Fratel 14th meeting©minaire-Fratel-2017... · yT‐Mobile, in Germany, completely blocked Skype in...

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Transcript of Fratel 14th meeting©minaire-Fratel-2017... · yT‐Mobile, in Germany, completely blocked Skype in...


Fratel 14th meeting Abidjan 08 May 2017

Wajdi GaraliDepartment head of Internet QoS

Tunisian Telecommunication Regulation Authority 






Tunisian Experience

INT ongoing works

Some achievements


Net Neutrality as a Network Design Concept• The term ‘Net Neutrality’ was originally coined in 2003 by Columbia media law professor Tim Wu

• All data on the Internet should be treated equally, without discrimination 

Net Neutrality as a User Rights Concept

• The inventor of the WWW professor Tim Berners‐Lee:

• “ It’s about consumer rights, it’s about free speech, its about democracy ”


There is no universal definition

Net neutrality regulation establishes common rules tosafeguard equal and non‐discriminatory treatment oftraffic in the provision of internet access services andrelated end‐users’ rights

A tricky, debatable definitionEssentially: “All bits are created equal”

Absolute neutrality


OverviewNet Neutrality definition


OverviewInternet Ecosystem

Content Providers

IP Transit Providers

Internet Exchange Points 

(IXP)Content DeliveryNetwork (CDN) Operators Last Mile 




OverviewInternet Ecosystem

*Source : DETECON Analysis.

September 9th, making 2016 the official start of the Zettabyteera. (annual run rate, 1 Zetta = 1021Bytes)


Year Global Internet Traffic

1992 100 GB per day

1997 100 GB per hour

2002 100 GBps

2007 2,000 GBps

2015 20,235 GBps

2020 61,386 GBps

OverviewInternet Market Trends 


OverviewInternet Market Trends 

Global IP Traffic Forecast, 2015–2020

Global Content Delivery Network Internet Traffic, 2015 and 2020

*Source : Cisco VNI Forecast, 2015–2020.

Comcast, the second largest ISP in the U.S injected forgedTCP RST packets into Bit‐Torrent sessions

The injections took place well after the handshake, and often after some data has been exchanged to prevent detection.Comcast used equipment from Canadian vendor Sandvine to perform the injections.Many other companies specialize in selling ISPs DPI equipment

BlueCoatArbor NetworksAllot Communications

Comcast agreed to pay 16,000,000$ to settle the lawsuitwithout admitting to any wrongdoing


OverviewNet Neutrality violations cases 

T‐Mobile, in Germany, completely blocked Skype in itsnetwork in March 2009In 2012, AT&T blocked Apple’s video chat app FaceTime from

running on its mobile network unless customers paid extra for aMobile Shared Data planIn December 2015, WhatsApp service wouldn't turn over

subscriber information, so a Brazilian judge demanded it beshut down for 48 hours.In March 2016, Netflix has been throttling its video traffic

bound for mobile customers of Verizon and AT&T, but notdoing the same for Sprint and T‐Mobile customers


OverviewNet Neutrality violations cases 


No blocking

• Broadband providers may not block access to legal content, applications, services, or non‐harmful devices.

No Throttling

• Broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non‐harmful devices.

• No Trafic Shaping

No PaidPrioritization

• Broadband providers may not favor some lawful Internet traffic over other lawful traffic in exchange for consideration of any kind.

No Discrimination

• No unreasonablediscrimination to lawfulcontents, application, services.

No rating

• Exempt particular data from counting against a user's data cap or from accruing any excess usage charge

• VAT or no VAT, depending on  the « pay for play » arrangement

Net Neutrality Rules

OverviewNet Neutrality expectation

The 5 Pillars

The Main Resolution

Article 26, Telecommunication code, law n°2001‐1 15thJanuary 2001, “The licensee shall be bound to comply with theconditions of secrecy and neutrality with respect to the carriedsignals”


Tunisian ExperienceFramework

License commitment, operators global License agreements,article 5 al 5.4

“The License holder guarantees that his service is neutralwith regard to the content of the information transmitted onhis network”

“<..> “He provides the service without discriminationirrespective of the transmitted messages nature and he shalltake the necessary provision to ensure its integrity”


Tunisian ExperienceFramework

The implementing regulations

INT Decree N°2014‐4773 of 26 December 2014 : “INT setsstandards and Internet services quality criteria in force at thenational level and ensures the monitoring and evaluation oftheir compliance”

INT Decision n°107 of 11 November 2015 adopting themethodology and indicators for measuring theadministrative and technical quality of fixed Internet services


Tunisian ExperienceFramework

INT Decision n°107/2015 : 1srt INT Decision regarding QoSand Net Neutrality

National committee : ISPs, operators, civil society, ODC(Consumer Defense Office), Ministry, etc.

Public consultation process (Consultation opened duringSeptember 2015)Responses received from many stakeholders : constructors

(Nokia, Huawei, etc), Private sector (Prisma, etc),ISP/operator (all private ISP), the Tunisian IXP (ATI) besidesto civil society (ISOC, IGF, A4AI, etc) and Government(Ministry)


Tunisian ExperienceFramework : QoS Internet decision

INT Decision n°107/2015 : 1srt INT Decision regarding QoSand Net Neutrality

Compliant with ETSI and ITU recommendationsConsensus gain by all multi‐ stakeholders on:

Measurement methodologyKey Performance Indicators (KPI)Thresholds


Tunisian ExperienceFramework : QoS Internet decision


Public communiqué, 16th December, 2014

“INT informs the public that the information circulatingabout the different media about an upcoming blocking of freeservices such as Skype and Viber on 3G packages in Tunisiahave no official character.INT ensures subscribers' rights protection and deploys allnecessary means so that consumers can be in a position tosettle on their choices in a transparent way.”

Tunisian ExperienceOTT Management

QoS Internet evaluation project (2013‐2014)


Tunisian ExperienceQoS Internet assessment 


This practice is particularly performed by some ISPs, whichproceed to a bandwidth limitation especially between 4 pmand midnight.

Source: INT 2nd Measurement report, Ariana region, 2013

SomeachievementsTraffic shaping detection


November 2013, INT adopts new measurement approach todetect traffic shaping since ISPs adjust shaping policies (notonly P2P but also HTTP traffic and video streaming )

SomeachievementsTraffic shaping detection


Heavy latency caused by routingloops/filtring rules as shown in the IP transitgraph. Some ISPs are unfairly less priors.

Source: INT Experimental result over RIPE Atlas probes, 2014

SomeachievementsTraffic prioritization 


In some regions, VoIP service are deteriorated by injectingnoise into the RTP protocol packets. One of the commonpractices to dwindle Skype, Viber and VoIP OTT service.

Source: INT QoS Internet summary report, 2014

SomeachievementsVoIP degradation 


QoS measurements (August 2017)

INTongoingworksUpcoming QoS evaluation


KPIs*Data Service : Capacity

TCP ThroughputHTTP ThroughputTraffic Shaping

Data Service: LatencyNetwork RTTDNS resolution TimeIP Transit Graph 

VoIP ServiceMOS (Downstream/Upstream)Packet loss, Jitter, delay

Video Streaming ServiceBufferingDelay and Jitter

Broadband  Map 

*All detailed KPIs:Methods of calculationReferred normsThresholds

could be seen in INT decision n°107/2015 (

Net neutrality Indicator

Net neutrality Indicator

INTongoingworksUpcoming QoS evaluation 


End user Measurement software (H1 2017)

INTongoingworksUpcoming QoS evaluation 

The regulation of zero rate services is highly debatable andregulators have come to different conclusions so far.

INT is focusing on new policies to introduce zero ratingwith regards to sensitive services (health, education etc.)

Bill shock was experienced (mainly after caps, unexpectedcharges) same data was normally charged according to thedata plans and volume caps. INT will launch the audit ofbilling systems.


INTongoingworksZero rating

Complains received and statistically :Categorized into classes (include Net neutrality issue)Displayed through Dashboard : almost net practices of ISP

The consumer may launch online QoS tests ordownload the assessment software.

A sort of guideline for end user acknowledgment andawareness about telco packages.


INTongoingworksConsumer portal

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29©INTT 2017 #INTT                                Instance Nationale des Télécommunications

Abidjan 08 May 2017

Wajdi GaraliDepartment head of Internet QoSTunisian Telecommunication Regulation Authority