From the Cradle… To the Grave Watauga High School HOSA Chapter 40052 Boone,NC.

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Transcript of From the Cradle… To the Grave Watauga High School HOSA Chapter 40052 Boone,NC.

From the Cradle…From the Cradle…To the GraveTo the Grave

Watauga High School HOSA

Chapter 40052


Honoring NursingHonoring Nursing The Florence Nightingale The Florence Nightingale

PledgePledgeI solemnly pledge myself before God

and in the presence of this assembly, to pass my life in purity

and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and

mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug. I will do all in my power to

maintain and elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all

family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my

calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and

devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.


What do you like about your job?

“I like taking care of the patients and helping

the patients, and doing anything that will make them feel


In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center

Registered NurseRegistered Nurse

What do you like best about your job?

“I feel that I am giving back to the world by helping patients and

their families.”

In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center

Cancer CenterCancer Center

What do you like about working in the Cancer


“We have the opportunity to develop relationships with patients. Also we

get to have one-on-one time with the patients.”

In Corporation with Watauga Medical Center

Birthing CenterBirthing Center

What do you like bestabout working in OB?

“We like seeing the healthy babies being delivered, and seeing

the miracle of life happen everyday.”

In Corporation with Watauga Medical Center


What do you like best about your job?

“I like the people that I work with and the

patients that I meet.”

In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center


What do you like best about working in

PACU?“We have only one person at a time that

we have to concentrate on, and we have the time to focus on that

one patient.”

In Cooperation in Watauga Medical Center

Operating RoomOperating Room

What do you like about working in the OR?

“We like the adventure of working with one patient at a time, and we like to see the blood and guts.”

In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center

Emergency RoomEmergency Room

What do you like best about your job?

“I like the excitement, and the fast pace. You never see the same thing, and

to work in the ER you have to know a little bit

about every medical condition.”

In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center

Director of NursingDirector of Nursing

What do you like about your job?

“I like working with different kinds of

people, and taking care of the people.”

In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center

Director of Education ServicesDirector of Education Services

What do you like best about your job?

“I think that I have the best job in the hospital

because I get to work with every staff person

and every volunteer that comes to the hospital, and I love them all.”

In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center

Medical ExaminerMedical Examiner

What do you like best about your job?

“I like the variety because no autopsy

that I do is the same.”

In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center

Flight NurseFlight NurseWhat do you like best

about being a flight nurse?

“I love to fly, and I am taking care of the sickest of the sick.

You get to get out and meet new people.”

In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center

Nursing In North CarolinaNursing In North Carolina• 1 in every 70 people is a nurse in North Carolina

• 14,000 LPN’s in North Carolina’s workforce

• 58,000 RN’s in North Carolina’s workforce

• 1,375 Nurse Practitioners

• 1,160 Certified RN Anesthetists

Variety of NursingVariety of Nursing

There are many areas that Nurses can work


• Newborns

• Children

• Teens

• Middle-Aged Adults

• Older Adults





• In Cooperation with Watauga Medical Center