French language services presentation best pratices css and active offer v3 april 7

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Transcript of French language services presentation best pratices css and active offer v3 april 7


OPS Common Service Standardsand Best Practices for Delivery of Quality

Services in French

Presentation for Staff Managing orOccupying a Designated Bilingual Position

Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/17/2014
I have changed the title a little Sheryl.
Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/17/2014
changed "to" to "for"



Highlight changes made to OPS Directive and Common Service Standards (took effect April 2013)

Share best practices for common service standards delivered in French

Identify tools available to staff

Highlight achievements and opportunities

• 905-735-5074

Sumbler, Sheryl (ENE), 03/07/2014
you wanted me to say "recent changes" made to the CSS but I do not see them as recent any more so put the effective date instead
Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/17/2014
I use 8 point spacing between the bullets


Common Service Standards andthe French Language Services Act

The French Language Services (FLS) Act was introduced in 1986 and applies to all Ontario ministries and government agencies. It guarantees the public the right to receive government services and communications in French in 25 French-designated areas of the province

There are currently 600,000 Francophone citizens within the Province of Ontario who have a right to accessing French government services

Good business practice would The Common Service Standards are equally applied to services we provide in French, in designated areas, and support the delivery of services that are actively offered, easily accessible and of good quality. Revisions to CSS should be reviewed through a francophone lens

The public which (under the Act) includes individuals, businesses, not-for-profit organizations, municipalities and community stakeholders appreciate the efforts that are made

Click here to learn more about the Act – need to hyperlink

Owner, 04/07/2014
With over 600,000 Francophone citizens in Ontario, it makes good business sense to ensure that when we review Common Service Standards that we ascertain that these standards are equally applied to services we provide in French, in designated areas, and support the delivery of services that are actively offered, easily accessible and of good quality – not sure this is right audience


About the OPS Common Service Standard Directive

•Common Service Standards (CSS) are OPS-wide

•Ministries are to measure and report performance on CSS

•Ministries are to establish levels of service that the public and employees can expect when accessing internal and external government services

telephone, in-person, email, regular mail, fax, websites

•Ministries must adhere to all legislative requirements which include:

The provision of services in French in accordance with the French Language Services Act (FLSA) and the Communications in French Directive - see Guidelines for best communication practices

The Active Offer (see slides XX) and delivery of French-language services to Ontario’s Francophone citizens

Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/03/2014
Hyperlink FLSA and Communications in French Directive.Could also make reference to Communications in French Directive and Guidelines and link both.
Sumbler, Sheryl (ENE), 03/05/2014
there is no timeframe identified in directive - is it up to each ministry to decide - we do annually right now


In the next series of slide, you will access information on protocols for CSS for the following:

Live Answers Recorded Voice Messaging (Automated Telephone Systems) In-Person Services Mail/Fax E-mail/Online Services

Each slide will outline the CSS standards as well as the Best Practices for delivery of services in French

Best Practices in the case of CSS are important as when we fail to implement best practices, the ministry is subject to receiving complaints from Ontario’s French Language Services Commissioner

Any complaints received from the Commissioner’s Office receives a response from MTO’s CAO after being approved by the ADM of the division touched by the complaint

Common Service Standards Versus Best Practices


Common Service Standard - Telephone

Best Practices – Live Answer:

•A bilingual greeting (Ministry of Transportation / bonjour) is used by staff in French-designated positions or any staff answering a public inquiry line serving any of the 25 designated areas

•Ensure staff is familiar with the process of transferring a French call to a French representative

•Keep an updated contact list of French representatives to whom you can transfer a call

•Ensure sufficient bilingual staff is available to provide coverage during core business hours

Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/03/2014
Sheryl: Can we add a slide with Voice Mail protocol for staff in designated positions with key elements to be included and sample audio of meeting absence or vacation absence.


Common Service Standard - Telephone

Best Practices – Recorded Voice Messaging (Automated Telephone Systems): •Record temporary or after hour messages in English and French

•Automated telephone systems are bilingual and the language option is given as early as possible in the recording. “Bonjour” is used at the onset of the recording

•When using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System, option to speak to a live operator is offered within the preliminary set of English and French menu options

•Provide TTY lines when establishing toll-free numbers

•Build capacity for TTY in English and French and capability to leave a message

Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/03/2014
Sheryl: Could you have a slide that speaks about automated IVR and generic formatting: Greeting in English and French, choice of language as English or French and then menu options in language selected. Can we provide audio sample if doable?Can we speak about Octel which is not as highly automorated as IVR and provide general formatting tips and audio sample if possible?Third category would be a staff line used as a regional incoming line for a program area where we might propose that instead of recording a personal greeting, a program greeting is recorded in both English and French, provide general formatting tip and provide audio sample if possible.


Best Practices: •

•The active offer of service (in 25 designated areas) is provided at all times by employees – “Good morning, bonjour”

•Services are offered in English and / or French during all business hours

•Staff deliver the same quality of services to French-speaking customers as they do for English-speaking customers

The services delivered to French-speaking customers is within a comparable time frame as English-speaking customers

Common Service Standard – In-Person


Common Service Standard – Mail/Fax

Best Practices: •

•Complaints submitted in French receive a French response

•Translation time is factored into turnaround time

•Contact Translation Services (Communication Branch) to have technical or voluminous documents translated

•French correspondence is flagged in CTIS by selecting French in the language drop down box


Common Service Standards – Email / Online

Best Practices:

•Communication (email / online) submitted in French receives a French response

•Email signature block is in English and French (designated staff)

•Out of office message is in English and French (designated staff)

•French correspondence is flagged in CTIS (select French in the language drop down box)

•Translation time is factored into turnaround time

•Contact Translation Services (Communication Branch) to have technical or voluminous documents translated


What is the “Active Offer”?

Is a set of measures taken by government agencies to ensure that French-language services (FLS) are: clearly visible readily available easily accessible publicized and that the quality of these services is equivalent to that of services

offered in English

This includes such measures as all communications, i.e. signs, notices, social media and other information on services, as well as the initiation of communication with French-speaking clients.


Why Use the “Active Offer”?

Use of the Active Offer is an indicator that services are readily available in French in the respective location

Promotes good customer service

Fosters a culture of professionalism (whether English-speaking or bilingual)

Reduces the number of complaints received by the Ministry and the French Language Service Commissioner’s Office

The FLS Commissioner has a mandate to conduct independent investigations under the French Language Services Act, either in response to complaints or on his own initiative, to prepare reports on his investigations, and to monitor the progress made by government agencies in the delivery of FLS in Ontario.


How to Incorporate the “Active Offer” in Your Workday

• Use a bilingual greeting (good morning, bonjour) at the counter or on the phone to let client know that services are available in English and French

• Provide service in the language chosen by your client, English or French

• Respond in French to all correspondence received in French

• Post signs indicating that services are available in English and French at your location

• Ensure adequate number of bilingual staff are available to provide quality services in French during all business hours

• When using social media, incorporate a medium that reaches the Francophone community

• Provide French representation when participating in a public event – display pamphlets, brochures, videos in bilingual format and have bilingual staff attend event or make arrangements for a qualified interpreter

• Sign up for French language training. It is available to all employees and could provide a level of comfort to use the Active Offer

Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/03/2014
If you are in a French-designated position you may be interested in French Language Training to retain your level of French and feel comfortable in providing an Active Offer of Service.Sheryl, you could hyperlink French Language Training to our FLS intranet site, training section.Could also include non-speakers that want to learn, what do you think?


Voice Mail Protocol – Staff in Designated Positions

Record a bilingual voice mail greeting Include a French term such as "Bonjour“ in your introductory greeting

Provide name (unless there is a security issue)

Provide name of branch, division or ministry

Provide current date or week range

Provide bilingual zero out option or alternate number for immediate assistance in French

Use an extended absence greeting when out of office for one business day or longer

Enable TTY users to leave a message after business hours


Sample Voice Mail Message – Absence from Office - No Access to Voice Mail

Bonjour, you have reached (name) in (either: Branch / Division / Ministry) on (date). I am away from the office with no access to voice mail. If you require immediate assistance, please (press zero on your touch tone phone or dial alternate number) and a staff member will assist you. If you wish to leave a message, please do so after then tone I will return the call upon my return to the office. Optional: Thank you and have a nice day!

Vous avez rejoint (nom) de la (soit : direction / division / ministère) le (date). Je suis hors du bureau sans accès à ma boîte vocale. Si vous avez besoin d'aide immédiatement, appuyez sur le zéro ou composez le (numéro de téléphone) et un membre du personnel vous répondra. Si vous désirez laisser un message, faites-le à la tonalité et je retournerai l’appel dès mon arrivée au bureau. Option : Merci, passez une belle journée!

Add audio feature


Sample Voice Mail Message – Absence from Office - Access to Voice Mail

Bonjour, you have reached (name) in (either: Branch / Division / Ministry) on (date). I will be in meetings throughout the day and will be checking voice messages periodically. If you require immediate assistance, please (press zero on your touch tone phone or dial alternate number) and a staff member will assist you. If you wish to leave a message, please do so after then tone I will return the call within 24 hours. Optional: Thank you and have a nice day!

Vous avez rejoint (nom) de la (soit : direction / division / ministère) le (date). Je serai en réunion tout au long de la journée et vérifierai ma boîte vocale au cours de la journée. Si vous avez besoin d'aide immédiatement, appuyez sur le zéro ou composez le (numéro de téléphone) et un membre du personnel vous répondra. Si vous désirez laisser un message, faites-le à la tonalité et je vous rappelle d’ici 24 heures. Option : Merci, passez une belle journée!

Add audio feature


Best Practices for Formatting Menus Using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System

IVR telephone system used to handle large call volumes

Main greeting is recorded in English and French

Language preference option is available (English or French)

Selected language (English or French) is available throughout menu and sub-menu options

Menu and sub-menu options are recorded identically in English and French

After hour or special messages are recorded in English and French

Ideally, recording performed by one person


Best Practices for Formatting Voice Message on Stand Alone System

Stand alone system (such as Octel) used for voice mail products and services

Voice mail greeting is recorded in English and French

Menus options are recorded identically in English and in French

Options to select language preference is available at the outset of the main greeting

Menu options and sub-menu options are available either all English or all French

Ideally, recording done by one person


Internal Staff Lines Used as Dual Purpose

Used in some regions/program areas for public enquiries as well as an internal staff line

Recommendation is to record a generic voice message instead of a personal voice message

Recording should be in English and French

Active offer should be used in English greeting or a statement that a french message will follow


Highlights and Achievements

Ministry is making steady progress with French standards through the annual CSS review Proven success through ongoing education and raising awareness of

Active Offer System upgrades have allowed for efficiencies in customer service Positive outcomes as a result of staff ensuring Active Offer is being

delivered FLS Office receiving requests for additional information on best

practices for telephone standards and in-person services Ministry continues to make progress in delivering quality customer

service to Francophone community through social media

Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/03/2014
I would speak more generally about the fact that the ministry conducts CCS reviews every year and that in general the ministry is making steady progress with the French standards. (so that we don't have to update this generic presentation every year)Raising awareness and educating is the best way to ensure that we continue to make progress in future years.Sheryl you may have other ideas
Baril, Rachel (ENE), 03/03/2014
Can we add bullet that all staff are involved in ensuring that we are successful at delivering an Active Offer of Service in French or that we all have a role to play in ensuring that we meet CCS and provide an Active Offer of Service in French.


Additional Considerations to Ensure Success

Phone coverage during absences (vacation, sick, lunch hour, meetings) A bilingual staff member is recommended for coverage Ensure that staff answering public enquiry line or designated staff line are aware

of their responsibilities when handling calls coming on a designated line Active Offer is used (English and bilingual speaking staff) Process in place for handling/transferring French calls Staff trained on phone system(s) to transfer a call Contact list of French-speaking representatives is available to transfer the call Plan in place in for back-up coverage

Rotational shift work Plan in place for coverage of staff in designated positions

Staff covering designated position are aware of responsibiilities for managing public enquiries

Billingual contact cards made available to the public Contact list of French-speaking representatives available to assist with the enquiry Commitment made to provide a response within possible timeframe (when bilingual staff

is available)

For other cases that are not identified in this slide deck, contact FLS Office for options to minimize disruption in meeting FLS obligations



MTO FLS Intranet Site Active Offer / Common Service Standards French Language Training Staffing & Managing Designated Bilingual Positions – A Practical Guide to Managers Translation Services

FLS Office contacts: Rachel Baril – 905 704-2045 Sheryl Sumbler – 905 704-2046

Communications in French Directive Communications Guidelines

Office of Francophone Affairs Intranet Site