FPRF Final Report Volume 3

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Transcript of FPRF Final Report Volume 3

  • 7/29/2019 FPRF Final Report Volume 3


    Validation of a Smoke DetectionPerformance Prediction Methodology

    Volume 3. Evaluation of Smoke Detector Performance

    Prepared by:

    James A. Milke and Frederick W. MowrerUniversity of Maryland

    Pravinray Gandhi

    Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

    October 2008 Fire Protection Research Foundation

  • 7/29/2019 FPRF Final Report Volume 3



    This report presents the results of a Foundation project whose goal was to develop avalidated engineering methodology to calculate and accurately predict the responsetime of spot-type and aspirated smoke detection systems exposed to incipient fires and

    growing fires. The report, divided into four volumes, describes the test methods, testresults, computer simulations and analyses used for this project, which addresses thevalidation of a smoke detection performance prediction methodology.

    The four volumes of this report include:

    Volume 1, which addresses the characterization of the heat and smoke releaserates of eight incipient fire sources selected for this project;

    Volume 2, which addresses the large-scale room fire tests conducted as part ofthis project;

    Volume 3, which addresses evaluation of smoke detector performance in thelarge-scale room fire tests conducted as part of this project;

    Volume 4, which addresses comparisons of current FDS smoke detectionprediction methodologies with actual smoke detector performance in the large-scale room fire tests.

    The Research Foundation expresses gratitude to the project sponsors and technicalpanelists listed on the following page.

    The content, opinions and conclusions contained in this report are solely those of theauthors.

  • 7/29/2019 FPRF Final Report Volume 3


    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance PredictionMethodologyResearch Project

    Technical Panel

    Shane Clary, Bay Alarm Company

    Kenneth Dungan, PLC Foundation

    Jay Ierardi, R.W. Sullivan Engineering

    Kevin McGrattan, National Institute of Standards and Technology

    Dan Nichols, NYS Code Enforcement and Administration

    Ali Rangwala, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    Joseph Su, National Research Council of Canada

    Principal Sponsors

    Honeywell Life Safety

    National Electrical Manufacturers Association

    Siemens Building Technologies, Inc.


    Contributing Sponsors

    Automatic Fire Alarm Association

    Bosch Security Systems

    Xtralis, Inc.

  • 7/29/2019 FPRF Final Report Volume 3


    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology

    Volume 3. Evaluation of Smoke Detector Performance

    Prepared for:

    Kathleen AlmandFire Protection Research Foundation

    1 Batterymarch ParkQuincy, MA 02169

    Prepared by:

    James A. Milke and Frederick W. MowrerUniversity of Maryland

    Pravinray Gandhi

    Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

    October 10, 2008

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. ii

    Executive Summary

    This report, divided into four volumes, describes the test methods, test results, computer

    simulations and analyses used for this project, which addresses the validation of a smoke

    detection performance prediction methodology. This project was conducted jointly by theUniversity of Maryland (UM) and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) under the auspices of

    the Fire Protection Research Foundation (FPRF). The financial and technical support of theFPRF, the project sponsors and the project technical panel are gratefully acknowledged.

    The four volumes of this report include:

    Volume 1, which addresses the characterization of the heat and smoke release rates ofeight incipient fire sources selected for this project;

    Volume 2, which addresses the large-scale room fire tests conducted as part of this


    Volume 3, which addresses evaluation of smoke detector performance in the large-scaleroom fire tests conducted as part of this project;

    Volume 4, which addresses comparisons of current FDS smoke detection predictionmethodologies with actual smoke detector performance in the large-scale room fire tests.

    The overall objective of this project has been to evaluate the capabilities of the current release

    version (5.1.0) of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to predict smoke detector activation in

    response to relatively low energy incipient fire sources. The project was subdivided into fourtasks, consistent with the four volumes included in this report.

    The first task was to characterize the heat and smoke release rates of eight incipient fire sources

    selected for this project. The incipient fire sources are described in Table E1; the fire sourcesinclude four flaming fire sources and four smoldering/pyrolyzing fire sources. The heat and

    smoke release rates of these incipient fire sources were measured in the same IMO intermediate

    scale calorimeter that UL used previously as part of its FPRF-sponsored smoke characterizationproject [Fabian, et al., 2007]. Three replicate tests were conducted for each of the eight incipient

    fire sources to provide a measure of the repeatability of these tests. Volume 1 of this report

    provides descriptions of the incipient fire source fuels and ignition sources, the fire test apparatusand instrumentation used for this task, and the results of these tests. Volume 1 also addresses

    FDS simulations of these tests conducted in the IMO calorimeter as a means to evaluate the

    predictive capabilities of the FDS model on a preliminary basis. These FDS simulations were

    not originally planned, but have proven valuable in troubleshooting issues related to the

    simulation of fires involving these incipient sources. They provide an indication of theuncertainty in simulating the fire source terms in FDS.

    The second task was to perform large-scale room fire tests using the eight incipient fire sourcescharacterized in Task 1. The large-scale room fire tests were conducted in two rooms at the UL

    facility in Northbrook, IL. The first set of large-scale tests was conducted under unventilated

    conditions in the standard room used to test smoke detectors for the UL 217/268 standards; thisroom measures 10.8 m (36 ft.) long by 6.6 m (22 ft.) wide by 3.0 m (10 ft.) tall. Three replicate

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. iii

    tests were conducted with each of the eight incipient fire sources, for a total of 24 unventilatedroom fire tests. The second set of large-scale tests was conducted in a 7.2 m (24 ft) long by 7.2

    m (24 ft) wide by 3.0 m (10 ft) high room constructed specifically for this project to represent a

    mechanically ventilated commercial space. This room was provided with mechanical injection

    ventilation and a ceiling return air plenum to represent a typical commercial type of installation.Three replicate tests were conducted with each of the eight incipient fire sources at nominal

    mechanical ventilation rates of 6 and 12 air changes per hour; two replicate tests were conductedwith each of the incipient fire sources under unventilated conditions in this room. Thus, 64 fire

    tests were conducted in the ventilated room, for a total of 88 large-scale fire tests in the two

    rooms. A matrix showing the designations of the 88 large-scale tests is provided in Table E2.

    Table E1. Incipient fire sources

    Fuel source Ignition source Fire type

    Shredded office paper Small flame (50 W) Flaming

    Flexible PU foam /microfiber fabric

    Small flame (50 W) Flaming

    Flexible PU foam /microfiber fabric

    Hotplate Smoldering/pyrolysis

    Ponderosa pine Hotplate Smoldering/pyrolysis

    Cotton linen fabric Hotplate Smoldering/pyrolysis

    PVC wire Electric overcurrent Smoldering/pyrolysis

    Computer case Small flame (UL 94) Flaming

    Printed circuit board Small flame (ATIS T1.319) Flaming

    Table E2. Matrix of large-scale room fire test designations

    Incipient fire source Unventilated


    Ventilated room

    6 ach 12 ach 0 ach

    Shredded office paper 1, 2, 3 25, 26, 27 49, 50, 51 73, 74

    Flaming PU foam /

    microfiber fabric

    4, 5, 6 28, 29, 30 52, 53, 54 75, 76

    Smoldering PU foam /

    microfiber fabric

    7, 8, 9 31, 32, 33 55, 56, 57 77, 78

    Ponderosa pine 10, 11, 12 34, 35, 36 58, 59, 60 79, 80

    Cotton linen fabric 13, 14, 15 37, 38, 39 61, 62, 63 81, 82

    PVC wire 16, 17, 18 40, 41, 42 64, 65, 66 83, 84

    Computer case 19, 20, 21 43, 44, 45 67, 68, 69 85, 86

    Printed circuit board 22, 23, 24 46, 47, 48 70, 71, 72 87, 88

    ach = nominal mechanical injection ventilation rate in air changes per hour

    The large-scale rooms were instrumented with a number of thermocouples, velocity probes andlight obscuration measurement devices to provide a basis for evaluating the current capability of

    FDS to predict fire-induced conditions throughout a room in response to incipient fire sources.

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. iv

    The rooms were both equipped with a number of spot-type commercial smoke detectors from

    two manufacturers. The ventilated test room was also equipped with three aspirated smoke

    detection systems from one manufacturer. The response of these different smoke detection

    devices during these tests provides a basis for evaluating the current capability of FDS to predict

    smoke detector activation in response to incipient fire sources. Volume 2 of this report describesthe details of the large-scale room fire tests and provides the instrumentation and detection data

    from these 88 fire tests. More than 1,200 graphs have been developed to illustrate the results ofthese 88 tests; these graphs are too voluminous to print, so they are provided on electronic media

    in Excel files associated with each test. This large-scale room fire test data set should prove

    useful for future smoke transport and smoke detection validation exercises as well as for this one.

    The third task was to evaluate smoke detector performance during the large-scale fire tests. For

    this task, the response of the spot-type and aspirated smoke detectors during the fire tests was

    evaluated and characterized. These results were then compared with methodologies available inthe fire safety literature for predicting the activation of smoke detectors. Volume 3 of this report

    describes the details of these comparisons.

    One objective of this project has been to develop the means, based on experimental data, toestimate the response of smoke detectors using the simulated results of the smoke conditions

    computed by FDS. Smoke conditions estimated by FDS throughout the domain include

    temperature, velocity and mass fraction of smoke (which can be related to light obscuration orvisibility). One of the relatively unique aspects of this study is an examination of the role of

    ventilation conditions in identifying surrogate measures to predict smoke detector response.

    Within the last 10 years, there have been five significant studies examining the response ofsmoke detectors. These studies, examined as part of this project, include:

    Kemano by the National Research Council of Canada

    Naval Research Laboratory and Hughes Associates tests for shipboard applications

    Home Smoke Alarm Project by NIST

    Smoke Characterization Project by Underwriters Laboratories for the Fire ProtectionResearch Foundation

    Experiments program in this project.

    These experimental programs include a sufficiently wide variety of spaces, fuels and ventilation

    conditions to form a substantial basis for the development of robust, simple guidelines for

    estimating smoke detector response. Unfortunately, the smoke detector responses appear to be

    strongly dependent on the specific characteristics of the smoke and in some cases on the detectortechnology. Consequently, proposing a single set of guidelines for obscuration, temperature rise

    and velocity which can apply to a wide range of applications is difficult, other than suggesting

    guidelines which would be very conservative in some applications.

    For flaming fires, the obscuration level in tests without forced ventilation ranged from 1.4 to 10.7

    %/ft for ionization detectors and from 2.7 to 12.9 %/ft for photoelectric detectors. Given the

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. v

    noted range in the 80th percentile values of obscuration at the time of response, a guideline which

    reasonably captures much of the data for smoke detectors of either type of technology is 8 %/ft.

    In the case of flaming fires in ventilated rooms, the 80th

    percentile values of the obscuration

    levels differ appreciably for the two detection technologies. For flaming fires with ventilation,the 80

    thpercentile values of the obscuration level for photoelectric smoke detectors were 4.3 to

    4.9 %/ft. In contrast, the 80th

    percentile values of the obscuration level for ionization smokedetectors were 8.0 to 10.3 %/ft, although it is noted that the 10.3% is based on only two tests

    conducted at a forced ventilation rate of 12 ACH. As such, a possible guideline of obscuration

    levels for photoelectric detectors could be 5 %/ft for ventilation rates ranging from 6 to 12 ACH.For ionization detectors, the 8 %/ft value appears to be an appropriate guideline considering only

    the results from the tests with 6 ACH. With the limited number of tests conducted at 12 ACH

    where ionization detectors responded, a guideline to estimate their response cannot be suggested.

    For non-flaming fires without ventilation, the 80th percentile values of the obscuration levels

    ranged from 4.4 to 18.5 %/ft for ionization smoke detectors and 1.6 to 12.1 %/ft for photoelectricsmoke detectors. The 80

    thpercentile values of the obscuration levels for non-flaming fires with

    ventilation were all less than 1 %/ft in this study and approximately 5 %/ft for ionizationdetectors in the NRL study. Given the limited data in this area, a recommendation for

    establishing a guideline of only 1 %/ft is questionable, especially in light of the difference in

    results obtained from experiments conducted as part of this study and the NRL study. Untilfurther data is obtained, a value in excess of 1 %/ft is recommended and should perhaps be as

    large as 2.5 %/ft.

    The temperature rise at the time of detection response for flaming fires with no forced ventilationis highly dependent on the detection technology. A temperature rise of approximately 5 K can

    be suggested as a reasonable conservative guideline for ionization detectors, though should begreater than 5 K, e.g. 15 K given the measurements obtained in the NRL and NIST tests. Fornon-flaming fires and all fires with forced ventilation a temperature rise of approximately 3 K

    appears to be a reasonable guideline to estimate smoke detector response of either technology.

    Because the velocities associated with the forced ventilation provided in the test room were

    appreciably greater than the ceiling jet velocity, a guideline based on velocity cannot be

    recommended for such cases.

    An appreciable variation of smoke conditions was noted at the time of response of smoke

    detectors in all of the experimental programs reviewed. While guidelines of obscuration level or

    temperature rise can be suggested, these are very approximate in nature and may involveappreciable errors. One reason for this error is the fact that light obscuration and temperature arenot related to the operating mechanisms of current smoke detector technologies, i.e. light

    scattering and ionization. Volume 3 presents an outline of additional research which could be

    used to better correlate light obscuration with light scattering measurements.

    The fourth task of this project was to evaluate the capabilities of the current release version

    (5.1.0) of the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) to predict smoke detector activation in the two

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    rooms described in Task 2 in response to the relatively low energy incipient fire sources

    characterized in Task 1. As part of this task, FDS simulations were performed of the 32 different

    room fire scenarios conducted as part of this project. The FDS simulated results were then

    compared with the experimental results. Volume 4 of this report describes the details of these

    simulations and comparisons.

    The baseline FDS simulations of the room tests were performed with a uniform grid size of 10cm (4 in.). This resulted in a total number of 233,280 computational cells in both the

    unventilated enclosure domain, which had dimensions of 10.8 m (108 cells) by 7.2 m (72 cells)

    by 3.0 m (30 cells) high, as well as in the ventilated enclosure domain, which had dimensions of7.2 m (72 cells) by 7.2 m (cells) by 4.5 m (45 cells) high. On a single-processor PC, it took a

    few hours to run the 5 to 10 minute simulations of the flaming fire sources to a few days to run

    the 80 to 90 minute simulations of the smoldering fire sources at this resolution. Doubling the

    grid resolution from 10 cm (4 in.) to 5 cm (2 in.) changes these run times from a few days to anumber of weeks and consequently would be unreasonable for most applications.

    It is difficult to generalize about the comparisons of the FDS simulations of detector activation in

    the room tests with the actual room test detection data because of the wide range of results. Insome cases, the simulated and actual smoke conditions at the detection stations were relatively

    close to one another and within the experimental scatter, while in other cases, the simulated

    smoke concentrations exceeded the measured smoke concentrations by relatively large margins.

    There are at least three potentially significant sources of uncertainty associated with FDS

    simulation of smoke detector performance in room fire scenarios:

    Uncertainties in the initial and boundary conditions specified for a scenario, including

    uncertainties in specification of the fire heat and smoke release rate histories and inspecification of the mechanical ventilation;

    Uncertainties in the calculations performed by FDS to simulate heat and smoke transport;

    Uncertainties in the empirical models FDS currently uses to calculate smoke detector

    response and to predict smoke detector activation.

    Quantitative uncertainty analysis has not been performed as part of this project, but qualitativelyit appears that the greatest uncertainties are associated with the first and third sources of

    uncertainty identified here.

    The eight incipient fire sources used for this project each exhibited a range of fire growth, heat

    release and smoke release rates that limited the reproducibility of the bench-scale and large-scalefire tests. It is unreasonable to expect the simulation of these fire scenarios to be any better than

    the scatter in the experiments being simulated.

    It is suspected that the treatment of mechanical ventilation represents another source of

    considerable uncertainty in the FDS simulations performed as part of this project. Realventilation grilles and resulting airflows are more complicated than the simulated grilles and

    airflows in the ventilated enclosure. More work is needed to more fully explore this issue.

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. vii

    Before this project was undertaken, the prediction of smoke production in FDS was based only

    on a user-specified constant soot yield tied to the heat release rate of a fire. During this project,

    at least three limitations with this approach to predicting smoke production were recognized:

    Only a single fire source could be specified, which did not allow separate specification of

    an ignition source and other fuels subsequently ignited;

    The smoke release rate could not vary independently of the heat release rate, so productswith variable smoke yields could not be modeled properly;

    Smoldering and pyrolyzing smoke sources that produce substantial quantities of smokebut little heat could not be modeled properly.

    As a result of these limitations, the developers of the FDS model incorporated a new algorithmthat permits the user to specify smoke release independently of heat release. This new feature

    was used to specify smoke release rates for this project.

    The primary findings of this project can be summarized as follows:

    The smoke release rates of eight different incipient fire sources, including four flamingsources, three smoldering sources and one overheated electrical wire, have beenmeasured under well-characterized conditions in replicate bench-scale tests conducted in

    the IMO intermediate scale calorimeter at Underwriters Laboratories in Northbrook, IL.

    The primary smoke signature of interest in this project was the obscuration of visiblelight. Additional data was gathered during the bench-scale tests, including particle countdensity, mean particle diameter, carbon monoxide production and carbon dioxide

    production. This additional data may be of use in future investigations, but has not been

    analyzed for this project.Smoke obscuration was measured in the exhaust duct of the IMO intermediate scalecalorimeter by projecting a white light beam across the diameter of the exhaust duct onto

    a photocell and measuring the change in voltage at the photocell caused by smoke

    particles in the light beam.

    Smoke release rates are characterized in units of m2/s, where the smoke release rate is

    calculated as the product of the smoke extinction coefficient, k (m-1), by the volumetric

    flow rate in the exhaust duct, V (m3/s):



    IIVkS o


    The total smoke release (TSR) is characterized in units of m2 and is calculated as theintegral of the smoke release rate over the period of a test, i.e., the area under the smoke

    release rate curve:

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    The mass of smoke released during a test is characterized in units of g s and is calculatedas the quotient of the total smoke release to the specific extinction coefficient, km, which

    was assumed to have a constant value of 8.7 m2/gs:




    The average smoke yield during a test is calculated as the quotient of the mass of smokereleased to the fuel mass loss during a test:





    When calculated in this way, the average smoke yields obtained for the eight incipientsources in the IMO apparatus are shown in Table E3 along with other data from the IMOtests. These data provide an indication of the variability in the replicate tests.

    When this project started, smoke production was calculated in FDS only in terms of

    constant smoke yield factors tied to the specified heat release rate through the mixture

    fraction model used by FDS. During this project, it became apparent that smoke yieldsfor the eight incipient sources are not constant and that characterizing smoke production

    in terms of a constant smoke yield factor would not produce accurate smoke production

    or transport results in FDS for these incipient fire sources.During this project, the developers of FDS implemented a new method to specify smokeproduction independently of heat release. Called the species ID method, this methodwas used throughout this project to specify smoke production in FDS for both the IMO

    test simulations and the room fire simulations.

    The bench-scale tests conducted in the IMO apparatus were simulated in FDS as onemeans to validate the capabilities of FDS to model smoke production and transport. For

    these FDS simulations, a uniform grid size of 2.5 cm was used. These simulations of the

    IMO tests showed that the calculated smoke quantity transported past the smoke eye inthe exhaust duct was similar to the quantity of smoke released from the fuel package, as

    shown in Table E4. The largest variation between output and input was 5.4%.

    Differences in the peak obscuration values and the times to reach these peaks between theIMO physical tests and FDS simulations are shown in Table E5. The simulated peak

    smoke release rate was within 17.3% of the specified peak smoke release rate for all fuelsexcept the PVC insulated wire. The FDS simulated time to peak obscuration lagged the

    specified peak time by 4 to 33 seconds, with two exceptions. This lag time is most likely

    related to the transport lag between smoke release at the fuel source and measurement atthe smoke eye in the exhaust duct. The IMO apparatus smoke test data was not corrected

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    for transport lag; this suggests that the actual smoke release in the IMO tests occurred

    earlier than represented in the smoke release rate curves for these tests.

    For the FDS simulations of the IMO tests, one replicate test for each fire source was

    selected for simulation and comparison with the measured data from that test. For the

    FDS simulations of the room fire tests, the IMO test data was typically averaged for eachfire source and this average data was used as input to the FDS simulations. The expected

    uncertainty in the FDS input data based on this approach has not yet been characterized.

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. x

    Table E3. Summary of data obtained from tests conducted in IMO apparatus

    Sample Description Mode Peak HRR Peak SRR Smoke Yield Total SR Total HR

    (kW) (m /s) (g/g) (m) (MJ)

    Shredded Paper-1 Flaming 7.76 1.350 0.094 110.5 0.388

    Shredded Paper-2 Flaming 8.91 0.990 0.083 105.8 0.612

    Shredded Paper-3 Flaming 12.49 2.000 0.097 117.4 0.589

    Shredded Paper Average 9.72 1.447 0.091 111.2 0.530

    PU Foam/Microfiber-1 Flaming 8.54 0.432 0.094 74.2 1.896

    PU Foam/Microfiber-2 Flaming 11.23 0.512 0.096 84.2 2.240

    PU Foam/Microfiber-3 Flaming 9.79 0.513 0.095 80.6 1.974PU Foam/Microfiber Average 9.85 0.486 0.095 79.7 2.037

    Circuit Board-1 Flaming 1.90 0.534 0.215 22.0 0.826

    Circuit Board-2 Flaming 2.41 0.491 0.221 20.3 0.924

    Circuit Board-3 Flaming 2.59 0.587 0.319 24.7 1.120

    Circuit Board Average 2.30 0.537 0.252 22.3 0.957

    Computer Case-1 Flaming 0.00 0.119 0.785 9.2 0.000

    Computer Case-2 Flaming 0.73 0.245 0.967 19.1 0.129

    Computer Case-3 Flaming 0.63 0.292 0.878 19.6 0.078

    Computer Case Average 0.45 0.219 0.877 15.9 0.069

    PU Foam/Microfiber-1 Smoldering N/A 0.066 0.085 39.9 N/A

    PU Foam/Microfiber-2 Smoldering N/A 0.073 0.089 43.8 N/A

    PU Foam/Microfiber-3 Smoldering N/A 0.040 0.073 36.2 N/A

    PU Foam/Microfiber Average 0.059 0.082 39.9

    Ponderosa Pine-1 Smoldering N/A 0.161 0.141 182.7 N/A

    Ponderosa Pine-2 Smoldering N/A 0.1219 0.142 182.3 N/A

    Ponderosa Pine-3 Smoldering N/A 0.1458 0.140 183.0 N/A

    Ponderosa Pine Average 0.143 0.141 182.7

    Cotton Linen Fabric-1 Smoldering N/A 0.084 0.254 43.1 N/A

    Cotton Linen Fabric-2 Smoldering N/A 0.118 0.240 40.9 N/A

    Cotton Linen Fabric-3 Smoldering N/A 0.086 0.168 29.9 N/A

    Cotton Linen Fabric Average 0.096 0.221 38.0

    PVC Insulated Wire-1 Smoldering N/A 0.072 0.237 2.1 N/A

    PVC Insulated Wire-2 Smoldering N/A 0.155 0.258 2.4 N/A

    PVC Insulated Wire-3 Smoldering N/A 0.094 0.256 2.5 N/A

    PVC Insulated Wire Average 0.107 0.250 2.3

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    Table E4. Variation in FDS modeling results of smoke measurement in IMO apparatus

    Fuel Source Model Output to Input Model Output to Test

    Shredded Office Paper -0.8% 4.8%

    PU Foam with Micro-

    fiber Fabric -5.4% -4.7%

    Printed Circuit Board 0.1% -1.6%

    Computer Case ABS

    Plastic 4.3% 4.7%

    PU Foam with Micro-

    fiber Fabric -3.1% -1.5%

    Ponderosa Pine -1.6% 1.9%Cotton Linen Fabric -0.9% 1.3%

    PVC Insulated Wire -1.6% -5.2%



    Table E5. Peak obscuration values and times in the IMO physical tests and FDS simulations.

    The 88 room fire tests conducted as part of this project provide a wealth of data on theconditions resulting from the eight incipient fire sources and the response of spot, beamand aspirated detection systems to these conditions in both unventilated and mechanically

    ventilated enclosures. Only a fraction of this data has been analyzed in detail as part of

    this project, but all the data acquired during this project has been summarized in tabular

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    and chart form in Excel spreadsheet files and will be made available for future analysis.

    More than 1,200 data charts have been generated to illustrate the data from these tests.

    The responses of the two brands of photoelectric detectors used in this project were

    generally consistent with each other, but the levels of smoke obscuration reported by

    these detectors was not always consistent with the smoke obscuration levels measured atthe adjacent detection stations. This may be due to the different methods used to measure

    smoke obscuration by the detectors, which use light reflection, and by the adjacentphotocell assemblies, which use light obscuration.

    The levels of smoke obscuration reported by the spot detectors are based on correlationsdeveloped from testing in the UL smoke box using only a single smoke source, a

    smoldering cotton wick. This correlation has not been demonstrated for the smokesources used in this project; this may account for at least some of the differences between

    the smoke obscuration levels reported by the spot detectors and those measured by the

    adjacent photocell assemblies.

    Based on analysis of the smoke detector data from the room fire tests in this project, the

    smoke obscuration at detection, represented in %/ft and based on the 80 th percentilevalues, are shown in Table E6 for the different ventilation conditions, fire conditions and

    detector types.

    Table E6. Smoke obscuration at detection in room tests based on 80th

    percentile values.

    12 ACH6 ACH


    Insuff. Data


    Insuff. Data










    12 ACH6 ACH


    Insuff. Data


    Insuff. Data










    Based on analysis of the smoke detector data from the room fire tests in this project, thetemperature rise at detection, represented in K and based on the 80th percentile values, are

    shown in Table E7 for the different ventilation conditions, fire conditions and detector


    Table E7. Temperature rise at detection in room tests based on 80th

    percentile values.

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    12 ACH6 ACH


    Insuff. Data


    Insuff. Data










    12 ACH6 ACH


    Insuff. Data


    Insuff. Data










    Based on analysis of the smoke detector data from the room fire tests in this project,substantial errors are indicated in using simplistic guidelines of obscuration andtemperature rise based on 80th percentile values. The values reported in the previous

    tables both overestimate and underestimate response times in specific tests.

    These errors may be reduced through use of a dual parameter approach, e.g. obscurationand velocity in unventilated rooms:

    o Flaming fires, photoelectric detectors: 5.5-9.5 %/ft and 0.14-0.33 m/so Non-flaming fires, photoelectric detectors: 1.5-2.5 %/ft and 0.03-0.07 m/s

    The near-ceiling velocity of ventilation in the ventilated room tests with 6 and 12 ACHexceeds the velocity of the ceiling jet from the incipient fires in these tests.

    The near-ceiling velocity field caused by the mechanical injection of air at 6 and 12 ACHhas not been experimentally characterized.

    The responses of the aspirated systems in the 64 tests in the ventilated room have been

    summarized in Excel spreadsheets, but have not yet been analyzed. The data from theaspirated systems has not yet been synchronized with the other experimental data due to

    technical difficulties with the synchronization process.Baseline FDS simulations have been conducted for 32 different room fire scenariosinvolving the 8 incipient fire sources under 4 different conditions, including unventilatedtests conducted in the UL 217/268 standard smoke room, unventilated tests conducted in

    the ventilated room constructed for this project, and ventilated tests conducted at 6 and 12

    air changes per hour in this ventilated room. For the baseline FDS simulations, a 10 cmuniform grid was used, resulting in a total of 233,280 computational cells for both the

    unventilated and ventilated enclosures. For the baseline FDS simulations, the specified

    smoke release rate was based on measurements of smoke release rate in the IMO bench-

    scale tests and was not corrected for transport lag.

    Additional FDS simulations have been conducted for a few scenarios using the multi-

    mesh feature of FDS to provide a higher level of resolution of 5 cm in the fire plume andceiling jet regions of the two enclosures, but these simulations have not yet been

    compared with the experimental data or the baseline FDS simulations. These results andcomparisons will be reported separately.

    Additional FDS simulations have also been conducted for the 16 mechanically ventilatedscenarios using a different description for the ceiling vents than in the baseline

    calculations. These simulations use a uniform cell size of 10 cm, but they have not yet

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. xiv

    been compared with the experimental data or the baseline FDS simulations. These results

    and comparisons will be reported separately.

    The 32 FDS baseline simulations demonstrate a wide range of results in comparison with

    the related room fire tests so it is difficult to generalize about the current capability of

    FDS to predict smoke detector activation over the range of fuels and ventilationconditions evaluated in this project.

    In many of the 32 baseline FDS simulations, the predicted maximum level of smokeobscuration is higher than the measured level of smoke obscuration in the related roomfire tests. This may be due to the relatively coarse resolution of 10 cm used for the

    baseline FDS simulations. In these simulations, it appears that the dynamics of plume

    entrainment is not fully captured, which would lead to higher concentrations of smoke inthe FDS simulations. Another factor that may contribute to the higher predicted smoke

    obscuration levels is smoke deposition to room surfaces, which is not currently addressed

    in FDS.

    The levels of smoke obscuration measured by the photocell assemblies at the detection

    stations during the mechanically ventilated tests were low in comparison with the levelsof smoke obscuration reported by the adjacent smoke detectors and in comparison with

    the levels of smoke obscuration predicted by the associated FDS simulations. The reason

    for this has not yet been determined.

    The mechanically ventilated tests conducted at 6 and 12 ACH demonstrated conditionsdifferent from those observed in the unventilated tests. In particular, smoke did not

    readily transport past the plane defined by the line between the two injection louvers at

    the center of the room. Instead, the smoke tended to stack up on the fire side of thisplane, suggesting that the mechanical injection of air was acting as an air curtain.

    Qualitatively, this was observed in both the room fire tests as well as in the baseline FDS

    simulations. This also had the effect of delaying smoke detector response on the

    downstream side of the injection louvers. The impact of mechanical ventilation on smokedetector response warrants further investigation.

    Recommendations for further study include:

    Develop the relationship between light scattering and light obscuration for fuels ofprimary interest (UL 217 fuels, PU foam, etc.) as a means to resolve the differences in

    smoke obscuration levels reported by the smoke detectors and those measured by theadjacent photocell assemblies.

    Perform additional FDS simulations at higher resolutions to evaluate the effects onpredicted smoke obscuration levels.

    Perform additional mechanically ventilated room tests to characterize the velocity fieldcaused by the injection of air through representative air louvers.

    Establish methods to more accurately simulate the injection of air through representativeair louvers in FDS.

    Further investigate the impact of mechanical ventilation on smoke detector response.

    In summary, this project has generated a wealth of new data on the fire-induced conditions in the

    room of origin resulting from a range of different incipient fire sources under both unventilated

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    and mechanically ventilated conditions. It has also generated a wealth of data on the response of

    both spot-type and aspirated smoke detection systems to these conditions. Thirty-two different

    room fire scenarios were conducted in replicate in 88 large-scale tests and each scenario was

    simulated using the current release version (5.1.0) of the Fire Dynamics Simulator to evaluate the

    current capabilities of FDS to predict smoke detector response and activation. In light of thelarge number of room fire tests conducted and FDS simulations performed, it has not been

    possible to perform a comprehensive analysis of the results. The data from these tests and FDSsimulations demonstrate a range of results that warrants further analysis.

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. xvi

    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology

    Volume 3. Evaluation of Smoke Detector Performance

    Prepared for:

    Kathleen AlmandFire Protection Research Foundation

    1 Batterymarch ParkQuincy, MA 02169

    Prepared by:

    James A. Milke and Frederick W. MowrerUniversity of Maryland

    Pravinray Gandhi

    Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

    October 10, 2008

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. xvii


    1.0 Introduction 1

    1.1 Smoke Detector Principles 1

    2. Modeling Response of Smoke Detectors 4

    2.1 Threshold Guidelines, NFPA 72 4

    2.2 Zone Models 5

    2.3 FDS 5

    3. Experimental Data of Smoke Detector Response 6

    3.1 Kemano 7

    3.2 NRL 8

    3.3 Home Smoke Alarm Project 11

    3.4 Smoke Characterization Project 17

    3.5 Experimental program in this project 24

    4. Discussion 34

    4.1 Trends in detector response 34

    4.2 Variation in obscuration levels at detector response 38

    4.3 Velocity 39

    4.4 Dual parameter guidelines 405. Summary 42

    6. References 42

    Appendix. Conditions at the time of response for Ventilated Room 45

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    List of FiguresPage

    Figure 1. Mean particle diameters for light obscuration of 0.5 %/ft 4

    Figure 2. Cumulative distribution of optical density at the time of smoke detector response 8Figure 3. Cumulative distribution of optical density at the time of smoke detector response,

    flaming fires 9Figure 4. Cumulative distribution of optical density at the time of smoke detector response,

    non-flaming fires 10

    Figure 5. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at the time of smoke detector response,flaming fires 10

    Figure 6. Cumulative distribution of velocity at detector response, flaming fires 11

    Figure 7. Obscuration levels at detector response, flaming fires 12

    Figure 8. Obscuration levels at detector response, non-flaming fires 13Figure 9. Temperature rise at detector response, flaming fires 13

    Figure 10. Temperature rise at detector response, non-flaming fires 14Figure 11. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, flaming fires 15

    Figure 12. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, non-flamingfires 15

    Figure 13. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response, flaming

    fires 16Figure 14. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response,

    non-flaming fires 16

    Figure 15. Obscuration levels at detector response, flaming fires 17

    Figure 16. Obscuration levels at detector response, non-flaming fires 18Figure 17. Temperature rise at detector response, flaming fires 18

    Figure 18. Temperature rise at detector response, non-flaming fires 19Figure 19. Velocity at detector response, flaming fires 19Figure 20. Velocity at detector response, non-flaming fires 20

    Figure 21. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, flaming fires 21

    Figure 22. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, non-flaming fires 21Figure 23. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response, flaming fires 22

    Figure 24. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response,

    non-flaming fires 22

    Figure 25. Cumulative distribution of velocity at detector response, flaming fires 23Figure 26. Cumulative distribution of velocity at detector response, non-flaming fires 23

    Figure 27. Light obscuration measurement in shredded paper test 24

    Figure 28. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, non-ventilated room 26Figure 29. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response,

    non-ventilated room 26

    Figure 30. Obscuration levels at detector response, ventilated room 27

    Figure 31. Temperature rise at detector response, ventilated room 27Figure 32. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at photoelectric detector response,

    flaming fires, ventilated room 29

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    Figure 33. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at photoelectric detector response,

    flaming fires, ventilated room 30

    Figure 34. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at photoelectric detector response,

    non-flaming fires, ventilated room 30

    Figure 35. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at photoelectric detector response,non-flaming fires, ventilated room 31

    Figure 36. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at ionization detector response,flaming fires, ventilated room 32

    Figure 37. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at ionization detector response,

    flaming fires, ventilated room 32Figure 38. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at ionization detector response,

    non-flaming fires, ventilated room 33

    Figure 39. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at ionization detector response,

    non-flaming fires, ventilated room 33Figure 40. 80th percentile obscuration level at detector response 34

    Figure 41. 80th

    percentile obscuration level at detector response in recent experimentalprograms 35

    Figure 42. Visibility to illuminated exit sign through smoke 36Figure 43. 80th percentile temperature rise at detector response 37

    Figure 44. 80th

    percentile obscuration level at detector response in recent experimental

    programs 37Figure 45. Near ceiling velocities in ventilated room tests 40

    Figure 46. Light obscuration and velocity at photoelectric detector response,

    unventilated room 40

    Figure 45. Near ceiling velocities in ventilated room tests 41Figure 46. Light obscuration and velocity at photoelectric detector response,

    unventilated room 41

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    Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology Volume 3October 10, 2008 p. xx

    List of TablesPage

    E1. Incipient fire sources iii

    E2. Matrix of large-scale room fire test designations iiiE3. Summary of data obtained from tests conducted in IMO apparatus ix

    E4. Variation in FDS modeling results of smoke measurement in IMO apparatus xE5. Peak obscuration values and times in the IMO physical tests and FDS simulations. x

    E6. Smoke obscuration at detection in room tests based on 80th percentile values. xi

    E7. Temperature rise at detection in room tests based on 80th percentile values. xi1. Obscuration levels for response of smoke detectors to flaming fires (%/ft) 4

    2. Temperature rise for response of smoke detectors to flaming fires (K) 5

    3. Detector response statistics for flaming and non-flaming fires,

    Home Smoke Alarm Project 144. 80th percentile values of parameters at detector response, Home Smoke Alarm Project 16

    5. Detector response statistics for flaming and non-flaming fires,Smoke Characterization Project 20

    6. 80th

    percentile values of parameters at detector response, Smoke Characterization Project 247. Photoelectric detector response statistics for flaming and non-flaming fires 25

    8. 80th

    percentile values of parameters at detector response 26

    9. Detector response statistics for flaming and non-flaming fires, photoelectric detector SG 2810. Detector response statistics for flaming and non-flaming fires, photoelectric detector SS 28

    11. Detector response statistics for flaming and non-flaming fires, ionization detector SG 29

    12. 80th

    percentile values of parameters at detector response, photoelectric detector SG 31

    13. 80th

    percentile values of parameters at detector response, ionization detector SG 33

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    FPRF incipient fire project final report Volume 3 p. 1

    1. Introduction

    An objective of this project is to develop the means to estimate the response of smoke detectors

    using the computed results of the smoke conditions by FDS. This objective is consistent with

    the growing interest to develop engineering methods for estimating the response of fire

    protection systems, either for applications in design or fire investigation.

    Methods have been developed to estimate the response of flame, thermal and smoke detectors.

    The method for estimating the response of thermal detectors has been included in NFPA 72 formany years and is based on an estimate of the temperature of the ceiling jet, originally developed

    by Alpert [1972]. The response of flame detectors is based on an estimate of the radiation heat

    transfer from a flame plume to a detector. A computational approach to provide this estimate hasbeen more recently included in NFPA 72 [2007]. In both cases, the sensitivity of the heat or

    flame detectors to the respective signature needs to be determined via experiment.

    1.1 Smoke Detector Principles

    The response of traditional spot smoke detectors is dependent on the characteristics of the smoke

    in the vicinity of the detector and the characteristics of the detector. Most of the current smokedetectors operate based on one of two types of detection technologies: photoelectric or

    ionization. Contemporary, photoelectric smoke detectors respond based on the scattering of light

    caused by smoke particles [Schifiliti, et al., 2002]. The response of an ionization smoke detector

    is based on a change in the local ionization field within the detection chamber caused byintroduction of smoke particles within the chamber. Both types of alarms activate when a set

    threshold is reached.

    Two of the principal characteristics of the smoke affecting the response of the smoke detector

    technologies include the distribution of particle sizes and concentration of smoke particles. The

    role of the two characteristics depends on the sensing technology included in the detector.

    Relationships between light scattering and current change within an ionization chamber relativeto the characteristics of smoke particles are provided in the literature [Schifiliti and Pucci, 1996].

    While light scattering is dependent on the smoke particle characteristics (size distribution andconcentration), it is also affected by the wavelength of the transmitted light, refractive index of

    the smoke and the angle between the light source and the light receiver. There are three regions

    of light scattering behavior described in the literature for single, spherical particles. The three

    regions depend on the ratio of the particle diameter (d) and wavelength of light, , as follows:

    Rayleigh: d/ < 0.1Mie: 0.1 < d/ < 0.4

    Bricard: d/ > 0.4

    Considering the wavelength of light used in photoelectric detectors and the range of particle sizesproduced in fires, Mie theory can be applied to appreciate the effect of smoke particle

    characteristics on photoelectric smoke detector responses. According to Mie theory, light

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    FPRF incipient fire project final report Volume 3 p. 2

    scattering is linearly proportion to the number of smoke particles and the square of the diameter

    of the particles:


    ii dnLS (1)

    Performance of the ionization detector is dependent on the attachment coefficient of air-molecule

    ions to the soot particles, , where = 2 Ddm [Litton, et al., 2004] Thus, the MIC response isrelated to the product of particle count and diameter as shown in Eq. 2.

    MIC dini (2)

    The conditions in a ceiling jet or smoke layer determined via engineering methods generally do

    not include smoke particle size and concentration. Instead, the methods include estimates ofinvolve light obscuration, temperature and velocity. As indicated by Schifilti, et al., this

    provides an inherent difficulty in estimating the response of smoke detectors.

    The ability of smoke particles to obscure light is described by Beers Law, expressed in terms ofthe optical density per unit path length. According to Beers Law, the optical density (i.e. light

    obscuration) is linearly proportional to the concentration of smoke, as expressed in Eq. 3.



    Where OD is the optical density, is the path length, and Cs is the smoke concentration. The

    smoke concentration, Cs, is proportional to the smoke number density as follows:

    3iis dnC (4)

    Where ni, and di are the number count (density) and particle diameter for a small range of

    particle size i, referred to as a bin in the recent UL study [Fabian, et a., 2007]. Arelationship between optical density per path length and the smoke number density count at a

    given time can be developed by combining Eq. 3 and Eq. 4:


    ii dnD


    Optical density and obscuration per foot can be related as expressed in Eq. 6:

    DOBS 101100 (6)

    Where OBS is obscuration per meter and D is the optical density (m-1


    Unfortunately, a particular level of obscuration does not uniquely describe the characteristics of a

    particular smoke. This issue was evident in the recent Smoke Characterization Project conducted

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    FPRF incipient fire project final report Volume 3 p. 3

    by UL collected highly detailed information of the smoke particle size, concentration, light

    obscuration, and other parameters relative to smokes produced by several different fuels [Fabian,etal., 2007]. The mean particle diameter measured for smoke from flaming and non-flaming

    fires that produced a light obscuration of 0.5%/ft in the Smoke Characterization Project are

    presented in Figure 1. For the series of experiments indicated in Figure 1, the mean particle

    diameter producing the same level of light obscuration ranges from 0.08 to 0 0.22 microns. Assuch, even though the level of light obscuration is the same for these smokes, their detectability

    by a light scattering detector or ionization detector would vary, given that these detection

    technologies are dependent on the square and first power of the particle diameter, respectively.

    Nonetheless, the purpose of this project is to identify relationships between smoke detector and

    smoke parameters which are included within current numerical models. Thus, being that opticaldensity is computed by several numerical models, the relationship of smoke detector response to

    light obscuration is sought in this project.

    One of the relatively unique aspects of this study is an examination of the role of ventilation

    conditions in identifying surrogate measures to predict smoke detector response. Most of theprevious studies in this area have been conducted in quiescent atmospheres.

    Figure 1. Mean particle diameters for light obscuration of 0.5 %/ft [Fabian, et al., 2007]

    2. Modeling Response of Smoke Detectors

    2.1 Threshold Guidelines, NFPA 72

    Annex B of NFPA 72 includes an engineering approach for estimating the response of smokedetectors to flaming fires. Three parameters identified in the Annex include temperature rise,

    obscuration (or optical density) and velocity. Given that neither of the two detection

    technologies respond to conditions represented by any of these three parameters, inherent errors









































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    FPRF incipient fire project final report Volume 3 p. 4

    are to be expected when applying any of these parameters for estimating the response of smoke

    detectors [Schifiliti and Pucci, 1996].

    Heskestad and Delichatsios [1977] suggested values of the optical density that coincided with

    smoke detector response based on their measurements. Their suggestions are incorporated into

    the optical densities noted in Annex B of NFPA 72. The optical densities noted in NFPA 72 areconverted into obscuration levels using equation 4 and are included in Table 1.

    As indicated in Table 1, the obscuration level associated with detector response varies by thedetection technology and fuel. The range in obscuration levels for smokes from the various fuels

    varies by a factor of 11 for photoelectric detectors and 180 for ionization detectors.

    Table 1. Obscuration levels for response of smoke detectors to flaming fires (%/ft)

    Material Photoelectric Ionization

    Wood Crib 3.39 1.14Cotton fabric 1.83 0.12

    Polyurethane foam 10.9 10.9

    PVC 20.6 20.6

    Schifiliti and Pucci [1996] estimated the temperature rise necessary for detection to firesinvolving the fuels noted in Table 1 based on ratios of the optical density and temperature at

    detector response determined by Heskestad and Delichatsios. The resulting temperature rises

    suggested to estimate smoke detector response are included in Annex B of NFPA 72 and are

    reproduced here in Table 2. A default temperature rise of 13 K, presumably applicable to any

    fuel is sometimes suggested, though it is apparent that for fires involving wood cribs and cottonfabrics, such a value would provide an optimistic view of detector response. Geimans review of

    previous experiment programs indicated that a significant proportion of ionization smokedetectors responded at temperature rises much less than those indicated in Table 2.

    Table 2. Temperature rise for response of smoke detectors to flaming fires (K) (NFPA 72)

    Material Photoelectric Ionization

    Wood Crib 41.7 13.9

    Cotton fabric 27.8 1.7

    Polyurethane foam 7.2 7.2PVC 7.2 7.2

    The critical velocity of the ceiling jet associated with the response of smoke detectors ranges

    from 0.13-0.15 m/s for flaming fires [Borzovski, 1989][Geiman, 2003]. The critical velocity isindependent of the type of smoke detector.

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    2.2 Zone Models

    Some zone models include an algorithm to estimate the response of smoke detectors. CFAST is

    one zone model that includes such an algorithm [Jones, et al., 2005]. The approach used in

    CFAST is to treat a smoke detector as a thermal detector, where the sensitivity of the smoke

    detector is expressed as a Response Time Index and the operating temperature is expressed as amagnitude of temperature rise above ambient. Guidance on the temperature rise to select is

    currently available in Annex B of NFPA 72, though much of the purpose Geimans research was

    to assess the appropriateness of the guidance included in NFPA 72. An elementary heat transfercalculation is conducted (treating the smoke detector as a thermal detector) to determine when

    the smoke detector reaches the activation temperature.

    2.3 FDS

    The algorithm within Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) [McGrattan, et al., 2008] is based on the

    mass fraction of smoke in the sensing chamber of the smoke detector and velocity within the

    ceiling jet in the vicinity of the smoke detector. The mass fraction is related to the obscurationper unit length as expressed in equation (7).

    lYOBS cexp1100 (7)

    The FDS Technical Manual [McGrattan, 2007] suggests a value of 8700 m2/kg 1100 m

    2/kg at a

    wavelength of 633 nm for for most flaming fires.

    The FDS model relates mass fraction of smoke in the sensing chamber of the detector to the

    mass fraction of smoke in the ceiling jet outside the detector by one of two approaches. The

    simpler of the two approaches is that described by Heskestad [1975]. Heskestads approach is

    presented in the governing equation included as Eq. 8:




    dY cec (8)

    where Ye and Ycare the mass fraction of smoke external to the detector and in the detectorssensing chamber, respectively, L is the characteristic length of the detector and u is the ceiling jet

    velocity at the location of the smoke detector. The ceiling jet velocity and mass fraction external

    to the detector are parameters included in the basic calculations performed by FDS. Thecharacteristic length of the detector needs to be determined via experimentation. The

    characteristic length for the light scattering detectors determined in previous experimental efforts

    range from 2.6 to 15 m [Schifiliti, et al., 2002].

    An alternative approach to estimate the response time of smoke detectors included within FDS is

    an approach suggested by Cleary [2000]. This approach requires a determination of four

    parameters (rather than Heskestads one) to address the entrance lag issues. Roby, et al. [2007]suggest that the Cleary model is a better predictor of smoke detector response for cases where the

    detector is exposed to ceiling jets with velocities less than 0.5 m/s.

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    In Clearys approach, the entrance time is divided into two segments. The time segments are

    associated with the time required for the smoke to pass through the exterior housing and thenbaffles in order to fill the sensing chamber. The two time segments are approximated using Eq.

    9 and 10 [Cleary, et al., 1999].


    ut ee (9)cut cc (10)

    The s and s need to be empirically determined, with suggested values for these fourparameters for smoke detectors included in the FDS Users Guide [McGrattan, et al., 2008a].

    With this approach, the governing equation for the change in the mass fraction of smoke in the

    sensing chamber is presented as Eq. 11.







    3. Experimental Data of Smoke Detector Response

    Within the last 10 years, there have been five significant studies examining the response of

    smoke detectors. These studies are:

    Kemano [Su, at al., 2003]

    Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) [Gottuk, et al., 1999][Rose-Pehrsson, et al.,2000][Wong, et al., 2000]

    Home Smoke Alarm Project by NIST [Bukowski, et al., 2008]Smoke Characterization Project [Fabian, et al., 2007]

    Experiments program in this project.

    Observations and trends of the response of detectors included in each of the projects will be

    discussed in their own section.

    3.1 Kemano

    The Kemano tests were conducted by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). Thesetests were conducted in residences consisting of a one-story bungalow and a two-story single-

    family home. The one-story bungalow had approximate internal dimensions of 7.7 x 12.2 x 2.4m. The internal dimensions for each story of the two-story single-family home were 6.9 x 8.9 x

    2.4 m.

    A total of 12 tests, were conducted where detectors responded. All of the test scenarios included

    the fires starting as non-flaming fires and transitioning to flaming fires. In this section, particulartests are referred to as flaming or non-flaming fires based on the mode of combustion present

    when detectors activated.

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    Both battery-powered ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms were used in the tests.Measurements for the tests included optical density and temperature. The optical density meters

    used a 940 nm, pulsed, near-IR LED light source with a photodiode, separated by a distance of

    0.6 m. Temperature was measured with 26 AWG, Type K thermocouples.

    The cumulative probability distribution for the optical density at the time or response of a smoke

    detector is presented in Figure 2. Geiman, et al., observed that the optical density for flaming

    fires was very similar for both ionization and photoelectric detectors. The optical densityassociated with the ionization smoke detector response for flaming fires at the 80 th percentile

    level was approximately 0.11 m-1

    , (7.4 %/ft) and 0.14 m-1

    (8.4 %/ft) for photoelectric smoke

    detectors. The 80th

    percentile levels for the non-flaming fires were 0.19 m-1

    (10.8 %/ft) for thephotoelectric detectors and 0.21 m-1 (13.7 %/ft) for the ionization detectors. The 80th percentile

    levels for the two types of detectors were very similar for a particular type of fire.

    Figure 2. Cumulative distribution of optical density at the time of smoke detector response

    [Geiman, et al.,2006]

    The most significant difference in the optical density at response was observed for the non-

    flaming fires, at least for the lesser percentiles. The difference in optical density observed at the

    time of photoelectric and ionization smoke detector response for 80 percent of the casesmoderated. For photoelectric detectors, the 80th percentile value of the optical density was

    approximately 0.20 m-1

    (13.1 %/ft) and for ionization detectors was approximately 0.21 m-1


    %/ft), only a 5% difference.

    The temperature rise observed at the time of smoke detector response was in the range of 1-3 K

    and was dismissed as being too small to be meaningful.

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    3.2 NRL

    The NRL tests were conducted by Hughes Associates, Inc. and NRL. Some of these tests were

    conducted in a small compartment (6.1 x 3.6 x 3.0 m) while others were conducted in a medium-

    size test compartment (5.9 x 8.1 x 3.0 m). Two ventilation scenarios were used in these tests,

    one including no forced airflow and the other providing an airflow of 0.22 m


    /s in the smallcompartment and 0.45 m3/s in the medium compartment which represented 12 air changes per

    hour in the respective compartments.

    Forty-one flaming and non-flaming fires were conducted as part of this test series. Two models

    each of ionization and photoelectric smoke detectors were included in the Navy tests The optical

    density was measured with an optical density meter, which utilized an 880 nm infrared (IR) lightemitting diode (LED) and receptor arrangement over a 1.0 m path length. Temperature was

    measured with Inconel-sheathed, type K thermocouples. A sonic anemometer was used to

    measure the gas velocity in two orthogonal, horizontal directions.

    The cumulative probability distribution for the optical density at the time or response of a smokedetector is presented in Figure 3. The data included in Figure 3 is for tests with and without

    ventilation. In these tests, the 80th

    percentile of the ionization detector response is at a lesseroptical density (0.02 m-1 or 1.4 %/ft) than the photoelectric detector (0.02 m-1 or 2.8 %/ft). The

    smoke characteristics at response were observed to be largely unaffected by the presence of


    Figure 3. Cumulative distribution of optical density at the time of smoke detector response,

    flaming fires [Geiman, et al., 2004]

    The cumulative probability distribution of the optical density associated with ionization smoke

    detector response for non-flaming fires is presented in Figure 4. The 80th

    percentile of theoptical density in the ventilated tests was approximately 0.07 m-1 (4.8 %/ft) as compared to 0.19

    Optical Density at Alarm (m-1


    0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30CumulativePercentageofDet






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    (12.5 %/ft) for the unventilated tests. The difference in the optical density in the ventilated

    and unventilated tests at the time of response for the photoelectric detector was similar to thatobserved for the ionization detector.

    Figure 4. Cumulative distribution of optical density at the time of smoke detector response,

    non-flaming fires [Geiman, et al., 2004]

    The temperature rise for flaming fires at the time of response is presented in Figure 5. The 80th

    percentile value is approximately 3 K for the ionization detectors and 16 K for the photoelectric

    detectors. The temperature rise observed at the time of response for the non-flaming fires wasnegligible.

    The mean ceiling jet velocity at the time of detector response for flaming fires was 0.13 m/s.

    These experiments are part of the basis for the velocities indicated in NFPA 72. Geiman, et al.,

    indicate that detectors did respond at velocities as small as 0.05 m/s, well below the criticalvelocity noted in NFPA 72, refuting the notion that the cited range of 0.13 to 0.15 m/s is aminimum threshold velocity below which detector response is not expected. The velocity at the

    time of detector response for non-flaming fires was negligible in most tests.

    Optical Density at Alarm (m-1)0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30





    0 Air Changes / Hour

    12 Air Changes / Hour

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    Figure 5. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at the time of smoke detector

    response, flaming fires [Geiman, et al., 2006]

    Figure 6. Cumulative distribution of velocity at detector response, flaming fires [Geiman,

    et al., 2006]

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    3.3 Home Smoke Alarm Project

    The full-scale experimental program that was included as part of the Home Smoke Alarm Project

    was conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). These tests were

    conducted in two spaces, a one-story manufactured home and a two story house. Details of the

    spaces in which the tests were conducted are included in Bukowski, et al. [2008]. The overalldimensions of the manufactured home were 10.12 m x 4.17 m. The ceiling height inside the

    home was sloped, ranging from 2.1 m at the exterior walls to 2.4 m in the center. Tests were

    conducted in a bedroom, living room and kitchen. No forced ventilation was provided duringthese tests.

    The footprint of the two-story home had dimensions of 6.19 m x 9.65 m. The ceiling height on

    both levels is unspecified in the NIST report, though is on the order of 2.4 m. Again, no forced

    ventilation was provided during the tests.

    A total of 32 fire tests were conducted where detectors responded. The test scenarios includedboth non-flaming and flaming fires and involved a variety of fuel items. Both ionization and

    photoelectric smoke alarms were used in the tests. For the purposes of the analysis included inthis document, only the response of the closest array of detectors to the fire was considered.

    Measurements for the tests included optical density and temperature. The optical density meters

    used a low-cost laser pointer consisting of Class II laser diode with awavelength range of 630 nm to 680 nm (the separation distance between the light source and

    photocell is not specified in the NIST report). Temperature was measured with Type K


    The obscuration levels at which the ionization and photoelectric detectors responded is presented

    in Figure 7 for flaming fires and Figure 8 for non-flaming fires. As is evident in Figure 7, the

    obscuration level at the time of response varies appreciably. The obscuration level at the time ofresponse for the non-flaming fires indicated in Figure 8 is greater than that for the flaming tests

    and is even more varied. The mean and standard deviation of the obscuration level for the

    flaming and non-flaming fires is indicated in Table 3.

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    0 5 10 15 20

    Test #






    Figure 7. Obscuration levels at detector response, flaming fires

    The temperature rise at which the ionization and photoelectric detectors responded is presentedin Figure 9 for flaming fires and Figure 10 for non-flaming fires. The mean and standard

    deviation of the temperature rise for the flaming and non-flaming fires is indicated in Table 3.

    For many of the non-flaming tests, the temperature rise indicated is very small.








    0 2 4 6 8 10 12

    Test #





    Figure 8. Obscuration levels at detector response, non-flaming fires

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    0 5 10 15 20

    Test #





    Figure 9. Temperature rise at detector response, flaming fires










    0 2 4 6 8 10 12

    Test #





    Figure 10. Temperature rise at detector response, non-flaming fires

    Table 3. Detector response statistics for flaming and non-flaming fires, home smoke alarm


    Ionization PhotoelectricParameter Flaming Non-flaming Flaming Non-flaming

    Obscuration (%/ft)

    Mean 3.04 14.1 5.73 8.13

    Standard Deviation 3.78 8.24 3.08 8.83

    Temperature Rise (K)

    Mean 5.99 7.49 15.5 0.90

    Standard Deviation 4.09 9.72 10.5 0.68

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    FPRF incipient fire project final report Volume 3 p. 14

    Cumulative distributions of the obscuration level and temperature rise at the time of response areprovided in Figures 11 to 14. The 80th percentile values of the smoke conditions when the

    detectors responded in the various tests are presented in Table 4. The 80th

    percentile values

    follow the general trends observed in previous studies. In flaming fires, ionization detectors

    responded when the obscuration level and temperature rise were less than those associated withthe response of photoelectric detectors. In most tests in this experimental program this was

    accomplished by the ionization detectors responding prior to the photoelectric detectors in the

    flaming tests. Conversely, in the tests with the non-flaming fires, the photoelectric detectorsresponded when the obscuration level and temperature rise were less than those values when the

    ionization detectors responded. Again, in most tests the ionization detectors responded after the

    photoelectric detectors, and in some cases appeared to operate just as the temperature began toincrease significantly, perhaps as the fire was transitioning to flaming combustion.







    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

    Obscuration (%/ft)






    Figure 11. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, flaming fires

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    0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    Obscuration (%/ft)






    Figure 12. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, non-flaming fires







    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

    Temperature Rise (K)






    Figure 13. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response, flaming fires

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    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

    Temperature Rise (K)






    Figure 14. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response, non-flaming


    Table 4. 80th

    percentile values of parameters at detector response, Home Smoke Alarm


    Flaming Non-flaming

    Parameter Ionization Photoelectric Ionization Photoelectric

    Obscuration (%/ft) 5.55 8.06 18.5 12.1

    Temperature Rise (K) 7.70 23.4 14 1.4

    3.4 Smoke Characterization Project

    The experiments in the Smoke Characterization Project were conducted by Underwriters

    Laboratories (UL). These tests were conducted in ULs Fire Test Room with dimensions of 11.0

    6.7 3.1 m. No airflow was provided during the tests.

    Detectors responded in thirty-three tests to flaming and non-flaming fire sources. Ionization and

    photoelectric smoke detectors were included in the tests. Obscuration measurements were takenusing the same white light source and photocell assembly used in standard UL 217 tests. The

    lamp and photocell were spaced 1.52 m apart. Temperature was measured with Inconel-

    sheathed, Type K thermocouples located 5.4 m from the fire source and 0.15 m below the

    ceiling. A sonic anemometer 5.4 m from the fire source and 0.1 m below the ceiling was used tomeasure the gas velocity in the radial and orthogonal, horizontal directions.

    The obscuration levels at which the ionization and photoelectric detectors responded is presentedin Figure 15 for flaming fires and Figure 16 for non-flaming fires. In this experimental program,

    the range of obscuration levels at the time of response is comparable among both sets of tests,

    ranging from less than 1 %/ft to almost 30 %/ft. The mean and standard deviation of the

    obscuration level for the flaming and non-flaming fires is indicated in Table 5.

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    0 5 10 15 20

    Test #




    Figure 15. Obscuration levels at detector response, flaming fires








    0 5 10 15 20

    Test #





    Figure 16. Obscuration levels at detector response, non-flaming fires

    The temperature rise at which the ionization and photoelectric detectors responded is presentedin Figure 17 for flaming fires and Figure 18 for non-flaming fires. The mean and standard

    deviation of the temperature rise for the flaming and non-flaming fires is indicated in Table 5.

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    0 5 10 15 20

    Test #




    Figure 17. Temperature rise at detector response, flaming fires







    0 5 10 15 20

    Test #




    Figure 18. Temperature rise at detector response, non-flaming fires

    The velocity at which the ionization and photoelectric detectors responded is presented in Figure

    19 for flaming fires and Figure 20 for non-flaming fires. In the case of the non-flaming fires, all

    of the velocities are less than the critical velocity of 0.13 m/s noted in NFPA 72. The mean and

    standard deviation of the velocity for the flaming and non-flaming fires is indicated in Table 5.

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    0 5 10 15 20

    Test #





    Figure 19. Velocity at detector response, flaming fires









    0 5 10 15 20

    Test #





    Figure 20. Velocity at detector response, non-flaming fires

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    Table 5. Detector response statistics for flaming and non-flaming fires, Smoke

    Characterization Project

    Ionization Photoelectric

    Parameter Flaming Non-flaming Flaming Non-flaming

    Obscuration (%/ft)Mean 5.80 4.52 4.74 7.60

    Standard Deviation 6.88 3.78 2.56 6.09

    Temperature Rise (K)

    Mean 2.24 1.15 4.30 1.22

    Standard Deviation 1.17 0.17 2.29 0.43

    Velocity (m/s)

    Mean 0.17 0.08 0.18 0.06

    Standard Deviation 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.03

    Cumulative distributions of the obscuration level, temperature rise and velocity at the time ofdetector response are provided in Figures 21 to 26.







    0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    Obscuration (%/ft)






    Figure 21. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, flaming fires

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    0 5 10 15 20 25 30

    Obscuration (%/ft)






    Figure 22. Cumulative distribution of obscuration at detector response, non-flaming fires







    0 2 4 6 8 10 12

    Temperature Rise (K)






    Figure 23. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response, flaming fires

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    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

    Temperature Rise (K)





    Figure 24. Cumulative distribution of temperature rise at detector response, non-flaming


    The temperature rise at the time of response is less for the ionization detectors than the

    photoelectric detectors for the flaming fires. For the non-flaming fires, the temperature rise is

    less for the 70th

    percentile level and greater values for the ionization detectors for the non-flaming fires. The velocities at the time of response of the ionization detectors are less than that

    for the photoelectric detectors for flaming fires. The converse is true for the non-flaming fires.







    0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

    Velocity (m/s)






    Figure 25. Cumulative distribution of velocity at detector response, flaming fires

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    0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14

    Velocity (m/s)





    Figure 26. Cumulative distribution of velocity at detector response, non-flaming fires

    The 80th

    percentile values of the smoke conditions when the detectors responded in the tests in

    the Smoke Characterization Project are presented in Table 6. One of the interesting aspects ofthe results presented in Table 6 is the greater obscuration level noted at the 80 th percentile value

    for the ionization detectors for flaming fires and for the photoelectric detectors for non-flaming

    fires. This trend is contrary to that found in previous studies that have shown ionizationdetectors to be generally more sensitive to flaming fires and photoelectric detectors for non-

    flaming fires. Consequently, the expectation was that the obscuration level at activation for

    ionization detectors should be less than that for photoelectric detectors for flaming fires, and the

    converse for non-flaming fires.

    Table 6. 80th percentile values of parameters at detector response, Smoke CharacterizationProject

    Flaming Non-flaming

    Parameter Ionization Photoelectric Ionization Photoelectric

    Obscuration (%/ft) 8.57 7.15 6.70 7.05

    Temperature Rise (K) 3.15 5.65 1.25 1.55

    Velocity (m/s) 0.20 0.22 0.11 0.09

    The seemingly contrary results are attributed to the transient nature of some of the tests included

    in this experimental program. The shredded paper tests are the more notable tests with a

    significant transient nature. The obscuration measurements over the duration of one of the

    shredded paper tests are presented in Figure 27. In this test, the obscuration increasessignificantly in the early portion of the test prior to the test transitioning to flaming combustion.

    The ionization detector responds at 87 s when the obscuration is 18 %/ft, during the first peak in

    obscuration indicated in the figure. The photoelectric detector responds at 134 s, when theobscuration is 4.3 %/ft, i.e. after the second peak in the obscuration indicated in the figure.

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    0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480

    Time (s)


    Figure 27. Light obscuration measurement in shredded paper test

    3.5 Experimental program in this project

    The experimental protocol was described in Volume II. The characteristics of the environmentin the vicinity of the detectors at the time of response are described in terms of the obscuration

    and temperature rise. Spot photoelectric smoke detectors from two manufacturers (SG and SS)