSES being a government body gives us

higher confidence & a competitive edge to get

ourselves measured against set service

standards.l It motivates us and facilitates to attain our

Daily Purpose of “ delivering 100% customer


AAddvviiccee ttoo FFuuttuurree MMeemmbbeerrss

We have encouraged not only our associate

companies but also our key stakeholders to be a

part of the Dubai Service Excellence Scheme and

we propogate the following advice to all the future

prospects or members of the DSES:

l DSES has an amazing team and provides an

extensive report on mystery shopping surveys

donel Working under the Dubai Quality is equipped

with quality tools which covers the adhering

of most of the Standard Quality compliancesl We would also recommend to go across GCC

to do survey of all GCC-wide stores

CCuussttoommeerr SSeerrvviiccee 336600 DDeeggrreeeeTTrraannssffoorrmmaattiioonn

TAG and Dune’s Best Practice: Apparel Groupfocuses on its Daily Purpose of providing 100%Customer Service and one of the key and proudpractice followed by all its stores has been sharedin the following note:

CCuussttoommeerr CCaarree

l Listening – We value feedback and “We learn

as we go”. Apparel’s foundation is based on its

knowledge management and learning culture,

which includes learning from its own

experiences(Theories in Use) as well as

competitors.l Observing – Watching competitor moves,

market/paradigm shifts, substitute entries

into the market, trend analysis, sales &

promotion activities of competitors, footfall &

patterns.l Creating Value – Customised product for

regional tastes (Wedges for GCC markets),

Uniform pricing policy across the GCC region

(lower than international market), balancing

category blends according to market

requirements and customer segmentationl Branding – Huge focus on branding initiatives

which has successfully positioned the brand as

trendy, sophisticated and fashionable for the

21st Century Generation X and Generation Yl Differentiating – Dune as a brand

l Communicating – Senior retail operations

teams spending time on the sales floor

interacting with customers, taking their

feedback, understanding needs of the

customers and making improvements on

specialised service. Communication

through corporate website and customer care

centre are few of the channels that the Group

has deployed for communicating with its key

stakeholder.l Influencing - Our dynamic resources and

distinctive capabilities which is our people

and people skills, help influencing customer

behaviour by providing them with valuable

information through media, introducing them

to the latest trends and what’s in vogue.

GGrroowwiinngg ttooggeetthheerr

l Customer Intimacy – Prelook is arranged for

loyal customers giving priviliged service to

preview product before official sale and

promotions. Similar previews are also

organized prior to each season launch and

personalised invitations are sent for all fashion

shows.l Service-Profit Chain – “Customer first- rite

here-rite now” is the Group and the brand’s

slogan where customer service is treated as

Company’s Strategic Objective ahead of

anything.l Value Innovation (Eliminate Reduce, Enhance,

Create) – Offering Customer Loyalty program

based on Near Field Communications

technology as well as E-Commerce from the

traditional brick and mortar retailing to

modern clicks and mortar retailing thereby

creating niche for the brand.MMaarrkkeettiinngg

differentiates itself on the basis of its

unique product range, imagery, quality

of service, state of the art store fitouts,

excellent visual merchandising based

on international guidelines, presence in A++

shopping malls.




Nominated Good Practice Dune from the Apparel Group

l Customer Value Proposition – “We sell fashion

and style and we just don’t sell shoes”, we

convert our customer dreams into reality.l Brand Building & Positioning - Creating a

metaphor (Originality of Design in a Stunning

Environment) for the brand through excellent

customer service with value for product,

marketing initiatives, stores at key

strategic locations in prominent shopping

malls and numerous media and PR initiativesl 7 Golden Rules – The key 8 Golden Rules

which are the specifics to Customer service

culture focus on the following:

1. Greet a Guest not a Customer

2. Energetic and cheerful body language

3. three pairs of shoes at all times

4. Always request the customer to fill up the

feedback form

5. Thank the customer even if they do not make

a purchase

6. Give the customer exchange an refund with a


7. Whenever a customer makes a payment by

credit card, address him/her by name of the



l Customer Service – Personalised shopping

experience, home deliveries on requests,

special orders, Novel CRM package to

enhance and surpass customers expectations

par excellence.l Customer Relationships – Customer feedback,

Specialised Customer service, token of

appreciation on customers memorable days

through gift vouchers and sending greetings

on special occasions reflecting long term


Customer Satisfaction – Periodic Online customer

polls, DSES mystery shopping surveys, Internal

weekend store visit feedback by Senior managers,

Call Centre – Toll Free Number (800-Apparel) for

customer feedback are the various channels

deployed for gathering valuable customer

feedback. e.g: of Customer Feedback “As I entered

the store the male assistant had just finished

assisting a customer and they were leaving the

store. There was a male and a female assistant and

both of them acknowledged and greeted me. I

looked around for a moment and was approached

by Bumeish. He smiled and asked how he could

assist me. I said that I was looking for a pair of

comfortable shoes that were covered. I picked up

two pairs and asked for my size. He was very

prompt in bringing them to me. I tried them on but

unfortunately they were too small. He explained

that I should choose some other styles as the sizes

do vary and there may be a pair that is more

suitable. At that stage the other assistant, Kathleen

suggested that I try on some sandals and they

would be a better fit. She showed me some styles

and made some suggestions. I said that I only

wanted shoes that were covered. She suggested

that I keep visiting the store as they are receiving

new stock regularly. Then Bumeish said, "How

about a bag Madame," theses are from our new

collection. I took a look at them and said that I did

not really need a bag today. I would definitely keep

visiting the store to check on the new stock. They

both thanked me and said they would see me



l Personalized Shopping Service – Sharing

fashion tips, arranging style consultants,

trained footwear specialists to make every

visit and shopping experience of customers

delightful and very personalised.l Facilitating Decision Making – Educating,

coaching customers on product specific

features and guiding them on styling their

wardrobe giving due regard to their

preferences, tastes and past buying patterns.l Customer Delight –Emails and direct mailers

on pre launch collection, trend forecasts

brochures, surprise gifts, contests, gift

vouchers on purchase of specific amounts,

lucky draws to make every moment of

customer filled with delight while shopping at

Dune and Apparel Group stores.








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