Fred størseth. new strains of society hidden, dynamic and emergent vulnerabilities

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New Trends in Societal Security research in the Nordic countries 26 - 27 November 2014 in Stockholm

Transcript of Fred størseth. new strains of society hidden, dynamic and emergent vulnerabilities

SINTEF Technology and Society

NordForsk Conference

New trends in societal security research in the Nordic countries

26-27 November 2014, Stockholm


Tor Olav Grøtan

Senior Research Scientist

Dpt of Safety Research

SAMRISK II project:

New Strains of Society – Hidden, Dynamic and Emergent Vulnerabilities

SINTEF Technology and Society

• Participants

• SINTEF Technology and Society, Safety Research

• The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

• University of Tulsa, USA

• Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt (FFI)

• …..

• Budget: 7MNOK from SAMRISK II

• Duration: 2014-17

• Project management SINTEF

• Fred Størseth (


The project

SINTEF Technology and Society

• Adressing vulnerabilities that may be "unknown" in any sense:

• Ignored – forgotten - never contemplated - impossible to identify - misunderstood or underestimated – stemming from emergence, rupture, discontinuity, variability, etc -

• Presumed impact; society (as a whole) under enormous strain

• Will the (beliefs in the) institutions endure the strain?

• The deafening silence from missing answers – or unrealistic assumptions?

• Will the public still be comforted by "we will revise our routines"?

• Armed police in Norway November 2014 – of course (?)

• Drivers, e.g.,

• New forms of crime - safety & security – climate change , ++

• Dependencies, dynamics and dynamism between systems and domains

• Need for new foci, e.g.

• From threat pictures to threat landscapes

• Vulnerability patterns


New Strains of Society – Hidden, Dynamic and Emergent Vulnerabilities

SINTEF Technology and Society

• A "shrinking" world

• Where are the boundaries between society and systems? How do multiple systems cohere? How can vulnerabilities be identified? Can we see it as an "ecology"? E.g.

• Safety/security "mindsets" as "industrial enclaves" in an open/dynamic society?

• 9/11 signifies a crossroad, a new epoch, a rupture/discontinuity

• Malicious, intended action; terror: A continual, persistent but unspecified threat

• What is the impact on society, what is the strain?

• ICT as a central analytical dimension: "the world connected through it"

• Vulnerabilities when ICT fail

• Failure, breakdown, disturbance (maintenance), virus/hacking etc etc

• Vulnerabilities when ICT function as intended (ICT as prime mediator of interaction)

• ICT as re-presentation technology, as organ-izing technology

• Shared awareness and understanding? A matter of modelling?

• Vertbatim vs gist; different (native) languages; Conditions for sensemaking?

• Intensified potential for vulnerability: The "state of the world" as well as thethreats and risks defined, transfused and understood by and through ICT


Some ideas and presumptions

SINTEF Technology and Society

• New threats against society produce new patterns of risk and vulnerability

• The recognition of this may imply the challenging of some core principles

• The idea of distinct roles and clear responsibilities: Somebody must "own" (at least part of) the problem

• What if the distinct roles cannot be identified?

• What if there are no clear areas of responsibility?

• New threats can "play out" in ways that influence an array of systems

• The idea of control:

• The prevalent imperative of identifying and "translating" risk into cintrollableparameters

• How can we identfy and act on risks that are constantly changing, crossingand traversing system boundaries, affecting a number of parties ?

• We must acknowldge the fact that the "standard toolbox" and approaches areinsufficient

• New threats demand new thinking and new methods – for vulnerability as well as risk


New Strains: Foundations

SINTEF Technology and Society

• Out point of departure is what we actually have (predominantly from industrial safety)

• Methods, theoretical foundations, views and contemplations

• The aim is however not just to "re-contextualize" into the societal context.

• We will approach the borderlines and the impasses – where methods stalemate , where understanding stops

• We will explore how existing methods and principles can be related to, developed and translated into addressing complex landscapes of threats that

• involve multiple systems in interplay

• is imprinted by substantial uncertainty , e.g., related to

• Extent, potential of escalation, degree of danger, vulnerability by coupling

• can imply generation, transfer and relocation of risk

• We will build "landscapes" of threat and vulnerability within different areas, e.g.:

• Offshore activity in sensitive areas

• Pandemic

• Critical infrastructure integrated with ICT (incl. "ICT as mediator")


New Strains; Approach

SINTEF Technology and Society

• Develop an analytical framework for understanding and managing new threats and vulnerabilities towards society

• The objective is not to generate more knowledge to reduce uncertainty, but

• to establish new principles for contemplation and approach, and

• new ways to acknowledge and explore the new strains

• Point of departure; existing methods and theory, with a special focus on:

• Risk analysis

• Barrier management

• Resilience

• Stress-testing

• Intention: to put ourselves (safety science, practice) to the test

• Establish borderlines and limitations of existing/prevalent approaches

• Objective: to identifiy how approaches and methods must be developed in order to adress the societal threats we will face, including

• Where it stops – where "control", methods and tools can promise no more

• Including the new & "promising", e.g. resilience (engineering)


New Strains; Defined targets

SINTEF Technology and Society

1. The potential of development related to stress-testing as a specific method (e.g., simulated barrier breakdown) to address societal threats

2. Stress-testing in a wider sense, as a principle or metaphor:

• We intend to "stress-teste" our inventory of approaches and methods – in order to identify where and when our "tools" stop working

• INCLUDING the recent advances,

• e.g., resilience (engineering)


Stress-testing; a double meaning

SINTEF Technology and Society 9

David D. Woods, 2014

Hidden, dynamic and emergent vulnerabilities


Creating, constructing, conditioning…




SINTEF Technology and Society

New safety


domain 2 (KD2)


Prevalent safety approachesKnowledge domain 1 (KD1)

New risk



Prevalent risk management approachesKnowledge domain 1 (KD1)

Stable/known systems Increasingly complex and dynamic systems


"TORC"Compliance vs Resilience

Emergent risksGeneric risk drivers

Sensitization to local conditions

"Safety as done"

EXAMPLE. "Pulse of Risk ExploreR" (PuRER): Project proposal Saf€ra ( 2014

SINTEF Technology and Society

"expansion": occasions to extend the analytical horizon

"contraction": RA revisions Selected horizons

"flow": (re)-organized attentionsensitivity to work as done


Approaches & methods providing increased sensitivity to emerging risks.

Improved risk management


Exploring "The Pulse of Risk"

SINTEF Technology and Society

"expansion": occasions to extend the analytical horizon

"contraction": RA revisions Selected horizons

"flow": (re)-organized attentionsensitivity to work as done


Approaches & methods providing increased sensitivity to emerging risks.

Improved risk management

PuRER: Abductive research process

Theoretical inventory/resources

+ + "Drift into failure" + + + + + + + (TORC)

Company / regulator practices and prospects

Main metaphor


SINTEF Technology and Society

• Hermeneutical ideal

• Continuous exchange

• Part vs whole

• Pre-understanding Understanding ….

• "Safety" or "security" ?

• Build/understand landscapes of threats

• Analyse, stress-test our methods & approaches


Ambition: "Zoom In/Out" in large ("infinite") systems

SINTEF Technology and Society 14


Forget your perfect offering

There's a crack in everything

That's where the light gets in

Leonard Cohen (Anthem)