Free mobile recharge for indian mobile users for android apps

Post on 14-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Free mobile recharge for indian mobile users for android apps

Free Mobile Recharge for

Indian Mobile Users for Android


Hello Folks, Get Free Mobile Recharge for Indian Mobile Users for Android Apps is about now-a-days; people are more concerned about their mobile balance than the total balance in their bank account. They try to save as much of their mobile balance as they can and, whenever they got an offer of extra talk time, free airtime, coupons, etc., it’s a BIG deal for them. And, I am sure.

But we get to know about these free mobile recharge offers only if we are too lucky because these free mobile recharge are very infrequent, available to specific region and for limited period of time which is not good.

Get Free Mobile Recharge for Indian Mobile Users for Android Apps

So, do you want to get regular offers and free recharges?

Well, if your answer is “Yes!” then today I am telling your some cool android apps to get free mobile recharge. These apps are providing free mobile recharges, discount coupons, cashbacks, and credits almost daily.

Pokkt – Free Mobile Recharge

After providing millions worth Free Recharges, the app POKKT has now arrived to android platform. The app is providing you very easy option to earn free talktime apps. All you need to do is just complete some offers provided inside the app.


Hike is already very popular app for providing free messages not only from Hike to Hike but also from Hike to other users which are not in Hike. They have a rewards section where they are providing you opportunity to earn cash. On new sign-ups, they’re providing Rs. 20/- free talktime, on your friends’ sign-up to the app through your link, you’ll get Rs. 20/- cash every time and whenever the amount reaches Rs. 50/-, you can recharge your mobile phone with this amount.


The app provides quick, safe and simple online mobile recharges, Postpaid bill payments, DTH recharges and Datacard recharges. The app doesn’t directly provide free recharges officially but you can enjoy equal value Freebies / Offers from merchants such as McDonald’s, CCD, Costa Coffee, PVR, etc. and save money.

Moreover, just google “FreeCharge Coupon” and you’ll get numerous coupons providing huge discounts, cashbacks on recharges that you perform from FreeCharge, just make sure the offer/coupon is currently valid.

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