FROM MU HO I» oi w...

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Transcript of FROM MU HO I» oi w...

FROM MU H O I» li.

aBBÜ-MJ- HEWS B7 TEL E""-".st

ï'iif E_gli_b Presa (in tito Battles

Beinre Richmondma*-

TIm AttlMC I4t?iwrrr. Fr.inre fiJid Kussia.¦mt*-

ni itiuu marni Minti yuin.-? .¦.

fiiijiTioi h lilian MWMB t-»;aiL' iii.d I'(«rln?_î.m

l'artiai L; feat of tie FreacL'aiiâ Bintub

TriKiyiB by tibe C-Time«-.« Bfbe t

Th» h i»»v-»tehiiish!|i Ftnii.C'npl MenhSBM, furn

idvrq'" al noonoo the I Ml., and item «.-""eensiown

on ih. lal arrived here ysstefdsy?

QUIT BRITAIN.Tlio dist rews iu tin i. iti.ii'ai tur g «I Uri- te mue

Re.le iii ii in -!,t I tan ni us «,tl tilt 111..Mr. VtlBen admitted thal the mibbbBj wara Ism, ¡ntl he th. »yrl t it would bl n« MBiy ,',»iHiern should I«« som»' »'. 'a mt »-agiota it» upon theBBhteSl »e tue the end'I the sesi-ioii. Ih» Wouldhs the prapsi oppsrtwity '.or din anlag titi whafarsabte« iByssbedil OeissBissat iateadedaim lotaatetate "¡ rstenan u> the dtetran in bataaa,which, he Kin!, was l¡k -ly te 11 WSO gnat» 'hanMi Lags -»»¦' «

Sir « Y («"y »a al the «li-» re»* i«; the ia es* < ' I rellim!iiid I« < li Hil' tall-, in (hired 'Vin, Ililli li Wgg lie'

osasbeMad aaneaary m prassa! lafaara nteom :< ami., m .no

'1 .a l'Yatit, ate- ii bill -«v..»- j.»,» -ed Ihieag- i '' I' I ¦''¦

IraI/ id I. Miiii!',|*nc moved an BddrSM pray ihnt

fcii ÜMSMy woiilil givi direction», foi iup| I» mgtrioei iietu ici.i t»r m ita form r it.-'rn.'li..ns f ir¬

ai*-«.« »' ti' fal C. W } he and Ol' I>m lo] *v ii. li re¬sollé.i m ' e Mgning ty har Maerty» i'la tin,.nHaries, al Pnom, of a osassatiea now rai Mistedby tea Maje»iy s QeraraBMBi at bens; sad alalo« |t¡.i-eit in ek] taiiiitioi. of the éAfUU l.e» B| on lu«¦ratean,

Mr. Layard tafaadod lbs Qeranunal sad sat-.ned IBIS ¡i n .n-iMve 'I e < ir« BBMtBBSS Wiinh hailssnpsBsd bei Bajataj-*! Oeeasaanal t. oafmciUltu 11 a.ins OB Muim 1) Oftive st«1;». '1 he oil y»It. it.aiave open lo the Government wo* toad insin. -.i »vith F, .in, e Juni Spain for. had they adapted Imu teéapeadaM i bubs, Ibsy anale »o» likely haveBud a ni|ilure wi'.li th««e« 1'ovvere. Ile dt ail 'ha'J-lngY.ii'i i.nd de.reiled h ,.nu«. ami »ml that Spainwaa j a ibid in toltewnaj h- . Mun; when IM )f. ati-ati 'hill the ohject of Hie Kren« h wa« lo .rest.- ti Blag m sppsrilfoa u> ;i.« muni oi Un»i. im meale,

Mi. J S. Ki'/gfi-nld saul «bo only thing tha' ««..i

»»i. stitt lor-, in the «a hi le muller was tha. n spite- ofllieriH ve« I'i Usjes'.y's (enveniment had bsaallore-'d t" withdraw fruin the M naïvement whichtliey had ortetaal y made.

kui Kinglake whs piocee-f ng U add-fi* thell.'tifi »BOMB was <<it»nt..u ont.

It« .' «.c 0'ilhlii \ »trie ,r »iiggeitltrr »fi'! (fil¬

an.' n vi ion» on lbs eottoa aristaThe Dnu New» iimbisM a CubbiH. Io hs halil ¡n

Lmdoa, arnera ali Ss ladtaa sipsrlsam of the¦eaatoy Maud bs ¦ .de availuMe.Ita rstasm «it paaamisn mir j»iit,..i.' ..

I« si SW i I iv rSBM .ii .he «l M ress.Prism au.»d badrajetead hiesbi] thsSUOsorgei lie iiist.-.iniliou of i.r'.nH laths gOSegg.fol oi ¦.-

BBBRS » -i* ti" great rilli matches, al Wfaablsdoa,wa»i n «le hv he I' .»<¦ ol Cs»M*ilgS st lbs 1 lyStBJP-lrvr, on the i4*h. l/ord PslnsntOB wi»s pansai,mid n ul rome I .iii/'li | g lbs BBtteasl ¡U'por'.., «

ni lin' m« it inen'., an«! dwe'l cm the fa«", that in t m«if psBM «( MM »' <«"»sary, no*, on.y fog the good willBt»l tin» íespe't oi fiiieig'i i .a iion». The eWB* ti a.. Iat-n .i-.'t:.'t rsl lbs apewh attnsted gsasral i>-

Bsmaitaa, aad gass rira te m ni lam ira. tte iin¬ji «m-iou U u.g teal 81 wo .hi not Yule a:tende-1 i.edne ¦ ol bee: 8MÍSSBB of M BSSytaf lo the «so miry a

.uniii- apteteaea lbs M»essrity of maintaining ibe*oluni<»er rv«U in in a rt ... ol t-fEi.ieniy.Ain had ossasrad te Lsadsa, more dsstr »

m t a rt-» ill» itiitri any ti at has t-.ken plata gfa e f »i»

gireat 1 r- «1 IBM IBs Isss-elMh niaoafa. lory of¦mara Qbwtej Ita ps» dnsasry sstahhabassal -iMerer»-. Harvey, an«i the s inound rig baili ogg,wer«- dBBMfOd IO Ibe ellem of t¿ iti,t*»i

A tat y «..-arli"'»s la I ad lik.-v. .»* 8» nred at thes-xien-uve da-tiltery «f Mesara MeBWtaas A io.

MtatSMM. >a ia H8BM «.oas'.i'.y of *piri - .,

waa iH-t'r« ve«l.--te-

I'll,, f \ri i.i s BEPORB BICBMOlfD.Basai .* Dtai| Ri «. *.'i.., M

Betete ms »satan topmami tee ndi.ff >.i.dgnneiiBCr ol ti.«- Ameri au» ir. ih;s «ie»v .r¡a' of ii IriBllaii 'I. th« Il doB.B] an¡ i'i heniSelv.'S. I» na-

>tin I foi I '.' ¦ I-»" '.*'' '''- '-' SBI osa I»». .

.m-n r »mi. nr . rsB-MtaBsn BFbassda» toy -i

ilQes-.iou hy aaj bype! sti ¦ lest, I ik» wsryirreal mil »sal v tensad la lbs se h of i .-

oaihn i.. rae» g A lb asa] .o Bra ff bingilia -

and fu a aspante ft íh o>¡e saothw,uwi. at ,»v .» .. bbInm ino, i-i mern ihsa once

IhreateBed BBRaaoa baa san hu» ibe bi is. tii.i . I gieiiii »» r.t.'e'l H» »hove the l.m* ».. .¦».folly oi w iiets-ng a pobtical¦ebaa Wow I aal e*na sppsal te tea bnterysdetbst ' ce- foran U samt ra. la o u iwa *iay »hegobabitaati ol saethird -ol tt.« Daited Kingdonprescind bj the negi«, oí tai |ota taral gn.--.-»i, .. un »tened poiiti* al nrasiteai«g l.-.i' ni"].« t.'í'üi'e ")i« oj- ni« tv a" ¦.«! as

th«, tbjsst of ¦Basaa al n,r,ii, ai.i ta lbst srusmia! .i» »i. lbs] " m avowed Badm i

i.,i,,i i.e M el; i,- por i* li < I !»ie em», * W k» d*liar. I lo bs I ali'i'-H'-.y OWBOraS by IbS ren telider.»ml it.: g ¡il i ,«i!ti..ii was said «o he pssaRM . rtaisliini. ni- jid-rrsloiHl hy the re»;, and r. tiringtsiyi.iml' ri» -.«iii m «.i bs I a "' WSM dS-f-aied 'o bara be» i slated, M i the tpiril 11 'he

reanact i bara bera brohea« Geographically,tee Baa al separation betweea the two i-ianu* wa»

desate and nid« m,nkel .nal the l««(se «>:

nun ii. t.iilt bv long at- '.hu' r .ii'li ht_- ««nictioned»t.* An» - am m t i iflsbliisra .. trcm lbs ¦ ¡"1» sftbsm vhc » mu barai, .i ¦.,. t .a, .. ". I-i tvitj tiie v. vi., i«-.'ii''-.-toon o! -L* uanoi iMafi ihmaatatedi ssteeetethal a-'.

llitotf.hy ii ga argasd hy ita Irish seeeei -.i

Rt* -.¡ia' .; bes U Barry,tbey hail a -fate! '.-»divorce«o /: li Is of BSgteel and llSSlly. The in is'.i c

sad Ita «gie« I were B-MMted iniffiervedly hy teetest ami viu-eil ol our own «.iiesmen. Hut whileten «iieaa.:.) i( tdxsM Ihay ten the KepsslenI«f iitiii i '''.*' wen rnoiesd s»"SUi mi h. Uj Ja/.i.'l. Inmg the litieral nates*on*.* of Qisat Britata Ibsrawm on ibig at si.""."""¡« euv'je, ,. BSteradaatMa sa iiUW.ivtri.ig,». au., la-j '¡je most raamrratira Of ihei;- rim ». Ievery <-rr »ii, ,,,. y; meiern jkiIi'ii«, domes!»«-,oi«.-. ni loreign, n ia ¡pal, pi rial, Bnaaahsii they

«3il7e;*ti tgnia _,.i i^,-, wJt\ ,,i_ this 888.0881,vit»i, mai t»K«...i_i .¦ jestion they fevtr d ft red.Wsllugtaa and!! ey, Peel and BasmU, Lyadhonl.le«. Urotlgl in «.i:.!», fcutl i .I; aontOB, ..'¡»»ivtililmt, ,,.)... v.»eg ,.,.,, ,u Uaioaaaal te »Mb*IBM e I, IbS '-.'«-g.'y .a ( ,, r»alii Ui-isl bl pre.irvd.

i. i.e.! tbm »s» briBtaai sad stteetira epraehn*vei dslivend hy Bsoaotay,oftar ros oding taj. how muy eeeMtem the laii-.-rai party bad. »at with tee» »ije by rids, m thee wsm i«».'!»10 do bkohi, he tb is WSSSad Una c1 the uiitttOStJOB«i wshaaj io daaolve the Union*.

gfea BOSS »1 "f *.»'« niora tar *,|,-d M tag) f, ,b» BgB-,,., «ad SSMW « ,-" .. ,.. BBVM UlMMl lue'» * '¦ I ta inn« .. ¦. I ty fj.ü|eri at g,»« », [a«M». ,i t',rr«-«oad b«r »l,e. he, Ana-i ». 0 <-.,.». »i,d8r«inct, lu d K*-»iii, »lid li* Süd, vrr lata »1 »...mi le» " Ita anota -,»-,- -nt < <.'. tin Baal d îastta hat»earner la|iti, .-.err- UM* |h toothrr BlBMMll »I. J. h i«*m| in »Itat »Oevei <»-.i«.i,.w i_i»!1bbiB»an naked »nd 1«.>- i.rvtr-t ' the four qo-utrn el Ita»'iii »te he-ii lotaiil-id tyliie tatt lit |» « of ti* »:,»tft» ,.i. f.. i p.»'or-I «i » « -..Dees ti BÍMMm

Ti i« nts raid iii 1841, alter the si e*.i|<E 0f BsesslBau been a^i'ated pat II year*, and at a lime wbenab« BBaaaaea t« i»,«« n me two ssaatttes wa*at Bs«' l / t. What should we hav* thnight iiM psBt '.ni.!, of « ,ui»; li'if-hhcrinp f«ta'e l.ud uiad'-r-

MUteii lo le»io-o «he author of this fervenl «row uponM* " bBBBteSBB, WBotannen, and taioritr, ami re

tisfs lbs "folly sad barbarum" of ibe ci«»wd«dlium of CoBat-c-M * tie! . boe/cd ii U> ibe ecl»ç 1 li

../¦«rd» mran MBythfa |, these word» mean that all tiehorror» nnd the tant »inir» of civil war and forei-in».» -I un-,I would be ore M worth en«.iirii«.' mthertitan Ihn) we ah« ubi fur« go our BBfettflU te » tiru'rata | owe.-. Cow i., ii thal no one ventured in replyi« paitar a ¡th| ¡ulai IBtepta] br..»oo, ami to oiopvunilthe doubt vi I ether the préservation of the eutirenee»tri the Battra «run wrath ra grral u pii«-e'' N'-.tanamoi of th<- »ort um haaii frun Buj Bflfltahni.i,.l,»li member, and «-.»(j lhan Kepealora winwer« preoent «.old only urp© the red-en one© moreof thut o juatfaa vhich th, y averred bad provokedth»-<ry f,i raaaaL

Kau «liiierent is the tai»© of American l*)e<y>»«iou.¡n»tead al (tiarillutiiaially danuuuhng »*ion andargaiag for i» n Cragien.tbc men ot the south'reaeberoihly and li rtiv, ly l,Hik anne U> nuithahaaithal fur eighty yaun had bald iheta.tatra aad'hon- oi the »"vi .rth together on temi et* ahnlatiMulity Nu ni-, inn i"i-,|ln" lyu« Kill' n»

lal New lEngland baa liu'e«! or tdfcpdei thm« aa

agrudghw laws denied Ihm ni» parti, ¡panram panuni righta whick the Rnthernen myayailu lin- j.' i« nu i»fatration, lu.- ii m bah | aw r-

rea« In <i «». at lu« ed by 'In i. n . i,- i m ti tea* » . igfahan. they bud milly been ner-'iitt-d to «»n, iy »in

niiiliie prepot d« rime, and m f.«un butiag tli ir

h,, .i aamahfaa emteanei or fanarai, they hailB»an thaia anea aacceadtd in overb aria«, tie rapug»iiiiin© oi' ti.«- Ki« a l.-ii »" Btataatntb« euaetmnt ofgai.-ral Matatn reexa/niriag ard pntarUng ibe:r" racaliaT nuthutfeu."

il «y faure U_.aU arina, not fal Um in- Nan of'pull».- libertin a heram Um felfawahip al Iib*. r,y minindi "1 in m ai -. ina m I ija la ar'iitu-tli Y" .tv m,!, i ney he app« «h .1 fantanara ana a fm efluatitutiou le the twmi, Ha|.ii»«-«ii« tu,»i agaiaai ibm the .m»» i» n« of Umwork*. win, i. Un*had faarnad ¡. ingahaaakrpo-«li'nal ir-tiin«. i,«v ban I.heaaneeagi w rrth]of tin n barbarA . -ii. -pii»c l y it ttroj ia*» il «¦. ottraaa «l.i'liiliiiilii-i:;, .'. ihraaaiid depended, Ihrii.-ntl»--inj-e am »inat, bal bee an rohntarlly an*«i.r.'ii m an enlurprha whion otana« huaumUr«ai d winch iiiii'p; w iiY i. .n. ¡, e ¡n- ¡i fannna \\an aatnnllj di aad le ayaipathin witti a Largebody «i ana aspirin** to -»i-«ii»- ai i npaia!tion. Y nae ia iYn.pi- w« bara bein a rw nnwdto ara fatU. ali .n ;' ¦¦ .«> n« < aad pled« eof «¦

litieal virtaen I ii tim An rtean -»«-.»» v.i»;« era"'«iv tjToatin Ike world Uiat ii thai batarhfaet

I thai npuntfaa it ahull an aa eateama «. ¦ bat»Yinni) »uih n« ii Kurapa ie Buhara n.

i- .'. i.¦ .-. i ¡.

\v i »u :ly w .i Jl.ii11 ."«i 'I ,» \ ,i. n m 'i ...\.

The ace« wta «ra hara of than batil.aaead me «-till rarjhaa* hllthal w« eaae-tfelyu ... ban Iban fa thal ,-. Dun »U t iTeaulferedi> Beran dallai and thal they bara attawpt4*d by(Tanti bann and bnpoienl .'.... i.«.,:. to palm iiapon ii« »i, Y... u v..'or». li it eua ad'tno bmmI

bli ii« BBBrtaacct eouni led wi h lb it;... '-.V ti .ii it aaene lu hara iaatrayod in a

:, li,. finer I iii i al 'i.... ni,, buriUhen j We judgi wiy frae tbt aaivemlu., .;: i. !.'r..,l,, ;«¦,. t»»ti! of tl.c C eiiiiiiei.;,ha Ceugnae, aad the Pma «rkaa wa ant« thal '<..

i¡!.. i huieatj waa the ink «¡w.iity logo. W ben(ieii«-«-al Buttar bream a ptantai ban tau Unira

-, ly ri-nu v.i-,¡ -.i aj italien th« ad.-.. ;...- »'. iii atad be laJaatr*] towardwomen.

hftarUta le e- hen (fan. Baaaregari wktah wapnbliahei y«u.'< rdnj wa an «thhged ti nhhinw ¡,ilconfident*« b the tren ii «.f tba highnt militan.(lier« n 'he 1'i.i.u.«. Then Ufl»d tu ha pe«iin.iuy bom r. maiilv raltaatry andcaBduiraraertjBBMUg Inuritaua. w bath bera.a al then lianihi« wai eeameacail Bun pnrfan t«. i,',i;.lieu regalia fal Utan had leen aahVfaatariden'e ,,;¦ iii« tarefaaaana« nehlaaannwW whirlth«-1 mon Geaenfanadatheir eaÑtal report». After(.i McCfaUan for inrtanrt had ttathatty im thai. »-.¦.. I brilliani hayoaat i haiej-e«, b was ta.«lily dtai. «nd tbai t..ere v.a» lily one in.m on tin- ,.-l,iwho had .;,*.:»! u Y.vt'L«: thru»'. Hut tluit twoOmerah aheaJd poahirely ani oindall«/ aaaaaamb a inpatrb to the! OereraaMM ibaaaalanal¡i ii l prieeuenand 1 ,9M »tumlo! ama, ani thal'in ia-1 »<¦ nlenalyaaaaanceiahaalitaraaat taLi »n .. ter !..>' in ni!, i- we ii. li»-v a«, al'o^'elh»r uu

ptieedaniadla t- tmpt, mid arra in America.(»en. il«'auie;'iirl not linly «leinet the whole »torv,

« burn, ten/in/ it h» a famUtahfadfanaga t tor truth,b it lie at«»-rta Uta'« the st hide «I the kian »i|tler».| lu

li.» ma»i« H reiiea' ten Ml imaged muaket»,tv rlookad tit Uta . .«n p»aaa n two I.undteil «trag-iib-ie, iii.'I fa r auk »eldiorr, barbaron»!*/ tun ni i,v(.,.!. KUI '' m a railway »Uti .u. '1 tia', (ien. ll.aure-¦a«^,. ha» |a'iveu (tie < ' i .iv t vernon of the «flair is»ti iu' lioin '.in«, mat (ieiia. Ballack and Peran.iifht kara readily eeafntad aha by pniadagtaa| -...,. » BBd til** a. me. I'd', i*. ia« not BiiKgreiriJtri..* au;, ne ih* ann tan ai.m th* ara or theol!,er.


Ai Bl thfl dfagBb h bul Btuiaaai ita efierf ni

iii- re wa- ».«ii hie u' |l ii- ex.i e.liriujy important ap-: ie afa <'<>i:t- leíale army. Al'er thi» *i|«iiiin»«v» nur. have rona Mariam« on.«r than thi riBelalr«| ort of an Am-m an < .»ne .ti we ran phe e

denn Uri nuh oranahalfaf in ti,« aufat*»n » of any epami« ¦ ha uno ian ritaUadn the»» ii. vu «ian »»», ti fa re»k»iiiable la take

arar** tMUttawM lafagnphad from ihe Untan »id© a»

atrongl .» peenbta Baahtri tbe Dnlau intamt.w intaraki c1 lataipiaialira»it faihai tLat up' ,t!,i 7th . «n- I Mr< falfaa had li a«lr., .i,,,,.-(i; arfl it to re'iei'.e bia tortnue, and ihaiKkhnrad whi«h ante batuB.faaia th© ith, hMill f tar from leine: 'uY-r. te nar. Hut, a«cord-.!, readiauef th»«© lalegraflai|ltiaaatriiai',,.- I ,e iv Met i»i nu his r.«jt uiel witli a »«line«)neu'.

deleat f<" when tl»t» Dufa.fata rep,.rt " .iiee.tiiekal I »li w In I li i» 1« «ult. d ill the ( oi.'edera'»» be

lap; fe« adtonfenaft, an barn na aimnarira wl A. -i itrongn '.ha. which dnarihad ih« ter-

.' i« f in hat weat fat lana. It fa poatibfali,»' it. .. f»w tlrivo lb 'flhirwfal «lio may nt-

.. dill« .-n' mail I fan and a h Btifa imp' itarx».iiii.i'i.iiu ni-', i . i».".« ot u. m Cfalfaa'agnat

i »- vi lorfai will ee o ., an.i gradaaUythei. ,, i.h rl o. y if tba S7th an aaw aaaiag ral!., »vu, -i" Atiii-c an GntaiuaaeaB eaaan deatnytrnth fonftr, and m i»', li1 riten1 with the UBUBB.»¦t ¡t-. cn rain hy pattiag nat ainkhin In,':¦»?« n. S «meh.fdy ur-'i lo ny '.bat a he iii I d« ii»

[ti wo-k iii" ¦«¦ vii '. e f.,, (B li«,or». In tlua m-

*ii et Ike Yi-thood ha» dud a vee* antla «leal1«.On día N at JaJy, 'hen (J«a. McCwmu waa lela, ¡.«i he«l by ' .e A.:.< n BU Voveriuueiit lo havu »!at-t-'l

i. b.iil, «I. am gen ni NI wavon, andeven '-ti'* .-Im'»», ni wnnnd at by n fal»« lUMtlI ¦¦.. al- i' Ibat GtB. "Stonewall Ja- k»'-n ha«l beti.tufadhirfiirti Ki<hn.on«l. Jo«! hawarw luanpnts« «vjt í-.-.- tu» fatun it va« at.ririad I»' :l.e

i alen ami bad r»*: a »,) |J uiiln».«»nth« ih ni i .iy th« I flta«7 fa at.1 rnaataa\

and i' i- inanartad whi ohatiaata pe ».«'«my thal«ii» t ni j'- farcn en . rai bra««n ui any oofli -.

It ii ho"» e,-«.' tin* dan nd-n!''e<i aaa hvrt walch.- wn Ini'iwnbfa aaj Iodicí ia «xui««-..! t'.at (.«nMel iii,ai i ti'v.«i'n wa. at ante»eiwhalani.aadhn At pin «¦' a illery hil into tba hattdi of tha

« lara te aro «far« la er a little man in pay.Bitted to «me* nta publicity in Mew-Tnl and the¦¡»«» «, np« r» are allowed 1 my, a» n Bet »I ern ver-

. m of lha Biehaarad tatltfae, thal th* «tpVired Ivi'i'i prfaeuan, ha«i gat p('-»»t»«ion of

lal 'd' le'l .ne riega gana, -md had tuk»-n from bimrai pthi i:" "u' tit fa" bh» ¦ afrihrala aruiy Ihmi,,,', v» 1 we m pare ..thut report-,vith thet ,i '».j j rol»ahly »e* "hi UMthamXtt ¦beonVialCOI 'li'!)/.

II i« u u Btjod exanala of'ho wayinwhiebi gnat.u !<¦ a may be ifarerlr lan . d -» ti, and lha uoirp»»«. y. u'iv brokW a» m» I ah M k an UapUUaUl people.p r» pma ci w latha moama*) eenanheariaa thatM"t le i itali wa» «c Ihoruaghlt baatau n lha ttth.'with UM lots of f/un» nii'l bp| chk»1,'hat lu-w< ni«!hnv» been dnvin into the river ii hi» ivun-boatHi hadDo', been ll,<-r«- to pro'ec». bh . Ihl OararUBBBBl» .-«((©«J ia laliitjiuk! tin« ¡a I far u »hort Uan, ant

braaiein| belated th© atnpkl popalan am thfadlftlcul'.y irlo another Í'«j!»' paindfaa. Bal i' h

. :t, be nan cd ha athntta citfaa than Mick«aa bow avail. I»»aj* aaaM ant arrarttha pam of

iii* .«"-w»lurk Bteai Btehaaga,« »tay iii«, riap*tandeo! dollnit which took Iñht be Bunga, n

.:* luv 'I.© draartan of Um Orteaafai Pr-teea, ia*ni-ng nna longn rfatotiinanaaaa,« prevent the

prapiewho are min Ig *lOglthW t" make den,o'-»'ration« againri them i bj which Iba wai ia na«Y.'ei, or i,< btbe uKi-nriag ae-Unent that thenla nr-ih.r | luudci nor riory takaahlalrad by tbe

inradiug a.-my m the IHi-m «"nie, «nd Ihai allII a.-. s«,u h an draand ia meit away Ihraagh... til i e, oi lo fa!' by '.be awrd. J .*,.¦,, \*tnerica wdiilo ani linpfa ita we may 'hue

mi t> bo wh« w© my m ttatk and »unmj!WUUli, w© believe, he Hi© be»', policy. It is MBngrapidly 'o 'J'», thal Uta fftatn the vu torv an¬

il arad tt.e mor« tarrihfa will be'.hodefeal believed

in; and .!,© I'inetdent an«', bit War Minuter may

»ir- »e«) a*, la»! in »o mystify ii>K -he Amen, an publicthal if they really »hould yum a great victory the

announcement ol it will put New-Ï«»rk Into mouru-, «.».«I lum all the »pt« .'latoia for a rta© ia Uovern-li.eil »I«., k. .

Ti* /iir t.nir etty» " Ii ia raw demoniiintatitbal Mr li*1 lan hn tnsuinad aa terlena disalter-

ihM Hu' ftmti uno iii j.rno__ii'.ro* «ttieat. Ja« a

virtually nearer to Richmond than when his fit-

po«ts were within three or f*or mile* of lbs etty, jMcChllsn may mrw eon/ra'«late his rollten midh » - uTitrvi, en njo'. liavi.ig teeompBal ii lbs gnat«

last *nd the bk>*I i -a-ttiii «rstioa efthe war."TIe Ulsan troon it as ». it « M, and Sa_,n I! ni Mc-

Cl'-llan, aller teven ..ays' Bj-iitUR and tarifa li tam.baa a« In»veditln» grmi sti-ag. ivan«sgs of e»sb»*1liri n g hm sen in i | .»,-.', v. i',-!, he avfarbt barareached wuhon» any lighting, caber by bu» M *eri,at any time he BMBSSd hetore lb* uttai 1. ot lbs % titIJaaS. It hojes to liad more put it',- BSaassB [.rev ailin A,'.,, .i... v. BB the mama m.iirt BMRB |BBBl on Mc-

iCtaltaa*! defeat getaddes, and the nwn'l I of iiwctiv-¡ty in the lield, Mhb h is now ¡tvinnt entela, vice an

opportunity tor tbe more dehueraie exercise ofieu.-on.A letter in the Pans Minti, ur on the I'nion re-

«renes, ibbsbbbm «. bsps teat lbs Bartaansol at*188888 Mt vv.ll SOM te ''ii li '.!.v d rsl*8 tbsfaVol. «"'.

. ***

THE "PEACE MEETING IN AMI.RICA./ '.». I V /' ta| .V.I a l. |e ||

'I h* " Raateatestta Pearn Meeting, recoiled ¡ugoan of the telegram lo have boen bold la How«V.ii., i idSB '.. li vtilh IBS Ali'i-AU Y'iui Mee-,lag i u im! m otters. Psraasda IVssd, nie,. In. f 8B8shw»rta t_B SS«Mayw, who von Istal] re-

jet-ted by sa inatsam minority borneo l » war saagi m i-t tin- Blase power, bom see "f tas priseipallu ki ni (oiiiic in..i ne: tv ei n lbs Southern oligarchyhifl the Bsw*Yorb »ob. H" a a brotbsroftlâ» n.'iilv i,..»..ri«i Benjanifl W.I,waa lately diluni vin //. Ttmel Im a day or I « S n- an IBIBBBIov i.,. h ti i.lantara sad eandw. li.* Waste

Bara iie«B ssras» eptioarati of Ibe Aati«8lsssryi-r-k-i .¡.it!-1. ¡nit inn ninMtrarioa aM b bm gras Mopov si«']» With tue »uctesre* ol tin« Northern aim.«.¦tin lu u'y with line'..; .1, lbs |-iohi.-lion of Slav- ryin tha Territories, the rnmaptira ot «lave» in aad tha «ultivalisaM ssttoaby fies t.-,-totab» m North i BroBasa Tha pemasste «-i psammil-, i. v.-",- «id ü iheraen Bl Mal iiiead».

I i:AM l-l.Se Vi; li ti titi I-I' . 11 i« Ul V.i'r ot l'illis S] CuU til

" probabiliti of Eoglisli »Harnee -*slin*lj «oper-.'¦ ii,-Unit ot Biran te lialj it 'he Bnpsrai pw-

lai»« a, i, h i,..,.-! h. iff ».uiil.iung poBey wfab re

gani to Rome.Inn. rd to tha lui. atti ni F¡-ame, a Para i- t t« .-

«¡i)» rbshapssol antperoban-taai sad eera asearly barn» bara raaiassl Bad M will bs fomaata

lil «v. i.... «¦ ¡i v. iy m«dissi y v i« -!«i. Prism basa iterani aimer nil the prov taeUU BMlhcte. 'S tim ¡ii M.u-'..nea I» owing to tha BBBMiBM srdsn Inn the te«teilta-.

I wai neve l»ui,er ...r gpohOB » Bi.u.ely. MM.\\ eil« wi ki.iiiui pt ndgay.A H«i t .1 ( mtii! «teaif« l8 i» SBOM M)88di»

al. ¡..ii fog the liuii i itlul Chilla v bs fog pallal BBjdI trading | irp ko. Ti.«'<¦ '.trf.-l» v. Ile» ty gradi

a i an v. 11- . 'te: lape, Bl uritl -,('.'.¦ ..

..a': Batas-pen. Hong Kong ntni« J »,.,-. litratal t Pans forn-puadsa ini.i iiii.i- ob lbs npsrtedBnaagsatatatbMwma hini li.i«.-i. rsapeeiteg .1- haBaa sadstbn.i.-finr, mjll '' Utbongh 1-Yiiine may tin-

aorsral »¡i lorn rei,»ni!it toi qojttioj :he -illni.ea ratead it na.»' i.-', be forj tten ti MprsBsal l;i. »m is powerte» sed Pian i is i ai i

i'oiiud.both »x.ellent rsassas,wbi t. amahlslls*lb* I. ait !¦. win h tbg ni..'.' rslBi. llBg . tWSSB l'a- tiau. Si P»snberg ¡. » gi- »u riser

:< tara tens Cberbeorg ray thal thrss additionalihips bass jota bora added ta lbs a isdtoatei avevingre BfonSBMBtSte MbbIm



'I re sen..-of!'- .al Potrtéti Turin baatba followingarti-le in a.i "¡ill. ai!-«' i ei tv. en Prance sud liWi baveieai nt tata»»« thit ....» m. Battons betweva

¦!¦¦* ». :i lu. ni« «a » r«.. »m! liol».h l.av. t.. I » f... -..I, ,

If.inl. atti pitid.'id . I' BBSMStaaSMg a tarli, thrtan I'o'rrr»

1 hf lau. i,tJ | tinta ... t «a h :c la ".!.:e ,,. Ia- .-»*_» ... I ,,

ti'tiif".,'l'i irr «_d M le Ibt ¦« » r«: - «i .: Ki,..» h. «rnui' loir li'' M M l8« 'i «il* »! -ii.,.. :i % lal* » d

»oiiiii» tier wertes« l8»! refei la Ma g.tU.« I J -.- » .

¦it CfoWtlaas et ta* R*si .».»-..» «t.|. ..»tu.» »a i .

Ita li»MM ' »t'.-ll » «le! ltu««j» «i. -I.» « t-I I!*!.-

j of niher rkiiii lit! h.vf y BatOOl MSCMSMSO, aiiitrd »I ..

'i .¦ i.'iy of vira»» as MM I I '

I r.r mi, I', «m l.,i' »!.¦. Milled » BS Id '1 »1 fi - iititn of tue »'. ni ii Italy wini, »duait.i.i ita M .

r» ».i IxtoS nl't! | Birts ! BJ h»»» c BMM »! U!,d»:,i t.rlni, ». lo the Beniner In »tata ii .''-¦.ii»' tl.»i Ita ( at, i.f

oi «ii iid »nt»! in «h« iBBjaM et «BUSMase lb» «UMrrtiian auMtad, artaclgBlly mtik Ita ebjom »aeetafctgi »r»

act fiona win-h * i i,.'t it ,,.,. u.t|ht ailie -J -il

i«it r ;t».j h»r»»ii

¡ I,-lilly. IBS iaOT ri'»»|.li.'| tatVM* f'tri'» and R »l»rilasdl «o f I MB ii' ii . f «I» «i.f >« hat b>» . :>. i ri.t.dla' » r« ti l-r. li .It »ltd ti.' »rii.ti, I'a a..-ti VV r do Ii I ...111

le i »» th«.* MaMSMsa o...!- i!i|...'ii' i'i.t Um Bertag*» Iir.. ¡. je »mi. bia« ii i--ii t -¦¦ ii rlirhraB SMI' MB la 'h-uM . .....| l.V» t .di.ii .. «of »ia ». I.- « tftaeri. th-lae«.ovrrnti fi'>

I» i1/ a'.i 'i Nail no ' b.ii-1

If 'I f r «. ef I) f, ii t.tVrLt r ti.» Kru.-t 11 miani... »i irnd io emana » «» .- < I B**ta d at « «aiaai .¦ -v.

aad li » i .. ..-.r y im t m i.» a I- .t«-«l Jra»i.|l |. BM «I'l.rm et ,e »,l i A ,-" t t.a'B USM '' S*** ***** l'|'.»t.»int»r».«»*l ta 0|.| ««»'ni «!¦. Mi MM I d J. . |! . et l'tria »lad-« r»-.:»! in« In ti.. K»at, VV a n iji.t , t r, a > tjM» RsgMs* SB*t*s ss nagrnte»mm» m»U«m that task»hltlirrli had fe- O . ||it»l d. i.'a y ' »tar. r ai BSStaessaaata.Scsi*» li *bIs»»mt* MtaBBMB Bm intiurr.» mItaly for e il.. I ! a» . hr » »a. I, Uevfraaitii*. an .> d»-«,a :t laatly oeostdared Ihb «rsealaalltj ski h bm) »ftaagtala li. »n .1 »"Ile | ted dil.|»! » I. ' r I, «:.',l Vu liai) I

l:i".r»|.'. ll-l»..' las« »«' to t» ni il.».« i ,ii.In»i ,r », «i it 1» te » i » .«'a II "n... lint.» it th» »

»vi» pen o! in» » rt.if ¦' I'. ,rt «.. lai f » t *p de -as» ftoail8* |»it» «.f »an asna .»» 11 y » i,,»cri, ,,-n i j'terij, rem I0 p j «rit In li,«« I', ni ....:». Bad |«-»f .» lui .-a aa le ea-u.riii ». b a» do not j't l»i» «o iMsl «I It it lot m,

iMgssiaM t* srtl . »I » wa em »n l8* tolyrt it,»« is«1 i, ».' I' ii I itvt thti len uni «.. bal!« r tt» n neill Ion «f

j B*SI . (»untied fiv .. I "din vv-i» (e.-e.l »| tb» dlt-p«,».. »fita «n*. »f ». n.» »« ' .¦».. RRbb. sal *tb» toa»M. Beti tot -»»ii«», ia las 1 -

An ».."n... ""ilh II 'ii». loi 'eu ,(. n '» |rn«r»l Ln-

i!»-«-»!,d,.., "i- «ia a**» 'c ¡na|'. I!'-..¦ :. '.',» | .n ,, a

-»i i ». lisa lie.! Ita »«i» Mreagik o« m« ta I r«». aHasi rt.. tomru .li« ¡-i :. il» i!'!«' » li-«!.e »itiiit-- . j

. jar.k, a1lh»f to c Bina or MBUtalM «la.« . !Tii.»rrh rfl i«s ai pol y. I» ti ita Matinee amy* Battas«, Bs sia .

» Il pp«retry S« lalea at »n tdMWdo« thal tv» f n, . ,

r.ft.t tor na f..' il...i« »he »c»i.| r»«.»t '.:,.. »«» u: .'*.-.! j. ihisalM akMwa** r.»i » .. d h vv,,<,S» BJ Mt) «m il.»ir M« v..:|«r | :. idl a » l, ,, »(j».ru'.BuaaiaM lia gara eaeaiy af e!»»iisa»iaa, «»d sa rasder fml

..i r i. IV. (rrat BSd patikt t atti .t «t.ov.i it n ». i.l.-.hihr »t ..i. i" ¦« Im, I Val ir lu« «a Inn u.

al. I, :l I'!"» »r* ad to ita ki.'.»lrl|r i f ti,.

¡-»lllia.ii ii il .il.» ri f. r,.f ny » , H,,, Il .ia,... ,

r .' .ii.dir ti » Ju... a fig« nia'.t.. ii :! f 1'. i.. i.

a. lu I. «f» «n* )d*d fi-iui .', and dittjn fling the .ibrrtaJ Intel-»ti« ot t

TI.» PstirU tgom * .' r.d'-i'.. a tb»! the baw »«.1 Kielli, a!.ia«. » i» »ia.»i| J(~'., tief mail.t»'i»l »1 Hi« al a

la a y t»at ii I '.t el» «tele* fit .n et ihr(irr I u «a. Bl «i.'in of Itoiia» and I u),.. |i mr,, ,t |a « l.ain. r

e|i[ i>.d M tia« rim.pli» nu of Itali** M ,'y B il B tan ... «Btiiéd' hy l'itnce Iii» Uaad of B»t«l .ti«» to Ki,«..a, iii».i,ru > » i..tit».-.¡iii«», a. »inni«- ob»»r .vu. agalla« m Ita

.*.'!.. I taltBaaa I»»' inail and n*r».-iny Th» »le-h ».ai,.i!i.:at«in gaeaUaa, l.i»- «Y» ii»a»n gasais», la ... mtun ¦..

A. rdtog '¦ Hi- .' I I'»)', Rm ely SB «elvfd b.» theiiaiirr.»! au»n«|« n. UM S***»M lalMailad I' i-M-i a boearM Bttla Mr Bsrtversal t «ai ti lotta e» idrri-iea«IBM gstatMa MI tai a«** aaueai «f s^uiBarlaM, ialuesce,toil rvru o! fil lly, »V va ni' 'i ».-liol f ¡. r old IV.',-h, o''inriiiatt.ititi Ita». B*M 14111 the!« we feld I g*B**MMS 0!I ,|'> r.i.d» by ttenm t" Knl.lla. 'i'he hu»»iiai, li.el.i

> ' ti.» fiirtlirr »ti». *flad**BUag l| tttinn lal BBSMi-:,r,« 1 Oansasf whil vsssMMb»»smIm the dui.!.i«

piraïu.-r oi Ila flinli ali! fiob-ilily min late «irraisnj ai I-

.tu ita f.» nally with..ut lui« ol .! .. U«raiaiay wou.'il »ni r»

BIBluMa I- ruht but m « »rain h point <if » th« unity «Il'.» I....I1V a» t.. t . ¦:». an» «lilli,

tifa i- «1 »cry «a» !> »re whai Kirai n 't»»« b» «»,1« »Ulan.-»,.-,;».¦.. ift 11» «.Lut the 1«: » Alad o<.r diAirully 11 ii-'Matai h'/ UM 'e''» l'on thit th» f. "' of a h ri. iluitii etn

d.»|i." »:e «t Ihia i.ioiuri.i »I tin i-d »»d utiitralli'd h- Lcri-'»re MSnOMOl u..»!- «n K,' ve Buihlng In rrtu '-n»lui .h. I', "ii-t h«« tarin« le h» tdrnlt -»b, e «vf «r«

I r|iiv»Ti.i«. Tbr I a,|l «n lill u .-, Ul« )eondt of ahirhn.i'lr. mua ta v»»»lfn»l hy il.)» ra» 'indfra'tnd'i f -»li!,It u. 1) ra, hail th,' r'sni ai '! SsIsM »ut-u.l«|«, thtl it ta.. StSM|. 1, .'. a»,I ia ai'»»i,'»|i-iiua lo «il olhf l'ow».». ''r»|r«-.r,,... .I. I Vu |r>.l-«t aiiiuiiat oi l-l, - a- r in-

. .f ri -»ti lu th« tVllild, hu*. !l II .... ll.'il'ai.l r n 1 it

ISS***** 'leietl uniou »Ul nitvrr p-.vf,' Krti.:r and Kai-

giaiid free, ii.xtuaily *»tv-'!i .14 ra-n alta«, »loin btl»uriit| »ted.».-...¦¦¦ ... ».. "uni» ', in thal until«! tin' «ne nur tb« et h. 1

»ill f »«r liant ta! 1. «t , uie el the i ;., » tu ItatSM f'Y»«.. «lailiitlian« «.ida. Bril.I n.if.itnly end Maasttall Bl-

SlsRlS »f«*« B»M«BSl » ni i«lf.»«trd ti»»l, tl.r i;r.|li«h »h. .ni,nt i-i tin a of p'«.'«, de BtterwlM Ih.m ima -.! f

».ita 01 yan*. ..hfltj. t »I |-)L«rtl .-i»i :,aall->_ ».rth.-i.-:-..«. na i- p|-tirt ut, iiud a»« u- uiiSti iitful o! «J-; li, , 11 «V

t l»t»i! te .»»t_»n 11.m* -

HALY.IattteChemhwof Dsswtae, on «.h* nth a .lis-,

! laatea look ilma N IbS ex].lanau<-u* rei.u. -te«l ofthe IpSSCb delivere»! hy (.urlhaldi B*. Pall imo.

In add' ion t" r-i.( ie*:ing Blpl 1 MlisSB of Hie (¡OV*erument resiM'itmi; ;he pMSSBM of «¡urihahli talBieily, sadsfthe rasscam dsBrarad hy bim goa« Itaming otleiisive all irions lo the ol' theFrench Bigaw ABtari ead BsfgMashra tas Pnte-daat of lbs CsaasU whtabn mmmbim hid been

lahaatepraraal piivat*» tadisidaala MMBBteg the1iiiilni'ive -n acte «al,-ulated M cuni>roml*e the com¬

plete ..'iiticalion of the country / |Applat:«e.J.¦»¡(.-or U¿'mir.i regi-e'ted the BBBBM<n lansnage

Uni bad he* n aird with regard to 'he Ku.|-eijr of

Ihe Kreii'h. I he joarury el Oanboldi ta «Snily hadbeen uidertaktu wl.hout Ibe knowledge ihe «¡ov*erument. Hignor U»'.s//i further etat'-d that I dis-

pu», h bad bain Mnt to tbe Prefect of Palermo re

iiu*«ling him to explain hi» preKtice du»h»K Um de-

livery ol Ihe SMSBB, Ihe (Joveniment would lakein»murr« in futur* lo prevent such «ntsrprae* com*,|.T iin.ii.ig the »ate'y of lb* Hist«. ¦_. , .

ßignor Cri.pi mid abai tbs »call «f PallaiMiiiofrom 1'alarBio wonW sccssioa s eitll wsr,

iBBiynib; which wai («js-idsiid apurliaaral-

gay tah.Bph, Katani pnlaatai atr-inat the prnmnl-gatira of arah h 'henry. Thro incitlent ia thon»»hl tocoiieolidat-) tl-.e < Yro.-ni_©nt nod lo display the wi«lorn of «he policy adopted by ti.o greut lui uralBarn.Bath in Itaarf aai Span gran i» «n ttoprtimo-.i

thal th» BBftrriatu of th© marni iaaghtn »f Victoriii. i.inii» ne a achaaw t») »mrtfci*-tn*Jtkenraanfcy at tin- Baarhaua io Spain, and «namButau- nit«- oi the Iherfaa 1'eniuBula niib tah«; Kin«- of1'or'uia'ul io« ii« lo« I

S- nu- of the Spanien Journal« foreice mnch dangerto Spin from the m-rruire of the Prince»« 1 _i to»he Kiii«a; of Tort«.,-!, r.n«fer French aoapicn.


AI'STKIACount R«-chb»rg had M-Ometi m tb© upper

Hean el* the Balimalk 'hat An»'ria propo»es to.mer Ufa ..Uve-rein, aai that «be hii* for that pur-p..-e nbnattad a mh_k.ara treaty u> the «stat«««ompri i ig ([.it Dawa.Ya* Aettriaa Omi t'r, a» a »ort. of indirect m

tpaantathl rec«.»ninon ol Italy by Koe«ia, ostVii«

la'iously announce« that th© Banana «¦. Austiiabad i*aeaivad Barra Winapear '¦> «(«-.iver bia faunaol' n .Ipiicc at'.in MialltW te Vicin: fe

ntl .«»««ia.In the ( bainber of Depu'.i«a, the Minister of War

haJ kundaaad a hill tor an t'\'»r...riliii:iiy mut, to« lu.I le I'm», ia to extend In r nival force,

TUBKET.Ail»¡'«fell from Conatautluopla »ay», that the ra»

pain at tim I barn ot me Halt BegnrifeW, a' .leru-tafan, had been AflflBBtaM. «1- 1 ne w»jika uru to beii, i"»¡ at iha jafari axpnm al bVaana, Praaaia,and i alhaje m>

H01ala\N|..Tiie Enaaeip Urabi!! propuniby th« Munster

tor ti ¦ Oafaahu hnaaani tau Beeaad ( bamber hya biro© nuil«uily. .vYiiy mcndBMUll were ii.»r«o.i farotabfa t«> the aagnn t<» ba huai« Thi pa»ried for «I», lid in»« euMiii ipa'ion i» tix.d tor .1 .iy I,l*t'-t Hie m.iviinuii. lein ol ii.e (io\eniii.ini »ur-

n illunie ie It'll »'-¡ile. 'H'« < i,,n rtiinei.t »ilu-it ,,|

iuui.iiriuiion a r. jaeiaie 'i li»* bill lu»-« >.rt to pata ti ti ii-i ciia-ui.'.-, which cuni...: aaaaai it, bal mai

peta, t or a. a pt »t. I . .i puni» ie fallj an-

ii. ipatea.?

IX1UA.Í MINA ANO AUgTBAIalA.The uinlaui nail, al aadj tatagraphed, had

re cb .I Kn*-ltnd. Hw it;.:.- an Caiieatta «laaa9,II »' I» tig, Muy 97, and Mel* "'li ne Mav H

'I lae J oin inert m1 few« I li« le-, n mill, l| tile «1 liy !©l-Bgraph l.d the polín, il iii we | arl in li v li).

111- he ," iu .\'ot-he in India I m '¦.-. a tetrifi«. I*h«I, ii"., ni :, in! even warld had baauktBMai "' «¦¦ I1 ip .,:,;..:¦ ..r'I', ne '.ii n . ni' ni 'hi» tin

¦» hunting ranon litui bara Bring about. TI,«I. al pma lannad than alaran aaiUm afeiiri prm« .».le-: .!¦ u tin- »>., teni« l.I I .» .'«er:«-«l that lhereBatarwnlm Kr"";"' faralam,kal *Aen watch*lulnew hhowerei thot^ht ad*riaenhfa.

lia'.' « iv.>¦ .'eil weo-l y a' ¡lie- MohanBM «lilliM,..»,,;- ai i i| ««» BattaB,at Caíkatta, far Ula ia*? ¡on of the inkdafa, and rmpigring thal theirwowra a .> Im hiaaghl lo »ham and tarir childrenrand« r« «1 arphaaa»

li,:,. China we karu 'hat. in the attaek on

'.'iv n pinta -..«-i m,.! hi lee! a»».»'«.; bell :,. h an«1. 1.iglieb in notoring >t t« the Inperi«i'.lle'r.

.V Kale!.. ..- ti «¦ ra* ort received le tha' the Bukalif. '. i n l*B| t ti' d Oil" o' the -' ..-¦¦. fead |«rt «1 th«!. It* , lt.i'.i. lilli.' I.. B' y low B| on the I ti,| . riiilwt». i.iulni tin»,' oil Um Bnthk party ham naunaakatiMw i'h tSbaii .im'-Men "rVooanag, ti« Bakih, bai altaekei a mm*

irun im* bald by '¦ h.'.-ii h. nnd l.aitl uk« ¦ ii, b -t itw.i- nlfaatlr rei.ik a by the Preach Baity.

( »'lie, «nn.ll - i» ..«»?¦« ejn the par' o! the l'a« ii j. »

.in- aha re« ardrieThe AaMralfaa pa|«*r« are uin.»« ¡ally bama'I he a. iM» fr -v < >t: ¿io Matt ti a'. ewiiiK to the

Winter ee.ion th«» .>». .,r'» ofgold had dwindled fanl.',. .«i o i,,. » t,. «tween SjOUO tod i.inki «>uuce«.

A Brad ty tafagmt of Ju«,» .** wauriraa ;Jiat aha'lle !..»¦! Yen Y ¡¡.'bl b«tveen the troop« «>! the.l.rot lYrat ami Iban ol' I)o»t Mab«_eil. 'ihe

lait«T lost ebie!» of no*«-. .No piirlicniur» re-

eahai.In the li«.mbay market »hirtin**» o,-ere uou-e and

adraaeiBga Twiri aad Catira Ina BaahaagB.». o» i. rnagjM it i letton *«. i.etenaal, n». (»i.

( a i.«i, 11 «, .1 une ..'... BhbUaga aita.clag, i'w lal«jt»iet. Ki change ffa, Oj.J.

lily r».*r»pbiQriiiii.»» ii.or««l»y, 1,1» 17-7» ra | «.'.

[aUBBUU Si.,, K BttCBtBOB, iii «iraday, July 17.11a n ( ne...» Onu»/ ei\U/., t ontv.* ».-. ooot, ri,«**-.«»,New i ¡.re«» 9JU >«-+.

N,.»o «lav »».le u.'.iiey. V'lhX Hi.are* lirai, An.rricankarani Oí*»! V'. . i. ofiaj-.adi |, ad Orar.« I ri ii

etetidy.ip .., . Caaaafet, naoey, ír.'¡«i ', « au *, », count, <r*\a'

'»» 1 hire. i.e.-i | P ui. l oineole, loo».« 'ti, :¦ ¡ C- lmiIb, acoult, Ula

9,1. N.w llireaa. !'.|f|«lC'|.LtivaarooL Corroa il «i»» r -duly 17, is«ü..-

fret r. or« Market Bro-, . ». orlfeafely .¦ BW to 1Ü.UD. -a lu; olia. IJfeB p.-Ttoue.y 4«. ti.

FUO.-fl W 4 «»li |M. ION.

Tbe 1 bait,«» najoioa« Gen. "«Iii. bel.Krom O u Corr»« ^«.ideut

WaaauwTOT, ri..,.e.i .y. Je, m im.The pl.t 'O IB.I f-'eu. Mi'., bel will lx- foulni, ii|« :i

faraaligUtfaa of all 'he »a-1«>, to have been on« of themel UtDaBtaUBna c-«n«'o«io<l in th.aor aiy other

iD-iiitry. Th© mjetery wkfak ha« »o hag hun;.1»I'.iiud the »hur', tel« kiraiUf« hm 'Le W«Ht, pre'.'-ml-:n_ lu,r,-e« of the in1-', fi-a-'ful na'nr© (»nd aft*«' a_kkaUrid «"liaracter, h beinp rapi.lly .Impelledbj ike tim » n-'ghi .-.: ¡i.t loouag it han atan

direcimn.Thi» foi. Vflrtea, wha ¡» ki m ¡ .¦ taptea u.-

and Botorfana In eoninctioB wi'U th«.-»© . i-ariafe», i« uColonel commanding a regiment in Iho dirfafaacommended hy Gem Mitchel. It i« already «nown

t.« îhe country that «m© aecut of tim »uceen of (en.

VI,. I, .' m ev'.t ent»rpii»e Hfeiflih.Ma by bim wa» I

Mrtat ni'hi.iry discipline B nu h be maint,Juad au Bagkia aaltm iimi nldkira Whhaat lUi hi Muli In-1 bara amaadad whk i' be ha» »hown (whatnom1 ( -i, ni u, the Dafau army baa) »vh. t a fewm- n nil lio runlel by a «troiia; w ill, and that willm.tier l ,e nbfarifaa ol'a clear ¡in«! MMipr-'heoiive in-laBteh Tkfa Cale Bwlua, lunH the ollier au bor-"liiiat«. Oa.'i.ei«, WM «ubj<». t to this d.ecipli'ie. lî«-n.Hu II wa« lh© », perfal «th«.-r. Ile gave order» t«..ii* ii-¡«ra!« antfar hie nnaaad for the maria*nano- of disiplii'i.» in th* i i- respccuvt DtrhfaaaOae of i).e-e irdeia waa that no olticershntild l^ave bia Bilgaifa or Kegitm-nt uponany pretence whatever w thout tho «joutent

of the (îeneral Comman.Ling th© Division.Oflla Jfaltaa kui BMBflaBfld upon to ut'ernl a CourtMartial in M a«lj«. lilli«, I rigndBe lie «'. A d to , ¦.

ih ..- I ut Wüi me* by the «eutioel wi'.h the maul ;inlhamm ii*ia paute i <|ue»t ii na hilpanCala N'itoli ititi heliinl none un.I 'hut, he merely de.»«red to go a »hoi-*, dfatan i ta ntrad aaaurbnartlaLThe «.-nitnel pointed to «he kaaatjaartorlof Ue'ier-dl Mil,!,"I, lu a few yann*, du-

tant, and told him If had liefer let-irn

aud i»V' a " permit'' aa he Mali not allowhim to pan the I BM w tlniiu our. C< 1. KmMB saulthat h© would lie d. d :f hu wouhl do if, alni re

lurned t.i his nghanal wi'h.iii! BtteBÜBg tbf niurt-

niii-'.ial. A few .lay« nMBfaaut, Hen. MQt.telbatfag lea.-lied ihm Col. Borton I .»«I not i.i p-e.entat 'he r«mrt-r,iariÍHl, BBBt tor him, 'o knUW the reneon

of his aha©...»a. * 'ol. Noi-»on »»««»"d »I © »Vt» a« tuey... curre.I. <i«n. Michel, leiirninir tint the hii.uies»Yfore th© court-martial had he»:, m «.-le« ted, IbflBBgka looliaaj p. in of Norton », »r,t. red l»tm pla» ed 'luderaire»! 1 r ür. e day». 'I ii© order wn« BBW '¡ted.

.\ few week» af'e.* »hi», ('«1. Nort.ui« wife vu '.''Ibim in «amp. (¡en. M,:,l,«l linl plarmeJ an tafee,,ortunt uioveineiit, and Kart ns rtgimM wa« Mlof »»»veral «elee'ed to ©jreeu'e i'. N»»r*4in bea.'ired to

he exeu.ed on aceonnt f 'he presen«»© of his wif» ,u

«.amp. (»« n. alit«h©l would hear of no ©»ctise, and

boyan to c-uu civ., lenie'.bing like contempt for themau who would off*-.- one under luch kirt-iirast.ii'-e».Norton, BBBMB with tear*» iu hia eye», »till pleadedto be relieved from tb© did bar-'© of the daly. (len.Miichel, b«e«miing oomewliat out oT patienoe, per-«luptcrily ordered bim to lake «-nnuaml of bia regl-mmyg and sank. lKertoo «w-r--it«I. the «atararin

wag 6Qot-4-«.fnl; bot tha Colonel, who thought more

of ihe '«»esses of b» wife thoa Um golraiion of hisooaiitry, has ever su »«» been the sworn enemy of(.<»n BJssbslGen. Mi'chel bas been ehwi-etl willi .¦>-?. ulating in

orton. Agsio, wi.U an. all »ho fa*'st The rapidniivrchei «vi Oea. Mitch. I hail biought hi« little itriny,tar in advance oi «JJ «j-Jiera, into a cotton growingand üailing region. And before your t-orrcepondentcxplaiua tJiis içeciilaling charge, allow Lim to stat»a fat t which is ooi generally known.that G* u.

Milsbsl wa« the first QsSSBal wbo inaugurated the,system of supporting bis army enti.ely from th«

enemy, and that, for Uiree month*, nil bis f- rage anda laige part of his commissary stores were obtaineddiredly from tiiat *Kat_-ce. linnhe cotton! Gen.Mitchel's soliliers, his horse«, his asses und 1 is mulos« eui.I not eat cotton. Cotton we were in need of at

l.e North. " Any Rebel win. shall sell a Yankee a

iouudot cotton shall le slat, so say« his mujesty,.Iel!. Davis. Ki-ur object« were to he attuiued bypun cotton of the Rebels:

First. Bean Rebel who BsM cotton to a Yankeewas l:ithle to ho shot hy sonne minion of J» li'. Davis;and. ibemtefS, it the interest of the cotion

seller to keep as far aw.iy from said minion as poesi-ble» Beeaai: By roceiv inga fair pnce for his setteetin' s»í!¡< i s toteeartl run in tb»; «jirceiioii of the VsMh,it.d u-viiv fioin tin'Souih. Third: With the moneyobtained fr« in ile sale oi cct'on Gen. Mitt-bel could|iny th«- t«am»t«:rs be was obliged to employ; and,fourth, bi could demoiisUat« to Kngland and other

I cotton n.anufiicitiriug'-ounii ia«« thal, if bispolicy wits

adopted, they would «oou be sut.plied willi all thecottee tbey would want« With Wie bnsitn-ss of at*

Madfaia to ti e purcbast» a«nl file of this C"»ton (Jen.Milch« 1 had sstbtag whatever lo do. 1» was tuniednew »muí! dieiely io the pgl pat otlner, the Quarter-i, mt» «m his »tait, who m able lo account tor everypu.i,ii ¡im ha'eu iiinl sold. The p. rsons lo whomtins Mea was mid brought Wf-rs fi oui the mos:.

na »a nt u.» n el (»hio-th« (iovernor <>¡ that Stateone ..'! ... Issdtaf "Iht ¡als.

i i.i. .M ¡'lin! braaha bssa gheagedwith being a1Pie»- <i--.'iy mian, and desiring ibe perpetaity ol Y .os a'inn ¡n pn h eine to th« «.ip-resaionof the Bobs!.sa. Osa, Mit.uel is ate sal* sasMslce- hut a BBMtah The rame ohedii nee »vhich he r< -

U'liiee Ben the ('Yers bSBSBth him bl h.BBBBflf rvn*

.!.as io I. m siij-i ..u« Onie No. A vvh; h by this'¦neil, »t Ir woildwid«? in it» ru'erie'v, extended1

« <i Ihl I" i-i« n of G«.-u. Mitch» ¡. Like a wall ofin!,m,mt, i: hemmed linn m nu all »ides, and embsr- jrsendssory BMrareeai« PMettaMthíeeadMWwlu a;,;. No BSgiaes, ii. adilitMUi to those air- ady in

i. ».,. ,,,¦ vu r> allowed teseam BaiGMbMBehellind a lui' of 1RS hundr-'l and twenty tni'es to pro-te-.' and basw Bot at what uK_ei.*. the em-iny in¬finie Might i. II aj-iii bim. IT hnist ¡ave spies.ii.- iv l.i.i ml ni-, taaM would give him no informa*ai,. What "'nil hs del Ho sent for on* of his,»*.*¦' it 'I'-iaii-r-Ce'ierals and asked him ¡f he knewany oiiem bi» fiinp who poiuese.dsolheientcoiinigesad tab iligenci- te a«'t a* a spyand learn ihe ixMtition.f the enemy. The Get Mai told lim that ho knew

bat eue man; that he w:is a BBgBBsla-e by the name of Nun Gardiner; ii,aiI,.- iilil rvad and writ»-, |K>sHegee*l tact, shrew dupi*.II a.rage all ¡ia', wa« r«*<*tiisit«> to di* harpe efficientlythe lattas taqpSSSd 'ii on him. " BM if he series us,

W8 mort guiit«aiife his liberty, ' sail G«*n. Mi'chel.'Yes,' said tie Hrigad»er*(îeneral; "he will he«Vii-th htüe wiüiout that "lie «hall have hi* lib-« rt v. au«1 so shall all others who aid mc, said ( »cn.

Miti ia Y sud in an instant conceived a plan to sur¬

mount the fi owning battlement, "Order No. 3."Mc sat doiin and wrote tai the Secretary of War." Shall I gaarantce to all uegroea who will bring meir.ihful inCormatiin of Uie eu«iii_\ 'g movements theirlil erfy and my protection I " " Yes' responded tboBssaatery of War. "Liberty, protection, or sny-.hing 'Is.» they ask for."Kim Oar-line.- was sent for. He was told »hat he

abseid ho free if he accomplished B hal Gen. Mitcheld.riie.l bun to do. Tb« tall form of the negro straight-'m t .r faie gleamed with an alm<*t -uipeihumautateUigsaeSt ihe aion who was hu» a despised bodymvant before, seemed «.aid«nly to have been trans-,formeil into another being. In roply to «juesiions'pn |nundi d to him, he suggested a pl.i» by whichdaily ¡ntormalion coultl be ol tainnd of the enemy'su <>,émeut« ah tig the cnli-e l.ue of 1 °J0 miles. Ills'ni w a« adopted and that very day put in execution.

Fruin taM day until Gem Mia bel left foi Washing-'(ii, ¡¡.formation wa« obt.._i-d « f all lut w_s tians-

irmg in the Rebel MRBfBfaSo much Pro-Slavery «h»rge. The rapid

.i-iil rl' sa f"ers ot lien. Mitel.el (h* frankly

.fliviis; « .») i«l not have been accomplished withoutthe n ai of the negro, and that aid never could havebeen obtained wrhout hrs*. gaBBBBtestaf to him Ul>-e.-tj aud pro'eciion.

Ilai ihen» is »till ano'.hir tharne. With his per-ni seion boBBM have been plundered and burned,,fl|fa. bam been «*>inu.i»,.-,'l. little hildren »hot, and'ihe perpetradla sfthasrheli cauicgue of trias,Mhiatad »nd winked a'.

lo Bil who know On. Mitch«'!, a denial of UiesebaajM '. "' M-BMMBJI hut io t'ioe**. who know him

Lot, ii will he ne «sea.-y to jre«eut a fat or twowbleh in iheamdraefi niish ampi* refutation.

lieu. 11 t Y»l r negro spes brought h.m in'onna-liou thal the en« .;y san atlva'n'Uig inImMIfMMspoa the village of Athen».. II.v ing but a few men

Üicre, n»» in.m-dittle retreat wa« ordered. All sue-jBBS» d in escaping by .all BROSpl a few in the lost |'ruin of «iii ». The Rebe's niuno^ed to gsl in fiont ofihta tiain an.l en*-/ tho timbers of a Indi*«» over

w hu h it would have to (»ass. When the train caine

.[¦..u the hr Ige the timhe¡s gave way and all to*

.ether, train and bridge, went down with a (rash.1'h eii>.u,eer, in attempting to jump otf, wa* BSBghliv mm tag between th.; engin« Uti Mad r wiih hishead downward, wilh the hot louis from the en trine (Byra bim. His shrieks brought the negroesto his ..»? fan. »i, but tias* di m ni in the garb ofRebel soldiers heal hack would not allow'.hem t" Hiller any awisunie. Tiie next, dayAthen« w*» again in poMession of onr troops. Someof the («encan çtldier* »v ho wine" m-d the barbarity..'tin d ., bsfora SSBBHBBted u tPU OM-BSBR lu re-

t at ¡st ¡on, but the luomeut Gen. M'icliel beard «b' y wen doing he y?ul down a guan! andhld '''em all Hi'faf «d.

I here are me simple fa-ts from which all the-*!has«-. .u-.i c la.. been man ita* t'.i-ed.In a won!, tosumu]) what thi* hr.!l;««i' G/n« "*1

h«*-* a. « I u pilch«!«! he has re«'.o*«:d M0 mil» of rail* |way in th« Rebel State«, bate lrijD' '?»¦ A «lu hiidg:«'ni..- 1..SH) feet in lang'!".1, wad* longer BBMBBM and

pssatnted the RikriOsBtedsraeyterfhwihaaaaylotlnr divisiüi» or corps in Artiiy f th«- Stissis-

«i( pi, leen vi- toriou» in every engagement with the«¦ ii* my »and, vvh i»t is belle. Uiau all thereat, «up-]h rted hi« anny entirely the enemy.

A H MIK It.BTKIC PKO,~f .MIH-OH-liK ***..».

The lily Quiei-H«uI«R Cssd l:*1.< « sfih« Mama oí ihe Kiplsln of «be RebelHam Irkuiai-Tw* Hnadrsd .MenKsaa»l«y«d (o Mwe-rp tho Mirer»- Pit-s¬ent («ir Oar «'«niriül Psrtt A Large'Msll frsa* the (4ulf St-uadrrs.

The United i-Vates Mail s'eaic-ibip Marion, CaptainJume* D. Phillips, from New-Orleans July ¦»«O, and(icy West Jn!y V I, »rriv. A at this port cn Mou«_»yafternoon.Tbe Marka Irca|ki bmüi torn Uta ÜRited 6i»4m

»tanner Mississippi, Pen-acola, Cayuga aid Ita*r<tM New-Orl-rftjiH, and San Ja« into (tlag-abip! Baiil*-ville. und Ihe Mei-edits, at lv»y West.

laeft Netr-Orleuns on the tiOto MBB at vi*.«».,eros»-I the li«at J» p. m.On the tAd iu»., ol Tortoras Light House, psnsd

bark TRSSRM W. Hoqse, from New-0rl._ns, l-ouudeast; Ô p. ni. arrived al Key West, 23d iust. lb* U.S. steam-1 HunUville arrived at that place with aemail-.i/.« steamer; -«Mth ¡mt,, 8 a. a»., left KeyWari I, p. ra., 20 minnus north of Carysfort Reef,Hiioke bark Justice Siory of Boston; waa eight day*out fiom Xew-Orleans; bad lost .niien-iaast; loundto New-York. Ulfa 8Mb», 8 a. in., Im. ;fc« M ]00t7i I»'., passed bark Tempest of New-laoudon, boundX. 27th ins»., 2:15 p. m., 25 minute* N. of OopsHenry, SRShBRfsd signal» with steamer Star of theSouth, honnd lo southard, "-iii ins'., «i p. m., ponedD. S. trans]ort propeller Thomas Swann; 7 p. ia., alarge ship; both bound north.lleahh at New-Orleans is still -very good. Geo.

Rutter hu* 2,000 men cleaning the stre- ts.

The city is r-niet, alihough BSBahaMBBR* excite¬ment occurred on the or- val of the news of theexploit» of the Conle-derate State* ram Arkansas.

Col. T. B. Thorpe, of Uie Cusfom-Hons« -it New*Orleanr, sends, per Marion, a pair of pelicans |I«en-ii-iana Sn.te emblem) m a present U» the CcatnlPark.

list or I',Jdin A. F rater. A. (j»**e J. S. M«r-h«!l, R \T. Mort-

foi irr, « N 'h») ind lady. B Uoedm.... Meat», |!-. j ,..,Ml*. Nii-h, MlM Meagliii. Mr Allen, H. P Wlrbiiiin. tV..1. B» » d Lady, M... J. tit Witd-an l»orui den and «er-..nt A. Dalai». Y A. I ombi Mr. C&vaio-. and toi E. B.St»n'vu mi sty, I. P. Allen. J great. Mia. Bim« ti.rd «MM.'ni »eiv.ii't MIS M. ». 'Miller and It* MRStdB. TV.I». I»rn*. e, l.iJj, child and »eivint. Mr» li. ¡.eat ni,Mr« Mtti b1 ir-«r till daagtan, Mr». Hell ir.d SaMM».!.. L Su. it I.. .) M. A. erto-i. II. li Huon, lad--, child, aud.atvai.t; J. Hied. .Mrt. W« .». Mr». M. "Yelta Bad «Bl »e_tt, J.Mr, Y. hi.he« tnd Udv. T. Thsyar. !»dy. '«to children, aidtan- I...-tunta. A. K. COOMB*» l«dy. .-faild. and »etv«ntv ti.Otatalt, niy. a.d iiitl, Mi-, tinei and I«tighter, Vita.Bagel, \l *¦ II »MM B, N.T'irrl». J. Brrnaan J. A «'oaway,H. -ai ia f. >», J. Iii»«/ X. Hurt», ti. IA. UOftOm. g. La».¦n S y Tal», «i. v in', it. «Mueller, WY M. OUhan, U-.A fird.lft J. li. feihbed, \\. II White. 8. Mori I, t. Oro-ni.I. O 9 I'-ioit, J ii. Ric«, J. P. Ne «_ I R Ho den. R.F V Ma-trr IT riii-t VV IV r M .1 l,...irt and .hil«-.W R. Baal A Ditney, t.. O. Thorp. U Rrhw«rMi.b«._ todlu -I, J.. » liter, Ml«. I', br «. Leo., lavlv, twohi .Ir«.i and two ««. A. OOSSBO, J. Hand, Mr». Dart,

Mr«, i) .-... n and Mi» VV u|0.-:

pOeT-tafliRi;i..\nviis ead FRIENDS of deo»-*»«-.!

SHI.'MKRS, biirlrd f.o-i the drier.rt Ilo'pit»:« iaW»»!iininti nr *aeor|«town, 1'ntnct of t-olun ii. c»n r-»:«,veti INKORM \TI »N m to Met I'LAtE*» oi BURIAL byadir«-¦.-.. H'v'»K T .--AVI»»l. «i.iT«to¡j¡fLt (.'ndfilalifr,No. »44 » it.. W laMugton, U. Ck

}t\r.\ \ ii -.-The NEXT sffa_CMsflrR__-i.tflv T li», i N»,, who died ia »oma part of Aiiifrn « n.fure

Ik« jeir .<.. living hi« b.-ether the Re» John tetmmrtp UJOtthm Ho, I***, Ii*.ndo«. »nd *.l*t*i-w»rdn' iii a ui d. in Barry, Clerk, le ir «urviv.u«. and a ho died MKeif ... I'oivn l-i Viddletei. «II in » r» i.i.e» in th« menti ofNeveuioe.. lblil -Haled 1«: diy ol July 1*81.


on h«b.Il-trri«

Ho. I ITl)'. Inn Si,'!«"»-, bnndoa,f o the life itor ef lue »iii of laid John liapi.d

Cummer ttctrcate.

Ai.HYlT.KMAN wish*-« to find I nicely as-clud*rd » III VI dill .-;-'. iu loiue roillo ipot. wber« hi »fill i A -ii-,ii| «i.d boating, mountain reen..try prrirrrrd.\d.l---t-. Bating til particultri mu i-iode of conveyance, fortwo dayt. UI »ii T Tribune Uibf*.

pATBKI lXlrVÖt] MTAIM li OUSE\-S TIT. .»».irita tan mer resort it no» ni«:i for lu« reoep-ti n f | MM* Viaitore will find at a.l Bmm «¦ «nlrtorited»Ml «. the i »tut L) ttea-uSi'-et ¡and:: g«, «J '«til. a rUiioali. It R«.ilro»d, -n mut vi altor, provide .. n.vev »in-», lal*fhart» o'' !. '.'«i« etc.

<Tff £et.

HAT M\MTACTORV, in ORANGE, X. J.-TO i-KT. «Urge HAT M AN i'KA« iOKV. w.tbtk«

r.r r.'trv Kft'>t and Tool«, »nd . good .enplv of Water, nt'v let-ated. Apply to N. it'i Ll.NUSLEY.

«Jiang*. J.Hy 11,

()( IMS lo LET with STEAM l'i )\*. B B.«*->b» I>unh»_np s..o, IVUliuDtuiirib, iiesr li.»R

1"0 BENT.The HOUSE sod GROUNDSef the late B !.. Col«. «I Pj'erten N. I Thf hiaa».

built of itoue. i* tal) re« tquave twu » .« bt-r-m-i t »alattic ( n.ii' rd avitli rt» aad a»«*»¡* Th« graqali M prl.«.Bout 1.1 at h » ,d..i_*ly Iii i o it in lawn «aid |trd»n, «ndin,ri.t In.der. A::«ci.»d M tue li.. i«t it a '.aite a>n»»rf-

ttory. Tb»r« tie t'l« ei-en»lv* jtrioerl««. In fail ¡ieiF.i |, «odtil ihe n«--' iijtv .-./.j'. Mini. oi a Ui-g« place.Apply to Hi...S O S.MITU F«'f*-.«o,N

iical (¿etiite for Stile.

I"iXCHAKOE for & BUSINEBB.- The A¿rer-J tiver hit .-ter.-. «Ttv ind litook yu I.tlTS, and f t«rtl

pa *b I LAN» in thit Stile «nd Uie to e»t » I. - n.l

«I*», Stan he» will ei ¡i»i i» for tn) rr-j'i Uth'hu-. »».,t «.iT«_ttt»oii« h»i-»in to til« purclir.«.-r. No ur-jker»tr «oí wi h. Prl na:-».- only *»'!' plM«* I'st« busiu-.i oi

I' propo-fd wbe-e an Interview may be h»d, to w,J. II boi No UM New Yerl Put 0_. t.


ITtRi I« ¡a», for 8 VI.K..Âlarge Briek BaBdtBf,«ni Otasss, stab s ses Rata** sTsB-bm»mva_ «Ms»

atad en lu.iev it-. Bri. kiwi, withi ÍSJ f«et o.' «he Vi¡..nlieHock. Main hiuldmg, lil'ih». fe-et on «ira« rloor bel diu¿ «d-jilrlni, iTiit'l feet. iroiid, IIOlllO fee«. M»Ul to e*M «kaMMto o.-ir an «.'ai.- Apply to K H h .» M Périr! it N. Y

"tOB -JLLEaieisEN COVE..A COI NTRY.-¦. AT .-n -ip .0| ia MB» of I. ml, BMBSRBRf !o-:a'«»d,

BBS» ai'. .Ut*- of rultivalio ,, -innuajidiiii ..u eilen tim no*ot the a-irroii idit'i. oon-ry, and -I h !'-.ii» ' a t - 1! .'a.init lo ihe niiuit ot bne l*Ml«B*M « T«»-. -, i».-h«., v.l.»«.'

priT'i»»*« . ,'. -¡aed to -ieiy _id td.f.i:-. *o th* ritideure andproperty oil rp1 J. <J R*M***, «ni W, Bih.-r. f«,| V «fT,l»tt .he i»ç» tor a gei t Banmai re- lome, l'nc*nio.i.-ivf, SR t. OOI )\R0.

>o .', IV: fit

/(»K SALB.TEM RCBIM <.i LAUD te IheL tutti! of Rye. N. Y, »hou; hal.- a -.....* ¡rem Port*

chettfr P«pot, in fi sUm fro-n the cl*, iverleektiig Moi.ilf «uii a fi.aii.ii e | .t «ii'.-iiii I »i«w "I LeOiig aland -ieunda 'd ti ¦' t IV* 'id.:is i-, i av »tir a ir,--j i-aadr: i.i«

lite cifitat he a-i-oattad. Will be »old iu two p ,rrrl« or hewho! . "f! »u.fd fer prodoetive city i,r.ej -rt>. »or ioaller

riril n la. fii y'n l'Et'K It B"S1I For* hnier, or PEt r»

RuTHRRR No. oi Ch*a*a*m*L, N»w w».

,lM)!j.-ÍÜ WAM'iNO PABMS..-S l.i-ge.lhriviai aSMteOMSt» \ IN »'.LaA.Ni), I i d an tte.

U ü.Yvi «ii-^th of Ph-.ltii- pl.u tv rairld ri h lol], te*k



130iron to h« leen g-nwin| ¿»»-re t. « '- «' tro >i *1S to

pet »if. pa>»b'« wl'.bio tu il y» uri. Good hruloei« operiinp,lu « .a- y. li .1 e,:» »r, -»'t in¿ a.) ruling iniprov«*«. Ai'piyt. CHAS K I.ANIiI*». BaMassaMr. ViaaBM-,*'i vitirrl'! Al-o N J. «Yr'a«r» i_»w»rfd. P»B«il c«*t»lolilgfull in.-oi natik S iii ta MM fr*«-


$-.> "Il M I .Sm_Ö_- FRIll'KARM" with«.'Illili BRI* K «ai TIL!. ï -HU. a»«r K«yp.trl,

.S I ,'-. .:«*,i LANH. s i-r«tln I r»u benc, R«ipb-«.Ti«i,»v»!iu H.ckbarr.f» fc*. A good »rd »! Siie.l M«rl on th«

p.. t'or asa The lau e*aei ( lace»--d) Briok »adTur on t « OMM tu _M -I there ii » rcvitant dfOQBud. Ag-pty to IS. B vi «tDDiKK N». 2» Broad it. Nee. Yoik

Ho afaraicre ano (Otlicre.


«*oru»T of « liuion-»» * .1 Knottt Albany N YCot. k Ca.«« dUrRRI'UO.Sl'UATR OK MME f«r BALK.XtaBM t m**-

tto,al notices.

iii».. '.¦" a a-a, oereat» o. io preaaniinetatu« wwovo.b*r.« i.i» re.' te h . «.iu.cnu -r. «t the ,-t!. « ol iii. hnd Wiuae,No :*? N»«.ii »t., ti, the lily tif New-Yoïk. on or before itanih d»y of IfliW IB»t lOaliitl Nf» Vork. M»rcl>». I«»*«.m... la .1.U.T.I J « 'di S VV. \\'U1T_. Kifcutor.

S¿UPKEME COUIM . lil l\'HESS COL'N'l V.J -It) IN At -»TIN Plate« .<.;..* BKNJ.IMIN mit-KART, «en .vinat |mln*l et* J« -ata Burkart, t-»nlor d-««»MdBM t.o-iiiir Uie late tuai ' J<"r¡ li ¡inrktrt k Co IroUnadintlo ihe Dt'«ad*nl above niajnedv You «re hereny «tirunninedarid goaeaad to a .»w«r »h« *. mp!»int io thii ntmo, ol whicka copy it BonsHI «erved unan you. and to «e«ve» cepy a*I i ,i«.v.i ii.theaaid« «o «h» tubacribar »4 M>¦tas* in til« «T«y of Poughkeepia. H * -, withiB tw»Btyi»t» » th» .r.-v*.ce marmot, .*._»*_ .__.* ****

w-rvi-e. snd If ton fall M auiwerlhe complaint wltnln th»time alore »id, IB« Pl«.u«_t M «hil acHou wtil take )itdguie»sgai -t jeu for «heiutn ol ou« «heuai.vtl and îoli dû*/« «adBftv »is fun with lB«er»«rt «herfou «s follow«, to wit: Ob.Mi.' M-lta thereof .ma Aajutt. I IS6I, ou 81^0 tbere»»in.-i A111-t 1.1 li*'T: on Rill B Ml Itara» «1*ic« «Trpten..brr l* Ubi in ITJ ».!» Ibera, .f tiru» ( »r-tober «. »el en

SlMlberaof aioM 0*»ta* IL (»1; ou BU.ti-l-lüO ihereol«itirr Deer - ».er IS IS«! on RM th «raaf «t»c« N.>v«mtar IS.liüil. on * lu" -"-loo thereof imea Dec»intor. .Vi. 1.. 1 ti d as

Biis» tkereof »io.» the Mtq day of 8e-*t«e.ber. ooe Uaeiaaadr-iht han-lr«t! uni «li'J c-ne b- -Ide th» ce»u of thii «c-ies.".D, WM. WiLKINmON, s-aa-ars Attwm.v.

ll.ii«d F»hrii»ry 14. ISti. Foughkeap.i«. H. Y.Tmka nnti.-elhai tbe eomplaint ia the above in inn ne. 1

wa» 1. .ni m iBe ofiioa oí the Clerk ef ibe Coaaiv ei Ileafor«««id on th* Uih d«y of J.Uy. ISM.

vWMY «Vll-RIRBON F'*l»ar. A'terae».

Te it« «lev« C»fe«gBBl. jaii tasten