Fr. Alan, Fr. Michael Krochak and Marilyn, Fr. Sunday ...Jan 10, 2016  · Stelmach, Mary Harrison,...

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Transcript of Fr. Alan, Fr. Michael Krochak and Marilyn, Fr. Sunday ...Jan 10, 2016  · Stelmach, Mary Harrison,...

Sunday, January 1st, 2017

New Year, Circumcision of Our Lord,

St. Basil The Great

Христос Раждається! Cлавіте Його! Christ is Born! Glorify Him!


100 Yale Ave. East, Winnipeg, MB R2C 0H8 Tel: 222-4283 Fax: 222-5332

E-mail: Website:

Welcome—Bitaemo Our Mission is to Know, Love and Serve Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ. Here at St. Michael’s, the centre of our life is Sunday and daily Divine Liturgy. It is here where we come

to know Christ in each other, in the Sacred Scriptures and through participation in the Holy Sacraments.

CLERGY: Parish Priest:

Very Rev. Fr. Mark Gnutel Ph:(204)667-9588 Assistant Priest: Fr. Alan Wizinsky Ph. (204)619-1165 Protodeacon Stefan Tyrawski

Ph: (204)-229-7687 email:

Office Administrator Valerie Balla

Ph. (204)222-4283

Parish Council Chairman Ron Kawaler

Ph. (204)222-7801

UCWLC President Betty Gnutel

Ph. (204) 668-8463

Parent Ed Susan Knight (204)477-1993

Sheila Verhaeghe (204)224-3049

Brotherhood President Ron Kawaler

Ph. (204)222-7801

Catechism Program Marian & Nathan Polakoff

Ph. (204)504-1973

K of C. Grand Knight Jerry Maskiew

Ph. (204)256-8124

Pastoral Care Coordinator Rose Jansen

Ph. (204)661-6315

Choir Cantor Don Gnutel (204)668-8463

Choir Director Pat Hawthorn (204)661-6744

Office Hours:

Wednesday 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Thursday 9:30 am. to 1:00 pm

Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:30 am.

2017 LITURGICAL CALENDARS - are available at the church entrance.

Please pick one up today.

UCWLC & BROTHERHOOD Meeting cancelled for January, Resume on Feb. 6th, 2017.

KNIGTHS of Columbus Meeting

cancelled for January. CATECHISM CLASSES will resume on Sunday, January 15th. We hope all our children & teachers are enjoying a wonderful holiday and hope to see you back. We also invite all parents of children from grades Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 5 to ensure your child is attending classes and help them to know & love Jesus so they may grow in His love.

Merry Christmas and a

Happy New Year to all my friends at St. Michaels. I would like to extend my gratitude for all the cards, visits , good wishes, fruit baskets and flowers that I received during my stay in the hospital this past year. special thanks to Fr. Mark, Fr. Alan, Fr. Michael Krochak and Marilyn, Fr. Isadore, Norm Kowalchuk and the Pastoral Care for bringing me communion and blessings. I appreciate and enjoy your visits. I may not be able to express myself and carry on a conversation, but I listen real good and enjoy hearing about the life at St. Mikes. I am coping , it has been a rough year and it looks like I'm in here for a while. Thank you everyone again. I miss seeing you all. Please keep me in your prayers. ~ Paul Kurylko


THANK YOU to all parishioners for your prayers, visits, and get well wishes during my recent hospital stay in the hospital. God bless all of you!

We have closed another year and opened to a new year, let us offer thanks and

gratitude to our loving God for all the blessings we have received during 2016. Perhaps there were sorrows and some disappointments but there were also many happy and good times. For all those we must offer thanks and praise to God. As we begin a new year 2017, let us begin with confidence, hope and faith in God and that His blessings will be upon us individually, on our families and upon all members of our parish. Let us embrace the new year with love of God and with one another.

A Blessed and Peaceful New Year to all!

Volunteer Opportunity Concordia Hospital Spiritual Care

The Bereavement Care Program of Concordia

Hospital is urgently seeking volunteers who are

able to provide telephone grief support ministry,

to family members of people who have died at

the Hospital. This is an ideal opportunity for a

person with a health care, ministry or counseling

background. If you are interested in learning

more about this opportunity, please contact Bob

M i l ks a t 204 -6 6 1 -7 4 0 2 , ema i l

Sunday, Jan 8th, 2017


Marilyn Krochak


Daniel Kawaler


Brent Early

Gene Happychuk

VIGIL LAMPS Justina Andrusiak

Olga Rizzuto Helen Kurylko Emily Leskiw

Please remember in your prayers the following who are ill at home, in

hospitals or care homes: Sylvia Woroniak,, Audrey Stefanyshen,,

Ann Kulyk, Charles Belsham, Ann Tchir, Kay Skotnicki, Iris Chroniak, Pearl

Zahaiko, Mickey Paraschuk, Tinnie Trush, Katherina Dubesky, Nick Zazula, Olga

Stelmach, Mary Harrison, Paul Kurylko , Justina Andrusiak, Mary Andrushko , Ron

Shott, Mary Zaporzan, William Gnutel, John & Genevieve Evan

COLLECTION & Donations Received Dec.24th & 25th , 2016

Christmas Eve Offering - $2,282.00 Christmas Day Offering - $780.00

Direct Debit - $167.00 Vigil Lamps - $15.00 Carolling - $180.00 Flowers - $70.00

Upkeep of the Parish - $210.00 Total Collection -$3,704.00 00


Liturgy Intentions For the Week of Jan. 1st to Jan. 8th

Sunday, Jan. 1st - 10:00 am. Circumcision of Our Lord, Feast of St. Basil; New Years Day - Luke 2:20-21; 40-52 Wednesday, Jan. 4th 9:30 am. - Liturgy @ Park Manor Home Thursday, Jan. 5th - 9:00 am. (Fr. Michael) 7:00 pm. Eve of Theophany St. Anne’s Parish - Luke 3:1-18

Divine Liturgy & Blessing of Water Friday, Jan. 6th - 10:00 am. . Feast of Theophany - St. Michael’s Matt 3:13-17—Divine Liturgy & Blessing of Water Sunday, Jan. 8th - 9:30 am. Sunday After Theophany - Matt. 4:12-17

BLESSING OF HOMES Fr. Mark, Fr. Alan and Protodeacon Stefan will be visiting and blessing homes of parishioners with the newly blessed

“Jordan water”. Please fill out the form which is included in the bulletin and drop it in the collection plate.

GOSPEL REFLECTION: The Baptism of Jesus Matthew 3: 13-17

"This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased" Why did Jesus, the Sinless One, submit Himself to John’s baptism? John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 3:3). In this humble submission we see a foreshadowing of the “baptism” of His bloody death upon the cross. Jesus’ baptism is the

acceptance and the beginning of His mission as God’s suffering Servant. He allowed Himself to be numbered among sinners. Jesus submitted Himself entirely to His Father’s will. Out of love He consented to this baptism of death for the remission of our sins. Do you know the joy of trust and submission to God? The Father proclaimed His entire delight in His Son and spoke audibly for all to hear. The Holy Spirit, too, was present as He anointed Jesus for his ministry which began that day as He rose from the waters of the Jordan river. Jesus will be the source of the Spirit for all who come to believe in Him. At His baptism the heavens were opened and the waters were sanctified by the descent of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, signifying the beginning of a new creation. Examine Jesus’ humility and ask the Holy Spirit to forge this same attitude in your heart. As you do, heaven will open for you as well. The Lord is ever ready to renew us in His Spirit and to anoint us for mission. We are called to be “light” and “salt” to those around us. The Lord wants His love and truth to shine through us that others may see the goodness and truth of God’s message of salvation. Ask the Lord to fill you with His Holy Spirit that you may radiate the joy of the gospel to those around you.

THANK YOU - We wish to express our thanks to everyone who helped with the Christmas celebrations. To all those who came out to decorate the church, to those who donated toward the beautiful flowers, to the choir for singing so beautifully, to the Altar Boys and Children of Mary who always serve so faithfully. To Fr. Alan for his participation in the Advent Moleben. And to everyone who joined us in the celebrations. Christ is Born! Glorify Him! WE ARE IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS to help with the Altar Guild. The present Altar Guild has retired and there is no one to look after the Altar. Please consider helping out.

NO COFFEE & FELLOWSHIP TODAY Fellowship resumes next Sunday, Jan. 8th and will

be hosted by the Brotherhood. If anyone can donate toward the fellowship, it would be appreciated.

EVE OF THEOPHANY - Divine Liturgy and outdoor Blessing of Jordan Water will be held at St. Annes Parish on Thursday, January 5th @ 7:00 pm.

FEAST OF THEOPHANY—Divine Liturgy & Blessing of Jordan Water at St. Michael’s on Friday, Jan. 6th at 10:00 am.

PLEASE NOTE: Thursday, January 5th is a day of abstinence. NO MEAT on this day. Although you may eat meat on Friday, Jan. 6th.


been brought to the Council’s attention that once again doors to the church have been left un-locked. When the last person is leaving the church, please make sure the doors are locked.

2 0 1 7 CHURCH ENVELOPES The new 2017 Church Envelopes are now ready to be picked up. In the Seniors Hall. Please pick yours up today. Please check that your name and number is correct. ENVELOPE NUMBER CHANGES Please note that some parishioners have had their envelope numbers changed. Previous numbers from 151—174 have been changed. The numbers that have been changed are in a separate box so that it will be easier for you to find your new number.

DIRECT DEPOSIT - please consider signing up for Direct Deposit for the new year. This a

simple, safe and easy method of preauthorized payment as a donation option. If you would like to sign up, simply pick up a form at the church entrance. Attach a void cheque and place it in the collection basket, mail or drop it off to the parish office. Contributions can be debited either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.