Frases 3.doc

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Transcript of Frases 3.doc

  • 8/11/2019 Frases 3.doc


    Para estudiantes

    LIST 1

    1 He ido all dos veces esta semana. I've gone there twice this week.2 l me ha llamado varias veces hoy. He's called me several times today.3 Hemos llegado a una conclusin. We've reached a conclusion.4 Hemos decidido cancelar el proyecto. We've decided to cancel the project.5

    No han hecho nada. hey haven't done anything.6 He pro!ado muchas di"erentes pro"esiones. I've tried many di""erent pro"essions.7 l ha perdido la vo#. He's lost his voice.8 $lla no ha venido por a%u &ltimamente. he hasn't come here lately.9 He empe#ado a estudiar alem(n. I've !egun to study )erman.10 He tenido muchos pro!lemas con *l. I've had a lot o" pro!lems with him.11 +,e has visto- Have you seen him-12 le vi hace cinco minutos. /es I saw him "ive minutes ago.13 +0u* haca cuando le viste- What was he doing when you saw him-14 1ecu*rdame %ue le llame. 1emind me to call him.15 2e recuerdas a un antiguo amigo mo. /ou remind me o" an old "riend o" mine.16 +Has estado con *l &ltimamente- Have you !een with him lately-17 No le he visto desde Navidad. I haven't seen him since 3hristmas.18 +3mo se llama- What's his name-19 No creo %ue le cono#cas. I don't think you know him.20 +0u* has hecho hoy- What have you done today-21 +Has hecho algo importante este mes- Have you done anything important this month-22 +3u(ntas pelculas has visto este a4o- How many movies have you seen this year-23 Hasta ahora ninguna. o "ar none.24 5eamos una. ,et's see one.25 Nunca he hecho algo as. I've never done anything like that.

    26 iempre hay una primera ve#. here's always a "irst time.27 No he tenido muchas oportunidades. I haven't had many chances.28 6hora vas a tener una. Now you're going to have one.29 Nunca he visto a una mujer como ella. I've never seen a woman like her.30 l ha perdido mucho peso. He's lost a lot o" weight.31 l ha hecho muchas cosas por m. He's done a lot o" things "or me.32 2e ha ayudado en muchas ocasiones. He's helped me on a lot o" occasions.33 iempre ha estado cerca cuando le he necesitado. He's always !een near when I've needed him.34 Nunca ha pedido nada a cam!io. He's never asked "or anything in return.35 iempre ha sido honesto y leal. He's always !een honest and loyal.36 iempre ha sido ama!le y servicial. He's always !een kind and help"ul.37 2e gustara conocerle. I'd like to meet him.38 $star( a%u dentro de unos minutos. He'll !e here in a "ew minutes.39 7e!e de ser un hom!re muy !ondadoso. He must !e a very kind man.40 7e!e de tener muchos amigos. He must have a lot o" "riends.41 7e!e de ser muy generoso. He must !e very generous.42 +Ha hecho alguna ve# algo malo- Has he ever done anything !ad-43 Nunca ha hecho nada malo. He's never done anything !ad.44 +Ha levantado alguna ve# la vo#- Has he ever raised his voice-45 Nunca ha hecho eso. He's never done that.46 +Ha perdido alguna ve# la paciencia- Has he ever lost his patience-47 $so nunca le ha pasado. hat's never happened to him.48 +e ha llamado alguna ve# idiota- Has he ever called you an idiot-

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    49 +& %u* crees- What do you think-50 3reo %ue de!e de ser un tipo e8tra4o. I think he must !e a strange guy.

    LIST 2

    1 No han llegado todava. hey haven't arrived yet.2 +9or %u* no han llegado todava- Why haven't they arrived yet-3 9or%ue est(n todava en camino. :ecause they're still on the way.4 +Has comido ya- Have you eaten yet-

    5 No he comido todava. I haven't eaten yet.6 +9or %u* no has comido todava- Why haven't you eaten yet-7 9or%ue todava estoy estudiando. :ecause I'm still studying.8 +odava sales con ella- 7o you still go out with her-9 odava salimos juntos. We still go out together.10 +,e has pedido ya %ue se case contigo- Have you asked her to marry you yet-11 No todava no. No not yet.12 +ienes intencin de hacerlo- 6re you planning to do it-13 No lo s* todava. I don't know yet.14 +Has conocido a sus padres- Have you met her parents-15 ya les he conocido. /es I've already met them.16 +3mo son- What are they like-17 2e recuerdan a tus padres. hey remind me o" your parents.18 7e!e de ser !uena gente. hey must !e good people.19 e est( haciendo tarde. It's getting late.20 +9or %u* no te has acostado a&n- Why haven't you gone to !ed yet-21 odava no tengo sue4o. I'm not sleepy yet.22 +Has puesto ya el despertador- Have you set your alarm clock yet-23 ,o pondr* m(s tarde. I'll set it later.24 9on la mesa. et ; lay the ta!le.25 6lguien ha estado a%u. omeone has !een here.26 /a he comido. I've already eaten.27 +Has comido ya- Have you eaten yet-28 $stoy a%u. I'm here.29 ,levo a%u una hora. I've !een here "or an hour.30 $stoy aprendiendo ingl*s. I'm learning $nglish.31 $stoy aprendiendo ingl*s desde hace tres meses. I've !een learning $nglish "or three months.32 engo el pelo canoso. I have gray ; grey hair.33 engo el pelo canoso desde hace muchos a4os. I've had gray hair "or many years.34 ,e cono#co. I know him.35 ,e cono#co desde hace un mes. I've known him "or a month.36

    $st(n intentando matarme. hey're trying to kill me.37 ,levan varios a4os intentando matarme. hey've !een trying to kill me "or several years.38 ,o llevo haciendo desde hace alg&n tiempo. I've !een doing it "or some time.39 ,levan a%u unos das. hey've !een here "or a "ew days.40 +3u(nto tiempo llevas a%u- How long have you !een here-41 +,levas mucho tiempo con ella- Have you !een with her "or a long time-42 +3u(nto hace %ue la conoces- How long have you known her-43 +3onoces a sus padres-

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    49 +9or %u* no lo has ledo- Why haven't you read it-50 +engo %ue darte ra#ones para todo- 7o I have to give you reasons "or everything-

    LIST 3

    1 Ha sido un da muy caluroso. It's !een a very hot day.2 $spero %ue hayas tenido tiempo para pensarlo. I hope you've had time to think a!out it.3 /a he comido. I've already eaten.4 /a se han puesto en contacto con *l. hey've already contacted him.

    5 +9or %u* no has hecho nada- Why haven't you done anything-6 +Ha reci!ido tu gente la orden- Have your people received the order-7 +7e %u* orden est(s ha!lando- What order are you talking a!out-8 Nunca me ha gustado el ajedre#. I've never liked chess.9 Han estado a%u +no- hey've !een here haven't they-10 +No has tomado algunas medidas- Haven't you taken any measures-11 No han hecho nada. hey haven't done anything.12 No la he visto a&n.

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    49 +3u(ndo volveremos a vernos- When will we see each other again-50 Has crecido mucho desde la &ltima ve# %ue te vi. /ou've grown a lot since the last time I saw you.

    LIST 4

    1 Nacieron en a%uella aldea. hey were !orn in that village.2 e criaron all tam!i*n. hey grew up there too.3 @ue descu!ierto hace unos a4os. It was discovered a "ew years ago.4 ,e "ue recordado asistir a la reunin. He was reminded to attend the meeting.

    5 @ue asesinado por los indios. He was killed !y the Indians.6 @ue muerto por una "lecha. He was killed !y an arrow.7 @ue dejado morir. He was le"t to die.8 @ue salvado por un misionero. He was saved !y a missionary.9 @ue llevado al "uerte. He was taken to the "ort.10 @ue presentado al capit(n. He was introduced to the captain.11 ,e "ue concedida una medalla. He was given a medal.12 @ue enviado a la capital. He was sent to the capital.13 Nunca ha vuelto. He's never come !ack ; returned.14 Nunca nos ha escrito. He's never written to us.15 3reo %ue se ha olvidado de nosotros. I think he's "orgotten a!out us.16 Ni si%uiera nos dio las gracias. He didn't even thank us.17 No le he visto desde entonces. I haven't seen him since then.18 No he odo nada de *l. I haven't heard anything a!out him.19 Nadie me ha dicho nada so!re *l. No!ody's told me anything a!out him.20 Ni si%uiera s* donde est(. I don't even know where he is.21 3uando lleguen a%u te los presentar*. When they get here I'll introduce them to you.22 eamos m(s ra#ona!les. ,et's !e more reasona!le.23 jam(s he visto un contrato tan largo. I've never seen such a long contract.24 Nunca he ha!lado con un hom!re tan terco. I've never spoken to such a stu!!orn man.25 Nunca he visto una pelcula tan graciosa. I've never seen such a "unny "ilm.26 Nunca he tratado con un hom!re tan astuto. I've never dealt with such a shrewd man.27 Nunca me lo he pasado tan !ien. I've never had such a good time.28 Nunca he tra!ajado tan duro. I've never worked so hard.29 Nunca he visto a tantas mecangra"as. I've never seen so many typists.30 Nunca he comido tanta comida. I've never eaten so much "ood.31 Nunca he tenido compa4a tan agrada!le. I've never had such pleasant company.32 Nunca he hecho una cosa tan est&pida. I've never done such a stupid thing.33 Nunca he cometido tantos errores. I've never made so many mistakes.34 ,a o!ra "ue tan a!urrida %ue me "ui. he play was so !oring that I le"t.35 $ra una o!ra tan a!urrida %ue me "ui. It was such a !oring play that I le"t.36

    Hemos llegado a una conclusin. We've reached a conclusion.37 +6 %u* conclusin ha!*is llegado- What conclusion have you reached-38 Hemos decidido no hacer nada. We've decided not to do anything.39 +As ha presionado alguien- Has anyone pressured you-40 +Ha!*is reci!ido amena#as- Have you received any threats-41 Hace a4os %ue esto no ocurra. his hasn't happened "or years.42 No recuerdo la &ltima ve# %ue esto ocurri. I don't remem!er the last time this happened.43 No s* de lo %ue est(s ha!lando. I don't know what you're talking a!out.44 7a igual. It doesn't matter.45 iempre he intentado ayudarles. I've always tried to help them.46 Nunca han hecho nada a cam!io. hey've never done anything in return.47 No les importa lo %ue te ocurra. hey don't care what happens to you.48 2e alegro de sa!er eso. I'm glad to know that.

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    49 $se es el tipo de m&sica %ue me gusta. hat's the kind o" music I like.50 Nunca he tenido %ue pegar a nadie. I've never had to hit anyone.

    LIST 5

    1 +e ha "irmado ya- Has it !een signed yet-2 +e han visto ya- Have they seen each other yet-3 +e ha hecho ya- Has it !een done yet-4 +9or %u* no se ha hecho- Why hasn't it !een done-5

    Nadie me dijo %ue tena %ue ser hecho. No!ody told me it had to !e done.6 +Han sido despertados ya- Have they !een woken up yet-7 $lla ya ha sido advertida dos veces. he's already !een warned twice.8 i algo ocurre es culpa de ella. I" something happens it's her "ault.9 No estoy dispuesto a aceptar la culpa. I'm not willing to accept the !lame.10 No me culpes a m. 7on't !lame me.11 No %uiero %ue culpes a nadie. I don't want you to !lame anyone.12 No es culpa de nadie. It's no!ody's "ault.13 No tenemos %ue echar la culpa a nadie. We don't have to !lame anyone.14 +9or %u* hacer las cosas m(s di"ciles de lo %ue ya son- Why make things more di""icult than they already are-15 +2e lo puedes resumir- 3an you summarise it "or me-

    16 * justo lo su"iciente para apa4arme. I know just enough to get !y.17 2e apa4o con mi ingl*s. I get !y with my $nglish.18 No te preocupes saldremos del paso. 7on't worry we'll get !y.19 iempre han %uerido %ue yo lo haga. hey've always wanted me to do it.20 Nunca te he pedido %ue mates a nadie. I've never asked you to kill anyone.21 Ni si%uiera he tenido la oportunidad de despedirme todava. I haven't even had the chance to say good!ye yet.22 No le han cogido a&n. hey have caught him yet.23 Nunca he pertenecido a ese clu!. I've never !elonged to that clu!.24 Nunca llegar(s a ser presidente. /ou'll never !ecome president.25 Ni si%uiera ser(s ministro. /ou won't even !e a minister.26 Nunca he tra!ajado en un ministerio. I've never worked in a ministry.27 No se han muerto todava. hey haven't died yet.28 iguen vivos. hey're still alive.29 +6 %ui*n peg Buan- Who did Bohn hit-30 7e!eras tener mucho cuidado. /ou should !e very care"ul.31 7e!eras llamarle antes de ir. /ou should call him !e"ore going.32 7e!eran montar su propio negocio. hey should start their own !usiness.33 7e!eramos tratar de convencerle. We should try to convince him.34 No me interesan tus convicciones. I'm not interested in your convictions.35 0ue yo sepa no ha ha!ido pro!lemas. 6s "ar as I know there haven't !een any pro!lems.36 C0u* vo# m(s hermosa tiene ellaD What a !eauti"ul voice she hasD37 C0u* ojos m(s grandes tienesD What !ig eyes you haveD38 C0u* o!ra < de teatro= m(s a!urridaD What a !oring playD39 C,argu*monos de a%uD ,et's get out o" hereD40 No pises las "lores. 7on't step on the "lowers.41 No lo arrastres. 7on't drag it.42 ard* a4os en construirlo. It took me years to !uild it.43 uelo tardar media hora. It usually takes me hal" an hour.44 C0u* discurso m(s largoD What a long speechD45 Nunca he odo un discurso tan largo. I've never heard such a long speech.46 @ue tan largo %ue me dorm. It was so long that I "ell asleep.47 @ue un discurso tan largo %ue me dorm. It was such a long speech that I "ell asleep.48 No de!eras estar a%u. /ou shouldn't !e here.49 No de!eras mirar a la gente de ese modo. /ou should not look at people like that.50 7e!eras dar las gracias cuando la gente te da cosas. /ou should say thank you when people give you things.

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    LIST 6

    1 Nunca he sa!ido cmo convencerle. I've never known how to convince him.2 ,levo E? a4os casado. I've !een married "or E? years.3 5ivo a%u desde hace a4os. I've !een living here "or years.4 +3u(nto tiempo lleva lloviendo- How long has it !een raining-

    5,levo tres a4os intentando conseguir una entrevista con


    I've !een trying to get an interview with him "or three

    years.6 Nunca me dar* por vencido. I'll never give up.7 $lla est( detr(s de m desde %ue vine a%u. he's !een a"ter me since I came here.8 +0u* %uiere ella- What does she want-9 No tengo ni la m(s remota idea. I haven't the slightest idea.10 +No se lo has preguntado- Haven't you asked her-11 3reo %ue se ha enamorado de ti. I think she's "allen in love with you.12 2e temo %ue tengas ra#n. I'm a"raid you're right.13 +0u* hacemos- What shall we do-14 $s tu pro!lema no el mo. It's your pro!lem not mine.15 No tiene ning&n sentido. It doesn't make any sense.16 +0u* es lo %ue no tiene ning&n sentido- What doesn't make any sense-17 $lla podra ser mi madre. he could !e my mother.18 +e molesta ella mucho- 7oes she !other you a lot-19 3asi nunca me deja en pa#. he hardly ever leaves me alone.20 7ile %ue no est(s interesado. ell her you're not interested.21 $lla no %uiere escucharme. he doesn't want to listen to me.22 $ntonces no le hagas caso. hen ignore her.23 No es tan "(cil. It's not that easy.24 +0u* %uieres decir con %ue no es tan "(cil- What do you mean it's not that easy-25 $s ella %uien me paga. he's the one who pays me.26 +3u(nto hace %ue ocurre esto- How long has this !een happening-27 7esde %ue entr* en la compa4a. ince I joined the company.28 upongo %ue no hay nada %ue puedas hacer al respecto. I guess there's nothing you can do a!out it.29 3uando yo tenga su"iciente dinero dejar* la compa4a. When I have enough money I'll leave the company.30 $sa me parece una !uena idea. hat sounds like a good idea.31 +3u(ndo esperas tener lo su"iciente- When do you e8pect to have enough-32 3uando ella me pague lo %ue me de!e. When she pays me what she owes me.33 +3u(nto te de!e- How much does she owe you-34 2e de!e dos mensualidades. he owes me two monthly payments.35 +3mo puedes vivir sin ese dinero- How can you live without that money-36

    2e apa4o. I get !y.37 +Has vendido tus cuadros- Have you sold your paintings-38 He tenido %ue vender algunos. I've had to sell some.39 +9or %u* no montas una galera- Why don't you start a gallery-40 e tarda mucho en montar algo as. It takes a long time to start something like that.41 No tanto como t& crees. Not as long as you think.42 engo poca e8periencia en cosas as. I have little e8perience in things like that.43 e puedo ayudar si me dejas. I can help you i" you let me.44 Incluso podramos ser socios. We could even !e partners.45 $so parece interesante. hat sounds interesting.46 7eja %ue lo piense esta noche. ,et me think a!out it tonight.47 3reo %ue es una idea genial. I think it's a great idea.48 9uede %ue tengas ra#n. /ou may !e right.

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    49 9odemos por "in poseer algo. We can "inally own something.50 +/ %u* hay de los pro!lemas- 6nd what a!out the pro!lems-

    LIST 7

    1 Nunca he tenido dolor de ca!e#a. I've never had a headache.2 Han estado a%u varias veces. hey've !een here several times.3 +9or %u* no lo has hecho todava- Why haven't you done it yet-4 ,levan mucho tiempo all. hey've !een there "or a long time.

    5 iempre he tenido miedo de los lo!os. I've always !een a"raid o" wolves.6 Ha ha!ido una demora. here's !een a delay.7 No me han dado la orden todava. hey haven't given me the order yet.8 Han sido noti"icados. hey've !een noti"ied.9 /a me lo han dicho. hey've already told me.10 No he llegado a ninguna conclusin. I haven't reached any conclusion.11 6%u lleva lloviendo tres semanas. It's !een raining here "or three weeks.12 +No has hecho nada- Haven't you done anything-13 Hace mucho %ue no voy por all. I haven't gone there "or a long time.14 Hace mucho %ue no le veo. I haven't seen him "or a long time.15 Hace a4os %ue no !ailamos juntos. We haven't danced together "or years.16 7e!es de estar loco. /ou must !e cra#y.17 Nunca he estado tan loco como hoy. I've never !een as cra#y as today.18 Ha ha!ido una e8plosin. here's !een an e8plosion.19 Hasta ahora tres personas han muerto. o "ar three people have died.20 No hemos perdido nada a&n. We haven't lost anything yet.21 +Has ha!lado con *l &ltimamente- Have you spoken to him lately-22 +9or %u* no te vienes con nosotros- Why don't you come with us-23 No ha sido reparado todava. It hasn't !een repaired yet.24 No s* si me gusta por%ue nunca lo he pro!ado. I don't know i" I like it !ecause I've never tried it.25 9ru*!alo te gustar(. ry it you'll like it.26 +6 %u* sa!e- What does it taste like-27 +3mo es Buan- What's Bohn like-28 Buan nunca me ha cado !ien. I've never liked Bohn.29 9uedes pulsar el !otn %ue %uieras. /ou can push whatever !utton you want.30 +e en"adar(n si pulso *ste- Will they get angry i" I push this one-31 $sc&chame cuando te ha!lo. ,isten to me when I speak to you.32 No podemos llegar a un acuerdo. We can't reach an agreement.33 2e han dicho %ue tenga cuidado. hey've told me to !e care"ul.34 Nunca he tenido %ue usar la "uer#a. I've never had to use "orce.35 No he tenido tiempo todava. I haven't had time yet.36

    Hemos estado "uera unos das. We've !een away "or a "ew days.37 +0u* se ha hecho- What's !een done-38 +No sa!e nadie dnde est(n- 7oesn't anyone know where they are-39 $sta es la &ltima ve# %ue lo voy a hacer. his is the last time I'm going to do it.40 e han tomado varias decisiones. everal decisions have !een made.41 No ha llovido &ltimamente. It hasn't rained lately.42 No la he visto &ltimamente. I haven't seen her lately.43 No la he visto desde hace dos meses. I haven't seen her "or two months.44 +0u* ha estado haciendo ella- What has she !een doing-45 No tengo ni idea. I have no idea.46 5oy a ponerme en contacto con ella. I'm going to contact her.47 Nunca podr* leer todos esos li!ros. I'll never !e a!le to read all those !ooks.48 odava me encuentro un poco cansado. I still "eel a little tired.

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    49 +3mo te sentiste cuando te levantaste esta ma4ana- How did you "eel when you got up this morning-50 uve ganas de volver a la cama. I "elt like going !ack to !ed.

    LIST 8

    1 +0u* te gustara hacer- What would you like to do-2 +Has pensado alguna ve# en retirarte- Have you ever thought a!out retiring-3 $s lo &ltimo %ue %uiero hacer. It's the last thing I want to do.4 +No crees %ue necesitas un descanso- 7on't you think you need a rest-

    5 endr* tiempo m(s %ue su"iciente para eso cuando llegue alos FG a4os. I'll have plenty o" time "or that when I reach FG.

    6 5oy a asegurar mi casa. I'm going to insure my house.7 +3u(nto crees %ue vale- How much do you think it's worth-8 5ale m(s de lo %ue piensas. It's worth more than you think.9 +9or %u* la %uieres asegurar- Why do you want to insure it-10 9or%ue est( llena de cosas valiosas. :ecause it's "ull o" valua!le things.11 +3mo %u*- ,ike what-12 2i mujer tiene todas sus joyas all. 2y wi"e has all her jewels there.13 engo unas antigedades %ue valen una "ortuna. I have some anti%ues that are worth a "ortune.14 engo una valiosa coleccin de pinturas. I have a valua!le collection o" paintings.

    15 Hemos hecho muchos progresos. We've made a lot o" progress.16 Hemos progresado !astante. We've progressed %uite a lot.17 Ha ha!ido !astantes pro!lemas. here have !een %uite a "ew pro!lems.18 Hemos tenido mucha suerte. We've !een very lucky.19 6ntes tenamos reuniones semanales. We used to have weekly meetings.20 $l progreso se mide peridicamente. 9rogress is measured periodically.21 +3on %u* "recuencia ha!r( e8(menes- How o"ten will there !e e8ams-22 Ha!r( un e8amen al mes. here'll !e a monthly e8am.23 6ntes tenamos e8(menes trimestrales. We used to have %uarterly e8ams.24 7e ahora en adelante ha!r( m(s. @rom now on there will !e more.25 +0u* tipo de reaccin esperas por parte de los alumnos- What kind o" reaction do you e8pect "rom the students-26 No dir(n nada. hey won't say anything.27 +3mo puedes estar tan seguro- How can you !e so sure-28 Nuestros alumnos nunca se %uejan. Aur students never complain.29 Bam(s se han %uejado de nada. hey've never complained a!out anything.

    30iempre hemos mantenido !uenas relaciones con losalumnos.

    We've always maintained good relations with thestudents.

    31 engo este dolor desde hace un mes. I've had this pain "or a month.32 ienen esa casa desde hace un a4o. hey've had that house "or a year.33 Hemos llegado a un importante acuerdo. We've reached an important agreement.34 $spero %ue sepas lo %ue est(s haciendo. I hope you know what you're doing.35 No te preocupes por nosotros. 7on't worry a!out us.36 No se encontr nada. Nothing was "ound.37 ,a casa "ue registrada. he house was searched.38 /o viva antes en ese vecindario. I used to live in that neigh!ourhood.39 /a no vivo all. I don't live there anymore.40 +9or %u* te mudaste- Why did you move-41 Necesit(!amos una casa m(s grande. We needed a !igger house.42 +0u* te hi#o decidir eso- What made you decide that-43 $l nacimiento de nuestro tercer hijo. he !irth o" our third child.44 +@ue ni4o o ni4a- Was it a !oy or a girl-45 +3u(ndo naci-

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    49 +Has terminado de pagarla- Have you "inished paying "or it-50 +3u(ntos pagos te %uedan- How many payments do you have le"t-

    LIST 9

    1 +7nde has estado- Where have you !een-2 He estado muy ocupado &ltimamente. I've !een very !usy lately.3 ,leva tres das lloviendo. It's !een raining "or three days.4 e preocupas demasiado. /ou worry too much.

    5 No seas tan duro con ellos. 7on't !e so hard on them.6 Nunca he tenido su"iciente dinero. I've never had enough money.7 +3u(nto tiempo durar( el juicio- How long will the trial last-8 +9uedes ayudarme- 3an you help me-9 +9uedes echarme una mano- 3an you give me a hand-10 No tienes %ue agradec*rmelo. /ou don't have to thank me.11 2e gusta ayudar a la gente. I like helping ; to help people.12 l por "in ha decidido casarse. He's "inally decided to get married.13 e casaron hace unos das. hey got married a "ew days ago.14 No he tenido tiempo. I haven't had time.15 ,a pelcula termin m(s tarde de lo %ue esper(!amos. he movie ended later than we e8pected.16 Han tardado mucho. It's taken them a long time.17 +3u(nto tarda *l en vestirse- How long does it take him to get dressed-18 3(sate conmigo. 2arry me.19 e har* "eli#. I'll make you happy.20 0uiero %ue me sigas. I want you to "ollow me.21 Nunca te he pedido %ue hagas semejante cosa. I've never asked you to do such a thing.22 7e!eras tener m(s cuidado. /ou should !e more care"ul.23 No de!eras hacer cosas as. /ou shouldn't do things like that.24 +0u* hacemos- What shall we do-25 +,e ha!lo yo primero- hall I speak to him "irst-26 Ha# lo %ue %uieras. 7o whatever you want.27 ,levo dos das intentando verle. I've !een trying to see him "or E days.28 +9or %u* no le llamas- Why don't you call him-29 ,e dar* un to%ue. I'll give him a ring.30 3on"a en m. rust me.31 9odras su"rir un accidente. /ou could su""er an accident.32 +9odras a!rir la maleta por "avor- 3ould you open the suitcase please-33 +ienes algo %ue declarar- 7o you have anything to declare-34 5iglales de cerca. Watch them closely.35 $lla no lo ha ledo. he hasn't read it.36

    $l incendio ha empe#ado a e8tenderse. he "ire has started to spread.37 Nadie le ha visto todava. No!ody has seen him yet.38 He perdido mi "e en *l. I've lost my "aith in him.39 $lla siempre ha tenido miedo de m. he's always !een a"raid o" me.40 6grade#co tu es"uer#o. I appreciate your e""ort.41 2e gustara %ue vinieras conmigo. I'd like you to come with me.42 2e alegro de sa!er eso. I'm glad to know that.43 2e alegro de %ue hayas venido. I'm glad you came.44 $mpecemos de nuevo. ,et's start again.45 No dejar(n %ue le veas. hey won't let you see him.46 +7e %ui*n es esta cinta- Whose tape is this-47 Nunca ganar(s la carrera. /ou'll never win the race.48 No te des por vencido. 7on't give up.

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    49 Hemos conseguido el o!jetivo. We've achieved the o!jective.50 Hemos logrado la meta. We've accomplished the goal.

    LIST 10

    1 ienes %ue hacer un mayor es"uer#o. /ou have to make a stronger e""ort.2 +0u* te gustara ser- What would you like to !e-3 2ucha gente no le cree. 6 lot o" people don't !elieve him.4 /o tampoco. Neither do I.5

    No estoy de acuerdo con tu versin. I don't agree with your version.6 +2e est(s llamando mentiroso- 6re you calling me a lair-7 iempre digo la verdad. I always tell the truth.8 odo lo %ue digo es verdad. $verything I say is true.9 Nunca miento. I never lie.10 Nunca digo mentiras. I never tell lies.11 iempre hago lo mejor %ue puedo. I always do the !est I can.12 $so no es su"iciente. hat's not enough.13 $st(s pidiendo demasiado. /ou're asking too much.14 +0u* te trae a%u- What !rings you here-15 0uisiera ha!lar contigo un minuto. I'd like to talk to you "or a minute.

    16 No me di cuenta de %ue esta!as en una situacin tandelicada. I didn't realise you were in such a delicate situation.

    17 +0uieres decir %ue nadie te dijo nada- 7o you mean no one told you anything-

    18 2e enter* de tu pro!lema anoche.I learned a!out ; "ound out a!out your pro!lem lastnight.

    19 9on la radio. urn on the radio.20 6p(gala. urn it o"".21 u!e el volumen. urn up the volume.22 :(jalo. urn it down.23 +9or %u* se te cay- Why did you drop it-24 1ecgelo. 9ick it up.25 7evu*lveselo a tu hermana. )ive it !ack to your sister.26 No le prestes dinero. 7on't lend him any money.27 l nunca devuelve sus pr*stamos. He never pays !ack his loans.28 5oy a pedir un cr*dito. I'm going to ask "or a loan.29 $s di"cil conseguir pr*stamos. It's di""icult to get loans.30 engo %ue encontrar un modo. I have to "ind a way.31 6 todo el mundo le gusta por%ue est( de moda. $very!ody likes it !ecause it's in "ashion.32 +0u* es lo %ue est( de moda- What's in "ashion-33 No dispares hasta %ue le veas los ojos. 7on't shoot until you see his eyes.34 No tienes %ue agradec*rmelo. /ou don't have to thank me.35 ,o hago por%ue es mi de!er. I do it !ecause it's my duty.36 engo mis dudas. I have my dou!ts.37 ,e gusta hacer sentir a la gente incmoda. He likes to make people "eel uncom"orta!le.38 No les o!ligues a hacer eso. 7on't make them do that.39 7*jame intentar convencerle. ,et me try to convince him.40 l es muy terco. He's very stu!!orn.41 +3u(ndo naci el !e!*- When was the !a!y !orn-42 +3u(ndo va a nacer el !e!*- When's the !a!y going to !e !orn-43 3uando sea mayor %uiero ser a!ogado. When I grow up I want to !e a lawyer.44 5amos a ver si est(n en casa. ,et's see i" they're at home.45 u lnea

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    49 engo algunas personas a las %ue llamar. I have some people to call.50 6provecho mi tiempo. I take advantage o" my time.

    LIST 11

    1 No se ha tomado una decisin. 6 decision hasn't !een made.2 No %uiero %ue digas nada. I don't want you to say anything.3 Hay varios casos. here are several cases.4 Hu!o varios accidentes. here were several accidents.

    5 Ha!r( !astantes candidatos. here will !e %uite a "ew candidates.6 5a a ha!er una mani"estacin. here's going to !e a demonstration.7 Ha ha!ido un malentendido. here's !een a misunderstanding.8 Ha ha!ido muchas tormentas este mes. here have !een a lot o" storms this month.9 9uede %ue no est*n en casa. hey may not !e at home.10 9uede %ue le cono#cas. /ou may know him.11 $spero %ue lo hagan pronto. I hope they do it soon.12 3uanto antes mejor. he sooner the !etter.13 No te ras de *l. 7on't laugh at him.14 $sta meta no puede conseguirse. his goal can't !e achieved.15 +Has estado alguna ve# en 1oma- Have you ever !een to 1ome-16 +3omes alguna ve# all- 7o you ever eat there-17 +@uiste alguna ve# all- 7id you ever go there-18 ,leva varios meses cerrado. It's !een closed "or several months.19 :rralo. $rase it.20 $st( sonando el tel*"ono. he telephone's ringing.21 ,leva todo el da sonando. It's !een ringing all day.22 +0u* %uieres %ue yo haga- What do you want me to do-23 No te dije %ue hicieras nada. I didn't tell you to do anything.24 C0u* da m(s maravillosoD What a wonder"ul dayD25 ienes %ue pagar por mis servicios. /ou have to pay "or my services.26 +7e %u* servicios me est(s ha!lando- What services are you talking to me a!out-27 $l esperar es la peor parte de mi tra!ajo. Waiting is the worst part o" my jo!.28 l no puede guardar un secreto. He can't keep a secret.29 * convencerle. I know how to convince him.30 * cuidarme. I know how to take care o" mysel".31 3uida a las chicas. ake care o" the girls.32 en cuidado con esas chicas. :e care"ul with those girls.33 Intentar(n aprovecharse de ti. hey'll try to take advantage o" you.34 $s hora de acostarse. It's time to go to !ed.35 No de!eras hacer cosas as. /ou shouldn't do things like that.36

    7ivdelo en dos partes iguales. 7ivide it into two e%ual parts.37 ,a tierra "ue creada en seis das. he earth was created in si8 days.38 ard* tres das en averiguar donde esta!as. It took me three days to "ind out where you were.39 /o no sa!a %ue me !usca!as. I didn't know you were looking "or me.40 2ucha gente ha estado preocupada por ti. 6 lot o" people have !een worried a!out you.41 No les ped %ue se preocuparan por m. I didn't ask them to worry a!out me.42 2e duelen los pies. 2y "eet hurt.43 9uedo verme en el espejo. I can see mysel" in the mirror.44 +No has hecho nada todava- Haven't you done anything yet-45 No te puedes "iar de *l. /ou can't trust him.46 9demelo. 6sk me "or it.47 +3u(nto tiempo durar( la operacin- How long will the operation last-48 No durar( mucho. It won't last long.

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    49 l no sa!e de lo %ue est( ha!lando. He doesn't know what he's talking a!out.50 +3u(nto pesas- How much do you weigh-

    LIST 12

    1 He ganado mucho peso &ltimamente. I've gained a lot o" weight lately.2 3asi siempre le veo por la noche. I almost always see him at night.3 3asi nunca consiguen sus o!jetivos. hey hardly ever achieve their o!jectives.4 uelo hacerlo das alternos. I usually do it every other day.

    5 iene %ue tomarse una decisin. 6 decision has to !e made.6 /a han sido in"ormados. hey've already !een in"ormed.7 6lgo e8tra4o va a suceder. omething strange is going to happen.8 @ue la reunin m(s corta a la %ue jam(s he asistido. It was the shortest meeting I've ever attended.9 $8plcamelo. $8plain it to me.10 +5as a tomar postre- 6re you going to have dessert-11 7epende de muchos "actores. It depends on a lot o" "actors.12 $l nivel de vida es muy alto en este pas. he standard o" living is very high in this country.13 Nunca te har(s rico tra!ajando. /ou'll never get rich !y working.14 eg&n *l todos somos idiotas. 6ccording to him we're all Idiots.15 +Haces todo lo %ue ella te dice- 7o you do everything she tells you-16 No te preocupes no doler(. 7on't worry it won't hurt.17 +0u* es lo %ue no doler(- What won't hurt-18 ,o %ue te voy a hacer. What I'm going to do to you.19 +0u* me vas a hacer- What are you going to do to me-20 e voy a poner una inyeccin. I'm going to give you an injection.21 +9ara %u*- What "or-22 9ara tu catarro. @or your cold.23 No tengo catarro. I don't have a cold.24 9ero llevas dos semanas tosiendo. :ut you've !een coughing "or two weeks.25 /o no tengo tos. I don't have a cough.26 9ero llevas una semana con "ie!re. :ut you've had a "ever "or a week.27 No s* de lo %ue est(s ha!lando. I don't know what you're talking a!out.28 +No eres t& la persona %ue estuvo a%u ayer por la tarde- 6ren't you the person who was here yesterday a"ternoon-29 Nunca he estado a%u. I've never !een here.30 e pareces a un paciente mo. /ou look like a patient o" mine.31 2i to se parece a m. 2y uncle looks like me.32 7e!e de ser muy "eo tu to. /our uncle must !e very ugly.33 +0u* %uieres decir- What do you mean-34 +e he o"endido- Have I o""ended you-35 $s un hom!re guapo. He's a handsome man.36

    9ars es una ciudad hermosa. 9aris is a !eauti"ul city.37 $s una chica guapa. he's a pretty girl.38 /a se ha mandado. It's already !een sent.39 /a se ha decidido. It's already !een decided.40 No se ha hecho a&n. It hasn't !een done yet.41 odava estamos esperando la carta. We're still waiting "or the letter.42 +No la ha!*is reci!ido todava- Haven't you received it yet-43 +7e %u* est(s ha!lando- What are you talking a!out-44 7e!eras tener m(s cuidado. /ou should !e more care"ul.45 /a no est(n a%u. hey're not here anymore.46 +igues siendo mi amigo- 6re you still my "riend-47 iempre he sido tu amigo. I've always !een your "riend.48 6 veces no lo parece. ometimes it doesn't seem like it.

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    49 l parece ser el mejor candidato. He seems to !e the !est candidate.50 i no la despiertas dormir( hasta el medioda. I" you don't wake her up she'll sleep until noon.

    LIST 13

    1 No los he visto todava. I haven't seen them yet.2 +e ha hecho algo- Has anything !een done-3 ,levo horas intentando encontrarle. I've !een trying to "ind him "or hours.4 Hace mucho %ue no les veo. I haven't seen them "or a long time.

    5 +3u(nto tiempo llevas "uera- How long have you !een away-6 +e te ha ocurrido alguna ve# traerlo a%u- Has it ever occurred to you to !ring it here-7 $st* donde est* le encontrar*. Wherever he is I'll "ind him.8 +engo %ue hacerlo- 7o I have to do it-9 +0ui*n tiene %ue hacerlo- Who has to do it-10 6ntes tenan m(s pro!lemas. hey used to have more pro!lems.11 ,levo a%u desde ayer. I've !een here since yesterday.12 Nadie lo ha "irmado a&n. No!ody's signed it yet.13 iene %ue ser "irmado. It has to !e signed.14 +0ui*n est( autori#ado para "irmarlo- Who's authorised to sign it-15 0uien %uiera %ue hi#o esto hi#o un !uen tra!ajo. Whoever did this did a good jo!.16 Bam(s he dicho semejante cosa. I've never said such a thing.17 ,a clase "ue tan a!urrida %ue me dorm. he class was so !oring that I "ell asleep.18 @ue una clase tan a!urrida %ue me dorm. It was such a !oring class that I "ell asleep.19 No de!eras ha!erte dormido. /ou shouldn't have "allen asleep.20 No lo pude evitar. I couldn't help it.21 7e!e de ha!er una solucin. here must !e a solution.22 9uede %ue haya m(s de una persona. here may !e more than one person.23 7e!era ha!er m(s sillas a%u. here should !e more chairs here.24 5a a ha!er una "iesta m(s tarde. here's going to !e a party later.25 Ha!r( mucha gente cuando lleguemos all. here'll !e a lot o" people when we get there.26 9odra ha!er un pro!lema. here could !e a pro!lem.27 iene %ue ha!er un modo de hacerlo. here has to !e a way to do it.28 iene %ue ha!er varios modos. here have to !e several ways.29 $ntonces +para %u* estamos esperando- hen what are we waiting "or-30 Ha ha!ido varios casos. here have !een several cases.31 Nunca ha ha!ido una huelga como *sta. here's never !een a strike like this one.32 +0u* hace a *sta distinta- What makes this one di""erent-33 9or%ue nadie la est( apoyando. :ecause no!ody's supporting it.34 l es una persona tran%uila. He's an easygoing person.35 +9or %u* est(s tan callado- Why are you so %uiet-36

    lo ha!lo cuando me veo o!ligado. I only talk when I have to.37 0uiero %ue nos digas tu opinin. I want you to tell us your opinion.38 3reo %ue el proyecto va a "racasar. I think the project is going to "ail.39 Nosotros opinamos lo contrario. We think the opposite.40 $st(is cometiendo un gran error. /ou're making a !ig mistake.41 +$n %u* !asas tu opinin- What do you !ase your opinion on-42 He visto el mismo error cometido miles de veces. I've seen the same mistake made thousands o" times.43 +0u* os hace creer %ue esta ve# va a se r di"erente- What makes you think this time is going to !e di""erent-44 +0ui*n me va a cuidar- Who's going to take care o" me-45 /a te pondr(s mejor no te preocupes. /ou'll get !etter don't worry.46 $s "(cil para ti decir eso. It's easy "or you to say that.47 Nada es "(cil hoy en da. Nothing's easy nowadays.48 $l cielo est( empe#ando a despejarse. he sky's starting to clear up.

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    49 6 medida %ue te hagas m(s mayor... 6s you get older...50 on m(s listos de lo %ue crees. hey're smarter than you think.

    LIST 14

    1 ,as luces est(n apagadas. he lights are o"".2 +0ui*n las apag- Who turned them o""-3 /a esta!an apagadas cuando llegu* a%u. hey were already o"" when I got here.4 $ntonces llevan al menos dos das apagadas. hen they've !een o"" "or at least two days.

    5 +e han mandado ya las cartas- Have the letters !een sent yet-6 ,as ech* al correo anoche. I mailed them last night.7 +3u(ndo llegar(n a su destino- When will they reach their destination-8 +0ui*n sa!e- Who knows-9 $spero %ue lleguen a tiempo. I hope they arrive in time.10 +6 tiempo de %u*- In time "or what-11 ienen %ue llegar antes de la "echa tope. hey have to arrive !e"ore the deadline.12 +7nde has estado &ltimamente- Where have you !een lately-13 @ui operado hace un mes. I was operated on a month ago.14 +3mo te encuentras- How do you "eel-15 $stoy mejorando. I'm getting !etter.16 +0u* te pasa!a- What was the matter-17 2e romp un dedo. I !roke a "inger.18 ,levan tres meses casados. hey've !een married "or three months.19 6ntes ha!a m(s gente a%u. here used to !e more people here.20 $so "ue cuando las cosas i!an mejor. hat was when things were going !etter.21 +$st(is perdiendo dinero- 6re you losing money-22 $stamos perdiendo dinero desde hace dos a4os. We've !een losing money "or two years.23 ,a gente est( comprando menos. 9eople are !uying less.24 e han marchado. hey've le"t.25 No %ueran %uedarse a%u. hey didn't want to stay here.26 +9or %u* no %ueran %uedarse- Why didn't they want to stay-27 7ijeron %ue tenan muchas cosas %ue hacer. hey said they had a lot o" things to do.28 /o me pregunto %u* tendran %ue hacer. I wonder what they had to do.29 6lguien est( llamando a la puerta. omeone's knocking at the door.30 +0ui*n ser(- I wonder who it is.31 6 lo mejor es Buan. 2ay!e it's Bohn.32 +,e esta!as esperando- Were you e8pecting him-33 No s* %uien m(s podra ser. I don't know who else it could !e.34 6ntes tu hermano vena mucho por a%u. /our !rother used to come here a lot.35 $so era cuando nos llev(!amos !ien. hat was when we got along.36

    +/a no os llev(is !ien- 7on't you get along anymore-37 Nos odiamos. We hate each other.38 ,amento or eso. I'm sorry to hear that.39 6s es la vida. hat's li"e.40 No nos ha!lamos desde hace un a4o. We haven't spoken to each other "or a year.41 Ha!lemos de otra cosa. ,et's talk a!out something else.42 +7e %u* %uieres %ue ha!lemos- What do you want us to talk a!out-43 7e cual%uier cosa. 6!out anything.44 +0u* tal si ha!lamos de cine- How a!out talking a!out movies-45 No me apetece ha!lar. I don't "eel like talking.46 +0u* te apetece hacer- What do you "eel like doing-47 engo ganas de escuchar m&sica. I "eel like listening to music.48 5amonos a otra parte. ,et's go somewhere else.

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    49 $stoy !uscando a otra persona. I'm looking "or someone else.50 6ntes venamos a%u m(s a menudo. We used to come here more o"ten.

    LIST 15

    1 Nos lo hemos pasado muy !ien. We've had a great time.2 )racias por todo lo %ue has hecho. hank you "or everything you've done.3 +0u* hara yo sin tu ayuda- What would I do without your help-4 ,o hice yo mismo. I did it mysel".

    5 No lo puedo levantar

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    49 9ero ya se han pintado. :ut they've already !een painted.50 0ue se traigan a%u de todas "ormas. Have them !rought here anyway.

    LIST 16

    1 $stoy a%u desde esta ma4ana. I've !een here since this morning.2 e en"adar( si se lo dices. He'll get angry i" you tell him.3 No tengo intencin de decrselo. I don't intend to tell him.4 9ero tarde o temprano se enterar(. :ut he'll "ind out sooner or later.

    5 No estar* a%u cuando se entere. I won't !e here when he "inds out.6 9uede %ue todava haya una solucin. here still may !e a solution.7 +0u* es- What is it-8 9odramos atracar un !anco. We could ro! a !ank.9 $so sera demasiado peligroso. hat would !e too dangerous.10 6dem(s alguien podra hacerse da4o. :esides someone could get hurt.11 $ntonces +%u* sugieres %ue hagamos- hen what do you suggest we do-12 ugiero %ue pidamos prestado el dinero. I suggest we !orrow the money.13 +3mo vas a conseguir tanto dinero- How are you going to get so much money-14 iene %ue ha!er una manera. here has to !e a way.15 6lguien ha estado a%u. omeone's !een here.16 ,leva tres das lloviendo. It's !een raining "or three days.17 +9or %u* no han hecho nada todava- Why haven't they done anything yet-18 No se les dijo %ue hicieran nada. hey weren't told to do anything.19 ,a guerra se ha terminado. he war's over.20 $stoy cansado de esperarle. I'm tired o" waiting "or him.21 +3u(nto suele tardar en venir- How long does it usually take him to come-22 uele tardar apro8imadamente una hora. It usually takes him a!out an hour.23 +7nde estar(-

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    49 +7e %ui*n depender*- Who will I report to-50 er(s mi !ra#o derecho. /ou'll !e my righthand man.

    LIST 17

    1 $stoy decepcionado con tu progreso. I'm disappointed with your progress.2 $res capa# de hacer mayores progresos. /ou're capa!le o" making greater progress.3 No has hecho un gran es"uer#o. /ou haven't made a !ig e""ort.4 Has desperdiciado mucho tiempo. /ou've wasted a lot o" time.5

    u madre est( muy disgustada. /our mother is very upset.6 7e!eras ha!er estudiado mucho m(s. /ou should've studied much more.7 7e!eras ha!er asistido a m(s clases. /ou should've attended more classes.8 engo ra#ones para estar en"adado. I have reasons to !e angry.9 +6hora %u* voy a hacer contigo- Now what am I going to do with you-

    10 +0u* va a pensar tu a!uela cuando se entere-What is your grandmother going to think when she "indsout-

    11 3asi tengo miedo de decrselo. I'm almost a"raid to tell her.12 +a!es cu(nto ha costado este curso- 7o you know how much this course has cost-13 He tenido %ue hacer sacri"icios. I've had to make sacri"ices.14 ,a vida no es un lecho de rosas. ,i"e is not a !ed o" roses.

    15 ienes %ue luchar por todo lo %ue consigues. /ou have to "ight "or everything you get.16 Nunca llegar(s a ninguna parte con esa actitud. /ou'll never get anywhere with that attitude.17 No entiendo a los jvenes de hoy da. I don't understand young people nowadays.

    183uando yo tena tu edad est(!amos orgullosos de ir a launiversidad.

    When I was your age we were proud to go to theuniversity.

    19 +0u* os pasa- What's the matter with you-20 +0u* vas a hacer ahora- What are you going to do now-21 +3rees %ue voy a mantenerte para siempre- 7o you thing I'm going to support you "orever-22 2(s vale %ue !us%ues un tra!ajo. /ou'd !etter look "or a jo!.23 /a te hemos dado dos oportunidades. We've already given you two chances.24 No las has aprovechado. /ou haven't taken advantage o" them.25 7e!eras estar avergon#ado. /ou should !e ashamed.26 +0u* voy a decir a mis amigos- What am I going to tell my "riends-27 3reer(n %ue tengo un hijo tonto. hey'll think I have a stupid son.28 +0uieres %ue piensen eso- 7o you want them to think that-29 6ntes eras un !uen estudiante. /ou used to !e a good student.30 6ntes conseguas !uenas notas. /ou used to get good grades.31 /a no haces ning&n es"uer#o. /ou don't make an e""ort anymore.32 +0u* hemos hecho para merecer esto- What have we done to deserve this-33 /o tena grandes planes para ti. I had !ig plans "or you.34 e i!a a conseguir un !uen empleo. I was going to get you a good jo!.35 e i!a a asegurar tu "uturo. I was going to assure your "uture.36 +0u* va a pensar el r. mith- What is 2r. mith going to think-37 +3mo se lo voy a decir- How am I going to tell him-38 +a!e su hija acerca de esto- 7oes his daughter know a!out this-39 No %uerr( casarse con un don nadie. he won't want to marry a no!ody.40 +,e has dicho algo a ella- Have you told her anything-41 +0u* dijo-

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    49 No %uiero sa!er nada. I don't want to know anything.50 $n lo %ue a m respecta ya no tengo hijo. 6s "ar as I'm concerned I don't have a son anymore.

    LIST 18

    1 No hemos llegado a una conclusion a&n. We haven't reached a conclusion yet.2 e han limpiado las casas. he houses have !een cleaned.3 e han destruido los !arcos. he ships have !een destroyed.4 No se ha corregido el error. he mistake hasn't !een corrected.

    5 us posi!ilidades son muy remotas. /our chances are very slim ; remote.6 ,os n&meros han sido cam!iados. he num!ers have !een changed.7 +$s esto todo lo %ue has hecho- Is this all you've done-8 6ca!o de empe#ar. I've just started.9 +No puedes tra!ajar un poco m(s r(pido- 3an't you work a little "aster-10 +0uieres calidad o cantidad- 7o you want %uality or %uantity-11 6ca!amos de reci!ir la noticia. We've just received the news.12 /o aca!a!a de comer cuando *l lleg. I had just eaten when he arrived.13 +Has rellenado el impreso- Have you "illed out the "orm-14 +7e %u* impreso est(s ha!lando- What "orm are you talking a!out-15 7el %ue est( delante de ti. 6!out the one that's in "ront o" you.16 9ero esto es un impreso de solicitud. :ut this is an application "orm.17 +0u* estoy solicitando- What am I applying "or-18 0uiero %ue solicites un tra!ajo. I want you to apply "or a jo!.19 +9ara %u*- What "or-20 9ara %ue puedas mantener a tu mujer. o that you can support your wi"e.21 +9ara %u* necesito mantenerla- What do I need to support her "or-22 9ara %ue ella pueda tener un hogar. o that she can have a home.23 +9ara %u* necesita un hogar- What does she need a home "or-24 9ara %ue te pueda servir tus comidas. o that she can serve you your meals.25 $so me parece una !uena idea. hat sounds like a good idea.26 9or supuesto %ue s. A" course it does.27 Nunca se me ha!a ocurrido. It had never occurred to me.28 $res un poco e8tra4o +sa!es- /ou're a little strange you know-29 & tam!i*n. o are you.30 +2e puedes dar "uego- 3an you give me a light-31 No de!eras "umar tanto. /ou shouldn't smoke so much.32 No lo puedo evitar. I can't help it.33 e cansas cuando su!es escaleras. /ou get tired when you clim! stairs.34 & tam!i*n. o do you.35 6 veces te cuesta tra!ajo respirar. ometimes you have trou!le !reathing.36

    $so es mentira. hat's a lie.37 Nunca miento. I never lie.38 /o tampoco. Neither do I.39 ilencio est(n dormidos. :e %uiet they're asleep ; sleeping.40 No les despiertes. 7on't wake them up.41 engo sue4o. I'm sleepy.42 e me pegaron las s(!anas ayer. I overslept yesterday.43 2rale se est( durmiendo. ,ook at him he's "alling asleep.44 $stoy completamente despierto. I'm completely awake.45 /o tam!i*n. o am I.46 Bam(s me he dormido en clase. I've never "allen asleep in class.47 /o tampoco. Neither have >.48 /o no esta!a dormido. I wasn't asleep.

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    49 /o tampoco. Neither was I.50 6cu*state. )o to !ed.

    LIST 19

    1 $l ciego me llev al %uiosco. he !lind man took me to the newsstand.2 ,e pregunt* si %uera %ue le comprara una revista. I asked him i" he wanted me to !uy him a maga#ine.3 l me record %ue era ciego. He reminded me that he was !lind.4 7eja de molestarme. top !othering me.

    5 No entenda ni una pala!ra. I didn't understand a single word.6 Ha!la!a como si tuviera canicas en la !oca. He talked as i" he had mar!les in his mouth.7 ,e ped %ue ha!lara m(s despacio. I asked him to speak more slowly.8 No me hi#o caso. He ignored me.9 2e "ui de la reunin. I le"t the meeting.10 $res un caso perdido. /ou're a lost case.11 endremos %ue demostr(rselo

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    49 engo una misin en la vida. I have a mission in li"e.50 6lg&n da dirigir* este pas. omeday I'll run this country.

    LIST 20

    1 No a!andones. 7on't give up.2 No des tu !ra#o a torcer. 7on't give in.3 6seg&rate de %ue la gente te oiga. 2ake sure the people hear you.4 No te pongas nervioso. 7on't get nervous.5

    No pierdas la calma. 7on't lose your cool.6 rata de causar una !uena impresin. ry to give a good impression.7 No dejes %ue te pongan nervioso. 7on't let them make you nervous.8 $mpie#a el discurso con una an*cdota. tart the speech with an anecdote.9 i no se ren no te preocupes por ello. I" they don't laugh don't worry a!out it.10 6seg&rate de %ue tienes su atencin. 2ake sure you have their attention.11 No mires a la misma persona todo el tiempo. 7on't look at the same person all the time.

    126seg&rate de %ue tu vo# llegue hasta el "ondo delauditorio.

    2ake sure your voice reaches the !ack o" the auditorium.

    13 6prende tu discurso de memoria. ,earn your speech !y heart.14 2emor#alo. 2emorise it.

    15 No dejes %ue el micr"ono te asuste. 7on't let the microphone scare you.16 engo con"ian#a en ti. I have con"idence in you.17 ,l(mame una ve# hayas terminado. 3all me once you've "inished.18 eguir* tus consejos. I'll "ollow your advice.19 7es*ame suerte. Wish me luck.20 No te de"raudar*. I won't disappoint you.21 $spero %ue no. I hope not.22 +3u(nto durar( tu discurso- How long will your speech last-23 +3u!re todos los temas- 7oes it cover all the su!jects-24 7*jame %ue le eche un vista#o. ,et me have ;take a look at it.25 $s m(s corto de lo %ue cre. It's shorter than I thought.26 +9or %u* no incluyes algo acerca de las ci"ras de ventas- Why don't you include something a!out the sales "igures-27 e te ha olvidado mencionar las importaciones. /ou've "orgotten to mention the imports.

    28 e van a hacer muchas preguntas cuando termines.hey're going to ask you a lot o" %uestions when you"inish.

    29 +9odr(s contestarlas- Will you !e a!le to answer them-30 9rocura dormir !ien esta noche. ry to sleep well tonight.31 2e estoy haciendo viejo. I'm getting old.32 Ha hecho "ro hoy. It's !een cold today.33 e acostum!rar(s al "ro. /ou'll get used to the cold.34 l no me lo ha pagado todava. He hasn't paid me "or it yet.35 +3u(nto le co!raste- How much did you charge him-36 2is precios son !astante ra#ona!les. 2y prices are %uite reasona!le.37 l no parece pensar as. He doesn't seem to think so.38 +0ui*n lo meti en el agua- Who put it in the water-39 (calo ahora mismo. ake it out right now.40 7e!eras estar avergon#ado. /ou should !e ashamed.41 e est(s comportando como un ni4o. /ou're !ehaving like a child.42 +e das cuenta de %ue tienes >L a4os- 7o you realise you're >L years old-43 l no es lo su"icientemente alto para el puesto. He's not tall enough "or the jo!.44 (cate eso de la !oca. ake that out o" your mouth.45 ralo. hrow it away.46 No vuelvas a hacer eso nunca. 7on't ever do that again.47 eamos ra#ona!les. ,et's !e reasona!le.48 l es capa# de hacer las cosas m(s inesperadas. He's capa!le o" doing the most une8pected things.

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    49 ,os alimentos est(n prohi!idos a%u. @ood is prohi!ited here.50 Ni si%uiera se os permite ha!lar. /ou're not even allowed to speak.

    LIST 21

    1 +Nunca lo has pro!ado- Haven't you ever tried it-2 Ha ha!ido varias %uejas. here have !een several complaints.3 +7e %u* se est( %uejando la gente- What are the people complaining a!out-4 7icen %ue no tienen pan. hey say that don't have any !read.

    5 9ues %ue coman tarta. hen let them eat cake.6 5a a ha!er una revolucin. here's going to !e a revolution.7 No mientras yo est* a%u. Not as long as I'm here.8 +0u* vas a hacer para detenerlo- What are you going to do to stop it-9 +e ha puesto ya el sol- Has the sun set yet-10 $l sol no sali ayer. he sun didn't rise yesterday.11 $l sol siempre sale. he sun always rises.12 $stuve dormido todo el da. I slept all day.13 $sta!an dormidos cuando entramos. hey were asleep when we entered.14 +No se despertaron- 7idn't they wake up-15 uvimos cuidado de no hacer ruido. We were care"ul not to make any noise.16 $s demasiado tarde para hacer algo. It's too late to do anything.17 Nunca es demasiado tarde. It's never too late.18 2(s vale tarde %ue nunca. :etter late than never.19 $s muy viejo ese prover!io. hat prover! is very old.20 $l sujeto siempre va delante del ver!o. he su!ject always goes !e"ore the ver!.21 u ausencia

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    49 i tuviera eleccin me %uedara. I" I had a choice I'd stay.50 odos %ueremos %ue te %uedes. We all want you to stay.

    LIST 22

    1 2e estoy cansando de hacer listas. I'm getting tired o" making lists.2 2e estoy acostum!rando a ello. I'm getting used to it.3 2e voy a casar pronto. I'm going to get married soon.4 :(jate del coche. )et out o" the car.5

    :(jate del auto!&s. )et o"" the !us.6 &!ete al auto!&s. )et on the !us.7 &!ete al coche. )et into the car.8 $n"erm* durante el viaje. I got ill during the trip.9 ,legu* de vuelta anoche. I got !ack last night.10 2e levant* temprano. I got up early.11 l se desanim. He got discouraged.12 Ascurece pronto en invierno. It gets dark early in the winter.13 $l agua se pone caliente si la hierves. Water gets hot i" you !oil it.14 No te en"ades. 7on't get angry.15 No te pongas triste. 7on't get sad.

    16 2e perd en esa parte de la ciudad. I got lost in that part o" the city.17 e vistieron para la "iesta. hey got dressed "or the party.18 e est( nu!lando. It's getting cloudy.19 i sales ahora te mojar(s. I" you go out now you'll get wet.20 u salud est( empeorando. /our health is getting worse.21 u ingl*s est( mejorando. /our $nglish is getting !etter.22 ,legu* a casa muy tarde. I got home very late.23 $l perro se solt. he dog got loose.24 ,as cosas se est(n poniendo di"ciles. hings are getting di""icult.25 e llevan muy !ien. hey get along very well.26 /a superar(s la en"ermedad. /ou'll get over the illness.27 l se puso !ien r(pidamente. He got well %uickly.28 $stoy engordando. I'm getting "at.29 2e irrit* cuando lo o. I got irritated when I heard it.30 ,legaron al aeropuerto de noche. hey got to the airport at night.31 1eun(monos todos en el !ar. ,et's all get together in the !ar.32 9uedo apa4arme con mi ingl*s. I can get !y with my $nglish.33 l sa!e lo su"iciente para salir del paso. He knows enough to get !y.34 +9uedes conseguirme un l(pi#- 3an you get me a pencil-35 0uiero alejarme del ruido. I want to get away "rom the noise.36 +3u(ndo reci!iste mi carta- When did you get my letter-37 +9uedes conseguir %ue vengan a%u- 3an you get them to come here-38 engo un secreto. I've got a secret. ; I have a secret.39 Ir* a por el li!ro. I'll go and get the !ook.40 No pude contactar con *l por tel*"ono. I couldn't get through to him.41 enemos %ue hacer llegar esto a 3orreos. We have to get this to the post o""ice.42 er* despedido si hago eso. I'll get "ired i" I do that.43 9onte en contacto conmigo lo antes posi!le. )et in touch with me as soon as possi!le.44 $stoy envejeciendo. I'm getting old.

    45 ardo mucho en prepararme para el tra!ajo cada ma4ana.It takes me a long time to get ready "or work everymorning.

    46 $ste suelo se ensucia "(cilmente. his "loor gets dirty easily.47 e en"riar( si lo metes en la nevera. It'll get cold i" you put it in the re"rigerator.48 C,o hemos conseguidoD We did itD49 ,a situacin se hi#o em!ara#osa. he situation got em!arrassing.

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    50 2i hijo consigui !uenas notas. 2y son got good grades ; marks.

    LIST 23

    1 Nunca ha ha!ido nada como esto. here's never !een anything like this.2 +e mandaron las "otos- Were the pictures sent-3 No se han mandado todava. hey haven't !een sent yet.4 No ir* a menos %ue vengas conmigo. I won't go unless you come with me.

    5 i sigues las directrices todo ir( !ien. I" you "ollow the guidelines everything will turn out "ine.6 Nac en una ciudad grande. I was !orn in a !ig city.7 Ajal( hu!iera nacido en una ciudad pe%ue4a. I wish I had !een !orn in a small city.8 2e cri* en los !arrios !ajos. I grew up in the slums.9 Ajal( me hu!iera criado en una #ona mejor. I wish I had grown up in a !etter area.10 Nunca tuve muchos amigos. I never had many "riends.11 Ajal( hu!iera tenido m(s amigos. I wish I had had more "riends.12 2i "amilia "ue po!re. 2y "amily was poor.13 Ajal( mi "amilia hu!iera sido rica. I wish my "amily had !een rich.14 2uri mi padre cuando yo era joven. 2y "ather died when I was young.15 Ajal( no hu!iera muerto tan pronto. I wish he hadn't died so soon.16 2i primer tra!ajo no me paga!a !ien. 2y "irst jo! didn't pay me well.17 Ajal( me hu!iera pagado mejor. I wish it had paid me !etter.18 egua cam!iando de tra!ajo. I kept changing jo!s.19 Ajal( pudiera ha!erme %uedado en un tra!ajo. I wish I could've kept a jo!.20 Nunca aprend un o"icio. I never learned a trade.21 Ajal( hu!iera aprendido un o"icio. I wish I had learned a trade.22 3onoc a 2elinda. I met 2elinda.23 Ajal( no la hu!iera conocido. I wish I hadn't met her.24 $lla era hermosa. he was !eauti"ul.25 Ajal( no hu!iera sido tan hermosa. I wish she hadn't !een so !eauti"ul.26 2e cas* con ella. I married her.27 Ajal( no hu!iera cometido ese error. I wish I hadn't made that mistake.28 No tuvimos hijos. We didn't have any children.29 Ajal( hu!i*ramos tenido al menos uno. I wish we had had at least one.30 Adio vivir en apartamentos. I hate living in apartments.31 He intentado todo. I've tried everything.32 ,os resultados son desalentadores. he results are discouraging.33 2(s dinero no es lo %ue necesitamos. 2ore money is not what we need.34 e nos han agotado las ideas. We've run out o" ideas.35 Nos hemos %uedado sin gasolina. We've run out o" gasoline.36

    2e tropec* con Buan ayer. I ran into Bohn yesterday.37 6"ljalo. ,oosen it.38 6pri*talo. ighten it.39 No le asustes. 7on't "righten him.

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    49 6"lalo. harpen it.50 No dejes %ue lo vean. 7on't let them see it.

    LIST 24

    1 ,a pimienta me hace estornudar. 9epper makes me snee#e.2 )ente as me pone en"ermo. 9eople like that make me sick.3 No me hagas rer. 7on't make me laugh.4 No le o decir nada. I didn't hear him say anything.

    5 No le vi hacer nada. I didn't see him do anything.6 No se hi#o nada. Nothing was done.7 Nadie "ue herido. No!ody was hurt ; injured.8 2e dejaron marchar. hey let me go.9 2e hicieron %uedarme. hey made me stay.10 2e dijeron %ue me tum!ara en el so"(. hey told me to lie down on the couch.11 Hice lo %ue me dijeron. I did what they told me.12 Hice lo %ue dijeron. I did what they said.13 2e %ued* dormido. I "ell asleep.14 2e o!ligaron a mantenerme despierto. hey made me stay awake.15 No pude mantener los ojos a!iertos. I couldn't keep my eyes open.16 2e trataron muy mal. hey treated me very !adly.17 No me dejaron salir de la casa. hey didn't let me leave the house.18 No me dejaron hacer nada. hey didn't let me do anything.19 No me dejaron hacer la cama. hey didn't let me make the !ed.20 Ha ocurrido algo terri!le. omething terri!le has happened.21 9oca gente sa!e mi nom!re real. @ew people know my real name.22 +9or %u* no me han in"ormado- Why haven't they in"ormed me-23 e vas a arrepentir de esto. /ou're going to regret this.24 /a estoy empe#ando a arrepentirme de ello. I'm already starting to regret it.25 l perdona pero no olvida. He "orgives !ut he doesn't "orget.26 +3mo es tu nuevo vestido- What's your new dress like-27 +0u* aspecto tena *l cuando lleg all- What did he look like when he got there-28 +3u(nto tiempo lleva!as esperando- How long had you !een waiting-29 +e ha!an dicho %ue no i!an a ir- Had they told you they weren't going to go-30 No hay esperan#a. here's no hope.31 No pierdas la esperan#a. 7on't lose hope.32 No te des por vencido. 7on't give up.33 igue luchando. Meep "ighting.34 No des el !ra#o a torcer. 7on't give in.35 6lg&n da ganar(s ya ver(s. omeday you'll win you'll see.36 ,a vida no es un lecho de rosas. ,i"e isn't a !ed o" roses.37 No todo sale !ien. Not everything turns out well.

    38odos tenemos pro!lemas como los tuyos de ve# encuando.

    We all have pro!lems like yours "rom time to time.

    39 ienes %ue seguir adelante. /ou have to keep going.40 ienes mucha vida por delante. /ou have a long li"e ahead o" you.41 No la desperdicies. 7on't waste it.42 5endr(n otras oportunidades. Ather opportunities will come

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    48 $spero volver a verte alg&n da. I hope to see you again someday.49 en en cuenta todo lo %ue te he dicho. Meep in mind everything I've told you.50 9uede %ue tengas ra#n. /ou may !e right.

    LIST 25

    1 $res un caso perdido. /ou're a lost case.2 +9or %u* dices eso- Why do you say that-3 u mesa de tra!ajo es un desorden. /our desk is a mess.4

    6s %ue crees %ue soy desordenado. o you think I'm messy.5 $so es. hat's right.6 9ero soy m(s e"ica# %ue t&. :ut I'm more e""ective than you are.7 engo serias dudas. I have serious dou!ts.8 +3u(nto %uieres apostar- How much do you want to !et-9 No soy jugador. I'm not a gam!ler.10 +3u(l es la di"erencia entre e"ica# y e"iciente- What's the di""erence !etween e""ective and e""icient-

    112atar a una mosca con un ca4n es muy e"ica# +nocrees-

    Milling a "ly with a cannon is very e""ective don't youthink-

    12 +,o consideras una "orma e"iciente de eliminar moscas- 7o you consider it an e""icient way to eliminate "lies-13 6h tienes la di"erencia. here you have the di""erence.

    14 l no durar( mucho en ese puesto. He won't last long in that jo!.15 :eethoven "ue el &ltimo de > hijos. :eethoven was the last o" > children.16 ,a madre no %uera el ni4o. he mother didn't want the child.17 2enos mal %ue so!revivi. It's a good thing he survived.18 & sa!es mucho. /ou know a lot.19 2ucho m(s de lo %ue puedas imaginar. 2uch more than you can imagine.20 Hay pro!lemas %ue resolver. here are pro!lems to solve.21 Hay cartas %ue escri!ir. here are letter to write.22 Hay tra!ajo %ue hacer. here's work to do.23 +0u* haces para matar el tiempo- What do you do to kill time-24 No mucho. Not much.25 7epende de los tipos de inter*s. It depends on the interest rates.26 +3rees %ue van a su!ir- 7o you think they're going to go up-27 ,as autoridades %uieren !ajarlos. he authorities want to lower them.28 +9ueden- 3an they-29 ienen !astante poder. hey have %uite a lot o" power.30 +ienen %ue consultarse los !ancos- 7o the !anks have to !e consulted-31 No necesariamente. Not necessarily.32 $s un hom!re muy educado. He's a very polite man.33 l tiene muy !uena "ormacin. He has a very good education.34 1eci! una "ormacin "rancesa. I received a @rench education.35 @ui "ormado por los Oesuitas. I was educated !y the Besuits.36 $st(n en todas partes. hey're everywhere.37 $st(n donde menos te los esperas. hey're where you least e8pect them.38 endr(s %ue ra#onar con *l. /ou'll have to reason with him.39 ,a economa va de mal en peor. he economy's getting worse and worse.40 7ar* mi reino por un !uen economista. I'll give my kingdom "or a good economist.41 No los hay. here aren't any.42 on como los gitanos %ue te leen la palma. hey're like the gypsies who read your palm.43 No te sigo. I don't "ollow you.44 3asi nunca aciertan en sus pronsticos. hey're hardly ever right in their "orecasts.45 No los hago caso. I don't pay any attention to them.46 Buegan un papel muy importante. hey plan a very important role.47 ,a sociedad no los necesita. ociety doesn't need them.48 +7esde cu(ndo eres la portavo# de la sociedad- ince when are you the spokesman "or society-

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    49 2i e8periencia a!arca muchos a4os. 2y e8perience covers many years.50 9ues no te ha ense4ado nada. Well it hasn't taught you anything.

    LIST 26

    1 +No est(s cansado de tantas listas- 6ren't you tired o" so many lists-2 9or supuesto %ue s. A" course I am.3 $ntonces +por %u* no haces otra cosa- hen why don't you do something else-

    4 +3omo %u*- ,ike what-5 3omo tocar la guitarra por ejemplo. ,ike playing the guitar "or e8ample.6 $so no ayuda a %ue la gente aprenda ingl*s. hat doesn't help people learn $nglish.7 6 lo mejor pero es mucho m(s ameno. 2ay!e not !ut it's much more pleasant.8 +6s %ue no te gustan mis listas- o you don't like my lists-9 /o no dije eso. I didn't say that.10 No me mientas. 7on't lie to me.11 $n mi vida te he mentido. I've never lied to you in my li"e.12 $ntonces +%u* es lo %ue no te gusta de mis listas- hen what is it you don't like a!out my lists-13 No es %ue no me gusten. It's not that I don't like them.14 +e importara ha!lar m(s claro- Would you mind speaking more clearly-15 i %uieres sa!er la verdad te la dir*. I" you want to know the truth I'll tell you.16 on demasiado largas. hey're too long.17 $res demasiado e8igente. /ou're too demanding.18 e tarda demasiado en hacer cada lista. It takes too long to do each list.19 Hay demasiada repeticin. here's too much repetition.20 Hay demasiadas listas. here are too many lists.21 $speras demasiado de tus alumnos. /ou e8pect too much "rom your students.22 +6lgo m(s- 6nything else-23 7e momento no. @or the moment no.24 $ntonces d*jame continuar con mis listas. hen let me continue with my lists.25 iento pena por tus alumnos. I "eel sorry "or your students.26 ,os vas a volver locos. /ou're going to drive them cra#y.27 7eja %ue yo me preocupe por eso. ,et me worry a!out that.28 /o antes crea en tu sistema. I used to !elieve in your system.29 6ntes segua todos tus consejos. I used to "ollow all your advice.30 9ero ya no. :ut not anymore.31 e crees muy listo. /ou think you're really smart.32 9odra ense4arte unas cuantas cosas. I could teach you a "ew things.33 6lg&n da te dar(s cuenta de tu error. omeday you'll realise your mistake.34 /o nunca cometo errores. I never make mistakes.35

    $st(s cometiendo uno ahora mismo. /ou're making one right now.36 $st(s intentando provocarme. /ou're trying to provoke me.37 $st(s muy orgulloso de ti mismo. /ou're very proud o" yoursel".38 $stoy orgulloso de mis logros. I'm proud o" my achievements.39 Has logrado muy poco. /ou've achieved very little.40 He logrado en"adarte. I've managed to make you angry.41 & no sa!es en"adarme. /ou don't know how to make me angry.42 $so es lo %ue t& crees. hat's what you think.43 3am!iemos de tema. ,et's change the su!ject.44 l logr estropear todo. He managed to ruin everything.45 3onsegu el o!jetivo. I achieved the o!jective.46 3onsegu alcan#ar el o!jetivo. I managed to achieve the o!jective.47 +0ui*n llevar( a ca!o esta tarea- Who'll carry out this task-

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    48 Nadie %uiere. No!ody wants to.49 $ntonces ha!r( %ue hacer algo. hen something will have to !e done.50 $res un je"e duro. /ou're a tough !oss.

    LIST 27

    1 No discutamos hoy. ,et's not argue today.2 7e!eras a4adir un poco m(s de sal. /ou should add a little more salt.3 9ero ya est( salada. :ut it's already salty.

    4 3omo sal slo con mariscos. I eat salt only with shell"ish.5 $l juicio no durar( mucho. he trial won't last long.6 6l jue# no le gustan los juicios largos. he judge doesn't like long trials.7 2enos mal. It's a good thing.8 6lgunos juicios parecen durar eternamente. ome trials seem to last "orever.9 No los de este jue#. Not this judge's.10 $so es un consuelo. hat's a consolation.11 Hay mucho papeleo. here's a lot o" paperwork.12 ,levan tres meses casados. hey've !een married "or three months.13 e est(n acostum!rando el uno a la otra. hey're getting used to each other.14 e est(n ha!lando. hey're talking to each other.15 No me acostum!r* a la vida de casado. I didn't get used to married li"e.16 Hay cosas m(s "(ciles en la vida. here are easier things in li"e.17 ,a vida tiene sus alti!ajos. ,i"e has its ups and downs.18 $stoy deprimido. I'm depressed.19 6nmate las cosas mejorar(n. 3heer up things will get !etter.20 $ste lago nunca ha sido pro"undo. his lake has never !een deep.21 engo conocimientos super"iciales de ese tema. I have super"icial knowledge o" that su!ject.22 Hay petrleo en la super"icie. here's oil on the sur"ace.23 9uedes res!alar y hacerte da4o. /ou can slip and hurt yoursel".24 $s m(s "(cil correr cuesta a!ajo %ue cuesta arri!a. It's easier to run downhill than uphill.25 $l !os%ue es muy espeso a%u. he "orest is very thick here.26 $st(s engordando &ltimamente. /ou've !een gaining weight lately.27 $s la mujer m(s hermosa %ue jam(s he visto. he's the most !eauti"ul woman I've ever seen.28 +2e la puedes presentar- 3an you introduce her to me-29 0uisiera presentarte a Buan. I'd like to introduce you to Bohn.30 ,e gustas pero es muy tmido. He likes you !ut he's very shy.31 +0u* %uieres %ue le diga-

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    48 9ero no s* %u* clase de pelculas le gustan. :ut I don't know what kind o" movies she likes.49 ,e da igual. he doesn't care.50 Necesito tu apoyo moral. I need your moral support.

    LIST 28

    1 No hay por %u* preocuparse. here's no need to worry.2 No "unciona nada en este pas. Nothing works in this country.3 l est( en camino. He's on his way.4

    +3u(nto tiempo dura el curso- How long does the course last-5 +Has solicitado la !eca- Have you applied "or the scholarship-6 omos amigos desde hace un a4o. We've !een "riends "or a year.7 Hemos creado una sociedad. We've "ormed a company.8 enemos %ue darle un nom!re. We have to give it a name.9 endr(s %ue invertir cierta cantidad en dinero. /ou'll have to invest a certain amount o" money.10 e daremos acciones. We'll give you shares.11 er(s en parte due4o de esto. /ou'll !e part owner o" this.12 +$st(s dispuesto a invertir- 6re you willing to invest-13 0ueremos dinero en met(lico. We want cash.14 $cha la carta al correo. 2ail the letter.

    15 No se te olvide el remite. 7on't "orget the return address.16 $l cielo est( empe#ando a despejarse. he sky's starting to clear up.17 ,a pli#a ha caducado. he policy has e8pired.18 +5as a renovarla- 6re you going to renew it-19 +9ara %u*- What "or-20 Ajal( supiera m(s ingl*s. I wish I knew more $nglish.21 Ajal( tuviera m(s dinero. I wish I had more money.22 Ajal( pudiera convencerle. I wish I could convince him.23 $spero %ue llueva esta tarde. I hope it rains this a"ternoon.24 1(scame la espalda. cratch my !ack.25 engo un terri!le dolor de muela. I have a terri!le toothache.26 3ru#aremos ese puente cuando lleguemos a *l. We'll cross that !ridge when we get to it.27 No me arrepiento de nada de lo %ue he hecho. I don't regret anything I've done.28 ,l(mame cuando %uieras. 3all me whenever you want.29 No %uiero %ue est*s triste. I don't want you to !e sad.30 2e dijeron %ue ya te ha!as ido. hey told me you'd already le"t.31 e aplastaremos. We'll crush you.32 $l perro enterr el hueso. he dog !uried the !one.33 $l entierro "ue por la ma4ana. he !urial was in the morning.34 @ueron arrestados y llevados al ju#gado. hey were arrested and taken to court.35 $l jue# no apareci. he judge didn't show up.36 $stuvimos esperando media hora. We waited "or hal" an hour.37 ,a mercanca no ha sido a&n em!arcada. he goods haven't !een shipped yet.38 Hay un retraso en el em!alaje. here's a delay in the packaging.

    39Nuestros tra!ajadores est(n en huelga desde hace m(s deun mes.

    Aur workers have !een on strike "or more than a month.

    40 No hemos llegado a un acuerdo. We haven't reached an agreement.41 Hasta %ue esto no se resuelva no podemos prometer nada. Jntil this is resolved

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    48 No necesito tus consejos. I don't need your advice.49 $ntonces +por %u* me has contratado- hen why have you hired me-50 1ealmente no lo s*. I really don't know.

    LIST 29

    1 @ueron advertidos del peligro. hey were warned o" the danger.2 2(s vale %ue te vayas por%ue sino... /ou'd !etter leave !ecause otherwise...3 +2e est(s amena#ando- 6re you threatening me-4

    2(s vale %ue sigas mi consejo. /ou'd !etter "ollow my advice.5 ,o compr* de segunda mano. I !ought it second hand.6 iempre te est(s %uejando del calor. /ou're always complaining a!out the heat.7 No de!as ha!er venido a%u. /ou shouldn't have come here.8 $st( sonando el tel*"ono. he telephone's ringing.9 /o lo cojo. I'll get it.10 +9ara %ui*n es- Who's it "or-11 $ra un n&mero e%uivocado. It was the wrong num!er.12 Jna secretaria de!e ser educada. 6 secretary should !e polite.13 am!i*n de!e ser agrada!le y ama!le. he should also !e pleasant and "riendly.14 o!re todo de!e ser puntual y justa. 6!ove all she should !e punctual and "air.15 7e!e sa!er do!lar cartas. he should know how to "old letter.16 7e!e sa!er tomar recados. he should know how to take messages.17 7e!e sa!er mecanogra"a y ta%uigra"a. he should know typing and shorthand.18 us in"ormes de!eran ser concisos. /our reports should !e concise.19 Has tenido mucha suerte. /ou've !een very lucky.20 +3u(ntos a4os tenas cuando eso pas- How old were you when that happened-21 iento %ue no pudieras %uedarte. I'm sorry you couldn't stay.22 e acostum!rar(s a mi estilo. /ou'll get used to my style.23 /a estoy acostum!rado a ello. I'm already accustomed to it.24 ,uch* por todo lo %ue consegu. I "ought "or everything I got.25 Huele a "lores. It smells like "lowers.26 9oni encima de esto. 9ut it on top o" this.27 $lla lleva siempre mucho ma%uillaje. he always wears a lot o" makeup.28 iempre tengo %ue recordarle %ue se a"eite. I always have to remind him to shave.29 $s muy olvidadi#o. He's very "orget"ul.30 $s de los pocos hom!res %ue llevan som!rero. He's one o" the "ew men who wear a hat.31 +e !urlan sus amigos de *l- 7o his "riends make "un o" him-32 3reo %ue no. I don't think so.33 9arecen ser !astante majos. hey seem to !e pretty nice.34 +0u* impresin sacaste t&- What impression did you get-35

    ienes %ue causar una !uena impresin. /ou have to make a good impression.36 No causaste !uena impresin. /ou didn't make a good impression.37 No lo puedo aguantar. I can't stand it.38 6lgo tiene %ue hacerse. omething has to !e done.39 +0u* esperas tra!ajando para un hom!re como *l- What do you e8pect working "or a man like him.40 +7esde cu(ndo paga !ien a su gente- ince when does he pay his people well-41 e advert %ue no aceptaras su o"erta. I warned you not to accept his o""er.42 9ero no me hiciste caso. :ut you didn't pay any attention to me.43 6hora est(s su"riendo las consecuencias Now you're su""ering the conse%uences.44 u muerte a"ect a todos a%u. His death a""ected everyone here.45 9areca un hom!re tan sano. He seemed like such a healthy man.46 7ej una herencia a su esposa. He le"t an inheritance to his wi"e.47 $stoy agotado. I'm e8hausted.

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    48 +9or %u* no te tomas estas pastillas- Why don't you take these pills-49 No s* tragar pastillas. I don't know how to swallow pills.50 $res un poco raro +no- /ou're a little strange aren't you-

    LIST 30

    1 Han llegado a una conclusin "inal. hey've reached a "inal conclusion.2 Han decidido vender el negocio. hey've decided to sell the !usiness.3 ienen %ue pagar a sus acreedores. hey have to pay their creditors.4

    ienen muchas deudas. hey have a lot o" de!ts.5 7e!en millones a los !ancos. hey owe millions to the !anks.6 Nadie les dar( un pr*stamo ahora. No one will give them a loan now.7 $s muy arriesgado invertir ahora. It's very risky to invest now.8 ,a mano de o!ra es cara. 2anpower is e8pensive.9 ,os !ancos se niegan a prestar dinero. :anks re"use to lend money.10 Nadie %uiere ahorrar. No!ody wants to save.11 $l paro est( su!iendo. Jnemployment is increasing.12 $l gasto p&!lico es demasiado alto. 9u!lic spending is too high.13 No me ha!les de economa. 7on't talk to me a!out economics.14 ,a economa est( m(s all( de nuestro control. he economy is !eyond our control.

    15 +3u(ntas listas nos %uedan- How may lists do we have le"t-16 Ninguna. None.17 +0uieres decir %ue *sta es la &ltima- 7o you mean this is the last one-18 ,a &ltima de momento. he last one "or the moment.19 +0u* %uieres decir Pde momentoP- What do you mean P"or the momentP-20 Ha!r( m(s li!ros. here will !e more !ooks.21 +0u* contendr(n- What will they contain-22 $star(n llenos de gram(tica compleja. hey'll !e "ull o" comple8 grammar.23 +0u* m(s- What else-24 Ha!r( voca!ulario nuevo. here will !e new voca!ulary.25 +3u(ndo estar(n listos- When will they !e ready-26 No te lo puedo decir todava. I can't tell you yet.27 +2e guardar(s una copia- Will you save a copy "or me-28 i eso es lo %ue %uieres. I" that's what you want.29 +3u(nto co!rar(s por cada li!ro- How much will you charge "or each !ook-30 er(n gratis. hey'll !e "ree.31 $so es muy considerado por tu parte. hat's very considerate o" you.32 +0u* estamos esperando- What are we waiting "or-33 l te puede asesorar so!re esto. He can advise you on this.34 /o agradecera mucho tu ayuda. I'd appreciate your help very much.35 0uiero prorrogar el pla#o. I want to e8tend the deadline.36 ,a e8periencia me ha ense4ado todo lo %ue s*. $8perience has taught me everything I know.37 engo reuniones diarias y semanales. I have daily and weekly meetings.38 1eci!o un in"orme mensual y anual. I receive a monthly and yearly report.39 9resto mucha atencin a las ci"ras. I pay a lot o" attention to the "igures.40 6nimo a mi gente a hacer un es"uer#o. I encourage my people to make an e""ort.41 rato de ser justo en todo momento. I try to !e "air at all times.42 engo mis "allos como todos. I have my "aults like everyone else.43 Jna cosa %ue no hago es perder el tiempo. Ane thing I don't do is to waste time.

    44He tardado mucho en aprender a usar mi tiempointeligentemente.

    It's taken me a long time to learn how to use my timewisely.

    45 +3u(ntas "rases me %uedan- How many sentences do I have le"t-46 3asi has terminado. /ou're almost "inished.47 3ele!remos el acontecimiento. ,et's cele!rate the event.

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    48 $stoy harto de tantas listas. I'm "ed up with so many lists.49 7e!e de ha!er una "orma m(s sencilla. here must !e a simpler way.50 6prender un idioma es realmente duro. ,earning a language is really tough.