Free SEO Resources

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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Learning the right way to optimise pages and websites for search engines, took me some time to catch up on. Things have changed over the years. In this article I list the top four free online SEO resources I use daily. For me there was no quick and easy way to locate them and I hope to address this by posting this article.

Transcript of Free SEO Resources 1

Free SEO Resources

Learning the right way to optimise pages and websites for search engines, took me some time to catch up on. Things have changed over the years. In this article I list the top four free online SEO resources I use daily. For me there was no quick and easy way to locate them and I hope to address this by posting this article. 2

Free SEO Resources

Learning the right way to optimise pages and websites for search engines, took me some time to catch up on. Things have changed over the years, and as I have often stated when I started at the turn of the millennium, is was simply a matter of keyword stuffing in to META Tags, the more the better, and it did not have to be relevant even. These days Google, the search engine with the largest market share, no longer recognises these tags, while others still do. The next biggie was Google page rank, which still plays a significant role but is no longer as powerful as it once was as Google dropped it about 12 months ago. Currently back linking is the way to go, and the higher the page rank, abbreviated to PR, that back links come from the better.

Back linking is the process of finding sites where by you can place anchor text, for example: Free SEO Tips into websites independent of your own, which then point to your website. As is the norm there are plenty of search engine optimisation sites that offer a back linking services, and what you get and how much it costs varies, a lot. By employing this type of service you will be taking out the work load, as you can of course do this manually, but it does, and will take a greater amount of time for anyone to do.

While learning the up to date way for search engine optimisation I have gathered a number resources along the way, which have helped me to keep on target. I use Firefox as my web browser and I would recommend this over Internet Explorer. So that's a little back ground for any new starters reading this article, now on to my top four free SEO resources. 3

1). The first tool I found was SEO Quake, and add on for Firefox. This is a great tool as it produces a series of results while your browsing, and thus enable the viewer to quickly determine websites rankings, in Google and Alexa etcetera.

2). The first page I found is useful for tracking backlinks whether it be for the tracking of your page, or if you're looking for sites to link from is called Backlink Watch.

3). The next really useful site I found to check META tags and more is called Submit Express, check out the links under the free webmaster tools section.

4). The final site I use on a regular basis is a keyword checker tool, which has and will remain immensely useful in all my online activities, such as article submission and blogging. Especially when trying to rank for a single keyword phrase and by keeping keyword density at or below two percent. Look for the textalyser.

Follow the anchor text below for direct links to the above mentioned Free SEO resources.

For Free SEO Resources <-- Click on the link.

With Best Regards Tace Thompson