Fox Valley Garden Walk

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Pictures from three gardens on the Fox Valley Garden walk, July 12,2008

Transcript of Fox Valley Garden Walk

Fox Valley Garden Walk

July 12, 2008

The Hartman Family Farm

Kim and her mom, Pat

Pat plans a new project every year. This bed is due for a make-over

This elm is the tallest elm in Kane Co.

The walled paver patio defines a living space and is another way to provide structure to the garden space.

The boulders in the garden all came from the farm and provide some interest in the garden even when plants are not flowering.

There are times of the year, especially in winter, when the garden seems bare. In winter plants are defoliated, in the summer this can occur when they are out of bloom. Having structural elements gives the eye something to focus on. They are an important part of any design.

Pat chooses plants that look good all season and focuses on foliage rather than flowers. She has an extensive collection of hostas and several specimen conifers. She is particularly proud of this beech

Waldron Grove Alpaca Farm

One of the many alpacas on the farm.

A peaceful water feature

A hollyhock from the cutting garden

The Neville Garden

A delightful annual bed of cosmos and poppies greeted us a the entrance to this large garden. The purple bench accents the colors in the bed.

A stately piece of statuary

This rustic arched window frames the coneflower perfectly

The pride of the Neville garden is the 2 acre native garden. Coneflowers, heliopsis and native grasses as well as all manner of bugs and birds thrive in this garden. This garden took several years to establish. Using native plants that are better suited to our local climate can save on water but establishing a large planting is very

labor intensive initially until the plants are well established. Prairie gardens often need to be exposed to fire in order for their seeds to germinate. And keeping unwanted plants out of the garden until the intended plants are established and can fend for themselves is a daunting task .

Use of red mulch has been proven to increase yields due to a decrease in nematode population. Mrs. Neville reports similar findings.

A creek also runs through the Neville property.

Just in case you are feeling a little inadequate about your own gardening abilities, Mrs. Neville does have 2 full time gardeners to help with her efforts.