FROM THE RECTOR S DESK - Joined by faith, recalling the · PDF file ·...

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News & Views Page 1

Volume 10, Issue 4


2016 VOLUME 10,ISSUE 4

CONTENTS 2. What Does

Your Holiday Decorating

Say? 2. Warden’s


4. Women’s Advent Retreat

5.Caledon Café Suspended

5. Looking to the Future

7. Christmas



I have always looked forward to Christmas. I remember one year as a young child of

about four or five receiving a beautiful Advent calendar from a relative. The

instructions on the card said that I was to open only one door

each day until Christmas. On December 25th I noticed I was

allowed to open a large set of double doors in the middle.

After about a week, it was all too much suspense for me and I

recall hiding in my bedroom and opening up all the numbered

doors at once. To my delight, there were pictures of candy

canes, teddy bears, reindeer, presents, Christmas trees and

brightly coloured ornaments hidden behind the doors.

I anxiously opened the double doors. To my surprise, instead of a jolly, red-suited

Santa Claus, there was a picture of the nativity; Joseph and Mary kneeling beside the

infant Jesus. I remember how disappointed I felt and how unprepared I was to accept

the birth of Jesus as the centre of my Christmas celebrations.

I have often reflected on that incident and my childish preoccupation with the material

world around me. Yet, in my travels I have met men and women who would prefer to

fill their lives with something less than God. They prefer Santa Claus to Christ. Santa

Claus is so pleasant and friendly. He makes no demands upon them. They can go on

living shallow and selfish lives as Santa still heaps gifts upon them each year. There is

no shadow of the cross hovering over the figure of Santa Claus so they are safe.

Is it possible, even for Christians, to find themselves unconsciously crowding God out

of their lives and filling the vacancy with someone or something other than God?

God asks each of us not to be so distracted with the glitter of the season that we leave

Jesus out of the centre of our plans and preparations.

Preparing our hearts and minds spiritually to welcome our Saviour is the best gift we

can give our Lord, ourselves and our families. If we are Christ centred, we shall

experience and know the love and joy he came to bring and for which he died.

As we enter this holy season, Margaret and I pray that God may

bless you and your family with joy and peace.

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Volume 10, Issue 4

What Does Your Holiday Decorating Say About Your Faith? By Diane Allengame

I think it finally happened. The home décor world is giving us a Christmas without

any Christian symbols at all. Zilch, nada, nothin’.

Most of the stores are now glittering with a vast array of “Christmas” themes -- but a

close look reveals a profound lack of Christian symbolism. We seem to be interested

in lots of sparkly things, also deer- related items, forest creatures bedecked in white

fur, faux pine and rustic embellishments. The closer we get to perennially green

Christmases, the more we seem to want to acquire things that remind us of wintery

Christmases past. What I’m not seeing are nativity sets, angels, stars, sheep and

shepherds. St. Nick is not on the shelves and even Santa Clause seems to be

disappearing. The great craft emporium Michaels had one (1) nativity-themed

ornament; which is one (1) more than I found at Pier 1 and Homesense.

What does your holiday decorating say about your faith? Some of us are

minimalists, and that’s fine; others can’t wait to haul out tote after tote of Christmas

treasures. But how much of what you add to your house at this time of year is a

symbol of your faith? Would a visitor to your home understand that you are a

Christian? Is it even important to you? My family laughs at my rules for decorating

the Christmas tree – one of which is that the top of the tree gets only angels and stars,

and a cross. But that is one way I acknowledge the real reason for the season.

And yes, we know that Jesus wasn’t actually born on December 25. Early Christians

pegged his birth to the winter solstice to take advantage of an existing festival and

perhaps gain a bigger audience. Many faiths celebrate festivals which involve lights

and gifts – we don’t have an exclusive hold on that. However, Christmas, for

Christians, needs to express our faith. So if you don’t want to see manger scenes,

angels and stars disappear from stores, pay attention. Shop early, shop often. Give

things away if you don’t want to add to your stash. But if you don’t buy something,

suppliers will get the message and Christmas décor will be as meaningful as glitter


Last year I was on a similar rant and found myself in a dollar store. And what did I

see there? An adorable and whimsical nativity set, so it came home with me. What

can you find in your travels?


Wardens’ Report

We want to thank everybody for coming out to the Open House meeting where we

were able to hear firsthand the community’s feelings about the issues facing us today.

We received a lot of good feedback about priorities for the near future.

As you are aware Bishop Poole has retired and Jenny Addison is our new Bishop

Elect. She will not take office until 1 January 2017 and will be ordained as a Bishop

on 7 January. The Archbishop has asked Bishop Fenty to stand in until Bishop

Addison takes over.

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Volume 10, Issue 4

June Laver

So, we have had a positive meeting with Bishop Fenty to discuss the way forward on

finding a replacement for Mark. We were given two options – one to go forward with

a Selection Committee process or alternatively, to accept a direct appointment by the

Bishop. We have agreed to the latter option. Bishop Fenty has put forward a candidate

who would be available to start on 1 January 2017, and we have contacted him to

arrange a meeting to discuss what we want for our future and to assess his aptness for

our Parish. We hope to have more news in the near future.

Rectory:We have contacted the window installer and they are promising to have the

Rectory windows installed before the end of November. It will only take a couple of

days to carry out.

Advisory Board: We had our first Advisory Board meeting on 8 November, which

was open to all who were interested. We were pleased that this meeting focused on

concerns and future events and there were good discussions on what we want to do in

the coming months. Please feel free to attend these monthly meetings which take

place on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm.

People Requirements: We are still looking to solve our open Treasurer position as

nobody has volunteered so far. If anybody thinks they could take on this position we

would be grateful to hear from you soon so that Sue can show you the ropes. Trudy

Messer has agreed to take on the Envelope Secretary responsibilities when Margaret


Paving of Parking Lot: We have had a generous donor come forward who wishes to

fund the paving of our parking lot. We have contacted the Town and they have

indicated they will agree to pave the car park, so we are waiting to meet with an

estimator from a paving company to get quotes and proposals. We have been advised

to wait until next Spring before we do the job so it will probably not be until May or


Donations: We do have several funding issues ahead of us and we would like to

encourage donations so that various capital and maintenance work can be done next

year. If you intend to donate during the Christmas Season it would be helpful to have

them into the church before Christmas Eve so

that we are able to issue tax receipts for these

for 2016.

We hope you enjoy our Advent and

Christmas services – I know we are looking

forward to them!

David Finch – Rectors Warden

Claire Olorenshaw = Peoples Warden



By June Laver

There is quite a story about the big black hat...A couple of years ago at my roots

church St. Hilary's Anglican in Mississauga they had a fine summer garden party at

which among other things there was a hat auction. My friend bid $60.00 for this

particular hat!

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Volume 10, Issue 4

Major Shari Russell

My niece Marilyn invited me to accompany her to an event which read, “Please join

us for a. MURDOCK (Mystery) MAD HATTERS LUNCHEON, October 1. Don

your favourite Murdock themed hat and help us kick off Season 10! Prizes for top

three hats.”

We had a nice luncheon, listened to the fellow whose original music backs up each

scene. There were 100 people there. Then came time to line up to show off your hat

and say where you came from and something about the hat. Only about 40 people

lined up so Marilyn, who also had a lovely hat, and I were encouraged to add to the

line. Then finally it came time for the prizes (there were other games also pertaining

to the show) and the announcer called out the winner for the 3rd hat prize, then for the

2nd hat prize (both prizes were books). Finally the number one hat winner's name was

announced and it was for June of Caledon. So I had to go up to the mike again,

show off the hat and accept the prize and also thank them for their hospitality. My

prize was a chalkboard such as they work with in the show to solve some of their

mysteries. It is a nicely framed piece of black slate with a small Murdoch hat in gold

at the top and at the bottom a small gold print 'Murdoch Mysteries.' Also added were

pieces of chalk to write with and lay on the bottom ledge of the chalkboard. It was a

fun event!


WOMEN’S ADVENT RETREAT Our first Women’s Advent Retreat held at St. James took place on November 5 from

10 am to 3 pm in the Great Hall. 40 women attended, including some from two other

parishes, some from the community and, of course, our own St. James women.

The guest speaker, Major Shari Russell, the Territorial Indigenous Ministries

Consultant for the Salvation Army, is Saulteaux (Anishinaabe) originally from

Yellow Quill First Nation. Shari travels extensively in her role, and she loves to teach

and help people to grow in their understanding of who God is and who He has made

them to be. Her speaking style is warm and inclusive and those in attendance enjoyed

what she had to say.

Joanne Redhead, our Music Director and the Women’s Committee did an incredible

job of planning this event and carrying it out. Everything was perfect from the setup

in the room and the music to the incredible food and the perfectly-timed schedule.

Thanks so much. Well done!


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Volume 10, Issue 4


Marriages: Amanda Monson and John Kidd

Krista Westmaas and Alexander Kane


News & Views is a newsletter for the people of St. James Church.

It is published four times per year – Lent, Pentecost, Fall and Advent.

For submissions in the newsletter:

Any member of the Parish of St. James Church may submit an article for the


To do so, email

or leave your articles in writing or on a CD in the newsletter box

at the church office. Articles are considered, based on space

availability and relevance.

Thank you for your submission.

Donna Davies, Editor

Next Newsletter: Lent 2017

Deadline: February 12, 2017

Publication: February 26, 2017



Regular meetings of Café Caledon have been suspended until further notice. This

program has been part of our Outreach program at St. James. Mark has been heading

up arrangements for these meetings and has been instrumental in researching and

presenting information on many interesting topics over the last few years. His

presentations have been informative and his warm manner has kept the relaxed

atmosphere of the Café ongoing.

With Mark’s retired as of December 31, unfortunately, we have no one available to

take on this project on a temporary basis at the present. We are hopeful that decisions

will be made to have Café Caledon pick up once again when our new incumbent

is on board.

Thank you, Mark, for all that you have done to keep the Cafe going. I know it will

be missed, perhaps by a small group, but nevertheless by people who really enjoyed

the concept.



The New Year will bring change to St. James as we say thank you and farewell to

Mark and Margaret and welcome a new minister. If all goes according to current

plan, a new incumbent will start with a two-year placement and an opportunity, if

both sides agree, to convert that into a permanent incumbency.

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Volume 10, Issue 4

“I know we will all

approach the New Year

with renewed

hope, faith and trust.”

This is different from the usual process of appointing a selection committee, working

on a parish profile, interviewing and so on. It gives both sides the opportunity to

present goals and objectives, and evaluate progress throughout the term. Ministry at

St. James will definitely need to be a two-way street. The success of this placement

will be a parish responsibility, as well as that of the new minister.

Three years ago the selection committee developed a Parish Profile which has been

updated and is being used to communicate who we are and where we want to go. It’s

worth revisiting the gifts we identified as being necessary for success:

The gift of Communication and Preaching: bible-based but interpreted for

relevancy to a 21st Century parish, inspiring us to read the Bible with

awakened insight.

The gift of Visibility: preferably our priest will live and work as one of us,

interacting with the people, other churches and organizations of the Village. It

is important for St. James to once again become a gathering place for the

Christian community and a more prominent player in the dynamic of Caledon


The gift of Leadership: we want to keep learning and growing in our faith as

21st century Anglicans. We will welcome a new Priest who is prepared to lead

us, teach us and guide us along the path to becoming better disciples of Jesus,


working with us to develop innovative liturgies.

celebrating our Anglican traditions by helping people understand the

history and Biblical basis for the BCP and BAS.

maintaining constant contact with the parish, both active and inactive

members; visiting the sick and shut-ins.

helping us attract younger families, children and youth.

strengthening ecumenical ties with other church leaders in the area.

leading by example with professional development and balanced


These are worthy expectations, clearly stated. During the settling-in period and

beyond the Church Wardens and the Incumbent will be reviewing these goals to make

sure that they are not lost or set aside in the busy work of day to day life.

I have no doubt that it is possible to build up our congregation, by being visible as we

do good works and by being vibrant and relevant to the community. Our new Minister

has much to do and will need our assistance, encouragement and support.

In the meantime we must financially support our full time Minister and the day to day

needs of the Parish. While we are holding our own, we suffer from financial

instability, as do most Parishes.

I know we will all approach the New Year with renewed hope, faith and trust.

Personal support for the Wardens and our new incumbent, and a heartfelt review of

our own financial support for our Parish will see each of us more clearly focused in

living our Christian Witness within the family of St. James.

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Volume 10, Issue 4

“For a child has been born

for us, a son given to us;

authority rests upon his

shoulders; and he is

named Wonderful

Counselor, Mighty God,


Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6


Sunday, Nov 27 – First Sunday of Advent 9 a.m. Service - 11 a.m. Advent Carol Service Gifts for the Advent Tree

Sunday, Dec 4 - Advent Two 9 a.m. Service - 10 a.m. – Breakfast

11 a.m. – Sabbath Rest Service Gifts for the Advent Tree

Tuesday, December 6 – 7:30 p.m. - A dramatic reading of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” Bring a non-perishable food item for Choices Youth Shelter

Sunday, Dec 11 - Advent Three 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. – Services

Gifts for the Advent Tree 12:45 – Caroling in the Village – All are welcome!

Friday, Dec 16 – 10 a.m. - Decorating the St. James

Christmas Tree – all are welcome to help

Sunday, Dec 18 - Advent Four 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. – Service

7:30 p.m. – Community Carol Sing

Saturday, Dec 24 – CHRISTMAS EVE

7 p.m. - Traditional Family Service

Sunday, Dec. 25 – CHRISTMAS DAY

10 a.m. - Holy Communion with Carols

Sunday, Jan 3 - 9 a.m. Service -10 a.m. Breakfast

11 a.m. – Sabbath Rest Service